ORDER OF SERVICE - Carmel...- 1 - Worshippers are invited to come forward for personal prayers with...

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Transcript of ORDER OF SERVICE - Carmel...- 1 - Worshippers are invited to come forward for personal prayers with...

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Worshippers are invited to come forward for personal prayers with elders/pastors in the front pew.





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ORDER OF SERVICE 9.00 am/11.00 am 17 September 2017

Worship Leader: Dn Timothy Liu Speaker: Rev Tan Soo Inn Prayer: Eld Bruce Lockhart

Scripture Readers: Rina Lai/Goh Swee Hong

Silent Prayer & Meditation


Call to Worship Psalm 19:1-4a

Opening Songs Majesty (Here I am)

Opening Prayer “Gloria Patri”

Responsive Scripture Reading Romans 5:1-8

Worship in Songs How Deep the Father’s Love

No Greater Love Love One Another

Still All I have is Christ

Offertory & Thanksgiving Prayer “Doxology”

Choir Presentation: Majestic Holy One

Congregational Prayer & Announcements

Scripture Text John 15:9-25

Message Following Jesus in the Company of Friends

Closing Song How Beautiful

Benediction “Three-Fold Amen”


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1. Jesus loves us as a true friend

- committed - accepting - sacrificially - transparent - challenging

2. He commands us to love one another in the same way

3. Community enables us to experience the love of Jesus

4. Community enables us to minister for Jesus

5. Community enables us to face persecution

6. The structures for community in the church --- face to face communities

7. The power for community in the church --- the Paraclete

Following Jesus in the Company of Friends John 15:9-25

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Come, join our prayer warriors in Room #03-06 on Wednesday @ 7.45 pm !


Thanksgiving for our 8th head of state, President Halimah Yacob, and her desire to serve everyone. Pray for her role as president, the apex of our political system and the symbol of our multiracial, multi-religious nation. Pray that she will fulfil her role with distinction.


Worship Services/Groups (SES, Sunday, Youth, Children, Rhoda, Mandarin, Korean, SEMS): Pray for the speakers, worship leaders, musicians and all who serve in various roles. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s work amongst His people as they come for worship each weekend.

Children Ministry: PSLE for P6ers - Pray for wisdom, strength, diligence of heart and mind, peace of God be upon our P6ers in their preparation for PSLE (Written) on 28-29 Sep, 2-4 Oct. In KidSparks and Sunday School, they are Loh Xiu Ting, Angel Ling, Christie-Ann Koh, Ho Zhi Ling, Natania Angel Tunn, Rachel Tian, Bryan Wu, Ethan Teo, Isaiah Lai, Kevin Yan, Ryan Chia, Timothy Phua, Titus Tam. Children’s Ministry Weekend (23-24 Sep): Pray for the commencement of the official recruitment drive for 2018 co-workers to serve in various roles, namely, dept. coordinators, administrators, worship leaders, musicians, teachers, assistants and counsellors. Pray that members and regular worshippers will come forward to present themselves and their spiritual gifts to God for His Kingdom's purpose. “I AM Superhero” Children Day Celebration @ KidSparks (30 Sep, 4.00-7.00 pm): Pray for good responses to the publicity flyers distributed to CWK (K2), unchurched friends of KidSparks children and themselves, etc. Pray for good time of learning through songs, crafts, games, skit, etc. Pray safety during activities and tea-break, too. Pray for good teamwork amongst KidSparks teachers, headed by Melissa Choo and Cindy Tan, and the youths as facilitators of games, and for all to bear Christ-like testimony in thought, word and deed. Pray for good response to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and for salvation of many. “A Miracle” Children Day Celebration @ Sun School (1 Oct): Pray for good responses to the publicity flyers distributed through the Sun School children as a form of outreach. Pray for the Scripture Union (SU) ministry team, headed by Ps Flora Chew as facilitators for the Preschool and Primary groups. Pray for good time of learning for all participants. Pray for the sowing of the Gospel seeds into the children's hearts, and for salvation in God's timing!

