Parliament of Victoria - Home · 2019-10-23 · J }lr \V~S1'GAR1'll moved- moned by tue Sheriff,...

-------·--- __ .....__ b.ll to enn.b:e the c,, por1tion of Melbnume th woul<l. give pnwer to the Corpor tion I exportation wonld be got hv e tc> roy th,ir lOUllil<JU seal, aud aJupc u •o buy th"se p1· npertie•, thJ value thereof If th ," bill paas,d, new on e. I einli a,ct'l'tain ''l by juries wm- de would cGrnpelled J }lr moved- moned by tue Sheriff, and bv •elliug m deference to an art of Cou,Ictl to stop the' e · 1. That PetiLion< fNm certoin Gold Di:rger3, nt the &outages of the new Btreets t.l ev"n Sir "\IVilliam had r Bendigo an 1 o[OII'It A lexauJer, the pro- r;•pay tile amount S() expended. He be- constJ. f>les OVCl' here, whose p lV Was . 5 e po.ed gxport Du•y on I Jolu.he printeol. licven His LXl·d:ency ha.d his dav, to ai<l in canying nut the a. The AUDlTOH.-Gi£ 'EP ·'L sccon ' cd the 'II' e to 'tl t'· t '·I · B'll A d re. '"' Ll WI mgn "s '' v.lU<'e tlO mon"y o enau e v<'HtiOn ; • e r<:gar the objection of c motion, whi<:h \US carrild. rlw Com. rntion tq pmchase the fir'>t blo. k. the h•lll mernher for N 11 rtil B r)u rl·e 11 Dr illUUPTI Y obt-tine-1 to nmen l the 1\Ir S1ll1'll seconded the motion which Xichrobon, that the expense of collecting t r ii n :otiee of motion, st:Lnding on the i•l 1\'as c•tl'lied, and the bill reau "' Htst ltlty would be great, in addition to thatllf Ius and n.c, on.lingly tillle, the &ccon{l reading bemg set down for collecting the licE\nse fee, he need onlv That tll.b_ Council is of opinion that the wh0lc next 'l'nPsday wJek. mark t.hat that expense would ue very •iuall On t'•e uwt.on of }1r STR.\CIL',N the the duty being collected mer<'ly as a part f ob 1 _·.cr., the sut,joet b• 1 ·eron·e 1 t.., ., sel"ct L'o"' order of the d•\Y for the adoption of the the revenue. His own cl: 9 f t ,. ' f tl S l t C 'tt I ' I ·1 l · · t' lit m1tte to repor. tha,·eon, to lhe Uouoe within one rP.port ro•n .1e <'<; ee on ln• mr Nlu. on .Y o·lJtlC 10n to the bill il mouth. Di>trict Councils waq pv•tponcJ till tl•at day thn.t 11. might have a lt was not his intention to involve the week, in consequence the absence of Mr to mdnce a ch of the lilw. by atternptin) Ilvuse in a ou. the point present, i\Iercer the Chairm•n. to evone the. duty, b"t. the same or to cuter on tlltl cou"'d<'ration of how t.he '1 he Hons·l went into committee pro JornVl equally_ app•ICS thP, hceuse fees, whrc!t ol.;ject to be accompii.he l wo11.ld inv,.lvo on the 'Mnlboume Gas and Coke C,Jminny'> was qu•te 1mpo•s1ble to collect in a perfect i the W•lole constitntioLIJ.l quest.ion. It W>Jitld Bill, a.nd the chairrn1.n n•po1ted pro!ress and m.tnfler. .cb to the argument that numbers , I not be ueccs;ary for the llom.nittce to tak...- l eave to 8it ag·.,in th<tt day wee"-. of l<•t't thiM Cvlony to reside else. s evi tence, ant! therefore tlwy woul•l be nble On the motinn of i\lr the third where, 111 order that _they might enjoy more 0 to brin.r up their I'P[l.>. t wiLhi11 a month. 1·e•vlinC( of the :'lfel l>n•H·ne Fran- of the comf,u of hfe th:n were afferded 1 I Mr thili {N .s.:n: se. ontlsJ the motiou. e'1ise BillW.JR postp< n,4 for a w·ee1;, owing to, here, he !Jel:everl that th:s fluty woul.J in a , II.: 1\0Ulu ta!ic this oppn1tunity of styinrr. the abs:nce. through •lhw•' rnc?.<;ure check the evil. As long 38 , th t nlLiwugh li •e the nou mem •er who h;-d who hac! the roct!'ucting of t:,e Hill. the Colony was regarde(J ()U'y as an o,rnu •e b.-ought forv:ar<l the mutiou he di<luot me.m The U.1u"e then w<>nt into Cornmittoe on to he dry anJ th·n thrown :l.Way"'it tv go into tl1e of the qlt<'otiiJu, yc·t he th.- Gol<l !•:xpMt. Dnty Dill. cculd nevt>r prosper; but on!) pa•s the E-ti• lllJot o!Jocrve tuat. it wa. the mo,t impo1tant l\It· S said th.:.t seeing large m:.tP•, anti all the heot men, Loth from ihe t .. <It could poosib1y be brought under the a number of le!.:·nl P''PSt'Ilt, h' ntoighhotH'ing colon;es and fmm (he .• t llri· attent on of tne> Hom•,, ]f the no,,, llltutiH'l' wi•lled llcf>re g .• ing on the Bill t>J o"k t in, w0u ld flock iuto this eout,tiy, lllutely cunte•n 1 Jllt<J<l au alteration in the TJ,· what clau.e undl'r Consdut .onal Act w s now in only a tntnsition ;t 11 te. He n 1111ber of thll member; of the C<mu il, th-3 Cou•1cil cmpo .vered to pas< such di I ·u<lt wis\ to see the me,tsure forced 'w.tnuut go;ug into the que>tiou of the f Bill. He could not see t •1at fh1 con-tit·.'· 1h ough the C•,uncil, but nt the same u whtch wa' 'u•ted to the reqnire- ti.mal A··t conf•Tl'P<l thcpowei·on the Lo•m•il t me he shoulu be very sorry to wee llH'uts uf th• co.lony, he (.:\Ir 0'8haH.Is•y) tn l••,·y any outy on the exports of tb.e it I' je t d. onullld not agree 111 hUch a l1mitcd \'tu\1' of colony. Mr O'S"'AN \SSY drew attention to th()! <[HdtiOn, or t:tat it h[Ln bkeu up in The s1id thr> that in th session the debnteon the uwuucr th .t it ou,.,.ht to qu<stion raiser! h rJ.<>ctdy hePn duty t.ook place ou the :.list Oecem- h cV-J be.:u. Tile Conucil c<,uld n .. t 0 shut sf'!tl"rl. Th<l Conncil h,,J full power to he1·, while the f•ill for the hLttei' iti crcs to th.: great 111 ,vemeut pass nn Duty Bill if they del•m ·d it ,,f t \10 g.1ld fi e lds was p on the 6th w .ich luu been made ir1 South f,n· t ,he peace nnd goo<! govern- J n vu-y follow:ng, audit w.H only on \V" .11es to alter t11e const"t.Lition, and w ti ·h mPnt of t 1 1e l'oio'1Y. The best to the Speaker'• that the Attorney. was al:out to t.c ouut home fin· tlw saw·t•• u the wr1s ihe t of the Bill having had p'Olu ,erl the fee sboulrl or the Uovernmtnt. It thnt a. bePH iut•'•ldl\Pe<i. not be increa<ed, that Bill was SI.llilar siloulu be iutrodu::e<l iut·> l\[r STU.\.CIL\.N the Bill was intro· to by the Conndl. 'l'hi, Rill could not be t •. i, GvU'l\'i'. Jf tlte Council did at.teurl rluc<•cl in t·I'I'Ol', and he w" ul rl lik<' to h ve ancl at th(} s•me time• th kept w;t 11 tv t 1c wisilcs of tl1e people upon jJOint, the or.ininn of the hon member, he unless that Act Wls rcpGalcd at tloe p··opll'W·>IIIll h ve tn "'' itfurthcm:;.,lve• en thE> P''int, th" S<trre time. He .cppov>Jct of tlw pl u of h.n·iug two t h till· · .:\llc·hi<'. though to be caller! Sr'E \ KER •·irl it had be•n stn under. i.Jl·l'·,,w 1id• h.Hl aro·'IV r•• Yerywc•ll on by n lrn(•, gwe hiH opinir•n thongh gtood <'O'Il)l:\l't ht'tween Guvernor as the lt t.1 .t the pn •ltc voi•··· shoull til ol l nr·t dirl r.ot •r1nfcr on the •1·1re repre8ent.>ti\•e of the Cl'O·.vu nnd the Cuuncit be tw.uu 1u t.•c J, ·giS!a.tu. • ·, Hllft t,l t, in ti 11 , the of an ex .ort th. 1t a• the l'<'pr•·"eirt.ltive of people, that the t limn of U J\'emment, t 1 be dr.Iwa np, a t wa• overri I iPn "v ti1e new C'on-titutioll'tl licen•e fee was not t? he in t·easerl. It did tne mt"re>ts of tHe bhould oc cou· ,\..-t, nn•ler whi •·h full power eJEi,t•l I fvr the not follow !IS argu"d by the AttnmeyGene•P.l, Suit Hl. t h<tt the of tl-te G heing i\[r \VESfG.\Hl'II woul•l have prefcrn·<l 1\Jr A'B "CKP.'l"r con urrPd in th opinion. transfc'rred to the House, the latter was free thu lwll lntlll lCl' shout! have hr, 1 ught "\lr f•ondemned the meas11"e t() aq it plea;e I. Oa the "OUtral'\' the I f 11'\\',ll'd hb Ill tiOil iu .t, "l'ig:nal f·n·m, 1\.ltl no impo,i•t£!; wothnut f(•jJI'<'Rfn'·lli·•n. Hon•e W'IS bounrt hy the of ita lL ve (}lr \V,otg uth) to a1ry !1• lnd .i"-t rl'twncli fr•lrn t.:1e goll fi,.J . l,, pnrlec11s-ors, and mm.t t 1";0 tl e f,H'Wul'Lt Ui!"ll it the alll<'nrl!ut'llt of w1d !1 he and ft·om what h.- h 11'1. seen, h<' vc1R qurte with all Jt< The Govern. h ,J uvti··c. Til· 111 t '''• n< a. nen ie 1, c••Itein t!vt the 30s li .,.. n,e fPe. w.ts flon'>h· mr·ut h ,fi p·<e(l that n) should I d1 i U<Jt quite mrLt [,j, 'iew•, a. it lull' l1y lwa,·y a t.tx now it w:\S L•st take pl1c<> in t '' "' lie<>nse an\ by that aol'·)l'\.1• tl -c 'l'e f r tl.e lltl {·ou,i1lc ,.e ,., pmmi•(} the Hou:.e l'q11al y bound. I.tti.Jll Pftr.e sulljJ<'t, but a' t ·at scope · The \T1'0'1YEY ",j,J in re- Tf the pa•Red this me"surt•, thc I" l'iwJ'" "" >O 11, wl,. t gt·d l•y th 0 pi_,, t.l )1,· ( l-'."'· a n;n hnd J\mll' ·r a ct of Council woulcl rise up Ulottl!e, he •hould ll•>t op, "''' it. 11 111 u t h,•,..n it trorlu,.c I in Kew 811uth \Vale". a•,rl in jurigment ag- in t th r m. H.! repeatetl ll;i'<'C t:l t trlf: ltlCt'C.