Parliament of Victoria - Home · 2019-10-23 · J }lr \V~S1'GAR1'll moved- moned by tue Sheriff,...

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Transcript of Parliament of Victoria - Home · 2019-10-23 · J }lr \V~S1'GAR1'll moved- moned by tue Sheriff,...

-------·--- __ .....__ ~ b.ll to enn.b:e the c,, por1tion of Melbnume th ~~~1il1 woul<l. give pnwer to the Corpor tion I it~ exportation wonld be got hv e tc> J~;s roy th,ir lOUllil<JU seal, aud aJupc u •o buy th"se p1·npertie•, thJ value thereof mcrch.t~uts. If th ," bill wert~ paas,d, ~

new on e. I einli a,ct'l'tain ''l by juries wm- ~deLi! de Gov~nmLent would ~e cGrnpelled J }lr \V~S1'GAR1'll moved- moned by tue Sheriff, and bv •elliug m deference to an art of Cou,Ictl to stop the'

e · 1. That PetiLion< fNm certoin Gold Di:rger3, nt the &outages of the new Btreets t.l t·R,~ort, a~ ev"n Sir "\IVilliam Deni~on had 8e~~ r Bendigo an 1 o[OII'It A lexauJer, a~nindt the pro- r;•pay tile amount S() expended. He be- constJ.f>les OVCl' here, whose p lV Was . 5 e po.ed gxport Du•y on IJolu.he printeol. licven His LXl·d:ency ha.d expre~~cd his dav, to ai<l in canying nut the c:.nvi~ta'p1 a.

The AUDlTOH.-Gi£ 'EP ·'L sccon ' cd the 'II' e to 'tl t'· t '·I · B'll A d re. '"' Ll WI mgn "s '' v.lU<'e tlO mon"y o enau e v<'HtiOn ; • e r<:gar ~ the objection of c motion, whi<:h \US carrild. rlw Com. rntion tq pmchase the fir'>t blo. k. the h•lll mernher for N 11rtil Br)url·e ~~ 11 Dr illUUPTI Y obt-tine-1 loav~ to nmen l the 1\Ir S1ll1'll seconded the motion which Xichrobon, that the expense of collecting t r ii n :otiee of motion, st:Lnding on the pap~r i•l 1\'as c•tl'lied, and the bill w~s reau "' Htst ltlty would be great, in addition to thatllf

Ius uam~, and n.c, on.lingly m~v.•d- tillle, the &ccon{l reading bemg set down for collecting the licE\nse fee, he need onlv r~-That tll.b_ Council is of opinion that the wh0lc next 'l'nPsday wJek. mark t.hat that expense would ue very •iuall

j~':,;,0k\S~·.}~~~~·~~~~~~!1~.u~~ ~~i~~~rt~·:rr~0~~h~t On t'•e uwt.on of }1r STR.\CIL',N the the duty being collected mer<'ly as a part f ob1_·.cr., the sut,joet b• 1·eron·e 1 t.., ., sel"ct L'o"' order of the d•\Y for the adoption of the the Cnotom~ revenue. His own cl: 9f

t ,. ' f tl S l t C 'tt I ' I ·1 l · · t' lit • m1tte to repor. tha,·eon, to lhe Uouoe within one rP.port ro•n .1e ~ <'<; on~m· ee on ln• mr Nlu. on .Y o·lJtlC 10n to the bill il mouth. Di>trict Councils waq pv•tponcJ till tl•at day wa.~ thn.t 11. might have a tond~nc,

lt was not his intention to involve the week, in consequence <~f the absence of Mr to mdnce a bre~ ch of the lilw. by atternptin) Ilvuse in a di~c u.~ion ou. the point ~t present, i\Iercer the Chairm•n. to evone the. duty, b"t. the same objett;o~ or to cuter on tlltl cou"'d<'ration of how t.he '1 he Hons·l went into committee pro JornVl equally_ app•ICS ~() thP, hceuse fees, whrc!t i~ ol.;ject to be accompii.he l wo11.ld inv,.lvo on the 'Mnlboume Gas and Coke C,Jminny'> was qu•te 1mpo•s1ble to collect in a perfect

i the W•lole constitntioLIJ.l quest.ion. It W>Jitld Bill, a.nd the chairrn1.n n•po1ted pro!ress and m.tnfler. .cb to the argument that numbers , I not be ueccs;ary for the llom.nittce to tak...- obt~ined l eave to 8it ag·.,in th<tt day wee"-. of per-~ll'l l<•t't thiM Cvlony to reside else. s evi tence, ant! therefore tlwy woul•l be nble On the motinn of i\lr ~icholsrm, the third where, 111 order that _they might enjoy more 0 to brin.r up their I'P[l.>. t wiLhi11 a month. 1·e•vlinC( of the :'lfel l>n•H·ne l\tunicip~u Fran- of the comf,u t~ of hfe th:n were afferded 1 I Mr thili {N .s.:n: se. ontlsJ the motiou. e'1ise BillW.JR postp< n,4 for a w·ee1;, owing to, here, he !Jel:everl that th:s fluty woul.J in a , II.: 1\0Ulu ta!ic this oppn1tunity of styinrr. the abs:nce. through •lhw•' of:\Ir.l!'awkn~r, ~re'lt rnc?.<;ure check the evil. As long 38 , th t nlLiwugh li•e the nou mem •er who h;-d who hac! the roct!'ucting of t:,e Hill. the Colony was regarde(J ()U'y as an o,rnu •e

