Respiratory distress in adults and paediatrics

Post on 12-Nov-2014

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A very informative summary on respiratory distress.

Transcript of Respiratory distress in adults and paediatrics

Respiratory distress in adults and paediatrics

Presented byMwadziwana Louis law

Recession, sub costal, intercostal, suprasternal and supraclavicular

• Areas sucked inward during inspiration, due to pressure changes and lack of thoracic stability

Increased respiratory rate (tachypnoea) greater than 60bpm

• Shallow rapid breathing• Aim is to increase the minute ventilation

Head bobbing• Attempt to use accessory respiratory muscles but unable to fix

Nasal flare• Dilatation of the nostrils using the dilatores naris muscle• Primitive way to entrain more air

Respiratory distress in paediatrics

Nasal flare

Expiratory granting(auto PEEP)• Trying to increase intrinsic PEEP and reduce work of breathing• Aim is to increase Functional Residual Capacity

See sawing • forceful contraction of the diaphragm, causes abdomen to pushed out and generates massive negative pressure in thorax, sucking chest wall in.

Apnoea• Chid is fatiguing and requires urgent respiratory support and stimulation

Respiratory distress continued


Wheezing• A tight, whistling or musical sound heard with each breath may indicate that the air passages may be smaller (tighter), making it harder to breathe.

Cyanosis, especially central cyanosis (lips and tongueStridor

• Obstruction of upper airways

Respiratory Distress continued


Child in Respiratory Distress

Tachypnoea respiratory • Respiratory rate greater than 20bpm

Nasal flaring GruntingDyspnoea and use of accessory muscles to breathRecessions, subcostal, intercostal, suprasternal and supraclavicularStridorwheezing

Respiratory distress in adults

Central cyanosis

Respiratory distress

Berverly Harden at al, Respiratory Physiotherapy, 2009, Edinburgh London New York Oxford Philadelphia.
