Real Annotated Bib- Roldan Biete

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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3 Column Notes

Transcript of Real Annotated Bib- Roldan Biete

Sources Annotations Thought

Sjöberg, Lore. “Video-game

'wisdom' you can use in real

life.” Cable News Network,

2010. Print.

Sjöberg’s article explains how a study at the

University of Rochester shows how playing video

games enhances a person’s real-world skills. In the

study, a person’s decision-making skills are

increased. Sjöberg also states that he has felt this

enhancement through playing video games

throughout years of playing video games. Sjöberg

later gives hilarious examples of how video gaming

has helped his decisions.

I believe that Sjöberg

approached the idea of

video gaming and real-

world applications in a

comedic way. The article

was not that helpful in

explaining how video

games enhanced people’s

skills. However, he did say

that video games and real-

world applications have a

connection and that there

are studies that go over that


Fukumoto, Mitchell. “Real-

life Practicality of Video

Games.” Stanford

University, 2010. Print.

Fukumoto’s article explains how there is real-life

practicality found in video games. He states that

since video games have rapidly evolved, it has also

enhanced human skills as well. There are educational

games, puzzles, and any other video games that the

Fukumoto made a lot of

connections to the topic. He

explains how there were

studies that supported how

video games can help