b.-ought forv:ar<l the mutiou he di<luot me.m The U.1u"e then w<>nt into Cornmittoe on to he ~;u.·keil dry anJ th·n thrown :l.Way"'it tv go into tl1e m~nts of the qlt<'otiiJu, yc·t he th.- Gol<l !•:xpMt. Dnty Dill. cculd nevt>r prosper; but on!) pa•s the E-ti• lllJot o!Jocrve tuat. it wa. the mo,t impo1tant l\It· S rU,\Cl:iA~ said th.:.t seeing ~o large m:.tP•, anti all the heot men, Loth from ihe t .. <It could poosib1y be brought under the a number of le!.:·nl g~utlem!'n P''PSt'Ilt, h' ntoighhotH'ing colon;es and fmm (he .• t llri· attent on of tne> Hom•,, ]f the no,,, llltutiH'l' wi•lled llcf>re g .• ing on the Bill t>J o"k t in, w0uld flock iuto this eout,tiy, wh;~h lllutely cunte•n1Jllt<J<l au alteration in the TJ,· what clau.e undl'r t~1e Consdut.onal Act w s now in only a tntnsition ; t 11te. He n 1111ber of thll member; of the C<mu il, th-3 Cou•1cil wa~ cmpo .vered to pas< such ~ di I ·u<lt wis\ to see the me,tsure forced

'w.tnuut go;ug into the que>tiou of the ~iud, f Bill. He could not see t •1at fh1 con-tit·.'· 1h ough the C•,uncil, but nt the same Cvi~>LltUfl• u whtch wa' 'u•ted to the reqnire- ti.mal A··t conf•Tl'P<l thcpowei·on the Lo•m•il t me he shoulu be very sorry to wee llH'uts uf th• co.lony, he (.:\Ir 0'8haH.Is•y) tn l••,·y any outy on the exports of tb.e it I' je t d. onullld not agree 111 hUch a l1mitcd \'tu\1' of colony. M r O'S"'AN \SSY drew attention to th()! <[HdtiOn, or t:tat it h[Ln ~ccn bkeu up in The A1''f0Tt~EY-GJ~""ERAT. s1id thr> f•~t that in th • la~t session the debnteon the C•Jlllt'rch~ll-I\'C uwuucr th .t it ou,.,.ht to qu<stion raiser! h rJ.<>ctdy hePn di•~u-seu expor~ duty t.ook place ou the :.list Oecem­h cV-J be.:u. Tile Conucil c<,uld n .. t 0 shut ~n.( sf'!tl"rl. Th<l Conncil h,,J full power to he1·, while the f•ill for the hLttei' governmen~ iti crcs to th.: great 111 ,vemeut pass nn ~~~port Duty Bill if they del•m ·d i t ,,f t \10 g.1ld fi elds was p I~•ed on the 6th w .ich • luu been made ir1 N~w South neceRi·•r~· f,n· t,he peace nnd goo<! govern- J n vu-y follow:ng, audit w.H only wh~n on \V".11es to alter t11e const"t.Lition, and w ti ·h mPnt of t11e l'oio'1Y. The best ~mwer to the Speaker'• ~uggestion, that the Attorney. was al:out to t.c ouut home fin· tlw saw·t•• u the o~j>ction wr1s ihe f~ t of the Bill having Ge•t~rnl had p'Olu ,erl the licen~e fee sboulrl or the Uovernmtnt. It w.,~ u~cessary thnt a. bePH iut•'•ldl\Pe<i. not be increa<ed, th~t that Bill was et~nsaut~d SI.llilar n•ea~uru siloulu be iutrodu::e<l iut·> l\[r STU.\.CIL\.N s~id the Bill was intro· to by the Conndl. 'l'hi, Rill could not be t •. i, GvU'l\'i'. Jf tlte Council did ~oot at.teurl rluc<•cl in t·I'I'Ol', and he w"ul rl lik<' to h ve P"s~ed, ancl at th(} s•me time• f.lith kept w;t11 tv t 1c wisilcs of tl1e people upon thi~ jJOint, the or.ininn of the hon member, ~Ir ~lichie, • he pcop~e, unless that Act Wls rcpGalcd at tloe p··opll'W·>IIIll h ve tn "'' itfurthcm:;.,lve• en thE> P''int, th" S<trre time. He .cppov>Jct of tlw pl u of h.n·iug two t h till· ~1 · .:\llc·hi<'. though ohje~tinA" to be caller! Tt11:~ Sr'E \ KER •·irl it had be•n stn under. i.Jl·l'·,,w 1id• h.Hl aro·'IV r•• Yerywc•ll io~Cana<la. on by n lrn(•, gwe hiH opinir•n th~t thongh gtood <'O'Il)l:\l't ht'tween th~ Guvernor as the lt W.L~ ne~;e.s.u·y t.1 .t the pn •ltc voi•··· shoull til • ol l nr·t dirl r.ot •r1nfcr on the I.c·~i<l •1·1re repre8ent.>ti\•e of the Cl'O·.vu nnd the Cuuncit be tw.uu 1u t.•c J, ·giS!a.tu. •·, Hllft t,l t, in ti11, the pow~r of impo'i''~ an ex .ort dnt~·, th. 1t a• the l'<'pr•·"eirt.ltive of ~!HJ people, that the ~ t r~d limn of U J\'emment, t 1 be dr.Iwa np, a t wa• overri I iPn "v ti1e new C'on-titutioll'tl licen•e fee was not t? he in t·easerl. It did tne mt"re>ts of tHe p>Jtopl~ bhould oc cou· ,\..-t, nn•ler whi•·h full power eJEi,t•l I fvr the not follow !IS argu"d by the AttnmeyGene•P.l, Suit Hl. pnt•pos~. t h<tt the po~•er,. of tl-te G •vcrn•nen~ heing

i\[r \VESfG.\Hl'II woul•l have prefcrn·<l 1\Jr A'B"CKP.'l"r con urrPd in th ~t opinion. transfc'rred to the House, the latter was free thu lwll lntlll lCl' shout! have hr,1ught "\lr C.U[~'HF.r,L f•ondemned the meas11"e t() a~t aq it plea;e I. Oa the "OUtral'\' the

