Recruiter's handbook

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Recruiter's handbook


RecRuiteRs’Handbook2 0 1 6-17

University of delhi

The mission of the Department of OperationalResearch is to be the key educational and researchunit of the University of Delhi in meeting thechallenges of the information-driven, process-oriented competitive business environment. The ORDepartment is committed to meeting thechallenging educational and research needs ofbusiness in the functional areas of operational andthe allied disciplines.

The holistic development of students ensures thatthey accomplish great results in diverse sectorssuch as analytics, research, marketing,manufacturing and services, leading to higherproductivity and growth in society.



An Invitation From The Head of Department 01

An Overview 02

About Operational Research 03

Areas of Application 04

The Masters Programme 07

CourseStructure 08

Real Business Intelligence 09

Curriculum Highlights 10

Faculty Profile 11

Infrastructure 12

Corporate Association 13

Student Initiatives 14

Student's Profile 2016-2017 16

In a fast changing technology driven world, it is indeed a challengingtask to provide proficient manpower that cater to the needs of theindustry for their decision-making. Although thousands of studentssuccessfully graduate from various universities in India every year, thecourse content unfortunately is not exactly in line with operations andresearch requirements of the business community. With thisobjective in view, the Department of Operational Research, Universityof Delhi has pioneered in introducing a two-year Post GraduateProgramme in Operational Research (OR) way back in 1963. In 1994,the Department also introduced a Post Graduate Programme inApplied Operational Research (AOR) at South Campus. Both theprogrammes envisage to develop and upgrade the skills andproficiency of the students in a balanced manner keeping focus onoperational research tools in conjunction with required inputs ofmathematics, statistics and computer science. With the emergence ofData Science as a new discipline, which impacts different industriesand professions in different ways and considering its closerelationship to OR, the OR algorithms are highly desirable forapplications on real-world data.

Many of our students are occupying key positions in reputed private and public sector undertakings such asBusiness Industry and academics (leading Teaching and Research Institutes) in India and abroad and havebrought laurels to theDepartment.

I am privileged to be the part of this Department, in as much as it gives me immense satisfaction for havingcontributed in guiding the students, giving them confidence and preparing them with Operational Research skills,to make significant contributions to the industry in the course of their work. Given our emphasis on industryinteraction at all levels, I would like to invite your esteemed organisation to participate in our campus placementprogramme and be part of our strive of making the untapped talent shine.

I wish all the students very best in their career endeavour and have no hesitation to say that each and everyonewho passes out of this Department will prove to be a worthy asset to the respective organisations they areintroducedinto.



Prof. (Dr.) P.C. JHAHead of DepartmentDepartment of OperationalResearch University ofDelhi

The students of our Department, selected through a rigorous process, also guided and trained through aconstantly updated curriculum, are amongst the best of the skilled talent available. The curriculum of both ORand AOR Programmes are being exposed to the industrial decision-making through the project work in theprominent business establishments, with a view to gain in-depth knowledge about the changing business andindustrialscenario.

Established in 1922, the University of Delhi is today truly a pioneering institution, known for its highstandards in teaching and research, internationally renowned faculty, reputed departments andabove all for its commitment to impart quality, variety, depth and relevance in education to thestudents.

With extensive research libraries and superb cultural and recreational facilities, the universityattracts students from all corners of the globe. At present, there are 14 faculties, 86 academicdepartments and 79 colleges spread all over the city of Delhi, with over 220,000 students enrolled invarious programmes.

A World Class University

DU OR - Centre of ExcellenceOperational Research (OR) as a subject was introduced in the University of Delhi in 1963 with theintroduction of a two-year Post Graduate programme. A decade later the Department of OperationalResearch was independently set up under the Faculty of Mathematical Sciences. Being the first tostart a Post Graduate programme in Operational Research in India, it is widely acknowledged asone of the leading OR departments in India.

