New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1857-06-11 [p 6]. · etmiiry uoo>ad IVieatooptaNoitkern...

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Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1857-06-11 [p 6]. · etmiiry uoo>ad IVieatooptaNoitkern...


The Catted Bmtrnt iteaaaOT Frie*«on. raptLowber, ftvtn I..titp<< i. u*. noon of YV'dn' ¦ J«y 'he

!*/:l., armed hero al i p. in. yesterday.TV litre! tOaaaathip Africa, beat N>>v-Y"ik,

MriMd at ....« jx-' at ''..'tu p.m.. ...» Sunday " . .'l»kThe IBan j . in v d \;; . r.- an C"rnpany - etaaaaibip

Arn*o, (rapt. I'en»oii, from Bremen with 'tpward of

4(0 passenger* aTOvM sail ' Southampton tafJTeW«York < i. WinMM.ay the «S t h.Vaiioo« rtat' mei.te i ave been in circa.aatiei Nap* :.

ha| the BJ fttir~- of 'he F. H. frigate Via.'Hr., f..r ÜMlay!ig of Um Atia«*»italepjafb oaaaa, BOeT«

?ver, expend to p.i* eed to Liverpool, ami tve haveno tntbetti...' informati on tiiat Mir will» a: f.r»t taaaaaaaaaaad hi mm*t*. the shipsaaafl « f the aaMa

71,, |_ratm atiaaij Meulut at INaaeaVty, the .'.'..'¦,in tl u« reported:t>»M.L» .< re< r*.t Vbe < ,'.*<. tb»-» at u,.ud"»v. Tin- ereile

¦wit of aaaeaal uc u««.<i«io ntlea. lat ratee |k J fci eooiaaaatana (aoklna aUcwanoa In lt> beios« nineteen days ecceent),we* aaatawial tattei t*bi R- k»M aiatket wa« eealei ivttaeevtl b bwetneee. i.rrst eVenteta, df< *ua<i«, «ii< »««1 an leapt'ivoa»ei.t. IX- foreign 8te«n n.«rbet wu not tjui'e a<, tlrei. Inn.i*.tUaat. n..i.i.»« tad Ian* uji ikatat laete ">e* ao ant*(«*: ..... Coneult aweaviiey cleeexTst ua ./<"',, end I .. »

IBlihail Otrell eft awdeai Btttl near PwMon. imeiiMf." aeatWJ

aaeiefteaer bee MM| leahaUtese eetteei *pi i»at aaa ¦ »injf.e-tur.T* af Preeton ami Bejah-

In In11 eatand te itaiitui ike ¦ labhai et Uteti respecttee^etebliiliii.i-ti'* 4" l-..iir* per. wr. k f. r toe feral ereeki Ir ¦:

jLfe lat, po «ided two trcnt* ef tue .power1' etWCai in tliemm latk ..

Thm foiiowinf» art- taayatti of Ika Lin rpool aiarketa:W Ihagaad ij " ilaikta «i- n.und f r IVncai Ptoca m

Kati raaj *j»' M. n<Uy th' (< nn.-r e<!v»; c-A .'nil f 70 m ti.dta<- latter i. «. aa eeet t tvity *pnc«i. laatao i.okk alas i^i

»tx.t«il : c l <: a> ooirter.At eat rxaJk« t tu-CeT. however. ». IT.AT ti.u rl.' t it wi r' r.r

lit w ik.' (i.d.aeief .¦. buv. Jn4*ta Coaa adv*i,eed lo 91 li lotjei:..i». end *' i I rwhlttThere is no okaBM t" ante in\- end prkssa ere

n. r. af k aiiap'ttfV COTTOI dull, and di maud in.¦:. d, witht-Lt el enae u e..

The britial, tisde report* fur the w.ek 'to Mot,dav evi i.uiri

sliow Im uaalai dulii:.*.- al Manekssti r and « fattai r Usp .

tin. < n the pi.t*. of the mannte., tunjrs loat/aU tker tleltaot |.r*elvctiiiii at the praaaat price of toe raw rnat-i .]. Krom fctir-auiii|lmu tlw »« de^nbe ataasllaast In tie Ima merket,and t.» alter*' e"i in ÜWfaaeial trade» of the pee... The hn.ierytiener* at l^i.etti r aiei eiiewbere we btaetlea In tue

»oelen ilirtriel» ther- had been a »lieht increa.e af akaatteaa.The iii.b inieii aasfkets w ra vHakeat laaBattsi a

1 in an .. 11 < f i ne defblcateona of thai lea 1 bone] seen k so!hk'ij to hf !e*. then ? I m«i i«.i.The pi r»oa whote failure in the provi. on ai l/rsin trwi. at

L.verpo«.! was stun " i e. i» hn !'¦ "j. L.t'i iti»'«Ml«i,i to;a»*et< rnriail.

UkTeatT UTUsjTtarOI. maukft.Liw tirooi, May /7.N. n .(. ir Cotton majsol rntitiaaai

aery qii't. and onre* are oa'ele nieintained.Trsiiract.i n» d bkl Aio 11 i.- t<> day have he' ri to a u ..

aateat at jtstsraay'eadvaaoe, asaiek is freely aceded to feypt RkaaaraTbi faaeitu v d..*li n :. [.or*, the Btarket gaiat bat »te.sdy.

THE STATE OY LVllOVE.Triv. C't r Own (utTttfuaiai:.

LoitDOlf, Frulay, Ma*21, l-"'t.Aotord.n^ to the of'ioiiv. papcra, ttM» Austrian

Empire, .n its extent M stualJ, when compared tothe I'mted Kt'ttee, tontaim 10,800,1 00 ihoop, BMa(of them of the brt^ d, 43,000 ponotu limia livelibord iu teudinj them, ami the i curly amountfor the exported faool ie put down at e^OOO,000fit rit.g. whist thebou;o consumption for the woolenfljhiuifaetiire i» e+timateil at i-1 i iiiljiMKi, ,.f the rttV

«nateria!. I.ombnrdv aol Venice has scar -ely anybleep, Daimatiit, the miiitary frontier ami theetmiiry uoo>ad IVieatoop taNoitkern Coriuthia,?Tear rheep exclusively for tneir incut, wriiie nil theeither paoatäaooo, aad oapociaMp Moravia, Bileaiaand Hungary, p^odtsfltxl wool of the highest quality.The first introduction of foreigi aiatali of akapp isdue to the Hajbearian i'r.mate, fleorgo SaeeOpoot5oy,ia 16Q0i but the gtetü progress in improrin* thoaheep oftka Austrntn i.mrchy bej/.tn in ITTü hjthe ntrmluctioii of a flock of Spanusli Merino shoe p.under Maria i bereue. '1 he importation ofMm im¬

proved Saxon Merino's baa, within tie last lit) years,altered the cliaructer of tlio breed 00 extensivelythat it far turjiasscs the original Baanwh race, ande>veu the tdaUO) dcaciibad und ctditinualiy puledKainbouillet flock. It is surprising that Anieric in

ejiiterprise bus imt \> \ hit upon the rdoaaaTinporttttgimproved Mfrioo aWep from Praiaian BUoaia, Sax-t r.y. or frt'in the Austrian dtumriion«. all of themhaving a climate fdmilurto that of the North-westernBtatea af tae Cnioo. Still it atnit be adinittod thatthe impro\"d Marlao llocka taajaira careful tending,nmi are utd mi hardy as the coirse English breeds,ViLich tire justly e elebiated for their meat, thoughnot lor their wool.

