Published Weekly by Centerville Church of Christ, 138 N ......Dec 12, 2017  · CENTERVILLE...

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Transcript of Published Weekly by Centerville Church of Christ, 138 N ......Dec 12, 2017  · CENTERVILLE...

CENTERVILLE MESSENGER (096380) Free Upon Request-Published Weekly by Centerville Church of Christ, 138 N. Central Ave., Centerville, TN 37033-1427

December 7, 2016 Volume XXXVI - Number 47


Daily Updates & Devotional Message

931-729-5055, 931-729-0022

“I Hope You Know”

Finding faith on the earth seemed to be a concern for the Lord, at least when He thought about His own return (Luke 18:8). The kind of faith the world needs to see is the kind of faith you and I have been called to shape our lives by and anchor our souls to (Hebrews 11:1, 3; 6:19). It’s the kind of faith which leads us to changing our lives and shaping them only after the Lord Jesus Christ. If we believe He is Lord, truly believe in His deity and His Lordship, then we will surrender and sacrifice all that is necessary to look and be like Him. In short, we’ll be ready to make the greatest change of our life (Romans 12:1-2). When we think of change as being too difficult for us to achieve, we must not lose sight of the fact that our Lord Jesus went through the most dramatic change in order that we might have a hope of salvation. Jesus was supreme from the very beginning, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God” (John 1:1-2). Jesus was with God, and yet He willingly chose to come to this earth, leave all that was safe and secure for His existence to suffer the greatest pain ever known so that we might be saved. And we scoff at change in our own lives, as though its somehow too hard. The greatest change Jesus made was to come down from

heaven as king, and live on earth to make us saints. Paul described Jesus to Timothy by calling Him the King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords (I Tim 6:15). Christ was sovereign, yet He took it upon Himself to be humbled and come to this earth as God in man, and live the life of a servant, though His sovereignty reigned above even the greatest of kings. Yet through the death of Christ we have now all been made His saints (I Cor 1:2). Jesus left the beauty, glory, majesty, and yes security of heaven, to save us from hell. In heaven there is no night, only one eternal day (Rev 22:5). There is no presence of sorrow or pain in heaven, for those things are not found in the presence of God, only the light, and the righteousness associated with the light (I John 1:7). Yet Jesus Christ left the place where sorrow

does not abide to become the man of sorrows so

that we might be spared a fate in hell, where torment lasts for eternity (Matt 25:46). Jesus left the peace of heaven, to endure the tribulation of earth, so that we might escape it. Christ told His apostles, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world (John 16:33).” The Son of God, endured all the tribulation of sin, and bore those things for our sake, so that we would not have to suffer such a fate. Jesus change His life so that my life could be spared. For us to believe that change is not necessary or to difficult is to flippantly disregard

what our Savior has endured just so we would never have to face such pain and anguish as He did for us. Whatever change you must make in life, whatever extent you must go to in order to shed your hold on this world and surrender to the salvation of Jesus, will still fall short of what has been done for you through Jesus. I hope you know, no matter how great your change must be, it will surely be worth it all.

We have some added features at that have been requested by some of you! Several PayPal links have been installed to help with contributions and donations. On our worship streaming page, which is visited by over 2000 per month, you can now find a link to make

your contribution. This will be most helpful to our shut-ins or if you should happen to be out of town and forgot to make your contribution before leaving. A link has also been added to the main page titled “Donations.” On this page you will find several special projects we have going on within our facilities. There you will find General Projects, Dayschool Projects, Camp Meribah Projects, and Summer Camp. Each has a description included to inform you of where each donation will go. We hope this will help in convenience as well as needs we have within our church facilities.