If 11'\\',ll'd hb Ill tiOil iu .t, "l'ig:nal f·n·m, 1\.ltl no impo,i•t£!; t·tx~ti•>ll wothnut f(•jJI'<'Rfn'·lli·•n. Hon•e W'IS bounrt hy the o!Jligation~ of ita lL ve (}lr \V,otg uth) to a 1ry !1• lnd .i"-t rl'twncli fr•lrn t.:1e goll fi,.J .. l,, pnrlec11s-ors, and mm.t t 1";0 tl e f'Oll"~•~inn f,H'Wul'Lt Ui!"ll it the alll<'nrl!ut'llt of w1d !1 he and ft·om what h.- h 11'1. seen, h<' vc1R qurte with all Jt< rc~pou.ibilities. The Govern. h ,J giv~n uvti··c. Til· 111 t '''• n< a. nen ie 1, c••Itein t!vt the 30s li .,..n,e fPe. w.ts flon'>h· mr·ut h ,fi p·<e(l that n) in ~r<!ase should

I d1 i U<Jt quite mrLt [,j, 'iew•, a. it lull' l1y ~· lwa,·y a t.tx now a~ it w:\S t:1i~ L•st take pl1c<> in t ''"' lie<>nse fe~ an\ by that aol'·)l'\.1• tl ,r..!li~teut -c 'l'e f r tl.e lltl {·ou,i1lc ,.e ,., pmmi•(} the Hou:.e W.l~ l'q11al y bound. I.tti.Jll Pftr.e sulljJ<'t, but a' t ·at scope mi~ht · The \T1'0'1YEY G"NE~.'\L ",j,J in re- Tf the H•lU~e pa•Red this me"surt•, thc I" l'iwJ'" "" >O 11, wl,. t gt·d l•y th0 C~n-1 pi_,, t.l )1,· ( l'f,h~n l-'."'· th~t a ~imilw n;n hnd J\mll'·r a ct of Council woulcl rise up Ulottl!e, he •hould ll•>t op, "''' it. 11 111u t h,•,..n it trorlu,.c I in Kew 811uth \Vale". a•,rl in jurigment ag- in t th r m. H.! repeatetl ll;i'<'C t:l t trlf: ltlCt'C.\9e of nt<i.u:~< an.l P•>pu- th tit w:1' htl'n led t1 com•• int·l "i'Cl"lt,nn tint ual"~s ~mue COIT!'~[lt>'lrlC'nt remi>siou ].,ti••n d01UaH1etl an a•lcliti,HI to the 11u 111 l>!'t on t te <.1m",,.,,, n< thiq, Thr Gov• r.1•0 l'11t wen' rna lc in the li•'f'nse f•P, t11e Honse was of melll"<'IS in Cuuncli, hut tnere w I'<' fll· of Smth An,trali' h·ltl a!Ro he<'u C11m·n t :, · r~- ·1nt iu a po,iti()n, rnor lly "pe.1kiug, to enact u ;< ~~~· "' j~ct' to he att,Lin._.d, >Lil 1 f.• ·r t •l with ()'1 t'tc .ubjrct, Lmt no rt<ply h ,d yet •hi' exp(lrt lltttv nn gL•ld. ell'•:•·t~ to •e 1 eH,cJi cl iu the c'I!IHit 11tionnftho be n r<'r 'i'·"'l Tile C )•nmit!e~ t'leu <livide-1 on l\fr CHill iltlt.u1 L te nun.ll:rot' ac-mbe1 ~. fher,• l\Jr (,'3riAXASSY Pxpre •ed ,his Ponvic- 8tra··h·1n's amemhuent, \\ith t!1~ fullnwiug

· "'·'" pa1ti ·ul;riy the great d••l't•l't, thnt the t:on thdt iftiu• Bill wero p•ssed, the <lit!g rs rrsult :-1 C•mn .l ctid nr•t l'l'!H'Cseut the ()o:onist•. \l"onld refn ·~the liC<'lliiC f' •c. anrl ~· h ·,l f the Ayes, 9.

(ll··,u·.J 'J'J)I)U,;It as a cite k n<r linst t.u0 cstimP-terl h·~oml' fo1· the Cll'U·ng ye[lr. "''" )fr ~\~~;r~~~~ I g•·•·at 11 dcmuen•tic t eudrn"y, the I ·~v .. mau•nt prop·•~~d h .l•e r•i,e<l fnm th.e f"'orlt<"' r:f '!ichie

N<Ws, 12. The ~lfo·ne\'·f'ener~l

-\nl.t·or.i:;eu"' 11 (:Oioni,ll :'~ret <ry ~olicitor~ Ot!uer;.ll h_d r ~-·n·~d tv t'1 •m till' p<>Wll' of apeuinttn~ the<e p: >ll ·h~l:(e q, he t.hou,;ht 1~ w·onld_lte a o· h:>nn<sy

a1 their Cl\\ll llOlll.UCCH, Oll<'·th:rd of tJJe lll'l't d't.!l~<.'rOU< f'"1Hl''lt!Cilt t) JC01lar 1IS() SO 'Jtt."lcU:! Mr A'Beckftt ~nnrt~·ra.):s WJI·In-oit llirlrlell (inld..rpi'll Thomson

mea. her~ nf Lh•3 C"n" il, an a,J.I.tioJH.ll <:heck n r·•Iti<~n, l y f•r<i 1g Rut·h a n)l•r,,ure ~:~~~;:,W1

lud \.e,·n Illli" S··d on thc>m h,l' tii"i' !'\'dll':y ag1in~t th•' w:she:> ;11, l wt~rests of the cla». The!'!,J••:r:,•r f i ·uJs, of coa cn·<llivtJ or Uov rnmeutil ten- rno't. Lltc r"•t<' I. .\Tr bvl tt, T.llcr, tl!'.I .,., r.wl it w.:s p·nYerl h1· t.te v t·•s of )lr \'E '\TG •.RTH a<1,cd if thr Atto:-nry­t!ul C•mn il, tlut it< o1,:ni• n3 -w<'r·ln·1t i>J a 1·• 0<'ne•al \\"HLld ronsPnt t • w:th lr<w the Titll Ctll' l.n('e with tho vie,IS pf the Q,]oni~t~. till ~n-wr"'' W·'l'C oht·1inPd from th' ll•'igh­'l' .er · w llC 'l'\' ru.l ot.Iel' pu;flL~ to which. l> on ling Cohn iPs, stnt:ng thr•ir int.cution of !lf1 he C•)llSI uteci t tht! aun-•uded tnot ,)!I, it en::tf·tiug '"ilnil:1•' ln(lP.<::U (·~or n•H.