Defalcations uro »tili much in lash,on. One ofthe Cnthicrs of the Vienna National Hank lately ab*acondtd, with a deficit of abodt 3S0,000 floriaa, butwi.s captured on his way to Hamburg. Mr. CharlesThurne)sseii of Faris vvae DtOK lucky, having suc-

eeeded, as it is commonly Udievcil, in reaching tin*Americnii steiun packet; but the tVeaoh «rovern-

nient Will probably claim hi in under tbe extraditiontreaty. Thedetauiting banker is connect* d by mar¬

riage with the Peroirea, und is nepln w to AugusteIhurneyeEen of the Ircucb and Ruaeiali RailtrayC'tmpan.cH. He managed to lore about tvreiityBiillioiia of france in speculation on the l'urii Bourse,and as be was 0M of the most fashionable bankers,the lossee lull mostly on members ol the French undforeign aristocracy at Fans. His (light made a

great impression on the money market.The King ot Bat unit now on a usit at the will try to p..\c the way lor a completerect iiciliutioi. between the Western Towers and theKing ol Naples, King Botnba haung requested himto ad in such a direction. The rillt (if Frince Na¬poleon to the CoortO of FnisKia and Saxony, willprobably lead to a matrimonial alliance: raaoeaiS:don:a of BaiOBT, cousin to the Kmoeror of Aus¬tria and nice*' to the Qaaaa ol l'russ a. having been.elected by the Emperor Nupoleon aa the witc ofhia cumin. Accordingly, the Austrian Archduch-ees Stiphia ami the t^ueen ol Frussia are to meet atDresden in order to determine iu their female con-t bra whether they shall gtTO tlieir assent to BBCh I

marriage or not. The principal objection is the so-

ralled ultra-liberalism of the Friueo. It ia reit,..i k-able that the Austrian Archduke, brother to theEmperor, is about the same time going t'« Englandin order to visit the ( \ yueeu of France, the grand¬mother of his betrothed. This visit is taken for u

bad uuflury to the pretensions of Prince Napoleon.TlIMDaYl, M»y 26, I-.".7.

Tho dow ry of the Ptiaoeai Royal aaa been vabaiiu the Caaaiaoaa by an enormous majority, hutw itf.out entkuaiaam, t.tice the public ia averse to an

annuity. Lord Fuluicrstou knew this, and did kitutmost at Court to induce Prince Albert not toinsist upon an annuity, and though he has failednow, it is pretlycerta.n that on e\cry. succosiie

similar occasion, a handsome dowry will be proposedBrihheat an annuity. Tlw Chancellor of the Ex¬chequer n.ado a dull speech on the subject, but heexcited general merriment, when, in mentioning theaacnfices of the l^ueen, he remarked aha hadreceived the Emperor of Frame on poblic grounds,mot for Kit personal pliasuTt. This latpüUtle udiiiir-eiou avill of course give offense at the Tuileries,tabere the FaaBTtjaa is alrendy angry that, althoughtheie is uo lack of royal guests at Paris, no ladies,«.»eept ti.... V et..,.., aSM Ute lluet.e^. ,.| i;,.l.nIlt.have aoaored i.e.- w.u. n rJaitThe condition ol Austria is aga.n brought before

the public by the .mpcrutl progros .i ihc Kuhm iorFrancis Joseph through h:s provinces. Ii ia admit¬ted that he has taiietl to c-jucilmtc the Li tuoardsand Venetians. C. utit K.idetzky's miliUiry terror¬ism hating been ren ^cl, |faj Julians openly ex-

preaaed their dislike of the loreijjn rule, and all theamiability af the Kuijieror'a brother, who .» aowVici toy ol l'pptrr lUti», coiiid mit aeseiuble a courtaround him. Two theaters to which he bait ottereda 1 beral subvention, retused to accept it, for i.-ar ot

kairig the bulk of their visitor*. But the tinperor.bent upon popularity and acclamation*, thought hemight meet w ith a wurtner raCtyatiotJ In Huugirv.Here, indeed, he cannot OOaapsaJa that the aristoc¬racy shun royalty. Ail tho representative* of the

great houses oante to !'¦ sth and dn/zledthe eyes of the beholders by the splendor ol their ooe>

tumee jewelry, carriaftea, horses and retinue. Thentirens made an oaajal show of loyalty by a t*»rch-Nght prcceseion two Kngtish mistaj iotaj, but nowherewas the Emperor rm wed by Qi riuan acclama-iiotia: he beanl iviiywhere Htiiig.irian ad-tlrtMta ui.d Baagariaa abaar, thi u^b It n.^ht hate

n i,. ii 11 rt d ;i-at, f. Um banning ol UmGfirst visit te ll'n<aiy, Um middle cLiasc? oi tWtk

(;, rM V. ;.r< . 'y \« .»¦¦ the » dn ( rptbn (rt r, wbee * BM nioni mlmo, »icnedby [0*0Imum! H m riri'." 1):',«¦() -».!.!» u.< u t.m\ b\ ill the

bitbt I f. wne ba»id»<d t«' him by tW- Vn*-'-', MBO

j »uMliK ' I tk<-O'rmaii i faeiabi **t B# thewnobitysb ¦ < t ;«tni:i»istrnti« u. Thaj BBnaaaanr refus. <i tvrt%d it, arsd rtOwned it to lha hanaftaUj wit u 1"

aords ttVt "he diil eel wish to.taaoar we** bed? i< i.»d th*' paper," which, erma^diae; te In* vi»iw» ol

