Saints and Heroes - Oasis Academy Parkwood

Post on 19-Apr-2022

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Transcript of Saints and Heroes - Oasis Academy Parkwood

Religious Education

Saints and


In RE this term we will be looking at Saints and


Last week you looked at who inspired you in your lives

and why. This week we will explore the qualities of a

hero further.

Lesson 2 WB 18th January 2021

WALT: Know about the qualities of a hero

Task 1

Look at the images below.

Q What qualities or traits do these heroes have in common?

Q Do they have superpowers?

Q What qualities did your heroes (from last lesson) have in common?

List qualities of a hero onto the diagram




Task 2

Produce a wanted poster for a hero.

Challenge: Explain why they are needed. What qualities are you looking for? Use

the list that you have produced above to help you.

Use adjectives and powerful verbs to describe your hero.











Once completed upload images onto class dojo