THE TIMOTHY & TABITHA CLASSES wrapped up this past Wednesday. My thanks to Tabitha Cude, Cissy Dotson, Rachel Newsom and Misty Shelton for their time and love in leading these girls. Thanks to Gaylon Cude and Derek Newsom for their examples helping me lead the guys. The girls also had a special project last Wednesday as they prepared gifts for our widows and single ladies in the congregation. Thank you again to the ladies mentioned above and especially Shela Chessor for her arranging the craft and devotional for the time together. A HUGE PRAYER BREAKFAST! Last Thursday brought one of our biggest crowds as Susan Dotson prepared her world famous Honeybun Cake and Breakfast Pizza. We enjoyed the meal and the time to share our thoughts and those on our minds for prayer. Thanks you Susan for starting our day and month perfectly! THE BIG FUN CHRISTMAS was filled with a lot of fun and laughter! Right at 30 Junior High had a blast eating, playing games and playing some dirty Christmas. Thanks Misty for all her help in making the night great! SUNDAY AFTERNOON FOLLOWING CHURCH FOR THE HOLIDAYS, we loaded up on the big yellow bus and set out for Opry Mills. 60

of us made the journey to seek out some special gifts for our special angels. Thanks to John & Carol Anderson, Jonathan & Misty Aydelott, Eric & Amanda Mayberry and Bryan & Mendy McAlister for helping Misty & me chaperone this wonderful group! SATURDAY BRINGS BREAKFAST WITH SANTA.. We begin at 8 with crafts, breakfast snacks and pictures with the big guy himself. We will finish up around 10. Come when you can and stay as long as you wish. If any of our Junior and Senior High can help, please be here by 7:30. BUSY AND HAPPY IN THE WORK OF THE LORD… It has for sure been a busy time around here in the Youth Ministry and we still have several things left in the month. Of all we do, I am most proud of the way our young people give. Everything we do in our ministry has a purpose and over the last few weeks it has especially been to serve. In the last few days we have raked many yards for our senior members, fixed crafts for our widows and single ladies, shopped for others to be able to enjoy Christmas and will soon fix and deliver Sunshine baskets. I am so thankful for these giving hearts as well as so many adults involved too. “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Keep up the good work as we strive to… follow His path, -Craig

Wed. Nights L2L

L2L Classroom in


December 7

Lighthouse Bailey Gilbert


December 10

Breakfast With

Santa Sparks &


8-10 Fellowship Hall

December 11

Senior High


Dinner 4-10

December 14

Sunshine Basket

Prep & Delivery 5-7

December 15

20/30 Regifted


December 16

5th Quarter Lighthouse

After Game-11:30

Dec 16-Jan 3

Christmas Break

December 28-30

Camp Snowball


Applications online

or at the Youth

News Board!

January 8

Youth, Parent &





CONTRIBUTION $ 13,811.76


$ 12,784.oo

Camp Meribah $170.00

The following are recovering from surgery or dealing with an illness: Sandy McFarlin, Lea Ann Buchanan, Ryan Parnell, Kathleen Dunn, McKale Baltz, Terry Johnston, Margaret James, Linda Mays, Bob Sutphin,

Bruce Bowen, Susan Sullivan, Melissa Bryant, Danny Bates, Debbie Lancaster, Bessie Shepard, Jimmy Mathis, John Ed Hooten, Lindrell Barrett, Susan Campbell, Bonnie Runions, Gabriel Roberson, Sheryl Elkins, Richard Tate

Nursing Home Residents: Life Care Center: Helen Hudgins, Christine Sawyer, Larry Talley, Nellie Kalosis, Lucy Noles, Stella Greer, Dorothy Easley Hickman County Nursing Home: Allene Worley, Eltie Davis Dickson Health & Rehab.: Jane Berryman

If you would like to “drop-off” a baby gift for Matthew & Megan Kincade you may leave your gift in the new lobby

on December 4th or 11th. It’s a girl !

Home: Hattie Delk, Louise Bates, Charles Horner, Sammye Elrod, Charles & Martha Minick, Pauline Jimerson, Mary Helen Barber, Fronia Nash, Alvitea Sunder, Dan & Martha Jo Wallace, A.J. & Willie B. Coates, J.W. & Sue Roder, Troy Parks.

Sunshine Baskets will be assembled on Wednesday night December 14th at 7:15 P.M. in the new lobby. If you know of

someone you would like to add to the list, please contact the church office at 931-729-4201. Please bring cookies & snacks to fill the baskets.