In 1994, the Department also introduced a Post Graduate programme in Applied OperationalResearch (AOR) at the South Campus of the University of Delhi. Besides these courses, theDepartment also offers M.Phil and Doctorate programmes. The Department of OR has successfullycompleted over 50 glorious years in the field of education. Since the very beginning, this departmenthas played a significant role in nurturing and preparing its students for leaving an imprint on theworld and making a mark for themselves in every sphere of life.

Dynamic Interaction and NetworkingStudents receive close guidance and support from the faculty and project leaders who help toensure the success of the industry projects. They come from diverse cultural and educationalbackgrounds and bring a broad set of perspectives to create a cooperative learning environment.They make connections to industry through their project work and through the alumni network.




OverviewOperational Research is a management science to aid decision making and improve efficiency of thesystem and hence augment overall functioning of the system. It derives itself from the motive ofutility maximisation and expenditure minimisation. As a formal discipline it originated from theefforts of military planners (being constrained by resources) in World War II. Since that time, OR hasexpanded in and as : Mathematical Programming, Network Analysis, System Reliability, Queueing,Inventory Management, Marketing Management, Pricing Science, Forecasting, Logistics, Simulations.Because of the computational nature of these fields, OR also has ties to computer science andprogramming, and operational researchers regularly use custom-written or off-the- shelf software.

Operational Research is distinguished by its frequent use to examine an entire system, rather thanconcentrating only on specific elements (though this is often does as well). An operationalresearcher faced with a new problem is expected to determine which techniques are mostappropriate given the nature of the system, the goals for improvement, and constraints on time andcomputing power.

“The high-tech held of OR offers numerous excellent opportunities to boost performanceimmediately. Yet time remains to skim the cream before everyone wakes up to the projects. Whenmost do wake up, companies that are not taking full advantage of OR will leave serious money onthe table and be outranked by competitors.”

- Randy Robinson, OR Practitioner, USA

Why OR?

Better Control : The management of large organizations recognize that it is a difficult and costlyaffair to provide continuous executive supervision to every routine work. An O.R. approach mayprovide the executive with an analytical and quantitative basis to identify the problem area . Themost frequently adopted applications in this category deal with production scheduling andinventory replenishment.

Better Systems : Often, an O.R. approach is initiated to analyze a particular problem of decisionmaking such as best location for factories, whether to open a new warehouse, etc. It also helps inselecting economical means of transportation, jobs sequencing, production scheduling,replacement of old machinery, etc.

Better Decisions: O.R. Models help in improved decision making and reduce the risk of makingerroneous decisions. O.R. approach gives the executive an improved insight into how he makesdecisions.

Better Co-ordination: An operations-research oriented planning model helps in coordinatingdifferent divisions of a company.


As Operational Research can make and has made contributions in virtually all industries, the list of pastand prospective applications is prodigious. To sample from the applications universe, here is a brief lookat OR in major business functions.

Board Room and Senior Executive OfficesSenior executive applications include, for example, mergers and acquisitions, majorexpansions, valuation of companies or operating units, facility location, and redesign of the entiresupply chain. In companies that operate through large contacts, the ability of OR methods to help themwith price setting and risk reductions in competitive bidding are keys to gaining an edge. OR techniquesmake it possible to quantify risk, vital information in executive aspects normally thought to be beyondthe reach of general analysis.

Manufacturing & Service Operations, Distribution, Transportation and Telecommunication

The myriad applications include scheduling of all kinds, routing, improvement of work eliminationof bottlenecks, inventory control, business process re-engineering, site selection, facility planning andgeneral operational planning. Manufacturing companies make heavy use of simulation. Transportationand telecommunication companies make heavy use of optimisation. In fact, most OR methods are wellexercised throughout this area. The names Operational Analysis and Operations Management oftenappear as synonyms for OR in operations.

Finance and Control

The core financial applications occur in investment, lending and borrowing, financial planning andinsurance. Mathematical models, signatures of OR, have become common in finance. Much publicitysurrounds the investment applications, especially in connection with newer investment media likefinancial derivatives. The index fund was invented by OR people, so were key advances in investmentperformance measurement. But the past and prospective OR successes cover a much wider range,including company financial projections and forecast, valuations of companies and product lines,selection of corporate borrowing vehicles, hedging, foreign currency analysis, treasury operations,analysis of taxes, asset and liability management in commercial banks and credit approval. The popularterm financial engineering serves typically as a synonym for OR in finance.