w:1~ 11ut u.:•·eo.>·llY f\H' him to allur.c at 'fhe ATT' \R~EY-G!•:~Ett \f. wa• in tho k:.,.;tn, a' c:"' H>·•k n..: C•Jibtitncncic~ lwn<l• oft1lC lint!'', bnt h" t>)\llrln·t h:•n.;1•H l<'(lll'U o•dy nUll llllUL:oer, t. e llli~iug np ,.f ~"e au_v l!;''l\llld ~ r fn t:H'l' p·,~tpm1elll''llt. the t •\\ n, t:e pa.-t >, I!U<l the ;•gn II tur,\l Mr A BECK!·~ rT ~tr •nr<~· {)O'•r.'Ctlte<l ii.!1Y dbtrict,, !m•l 'f t.Ic a n.dl oe< u .:,.,., witl. t!t<' fUitiH'l' pn•tpon<'mcnt, wlurh would o ·ly l·c ~'{Uctti,•r-.; .. 1:\ • tt.-t the u t,.;,alultcn1;)t at f( n ling off tjv~ qli"':-\ti,ln :n,tc~ l nf ~attlin,..; lt. u,., gnll fi ·111~ wts ll'l ep e"'ll'<~ l, th ug, A hrgc ~11111 w.os < n th" e-t:nn'<'•, n" to b•· h1lf tho! 1•· pnluti<•ll we1e ~n«a·-e t 01 tno•C r'li-<•1 loy t 1tis expo:t dnh•, nrl'l t;ll t 1te qu•'s· li"l s, a p·t:.•t pmpultiun of th~rn <'On> otin.. t'on of tiw <luty w.1~ H t 'cd. it woulrl he im-· of a ulL 111:dc~. "' poosiLh s~t:.-fJ.dotity to deal with the

Mr ~PL.\I'r "i~hcu the !ton mover J~,timatcs ha·l givc'll sum· rC.hllll< for hrin:;in6 forwml :i\Ir STH.\CIL\~ oppo~rJl the .Bill ~t Borne t'1i~ <JU<.Hiou at til t ,t,•ge , f t:u· M:.,-i, 1. ~euct:1. unrl moved th .t tit•• .Chnn:m~n lea~c 1-noh ·• ruc.lsure di.l not appear t•) be c~llt•J the chai•·, anl;:~k letvcto stt ng;un th:.t dey for l>y tn,_. p~oplc. In 't:r t• <''>Ulltri··~ •n ·h •ix month•. • . . lll":t,Ut<'8 lti :t r.:t'•ol'lll in th<• r'-'i·He,c·nt•ti•Hl 1'he Sl'EAhEU thoughtthn,.on<Il<W'\tlm' "• re g<· lor, cd oa th l' Lt·gi•latnr,• [,,. u•ged l>y th' oppo"tl'llti nf' ft~ T)ill, th·•t ~he tl•e p1 "'''u·c with nt, au•l h~ ow 1Nl he Jo.,kc~l p .,·ment of th<1 liconsJ f ·e ,.,.o 1l·l bP w~th· with 'u·pi· iuu ••t• tho mo lc ><dopt~.J iu lniu;:;· h•• d itt tlte event of the rne:1r.nrc p·t<s•ng, i.I~ it lt~!Ol'tl the(.; >UH£'i) j l it,; [>l'<'S:Ilt Rl11p •, ntl~ It. llut t I h,tve [1.11/ "'I·Jght., •nth tlte Tlwre h ul bel'u uu t•u!Jli · mrPtiUJ• c>ulleu .,11 f;,, Iu"Il, (h<·nr. h~ar). II· _nfl.n ~t.:J·l h ~ t.l!' 11 •je t, and he t!to.Ight th" motiun J'l'<'· C':it th 1t w·n!ll folio IV ;lw 1mpo!<1tlon of a, m.ttun•, ~u he 61tuu11 uw~t it wltn a Uli'I!Ct h gh flut.y, · ut he th •ug .t the a·nnn•It prn· ne•a iv<'. plSC<l HO mo,1eiat~' !b t.lotwiate r.llo1 j · tion

~II' S.HITH did n •t agr•c wit:1 th<' hot He .th·mght tlu li~er~'e fee !!"'>''c 1 •pt·.~l<.t'I, that ti•c HoUi>' was to w.1it for an h~an~y f\H m?ny ot the .(li,.!g<l'<: <·xpreM~ion of npiuinn out of d<JOI'S bef"re pl'•l- H.u<l Wotul<l . ~~~~.1. more: m, . Ill the c~ediug to do iL~duty. flet.t•night IHon Ill• m- <'Yent ot a ft.llmg-olr tn the y.eld, whiCh muny ber, h Ld a lie:\ Jv it.1cl ""c ,ntfid<·llt "' ,r·,; 11g p· r <1'1< rnn•t l<·r•d h.\d alrea lv t 'k<'n rhc", on t•1,1t poiut · th.s "ll":;ion. 'J ho Jlou ,. a ·rl whi h if it h1cl not a'rcady would. cr­\\ .L< -upp 1se l t0 I' pr,•seut the eou•1tr)·, attl to t'linly b•1 the easa hPf•p·~ lm~~<· Tile arlv:~~­J,n )\V It.' w .. nt> no~ <.I wi<lic~; to wa:t, th '1'<'- ta!e of he doui,Je t~x ,,fa h .. en•n foe sm.l; n f,"e, fur a deUIOII,tr~tioii out of ,• 0 ,)1'8 hc· l•xpO!t duty w.~<, t'1•t il1e.'· tP~Ir!c•l to equ·1]1,e pr ccuuin6 t." do ib dut,r, woHI,J be, iu hi,1 the ratPs. IIo t~.r·u~ht t!I~ hN·,,,e. f0<·,m·~"t