…Sammie Windsor, uncle of Ridonna Goodpasture and Lonnie Horner and grandfather of Leah Isenberg, is recovering from quadruple bypass surgery at Centennial Hospital. ...Louise Leathers, mother of Debbie Bradley, is recovering from rotator cuff surgery. ...Sandy McFarlin is recovering at home from surgery for a broken arm. ...Charles Minick is in St. Thomas West. ...Melissa Barber Bryant is recovering from surgery at Trust Point Hospital 1009 North Thompson Lane Murfreesboro, TN 37129. Sunshine Baskets

Thank You

The Hickman County Civitans write: “We would like to express a heartfelt “Thank You” for the support of the Centerville Church of Christ in the Fall Car Show over the years. We appreciate the commitment toward community involvement. Thanks again.” William Roland, President Civitians Mattie Ayers writes: “Thank you so much for the cards, calls, food and every act of kindness on my birthday. With love…” Wayne & Carolyn Chessor & Family write: We would like to thank everyone who prepared food for us in our sad time, also for the beautiful wind chimes and for all the pretty cards. We are so blessed to have a loving family . God bless each and every one of you.”

8th Annual

Sounds of the Season Presents:

“Home For The Holidays” Friday, December 16th

6:00 P.M.

Fairfield Church of Christ

Fellowship Hall

Featuring the music of:

Flat Rascals (Darin Cochran, John Hudspeth,

Philip Jacobs, Matthew Skelton,

Randy Prince, Joel Breece, Jeff


Drinks and Finger Foods

Drop-Off Shower...

Jail Ministry

The Jail Ministry Christmas meal will be prepared on December 10th. Please contact Daniel Dressler for more details.


...a Memorial has been given to the Camp Meribah Scholarship Fund in memory of Thelma Chessor by Sally Chessor. ...a Memorial has been given to the Mable Dunn Mission Fund memory of Thelma Chessor by Doug & Maxine Shepherd.

December Events ..Dec. 10 Breakfast With Santa ...Dec. 10 Jail Ministry Christmas Meal ...Dec. 10 Wayne Qualls’ Class Party at the Lodge at 6:30 P.M. ...Dec 10 Bill McDonald’s Class Party at the home of Tony and Laura Powers ...Dec. 11 Progressive Dinner ...Dec. 14 Sunshine Baskets Prepared For Delivery ...Dec. 16 School Dismissed @ 10a ...Dec. 15 20/30’s Regifted Christmas

...Dec. 25th

Worship Service at 9am

(No Bible Class)

Devotional Service at 6pm...Dec. 28th NO MESSENGER




If you would like to have the Messenger e-mailed to you weekly, please email:

If you are scheduled to serve in Worship and are unable, please take the responsibility to secure your

replacement and contact one of the following: Dorris Claud 931-729-2933

Lonnie Mayberry 931 -242-2644 John Bradley 931-994-7358


Bryan McAlister 931-994-3525

Matthew Dotson 615-418-2051

Craig Shelton 615-418-2228

Shane Willis 615-308-9161

Secretary Tammy Willis 729-4201

Rocco Pierce, missionary in Figi, has a need for used f u n c t i o n a l l a p t o p computers. If you have a computer you would be

willing to donate please contact the Centerville Church of Christ office at 931-729-4201.

Prayer Week Of December 11

S.M.W. S.M.D. John Bradley Randy James

S.E.W. S.E.D. Eric Nash Patrick Allen

W.E.B.S. W.E.D

Wayne Rediker Riley Qualls

Read Scripture 12/11: Daniel Dressler 12/18: Cody Woods

Elders’ Prayer

12/11 : Mike Goodpasture

Wait on Table

2nd Sunday Riley Qualls

3rd Sunday

Luke Worsham

4th Sunday Griffin Elkins

Left Side

Grady Teet Lincoln Smith Jared Brown

Andrew Sullivan

Right Side Jake Martin Luke Brown

Connor McAlister Gage Dotson


Houston Hudgins John Jacobs

Centerville Church of Christ Volunteer Of The Year

Anita Allen

Centerville Church of Christ Volunteer Of The Year

Dorris Claud

Church For The Holidays

Over 300 in Attendance ! A Wonderful Day !

Volunteers Needed

If you would like to help deliver Meals On Wheels in 2017 please contact Wayne Chessor at 931-230-3594.