Market ResearchAs in finance, the opportunities to gain a competitive edge through quantitative analysis is multiplying inmarketing. These opportunities arise first in strategic marketing. Strategic applications include generalplanning, sales forecasting, market selection, market measurement, segmentation and targeting, andproduct portfolio analysis. Other opportunities present themselves in tactical marketing. They includedecisions about pricing and promotions, sales-force sizing and deployment, location of distributionfacilities, advertising and product design. Paralleling the name financial engineering is the currentlypopular name marketing engineering, which ordinarily means OR in marketing.



Information TechnologyThe impact of OR in IT sector is growing. OR techniques are being used in the form of softwares such asDecision Support System (DSS), Online Analytical Processing (OLAP), SAS OR, Oracle Project Suite,Optimisation Components of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems, etc. OR also assists indeveloping stages of softwares, precisely in software testing and accounting software reliability. Withsuch interdependence of OR and IT, having professionals with knowledge of both is an advantage to theorganisation.

Human Resources


Revenue ManagementRevenue Management, also called Yield Management, entails accurately forecasting demand and thenadjusting prices over time to profitably allocate fixed capacity. This can be termed as super intelligentpricing. It shares much in common with the application of competitive bidding. Developed originallyfor pricing and booking of airline seats, the approach has spread to hotels, rental car firms, broadcasting,and more recently to manufacturing.

Supply Chain ManagementSupply chain decisions dictate the who-what-when-where all the way from purchasing and transportingmaterials and parts through manufacturing products, and finally distributing and delivering products tocustomers. The prime management goal might be to reduce overall costs, very large in many companies,while filling customer orders even faster than before. The power of OR methods makes it possible toexamine this complex chain comprehensively and to search among a huge number of combinations forthose that seem most beneficial.


The military services apply OR extensively for personnel planning and related HR purposes. While not asmany HR applications in business have been made known outside client organisations, theopportunities, where choices are made in complex situations, are increasing. The most likely topicsinclude analysis of retirement plans and other benefit plans, compensation studies and planning,compliance with regulations and reduction of travel expenses.

Operational Scheduling is critical to the success of an organization, however, it can be a very complicatedtask. Effective schedules are needed to meet promised customer delivery dates by allocating optimalresources, determining job sequences and start and end date of any project. This helps achieve targets intime and within the allocated budget.

Inventory Analysis

Portfolio Management


Inventory Analysis refers to a set of metrics used to optimize inventory levels — minimizing stockouts without overstocking. The more frequently you can turn over inventory, the higher your grossprofits. Stock outs and backorders cut into gross profits, but so do overstocked items, known assafety stock. These items take up valuable space and require extra operations that drain cash fromthe business. As an OR analyst we are equipped to help you better analyze and manage yourinventory levels.

Portfolio management is the art and science of making decisions about investment mix and policy,matching investments to objectives, asset allocation for individuals and institutions, and balancingrisk against performance. Portfolio management is all about strengths, weaknesses, opportunitiesand threats in the choice of debt vs. equity, domestic vs. international, growth vs. safety, and manyother tradeoffs encountered in the attempt to maximize return at a given appetite for risk.

The Department offers two Post Graduate Programmes, namely M.Sc. Operational Research, which istaught at the North Campus of the University of Delhi, and M.A./M.Sc. Applied Operational Research,taught at the SouthCampus.

A Programme Like No OtherBoth the programmes, M.Sc. OR and M.A./M.Sc. AOR provide unparalleled depth and experience forstudents and industry professionals interested in the quantitative analysis of businessproblems.

The programmes prepare students from different backgrounds for rewarding careers as OR analystsand consultants. The two year programmes offer a unique blend of technical course work, practicalconsulting skills, and real world problem solving experience designed to position students for successin today’s competitive business world.

