School Locations Urban – Suburban - Rural. URBANRURALSUBURB % Kids30%21%35% Small School1%10%1%...

Post on 01-Apr-2015

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Transcript of School Locations Urban – Suburban - Rural. URBANRURALSUBURB % Kids30%21%35% Small School1%10%1%...

School Locations

Urban – Suburban - Rural


% Kids 30% 21% 35%

Small School 1% 10% 1%

Poverty 47% 35% 28%

White 35% 78% 62%

Private School

15% 7% 13%

L.E.P. 14% 7% 2%

School Locations

Urban – Suburban - Rural

Race In Cities/Suburbs

Percent Non-Whites

Nashville 40%Chicago 58%Philadelphia 63%Washington DC 63%AVERAGE CITY 65%New York City 65%Atlanta 67%New Orleans 67%Memphis 70%San Antonio 73%Houston 75%Detroit 89%

How Do You Desegregate Urban Schools When Some Of

The Largest Cities In The Country

Are Predominately


Race In Cities/Suburbs

Percent Non-Whites

Nashville 40%Chicago 58%Philadelphia 63%Washington DC 63%AVERAGE CITY 65%New York City 65%Atlanta 67%New Orleans 67%Memphis 70%San Antonio 73%Houston 75%Detroit 89%

 In big cities, Black and Latino students are

twice as likely to attend “apartheid” schools.

About 65% of Black and Latino students in big cities attend schools

with less than 10 percent white students.Sociologist Gary Orfield

 Since the early 1990’s, we’ve seen rapid racial resegregation in public schools – especially in

the South.

 Though often associated with urban schools, resegregation is now spreading into

the suburbs.

Race In Cities/Suburbs

Percent Non-Whites

Nashville 40%Chicago 58%Philadelphia 63%Washington DC 63%AVERAGE CITY 65%New York City 65%Atlanta 67%New Orleans 67%Memphis 70%San Antonio 73%Houston 75%Detroit 89%

RACE IN THE ‘BURBS54% of White students attend schools that are

majority White

67% of Black students attend non-White majority


75% of Latino students attend non-White majority


43% of Asian students attend non-White majority


Tefera et al, 2011


% Kids 30% 21% 35%

Small School 1% 10% 1%

Poverty 47% 35% 28%

White 35% 78% 62%

Private School

15% 7% 13%

L.E.P. 14% 7% 2%

School Locations

Urban – Suburban - Rural


Parents - Events

65% 79% 72%

Parents Volunteer

38% 42% 45%

Dad Some College

76% 63% 76%

High Expectations

70% 58% 75%

Parents – Library

48% 38% 47%

Parents – Museum

22% 15% 21%

School Locations

Urban – Suburban - Rural


Federal Funding

11% 9% 6%

$ Per Student $8,100 $8,400 $7,900

Teacher Experience

14.5 yrs 13.6 yrs 14.1 yrs

Teacher Pay $44,000 $43,000 $46,000

Internet 50% 41% 49%

AP Courses 93% 69% 96%

School Locations

Urban – Suburban - Rural


Reading Proficiency*

18% 25% 26%

Math Proficiency 25% 32% 34%

Science Proficiency

17% 29% 28%

Drop Outs 13% 11% 9%

Bachelors Degrees

34% 21% 34%

School Locations

Urban – Suburban - Rural

* Solid academic performance for fourth grade. Compare to “basic” (partial mastery of materials) and

“advanced” (superior performance )

The Ben Franklin Bridge was 75 years old in 2001. The Ben Franklin Bridge was 75 years old in 2001. In what year was the bridge 5 years old?In what year was the bridge 5 years old?a)a)19511951b)b)19761976c)c)19841984d)d)19861986

36% Got It Right36% Got It Right

27% of “Basic” Kids27% of “Basic” Kids46% of “Proficient” 46% of “Proficient”

KidsKids77% of “Advanced” 77% of “Advanced”

KidsKidsWhat does the word “pleading” mean in this What does the word “pleading” mean in this sentence: “Ducks,” she said again, her eyes pleading.sentence: “Ducks,” she said again, her eyes pleading.a)a)YellingYellingb)b)BeggingBeggingc)c)LookingLookingd)d)BlinkingBlinking

52% Got It Right52% Got It Right

51% of “Basic” Kids51% of “Basic” Kids76% of “Proficient” 76% of “Proficient”

KidsKids92% of “Advanced” 92% of “Advanced”

KidsKidsThe surface of the moon is covered with craters. The surface of the moon is covered with craters. Most of these craters were formed byMost of these craters were formed bya)a)Eruptions of active volcanoesEruptions of active volcanoesb)b)The impact of many meteoroidsThe impact of many meteoroidsc)c)Shifting rock on the moon’s surface (“moonquakes”)Shifting rock on the moon’s surface (“moonquakes”)d)d)Tidal forces caused by the Earth and SunTidal forces caused by the Earth and Sun

47% Got It Right47% Got It Right

46% of “Basic” Kids46% of “Basic” Kids73% of “Proficient” 73% of “Proficient”

KidsKids90% of “Advanced” 90% of “Advanced”

KidsKidsNat’l Assessment of Educational Progress (2005)

Sample Questions


Reading Proficiency

18% 25% 26%

Math Proficiency

25% 32% 34%

Science Proficiency

17% 29% 28%

Drop Outs 13% 11% 9%

Bachelors Degrees

34% 21% 34%

School Locations

Urban – Suburban - Rural