“Finishing Well” OASIS-CMfC retreat (6-8 Oct): Pray for journey mercies be upon the entire group, with Ps David Wong as the speaker, and more than 35 participants. Pray for good time of learning, bonding and fellowship over various activities. Anniversary Banquet @ Ban Heng Restaurant (27-28 Oct): Pray for good response to tickets sales, particularly, on Friday night, amongst members and worshippers. Pray for Ps Peter, pastoral team and logistics committee as they look into the detailed planning and execution of the programme and related matters. Pray for meaningful time of fellowship amongst attendees as church gathers to recall God’s faithfulness for 50 years of grace and growth, and to move forward with His guidance upon the leadership and congregations.


Pray for each Carmelite and worshipper, to experience personal revival and growth, with a deeper desire for God, His Word, His ministry, and exercise of spiritual disciplines in one’s daily life. Pray for each person to do his/her part to make Mt Carmel, a “House of Prayer.”

PRAYER PAGE “This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we

asked of him.” (1 John 5:14-15)

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JULY 2017, INDIA TRIP PART 3@IMPHAL, 24-30 July 2017

After Mussoorie and Delhi our final stop is to Imphal, the capital of the North-Eastern state of Manipur, which shares a border with Myanmar. Phoebe and I flew from Delhi to Imphal to conduct a Pastors’ Conference from 24-26 July. It was organized by the Manipur Baptist Convention (MBC) which we had partnered since 2011. Forty-three pastors and leaders attended this conference as I taught the books of Jonah and Ruth. We were able to cover two books because there was no need for translation, unlike in Delhi. Many of them are seasoned pastors who have never enjoyed a sabbatical despite years of service. They really look forward to conferences like these so that they can be equipped in some way.

But the highlight for our Manipur ministry is the Young Adults’ Conference (26-28 July) led by six of our YAs from Singapore. Here is the background to how it happened.

Last September when I taught the Book of Isaiah to some pastors at Imphal, I had the privilege to meet Rev. Boipu, who sits in the Executive Council of Manipur Baptist Convention (MBC). Rev. Boipu oversees Youth and Education for their 1,300 churches. A visionary leader who keeps thinking ahead for the needs of his people, he asked if I could give a long-term commitment to come once a year to continue training their pastors. He also requested, the next time I come, to remain a little longer so that I can also train some of his key young adult (YA) leaders.

That was when I counter-suggested by saying I’ll try to bring a team of YAs from Singapore to train their YAs. The reasons are obvious. Firstly, it is better this way because of the mutual friendships that can be forged. Secondly, the Manipuri YAs will be more deeply inspired if they can see other YAs teaching the Bible in a competent manner. Finally, one of my objectives for our YAs in Project Ezra and Project Timothy is to challenge them to go for mission trips to gain cross-cultural experiences.

This is where Rayner Loi, Darren Sim, Airika Takeguchi, Stacey Teng, Lim Shi and Janelle Ong stepped into the picture. Except for Stacey who was still studying in England, the rest studied the Book of Ruth with me in Singapore so that they could teach it in Manipur. To raise the bar I also challenged our YAs, if they were up to it, to prepare a sermon after each chapter and then preach it in Manipur. I’ll be on stand-by to do the preaching by default if they opted to pass. Guess what? Four of our YAs stepped forward to take up the challenge and prepared the sermons, and I was truly delighted! And so with the foundations laid in Singapore, we were ready for the trip to Manipur.

Sitting in the background, it was so thrilling for me and Phoebe to watch our YAs working in pairs to teach each chapter, and then break-up into smaller groups for discussion and application, before taking turns to preach the sermons! They were truly excellent, each with different skills, and all working as one. They led in worship. They engaged the audience. They preached with passion and power. And as with Sean and Liz in Delhi, I caught a glimpse of the future of Carmel.

