PARENT & STUDENT 2018-19 HANDBOOK (BOARDING) · 1-12 are under the overall care of Boarding...

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Transcript of PARENT & STUDENT 2018-19 HANDBOOK (BOARDING) · 1-12 are under the overall care of Boarding...






01. Welcome letter

02. Boarding Essential Agreement

03. List of Required Items

04. Anti-Bullying policy

05. Electronic gadgets

06. ICT Policy

07. Communication

08. TV Viewing

09. Leave policy

10. Birthday Celebration

11. Medical needs

12. Boarding Routine

13. Things to Remember

14. Guidelines for parents

15. Contact

Welcome to a home away from home….

Established in 2006, boarding at MIT Pune’s Vishwashanti Gurukul IB world school fosters tender care and

smart grooming to all the wards under its wings. Symbolically known as Gurukulians, the wards from Grade

1-12 are under the overall care of Boarding Coordinator. The Boarding Coordinator along with his team is

responsible for monitoring their development in every eld. We, at Vishwashanti Gurukul, believe that the

students have the potential to excel in any chosen eld; it's only that they need a jumpstart to do so and our

boarding house is designed just for the same. We make an utmost attempt to bring out a ne young adult

from the little child we receive. Good habits and values are inculcated through daily practise till they

become a part of their character. In cognizance with Guru Shishya Parampara, the seasoned boarding staff

delivers pastoral care while imbibing the right virtues, morals and ethics in the students which make them

ready to take on life beyond school premises. Daily prayers help the students to seek blessings from the

Almighty thus taking them through the day with condence and poise.Weekend activities take a very

signicant seat in the boarding house, which keep the students constructively and creatively engaged. To

add fun element to the boarding stay many activities are planned and executed for the Gurukulians that

help them to acquire knowledge, develop skills and enhance their communication skills apart from these

activities, the wards enjoy outings once every month in and around Pune. We are growing from strength to

strength as we follow the mission of Gurukul. We strongly believe that the school and parents must work as

a team with a common objective to make our students responsible global citizens. As effective

communication is of paramount importance, weekly updates are sent to the parents regarding the exciting

happenings at the boarding.Our mission in the VGS boarding house is to make the students happy and

their parents happier. Parents suggestions and comments are highly solicited at any given time. We believe

in working on a continuum which is progressive. Given below are some guidelines for Gurukulians and

their parents to understand the boarding house must knows. Following them to the last will help in making

the stay of the wards, at Gurukul very comfortable, safe and secure. Should you have a question that is not

answered within these pages, please feel free to contact us. At Vishwashanti Gurukul, we recognize that

educating children requires a team effort, and we look forward to your help in this vital pursuit. Working

together, we can realize our shared vision of excellence in development of life skills in our

s t u d e n t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The VGS Team

Boarding Essential Agreement

We hope and expect the students and parents to follow some signicant rules

strictly to facilitate the smooth functioning of the school and ensure a disciplined,

safe and comfortable environment conducive for learning & growing.

We agree that:

1. All the students in the boarding house are under the overall care of House

Master / Mistress, who is responsible for monitoring their all round development

are expected to.

2.All the students must be out of their beds immediately after the reveille/rising

bell is rung.

3.Students of Grade 6 onwards have to make their own beds. Students of Grade

5 and below will be assisted by an attendant. Students will switch off the fan and

lights before leaving their rooms.

4.All students need to polish their own shoes and maintain their cupboard and

cubicle in a neat and tidy manner. The student will report to the House Parent if

any carpentry/electrical repair has to be done in their cubicle or room.

5.Morning activities and other school activities are compulsory for all the boarders

except if excused on medical ground. In Medical cases the permission of Resident

Doctor is a must.

6.Students are expected to follow the instructions given bye the hostel Staff/

Teachers at all times.

7.Students will follow the dress code strictly as per the occasion / timings.

8.A high level of personal hygiene will be maintained at all times.

9.Grade 6 onwards students will be expected to wash and dry their own


We promise to refrain from:

1. Moving out of campus without permission, skipping meals, not reporting on time as this is strictly unacceptable and necessary disciplinary action will be taken

....immediately.2.Permiting day boarders to enter the boarding house. ...................................................................................................................

3. Permiting Parents/ Visitors/ Guardian to go to the rooms. They are expected to be seated in the lobby / visitors' room at the East side entrance.

4. Borrowing and lending of personal items as it is not recommended and school will not be responsible for any damage or loss...............................................