\9e of an.l P•>pu- th tit w:1' htl'n led t1 com•• int·l "i'Cl"lt,nn tint remi>siou ].,ti••n d01UaH1etl an a•lcliti,HI to the 11u 111 l>!'t on t te <.1m",,.,,, n< thiq, Thr Gov• r.1•0 l'11t wen' rna lc in the li•'f'nse f•P, t11e Honse was of melll"<'IS in Cuuncli, hut tnere w I'<' fll· of Smth An,trali' h·ltl a!Ro he<'u C11m·n ·1nt iu a po,iti()n, rnor lly "pe.1kiug, to enact u ;< "' to he att,Lin._.d, >Lil 1 f.• ·r t •l with ()'1 t'tc .ubjrct, Lmt no rt<ply h ,d yet •hi' exp(lrt lltttv nn gL•ld. to •e 1 eH,cJi cl iu the c'I!IHit 11tionnftho be n r<'r 'i'·"'l Tile C t'leu <livide-1 on l\fr CHill iltlt.u1 L te nun.ll:rot' fher,• l\Jr (,'3riAXASSY Pxpre •ed ,h is Ponvi c- 8tra··h·1n's amemhuent, \\ith fullnwiug · "'·'" pa1ti ·ul;riy the great d••l't•l't, thnt the t:on thdt iftiu• Bill wero p•ssed, the <lit!g rs rrsult :- 1 C•mn .l ctid nr•t l'l'!H'Cseut the ()o:onist•. \l"onld refn liC<'lliiC f' •c. anrl h ·,l f the Ayes, 9. (ll··,u·.J 'J'J)I)U,;It as a cite k n<r linst t.u0 cstimP-terl fo1· the Cll'U·ng ye[lr. "''" )fr I g•·•·at 11 dcmuen•tic t eudrn"y, the I .. mau•nt h .l•e r•i,e<l fnm th.e f"'orlt<"' r:f '!ichie N<Ws, 12. The -\nl.t·or.i:;eu"' 11 (:Oioni,ll <ry h_d r tv t'1 •m till' p<>Wll' of the<e p: >ll q, he t.hou,;ht w·onld_lte a h:>nn<sy a1 their Cl\\ll llOlll.UCCH, Oll<'·th:rd of tJJe lll'l't f'"1Hl''lt!Cilt t) JC0 1 lar 1 IS() SO 'Jtt."lcU:! Mr A'Beckftt WJI·In-oit llirlrlell (inld..rpi'll Thomson mea. nf Lh•3 C"n" il, an a,J.I.tioJH.ll <:heck n l y f•r<i 1g Rut·h a n)l•r,,ure lud \.e,·n Illli" S··d on thc>m h,l' tii"i' !'\'dll':y th•' w:she:> ;11, l of the cla». The!'!,J••:r:,•r f i ·uJs, of coa cn·<llivtJ or Uov rnmeutil ten- rno't. Lltc r"•t<' I. .\Tr bvl tt, T.llcr, tl!'.I .,., r.wl it w.:s p·nYerl h1· t.te v t·•s of )lr \'E '\TG •.RTH a<1,cd if thr Atto:-nry- t!ul C•mn il, tlut it< o 1 ,:ni• n3 -w<'r·ln·1t i>J a 1·• 0<'ne•al \\"HLld ronsPnt t • w:th lr<w the Titll Ctll' l.n('e with tho vie,IS pf the till W·'l'C oht·1inPd from th' ll•'igh- 'l' .er · w llC 'l'\' ru.l ot .Iel' to which. l> on ling Cohn iPs, stnt:ng thr•ir int.cution of !lf1 he C•)llSI uteci t tht! aun-•uded tnot ,)!I, it en::tf·tiug '"ilnil:1•' ln(lP.<::U n•H. 11ut u.:•·eo.>·llY f\H' him to allur.c at 'fhe ATT' \f. wa• in tho k:.,.;tn, a' c:"' H>·•k n..: lwn<l• oft 1 lC lint!'', bnt h" t>)\llrln·t h:•n.;1 •H l<'(lll'U o•dy nUll llllUL:oer, t. e np ,.f au_v l!;''l\llld r fn t:H'l' the t •\\ n, t:e pa.-t >, I!U<l the ;•gn II tur,\l Mr A rT {)O'•r.'Ctlte<l ii.!1Y dbtrict,, !m•l 'f t.Ic a n.dl oe< u .:,.,., witl. t!t<' fUitiH'l' pn•tpon<'mcnt, wlurh would o ·ly l·c .. 1:\ tt.-t the u t,.;,alultcn1 ;)t at f( n ling off qli"':-\ti,ln l nf lt. u,., gnll fi wts ll'l ep l, th ug, A hrgc w.os < n th" e-t:nn'<'•, n" to b•· h1lf tho! 1•· pnluti<•ll we1e t 01 tno•C r'li-<•1 loy t 1 tis expo:t dnh•, nrl'l t;ll t 1 te qu•'s· li"l s, a p·t:.•t pmpultiun of <'On> otin.. t'on of tiw <luty H t 'cd. it woulrl he im-· of a ulL "' poosiLh to deal with the Mr the !ton mover ha·l givc'll sum· rC.hllll< for hrin:;in6 forwml :i\Ir the .Bill Borne <JU<.Hiou at til t ,t,•ge , f t:u· M:.,-i, 1. unrl moved th .t tit•• 1-noh ·• ruc.lsure di.l not appear t•) be the chai•·, letvcto stt ng;un th:.t dey for l>y tn,_. In 't:r t• •n ·h •ix month•. . . lll":t,Ut<'8 lti :t r.:t'•ol'lll in th<• r'-'i·He,c·nt•ti•Hl 1'he Sl'EAhEU thoughtthn,.on<Il<W'\tlm' "• re g<· lor, cd oa th l' Lt·gi•latnr,• [,,. u•ged l>y th' oppo"tl'llti nf' T)ill, th·•t tl•e p1 "'''u·c with nt, au•l ow 1Nl he p .,·ment of th<1 liconsJ f ·e ,.,.o 1l·l bP with 'u·pi· iuu ••t• tho mo lc iu lniu;:;· h•• d itt tlte event of the rne:1r.nrc p·t<s•ng, it the(.; >UH£'i) j l it,; [>l'<'S:Ilt Rl11p •, It. llut t I h,tve [1.11/ "'I·Jght., •nth tlte Tlwre h ul bel'u uu t•u!Jli · mrPtiUJ• c>ulleu .,11 f;,, Iu"Il, (h<·nr. II· _nfl.n h t.l!' 11 •je t, and he t!to.Ight th" motiun J'l'<'· C':it th 1t w·n!ll folio IV ;lw 1mpo!<1tlon of a, m.ttun•, he 61tuu11 it wltn a Uli'I!Ct h gh flut.y, · ut he th •ug .t the a·nnn•It prn· ne•a iv<'. plSC<l HO !b t.lotwiate r.llo 1 j · tion S.HITH did n •t agr•c wit:1 th<' hot He .th·mght tlu fee !!"'>''c 1 th at ti•c HoUi>' was to w.1it for an f\H m?ny ot the .(li,.!g<l'<: of npiuinn out of d<JOI'S bef"re pl'•l- H.u<l Wotul<l . more: m, . Ill the to do flet.t•night IHon Ill• m- <'Yent ot a ft.llmg-olr tn the y.eld, whiCh muny ber, h Ld a lie:\ Jv it.1cl ""c ,ntfid<·llt "' ,r·,; 11g r <1'1< rnn•t l<·r•d h.\d alrea lv t 'k<'n rhc", on t•1,1t poiut · th.s "ll":;ion. 'J ho Jlou ,. a ·rl whi h if it h1cl not a'rcady would. cr- \\ .L< -upp 1se l t0 I' pr,•seut the eou•1tr)·, attl to t'linly b•1 the easa Tile J,n )\V It.' w .. nt> <.I to wa:t, th '1'<'- ta!e of he doui,Je ,,fa h .. en•n foe sm.l; n f,"e, fur a out of ,• 0 ,)1' 8 hc· l•xpO!t duty t'1•t il1e.'· to equ·1]1,e pr ccuuin6 t." do ib dut,r, woHI,J be, iu hi, 1 the ratPs. IIo hN·,,,e. The 'lf General Session•, Teller. l\f •j >rity in ra v.w of Uill, 3. The con,irlcrati"n of t •l' lir;: cbu•e w-as , 1te,I with, and the RtllOtlllt. of .lut.1· (() IH' rai•!'•l w.;A prr·pose•l tht! At· torne_,. ""O'Jr•tl f() bP. <lt 2s td per oz. :\lr moved an amPudment -·'' 1 h't the dut.'· •1vm(.l he> o•tl? I• per oz;" h t afte1' S•'Illl' l:ttle cliscu,,ion, it was agreed to P''tp •ill' the f•nthcr of the in O"<lcr t'1at many tn<'tnl•er:; at.prcsPnt al>'e' t. fom illn<••s might he able to tako rnr' iu thl' 'r\l(J CII,\lR Vi i\N accnruinglv renorter\ un1 o'·tLined leavu to sit 'agaiu day WCI'k. 'f 1e ll · u•e t 1 ten nwvPd into tee •>f s•lppl,,· th., AUDJl'· •n who "tatccl th•t he wnultl not he "ith t:le "lJ•p:crneut:11y so soon a11 ht• harl •d, nud h" Rhould move that thn prot-r"s<, ond ubt.lin I ·:LV.) to ,<;t rlav fortnight . S v m\ n1j·'.:t cl. to the pogtp<me- mrut, nnrl \1r S \00, R SS that it w•'\11(1 be j·1•· :.H wcil tn j me the Hou•e fin· mo•Hh. 'l'hH motior. wa.• OAITiPd, Rnd the furl hN ''"ll"ir!eratinn of ih" estimates till next 'rur>:.:.Iuv wet.: k. Th•• tl11l• r of thu for the nilopt!on of the 011 th<' (P.-Pngt•r !>ill, nnd fnr the •N:on of tlw T'olit>e Fo•·ce l?<'gulation B ll w r<:> pn:.1p•merl till nn I tluHou·w 1<j um<•d at R o'rlock. Wed ,e.,day, l ilh November. opi 1io>II, the h<·i,;ht of a surdity. It was b<' I'ellucPrl jo "lul!/n'!s a mont'.'· unJ Ol-tJI:;'lS OF THE DAY. l..te iu the t, IL·i •g sa h .the e,xpmt ,won.d n•1t hlt Gm·e•'llment fltuinPos:- re LEGISL \.'f[\ '"' CUU \CIT I Tll''a•ure IV,ll'd, !JUt it w •• tow than neavdy. fhc. t;l" of ex ort I. turar'J B:ll-Sccon.l Reading. \'. - ' not., t 111. had <.een lnlir """ht·med by Genc•·al11u<ine>s:- od Our. will :tgr.:e with U<. wo nre sure. in I D. l\IU ltPflY ill ri'pl\· S'tirl tint though Ollie, UTI•i it woul l se.t:c •ly he opcr now 1 an J in Shre!) Prevention B!U-To •t tillt. IH the-e >tnrtn,.: tt·ne;, we ud ' ' • • . . I II t •n tl '. tn anrl •tltll'If\' b f I I. . • u in up om· col•t nn:-; by t tle publi. . t ile (l l., .. en d..,•I)J't\"Ctl of tho a·J- w ) · •> t Cll .. Cf' 1 ': . e arr wr con: iu•)r('< m u l 'ton of det.u l •!1..l l of tho in ttce v,.t.tagci of 1\Ic 'V{·:;to'r ut amen t.h'"' n nC'""'"'l ,,1 tiO!'J. . 6. U. ill-Aclopti rn of Report. II "' R N • '"S" l • 1 d 1 1 i. i'olice Regulution J5iii-.Second Realo I Lo •iehttive c .. uacil I\ ere thnt u • ly m tt it I> a, uut bee·• do r•,·ud of the arlY<1utage J\!Tr O'S / < < <•,tnr r: t 1e in;;. w •:•t •t prcteall< to t>e. a.-emblyo•· t. e , , •• h '. 1 ., ,. . d h . te aa b i, 1 r p rf•<'tlv f<ir to ull re"'''"''utatw·•• o(llt· p• "pie 1t wuuld be entitier\ · ot h • liC,I '-'PP· a1 r to av" hct·n FY• m. .. . . , 'h tJ' th" pr•v.le;,.L' a-u ' 1;· acconled to •urh cut anol tlricJ fur (a carh mnn lq't.dly g•ttH.lg. bts r1ght Y bo of !•· m fuol. While it '1 It 1 t hon Hll llll her should u• t fqrgt t the 1 uare for l 1.1 th lle 1g a tL now IS,'' r. :culou; muc,,e,·y of · tigati 011 he on< 0 l'C<.:eived in the Coun< il ,f d tillTHltl tlte pro Po ,non of the ;jpeakt'r [1)1' n e 1t • ,,s no r.gllt w exjJect any .uch co.nplunent. uud , . ' . ' l l ]' f · , . ' l't" , 11 0 th' <'uLy lC we !l.m.t our l'eport'i of the procecdmgs, to w!th h he was LJ1'1Ut.l'ly a ruerubt'r, wh n h..: rcc u li-.:. 