I divine rtght, r«u]J notaaat teQjoaaaiinaBhv II-¦ r ngthat l-'Tniifis Ji hj h d*»* i. .t ? \. ii oVign t«. a*>tirethtir oiimpfcint*. thr a^astiwrevd ar^w>crnej'of-'lun¬gert at OBCe left tb*, and retired tr th'irc« arin arete. Tea LSmanb, sjaeuhna the -on ..-

aoovdfttl of Tht fobaa, thai i* to up, »',.. men- I l-i-. had BO peVt in t!»esdeinr>v><tr.iti«.n. a id tin-;acknoarirdee that Ma- old n.o.*rvr.itio coorttitutioai I Ht. Stephen BaVfaej been oner sup* rscb-1 cannotagain be revivee1.. st'crtardv the] de bot hercmaiea silent apaan the thet thet they wish theretoteis of 1-1-.the work af their oe/a haada.te1 isee inert' put into fore Agni.i, my the(ieroiaopapi ra nrbndlj to Ae>atria, that, though ii.e

Aristocracy aod tin Kt-voiut onM- an dbsatiafled,th< in «itiie rhaaaei are friendly t'> the bow ij stent.Alt.*' eventhiscomfortvanishes; forth*- Eanpeiuiha- low« ved Mr ''mirad, t.*.e iWirLotimsler of iVstb,t«»r having baled ^flVrientlj I« develop the loyalty

tot tie mhhBo'ClooBca. W a the Eaiperor la going.firth on hi* leu? through Hhrtgary, to ***<. whether

.<. is pi p .hi. among the peasants. Tin penera will,.if course, <nol eoutab the whole truth. still it willI <¦ impost i bio altogether to diagabe the facts, ami a

ten Weekl ui!! chart preee tu the world thatAeatrb'i power i* hu."ed exeluaivefy upon horannjami iipoo lavotfjed ebenes of Vienna. Hut eventl.i«- support i- bellow. The Bourne of Vienna i* thethrafiest*ahbined b Eonipe, aulfjecl to recurringpaniea; within th. hi r month two auch criaea harehappened) and the arm', cot* up three fourthsof the actual revenue "t the Btaie. The fai>rieis rotten to the eon-, ami eOJUaOtThufl longer than therei^n of Naptdcon i*i Paria. Marahal Badotska ha*broken his thigh, and at his adtnnoed ag*- be i« not

ipeeted to aarerre th.' ahoeh.Tbcre an again tnyaterioni rumors about eon*

ipirac] in Italy, snuggliiig of anus ami ammunitioninto Tuscan;., and similar figns of a brewing knaux«recuon, Mill so bug hi France is quiet the aJnin ofItaly will rertaini) remaiu in the present ftnte, andaoeneetaal apaSenrhaj can be expected.

'I he French papers OOBtob the f.'lh.wing 1itt«--mcnt. which may be Important bo- agriculturalcountries ;

".Marthel Vafibnl comntuaicoled to the Acedemj a

poper by M. Dordre, on the carioaa and importaaitin t that Bea?atnettca (the mbataAOaa, auoh as ether,ehbroabiiB, *<-., arbbfa me aaed t'> atapify patbntaprerioBa to eadergobg surgical operations) han tliepower of destroying all kinds of brecb injurious to thepreacrratbn ol com. Experiments on a large acaban re made at Algieraby order of the Minuter of War;ami Mi Doyere siut. s nn the result, that twogramutesof cbJurotbrm.per metrical qabtal oi wheel are aaf-bebet to deatroy every beaet btheaibe oora pitsheimeticnüy doaed, common butli in Algeria andIlnly' in the COUSta of four or live days. Fivegrummes of mlphnrct of caibOB artil etTect tba saaoab tweiity.fnur leans. Not only the iii««-ets, but eV« n

tbl Inrvn usaide the grains are completely extirpated;aad the eora, eAei being abovek d four or Are limesin the OpBB air, dot s not retain a Inn e of the operation.Cattle will cal tba barley thus treated even while stillinfected wiih the odor, and without any iajerbua> tl rt. It it well knowa that eora lying b ht ape pro-dueea o eoatldurabb devabpaneat ec eabrb, to pra«\< i t the bad afleeti of win. h it n u t !». ahorabd twoor three timeeedoy. M. Doydrahoe remarked thatcom tnatid rtith aacatbetba does not arboo theshim- tendency; he is teverthdeaa of opbtbothal bisvp. iin.< ata an mit safiebat to aatebbafa this as poai-

t \e bet, and, therefore, raOOOUOenda that furthert mils be mud* ,'

I ie blbwing rcmarks of 77./ Liverpool Aliuonarc copied in all the English papen:"Thk ATtSNTP BVBMSBiai Ca hi r..We lenrn

that Jtr. ^\. lirowt'. M. P., Chairman of the AtlanticTelegraph Comparry, Mr. Hr.-tt and Mr. Pbgerbg,IHreetota, accompanied by Capt. Kella, hove beea on

loaid the nolle ahip Niagara. Capt. Hudson, atOreveaend, to eoatar and arrsswe with him aboutbybg down that portion of the rabntarine cubic whichis to p.. to the westward. Nothing could exceed the gen-tlt u;anlv and courteous lei ling v. ith w hich they werereceived by Copt. Budapp and his ofBcere. Aftergoing thCbOgh ti e was found that, withoutinining her by cutting Btray stanchions, there was not

space to make sntBcsently forge asroutar eoUaoftbecable to BBeUTO its safe deiively into the ocean, nn h an entetpriaC| is Ihc llrat point to bo attendedto. Indeed, this is aol BUrprlsilig, for although sirllnldwin Walker was inns', anxious that the Urili-hiiorcrnnicnt should fun.iih suitable vessels to dotheir perl of the enterprbe, Capt. K. i's w .is tijr.months locking; over the dock-yards to find one that? .'.uld do. The Agamemnoc area at bat fixed on, butsbe ruiniied oonsidcrnble alterations. If tins" admitted, there cati lie BO doubt that among the Caitedsn.tis nav y would be found a suitable reaael. aadthat the (.ovimineiit would tend her here to aid iuthis gn nt int. roatjonal uiideit«l;ing.. It was f.-lt by a'lparties that these two great nations must be iintt.-.l lacarrying out this important warb, aad probably tiebeat thing that could be now done whs for the Niagarato take OB board the shore end of the cubic, and leadthe van ot that part of the squadron going to theWestern World, and Li" ready to give evfy necessaryassistance. In this BUggeaUOB Capt. Hudson most

cheerfully acoeieeeed."In connection with the terrible accident b) which

I young lady belonging to an aristocratic family, andwell known in London isuciety, was burned to death,I/o F.jamintrmxB:"lias the question ever occurred to ladies weir¬

ing the present amplitude of light drapery ex

ponded by crinoline, or a eort of hoop, what wouldhhpp. n it the afuaUB slioubi nbenotl to take tire.'None of the ready expedients for extinguishing tiroWould lie available against such a volume of drap rv

so disrs.scd in flames. The dtOBB could not be gath¬ered together, it is so arranged as to render that im¬possible, and the expedient of lying down and rollingin a hearth rug, which saved mauy a woman before4he introduction of the preaeel fashion, would notavail against the resistance of theatiffoBCd frame olcrinoline on steel spteading the burning substance tothe air. Should ladm for fashion s sake anooa theoseivea to so frightful a iisk ! Escape seem- impoaaibtait the diets takes tire." a. i. i .

