Prophetic mentoring class session 5 the human ear

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Transcript of Prophetic mentoring class session 5 the human ear

Prophetic Class Lesson ThreeThe anatomy of hearing

Apostle Norma Y. GrayInstructor

Anatomy of the Human Ear

Outer Ear the canal through which sound waves travel. It acts as the conductor directing sound, giving access to the inner canal

Middle Ear the eardrum separates the outer ear from the middle ear. The middle ear is complex in design and is the transmitter of sounds to deep within the ear. Pressure is regulated here.

Our Spiritual Hearing

The Middle Ear The place where frequency or sound waves waves

produce movements to create a vibration against the tympanic membrane.

It is this membrane that is sensitive to the movement of the frequency or waves.

What spiritually would you say is the area of our triune make up that is sensitive to the frequency or sound of God?

As mentioned we must be sure to be spiritually in tune, that we may receive the Fathers Frequency and not the frequency of other things around us.

God Frequency IndicatorsYour Spirit man will respond to God; it can leap, be led, be movedLuke 4:1 And Jesus being full of the Holy Ghost returned from Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness,

Luke 1:41 And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost:

What are some indicators to you that let you know that your are tuned into the God Frequency?

God Frequency Indicators

God speaks in accordance with His Word

When the Father speaks or releases the Holy spirit to speak to us it is His mind and His will that is being conveyed and these should line up with His word. The Written and Manifested Word of God.

When we receive words, sounds, utterances, senses, inklings from the realm of the spirit or from the prophetic atmosphere we process what we hear through our mind and our spirit

Responding to what you have Heard

What's going on in you?

Things you may have to contend with

NervousnessFearPrideSelf Exaltation

There can be special times when God takes full control of your hearing, your speaking, your thoughts, your body and you are completely out of the picture as He uses you for His purpose. When these times happen, you will not remember what has happened because God has bypassed your human nature and it has been a total God happening. These times are rare and unique and usually not the norm.

You the student must be aware that God wants to partner with you to bring forth a prophetic demonstration. You need to know this because some would have you to believe that a person receiving or delivering prophecy is not aware, nor part of the equation; This simply is not accurate. God has chosen to partner with man and He has from the beginning created us to be free agents.

This involves our mind; our will and our spirit in cooperation with the Spirit of God to bring about His will in this day. Ephesians 4:30 And grieve not the holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption.1 Thessalonians 5:19 Quench not the Spirit. SBENNUMI (sben'-noo-mee)To extinguish (literally or figuratively):--to go out or put out, quench.

It is therefore important because we are involved in the process of receiving and delivering the mind, will and thoughts of God that we be accurate transmitters and interpreters. We must be sure to process what God has said without allowing our thoughts, feelings, will or carnal interpretations to confuse or taint the message of God. We must be sure that our internal conduits are working properly.

If our mind is not in the proper condition, then what we hear can be misinterpreted. If our spirit is out of alignment then we will misunderstand what the Father has conveyed to us, and without saying we will misrepresent God in conveying to others what God has said.

Your work as a prophetic conduit for the mind, will and thoughts of God, is to be sure that your inner workings are pure, untainted and that there be no hidden earthly agendas that can interfere with the mind of God the Father as He reveals it to you.

Remember your thoughts are not always His thoughts…God can and will reveal things to you that your natural mind will not be able to comprehend nor understand, and sometimes not agree with. It is therefore the prophetic person’s responsibility to remove him/herself from the thought process and simply convey what the Father wills.

When what we hear from the spirit realm meets our improper inner-man the words of the Lord will be tainted. We cannot allow any influences to persuade us to prophecy from our mind or by our won will. Money, popularity, fame, notoriety, or even the opposites, poverty, isolation, peculiarity can never be allowed to interfere.

We must not allow any of our thoughts or feelings that can emanate from our soul to interfere with the messages we receive from the spirit realm. Simply stated, in order to hear accurately your inner-man, your heart, soul and spirit must be in proper alignment to accurately understand what the will of God is. Because God has chosen to partner with you and you must keep up your end of this agreement.

Are you pressure sensitive?

A demonstration of this in the natural human ear is when one experiences changes in atmospheric pressure we get the popping of the ears. This pressure can affect our hearing unless we bring balance to the body. The ears are one of the first elements to respond to changes to the atmosphere.

This works also spiritually. When things change in our atmosphere it will affect our hearing. When the pressure of life come we must not allow then to change, affect what we hear and how we hear. It is therefore important to keep ourselves pressure stabilized and to make whatever necessary changes needed to keep our hearing clear.


How do you deal with pressure?

Not everyone is made for every platform. I have seen good prophetic people change their tone by just being elevated to another level. Where they use to be sensitive to hear accurately from God, now because of being in an elevated place they have lost their hearing abilities and they have released blunt, off focused words that have no potency.

If you find yourself having a difficult time hearing clearly it maybe because the pressure is on and you need to release some things or intake some things to bring a pressurized balance back in your life. Not doing so will cause your hearing to be muffled and may even cause the prophetic person some discomfort in the process until pressure is stabilized. Most often the best relief of pressure to the ears is oxygen. Oxygen implies fresh breath, fresh wind.

The analogy here to what is spiritual is clear.

When you feel the pressure and can’t hear accurately you need to intake the fresh wind of God to bring stabilization to your spirit that you hearing may be resorted to normal.

HomeworkSpend Time this week searching the scriptures for prophetic times of prophetic people. Write about there struggles to bring forth the pure authentic word from the Lord. If they had no struggles why do you think that was so.

Be prepared to share with the class what you learned.

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