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To put things into perspective, there were some high-calibre people among the 35 Manipuri YAs who attended – including a seminary lecturer, two youth ministry staff, seven chairpersons of youth associations, and a lady professor. It was enough to intimidate many YAs. But our YAs did so well that the audience broke into spontaneous applause after each sermon (signalling the end of each session). Many of them even requested to have the sermon scripts!

Among the feedback given to Rev. Boipu were the following…

“The passion of these young people could be seen from their teaching and facilitating

the sessions.”

“I feel each of them knew their job and responsibility very well.”

“They freely mingled and talked to all the delegates, which is very encouraging, and

a sign of spiritual maturity.”

“I feel they taught from the heart, not head knowledge only.”

“They make us dig out so many valuable lessons and gems from the Book of Ruth.”

“At such a young age, they are already teaching God’s Word. I will surely use each of

them as an example of how passionate they are about Jesus to my church youth


“Dr. Daniel and wife are setting a good example of leadership mentoring for our

churches. It is like Paul who guided young leaders like Timothy and Titus. The MBC

churches must learn from this.”

At the open-sharing time towards the end of the conference, the following were some testimonies that were spontaneously shared…

“Previously the Word of God is like an apple we are holding in our hands. We can

only look at it but not eat it. From this conference, it feels like we are now eating the


“We learnt things which we never saw in our lives. It is so different from normal bible

studies. You have really encouraged us to study God's word. Thank you.” (By Boaz)

“Though I've taught Ruth many times, I've learnt so many new insights. I'm really

excited and want to preach it again, based on new things I have learnt. I'm encouraged

by you young adults, and will go back to do the same by investing in my young adults.”

“I've finished M. Div and have been teaching in college for many years. Now I am in

pastoral ministry. I've studied books like Job from the historical and critical perspective,

whether Job is a real person or not. But I've never studied the OT like in this conference.

I realize there are lots of new things to learn. So many new insights linking the

chapters, with comparisons and contrasts. I did the questions last night, and some of

my answers were not correct. Your explanations have made things much clearer

now. The student's workbook is also very good and my friend suggested we should

use it in our church too.”

“I would like to have such conference for years to come. I really like this very much.”

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“The things you prepared in the book are so amazing. So many insights. I'm thankful for

how Ps Daniel invested in his young people. He could have taught it better than you all (I

am not saying you did not do well) but he invested in you and believed in you. It has

encouraged me to go and do the same for our youths.” (Pastor Rinmei) “I am theologian who teaches the Bible in seminary. When I was asked to come, I decided

to come not as a theologian but a learner, and I've learnt a lot. It is like a new sermon to me. I'm going back to teach my youths.”

“I was really touched by the sermons you preached. I was blessed by you young people even though I am teaching postgraduate students. I am now challenging my nephew that young adults can preach well too!”

As you can see, the above testimonies are very affirming. Interestingly, there was a couple who attended our conference by the names of BOAZ and RUTH! On the day we departed Kolkata for Singapore, Ruth texted Phoebe to say she is already using the materials to lead two others in bible study! On his part Rev. Boipu has extended an open invitation for our YAs to go to Manipur again next year! I am sure this is not the first and the last of our visits there.

Thank you for all your prayers. The future for Carmel is promising, that much we can be sure.

Ps Daniel Chua

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or Dn Kelvin Teo.

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For members born in Sept, please collect your birthday gift AFTER the service next week on 24 Sept, outside Hope Sanctuary. Please bring your identity card (for scanning purposes) in order to collect your birthday gift.

We are in need of volunteers to be ushers for 9.00am service. You can either come in as a Care Group or form a group of 8. Please contact Lai San @6779-5077 or email laisan@carmel.sg if you are interested or have any query.

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● Please make all cheques, including those for the Development Fund, payable to Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd (exact payee name must be stated on the cheque).

● Please note that NO receipts will be issued for cheques received by the Church below $5,000 except upon request. ● All Offerings and Pledges to Mount Carmel BP Church Ltd is not tax deductible.




