power generation from speed breaker

Post on 07-Aug-2015

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Transcript of power generation from speed breaker




1. Introduction

2. Scope , merits and uses

3. Basic principle

4. Gear

5. Roller mechanism

6. Rack and pinion mechanism

7. Comparison

8. Conclusion


In our country there is a shortage of electricity and we try to overcome this problem by non conventional sources of energy.

To sort out the energy crises it led to the idea of generating power using speed breaker.

A large amount of energy is wasted by the vehicles due to friction.

Electricity can be generated using vehicles by its motion (Kinetic Energy) and weight (Potential Energy) as an input.

Scope, Merits and Uses Low budget electricity production. Low floor area and no obstruction to traffic. Easy maintenance. Energy available through out the year. Pollution free power generation. No fuel transportation required. No need of man power during power

generation. More suitable and compact mechanism to

enhance efficiency. Uses : Charging batteries and using

them to light up the streets etc.

Basic Principle

Simple energy conversion from mechanical to electrical.

To generate the electricity using the vehicle’s speed and weight as input.

Possible using 2 different mechanisms Roller mechanism Rack and pinion mechanism

Gear Mechanism

A mechanism for transmitting motion for some specific purpose.

GEAR : A gear is a wheel with teeth on its outer edge. The teeth of one gear engages with the teeth of other.

Gear Two meshed gears always rotate in

opposite directions. Two gears are of different diameters.

Driven gearDriver gear

Gear ratio

Generally, the gear ratio is calculated by counting the teeth of the two gears, and applying the following formula :

Gear ratio = Number of teeth on driven gear

Number of teeth on driver gear

Gear ratio- calculation A 100 tooth gear drives a 25 tooth gear . Calculate the gear ratio of the meshing teeth.

Gear ratio = Number of teeth on driven gear

Number of teeth on driver gear

Gear ratio = driven 25 = 1

driver 100 4

This is written as 1:4


Roller mechanism has some disadvantages : Maintenance will be very difficult. Might cause collision.


The various equipments are : Rack-pinion





Rack and pinion- It convert linear motion to rotational and vice versa

sprocket mechanism-transfer rotary between two shafts

Flywheel- this is use to regulate the energy and maintain the energy at an uniform level so that the shaft rotate at an uniform r.p.m

Dynamo- It is the dc generator which is

use to generate current . Generates current as per the faraday’s law.


Working procedure

Here the reciprocating motion of the speed-breaker is converted into rotary motion using the rack and pinion arrangement.

Rack and pinion gears normally change rotary motion into linear motion, but sometimes we use them to change linear motion into rotary motion.

The axis of the pinion is coupled with the sprocket arrangement.

The axis of the smaller sprocket is coupled to a gear arrangement.

Finally the gear arrangement is coupled with the generator.


Sr no. parameters Roller mechanism

Rack and pinion mechanism

1 Cost Cheap Moderate

2 Mechanism setup

Very easy difficult

3 Maintenence Weekly basis Daily basis

4 Efficiency ~50% ~70%

5 Design Easy to design Depend upon weight sustaining capacity

Voltage generated (vs.) speed of vehicle

Speed of vehicle(kn/hr) Voltage generated(volts)

10 7.93

20 6.28

30 5.03

40 4.66

50 3.03

Voltage generated (vs.) Load

Load(kgs) Voltage generated(v)

60 8.33

130 9.45

170 10.22

200 11.23

270 11.81


Power generation does not require any fuel input and the running cost is very less.

There are some non- conventional methods of producing energy. This project is a step to path of exploring the possibilities of energy from several non- conventional energy sources.