places of worship

Post on 17-May-2015

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Transcript of places of worship

Places of Worship

By Jean-Pierre Nixon

Shaolin temple Henan

Da Mo came from India. He brought kung fu to the

Shoalin Temple. Every day he walked to the cave so it was named

after him

Stone Stupas. There are 200 stupas at the temple. Inside the stupas are the remains of elder

Shaolin monks.

The Forest of Steel commemorates the

elder Shaolin monks. It is like the Hollywood

walk of fame.

The main hall contains all the Zen texts from the 16th


All monks have to shave their hair even

if they are female monks.

Bodhidharma came to the

temple in 527 AD from India

Tiger Cave

This is inside Tiger Cave. Buddhist

monks worship here.

Can you see the steps at the back?

They are steps leading to a smaller cave

where a lion used to live.

In 1960, Jumnean Seelasettho, a monk, wanted to meditate in the

cave, but he couldn’t because the tigers were there.

This is where the tiger lived. At the top there is a giant gold

Buddha. There is also a foot print of the Buddha.

When you get to the top, there is an amazing view

At the top of the mountain is Tiger Cave

temple. Around 1960, monks made a giant

platform on top of the mountain

filled with Buddha's.

To get up to the temple you have to

walk up 1237 steps.

Crystal Cathedral

Robert Schuller came to Garden Grove, California

in 1955.

With $500 Dr Schuller and his wife Arvella rented the drive- in theatre and on Sundays he would preach on the top of the

snack bar.

On September 14, 1980 the cathedral

was completed.

The church can hold 2890 people and more than 1000 singers and


The cathedral is home to one of the

top five largest organs in the


Robert A Schuller is Robert Schuller’s son. He is also a

minister at the Crystal Cathedral.

The cathedral has a globally broadcasted television show called Hour of Power.

The Crystal Cathedral is

growing rapidly. They have written

more than 30 books. They have T.V programs, a

website and music CDs.

The End

“Tough times never last but tough people do” Robert Schuller