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Consumer Health Information on the InternetMedlinePlus and other Resources

With the Health Professional in Mind

Created & presented by:

Jacqueline Leskovec, MLIS, MA, RN

Librarian, University of South Florida Area Health Education Center

Created & presented by:

Jacqueline Leskovec, MLIS, MA, RN

Librarian, University of South Florida Area Health Education Center

Gulfcoast North AHEC, Inc. • University of South Florida AHEC • All Children’s Hospital

Supported by National Library of Medicine contract N01-LM-1-3522 as a subcontract from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.


• Learn the types of consumer health information available on the Internet

• Learn the differences between MedlinePlus and PubMed

• Learn three ways of using MedlinePlus to find health information


Guides to Healthy Surfing

• Authoritative: Consider the source

• Qualitative: How do you know?

• Currency: Is it up-to-date?

• Purpose/bias?

• Privacy Issues

• HONcode principles of the Health On the Net Foundation.

Anatomy of a URL

• URL: uniform resource locator

• http: hypertext transfer protocol

• What’s in a domain?

• com, edu, gov, org, dot, dot, dot…

General Reference Tools

• Search Engines and Indexes– Google– Yahoo– Vivisimo

• Dictionaries– Merriam Webster Online

• Encyclopedias– Britannica Online–

Health Information Sites

• Topic Specific Sites– American Diabetic Association– Alzheimer's Association

• Health Megasites– CDC– HealthWeb– HealthFinder

Nursing Resource

• CINAHL®: Cumulative index to nursing and allied health literature– Over one million records as of 2004


► MedlinePlus


Why MedlinePlus?

• Premier source of health information from the National Library of Medicine & National Institutes of Health

• Consumer directed, professionally useful

• Quality, authority and accuracy of content

• Educational not commercial

• Organized and maintained


• Easily printable materials

• Spanish as well as English

• Available 24 hours a day

• Free and full text!

Site Layout

• Top navigation

• Left column

• Center column

• Right column

• Footer

Top Navigation

• Banner

• Stable links

• Search box

• Navigation tabs

• Spanish language option


• Quick links– U.S. National Library of Medicine– National Institutes of Health– Department of Health & Human Services– Freedom of Information Act

• Informational Links– Copyright | Privacy | Accessibility | Selection

Guidelines – Page URL and date

About MedlinePlus

• Public Library Initiative/Consumer Health Site

• October, 1998

• Debuted with 22 health topics

• In its first month, received 116,000 page hits

• April, 2003: over 2-million unique visitors

► Page Layout

• Left column: Table of Contents

• Center column: News

• Right column: Interactive Tutorials and more from NIH

• Header and footer

Left Column: Table of Contents

• Health Topics

• Drug Information

• Medical Encyclopedia

• Dictionary

• News

• Directories

• Other Resources

►Health Topics

• Alphabetical– A for Arthritis

• Broad Group– Bones, Joints and Muscles

• Diagnosis and Therapy– Diagnostic Tests

• Demographic Groups– Seniors’ Health, Women’s Health, Child & Teen Health

• Health and Wellness– Food and Nutrition

►Drug Information

• MedMaster™ and USP DI® Advice for the Patient®

• Browse by first letter of generic or brand name drug

• Proper uses, side effects, warnings, recalls, other information

• Late-breaking news from the FDA


• Spanish language version

• Easily printable

• Prescription and OTC medications

• Links to Medicines, OTCs, and Drug and Medical Device Safety pages

► Medical Encyclopedia

• Full-text medical encyclopedia with photographs and illustrations

• Over 4,000 articles about diseases, tests, symptoms, injuries, and surgeries

• Contains an extensive library of medical photographs and illustrations

Medical Encyclopedia Image: Scoliosis

• Click Medical Encyclopedia link in the left column or Encyclopedia tab

• Select S-Sh from Browse by first letter of topic

• Select Scoliosis from list of topics• Select Illustrations from Table of

Contents• Click on selected thumbnail for larger


► Dictionary

• Merriam-Webster

• Box to enter search term

• Wildcard option *

Medical Dictionary:

• Click Dictionary link in the left column or Dictionary tab at the top

• Enter search term in the box, click Search– Unsure of spelling, enter first few letters

followed by an asterisk: *

• If multiple terms appear, select appropriate term from options

► News

• News from past 30 days

• Reuters, New York Times Syndicate, and more

• Search by date or news topic

• Specific news items– Related news– Related MedlinePlus pages

► Directories

• General Doctors and Dentists

• General Hospitals and Clinics

• Doctor/Dentist Specialists

• Other Health Care Providers

• Specialized Hospitals and Clinics

Directory Resources

• American Medical Association

• American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

• National Cancer Institute

• American Academy of Dermatology

• National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities

► Other Resources

• Local libraries with consumer health services

• Organizations providing health information– Grouped alphabetically or health topic

• International sites

• Databases beyond MedlinePlus

• Link to PubMed

► Center Column: News

• Topical News

• Featured Site

• In the Spotlight– New! Videos of surgical procedures

► Right Hand Column

• Interactive Tutorials

• Link to

• NIH Senior Health

• What’s New– MedlinePlus Listserve

• Take a Tour!

MedlinePlus Tour

• Contains text, pictures and sound• Requires a Flash plug-in• Self-paced• About 8 minutes in length• Start from “About MedlinePlus”

Interactive Tutorials

• Diseases & Conditions– Acne– Latex Allergies

• Tests & Diagnostic Procedures– Echocardiogram

• Surgery & Treatment– LASIK– Preparing for Surgery

• Prevention & Wellness– Exercising for a Healthy Heart

Tutorial Interface


► PubMed


About PubMed

• A service of the National Library of Medicine

• Over 15 million citations for biomedical articles from MEDLINE and additional life science journals

• Include links to many full text articles and other resources

• “Public MEDLINE”

What is MEDLINE?

• MEDLINE is NLM's premier bibliographic database covering the fields of medicine, nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, the preclinical sciences, and some other areas of the life sciences.

• Contains citations, not full-text articles.

Anatomy of a Citation

Orthop Nurs.

2004 Mar-Apr;

23 (2) :101-5.

Use of backpacks in children and adolescents.

Dale JC.

• Journal title (abbr)• Date• Volume, Issue, pages

• Article title

• Author

PubMed Tutorial


• Or search for “pubmed tutorial”

Searching PubMed

• MeSH: Medical Subject Headings

• Natural language search option– Details

• Default search options

• Limits– Specific fields

• Author, journal, text word

– Ages, language, gender

PubMed & MedlinePlus

• Links from MedlinePlus to PubMed– Drug Information

• Search MEDLINE/PubMed for specific research articles on your drug

– Other Resources• MEDLINE/PubMed as a direct link

Navigation Hints

• Tablet box– Blank– Lines– Colored lines

Related articles• Links

– Substance via MeSH– Linkout– Books

Search Results

• Citation

• Abstract

• Print or email

• Full-text when available

• Save via My NCBI


• MedlinePlus: a consumer oriented health resource

• PubMed: professionally medical literature

• Both useful for health care professionals

Supported by National Library of Medicine contract N01-LM-1-3522 as a subcontract from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.


Supported by National Library of Medicine contract N01-LM-1-3522 as a subcontract from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.

• All Childrens Hospital

• Florida AHEC Network

• Gulfcoast North Area Health Education Center Program, Inc.

• University of South Florida Area Health Education Center Program

Jacqueline Leskovec, MLIS, MA, RN

University of South Florida

Area Health Education Center


• [Health Schools Florida email link]