Sm~th The ~hLirm"n 'lf General

Session•, Teller. l\f •j >rity in ra v.w of t'1~ Uill, 3. The con,irlcrati"n of t •l' lir;: cbu•e w-as

, 1te,I proc~crted with, and the RtllOtlllt. of .lut.1· (() IH' rai•!'•l w.;A prr·pose•l !>~· tht! At· torne_,. ""O'Jr•tl f() bP. fi~e·l <lt 2s td per oz.

:\lr 1)'.3liA~ASSY moved an amPudment -·'' 1 h't the dut.'· •1vm(.l he> o•tl? I• per oz;" h t afte1' S•'Illl' l:ttle cliscu,,ion, it was agreed to P''tp •ill' the f•nthcr ('On~ir1CJration of the f·l~nS<• in O"<lcr t'1at many tn<'tnl•er:; at.prcsPnt al>'e' t. fom illn<••s might he able to tako rnr' iu thl' d!~·n•s;,,n,

'r\l(J CII,\lR Vi i\N accnruinglv renorter\ pro~r.:,s, un1 o'·tLined leavu to sit 'agaiu th~t day WCI'k.

'f 1e ll· u•e wa~ t 1ten nwvPd into Pommi~ tee •>f s•lppl,,· t·~· th., AUDJl'· •n Gt~NgJ~•L. who "tatccl th•t he wnultl not he p~eparsd "ith t:le "lJ•p:crneut:11y l,ti:n't.te~ so soon a11 ht• harl •·x~,c<.t •d, nud h" Rhould t~1er~fore move that thn <'h~irmalli't•poit prot-r"s<, ond ubt.lin I ·:LV.) to ,<;t ag~in lh~t rlav fortnight.

S v m\ nt~llll><>r" n1j·'.:t cl. to the pogtp<me­mrut, nnrl \1r S \00, R SS ~lH(!_{C,;terl that it w•'\11(1 be j·1•· :.H wcil tn ~~ j me the Hou•e fin· :111ot.h~I' mo•Hh. 'l'hH motior. wa.• OAITiPd, Rnd the furl hN ''"ll"ir!eratinn of ih" estimates po~tn,ued till next 'rur>:.:.Iuv wet.: k. •

Th•• tl11l• r of thu 1><~~· for the nilopt!on of the rep~1t 011 th<' (P.-Pngt•r !>ill, nnd fnr the •N:on r·: :11lin~· of tlw T'olit>e Fo•·ce l?<'gulation B ll w r<:> pn:.1p•merl till to-:n.,rrow(thi•d:~y), nn I tluHou·w 1<j um<•d at R o'rlock.

Wed ,e.,day, l ilh November. opi 1io>II, the h<·i,;ht of a surdity. It was b<' I'ellucPrl jo fut~Cll "lul!/n'!s a mont'.'· unJ Ol-tJI:;'lS OF THE DAY.

~~,.-.--------------------jccit.lluly l..te iu the ~es,ion t, IL·i •g sa h ~ ~hen .the e,xpmt t~ul~ ,won.d n•1t ~e hlt ~ 1. Gm·e•'llment fltuinPos:-re LEGISL \.'f[\'"' CUU \CIT I Tll''a•ure l~>l IV,ll'd, !JUt it w •• b~ttLr tow than neavdy. fhc. P~'•" t;l" of 91 ~ ex ort <'u~~ I. turar'J B:ll-Sccon.l Reading. \'. ~ - ' '· not., t 111. had ~lt·ca<ly <.een lnlir """ht·med by tl.~ Genc•·al11u<ine>s:- • od Our. r~aolers will :tgr.:e with U<. wo nre sure. in I D. l\IU ltPflY ill ri'pl\· S'tirl tint though Ollie, UTI•i it woul l se.t:c •ly he p· opcr now 1 '-'c~b an J (~aturrh in Shre!) Prevention B!U-To •t thiukm~ tillt. IH the-e >tnrtn,.: tt·ne;, we ;:r~ ud ' ' • • . . I II • t •n tl <· '. tn anrl •tltll'If\' b f I I. . • u tu~ti,ieJ. in loJl~~u! up om· col•t nn:-; by t tle publi. ~- . t ile flou~e h~l (l l., .. en d..,•I)J't\"Ctl of tho a·J- w l~ ) ·•> t Cll ~ .. Cf' 1 ': ~ ~-r~, ~ . e arr wr con: iu•)r('< m Commtl~PC

u l 'ton of Ill'<~' det.u l•!1..l l L'lJort~ of tho ~t~:_, \te~ in ttce v,.t.tagci of 1\Ic 'V{·:;to'r ut l'~ amen hn~tlt. t.h'"' ~~·~ n nC'""'"'l ,,1 f'~)11V1 tiO!'J. . 6. P~t~.r11;!'l•l'6 U.ill-Acloptirn of Report. II "' R N • '"S" l • 1 d 1 1 i. i'olice ~·orco Regulution J5iii-.Second Realo I Lo •iehttive c .. uacil I\ ere thnt u • ly m r~at tt it I> a, uut bee·• do r•,·ud of the arlY<1utage J\!Tr O'S / .,_,:~ < < <•,tnr r: t 1e 1\'Cll~C in;;.