The highlight of the programmes is the industry project. Every student conducts an intensive 6months applied project that addresses a significant operational issue. Working closely with thefaculty and project leaders, students use the latest decision making technologies to make concreterecommendations to senior executives of prominent companies.

Admission Procedure

From the academic year 2007, a two stage admission process was adopted, which has opened newavenues for students from diverse streams like mathematics, statistics, economics, computer science,electronics and physics.

The admission procedure seeks to test the quantitative and analytical skills of the prospectivecandidates through a written test followed by an interview. Preference is given to applicants whodemonstrate effective communication and problem solving skills, and the ability to work successfullyin a team environment. The entrance test is taken by students from across the country, with only thetop 10 percent being finally selected into theprogramme.

Course ScheduleSpanning over a period of two years and spread across four semesters, the masters programmesplaces emphasis on electives and industry project. The semester I and II course work stresses on thetheoretical aspects of OR for a strong base while the semester III and IV course work highlightsspecialisation electives and the project work.

Aug SeptOct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug SeptOct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

Semester- I Semester- IIISemester- II Semester- IV

Assesment Vacation


InitiativesProject Report

Classroom Study



The M.Sc. OR and M.A./M.Sc. AOR programmes consist of taught courses, interspersed withpractical exercises and industrial project work experience. Lectures, tutorials and laboratory classesover two years cover basic methodology of OR and the important techniques.

Specialisation and Electives

➢ Financial Management➢ Logistics and SupplyChain➢ Marketing Research➢ Advanced Inventory Management➢ Advanced Mathematical Programming➢ Advanced QueueingTheory➢ Decision Theory➢ Control Theory➢ Portfolio Management➢ Quality Management➢ Data Mining➢ Multicriteria Decision Model

➢ Object Oriented Programming➢ Java Programming➢ Database Management Systems

Focus/Application Topics

➢ Marketing Management➢ Project Management (Network Analysis)➢ Inventory Management➢ Reliability Theory

IT Topics


Project and Case Studies

Specialization and Electives

IT Topics

Focus/Application Topics

Core Topics


Core Topics

➢ Mathematical Programming➢ Statistical Methods➢ Linear Programming➢ QueuingTheory➢ Nonlinear & Dynamic Programming➢ Applied Statistics


Real World Experience : The Industry Project


The Industry Project is the cornerstone of the programme. Every student is matched with an industrypartner to consult on a significant operational issue faced by the company. Students beginpreparatory project work at the end of semester III, and then work extensively on their projectsduring semester IV as part of their regular course work.

The project enables students to apply the analytical and practical skills learnt by them in their coursework. Working with the faculty and project leaders, each student defines the problem to be solved,collects relevant information, builds mathematical models, and delivers decision tools and executive-level recommendations to the industry partner. In many cases, the project outcomes are valued sohighly by the industry partners that they hire the students to continue their work after completingthe programme.

Some Operational Areas in which Students have pursued Projects

Supply Chain Management/Inventory/Logistics

l Inventory Management of raw materials, in-process and finished goodsl Optimal Production Plan and Distribution Plan for different productsl Vendor Selection and VendorRatingl System Improvement for optimisation of Interval Logistics

Distribution Planning and Management

l Project Planning and Scheduling through PERT and CPM techniquesl Demand Forecasting and Optimal Procurement Plan based on Forecastingl Optimisation of Distributed Networks


l Portfolio Managementl Financial Planningl Revenue Managementl Working Capital and Cash Management

Marketing Management

l Brand Positioning and Consumer Buying Behaviourl Brand Switching Analysis and Effectiveness of Advertisementsl Brand Evaluation and Market Research


l To perform Manpower Planningl Vehicle Routingl Use of Statistical Process Control in Software Projects


