Plan B

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Plan B

Plan B: U turn!

Findings so far:

My travelogue needs to take a new direction

1. Bad medium choice


The web page did not allow for interactivity.

2. After that, I switched to SM

Launched a FanPage and Twitter profile


25 Facebook Fans49 Collaborations8 different cities

Pretty good participation, considering the short time

Santiago de Chile

1. I never got an answer from Found Magazine

2. The collaborations were urban images, not only about the subway

3. I haven’t nailed my question.


I’m interested in getting people to regard the subway as more than an ugly, neccesary nuisance, a non-place where we have to be.

I want to get us to OPEN OUR EYES a bit more. But where is the question here?



I need some advice

stuck? yes!

-I want to use the pics I have so far

-I need to restructure the goal—completely.

This is an impasse

•I want to use the pics I have so far

•I need to restructure the goal—completely.

this is an i


I need some advice