~~. w •:•t •t prcteall< to t>e. al•)(•>l~tlvc a.-emblyo•· t . e , , •• h '.1. , ,. . d h . te aa b i,1 r p rf•<'tlv f<ir to ull P"rtie~. re"'''"''utatw·•• o(llt· p• "pie 1t wuuld be entitier\ · ot h • op~c • ~ liC,I '-'PP· a1 r to av" hct·n FY• m. • .. . . ,

'h tJ' th" pr•v.le;,.L' a-u ' 1;· acconled to •urh cut anol tlricJ fur th·~ oc:•·>~·IIln. (a ltu·~i 1 ) carh mnn lq't.dly g•ttH.lg. bts r1ght te~t Y bo he~. of !•· hg_r~~·orte<l m fuol. While it contii.IU<'~ '1 It 1t hon Hllllll her should u• t fqrgt t the ~18_ ~ 1uare for l 1.1 th ~,· ~lulling:;; lle ~o>

1g a tL now IS,'' r. :culou; muc,,e,·y of ropr~;entahon · tigati 011 he on< 0 l'C<.:eived in the Coun< il ,f d tillTHltl tlte pro Po ,non of the ;jpeakt'r [1)1' n e 1t • ,,s no r.gllt w exjJect any .uch co.nplunent. uud , . ' . ' l l ]' f · , . ' l't" ,11 •0 th' <'uLy

lC we thet·~ltn·~~ !l.m.t our l'eport'i of the procecdmgs, to w!th h he was LJ1'1Ut.l'ly a ruerubt'r, wh n h..: rcc u ~ li-.:.1 n,c o · 11. ~<tf t ,t I.; '

,, c~rel'ully )Jrq.: red >UliiUl:trv of what is rlo:.~ .. c- was tul t by t;1e Coloui,1] Seer~taiY of New a- hemg '~ h If an { 11·•1! rnna.urt'. c mpom··;l occdnu~ ly hy the rcm~r ... 8 ol' the mu.t j Sun~h "\V .uew th:l.t hi~ opiui 118 W<;uiJ havtl l\Ir NlC' f(lL'5llN 'ltj •..:tel to t'1e dou11•'

r~ a'J.c and m1luenLuJ.l memiJcr•~--1

thu weight tl1ey des<Tverl, lrnt nothing tax,. th•t it involve~ t'u ,·.,:t ;•f a .tm~blc ·o.l~ Ill· more It was probable not otllv Ln •t h • In t.nn. n~ shout opp'he t.1e lnll en e\t'l) 1

TUESDAY, IGth :K'O:'E:\fBER. . 1 ct .• t 1;ot .1gr,;o wi h th<l bl)n menii>er,in hi~ claust>., , . . ~ 1 The ~;wrku took the choll' at. five nnuutcs I vr w,; on the subject, out th .. t he was totally M1· G .JLDS:.UITII supporter! th I Ill m "

p1st tllr<!e l.' lo ·L opposed t) him, and h ,, hoped the hon mr;lll· spec.J1 whieh, l ot~1 !rom It> u • :,· ty '·ll l .I're•ent. the At,torncy 0tmcral, the Colo· !Jer would go into the c"1nmittee, anl <owe originality, took w1th gre~L cJfcct on the

ni.d :o;t• •. n·t>ur, t w Atlll•tur G~ncr.\1, the I out of it a wi,.•r .1nl :~ b cttPr unn t!1•n h,, Huu••·· • _ Chairman nf Ut'neral Sc·<~ion~, M<•sws 'Veot-, W"nt in. (a laurrh.) 'l'ne 1011 m.,mber h·~r\ :\lr ;,i::'\IlTR (who spoke ;rom th"01'rca,ury g:11 th, Mur,,h.''• <.;,,~,ph 11, Kiclt ''~"n, Gohl - tlken t.hc opp~:tunity iu lLavoJ ,1 ~ly s]ep , t lknchc~) supj·Orted the mensun•. 11, pt s smiLh, 'l'hom~o:on, U'::; wua .. ~~r, "-\platt, ~trachan, :o;dtnC ot' the re 't'l'N!nt.'\tlves 00" ~ayin,.,. tinn ~1s .:\layor h ul ClHthl~ll h1ul to s ~c th...! 'l'l r Il•ull, nn \Y'lkinoml. wh J tl.! m:•atJt wcr; U<'xt ~ vast evds tlut h •d been tnti·n·lu• c<l ':'-. th"

Dr :;,JUU~'HY a:,l<c·l "qu<'~tlo? r<'lnth·P. tt• uomine,s, hut., .ty leaving the sqtntt-·r,; ~":tiTh for. t,o!.l. :m.'~ he, ~hought thc.~uty •r.u tlw rccreattoll 1 e,erve on 1 he .J<,as'~'ll Hill. b be i·,r'cued. Ut• C•>•It •ll'le 1 t ,1 <t the •h.,ulcl h' Hnp .. sed, ~~ onlJ. 1~ :,om d?gt e t > n- He \\i~hcd to kno,v on what priuc!pie tile sqitatters did f<il'!y reprl)sent t!te 1 :nlony, ,npply the Hleum o! ]•Jon .. lllg e>np•oyu•t'll~ ;,. hollow !lnd not Lhe hill g•ounrl lu<l b<•en re- a!Hl tllat t'hl diot 'it; wei·c net unf,tirly ,ii- flnd ~upport to t.lw ten,, tli.e t.un•h eJ,, .31111 <Jf s~rve.l, srein.~ th tt 1h0 hill grotHid had tlu<l. EV<'l',\' '<lll·<tt.~r in tlw il·lbC ~'"!'!'!'- the :lwusnHls of rc~.n:ued diggc:·~ '"h·>.Intght 1ll: ac!v •ntag~. ot.the ReD: b1. czo, nn<l that oornc •cut.,J a p>pal.tti .. H of over :.lfJUO. The IV:m- po~·tb\y be thro~>.I ~hottly 011 tlu1r lWd l 1 p.ort em ot 1t -ttllrem <~•erl illl'c>l>l. meri.l and ..ilutr .,. <listrict, ea<;h co:1t·:i ,p1J re,onr c,,