Supply Chain Management

● Inventory Management

of raw materials and

finished goods

● Demand Forecasting

● Vendor Selection & Vendor


● Procurement and

Production Scheduling

● Material Requirement


● Warehouse Management

Marketing Management

● Developing Marketing Mix

● Strategic Market Modeling

● Brand Positioning

● Consumer Behavior Analysis

● Brand Switching Analysis

● Media Allocation

● Promotional Policies

System Analysis

● System Concepts

● Designs of Systems

● System Analysis

● System Reliability

● System Modeling

● System Simulation

Project Management

● PERT and CPM Techniques

● Network Flow Models

● Theory of Sequencing

Statistical Analysis

● Theory of Estimation

● Statistical Inference

● Statistical Quality and

Process Control

Quantitative Techniques

● Econometric Methodologies

● Multivariate Normal Distribution

● Multilinear Regression Analysis

● Time Series Analysis

● Forecasting

● Auto-correlation

● Multicollinearity

Financial Management

● Role, Functions and

Classifications of Financial


● Capital Markets in India

● Money Markets in India

● Capital Assets Pricing Models

● Applications of Game Theory


Optimisation Techniques

● Linear and Fractional


● Non-Linear and Dynamic


● Multi-Objective Optimisation

● Theory of Games



The Department of Operational Research has faculty members whose interest and expertise span the

full spectrum of the OR discipline. They bring their research into classrooms providing greater depth

to the course structure. In keeping with the tradition of excellence, the faculty members’ research

papers are published in leading national and international journals.


Ph.D. Operational Research


Inventory Management

Financial Management

Supply Chain Management


Ph.D. Operational Research

Professor and Head


Software Reliability

Marketing Management


Ph.D. Mathematics




Fuzzy Optimization


Ph.D. Statistics Professor StatisticsReliability Theory


Ph.D. Operational Research


Inventory Management

Financial Management


Ph.D. Operational Research


Software Reliability

Marketing Management


Ph.D. Operational Research Associate Professor Marketing Management Software Reliability


Ph.D. Mathematics

Assistant Professor

Queueing Theory

Stochastic Modeling


Ph.D. Operational Research

Assistant Professor

Inventory Management


Assistant Professor


Ph.D. Operational Research

Assistant Professor

Mathematical Programming


Ph.D. Operational Research

Assistant Professor

Software Reliability

Marketing Management




Computer CentreThe Computer Centre is a state of the art facility providing a wide spectrum of computing facilities tothe students. It caters to the need of changing trends in today’s industrial sector. The computer labconsists of 30 systems on a switch based LAN. The machines are equipped with a number of softwaresincluding SPSS 11.5, Mat Lab, Oracle 9i, Mini Tab, QSB and MS Project.

The students work on various platforms such as DOS, LINUX and WINDOWS and perform programming inTurbo C++ and JAVA. Internet connectivity is provided through a campus wide fibre optic network.

LibraryIn keeping with the vision that learning has a strong foundation in theory, the libraries - Central Science Library and Mathematical Sciences Library, cater to various disciplines of science.

The libraries boast of a vast collection of resources on OR including over 50 journals and 10,000 books.The Internet Access Centre enables the students to consult online subject literature.

Seminar Room/Lecture Theatres

The Department has an excellent seminar room which has a seating capacity of over 70 people, and isequipped with a round table conference setup with the latest audio-visual teaching aids including an LCDprojector and microphone sets.

The lecture theatres have a seating capacity of 60 students and are equipped with modern teaching aidssuch as projectors and audio system. Internet facility is also available in all the lecture rooms to augmentteaching.

S.P. Jain AuditoriumThe South Campus of the University of Delhi boasts of an ultra-modern Dr. S.P. Jain Auditorium, whichhas a seating capacity of over 300 people. The auditorium provides students with a platform to interactwith academicians and industry professionals through conferences and meets.

HostelThe University provides hostel accommodation to outstation students. The North Campus comprises of7 hostels for men and 5 for women, whereas the South Campus houses 2 hostels for men and 1 forwomen. All the hostels are equipped with amenities such as Wi-Fi internet connectivity, mess halls,common rooms and sports facilities. Located in the midst of the campus, the hostels provide easyaccess to all the functional areas of the university.