1 n,c o · 11. t ,t I.; ' ,, )Jrq.: red >UliiUl:trv of what is .. c- was tul t by t;1e Coloui, 1] of New a- hemg h If an { 1 1·•1! rnna.urt'. c mpom··;l ly hy the ... 8 ol' the mu.t j "\V .uew th:l.t opiui 118 W<;uiJ havtl l\Ir NlC' f(lL'5llN 'ltj •..:tel to t'1e dou11•' a'J.c and m1luenLuJ.l 1 thu weight tl1ey des<Tverl, lrnt nothing tax, . th•t it t'u ,·.,:t ;•f a Ill· more It was probable not otllv Ln •t h • In t.nn. shout opp'he t.1e lnll en e\t'l) 1 TUESDAY, IGth :K'O:'E:\fBER. . 1 ct .• t 1;ot .1gr,;o wi h th<l bl)n menii>er,in claust>., , . . 1 The took the choll' at. five nnuutcs I vr w,; on the subject, out th .. t he was totally M1 · G .JLDS:.UITII supporter! th I Ill m " p1st tllr<!e l.' lo ·L opposed t) him, and h ,, hoped the hon mr;lll· spec.J1 whieh, l !rom It> u • :,· ty '·ll l .I're•ent. the At,torncy 0tmcral, the Colo· !Jer would go into the c" 1 nmittee, anl <owe originality, took w1th cJfcct on the ni.d :o;t• •. n·t>ur, t w Atlll•tur the I out of it a wi,.•r .1nl bc tt Pr unn t!1•n h,, Huu••·· _ Chairman nf Ut'neral M<•sws 'Veot-, W"nt in. (a laurrh.) 'l'ne 1 011 m.,mber :\lr ;,i::'\IlTR (who spoke ;rom th" 0 1'rca,ury g:11 th, Mur,,h.''• 11, Kiclt Gohl - tlken t.hc iu lLavoJ , 1 s]ep , t supj·Orted the mensun•. 11, pt s smiLh, U'::; wua .. "-\platt, :o;dtnC ot' the re 't'l'N!nt.'\tlves 00 " tinn .:\layor h ul h1ul to s th...! 'l'l r Il•ull, nn \Y'lkinoml. wh J tl.! m:•atJt wcr; U<'xt vast evds tlut h •d been tnti·n·lu• c<l ':'-. th" Dr a:,l<c·l r<'lnth·P. tt• uomine,s, hut., .ty leaving the sqtntt-·r,; for. t,o!.l. he, •r.u tlw rccreattoll 1 e,erve on 1 he Hill. b be i·,r'cued. Ut• C•>•It •ll'le 1 t , 1 <t the •h.,ulcl h' Hnp .. sed, onlJ. :,om d?gt e t > n- He to kno,v on what priuc!pie tile sqitatters did f<il'!y reprl)sent t!te 1 :nlo ny, ,npply the Hleum o! ]•Jon .. lllg ;,. hollow !lnd not Lhe hill g•ounrl lu<l b<•en re- a!Hl tllat t'hl diot 'it; wei·c net unf,tirly ,ii- flnd to t.lw ten,, tli.e t.un•h eJ,, .31111 <Jf th tt 1h0 hill grotHid had tlu<l. EV<'l',\' in tlw il·lbC the :lwusnHls of '"h·>.Intght 1 ll: ac!v ot.the ReD: b1. czo, nn<l that oornc •cut.,J a p>pal.tti .. H of over :.lfJUO. The IV:m- be 011 tlu1r lWd l 1 p.ort em ot 1t -ttllrem illl'c>l>l. meri.l and ..ilutr .,. <listrict, ea<;h co: 1 t·:i ,p 1 J re,onr c,, The COL0.:\'1.-\L. Y s::ti•l the ll!J\I"ll'<1s or :lC!Utl- inhabit.luts, i!.n<l the ,,t!lCr .Mr A'lll':CKETT defended the ruca.,urc at •vn had 1.-t •l ont.Illl''.P.reseu.t form ><(ltlt•iug di.-tJi, t-. a Rtlll'!("I' P·'P'Il.<t:nu. •Y!'PPt.lcu!rth. •)r as 1t was ehg10lc L•r t.h•l 'l'h.: a rgntn ent, ot till• hun. , 11 woull "!1:Ir i\If\...;{[1': int'm .t :d th>tt he shoulu '," purpose. It he en better t() re- P'-'rhap< have lit"''' wdg;i!t, if it wcrtJ ,, l'C• ·IIg'- oppose tlv 13'11. . 'l'ht! hon. member. n.' "l? a g •CIY''. the IHg,ht•r po lllln ol th e Inn II for pt i Icipl••, tit lt reprc·;c It.ItiJu , 1 wul <i hu v<>rv ar"'lllll •utatL"e .•p()e h, tl1e l'lttt·l P •mt" ,. . butl hug pw·p•1<C8, i'llt t'lerc another oa-c•l >u!Ply 011 po:)lllali•Jll; t ut ht• had _v r·t , 1f ;,·hi 11 w.·,·•: th·· J>'O"lC •• s< til L exbt •d to es not fn· t. o t :e northw:1rd, cnlled to !Pam that WJs 'lite hon. s•1m;:rt;ii.Ig-, even w!:t.'re thJ d<ity to be ug Car etnn Garden•, whi e h <b on. uigh !.\'<(•Und, roemher, :lir (J'cih, 1 u 1 a,sy, h.ul a]>o mule " wu.' IIHbt tr:ll •J 'n amc•uiot, and l' ret <llltihe w1th the other, f•w l.m.dl oh,eivlLion' on the sulje,t, but we B.ll w<•r•' P·h·•A it w,ml•l he nd- at- lor the pu l't•qmre.'n'-'nts. . t .. Py were so n•ry fc,v an•l "'' y ,ru.ll'' v:>uta•:c nf hy t'l•• (other c •louins, part·citl .. rly Dr ;uu HPllY ag nn "RkllJ, w1th refer ence in!l•cd (a th It lie .:honll n•Rcl vc auy r 1 y South Au!.mli :, t•) the ivant,,gc ol •• , t tl the of the Colnny Ina tl e by the Sur- noti '(; ( r them fur a J'ntU!'C opp•n tuu.ty. Oill' 0,\'rJ , l ·i ·r II : nu ". "'.H· !wme to be en· The qtwttion t'u·n pnt •nri carrier', and 1\lr H!DDELT, snpported th l ns being lt.ll !Jr by Arrcnrsm.Itll, 1f <;n'' ttcps h't.d C'o.nmitte ., b•·ing l>alJr,tt<rl fnr, de- "f,Ir d ,.l IHOt!e of r i$:ng n n!'. e • Clt w<th a vtew to g:vmp: tnl' colo- clrllctl byt•IeSp<'akc• t..,,. 0 ",i·tofthe follow- ,a,y t.1x, alt:ton,;II :t harll)eeu prrmis<'d t! ·"· advmt.lge til'lt woulJ ing llltltllbcrs; 'l'ha Atturn<'y t'1e th<: lic.•nse fee w IS n .. t t•• b" in ·rC<lS,·,J, it •d a11sc trout as pub lC1ty. J"\u litor Uew.!t'n.l, lUcssr.s \V('btg tlth, Sulith, \VdU!d he 110 w.'ljt off ith to iwptl:le an atl- ht 1'h\l COLO);' lAL said no 'llw.u>O.J, l\[. 11 und the dition.•l 0uty, new tlwt lhB rmount so ntised, ill. re-erv a tion of topics of the lli"J.l had been 1:\<H'<l' er. w.1s at t h'l ol t!10 Couudl, :md not a nt cd Lr the ulluilcr! to .by the hon 'Tlt, ATTOR:SEY GENEUAL of the Ex<'<nii•··. mem .er; but 1:•: d1d tnut. the <'ll- ]c.tve to l•l'iug in " Bdl to ,• 'l'nc AT l\ lit:\ J<:\"-GS:\'EU \£. th<lt \\OU]cl tt to fend out some uOI'>eancl e;.ttle Hcaliug. He tiiat t: 1 . "lliloH. Ill<'IIlOl'IS ·•P:>· d t > <l<lll'll•' II • a:;rc•l copies for s lie. Bill the Ad., 1111 ,1 Lll ct. it · tn,.,. to the ucce,,;,,· I\Jr tile 1 <·\•vnu ·, P''ll ''"<I SC· '1.''"' CtJ L NT SE:CUEl' .\ HY took oc- pru\ ,. oul<l f'xten •. tn iu>\\·hic!. to"' h•· r.1i:>e i Lv · 1 his dnt v (:So, (';·, t.I _\]! ''Y easton lo <''<pllu<t, wl'h l'l fne .. (·e to tho qneS· strayed c.lltle ustHl hy the fi,vl<.-r f•r a h n). ,v,'.t th ·n all,· C:<cl'pt tit· h,on nil t10n pnt a fcv. ego l>y the hon me•uber tim<·, :tn<l then ue!nr,; tummllO<HC, f 1mnu their mcmba (;)!'G., Inn;, wiw, l>y scr. w:n; 2.. 0;Jl in r'o1· :II .. llHJIHllf' (711rJohn•lon), way to f 1n·cig. 1 1uns 1111 d \\ere i1 npoundcd, IIL'I'C nn•l 3000l to 111 ke np t <lken loy Oovtrmneut for canymg llltn etlect causing the ov. 11er, to suii',r as muolt as it' th, .unonnt ouL ,,f tltu oth t' items of t.i11• proviH!On8ofthc Convi •t Prcveutinn Bill, 1-tol"tt. lf the cotim.ltcd 1'-'\'CnUP f..r li:i.'>::l. wc1e con llr th 1t t'lC UuvLTnmt'nL ol \"an Dirmn,'.• Lund 'l'he AT 1'0U:SEY also ob- ·i•l<•rc<l l:uge •Hough .'"·tho,•t th,<l. am 1 · nnt c1 It 1d 110w, !tt thcu· ow,I s••nt O\'Cl' t"inerl ,nop '"''U t11 Le l,,. t.u- < u.y. :<• notu blt·• lo 'nr )'<H ts for the dettt:ti un ot f.e,l\'tt to bring in a Rill to consolidate an1; th .. t wnnlrt b<' :t g .. o•l nnd gitim< t•· run:1wa.'· ('onvids a11'iving nmen .l the to ,.a-on fol' .... ing- t: 1e b'Jt, "'nt tit' }'Oil•t" 1\lt· \VEl:::)l"i.L\R1'L1 oai•l he had been t .. h:rf!,r rais•·•l it, t1.1t till' 1 . . l Ue Uy sea II 1 " 1 1 ht 1onored l•.y the tr.lH>llllS>lOt_l of at o It ,,·as iutcudte<! loy thi< Bill to nppoiut ho <.July could u vc•r bl.l f'O ectc<, anu t ICl to t iOIII the. of Au,trahan Coloni>ts m for Surveyiug the hulls an•l rnachiuen t wuui'll iujure Rnd llen,•lit ou: . cr, l.o ou, "'gue<l by St"'"l.ey <?arr, an? ot l wro. of the dith ·l ent stt':Ll!l V< R<t·ls tr .. diug in th·,. neigli!JourP. lie thought, 011 the c•m .nu·.'·· ey The uot bc'mg m the lurm of a colony, with a view to nsccit.ti:, ing thC'ii t.hat the Dill \\oaltl hrnfit onr•<ln•s nnd 1\' memoru:l, It teoulrl not he preHcuted, but aR saft<ncss and njnre mu· Ill tny of nur miner- ail it one of so:uP rtauc .., he w,ould. hrg 'i he lt.'l'l'Ug fu: the I \\ere from 8nmh Au,tl'lli '• un,J tl. Gov I'll 'I', t.h:.: mllulgente of t1:e I1 uoe to alww Lt to move 1 11 , nt Etl • o t t, t 111t C·•l·•ny h.•.d ln•c·n [l•" ' >e rc.ld. •i•t<·•l. jj,_. th •llg· 1t t 1 1's w km.l 'l 'l , !'or Jcnve to bring in a llill to PUllhlc tho fil:. f 1 t 1 HI OO"Illll<'nt w:l ' then rca .. by the Ch•Il:, <'<•uu il of rhc 1 it! of to flop, tlivo•t ••e•s •'11, 111' p.dt ,, littlt• t·l•> - 1 1' , . r;L ' l!"ll' HI ed at c- e e- > nd WClllloltrotooJ i\lr ul!or,\\idc•uc•>ttlin•tr•·et•iul•itzlttlY l\u1 u 1ut hl!di' ontiutw<IU<I\\'; hutpa,·ttlti•Dul -houltl move ou future t!ay that it [)c IIU<l t" oven allthtionullborougllf•rea thOlt'llin n 1 the .\tlelnid· 1 's 'ollt wonhl h l "t"Jl)lc< prmtcd. bill wos of a character. 11 e},t dvY, All tnu gol·l w,>ull th<'ll com 'l'he Attornry-Gcncral gave notice be /J. number of tho !Ire• ts iu l<'itzrov Wnrct ,,s it HllOuld do to our own port fiJI should WQYQ this day for leave to in a were blocked up by pl'ivatQ property, and ,bipment, en.l any profit arising from