The COL0.:\'1.-\L. i:il..:CI~t<;~l'A ~. Y s::ti•l the ll!J\I"ll'<1s or :lC!Utl- inhabit.luts, i!.n<l the ,,t!lCr .Mr A'lll':CKETT defended the ruca.,urc at •vn r.~c.rve had l>c~~~ 1.-t•l ont.Illl''.P.reseu.t form ><(ltlt•iug di.-tJi, t-. a Rtlll'!("I' P·'P'Il.<t:nu. •Y!'PPt.lcu!rth. •)r as 1t was ''Cill,l<~l'l'l'U ehg10lc L•r t.h•l 'l'h.: a rgntnent, ot till• hun. gc<~'lcm ,11 woull "!1:Ir i\If\...;{[1': int'm .t :d th>tt he shoulu

'," purpose. It ~1nd he en t.noug,l~t better t() re- P'-'rhap< have lit"''' wdg;i!t, if it wcrtJ ,, l'C•·IIg'- oppose tlv 13'11. . 'l'ht! hon. member. n.' "l? a g •CIY''. the IHg,ht•r po lllln ol the Inn II for ui:.~ecl pt i Icipl••, tit lt reprc·;c It.ItiJu , 1wul<i hu v<>rv ar"'lllll •utatL"e .•p()e h, tl1e l'lttt·l P •mt"

,.. butl hug pw·p•1<C8, i'llt t'lerc wa~ another oa-c•l >u!Ply 011 po:)lllali•Jll; t ut ht• had _v r·t ,1f ;,·hi 11 w.·,·•: th·· J>'O"lC •• s< til L exbt •d to es re~c·vc, not fn· t.o t :e northw:1rd, cnlled to !Pam that ~nl'il WJs till'<'""'~ 'lite hon. s•1m;:rt;ii.Ig-, even w!:t.'re thJ d<ity to be 'ave~­ug Car etnn Garden•, whie h ~\ <b on. uigh !.\'<(•Und, roemher, :lir (J'cih,1u 1a,sy, h.ul a]>o mule " wu.' t~ic IIHbt tr:ll •J 'n amc•uiot, and l' ret <llltihe th••u.ghtwt~ssuffi ·~t·nt, w1th the other, f•w l.m.dl oh,eivlLion' on the sulje,t, but we B.ll w<•r•' P·h·•A it w,ml•l he t~k(•n nd­at- lor the pu •ll~ l't•qmre.'n'-'nts. . t .. Py were so n•ry fc,v an•l "'' ,.~ y ,ru.ll'' v:>uta•:c nf hy t'l•• (other c •louins, part·citl .. rly a~ Dr ;uu HPllY ag nn "RkllJ, w1th reference in!l•cd (a lnu.~h), th It lie .:honll n•Rcl vc auy r1y South Au!.mli :, t•) the Ji~a ivant,,gc ol •• , t tl the ·~'"P of the Colnny Inatl e by the Sur- noti '(; ( r them fur a J'ntU!'C opp•n tuu.ty. Oill' 0,\'rJ ,

l ·i v~yor·G<'ll ·r II : nu "."'.H· !wme to be en· The qtwttion w.t~ t'u·n pnt •nri carrier', and 1\lr H!DDELT, snpported th l Di~1, ns being lt.ll !Jr v~<l by Arrcnrsm.Itll, 1f <;n'' ttcps h't.d th~ C'o.nmitte ., b•·ing l>alJr,tt<rl fnr, w.l~ de- "f,Ir d ,.l honc~t IHOt!e of r i$:ng n n!'. e • Clt b~cn t:t.k~u w<th a vtew to g:vmp: tnl' colo- clrllctl byt•IeSp<'akc• t..,,. 0 ",i·tofthe follow- ,a,y t.1x, alt:ton,;II :t harll)eeu prrmis<'d t! · " · lll~t; f·ene~ally tl~e. advmt.lge til'lt woulJ ing llltltllbcrs; 'l'ha Atturn<'y o~rtel'al, t'1e th<: lic.•nse fee w IS n .. t t•• b" in ·rC<lS,·,J, it •d a11sc trout as pub lC1ty. J"\u litor Uew.!t'n.l, lUcssr.s \V('btg tlth, Sulith, \VdU!d he 110 w.'ljt off ith to iwptl:le an atl-ht 1'h\l COLO);' lAL S~.CTIE1'ARY said no U'::!lMna,~y. 'llw.u>O.J, l\[.11 P~'Y und the dition.•l 0uty, new tlwt lhB rmount so ntised, ill. re-ervation of topics of the lli"J.l had been 1:\<H'<l' er. w.1s at t h'l L!i,p.~-<tl ol t!10 Couudl, :md not

a nt cd

marl~ Lr the parp~•c ulluilcr! to .by the hon 'Tlt, ATTOR:SEY GENEUAL obtain~d of the Ex<'<nii•··. mem .er; but 1:•: d1d ~1ot don~t tnut. the <'ll- ]c.tve to l•l'iug in " Bdl to pi·even~ion ,• 'l'nc AT l\ lit:\ J<:\"-GS:\'EU \£. s;~i<l th<lt ~r.tvl'r \\OU]cl tt ~pj'ltcu to fend out some uOI'>eancl e;.ttle Hcaliug. He ,..t,Lt~d tiiat t: 1 . "lliloH. Ill<'IIlOl'IS ·•P:>· d t > <l<lll'll•' II • a:;rc•l copies for s lie. Bill rcpe~.t:·l the cxi,tie~g Ad., 1111,1 Lll ct. it· tn,.,. to the ucce,,;,,· I\Jr tile 1 <·\•vnu ·, P''ll ''"<I