EUROr£AN .QOSSIT.Fr< b. Out Oeaslpaai ConaapaaUfa as.

London, hlaj 85, C>7.Si BM wag once hazarded the paradox ;hat. ol ah

kinds of literature, the sie>ortiaoBaenti in the oewa-papens would gtro the beat inajght into the mentalcondition ol ^ pcopb] and we must, howeverrchtc-tantlv, coatbaa lhai there is much truth in the saj ..

Applying tin* phlbaophkal hint as a rule for invec*tigating the sta;«' of society in Europe, theeuros to be drawn are really terrible Nothing oouldshow the leading vices of a'coinmunity in a betterand stronger light; it is a kind of anatömirui ataanuatapplied to the diseases of the soul. Thus, it Wperuse the fourth page of French and Helgiati jour¬nals, we lind hoops, droop improrers and shares afall kinds of financial compnuet, ttlts riiating with theii.expr.-siblc medicbee ol Hirandrea de St. Uerveia,Ch. AiU rt and other ijuacks, revealing a situationin preeeni ». of which

" RrUidcii. tiuti.iDf. vbOi h> r Bserad Dir«Ai.a aeaa »te« ¦ataMtj a>atfsa»N

II from Paria er Krüssels w e turn to the CexetYiof Cesawaa and other fabnuea ootianpotatite. theleeafine leeture iu the aeTfertbi Baetd departui. nt isfound to be sonic cx< iting reiiady against that slightand by no means metaphysical bniaepaabjbn which¦Bnataily folbwa a ti«. rapioaa bgurgtbstba .>i/ r' -, r. ;.: d for wuieli Teutonic students bnvee^en iLventcd the curious denomination of Fafrrn-jiimnur (cat's sicktessV It is «piitc natural thitpickled cuetiinhers ami hcmi« salads should beu desired than silks or woelea cloth in a countrywh. n' the most popular song declares thut "the"man who was never intoxicated bnohoojeotfrl-- low."

Wi t aaaaala saaaa R«ui. h (et»t>tIVr itt kein t'raier Mu.o."

In merry Englaud, however, thetaldity ot adver-tis. naCI !s has reached its highest pitch. There,Mom s g Son-, iioii..M,,y ,,;m| Qaj Jaggh hare COatituted themaelrea the Bapaaeoen af bduatrblhumbug. Thcie. the best iu.miis to get rid of atr(.ubk»sonie creditor are daily ott'emi by cleversolicitors, to '. pcraous in embarrassed circuiu-stanc. s. ihcre, every public house is the 'ouly"eOC known for genuine London e'.oui." There,every Wine merchant sells the .. most pure andsparkling Chamj>«gne." There, that low-mindedand obscene jester w ho sty l, i himaelf " Chief HsrotiNbhobOO,'' takes groat care to inform the publicthat be .* BOt 01 BCs rncd in the publication of anyBcrhaj tmL There, the .Messrs. Itetta spread, ¦. b.the .h^nst tl the public, the bcttbat their

P.\l».\r hu iMM \* superior to any nude aSr*yi.l.'IVi.-, Kirru'b hairdresser* call tbet*»*e

aad 1'riT.cii baflata, " Bfeaaeaiaa '¦'

?titlirg.'' There, eaaaB^piea of Terp.i ¦*»**.. laa*aaaa«ilthat Ibej ire abb* la teaek yaavraj laeaea, aaa) bf.. ;?..« 11' (thi« n tviii aad auaaahanBatshle sAgsjrsajk n

i- a»J] Itauf humble'» er-of hr.ri.:.^ XSld Hl ttb-

iinahra,) but in a 'Veer*," at tbcr. s*.jy aaitmi irgaat a artray before v/urcr, Victorii. ami beart.'rir train witi:««tt «ti nnh c «¦» «I. There,"Mini "i i'ii M'tnV are tattfht ?Jir 7» anil Pr«-feeeen h Efoensawa eaabe* .snj»ir'i.i, politicians tnkiu-i i their !. Bow 'atiliaa without e de-graccful baa.ladcesl, if are uki- lato aotaant lb* tajntnetuA*Beta rtba ti'ei.fs wbirh Wtn'-i' Inv'ttr^blt,"'* I inyuiLcHi" Hints fttr frntTm if >rrrs.' ob*., Uwt nlii am i t-t eeem ai if ataman riiaj. leaTBseriBg «udinhering were lik« ]y lasheaeinea rtatieaal diaeaao fatf.lcM Pllinill. Ill fact, tV F, »«. -(i pet, Lord I'.il-lueiatea. ta**agk ka aVab*aai reatarkabb* oaoerJksa,does oo with nsaeh barilatbaa, a'u) Ijati CTaBaresjUerCraawortb eosdd aid nad the tycech from thethrone xvitixur stumbling. Siuc then* afe »<> mam

tcfi ri:: iic.i-uri" on tb»-1 ..,.«, \ '. for improving"iiini costtxdidatiBg Parliamentary pronunciationwiiilil be found v.*r> eavjtal aad oeieeptabh*. Badfru 1. lmi.i1 iNiij,i. ,.i. ami thaayaa nayapplj t" ererj If. J'. w!n.t Cowpof Mag of the

j.-.i baaa Inert- i« n l»»il. i»li Iit MlAmi h lb" i i-*r«»:,«>«.*. I la note.X:»lit he . 'tp;">»«-.l « < r..w."