Ushers Albunus Ng & Team Covenant CG

Refreshment Beng Guan/Jimmy/June

Worship Leader Ben Koh

Congregational Prayer Asst Ps Margaret Ong

Musicians Week 4 Band

Scripture Readers Chai Chor Tiang Tan Mui Hong

Welcome Corner Tan Mun Kiat Dn Jonathan Lum/Sunny Yap

AVA Crew Timothy Chiam/Fiona Chee Daryl Tan/Loh Kum Hoe

Registration for 2017 Christmas Baptism, Transfer of Membership & Reaffirmation of Faith is open now. The 1st interview will be on 1 October 2017, and classes will commence on 8 October. Candidates, who have worshipped with us regularly for at least 6 months, may register with Angelica at Church Office (angelica@carmel.sg; 67795077). Closing date for registration is 25 September 2017.

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Senior Pastor Rev Oh Boon Leong


Missions & Strategic Planning Rev Peter Teo


Ladies, ConnexUs & Rhoda Ps. Assoc. Ang Lee Luang


Children Ps Asst Margaret Ong margaret@carmel.sg

Youth & Family Rev Jabez Chia

jabez@carmel.sg Young Adult & Youth

Ps Asst Marianne Wong marianne@carmel.sg

Pastor-at-Large Rev Daniel Chua daniel@carmel.sg

SEMS Ps Asst Joyce Goh


Mandarin Service Rev Goh Ngiam Heng ngiamheng@carmel.sg

Rev Ng Eng Chye engchye@carmel.sg

Remnant Korean Service Rev Ezra Jang


BOARD OF ELDERS Eld Bruce Lockhart

(BOE Chairman)hisbl@nus.edu.sg

Rev Oh Boon Leong (Session Moderator)

Eld Yeo Siew Yam ysywpl@gmail.com

Eld Ho Peng Kee pengkeeho@gmail.com

Rev Peter Teo

Rev Jabez Chia



Mandarin Service Chapel 10.45 am

Rhoda Fellowship ACE Room 11.00 am Bible Study i/c Tee Lin

Youth Service Chapel 12.15 pm Marianne Wong - Spiritual Friendship & CG

Young Adults Fellowship Fellowship Hall 12.30 pm

Remnant Korean Service Chapel 2.30 pm

SEMS Service Sanctuary 7.45 pm

Ushers: Clementi Woods CG/Tsame CG Refreshments: Legacy CG AVA: Michael Teo/Alan Tan/Low Ek Yong/Tan Chay Hoon Welcome Corner: Tan Choon Kiat/Sim Chui Hoong/Joyce Lin Librarians: — Library Closed — Thanksgiving Flowers: Vivienne Chong & Soh Keng Tann


English Services Hope Sanctuary 9.00 am/11.00 am Speaker: Rev Oh Boon Leong - Telling the Next Generation (Psalm 78:1-8)

Mandarin Service Chapel 10.45 am

Rhoda Fellowship ACE Room 11.00 am Worship Leader: Christine Speaker: Mrs Mathew - Our God Who is All Knowing

Youth Service Chapel 12.15 pm Ps Kenny Lee - The Prodigal Father

Remnant Korean Service Chapel 2.30 pm

SEMS Service Sanctuary 7.45 pm

Wednesday, 20 Sept 7.45 pm ACE Room: Prayer Meeting Chairperson/Devotion: Rev Jabez Chia

Thursday, 21 Sept 10.00 am ACE Room: Thursday Men’s Group (TMG)

Thursday 8.00 pm Hope Sanctuary: Choir Practice

Saturday, 23 September 5.30 pm Chapel: SES Worship Leader: Quek Hung Hiang Congregational Prayer: Asst Ps Margaret Ong Speaker: Rev Oh Boon Leong - Telling the Next Generation (Psalm 78:1-8)

Dear guests, we trust that you have a meaningful time of worship. We invite you to join us for Welcome Tea in the Fellowship Hall.