5. Any sexual/vulgar/pervert behaviour as it will not be tolerated at all. It may lead to the expulsion of student............................................................

6. Usage of Mobile / Personal Wireless Phones [ If student requires the same for usage during exit / travel it should be submitted to the House Mistress at the time of arrival and collected before

ex i t ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Low waist jeans/trousers/three-fourths will not be


• Girls must dress decently...........................................

• Girls will not be allowed to wear tight, sleeveless and low

neck-line tops with their jeans/trousers....................

Make-up, nail paint, glossy/coloured lip balms and mini-

skirts for the girls are not allowed.................................

Funky hairdos (spikes/streaks/ coloured hair) are not


8. Boarders are permitted to keep eatables under supervision

( homemade eatables and dry fruits only) we provideng the

tuck shop facility..................................................

9. Boarders are not permitted to keep mobiles, smart

watches, play stations, any valuable jewellery, other than

small studs/rings for girls as


The school will not be held responsible for the loss of any of

these items.

All items of clothing and possessions should be clearly

embroidered with the student's name and everything should

t into a suitcase.

List of Articles for 1-12 Girls

Long Slips for prayer dress / Rubber Bands & Hair Clips

White (5) Black (20 ) Hair Bands for short hair

Small ear rings / studs












































Sets of casual wear of good quality (T-shirts with messages/slogan are not allowed)

Blue Jeans

Black Jeans

Formal (smart) wear set

Traditional wear

Comfortable night wear



Handkerchiefs (per term)

• Bellies/ at sandals

Home Sweater / Jacket

• Bicycle is allowed


& Boroline

• 2 Hand towels and 3 bath towels 5


Bedsheets 2










( Blue ) 2
















































s fo

r 1



Bedsheets 2

Anti-Bullying Policy

Bullying or ragging in any form (verbal, physical and emotional) will not be tolerated. The student must not be in possession of any kind of cigarette, beer, alcohol, drugs, adult/porn disc or any type of objectionable item. Any ammunition/arms/knife/sharp, harmful items are strictly banned. If found in possession of any of the above items or engaging in bullying, the student will be expelled from School immediately. ..................................... .................................. Electronic gadgets Electronics will be allowed only from grade VI onwards. MP3's are welcome.

School can go through students personal IPods, laptops and personal data if need arise.

Boarders are not permitted to bring any ELECTRICAL gadgets to the School and tampering with Electrical installation is strictly forbidden.................

ICT Policy....................................................................... Students from Grade VI and above can make use of ICT lab on days allotted to them for the purpose of research and academics. If student is found to be using it for wasted purposes, this facility will be suspended for the student.

Kindly note: 1) Detailed list of your ward's belongings must be submitted and declared to the concerned House Master/ Mistress. 2) School will not be held responsible for any loss or damage of your ward's non submitted or un-declared belongings it is solely the responsibility of your ward.

3) Students will not be allowed to carry mobile phones and if found they will be conscated and strictly will not be returned.

4) Chewing gum and aerated drinks like Coke, Pepsi are not allowed on the campus and only a very small amount of homemade tuck is allowed. 5) Parents please ensure that your child does not carry any excess clothing. Suitcases will be checked on arrival and all excess items will not be allowed to keep with the child.


IMP :- First 15 days there will be no phone calls. Parents will get to know the well being of their wards from house mistress only from 6-9 pm

Telephone t ime.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. We request the parent to avoid calling children on week days except on birthday or special occasion as it makes them more homesick. It will hamper his/her

....adjustment behavior in new surroundings. Sometimes a child who is coping well suffers from many emotional problems after hearing from his/her parents.2.Calling up your child will be allowed from 8:00pm to 9:00 pm. ........................................................................................................

3.In case of any emergency parents can call up the House Master / Mistress if need be.......................................................................

4.Please note House Master / Mistress should remain the only point of contact regarding your ward......................................................

Television viewing... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Students are allowed to watch television only on weekends for a limited time of two hours or during extended holiday time. PYP and MYP students have

separate TV rooms to facilitate age appropriate programmes to be viewed.

Leave Policy

IMP :- Meeting your word for the rst time after reporting will be permitted after a period of one month . HM will be declaring the date.

The wards would be sent home only during the scheduled vacations mentioned in the yearly calendar......................................................

1. No student will be allowed to leave campus unescorted. Students leaving the campus with the relatives/drivers/friends or any other person other than the parent must have the ID Card or an

Authority Letter duly signed by the parent taking responsibility for their child to accompany the concerned person. The student will collect the exit pass from the concerned warden only.

