positioning Chapter 2 new

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of positioning Chapter 2 new

Chapter 2

The Assault on the mind


only a small channel in the communication river …

Remember ,

“Each medium changed & modified all the previous media”


Books Packaging


There is traffic jam on the turnpikes of the mind …

Communication in over communicated society is difficult

To cut through the traffic jam in the prospect’s mental highway you must use

“Madison Avenue techniques”

Our messages keep getting lost!

In the number of media we have invented to serve our communication needs …

Even the human body has become a walking billboard for Adidas , Gucci ,Pucci

“Mind is the ultimate battle ground”

40000 Product!

Only 8000 word reach!

Sensory overloaded

A person is capable of receiving only a limited amount of sensation beyond a certain point the brain goes blank and refuses to function normally

And now we have the dot.com crowd seeing into the media with endless Wall street money