Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and...

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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Mohammed Ali's answer to Media A2 Evaluation Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

Transcript of Question 4: How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and...

How did you use media technologies in the construction and

research, planning and evaluation stages?

Technology Used in Research

YouTube videos of Official Music videos were analysed to find and analyse music video

conventions and genre conventions. I then took these conventions and chose whether to challenge

or fulfil them.

Said YouTube videos were then embedded onto my blog and collated on the

'Inspirations’ page and various research blog posts

They were also used to monitor how audiences take in media and their favourite

artists. They allowed me to discover how professional artists are marketed, so I could

use said techniques into Hummer Beats’ Website, Digipak, Music video and overall

marketing synergy.

CNN reports and articles on The Guardian website also introduced to me how stars are made into an image and construction rather than stay as a normal, relatable person. It was up to me to then decide whether to reject or accept the traditional way of creating an artist

and his/her image.

WEEBLY was used in two ways: the first way was to post short

blog posts of videos and stories that inspired me. The second way was creating large pages and sub pages with embedded videos and presentations which involved extensive research and

theory research.

I used various PowerPoints found on SlideShare that were created by other students and theorists. Said community PowerPoints were used to supplement the research on my

blog and would help in the planning and construction of my

production work.

SoundCloud was used to find our artist. His SoundCloud account referred us to his

Bandcamp page. From there we contacted him on Facebook and requested a new song

for our media project. I also used SoundCloud to listen to music from other EDM artist to gain an association with the

pace and rhythm of the EDM genre.

A voice recorder app on my phone was used for multiple reasons: The first was to record an

interview with my target audience, each interviewees answers were then listened back to and recorded on my blog. It was also used in my multimedia blog posts to further explain my blog

posts. It was also used to record my voice answers for the evaluation questions.

Technology Used in Planning

We created a WhatsApp group to coordinate planning meet ups,

location scouting, sharing behind the scenes images and discussing the various edits. It made it a lot easier to co ordinate and micro manage our group members. It

saved us a lot of time and therefore allowed to the group to shoot extra

scenes when all clearly laid out plans were fulfiled.

I used a scanner to embed and upload shot lists, storyboards, concepts, shooting schedules,

prop lists, costume list and concept art. It allowed me to upload high definition images

rather than simply taking images of them and uploading them that


We made a shared DropBox account to share images and

screenshots taken. DropBox was used as an alternative to

WhatsApp sharing as it makes it easier to share images straight to our own desktops. Once again it saved a lot of time and made it

easier to upload our planning and behind the scenes images to our


Technology Used in constructing the Digipak

Photoshop was used to edit base images. They were then exported to a separate Photoshop project to embed into a 4 slide digipak. I

also used various Photoshop tutorials online to get

professional steps on how to create typo graphed images.

A Canon HD camera was used to take body shots and close up

shots. These base images were then imported into Photoshop

and were edited into typo graphed images. Shots were

taken at all different angles and lighting was taken into

consideration using a builders light.

A standard builders light was used to bounce off the wall and

achieve the right lighting needed for editing.

Technology Used in constructing the Website

Wix was used to create the website homepage. It is a very

extensive website creation software that gave me a lot of

flexibility and openness to create synergy. I chose to use Wix over

Weebly as it had a greater template library that I could use

and utilise to fit my artists values and image. It was also a HTML

formatted website creation software which allowed me to edit images in photoshop and

incorporate them in the header with see through backgrounds, as they were saved as PNGs.

Photoshop was used to create the images below from full body shots

taken on the day of shooting and close up shots taken during a photoshoot. The main editing done to the said images was adding purple shades

around the edges so that they would blend with the purple tone of the website. These images were then

uploaded to Wix and displayed on the header to once again add to the

products synergy.

Technology Used in constructing the video

Final Cut Pro was used in the initial editing stages and to get

the general layout and chronology of our music video. I t also allowed us to discard poor shots and decide what shots needed to be re shot during a

specified date.

We switched to Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 for a more professional system. Premiere allowed us to create higher quality text slugs, faster rendering times and also edit in our own time away from

the schools provided editing suite.

We used Photoshop to create comic book style splat and action

pop ups. These pop ups were later abandoned as it did not fit the style of music video we were

trying to create.

A HD camera was used in the shooting of our music video. We obtained our own camera, that had enough advanced settings on it to adjust to lighting as we would shoot at night and day. It

also allowed us to use a glidecam to make shots steady and not

shaky. This was helpful as a lot of our planned shots were panning

and very free flowing.

A standard builders light was used to bounce off the wall and

achieve the right lighting needed for editing. The lighting became particularly useful in the night shots. These night shots were

mainly fire shots that needed to show up on the camera without overpowering the light from the

light stand.