I i ai i t bjajaa aba aUayetl of adit'itaa'iaenfiaitbeut nn i.tH^iim; a Mtbar flenaetdhi itr**********1 i" HaaaVBotdi lor Maata What i* tue author s

aim Doea ha tench Iba art of beeaaabaj an idiot. r that i! diateartanaiBg I > be i ae ' We incline t<>

Ibe first aiteaTtrattVer tor. a* idiot* are generally notin\ b mi < i laabliuhv, (bit inteieetfng Innik iroaJd not

liiii n km cin e'of reaaVfi if it iron merely ot

Ibe curative kind. Leseing laid that " the being," who doej not lose his imrlri^taiidiaa about certain" tkinga, bus ni ne to loaei'' and no let us hi- jrr..fe-!ul to the mail who loaeheaaa the besr mean* to getclear ofthai traabaaaraae qaabty wbieii ia called in¬

tellect aad «tnuils ao ofira in the waj ofwaridljptrrpoaer.Our attentkm waa alao of late attracted toaah>

gular advertiaeaneat in Tin Turns aewaaaper, bywl.n h "board and bdtion were require«] foraynuu«" lady, who wants a large bedroom for her*. If and.. nnrte ntnl babr, goo I In an! ami tuition in Engiiah," w ritiag, the piano and Frem h." KoW| here is,nyoaog b>dy, aefaadj) blessed with a baby, aadae>ci mpanied bj the aorae of Ike aaobe, re.|uiriug tui¬tion in Fnglisb ami writing. The example wouldl.e i.o »mall eoconragement to boariling-acboolmisses, lu.t "it if Barer too ttte to mend.'' Thenthe question ariaea: M»ia>tbe buaband (if there beant likewiac be taken into the establishment, andWaat ..loccmj iishmcnts docs he want to aopiire '

If is rbararteriotie tliat tLis baoon ofiiim f**Mgmtdber wanta kdtei'i to bo addreaaed, pn -pai.l. to'. Corinna." A'n» * poor Madame de BtaHA century Hi.... when ignorance was faabiorwble,

this ltd* mlgbl bare beeil tak> n as belonging to thehigher < irch a of society. In our own days, aria-tocrac) bai preteusiona of a somewhat dith rcut

kind. I have already qimted the nobleman whoreckoned among Ida eqoab tbisso wko are awakewhile other people aleep. \Viiiis limls aperlWt*1gentleman in every Indlrbfaal wli.natural »fulliaesa. imi los bin to Baaao whole hours oTcrbiaglaaaWitboul Bttering a tybable, and who. wln boindulges in < < arenatioat avoids erary saperiadfre as

it it TrrrfT n iat*lranakr In the year of our LordIr67, a noble lady in LtraaltM may be deiiued ""a

ducbess who Jon not pay her miQiner i bilN." Thehighest contrast laHaeeeu high li.'l- and iow life is, in.deed, what a c^etemporarj ealls tin- uiaet*edibleaaddiscreditable credit si.tein at the West FihI."London tradeamen barg an instinctive rar«i n nee for IUBating LadBea and swaggering dan.In >,

and pen their doors and warehouses with the vilestquioUEIM N wbataSTOr an elegant carriage stops

beawe tl.em. And yet there is scan t ly anything¦ otc certaii than that hbo Hnkack] talk r will never

get the money tine him for the Kagbiu" or

"Pediseier coat" in which the fop "struts andfiels'' up and down Regent street: and the"Dnchesa" will feel reiTjnUOll insulted ami st..!idon her dignity wheaerer the uafbrtunate tiressmakerpresents Ler .. little bii)." which is generally a veryheavy one. Happy are the furnishers if the accountsare M-ttk'd alter three or foor years' expectation,formany "ii-emlers af the aiaabMIOtlJ " pay only bybeatowitaj their "patroaaae;" the wretched pi.-beiana «t«' bonotad enough by the laror of beingallowed to i loth.¦ "their betters." Trade cannotstand this iu the long run. and the matter has lieonexposed before several law units. Who wouldthink this of our fair an! elegant gentlewomen,

" Ti. »er tassa -bins sc bii»k ani irm II »o iwestf"

In l, the aristocratic standard is still more

situiinr and of n me:iievni patk-rri. The knights,of the Ton Ouixvte school pbxaaedIbtinailiti onthe strength of their mns; no noble dantea of uiir

age put their pride in Ibe elastic energy of theirfeetj " every one is can ied awaj by bis pleasure." as

Virgilaaya, trakitmum qmemttrnt roluiiu*. Thetkahion-able pleaaureofPariabyi ladies at the nr. ..cut momentis to be carried away by an intense aimiration of the jGrand Dnke Coaatantiueand an enthusiastic loreof every thing that can boast a Muscovite origin. IF iaomeahat like the impuNe in the bleoaed year J1*1.", when all the dow ager ladies ol'the faubourg ISt. Germain longed for the ugly specimen* of " not jaaxia It* caacaisa." Kow^avdaya the piedilactkhTi ja Iso manib st that it has already reached the anihi#:u- Iona ri i-ii na of the dtmi-mondt. The high aiwiiilbia*, Inames, preceded by the aristocractie rfr ind the ICustomary Snint, have given way to an inalterable 1aasemblage of conaonanta ending in the syllable o^f ,. Jtie ipunona Madame d. Saint .Inst styles herself!Madame Oathrogotett bikidfi a...l tlarc^turocal Bar« joaraa Saint Godibert print* on her carda, "Mr*. I" Boyard BUkiniat^ropachotsOW.'1 It dialocatct the Ijaws, hut it look* exceedingly srelLThe Tfniaophik'a are, kowerer, bj ao trasana eoa> I

fined to tbeee doubtful httitadea, and t!ie brother of IIheCnrbas prodneed iitrer* leoaation in the high- J«st circles, wbaterer Ibejealooj Engbah aawapapera Imay say to the iluatrar). The aerioos ZVaaaj itaelf Idraws anti-BuaaiaB oiieret»cea Iran the tact that JIbe Dtunber of I t Sord which contained th.^ Jibarmlag detaill ot a rural fete given to their ilius- Itrioua guett by the imperial couple of France was jstopped at the poat-l Bee. Hut this measure i- one

i f interior policy, and h*s rmt the least reference toforeign flairs. Tonis Napoleon is Bof very aVabjWM jthut his l,.yh; subjects should know the r.*ckle««manner in which their aaoaej i* aaeaf in revel* jstd festivities, in huntitgs and reviews: and, jin <. iiM, the French papers are for- jbidden to publish particularities, just as a yearago the om:. s at LVmpiegne remained a mystery Ito the uation whom thev concerned the aaBaiAad theo boa would the eaaadio Parisians have jtaken the story, if tl.e> had read thattke BmpreatEugeada, thai aearea atad taibrioaa aaaadL wi(.«e JptaaM resoiiiids in «very BoBaaB Dathofie paJpit, htd Ji oiistituti d hern It the eaataia afa traaa ol baaaVs. Bte court Amnions, w ith the view of dctendin«: a Ihill tpt n which sic wa- posted against an (Braajsaj Ji f fentlenien t»r that these gentlemen, at ah-«sc jr imi w»- the great Emperor Maaietf,wheat, aeeerd- Iing to the mtmktur, the earei of gaearaaaiiBt ab- jsorb day and okdat, fedraaead bappaaj oo one f<*»t Ito storm the hill aedaaaVd by the lade-*, .n.lthat the litter 1 'nin e Constant!Be pi r' Iabkeaiajfc tiöthe ...r. rt« that it is very hands.iuie IOf B lord t«> act in ."¦ human manner, ibe esaan Id'Hal u rather eagei to hide ttt little tüiiings iiefore Ithe ejei of the profane vulgar.