Transcript of Parliament of Victoria - Home · 2019-10-23 · J }lr \V~S1'GAR1'll moved- moned by tue Sheriff,...

Page 1: Parliament of Victoria - Home · 2019-10-23 · J }lr \V~S1'GAR1'll moved- moned by tue Sheriff, and bv •elliug m deference to an art of Cou,Ictl to stop the' e r · 1. That PetiLion

-------·--- __ .....__ ~ b.ll to enn.b:e the c,, por1tion of Melbnume th ~~~1il1 woul<l. give pnwer to the Corpor tion I it~ exportation wonld be got hv e tc> J~;s roy th,ir lOUllil<JU seal, aud aJupc u •o buy th"se p1·npertie•, thJ value thereof mcrch.t~uts. If th ," bill wert~ paas,d, ~

new on e. I einli a,ct'l'tain ''l by juries wm- ~deLi! de Gov~nmLent would ~e cGrnpelled J }lr \V~S1'GAR1'll moved- moned by tue Sheriff, and bv •elliug m deference to an art of Cou,Ictl to stop the'

e · 1. That PetiLion< fNm certoin Gold Di:rger3, nt the &outages of the new Btreets t.l t·R,~ort, a~ ev"n Sir "\IVilliam Deni~on had 8e~~ r Bendigo an 1 o[OII'It A lexauJer, a~nindt the pro- r;•pay tile amount S() expended. He be- constJ.f>les OVCl' here, whose p lV Was . 5 e po.ed gxport Du•y on IJolu.he printeol. licven His LXl·d:ency ha.d expre~~cd his dav, to ai<l in canying nut the c:.nvi~ta'p1 a.

The AUDlTOH.-Gi£ 'EP ·'L sccon ' cd the 'II' e to 'tl t'· t '·I · B'll A d re. '"' Ll WI mgn "s '' v.lU<'e tlO mon"y o enau e v<'HtiOn ; • e r<:gar ~ the objection of c motion, whi<:h \US carrild. rlw Com. rntion tq pmchase the fir'>t blo. k. the h•lll mernher for N 11rtil Br)url·e ~~ 11 Dr illUUPTI Y obt-tine-1 loav~ to nmen l the 1\Ir S1ll1'll seconded the motion which Xichrobon, that the expense of collecting t r ii n :otiee of motion, st:Lnding on the pap~r i•l 1\'as c•tl'lied, and the bill w~s reau "' Htst ltlty would be great, in addition to thatllf

Ius uam~, and n.c, on.lingly m~v.•d- tillle, the &ccon{l reading bemg set down for collecting the licE\nse fee, he need onlv r~-That tll.b_ Council is of opinion that the wh0lc next 'l'nPsday wJek. mark t.hat that expense would ue very •iuall

j~':,;,0k\S~·.}~~~~·~~~~~~!1~.u~~ ~~i~~~rt~·:rr~0~~h~t On t'•e uwt.on of }1r STR.\CIL',N the the duty being collected mer<'ly as a part f ob1_·.cr., the sut,joet b• 1·eron·e 1 t.., ., sel"ct L'o"' order of the d•\Y for the adoption of the the Cnotom~ revenue. His own cl: 9f

t ,. ' f tl S l t C 'tt I ' I ·1 l · · t' lit • m1tte to repor. tha,·eon, to lhe Uouoe within one rP.port ro•n .1e ~ <'<; on~m· ee on ln• mr Nlu. on .Y o·lJtlC 10n to the bill il mouth. Di>trict Councils waq pv•tponcJ till tl•at day wa.~ thn.t 11. might have a tond~nc,

lt was not his intention to involve the week, in consequence <~f the absence of Mr to mdnce a bre~ ch of the lilw. by atternptin) Ilvuse in a di~c u.~ion ou. the point ~t present, i\Iercer the Chairm•n. to evone the. duty, b"t. the same objett;o~ or to cuter on tlltl cou"'d<'ration of how t.he '1 he Hons·l went into committee pro JornVl equally_ app•ICS ~() thP, hceuse fees, whrc!t i~ ol.;ject to be accompii.he l wo11.ld inv,.lvo on the 'Mnlboume Gas and Coke C,Jminny'> was qu•te 1mpo•s1ble to collect in a perfect

