Prepare for Interview...Employers interview candidates to find a good fit for their needs. •An...

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Transcript of Prepare for Interview...Employers interview candidates to find a good fit for their needs. •An...

Prepare for Interview

6/7/16JobCompass Outreach Team




• Opening Prayer 5 min.

• Job Search Campaign Updates 35 min.

• Conducting Interviews30 min.

Types of Interviews Questions on Both Sides Eight Cardinal Rules Tips Non-Verbal Communication

• Networking & Coaching Time 15 min.

• Closing Prayer 5 min.

Job Search Process

JobCompassA People for Others Navigating Change


Prepare for Interview Executive Summary

• Research to Demonstrate Understanding of Organization

• Look the Role & Use Industry Vernacular

• Body Language is Very Important, Smile, Solid Handshake, Eye Contact

• Rehearse Responses to Behavioral based Questions

• Have a Plan; What Would you do the first 90 days on the job?

• Be Prepared to Talk about Each of Your Roles, what did you learn?

• Send a Personal Thank You in 24 Hours

• Recap Current Situation / Desired Results / Impact

• Organizations hire integrity & character, team chemistry, and talent

Employers interview candidates to find a good fit for their needs. • An interview is your opportunity to learn more about an employer and

the available job. • Preparation is key to your success.

• Before the interview, learn about the organization and position from multiple sources:• Job description• Organization website• Employer brochures• Annual business reports• Trade periodicals• Manufacturers’ guides• School placement office• Local and state employment service office• Chamber of Commerce• Professional organizations• Current employees

• Gathering facts about a company helps you answer potential interview questions. It also gives you important information on how to match your skills to the company or position.


Get Interview Ready

Interview Type What to Expect Tips

Telephone screeningA call from an employer to eliminate candidates based on essential criteria. An employer may call you without an appointment.

Have your job search records organized and handy. Refer to your resume as needed.

In-person screening

Used instead of a telephone screening interview, but with the same basic purpose. Provides an initial impression of your attitude, interest, and professional style.

You may not be meeting with the final decision maker, but don’t slack off. Sell yourself as you would in a “regular” interview.


In-depth questions to evaluate your qualifications for the position and your ability to fit in. There may be more than one interview at this stage.

Establish a connection with everyone you meet (before and after the actual interview). Sell yourself as a natural addition to the team.


The interviewer will ask questions that require you to describe how you have handled work-related situations. This provides more information about your behavior, personality, and character.

Think of a few examples ahead of time. Use examples that illustrate your skills and give a good impression of you.


Types of Interviews

Interview Type What to Expect Tips

Work sampleGives you a chance to show your work. May be a portfolio display, a presentation, solving a typical problem, or other demonstration of your skills.

Run through different ways to describe the projects in your portfolio. Practice your presentation until it is smooth.

Peer groupMeeting with your prospective coworkers to explore how you fit with the team.

Don't forget to smile. It shows openness and confidence.

Group or panelThree or more people ask questions on your qualifications and assess how you fit with the team. It may include other candidates for the position.

Direct your answer to the person who asked the question, but keep some eye contact with the group. If other candidates are present, introduce yourself and be polite. Volunteer to respond first to a few questions, but do not dominate the entire interview. Compliment another candidate’s response and then build on it with your own thoughts.

LunchInterview conducted in a restaurant to assess how well you handle yourself in social situations.

Pick easy things to eat so you can answer questions and pay attention to the conversation. If the location is a coffee shop, the interviewer is probably looking for a more casual conversation.

StressQuestions intended to make you uncomfortable and to test how you will handle stress on the job.

Keep your cool and take your time in responding to the questions. Don't take anything personally.

Video conferenceDigital Interviews

Uses technology for a “person-to-person” interview by video. Allows people from different locations to interview without traveling. Allow candidate to record an interview for the company representatives to view.

Practice before a video camera, mirror, or via Skype, if facing a camera during an interview makes you nervous.


Types of Interviews (cont.)

Improve interviews by preparing answers to common interview questions.

Get ready for interviews with common questions, questions to ask the employer, and illegal interview questions.

Common interview questions

• Tell me about yourself.

• Why are you interested in working for this company?

• Tell me about your education.

• Why have you chosen this particular field?

• Describe your best/worst boss.

• In a job, what interests you most/least?

• What is your major weakness?

• Give an example of how you solved a problem in the past.

• What are your strengths?

• How do others describe you?

• What do you consider your best accomplishment in your last job?

• Where do you see yourself in three years?

• If you were hired, what ideas/talents could you contribute to the position or our company?