'. Üii profsi.-m v .' an

" .1FreaotheCoart,the Cutailaiilliii bafatual «

reathid the real ari-tocmy. I mom the iudividtiaJsirlhaae eatattheaB hi aat tha too recent invention aj JM Bag i uterprisirig ctigraver. and the BBaaVajBaaaalwBsauaimogi incredüde aeeaa, afwkiah I wilaotaeprire the rtaaleia af THl Tkihish. n jrenew ot 60,006 nm.r.Is, te..d.rmes, aaaa*-gna\tafeo, IDragooaa al the Eanpreoa, etc.. * hunt at Faaaaiaa-bleau. and a nurd at the T v. a H ill, and ö.iuinier- Ial Ic d.m. is and ov. ras. the lti.asiaii Gn.ud l»ake Iwas gratiti.d with' the light of I French raee at

LoBa^haarpr. At the latter solemnity a reserved IgakVry araaeeewaiad by all the ariatatwatat belb-s Iwhiih Pari» containn. and. among others, a n>al Icountess and a real duches* were very aaaaajiaaasjl jBJ tl.eir exlravagautly fathiouahk- Uuk t. The Jduck, ss .« id so .mail i si 1

Big. that a cotemporary calls them, resjK-i tively, ITidy Daridaad Ladj Coliath. How can we marvel Jthat, t»aring these warlike names, the two brnutiiaj jshouid have a "difficulty '" At The up.«meut when '

14 ab pT« is m-« ii M.ii um guest passed baasee Me gabbty, all IU- Lsdies row-, one elcepted, uuio-Iv^ th-'piet'J little i. i,rt»-". Tbe b*|f ssUchcoa gel ea\BB>

] . r.'.tid at thb WMI ot < tupo tt«\ and . \;.;. Med h. r

danihBBBBB ;u the pungent tOMB; tiio ata* r

replied, nnd" ?' tUnV »t 1«*!. tfcr <"> Steal row.

Fn iu wt.rd> Mm t tr It kli-w« "

If I fay "bbvee." ir ts na n*?)- ft* the vik* of therL\ n.c. f< r it wns rathi I a kick; ft*, a kick. given

b) a Li-tv j tiUugk femaJ end arittooratiC foot, inft:ii ' tin* line Tie scandal waa great indeed. PoorLad) David lelteated with a blushing BsCO amimt aadea1 b*.ps, aadfeft tt> field to the »tont bad, b ri iK#, carnal the day. Then- tin- inaT-

Ur res?»: fi r. happily, duel* between ladle* are out« f tush t n. Si eiety wi't. however, gain bv thi« farttie kt'ii" '<'dfC that, if in England a nobb lady iar» (« ttnired a* such a Leu she does not f IJ bet debt1',sie yaBlfi herself in Trance, i.e..- a high*bredLi-rse, hv .1 Hell-hill ill « ».

The Knglisb paper- »I. ridiculing, the aT.iy t

the Russian tirand I hike at Paria, eejob him m

spite ol their bait huun r. and eaoVavi r to eoai himinto a ti-it to Li ndoD. ' r at leal" to l\lltlMUttl.TLe OaaWrac yaehl is Btted ntri in tba Mal splendidii ki Her, in order to pVtck him Ikon Cherbourg to< >sl oi bC>| U hither lie ! a* Iseen hi the QVOOO.Now, I pi.: tJ e atarbue mapetivu; Wdf while i u board, to aaa theckajaaithod*mm al i'iiern \ ictoria I If I take into eomsdean»-tii t; tie laughable reverence with which the servantsof the jraeht fcrce even visitor to uncovor his he.tdnhonsver l>- approarhei thai sacTed spot which hisbeen eenctihed by the preaence of tbe sovereign, Iam not mite sore loyal Englishmen w ill not lookupon what is about to happen as an odioua pretaa i-

tn n. At nil cv. ata, let us hop- that Bi bah ?a.ib-bm wiii not induce the bribe af l»eadoas ba tbflowtie bozisf entmpb set 1 y tLeir Pajunaa sister*.A v rego ii bj m- neaue s-. aecommon an appari

til ll II "< Ii e J e< ..!.. b.' |fj r.-olers remember,perhape. Ihe ttory of tbe Cstaefier, or rather thei l,i rut,'r< d'Eon, whose real s.a has in tie t never

been accurately aacertabaed. Atter baring in sac*crssioo been a colonel ot dngooaa, a knight of St.Ltuis, iccretary ot an nahaaaador, pstmipotentJary,oi i.l ccitii'l agent if King Louis XV., ha or stiei.m 'i faringfoerteea yean in Rffghrel, *pfeirHagain «t Paris n 'l^r Ihe refgn of Letjii XVI., in tbegarb <*f a gentle lady, RanTahed a second time bytie Revolution, pool Madame d'Eon gained iin London by Ifenctng exhibitions, ij^ which theBtmoui (htralicr Saint-ticorgc likewise played a

part. In a somewhat humbler sphere aflife Paris has lately been tarored with a

arcted edition of the Eon myatery, iu theperronof a dbunnraisbed pbmnrt. //< wore a black. lies* coot and irteproiohable tPOWOers, amiwas ri n,aikable |. r two things only: a pair of bluespectacles, and the particularity that he dedicatedail bin pcik;.s a;..l tjrotuennea (for now^e-dayi everyplayer is also a Conqsoaer) to the hfakl of Orleans.Aba! it was at last lound out why he had ehoOOBtie vfargbal Jeoane d'Are for Irs pettooesa, though10 was not armed eap-a-pb like the Pleach heroine.Mol sicor V.. most, l.y onb r < f the almighty police,resign himself to be called Mademoiselle E. Indespair, >/«< wrote a petition ?>> tie-chief nntgu>träte, entreating to be lurthcr allowed the use of themascnlmekti but laws and ¦sarnb are btbxibb.However, the poor pianist did not resort to thetrowsera in order to commit a (earful havoc amongti e enemies ol her country; she adopted |bo RMtbcostume rimph in order to be less remarked for herunccmmt n uglincsa. In the garb of a woman, shethii impoaaibb and nnbraiabbi in thedress ol a man, she nut natural. The compli¬ment is not lath rirg lot us tnis.'oiniy lords of thecreation; our coatante is a harbor of refuge forwrecked beauty. There k little comf ut, indeed, mtl,e ibceitfulaphorism "that power is on the side ofIhe ben id ".