i the W•lole constitntioLIJ.l quest.ion. It W>Jitld Bill, a.nd the chairrn1.n n•po1ted pro!ress and m.tnfler. .cb to the argument that numbers , I not be ueccs;ary for the llom.nittce to tak...- obt~ined l eave to 8it ag·.,in th<tt day wee"-. of per-~ll'l l<•t't thiM Cvlony to reside else. s evi tence, ant! therefore tlwy woul•l be nble On the motinn of i\lr ~icholsrm, the third where, 111 order that _they might enjoy more 0 to brin.r up their I'P[l.>. t wiLhi11 a month. 1·e•vlinC( of the :'lfel l>n•H·ne l\tunicip~u Fran- of the comf,u t~ of hfe th:n were afferded 1 I Mr thili {N .s.:n: se. ontlsJ the motiou. e'1ise BillW.JR postp< n,4 for a w·ee1;, owing to, here, he !Jel:everl that th:s fluty woul.J in a , II.: 1\0Ulu ta!ic this oppn1tunity of styinrr. the abs:nce. through •lhw•' of:\Ir.l!'awkn~r, ~re'lt rnc?.<;ure check the evil. As long 38 , th t nlLiwugh li•e the nou mem •er who h;-d who hac! the roct!'ucting of t:,e Hill. the Colony was regarde(J ()U'y as an o,rnu •e

b.-ought forv:ar<l the mutiou he di<luot me.m The U.1u"e then w<>nt into Cornmittoe on to he ~;u.·keil dry anJ th·n thrown :l.Way"'it tv go into tl1e m~nts of the qlt<'otiiJu, yc·t he th.- Gol<l !•:xpMt. Dnty Dill. cculd nevt>r prosper; but on!) pa•s the E-ti• lllJot o!Jocrve tuat. it wa. the mo,t impo1tant l\It· S rU,\Cl:iA~ said th.:.t seeing ~o large m:.tP•, anti all the heot men, Loth from ihe t .. <It could poosib1y be brought under the a number of le!.:·nl g~utlem!'n P''PSt'Ilt, h' ntoighhotH'ing colon;es and fmm (he .• t llri· attent on of tne> Hom•,, ]f the no,,, llltutiH'l' wi•lled llcf>re g .• ing on the Bill t>J o"k t in, w0uld flock iuto this eout,tiy, wh;~h lllutely cunte•n1Jllt<J<l au alteration in the TJ,· what clau.e undl'r t~1e Consdut.onal Act w s now in only a tntnsition ; t 11te. He n 1111ber of thll member; of the C<mu il, th-3 Cou•1cil wa~ cmpo .vered to pas< such ~ di I ·u<lt wis\ to see the me,tsure forced

'w.tnuut go;ug into the que>tiou of the ~iud, f Bill. He could not see t •1at fh1 con-tit·.'· 1h ough the C•,uncil, but nt the same Cvi~>LltUfl• u whtch wa' 'u•ted to the reqnire- ti.mal A··t conf•Tl'P<l thcpowei·on the Lo•m•il t me he shoulu be very sorry to wee llH'uts uf th• co.lony, he (.:\Ir 0'8haH.Is•y) tn l••,·y any outy on the exports of tb.e it I' je t d. onullld not agree 111 hUch a l1mitcd \'tu\1' of colony. M r O'S"'AN \SSY drew attention to th()! <[HdtiOn, or t:tat it h[Ln ~ccn bkeu up in The A1''f0Tt~EY-GJ~""ERAT. s1id thr> f•~t that in th • la~t session the debnteon the C•Jlllt'rch~ll-I\'C uwuucr th .t it ou,.,.ht to qu<stion raiser! h rJ.<>ctdy hePn di•~u-seu expor~ duty t.ook place ou the :.list Oecem­h cV-J be.:u. Tile Conucil c<,uld n .. t 0 shut ~n.( sf'!tl"rl. Th<l Conncil h,,J full power to he1·, while the f•ill for the hLttei' governmen~ iti crcs to th.: great 111 ,vemeut pass nn ~~~port Duty Bill if they del•m ·d i t ,,f t \10 g.1ld fi elds was p I~•ed on the 6th w .ich • luu been made ir1 N~w South neceRi·•r~· f,n· t,he peace nnd goo<! govern- J n vu-y follow:ng, audit w.H only wh~n on \V".11es to alter t11e const"t.Lition, and w ti ·h mPnt of t11e l'oio'1Y. The best ~mwer to the Speaker'• ~uggestion, that the Attorney. was al:out to t.c ouut home fin· tlw saw·t•• u the o~j>ction wr1s ihe f~ t of the Bill having Ge•t~rnl had p'Olu ,erl the licen~e fee sboulrl or the Uovernmtnt. It w.,~ u~cessary thnt a. bePH iut•'•ldl\Pe<i. not be increa<ed, th~t that Bill was et~nsaut~d SI.llilar n•ea~uru siloulu be iutrodu::e<l iut·> l\[r STU.\.CIL\.N s~id the Bill was intro· to by the Conndl. 'l'hi, Rill could not be t •. i, GvU'l\'i'. Jf tlte Council did ~oot at.teurl rluc<•cl in t·I'I'Ol', and he w"ul rl lik<' to h ve P"s~ed, ancl at th(} s•me time• f.lith kept w;t11 tv t 1c wisilcs of tl1e people upon thi~ jJOint, the or.ininn of the hon member, ~Ir ~lichie, • he pcop~e, unless that Act Wls rcpGalcd at tloe p··opll'W·>IIIll h ve tn "'' itfurthcm:;.,lve• en thE> P''int, th" S<trre time. He .cppov>Jct of tlw pl u of h.n·iug two t h till· ~1 · .:\llc·hi<'. though ohje~tinA" to be caller! Tt11:~ Sr'E \ KER •·irl it had be•n stn under. i.Jl·l'·,,w 1id• h.Hl aro·'IV r•• Yerywc•ll io~Cana<la. on by n lrn(•, gwe hiH opinir•n th~t thongh gtood <'O'Il)l:\l't ht'tween th~ Guvernor as the lt W.L~ ne~;e.s.u·y t.1 .t the pn •ltc voi•··· shoull til • ol l nr·t dirl r.ot •r1nfcr on the I.c·~i<l •1·1re repre8ent.>ti\•e of the Cl'O·.vu nnd the Cuuncit be tw.uu 1u t.•c J, ·giS!a.tu. •·, Hllft t,l t, in ti11, the pow~r of impo'i''~ an ex .ort dnt~·, th. 1t a• the l'<'pr•·"eirt.ltive of ~!HJ people, that the ~ t r~d limn of U J\'emment, t 1 be dr.Iwa np, a t wa• overri I iPn "v ti1e new C'on-titutioll'tl licen•e fee was not t? he in t·easerl. It did tne mt"re>ts of tHe p>Jtopl~ bhould oc cou· ,\..-t, nn•ler whi•·h full power eJEi,t•l I fvr the not follow !IS argu"d by the AttnmeyGene•P.l, Suit Hl. pnt•pos~. t h<tt the po~•er,. of tl-te G •vcrn•nen~ heing

i\[r \VESfG.\Hl'II woul•l have prefcrn·<l 1\Jr A'B"CKP.'l"r con urrPd in th ~t opinion. transfc'rred to the House, the latter was free thu lwll lntlll lCl' shout! have hr,1ught "\lr C.U[~'HF.r,L f•ondemned the meas11"e t() a~t aq it plea;e I. Oa the "OUtral'\' the

If 11'\\',ll'd hb Ill tiOil iu .t, "l'ig:nal f·n·m, 1\.ltl no impo,i•t£!; t·tx~ti•>ll wothnut f(•jJI'<'Rfn'·lli·•n. Hon•e W'IS bounrt hy the o!Jligation~ of ita lL ve (}lr \V,otg uth) to a 1ry !1• lnd .i"-t rl'twncli fr•lrn t.:1e goll fi,.J .. l,, pnrlec11s-ors, and mm.t t 1";0 tl e f'Oll"~•~inn f,H'Wul'Lt Ui!"ll it the alll<'nrl!ut'llt of w1d !1 he and ft·om what h.- h 11'1. seen, h<' vc1R qurte with all Jt< rc~pou.ibilities. The Govern. h ,J giv~n uvti··c. Til· 111 t '''• n< a. nen ie 1, c••Itein t!vt the 30s li .,..n,e fPe. w.ts flon'>h· mr·ut h ,fi p·<e(l that n) in ~r<!ase should

I d1 i U<Jt quite mrLt [,j, 'iew•, a. it lull' l1y ~· lwa,·y a t.tx now a~ it w:\S t:1i~ L•st take pl1c<> in t ''"' lie<>nse fe~ an\ by that aol'·)l'\.1• tl ,r..!li~teut -c 'l'e f r tl.e lltl {·ou,i1lc ,.e ,., pmmi•(} the Hou:.e W.l~ l'q11al y bound. I.tti.Jll Pftr.e sulljJ<'t, but a' t ·at scope mi~ht · The \T1'0'1YEY G"NE~.'\L ",j,J in re- Tf the H•lU~e pa•Red this me"surt•, thc I" l'iwJ'" "" >O 11, wl,. t gt·d l•y th0 C~n-1 pi_,, t.l )1,· ( l'f,h~n l-'."'· th~t a ~imilw n;n hnd J\mll'·r a ct of Council woulcl rise up Ulottl!e, he •hould ll•>t op, "''' it. 11 111u t h,•,..n it trorlu,.c I in Kew 811uth \Vale". a•,rl in jurigment ag- in t th r m. H.! repeatetl ll;i'<'C t:l t trlf: ltlCt'C.\9e of nt<i.u:~< an.l P•>pu- th tit w:1' htl'n led t1 com•• int·l "i'Cl"lt,nn tint ual"~s ~mue COIT!'~[lt>'lrlC'nt remi>siou ].,ti••n d01UaH1etl an a•lcliti,HI to the 11u 111 l>!'t on t te <.1m",,.,,, n< thiq, Thr Gov• r.1•0 l'11t wen' rna lc in the li•'f'nse f•P, t11e Honse was of melll"<'IS in Cuuncli, hut tnere w I'<' fll· of Smth An,trali' h·ltl a!Ro he<'u C11m·n t :, · r~- ·1nt iu a po,iti()n, rnor lly "pe.1kiug, to enact u ;< ~~~· "' j~ct' to he att,Lin._.d, >Lil 1 f.• ·r t •l with ()'1 t'tc .ubjrct, Lmt no rt<ply h ,d yet •hi' exp(lrt lltttv nn gL•ld. ell'•:•·t~ to •e 1 eH,cJi cl iu the c'I!IHit 11tionnftho be n r<'r 'i'·"'l Tile C )•nmit!e~ t'leu <livide-1 on l\fr CHill iltlt.u1 L te nun.ll:rot' ac-mbe1 ~. fher,• l\Jr (,'3riAXASSY Pxpre •ed ,his Ponvic- 8tra··h·1n's amemhuent, \\ith t!1~ fullnwiug

· "'·'" pa1ti ·ul;riy the great d••l't•l't, thnt the t:on thdt iftiu• Bill wero p•ssed, the <lit!g rs rrsult :-1 C•mn .l ctid nr•t l'l'!H'Cseut the ()o:onist•. \l"onld refn ·~the liC<'lliiC f' •c. anrl ~· h ·,l f the Ayes, 9.

