Red & White Student Organization - Sample Interview Questions

Post on 20-Jun-2015

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Sample interview questions used by the committee when interviewing potential candidates for the Red & White Student Organization

Transcript of Red & White Student Organization - Sample Interview Questions


Applicant: _________________________________

Interviewers: (You)________________________

(Partner 1)__________________________

Date: ________ Time: _________

Directions: First, thank you for volunteering to interview prospective candidates for Red & White. Your efforts are important for our organization and greatly appreciated. Please ask the following questions allowing the candidate to briefly elaborate. Also, please create up to three questions pertaining to the candidate if there is time left. The interview should last about 20 minutes. Remember to act with respect. After the interview, feel free to discuss the candidate with the other interviewers but score and mark final choice independently.


Welcome candidate to interview and introduce yourselves. Keep your demeanor business causal.

1. Tell us a little bit about yourself. (Background, activities on campus, passions etc.)

2. You chose to attend (or stay at) Rensselaer for a reason. What do you like most & least about being a student here?

3. What do you know about Red & White and why did you choose to apply? How can you contribute to it as an organization? (Explain committee system if they do not know about it).


4. Red & White sponsors many activities and requires commitment from the members to be a part of the planning. Do you have an understanding of the overall time commitment we are looking for in our members? Will you be able to balance your other organizations with Red & White?

*Interviewer – It is important that you talk to the candidate about the time commitment and emphasize what it takes to be an involved member of Red & White.

5. Being a Red & White member, you will be involved in many different social situations. Have you ever held a position that required strong communication and social skills?

6. What would others say is your best quality? Do you agree with this?


7. Give us an example of a leadership role you were in and the responsibilities you had.

8. If you could be one element on the periodic table, which would you be and why? (*Save as the final question*)


Additional Questions (if there is time left)

These should be based on the candidate’s written application. (Suggestions: Time commitments, what they would gain from Red & White, dedication to R&W, favorite memory at RPI, outside interests, teamwork, etc)












Presentation and Interpersonal skills: 1 2 3 4 5

Poor Average Strong

Additional Comments:

Candidate Overall Score:

1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5

Poor Average Strong