Du tilt 'a hntlt mf In |SO*J sastSSSMSS'".fir frets s|»'iik (oo often against the saving; andbow theexatnpbof tbe mooVra Mise d'Eon bD*. dithat romeiiners is altogether incompatible with thataaaaenline oreaun nt.

T<> return tor a u.i.n.cnt to the Bliaturminia. whichhas n» iincxpcctciily taken hold of Kreuch high so¬

ciety. I dare not venture to omit that amongmany eoeteeMaacovite importationa, there is one.

atkeat,whbhcannot be charged with a want ofgTacefalneaa, I am neohhag of the bir dancer,¦lib. BogdaaoaT. she appeared at the VmbibiarTheater the same evening when Madame Ristoripbyed her ti riiidc Mldtm.that horrible and povv-crtul character in which the great tragedianreaches the pitch of tCCnb art. To plenae an en¬

thusiastic public after such a marvelous perform*Mire, mttCB gmce mn! beauty was wanted, butMile. Koe.lniioil w«s cot founddefiebnt. she was

recalled and almost d.owned under a ahowOV ofi'< wi r- and bouqueta. The Medean terrora woreriTared and forgotten; the tragedy bad rtel beforethe enchant:: g imib of the Muscovite lyinh, andthe rcneiahk rorps <lr Icllit counts another briliittiitstar.Other newa front the tame amtrtnri Rachel, the

illimitable Rachel, has returned to France from tbeoanke of the Nib, Her travels m the interior ofEgypt, her st..y at Thebes m the midst of mummies,ol i liskt i.nd hicroglyphical inacriptiona, her rnmbleaunder the luxuriant doum palm trees, MCffl toLave entirely restored her health. But, ifWO areto believe the papers of Southern France, «he isIhrealcncd bj ¦ aiaeaaeof a diflerent kind; if theirstatement were eorreet, I thould in eonaebnee haveto exhaust the nroodertuJ vocabulary ol Mmftut doBevignC*, to rich iu epithets retcrrag to surprise,iLev state: "It has often been announced that" Mile. Kachel had the intention to embrace" Catholicism. Recent circumstance- ae neto cou>" film the statement. During the passage from"Abxandria to Maraeillee, the ilbatrious tragedian"contorted freejuently with MonaeigneurPewrin,"Aenetobe Vicar of <'iM-hin-Cbitia, and Uateoed to" the learned prebte with the deepcet attention... Mlh'. Ra* hcl was, moreover, at mass while in the.. harbor at Malta, and every! ody remarked her dc-"vutkex." All who know Rachel will startle atthis inforuihtion, for until now m- Jaw of iheKehx family ever embracedChrbtbuity, ami theii .st Mbbtntcd of the tribe aever earedi. r my leanpb eicept that ofMelpomene.

In n ot the German Theater, we have to mentionp. ra in four acts. Landgraf Ludiria's liraut-

fchrt i " The Wedding Tour of [ATsdgrave I>cvvi<r),ct mp< scd l y a Belgian, M. Edouard Lasten, andrepresented at Weimar under the high patron-sge of the illustrious Liszt. The K'oyal Theater ofT --els had refused the work but tbe " OemMBAthens" showed herself boepftabb toward tlie ,|e-s. rving stranger, and now there is a new meteor iuthe Mattel sky. Ata banquet given iu honor ofthe aucccastulyoungBMsbtro, Liszt spoke io highterms of that small City of Weimar, which iu for¬mer times harbored the gtcatctt poets of GenUBBy,and which n< \» ksftgee tie a-piring mu-ici.tns at theDen school. He trusted that this city Would fulfillher n< b]e ta-k |o 'I t la-t. by opeuiag new rOOdl 90art aad renalag yoong tabata. Reterring. then, tothe opera in question, the cebbratod p inblr..:.t'.l the opinion expressed by the pehfac,dwelt i n the brdiiaut future betöre M. LsUUntn, undformally asked ot him a new work lor the same

st.-:c whbrh i.a-l whtneeoed hi" Iret dazzling tri-Btph. It is, in eotukijiienee, to be expecteil tint

LaadgrafLadwig's Braut fahrt will make i gbrbuiJtsnrnay round Qeimany. We think it worth thewhile to aetJee ti e bet that a country itself so richin dUtinguirLetl easBpaaoaa should avdawa mumhlaudable h» spitality. rapeebby when the facet beh m to the f retirh Mhool 11 irnatc, which thegn alI'nti.-h artift? ifJetl to despise.That the two Leedon operaa opened their

dtor* With lUCCeaa, has already beofl stated, and itwill l>e suffit ieut to give voiir readers a tew outlines.Thb "seeeen" has pruiuc d two remarkable tli-t.utuntt. Math uioi eile Spezia and StCBOff GbwbnLLa Sj cm desi-ends fn>m a noble family of Vienna,antl rxhtl ted. as it were from hcTI hildum»d. such a

-!n B| !> re f r the stage that her prir-nts left otf op-;.-.: g her vocatitn. ami ga\- h<*r th».' most re-nowned teachers in the miisi. ;«l art. She mad' herdel nt at tie ( anneeiitmii, and was engaged al tbeSeafe, atohnj the Emperor of Austria * visit atMiliiu. Veean owes to her the ¦wcana of his t»mousopera La Trurtata. ami we can easily account foriLe u t. M e S| . , I. like Mile. l\ceo|otnii)j, \maat re remarkable as an actri s* than a* a singer; herti ice, which BJ a little deeper than the curium n so-

; m.'.o. is in ithcr very pure uor very mel'sii'" s: and'. -he has proved a valuable arantsiflon, her

debut as Liunora. ¦ Dottixotti'l Faronii, has nottteasphblj rutiicd rt.. I rillbnt fame which she

mmm ,u It.iiy. Albotii, ¦ th«- /fartVr«. ar.d Piaea*1. u .11 in the ever-lresh Lmnn ät l.amritnmonr andILr tun. fül / ig/icitu Kegimtn'.o. luve been v\?.!....ui.n1üs ihUMBg !v.n..nur»*\ and the enthusiast,.. audienceListr r.ed to tivir Biehalioue display of *H*h KBarhhfwith the nurt profound and sincere adut.! tt'nn.IL" erraffst surre»* ham however, been achieved

,v the ?*.!>«'- Girghui. »hi*f artistn« c tver present*StBBS namrfcohh) ncideUs. In the be.; ttninc. Li»'wan u .bon-ter m the BBeBTapaahaXI mur. lt afI . MI.«'. vi.« n the stnk.t.g I ¦ inty of In- Wtet at¬

tracted the aaithral. H« retueed at first obstinatelyto perform ok tha 1* -ar«!»; hat, eae day, a o leiciaoof UM < n l.fotm having luddrBty faiifii iii. In*under-took to replace hint, ami soon iflrr, tl:«' principaltfjraoi brinf nable (ft dig; be «*« induced t<- Ue>. s [H it in fdtM raueesd, and BBBJ receded withfru.t .< applesat Prem that in« m. nt bbl .Iraiiiatievi r.ti< ¦ et i Li* religious prejudice, anil imve

I.< :.din ha- Bkewias gr:LftftM bun the artistic crownwith «hieb biatesnptes bad b<t« encircled in har-ii oi ä an [tat]. Tbo extent aadl strength oi Iii« voicei ..v.. 1 rn all li !i >' <~«jual of Ifta fcaeri rssaisf. Vu-pr> taad Tamberl *. .in.i be is, moreover, v»»1! renalin (Ten branch of musical schaaee.