(ll··,u·.J 'J'J)I)U,;It as a cite k n<r linst t.u0 cstimP-terl h·~oml' fo1· the Cll'U·ng ye[lr. "''" )fr ~\~~;r~~~~ I g•·•·at 11 dcmuen•tic t eudrn"y, the I ·~v .. mau•nt prop·•~~d h .l•e r•i,e<l fnm th.e f"'orlt<"' r:f '!ichie

N<Ws, 12. The ~lfo·ne\'·f'ener~l

-\nl.t·or.i:;eu"' 11 (:Oioni,ll :'~ret <ry ~olicitor~ Ot!uer;.ll h_d r ~-·n·~d tv t'1 •m till' p<>Wll' of apeuinttn~ the<e p: >ll ·h~l:(e q, he t.hou,;ht 1~ w·onld_lte a o· h:>nn<sy

a1 their Cl\\ll llOlll.UCCH, Oll<'·th:rd of tJJe lll'l't d't.!l~<.'rOU< f'"1Hl''lt!Cilt t) JC01lar 1IS() SO 'Jtt."lcU:! Mr A'Beckftt ~nnrt~·ra.):s WJI·In-oit llirlrlell (inld..rpi'll Thomson

mea. her~ nf Lh•3 C"n" il, an a,J.I.tioJH.ll <:heck n r·•Iti<~n, l y f•r<i 1g Rut·h a n)l•r,,ure ~:~~~;:,W1

lud \.e,·n Illli" S··d on thc>m h,l' tii"i' !'\'dll':y ag1in~t th•' w:she:> ;11, l wt~rests of the cla». The!'!,J••:r:,•r f i ·uJs, of coa cn·<llivtJ or Uov rnmeutil ten- rno't. Lltc r"•t<' I. .\Tr bvl tt, T.llcr, tl!'.I .,., r.wl it w.:s p·nYerl h1· t.te v t·•s of )lr \'E '\TG •.RTH a<1,cd if thr Atto:-nry­t!ul C•mn il, tlut it< o1,:ni• n3 -w<'r·ln·1t i>J a 1·• 0<'ne•al \\"HLld ronsPnt t • w:th lr<w the Titll Ctll' l.n('e with tho vie,IS pf the Q,]oni~t~. till ~n-wr"'' W·'l'C oht·1inPd from th' ll•'igh­'l' .er · w llC 'l'\' ru.l ot.Iel' pu;flL~ to which. l> on ling Cohn iPs, stnt:ng thr•ir int.cution of !lf1 he C•)llSI uteci t tht! aun-•uded tnot ,)!I, it en::tf·tiug '"ilnil:1•' ln(lP.<::U (·~or n•H.

w:1~ 11ut u.:•·eo.>·llY f\H' him to allur.c at 'fhe ATT' \R~EY-G!•:~Ett \f. wa• in tho k:.,.;tn, a' c:"' H>·•k n..: C•Jibtitncncic~ lwn<l• oft1lC lint!'', bnt h" t>)\llrln·t h:•n.;1•H l<'(lll'U o•dy nUll llllUL:oer, t. e llli~iug np ,.f ~"e au_v l!;''l\llld ~ r fn t:H'l' p·,~tpm1elll''llt. the t •\\ n, t:e pa.-t >, I!U<l the ;•gn II tur,\l Mr A BECK!·~ rT ~tr •nr<~· {)O'•r.'Ctlte<l ii.!1Y dbtrict,, !m•l 'f t.Ic a n.dl oe< u .:,.,., witl. t!t<' fUitiH'l' pn•tpon<'mcnt, wlurh would o ·ly l·c ~'{Uctti,•r-.; .. 1:\ • tt.-t the u t,.;,alultcn1;)t at f( n ling off tjv~ qli"':-\ti,ln :n,tc~ l nf ~attlin,..; lt. u,., gnll fi ·111~ wts ll'l ep e"'ll'<~ l, th ug, A hrgc ~11111 w.os < n th" e-t:nn'<'•, n" to b•· h1lf tho! 1•· pnluti<•ll we1e ~n«a·-e t 01 tno•C r'li-<•1 loy t 1tis expo:t dnh•, nrl'l t;ll t 1te qu•'s· li"l s, a p·t:.•t pmpultiun of th~rn <'On> otin.. t'on of tiw <luty w.1~ H t 'cd. it woulrl he im-· of a ulL 111:dc~. "' poosiLh s~t:.-fJ.dotity to deal with the

Mr ~PL.\I'r "i~hcu the !ton mover J~,timatcs ha·l givc'll sum· rC.hllll< for hrin:;in6 forwml :i\Ir STH.\CIL\~ oppo~rJl the .Bill ~t Borne t'1i~ <JU<.Hiou at til t ,t,•ge , f t:u· M:.,-i, 1. ~euct:1. unrl moved th .t tit•• .Chnn:m~n lea~c 1-noh ·• ruc.lsure di.l not appear t•) be c~llt•J the chai•·, anl;:~k letvcto stt ng;un th:.t dey for l>y tn,_. p~oplc. In 't:r t• <''>Ulltri··~ •n ·h •ix month•. • . . lll":t,Ut<'8 lti :t r.:t'•ol'lll in th<• r'-'i·He,c·nt•ti•Hl 1'he Sl'EAhEU thoughtthn,.on<Il<W'\tlm' "• re g<· lor, cd oa th l' Lt·gi•latnr,• [,,. u•ged l>y th' oppo"tl'llti nf' ft~ T)ill, th·•t ~he tl•e p1 "'''u·c with nt, au•l h~ ow 1Nl he Jo.,kc~l p .,·ment of th<1 liconsJ f ·e ,.,.o 1l·l bP w~th· with 'u·pi· iuu ••t• tho mo lc ><dopt~.J iu lniu;:;· h•• d itt tlte event of the rne:1r.nrc p·t<s•ng, i.I~ it lt~!Ol'tl the(.; >UH£'i) j l it,; [>l'<'S:Ilt Rl11p •, ntl~ It. llut t I h,tve [1.11/ "'I·Jght., •nth tlte Tlwre h ul bel'u uu t•u!Jli · mrPtiUJ• c>ulleu .,11 f;,, Iu"Il, (h<·nr. h~ar). II· _nfl.n ~t.:J·l h ~ t.l!' 11 •je t, and he t!to.Ight th" motiun J'l'<'· C':it th 1t w·n!ll folio IV ;lw 1mpo!<1tlon of a, m.ttun•, ~u he 61tuu11 uw~t it wltn a Uli'I!Ct h gh flut.y, · ut he th •ug .t the a·nnn•It prn· ne•a iv<'. plSC<l HO mo,1eiat~' !b t.lotwiate r.llo1 j · tion

~II' S.HITH did n •t agr•c wit:1 th<' hot He .th·mght tlu li~er~'e fee !!"'>''c 1 •pt·.~l<.t'I, that ti•c HoUi>' was to w.1it for an h~an~y f\H m?ny ot the .(li,.!g<l'<: <·xpreM~ion of npiuinn out of d<JOI'S bef"re pl'•l- H.u<l Wotul<l . ~~~~.1. more: m, . Ill the c~ediug to do iL~duty. flet.t•night IHon Ill• m- <'Yent ot a ft.llmg-olr tn the y.eld, whiCh muny ber, h Ld a lie:\ Jv it.1cl ""c ,ntfid<·llt "' ,r·,; 11g p· r <1'1< rnn•t l<·r•d h.\d alrea lv t 'k<'n rhc", on t•1,1t poiut · th.s "ll":;ion. 'J ho Jlou ,. a ·rl whi h if it h1cl not a'rcady would. cr­\\ .L< -upp 1se l t0 I' pr,•seut the eou•1tr)·, attl to t'linly b•1 the easa hPf•p·~ lm~~<· Tile arlv:~~­J,n )\V It.' w .. nt> no~ <.I wi<lic~; to wa:t, th '1'<'- ta!e of he doui,Je t~x ,,fa h .. en•n foe sm.l; n f,"e, fur a deUIOII,tr~tioii out of ,• 0 ,)1'8 hc· l•xpO!t duty w.~<, t'1•t il1e.'· tP~Ir!c•l to equ·1]1,e pr ccuuin6 t." do ib dut,r, woHI,J be, iu hi,1 the ratPs. IIo t~.r·u~ht t!I~ hN·,,,e. f0<·,m·~"t

Sm~th The ~hLirm"n 'lf General

Session•, Teller. l\f •j >rity in ra v.w of t'1~ Uill, 3. The con,irlcrati"n of t •l' lir;: cbu•e w-as

, 1te,I proc~crted with, and the RtllOtlllt. of .lut.1· (() IH' rai•!'•l w.;A prr·pose•l !>~· tht! At· torne_,. ""O'Jr•tl f() bP. fi~e·l <lt 2s td per oz.

:\lr 1)'.3liA~ASSY moved an amPudment -·'' 1 h't the dut.'· •1vm(.l he> o•tl? I• per oz;" h t afte1' S•'Illl' l:ttle cliscu,,ion, it was agreed to P''tp •ill' the f•nthcr ('On~ir1CJration of the f·l~nS<• in O"<lcr t'1at many tn<'tnl•er:; at.prcsPnt al>'e' t. fom illn<••s might he able to tako rnr' iu thl' d!~·n•s;,,n,

'r\l(J CII,\lR Vi i\N accnruinglv renorter\ pro~r.:,s, un1 o'·tLined leavu to sit 'agaiu th~t day WCI'k.

'f 1e ll· u•e wa~ t 1ten nwvPd into Pommi~ tee •>f s•lppl,,· t·~· th., AUDJl'· •n Gt~NgJ~•L. who "tatccl th•t he wnultl not he p~eparsd "ith t:le "lJ•p:crneut:11y l,ti:n't.te~ so soon a11 ht• harl •·x~,c<.t •d, nud h" Rhould t~1er~fore move that thn <'h~irmalli't•poit prot-r"s<, ond ubt.lin I ·:LV.) to ,<;t ag~in lh~t rlav fortnight.