2. After the permitted leave, a student will report to the Hostel Master/ Mistress on returning to the boarding. Student will be ned Rs. 1000/- per day for going early or coming late. Reporting

Time for boarders is strictly before 6.00 p.m. as per the scheduled day and date.

3. In case of an emergency, it is essential that a leave application is given by the parent and an exit pass procured before taking the child out. The application is to be given to the concerned House

Master / Mistress with the recommendation of the Principal / Coordinator.

4. Weekend leave shall not be allowed. Leave for marriages during academic time shall not be entertained.

5. In case of an unfortunate event in the family, leave may be granted after seeking permission from Principal.

6. No student will be allowed to accompany their friends and stay with them at their homes on the weekends or for any vacations. Parents and local guardians will make arrangements to collect

and drop their children.

7. Students will exit and report strictly in complete school uniform or PE uniform only. No child should remain absent on the rst and last working day

Copies of leave applications will be attached for your convenience. The same will be lled up and sent for the purpose of applying for leave.

Birthday Celebration

The School refectory will be providing B’Day cake for their Birthday celebration. A standard 2kg cake order can be placed to the Refectory only. The amount for

the same will be debited to their imprest account. No outside cake or eatables are allowed in the school for birthday celebration.

Medical Needs

If the child has any health issues or is under any medication the parents must inform the Residential Doctor / Mistress at the time of admission.

Parents are not permitted to give any medicines to the child directly. If the child is on some medication, special diet or supplement recommended by the doctor it

can be allowed provided your doctor's recommendation letter is given to the Residential Doctor / House / Mistress for the same.

Students wearing/using spectacles must have at least two pairs with them along with their card which species the power..................................

Copies of medical form will be attached for your convenience. The same must be lled up and sent for our record.

Timings Schedule

Weekends Saturday & Sunday

7:30-am - 7:45am Rouser

7:45am - 8am Freshen up

8am - 8:30am Breakfast

8:30am – 11:30 am Activities

11:30 am- 12:30pm House activity/Cleanup time

12:30pm -1:10pm Lunch

1:10pm -2:30pm Self Time

2:15pm - 3:30pm Swimming/ Sports

3:30pm - 4:30pm Rest Time

4:30pm - 5:30pm Tuck Time /snacks time

5:30pm - 7:15pm Group Activity / TV time

7:30pm - 8pm Dinner

8pm - 9pm Attendance & Self Study

9pm - 9:15pm Milk time

9:15pm - 9:30pm Lights Off

Timings Schedule

Weekdays 5 Working Days

5:25 am Rouser

5:30 am -6am Morning jog/yoga/aerobic

6 am - 7am Freshen up

7:05 am Prayer/uniform check

8 am – 2:40pm Academic time

2:40- 3:40 pm Sports/Cultural Activity

3:40 pm- 4:00 pm Snack time

4:00 pm -4:45 pm Bathing/ resting

5:00 pm-7:00 pm Prep / study time

7:15pm-7:45 pm Dinner

8 pm - 9:30 pm Attendance & Self Study / Phone Time

9pm - 9:15 pm Milk time

9:30pm Lights Off

Boarding Schedule

Things to Remember. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. The hostel building is out of bound during school hours. If for some reason a boarder is required to go to the boarding house he/she has to have a permission

slip from concerned HM/Coordinator. 2. School can check student's personal belongings if required at any time. 3. While the school takes every precaution, for the safety of the students the school cannot be held responsible for any accidents/mishaps that may occur due to

unforeseen circumstances, violation of school rules or absence of common sense on the part of a student and in spite of the best course of action taken by the

school. Indemnity bond to be lled up by the parents.

4. In case of illness of the student, the Residential Doctor / Master / Mistress will inform the parents. We have the means to ensure that the child gets treatment

from a qualied doctor, and in case of a serious illness only, the School will inform the parent.

5. The parents will inform the Boarding Coordinator and House Mistress of any issue in the family like – Estrangement, Divorce, Property dispute etc. 6. Once a month on a weekend parents are allowed to visit their ward with prior permission from the House / Mistress ...............................................


We, at Gurukul, are working towards giving our students a holistic education by inculcating discipline as a “habit”. We are growing from strength to

strength as we follow the mission of Gurukul. We believe that the school and parents must work as a team with a common objective to produce

responsible citizens. With this in mind, we would like you to observe the following guidelines:..