Consumer Goods And Retail● Amul● Coca Cola India● CLC Technologies● Dabur IndiaLtd● Food Corporation of

India● Gillette India Ltd● Godfrey Philips IndiaLtd● Haier India● Havells India● HindustanTimes● HindustanUnilever● Indraprastha Gas Ltd● IOC● ITC Ltd● Kwality Walls● LG India● MMTCLtd● Moser Baer● National FertilizersLtd● National Panasonic

India Ltd● PantaloonsRetail● PhilipsIndia● Ranbaxy● Schneider Electric● SteelbirdBieffe● TEX Corp Ltd● T-Series● WhirlpoolIndia

IT/ITES● Accenture● Cognizant● Gazelle

Infotech● HCL● Hewlett

Packard India● IGATE● Infosys● Wipro

Research And Analytics● Absolutdata● AC Nielsen● Adventity● Axtria● Binary Systems● Capital IQ● CMIS Australia● Cognitio Analytics● Corporate Executive Board● Dunnhumby● Evalueserve● EXL● Fractal Analytics● GE Capital● Gfk Mode● ICF International● IMRB International● Infoedge India● Manhattan Associates● McKinsey● Mu Sigma● Opera Solutions● SutraAnalytics● SymphonyServices● The Smart Cube● Thorogood● WNS● Xceedance

Banking, Financial Services And Insurance● AIG● American Express● Citi Financial● DeutscheBank● HDFC Bank● IFFCO Tokio


● Indiabulls● ING Vysya● Mercer India

Manufacturing● Honda Siel Cars India Ltd● Jindal Steel and Power Ltd● JK Industries Ltd● Maruti UdyogLtd● SAIL● TataMotors

Services● Air India● Airports Authorityof India● Bharti Airtel● MTNL● UnitedHealth Group

Consumer Goods And

Retail Research And



Banking, Financial Services

And Insurance Services






7% 5%

Sector Coverage



Corporate Communication Cell

Corporate Communication Cell (CCC) at the Department of Operational Research is engaged inbringing together corporate luminaries and the student community in intellectually stimulatingand mutually beneficial interactions that form the basis of relationship. The members of the CCCwork together with the batch and members of the faculty, who act as a cohesive team whosestrength is the wide-ranging experience gained from their diverse backgrounds and competencies.

Seminars and Workshops

Every year we invite eminent speakers for panel discussions on important topics related toresearch and industry. A two-day seminar-cum-workshop on the “Business Analytics andIntelligence” was organised which helped the students gain a valuable insight into the subject.

Alumni Meets

The old students’ reunion of the OR Department - Rendezvous, receives an enthusiastic responseright from the 1st batch of 1963 till the latest batch. The alumni meet of the AOR Department –Encuentro, which was initiated in 2011, has seen active participation from both old and newstudents.

Aurora - The Annual FestivalAurora, the inaugural annual festival of the Department of Operational Research, aims to bringforth a concurrence of events that will showcase both the intellectual prowess of the students aswell as the artist in them. The festival will provide the students with an opportunity to displaytheir intellect and creativity.



Student Activities - The OR Society

The OR Society, an elected student body, regularly organises various educational and culturalevents. The society provides a platform for the students to interact with academicians andprofessionals from the industry. Some major annual events such as the Saraswati Pooja and arecreational trip combining many aspects of a study tour provide additional opportunities forenriching one’sknowledge.


Popular among the students, the D-Ses or Data Sessions involve statistical analysis of the currenttrends of various organisations based upon their available authentic data. The faculty providesthe students with interesting case studies which offer valuable insight in to the functioning ofthe industry.

Colloquy-TheDiscussion Forum

Colloquy is a weekly forum where students debate and analyse issues ranging from academics tocurrent affairs and business problems. A faculty member presides over every session, monitoringand grading the performance of each student.


M.Sc. Operational Research, Batch of 2015-17

M.Sc./M.A. Applied Operational Research, Batch of 2015-1730



New Academic Block University of Delhi Delhi-110007India

Tel/Fax: +91 11 2766 6672


Student Activities Committee

Dr. Vandana KhaitanMember

Dr. Adarsh AnandMember

Mr. Kaushal KumarMember


Dr. Mukesh Kumar MehlawatConvenor

Ph. :