S v m\ nt~llll><>r" n1j·'.:t cl. to the pogtp<me­mrut, nnrl \1r S \00, R SS ~lH(!_{C,;terl that it w•'\11(1 be j·1•· :.H wcil tn ~~ j me the Hou•e fin· :111ot.h~I' mo•Hh. 'l'hH motior. wa.• OAITiPd, Rnd the furl hN ''"ll"ir!eratinn of ih" estimates po~tn,ued till next 'rur>:.:.Iuv wet.: k. •

Th•• tl11l• r of thu 1><~~· for the nilopt!on of the rep~1t 011 th<' (P.-Pngt•r !>ill, nnd fnr the •N:on r·: :11lin~· of tlw T'olit>e Fo•·ce l?<'gulation B ll w r<:> pn:.1p•merl till to-:n.,rrow(thi•d:~y), nn I tluHou·w 1<j um<•d at R o'rlock.

Wed ,e.,day, l ilh November. opi 1io>II, the h<·i,;ht of a surdity. It was b<' I'ellucPrl jo fut~Cll "lul!/n'!s a mont'.'· unJ Ol-tJI:;'lS OF THE DAY.

~~,.-.--------------------jccit.lluly l..te iu the ~es,ion t, IL·i •g sa h ~ ~hen .the e,xpmt t~ul~ ,won.d n•1t ~e hlt ~ 1. Gm·e•'llment fltuinPos:-re LEGISL \.'f[\'"' CUU \CIT I Tll''a•ure l~>l IV,ll'd, !JUt it w •• b~ttLr tow than neavdy. fhc. P~'•" t;l" of 91 ~ ex ort <'u~~ I. turar'J B:ll-Sccon.l Reading. \'. ~ - ' '· not., t 111. had ~lt·ca<ly <.een lnlir """ht·med by tl.~ Genc•·al11u<ine>s:- • od Our. r~aolers will :tgr.:e with U<. wo nre sure. in I D. l\IU ltPflY ill ri'pl\· S'tirl tint though Ollie, UTI•i it woul l se.t:c •ly he p· opcr now 1 '-'c~b an J (~aturrh in Shre!) Prevention B!U-To •t thiukm~ tillt. IH the-e >tnrtn,.: tt·ne;, we ;:r~ ud ' ' • • . . I II • t •n tl <· '. tn anrl •tltll'If\' b f I I. . • u tu~ti,ieJ. in loJl~~u! up om· col•t nn:-; by t tle publi. ~- . t ile flou~e h~l (l l., .. en d..,•I)J't\"Ctl of tho a·J- w l~ ) ·•> t Cll ~ .. Cf' 1 ': ~ ~-r~, ~ . e arr wr con: iu•)r('< m Commtl~PC

u l 'ton of Ill'<~' det.u l•!1..l l L'lJort~ of tho ~t~:_, \te~ in ttce v,.t.tagci of 1\Ic 'V{·:;to'r ut l'~ amen hn~tlt. t.h'"' ~~·~ n nC'""'"'l ,,1 f'~)11V1 tiO!'J. . 6. P~t~.r11;!'l•l'6 U.ill-Acloptirn of Report. II "' R N • '"S" l • 1 d 1 1 i. i'olice ~·orco Regulution J5iii-.Second Realo I Lo •iehttive c .. uacil I\ ere thnt u • ly m r~at tt it I> a, uut bee·• do r•,·ud of the arlY<1utage J\!Tr O'S / .,_,:~ < < <•,tnr r: t 1e 1\'Cll~C in;;.

~~. w •:•t •t prcteall< to t>e. al•)(•>l~tlvc a.-emblyo•· t . e , , •• h '.1. , ,. . d h . te aa b i,1 r p rf•<'tlv f<ir to ull P"rtie~. re"'''"''utatw·•• o(llt· p• "pie 1t wuuld be entitier\ · ot h • op~c • ~ liC,I '-'PP· a1 r to av" hct·n FY• m. • .. . . ,

'h tJ' th" pr•v.le;,.L' a-u ' 1;· acconled to •urh cut anol tlricJ fur th·~ oc:•·>~·IIln. (a ltu·~i 1 ) carh mnn lq't.dly g•ttH.lg. bts r1ght te~t Y bo he~. of !•· hg_r~~·orte<l m fuol. While it contii.IU<'~ '1 It 1t hon Hllllll her should u• t fqrgt t the ~18_ ~ 1uare for l 1.1 th ~,· ~lulling:;; lle ~o>

1g a tL now IS,'' r. :culou; muc,,e,·y of ropr~;entahon · tigati 011 he on< 0 l'C<.:eived in the Coun< il ,f d tillTHltl tlte pro Po ,non of the ;jpeakt'r [1)1' n e 1t • ,,s no r.gllt w exjJect any .uch co.nplunent. uud , . ' . ' l l ]' f · , . ' l't" ,11 •0 th' <'uLy

lC we thet·~ltn·~~ !l.m.t our l'eport'i of the procecdmgs, to w!th h he was LJ1'1Ut.l'ly a ruerubt'r, wh n h..: rcc u ~ li-.:.1 n,c o · 11. ~<tf t ,t I.; '

,, c~rel'ully )Jrq.: red >UliiUl:trv of what is rlo:.~ .. c- was tul t by t;1e Coloui,1] Seer~taiY of New a- hemg '~ h If an { 11·•1! rnna.urt'. c mpom··;l occdnu~ ly hy the rcm~r ... 8 ol' the mu.t j Sun~h "\V .uew th:l.t hi~ opiui 118 W<;uiJ havtl l\Ir NlC' f(lL'5llN 'ltj •..:tel to t'1e dou11•'

r~ a'J.c and m1luenLuJ.l memiJcr•~--1

thu weight tl1ey des<Tverl, lrnt nothing tax,. th•t it involve~ t'u ,·.,:t ;•f a .tm~blc ·o.l~ Ill· more It was probable not otllv Ln •t h • In t.nn. n~ shout opp'he t.1e lnll en e\t'l) 1

TUESDAY, IGth :K'O:'E:\fBER. . 1 ct .• t 1;ot .1gr,;o wi h th<l bl)n menii>er,in hi~ claust>., , . . ~ 1 The ~;wrku took the choll' at. five nnuutcs I vr w,; on the subject, out th .. t he was totally M1· G .JLDS:.UITII supporter! th I Ill m "

p1st tllr<!e l.' lo ·L opposed t) him, and h ,, hoped the hon mr;lll· spec.J1 whieh, l ot~1 !rom It> u • :,· ty '·ll l .I're•ent. the At,torncy 0tmcral, the Colo· !Jer would go into the c"1nmittee, anl <owe originality, took w1th gre~L cJfcct on the

ni.d :o;t• •. n·t>ur, t w Atlll•tur G~ncr.\1, the I out of it a wi,.•r .1nl :~ b cttPr unn t!1•n h,, Huu••·· • _ Chairman nf Ut'neral Sc·<~ion~, M<•sws 'Veot-, W"nt in. (a laurrh.) 'l'ne 1011 m.,mber h·~r\ :\lr ;,i::'\IlTR (who spoke ;rom th"01'rca,ury g:11 th, Mur,,h.''• <.;,,~,ph 11, Kiclt ''~"n, Gohl - tlken t.hc opp~:tunity iu lLavoJ ,1 ~ly s]ep , t lknchc~) supj·Orted the mensun•. 11, pt s smiLh, 'l'hom~o:on, U'::; wua .. ~~r, "-\platt, ~trachan, :o;dtnC ot' the re 't'l'N!nt.'\tlves 00" ~ayin,.,. tinn ~1s .:\layor h ul ClHthl~ll h1ul to s ~c th...! 'l'l r Il•ull, nn \Y'lkinoml. wh J tl.! m:•atJt wcr; U<'xt ~ vast evds tlut h •d been tnti·n·lu• c<l ':'-. th"

Dr :;,JUU~'HY a:,l<c·l "qu<'~tlo? r<'lnth·P. tt• uomine,s, hut., .ty leaving the sqtntt-·r,; ~":tiTh for. t,o!.l. :m.'~ he, ~hought thc.~uty •r.u tlw rccreattoll 1 e,erve on 1 he .J<,as'~'ll Hill. b be i·,r'cued. Ut• C•>•It •ll'le 1 t ,1 <t the •h.,ulcl h' Hnp .. sed, ~~ onlJ. 1~ :,om d?gt e t > n- He \\i~hcd to kno,v on what priuc!pie tile sqitatters did f<il'!y reprl)sent t!te 1 :nlony, ,npply the Hleum o! ]•Jon .. lllg e>np•oyu•t'll~ ;,. hollow !lnd not Lhe hill g•ounrl lu<l b<•en re- a!Hl tllat t'hl diot 'it; wei·c net unf,tirly ,ii- flnd ~upport to t.lw ten,, tli.e t.un•h eJ,, .31111 <Jf s~rve.l, srein.~ th tt 1h0 hill grotHid had tlu<l. EV<'l',\' '<lll·<tt.~r in tlw il·lbC ~'"!'!'!'- the :lwusnHls of rc~.n:ued diggc:·~ '"h·>.Intght 1ll: ac!v •ntag~. ot.the ReD: b1. czo, nn<l that oornc •cut.,J a p>pal.tti .. H of over :.lfJUO. The IV:m- po~·tb\y be thro~>.I ~hottly 011 tlu1r lWd l 1 p.ort em ot 1t -ttllrem <~•erl illl'c>l>l. meri.l and ..ilutr .,. <listrict, ea<;h co:1t·:i ,p1J re,onr c,,

The COL0.:\'1.-\L. i:il..:CI~t<;~l'A ~. Y s::ti•l the ll!J\I"ll'<1s or :lC!Utl- inhabit.luts, i!.n<l the ,,t!lCr .Mr A'lll':CKETT defended the ruca.,urc at •vn r.~c.rve had l>c~~~ 1.-t•l ont.Illl''.P.reseu.t form ><(ltlt•iug di.-tJi, t-. a Rtlll'!("I' P·'P'Il.<t:nu. •Y!'PPt.lcu!rth. •)r as 1t was ''Cill,l<~l'l'l'U ehg10lc L•r t.h•l 'l'h.: a rgntnent, ot till• hun. gc<~'lcm ,11 woull "!1:Ir i\If\...;{[1': int'm .t :d th>tt he shoulu