SC· '1.''"' CtJ L NT AI~ SE:CUEl' .\ HY took oc- pru\ i,inu~ ,. oul<l f'xten •. tn tho~e cn~ns iu>\\·hic!. to"' h•· r.1i:>e i Lv · 1 his dnt v (:So, (';·, t.I _\]! ''Y easton lo <''<pllu<t, wl'h l'l fne .. (·e to tho qneS· strayed c.lltle ~ere ustHl hy the fi,vl<.-r f•r a h n). ,v,'.t th ·n all,· C:<cl'pt tit· h,on nil t10n pnt a fcv. day~ ego l>y the hon me•uber tim<·, :tn<l then ue!nr,; tummllO<HC, f 1mnu their mcmba (;)!'G., Inn;, wiw, l>y scr. w:n; 2 .. 0;Jl in r'o1· :II .. llHJIHllf' (711rJohn•lon), ~~~to ~ileme:ms way to f1n·cig.1 1uns 1111d \\ere i1npoundcd, IIL'I'C nn•l 3000l t~en·, tn~,l to 111 ke np ~lu•

t<lken loy Oovtrmneut for canymg llltn etlect causing the ov. 11er, to suii',r as muolt as it' th, .unonnt ouL ,,f tltu oth t' items of rc\-~U\11' t.i11• proviH!On8ofthc Convi •t Prcveutinn Bill , cutLie\1 ~re 1-tol"tt. lf the cotim.ltcd 1'-'\'CnUP f..r li:i.'>::l. wc1e con

llr th 1t t'lC UuvLTnmt'nL ol \"an Dirmn,'.• Lund 'l'he AT 1'0U:SEY GE~ERAL also ob- ·i•l<•rc<l l:uge •Hough .'"·tho,•t th,<l. am1· nnt

c1 It 1d 110w, !tt thcu· ow,I <'>p<'n~c, s••nt O\'Cl' t"inerl ,nop '"''U t11 Le r<ll~l'd l,,. t.u- < u.y. :<•notu blt·• lo 'nr )'<H ts for the dettt:tiun ot f.e,l\'tt to bring in a Rill to consolidate an1; th .. t wnnlrt b<' :t g .. o•l nnd l· gitim< t•· run:1wa.'· ('onvids a11'iving her~. nmen .l the La"'~ to St~a~l ~.1\'I,!!Htlon,au. ,.a-on fol' ('~'P\l .... ing- t:1e b'Jt, "'nt tit' }'Oil•t"

1\lt· \VEl:::)l"i.L\R1'L1 oai•l he had been t .. tt.el'<>• 1 ''''·" 1~1 " 1'tstobec:tned,tlnll~:;lna1Mto h:rf!,r rais•·•l ~i:;.tiust it, 1\·~r,• t1.1t till' 1 . . l Ue Uy sea ve~sE-1:-0 II 1 " 1 1 ht 1onored l•.y the tr.lH>llllS>lOt_l of at o ~nnct_~t It ,,·as iutcudte<! loy thi< Bill to nppoiut ho <.July could u vc•r bl.l f'O ectc<, anu t ICl

to t iOIII the. ~ocu·ty of Au,trahan Coloni>ts m ~oard• for Surveyiug the hulls an•l rnachiuen t wuui'll iujure olll'd~lns Rnd llen,•lit ou: .cr, l.o 1· ou, "'gue<l by St"'"l.ey <?arr, an? ot lwro. of the dith·l ent stt':Ll!l V< R<t·ls tr .. diug in th·,. neigli!JourP. lie thought, 011 the c•m .nu·.'·· ey The d:>CU I~ent uot bc'mg m the lurm of a colony, with a view to nsccit.ti:, ing thC'ii t.hat the Dill \\oaltl hrnfit onr•<ln•s nnd 1\' memoru:l, It teoulrl not he preHcuted, but aR saft<ncss and ~e•·u,·it•·. njnre mu· n<·igit!Juur~. Ill tny of nur miner-ail it "~s one of so:uP i~11pr rtauc .. , he w,ould. hrg 'i he lt.'l'l'Ug \.EY-GE~EH.AL fu: the I \\ere from 8nmh Au,tl'lli '• un,J tl. Gov I'll 'I', t.h:.: mllulgente of t1:e I1 uoe to alww Lt to move 1 11 , nt Etl • o t t, t 111t C·•l·•ny h.•.d ln•c·n [l•" "· ' >e rc.ld. •i•t<·•l. jj,_. th •llg· 1t t 11's w L~ c.Irr~·ing- km.l

'l'l , !'or Jcnve to bring in a llill to PUllhlc tho fil:. f 1 t 1 HI OO"Illll<'nt w:l' then rca .. by the Ch•Il:, <'<•uu il of rhc 1 it! of ~lclloourtlc to flop, tlivo•t ••e•s •'11, 111' p.dt ,, littlt• t·l•> -11' , .r;L ' l!"ll' HI


at c­e e-

>nd WClllloltrotooJ i\lr l\e>tg:l•t'1t•~lly,ht~ ul!or,\\idc•uc•>ttlin•tr•·et•iul•itzlttlY l\u1u 1ut hl!di' ontiutw<IU<I\\'; hutpa,·ttlti•Dul -houltl move ou ~olll~ future t!ay that it [)c IIU<l t" oven allthtionullborougllf•rea thOlt'llin n 1 the .\tlelnid· 1 's 'ollt wonhl h l "t"Jl)lc< prmtcd. 'l'hi~ bill wos of a semi-priv~tq character. 11 e},t dvY, All tnu gol·l w,>ull th<'ll com

'l'he Attornry-Gcncral gave notice th~t be /J. number of tho !Ire• ts iu l<'itzrov Wnrct ,,s it HllOuld do to our own port fiJI should WQYQ this day for leave to brio~; in a were blocked up by pl'ivatQ property, and ,bipment, en.l any profit arising from