1. Appointment with respective Principal is strictly with prior intimation. Visiting Hours: 3pm to 4:30pm only. Walk-in parents shall not be entertained.

2. Refrain calling the respective HM during the academic hours( 8am to 4pm)

3. Prior appointment to be taken from House / Mistress, in case parents want to meet their wards. Walk-in parents shall not be entertained.

4. Please do not offer gifts to any staff member – it is strictly prohibited.

5. Parents are not allowed inside the boarding house. Moving inside the dormitory area is banned.

6. Regarding tucks and eatables please observe boarding rules.

7. After break / permitted leave students will report back to the hostel on the scheduled day. No application / request shall be entertained in this


8. Students should not be in possession of money.

9. Transport for students while leaving and returning from the vacation can be arranged only if the House Mistress is informed ten days in advance.

Short notice will not be entertained. ( VGS - Pune/Mumbai Airport )

10. Please refer to the Annual School Calendar for the dates and days of Open Day/SLC/Graduation Day/ Annual Day/Exhibition/Workshops at

School. Parents' attendance is mandatory on these days . Accordingly your monthly visits can be planed.

11. Kindly refer to the dates of vacations in the Calendar to book tickets for your family excursions / vacations.

Gentle grooming

1. “Early to bed and early to rise” is very much practiced in the boarding house. All the students will be in and out of their beds as per the boarding schedule. 2. Morning activities are compulsory except if excused on medical ground. In Medical cases the certicate of Resident Doctor is a must. 3. A high level of personal hygiene must be maintained at all times. For the same the wards will be taking a bath twice a day. [Only Grade 1 & 2 Students will be assisted by the hostel attendant for taking a bath] 4. “Cleanliness is next to Godliness”. Keeping this in mind the students will maintain their cupboard and cubicle in a neat and tidy manner. 5. Students have to follow the dress code strictly as per the occasion/ timings. 6. Funky hairdos (spikes/streaks) are not allowed. Every month the boys will be getting a crew hair cut in the boarding. 7. Girls/Boys will dress decently at all given times. Low waist jeans/trousers are not allowed. 8. Girls/Boys are not allowed to wear sleeveless shirts or shorts in the refectory. 9. Shorts can be worn by the students only during games and in their respective hostel rooms. 10. The student will inform the Hostel Warden if any maintenance work has to be done in their cubicle or room. 11. The hostel building is out of bound during school hours. The students well sleep in night wear only. 12. Before sleeping students should be prepared for the next day in terms of uniform, polishing shoes and completing home assignment. 13. Bullying or ragging in any form (verbal, physical and emotional) is not accepted. 14. If any student damages the school property, the cost will be recovered from the imprest account. 15. School personnel can check student's belongings if required at any time. 16. TV and computer usage is limited and will be allowed only over the weekends as per the schedule. 17. Kindly refer to the list given below while packing your ward's bag. Please ensure

Important to note:

• Nothing extra will be allowed. Anything excess will be returned• All clothes will be labelled [embroidered] before reporting • Things will not be accepted if not labeled. • Electronic gadgets, Expensive Watches, Pen drive/CD will be returned if brought. • Gearless bicycle is allowed

Personality wheel The activities conducted not only add avor of fun to the boarding life but also bring out the best in the wards. While catering to the academic needs, the wards are tuned into developing and enhancing life skills which help them to be emotionally secure and socially adjustable.

After graduating, the nished product you receive in the form of a well groomed young adult will surprise you in many pleasant ways.

•Respect •Appreciation

•Team work


•Organization•High self esteem



Caring Courier 1. Any courier to be sent to the ward should be informed to the House Mistress over the phone or through email. 2. Any uninformed parcel will not be given to the ward. 3. Courier can be sent through DTDC or First Flight only. 4. Address for courier is as follows: House Mistress/House Master name Student's name MIT Vishwashanti Gurukul Rajbaug, Loni Kalbhor Pune: 412201 Contact No: HMs number Courier received will be processed for screening by the school staff.

Unauthorized items if found will not be handed over to the student.

VGS boarding house is just the conducive dais to groom the young gentlemen & ladies of tomorrow.

Looking forward to meet you in person on the reporting day!

Parents should contact the respective section ofce or the respective House Mistress to seek information regarding their wards. Contact details will be given on the Orientation Day.

Address for sending courier:

Vishwashanti Gurukul

Rajbaug, next to Hadapsar, Loni Kalbhor, Pune-412201, India

Phone: +91 20 392 10000 Ext. 125