'," purpose. It ~1nd he en t.noug,l~t better t() re- P'-'rhap< have lit"''' wdg;i!t, if it wcrtJ ,, l'C•·IIg'- oppose tlv 13'11. . 'l'ht! hon. member. n.' "l? a g •CIY''. the IHg,ht•r po lllln ol the Inn II for ui:.~ecl pt i Icipl••, tit lt reprc·;c It.ItiJu , 1wul<i hu v<>rv ar"'lllll •utatL"e .•p()e h, tl1e l'lttt·l P •mt"

,.. butl hug pw·p•1<C8, i'llt t'lerc wa~ another oa-c•l >u!Ply 011 po:)lllali•Jll; t ut ht• had _v r·t ,1f ;,·hi 11 w.·,·•: th·· J>'O"lC •• s< til L exbt •d to es re~c·vc, not fn· t.o t :e northw:1rd, cnlled to !Pam that ~nl'il WJs till'<'""'~ 'lite hon. s•1m;:rt;ii.Ig-, even w!:t.'re thJ d<ity to be 'ave~­ug Car etnn Garden•, whie h ~\ <b on. uigh !.\'<(•Und, roemher, :lir (J'cih,1u 1a,sy, h.ul a]>o mule " wu.' t~ic IIHbt tr:ll •J 'n amc•uiot, and l' ret <llltihe th••u.ghtwt~ssuffi ·~t·nt, w1th the other, f•w l.m.dl oh,eivlLion' on the sulje,t, but we B.ll w<•r•' P·h·•A it w,ml•l he t~k(•n nd­at- lor the pu •ll~ l't•qmre.'n'-'nts. . t .. Py were so n•ry fc,v an•l "'' ,.~ y ,ru.ll'' v:>uta•:c nf hy t'l•• (other c •louins, part·citl .. rly a~ Dr ;uu HPllY ag nn "RkllJ, w1th reference in!l•cd (a lnu.~h), th It lie .:honll n•Rcl vc auy r1y South Au!.mli :, t•) the Ji~a ivant,,gc ol •• , t tl the ·~'"P of the Colnny Inatl e by the Sur- noti '(; ( r them fur a J'ntU!'C opp•n tuu.ty. Oill' 0,\'rJ ,

l ·i v~yor·G<'ll ·r II : nu "."'.H· !wme to be en· The qtwttion w.t~ t'u·n pnt •nri carrier', and 1\lr H!DDELT, snpported th l Di~1, ns being lt.ll !Jr v~<l by Arrcnrsm.Itll, 1f <;n'' ttcps h't.d th~ C'o.nmitte ., b•·ing l>alJr,tt<rl fnr, w.l~ de- "f,Ir d ,.l honc~t IHOt!e of r i$:ng n n!'. e • Clt b~cn t:t.k~u w<th a vtew to g:vmp: tnl' colo- clrllctl byt•IeSp<'akc• t..,,. 0 ",i·tofthe follow- ,a,y t.1x, alt:ton,;II :t harll)eeu prrmis<'d t! · " · lll~t; f·ene~ally tl~e. advmt.lge til'lt woulJ ing llltltllbcrs; 'l'ha Atturn<'y o~rtel'al, t'1e th<: lic.•nse fee w IS n .. t t•• b" in ·rC<lS,·,J, it •d a11sc trout as pub lC1ty. J"\u litor Uew.!t'n.l, lUcssr.s \V('btg tlth, Sulith, \VdU!d he 110 w.'ljt off ith to iwptl:le an atl-ht 1'h\l COLO);' lAL S~.CTIE1'ARY said no U'::!lMna,~y. 'llw.u>O.J, l\[.11 P~'Y und the dition.•l 0uty, new tlwt lhB rmount so ntised, ill. re-ervation of topics of the lli"J.l had been 1:\<H'<l' er. w.1s at t h'l L!i,p.~-<tl ol t!10 Couudl, :md not

a nt cd

marl~ Lr the parp~•c ulluilcr! to .by the hon 'Tlt, ATTOR:SEY GENEUAL obtain~d of the Ex<'<nii•··. mem .er; but 1:•: d1d ~1ot don~t tnut. the <'ll- ]c.tve to l•l'iug in " Bdl to pi·even~ion ,• 'l'nc AT l\ lit:\ J<:\"-GS:\'EU \£. s;~i<l th<lt ~r.tvl'r \\OU]cl tt ~pj'ltcu to fend out some uOI'>eancl e;.ttle Hcaliug. He ,..t,Lt~d tiiat t: 1 . "lliloH. Ill<'IIlOl'IS ·•P:>· d t > <l<lll'll•' II • a:;rc•l copies for s lie. Bill rcpe~.t:·l the cxi,tie~g Ad., 1111,1 Lll ct. it· tn,.,. to the ucce,,;,,· I\Jr tile 1 <·\•vnu ·, P''ll ''"<I

SC· '1.''"' CtJ L NT AI~ SE:CUEl' .\ HY took oc- pru\ i,inu~ ,. oul<l f'xten •. tn tho~e cn~ns iu>\\·hic!. to"' h•· r.1i:>e i Lv · 1 his dnt v (:So, (';·, t.I _\]! ''Y easton lo <''<pllu<t, wl'h l'l fne .. (·e to tho qneS· strayed c.lltle ~ere ustHl hy the fi,vl<.-r f•r a h n). ,v,'.t th ·n all,· C:<cl'pt tit· h,on nil t10n pnt a fcv. day~ ego l>y the hon me•uber tim<·, :tn<l then ue!nr,; tummllO<HC, f 1mnu their mcmba (;)!'G., Inn;, wiw, l>y scr. w:n; 2 .. 0;Jl in r'o1· :II .. llHJIHllf' (711rJohn•lon), ~~~to ~ileme:ms way to f1n·cig.1 1uns 1111d \\ere i1npoundcd, IIL'I'C nn•l 3000l t~en·, tn~,l to 111 ke np ~lu•

t<lken loy Oovtrmneut for canymg llltn etlect causing the ov. 11er, to suii',r as muolt as it' th, .unonnt ouL ,,f tltu oth t' items of rc\-~U\11' t.i11• proviH!On8ofthc Convi •t Prcveutinn Bill , cutLie\1 ~re 1-tol"tt. lf the cotim.ltcd 1'-'\'CnUP f..r li:i.'>::l. wc1e con

llr th 1t t'lC UuvLTnmt'nL ol \"an Dirmn,'.• Lund 'l'he AT 1'0U:SEY GE~ERAL also ob- ·i•l<•rc<l l:uge •Hough .'"·tho,•t th,<l. am1· nnt

c1 It 1d 110w, !tt thcu· ow,I <'>p<'n~c, s••nt O\'Cl' t"inerl ,nop '"''U t11 Le r<ll~l'd l,,. t.u- < u.y. :<•notu blt·• lo 'nr )'<H ts for the dettt:tiun ot f.e,l\'tt to bring in a Rill to consolidate an1; th .. t wnnlrt b<' :t g .. o•l nnd l· gitim< t•· run:1wa.'· ('onvids a11'iving her~. nmen .l the La"'~ to St~a~l ~.1\'I,!!Htlon,au. ,.a-on fol' ('~'P\l .... ing- t:1e b'Jt, "'nt tit' }'Oil•t"

1\lt· \VEl:::)l"i.L\R1'L1 oai•l he had been t .. tt.el'<>• 1 ''''·" 1~1 " 1'tstobec:tned,tlnll~:;lna1Mto h:rf!,r rais•·•l ~i:;.tiust it, 1\·~r,• t1.1t till' 1 . . l Ue Uy sea ve~sE-1:-0 II 1 " 1 1 ht 1onored l•.y the tr.lH>llllS>lOt_l of at o ~nnct_~t It ,,·as iutcudte<! loy thi< Bill to nppoiut ho <.July could u vc•r bl.l f'O ectc<, anu t ICl

to t iOIII the. ~ocu·ty of Au,trahan Coloni>ts m ~oard• for Surveyiug the hulls an•l rnachiuen t wuui'll iujure olll'd~lns Rnd llen,•lit ou: .cr, l.o 1· ou, "'gue<l by St"'"l.ey <?arr, an? ot lwro. of the dith·l ent stt':Ll!l V< R<t·ls tr .. diug in th·,. neigli!JourP. lie thought, 011 the c•m .nu·.'·· ey The d:>CU I~ent uot bc'mg m the lurm of a colony, with a view to nsccit.ti:, ing thC'ii t.hat the Dill \\oaltl hrnfit onr•<ln•s nnd 1\' memoru:l, It teoulrl not he preHcuted, but aR saft<ncss and ~e•·u,·it•·. njnre mu· n<·igit!Juur~. Ill tny of nur miner-ail it "~s one of so:uP i~11pr rtauc .. , he w,ould. hrg 'i he lt.'l'l'Ug \.EY-GE~EH.AL fu: the I \\ere from 8nmh Au,tl'lli '• un,J tl. Gov I'll 'I', t.h:.: mllulgente of t1:e I1 uoe to alww Lt to move 1 11 , nt Etl • o t t, t 111t C·•l·•ny h.•.d ln•c·n [l•" "· ' >e rc.ld. •i•t<·•l. jj,_. th •llg· 1t t 11's w L~ c.Irr~·ing- km.l

'l'l , !'or Jcnve to bring in a llill to PUllhlc tho fil:. f 1 t 1 HI OO"Illll<'nt w:l' then rca .. by the Ch•Il:, <'<•uu il of rhc 1 it! of ~lclloourtlc to flop, tlivo•t ••e•s •'11, 111' p.dt ,, littlt• t·l•> -11' , .r;L ' l!"ll' HI


at c­e e-

>nd WClllloltrotooJ i\lr l\e>tg:l•t'1t•~lly,ht~ ul!or,\\idc•uc•>ttlin•tr•·et•iul•itzlttlY l\u1u 1ut hl!di' ontiutw<IU<I\\'; hutpa,·ttlti•Dul -houltl move ou ~olll~ future t!ay that it [)c IIU<l t" oven allthtionullborougllf•rea thOlt'llin n 1 the .\tlelnid· 1 's 'ollt wonhl h l "t"Jl)lc< prmtcd. 'l'hi~ bill wos of a semi-priv~tq character. 11 e},t dvY, All tnu gol·l w,>ull th<'ll com

'l'he Attornry-Gcncral gave notice th~t be /J. number of tho !Ire• ts iu l<'itzrov Wnrct ,,s it HllOuld do to our own port fiJI should WQYQ this day for leave to brio~; in a were blocked up by pl'ivatQ property, and ,bipment, en.l any profit arising from