• Give an example where you showed leadership and initiative.

• Give an example of when you were able to contribute to a team project.

• What have you done to develop or change in the last few years?


Company Common Interview Questions

Questions to ask the employer

• What are the responsibilities and accountabilities of this position?

• How well is the position defined?

• Can its duties be expanded?

• Please describe an average day on this job.

• What is the history of the position?

• Why is it vacant?

• What aspects of this job would you like to see performed better?

• What are the key challenges or problems of this position?

• Where can I go from here, assuming that I meet/exceed the job responsibilities?

• How would you describe the ideal candidate?

• What are the employer's short- and long-range objectives?

• What are some outside influences that affect company growth?

• Where does the company excel? What are its limitations?

• When and how will I be evaluated?

• What are the performance standards?

• With whom would I be working?

• Who would be my supervisor?

• When will you make the hiring decision?

• May I call you for the decision? When is a good time? Source:

Candidate Interview Questions


Eight Cardinal Rules of Interviewing


Eight Cardinal Rules of Interviewing (cont.)


Eight Cardinal Rules of Interviewing (cont.)


Eight Cardinal Rules of Interviewing (cont.)

Saying “thank you” is not only the right thing to do, it is also an effective job search strategy.

• A thank-you note is another opportunity to sell your qualifications and leave a positive impression on the employer.

Who gets a thank-you note?

• Employers, employment contacts, and references should receive a thank-you note whenever they have helped you. You should always send a thank-you note after each job interview.

• You should also send a thank-you note after an informational interview, when someone gives you a referral or information, or whenever someone takes time out of his or her schedule for you.

How do I say thank you?

• A hand-written or typed thank-you note sent by mail is an excellent choice. However, you can also deliver your thanks in person or by phone. If time is short, an e-mailed thank you note works too. The best approach will depend on the circumstances.

What should I include in my thank-you note?

• Statement of appreciation for the opportunity

• Expression of continued interest in the job

• Brief restatement of qualifications and skills

• Additional background you may have failed to mention

• Follow up on any websites, books, articles or contacts mentioned

• Date and time you will follow up as previously agreed

Any other tips?

• Write the note no later than 24 hours after the interview, even if the interview didn’t go well.

• Be brief, but include the information noted above.

• Address the note to the interviewer by name and title.

• Send a separate thank-you note to each person you interviewed with, or send a single thank-you to a key person for distribution. Source:

Thank You Notes

Interviews are your chance to sell your skills and abilities. They also give you a chance to find out if the job and company are right for you.

Follow the tips here to ace your interviews.

Review common interview questions. Practice answering them with someone else or in front of a mirror. Come prepared with stories that relate to the skills that the employer wants, while emphasizing your:

• Strengths

• Willingness to work and flexibility

• Leadership skills

• Ability and willingness to learn new things

• Contributions to the organizations in which you have worked or volunteered

• Creativity in solving problems and working with people

• Figure out in advance how well you qualify for the job. For each requirement listed in the job posting, write down your qualifications. This can show you if you lack a particular skill. Plan how you will address this in the interview so you can convince the interviewer that you can learn the skill.


Interview Tips

Make a list of questions that you would like to ask during the interview. Pick questions that will demonstrate your interest in the job and the company. This might include commenting on the news you learned from the company website, and then asking a question related to it. Also ask questions about the job you will be expected to perform, like:

• What are the day-to-day responsibilities of this job?

• How will my responsibilities and performance be measured? By whom?

• Could you explain your organizational structure?

• What computer equipment and software do you use?

• What is the organization's plan for the next five years?

Be prepared. Remember to bring important items to the interview:

• Notebook and pens

• Extra copies of your resume and a list of references

• Copies of letter(s) of recommendation, licenses, transcripts, etc.

• Portfolio of work samples


Interview Tips (cont.)

On the day of the interview, remember to:

• Plan your schedule so you arrive 10 to 15 minutes early.

• Go by yourself.

• Look professional. Dress in a manner appropriate to the job.

• Leave your MP3 player, coffee, soda, or backpack at home or in your car.

• Turn off your cell phone.

• Bring your sense of humor and SMILE!

Display confidence during the interview , but let the interviewer start the dialogue.

• Send a positive message with your body language.

• Shake hands firmly, but only if a hand is offered to you first.

• Maintain eye contact.

• Listen carefully. Welcome all questions, even the difficult ones, with a smile.

• Give honest, direct answers.

• Develop answers in your head before you respond. If you don't understand a question, ask for it to be repeated or clarified. You don't have to rush, but you don't want to appear indecisive. Source:

Types of Interviews (cont.)