Post production investigation

Post on 11-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Post production investigation

Post-production investigation

What is Post-production?

o Post-production refers to all of the stages that take place after the actual filming and recording of the media product.

o In the production of a horror trailer there are several post- production stages including: Editing the clips of filmtogether to create smooth

cuts between each shot.

Layering the soundtrack and sound effects on top of the trailer visuals.

Using digital technology to add any special effects such as slow motion, reverse the clip or speeding the clip up

Post production and horror

Within a horror it is important to use fast pase editing iemake quick cuts to hold the viewer interested and not to show them everything.

Montages are used frequently in the editing of a horror film trailer, as it shows all of the moments that build up to the main event within that storyline andtherefore this helps to attract the target audience. The next stage of the post production is adding inthe sound and music, in a film it is very important that non-diagetic music matches the action of what isactually going on in the trailer at each moment in time in the music.

Sound editing will be used to add non diegetic sound effect and music to make the audience more engaged and build tension/ suspense.