MadeBHiisi le OHobat, who appeared as f.'cir*in I'oilitu's Paadaaad, Bad t" strugg:- aniaat theti.-.'p itiipri arion aoauciabad u :th that pa rt oy the *u-

perivr perafsrniiag affo diea Griai. Tbaaeaaparis.ii wh» oveiwkehning, the r'aiuauataiwn diflV alt,but Devertheleas the trial was hj an roraaa a failure. Her Majesty's theater is, Maua will perceive,pn tided \-:tb n ry raht faraaciats of success.Tie Royal It-uai, Open, thoiurh bboriasj under

the illaadiantagii ift'ie czafaaaja Lyceum, main¬tains its high specialty, that of a pert.-ot rmtfini'l".and is. in that rt «|« «. t. still without a nut!. It |h.«.Bfasea .11 Grist, tbaaio, M.uio. Renteeei, NautierDidie'e, Fonaea and Th^haften tha greatest aaaaosin tl.e lyrical h.sti ry of t-ttr time, and its Ofchi slrtand chorus almost reach perfection.The ballet is. in both theaters, a sorry n flair.

Mile. Poechhd's Cswifrafrfa, at HerMsJeety's, > Gurtn ai realizing the ides "f light and eatajaat fiacefbl*boss associated with Victor Hugo's eharaahag lm-bemisn ,irl: and at the Lyceum. /<i hVdss'i\waias.aii ladisn g.rl who fails in jura ami dances with a

Bpanisli caj.; aftd is Baallj shot wirt, aa arrow inaa affray between boccatteeraaftd her own lfrilhin| father,) was sjejapb a new renlrrr.

fc-rCerito, wLo danced with her ordinary pataaataat«!...«« hüll elasticityWith the English Opera I maat .'t«m«-iate % sing¬

ing ehb tortiicd in st. Jarnca'i itreel by about fortyvi.ung miblemen, among whom may be found LordBurgi rsh si n ot the Earl of Wt sttuorrhind I, Lordi\ ah< n de Gray, Lord I >utram. the Duke de Gram«mm:, the Hartjoia d'Azeglio. etc. Those gentle-men, aho hare etajaged an Italian aitiaiBg-a9aater,nieel eterj evening Slier iLeojsera, and repeat theprincipal pieces until tLe morning dawns, f.. theirown «Ii ight iiutl at the expense or their neighbors'r< -r. W e are bound to confess that the walls ofthat artistic nsst ciation improrisfr are adornedwith i:\ily pictures, to which a puritan m:ud wouldataTBCfthat tl ject. aral that in their library may beli ninla v a rietyof peculiar literature. The "rules''ol tie club hie stuck t it the leokicg~g| iss, and jsa>sisI < fthe followlag article; .. The nembers of the..

i nib ai. invited not to sing on Buadays, except ia" ekmrtk," ll/autfiu jeu$u$$at aasa and Jissead/....f mi hi Tui'i mm, as the French anil GerinaBS assert.

The theatrical report i f the !ist two weeks sup-phis us, n:i rei \er, with the following Incidents: InI.« inioli. li e Fril le--'* has produced l/l llniflish-asaa'i Htmmt is sai Costa ; but ibis lit it i»Lt buaat isIranelated from a Preach vauderilks, ffatabx imuituklt, The Adelphi has mien JomtphVkmtigmi, a Preach rttry drarnatiaoil bt Eogbaft.The Citj < f London has brought forth Baa /.r.7. tfnSou of (hi Sight; the French rail ah fa la^tit,adapted to the English stage.'' as the phrase goes.

It:! of which the author "

i .'translator would bea less proud but more reridical ap|trllatbwi). MrTriil,, Ufodestl] s|M-aks us "the creation of hisbrain." At the Fun. . »«'s the ''act drop*' look fire,and Mrs. Charles Kean herself stepped forward inIront of the burning 'curtain, to assure the atidieive.«thai there wn« no danger.a laudal le tiudert.-ikiiigwhich Mine papirs an'ioumed to the world iu thegfowing terms: .Heroic conduct af Mr«. Keau."

In tie ei unties the Howard ftundj ami the liar-key Wihiams couple are ti.e leading "etsra.'1 Atsi. mford, Mr. Marh Moses ''nianutbctared At BhcfAeld, tha eausra Leopoldo. mplain d to the au.iit ace that the prawfotor ha.1i.i t j aid him. and the spectators obliged the latterto lai di no the moneyon the spot At Harlitigtou,tie light« suddenly went out during the performance.and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Faul had t«> give tlwirentertsinsneat, " Patcbwertt,*' in the dark. Thepublic n.iiUI Dot mm-, but BffSaaUBjed everything tb'itwas said or sung in the most rocBexaos mannfr

\\ have only to add tkut Let lioujfit I'arituntbare begran their rePtewntattvoaj at st. James's un¬der the direction of M. Oienbaclt, ami that theirpi;ty«. which areevenof a lighter stamp than theusual French opera csniajsje, give great pleasure, «>naccouatof tha agieeable«nwanWi with whichbaayare acti d.Aim Dg the dt mcstie inciilents of the fotablight bis

been the trial ofBacos and his wife ibr the horriblemurder of their children. If Lynch law had beenthe cisfi m in England, the husband, who was

charged with the darn deed bj his partner, wouldbare been executed) ami, nrTrrtbetras, this .lu'yacqaitted bha rerj justly and Ibuad the wife guilty,Infi it h< r on the groiirkl of insanity. AtBright* n, < olonel D'Aguibur has been sentenced topay '2t. Gd. aweeh toward the Biabstenaaoe of acLilti which was alHUnteil to him by a certain Mm.Ann CoDias Thatcher, sometimes ,1 governess, atthen aa Ulcer's w idow, a bo went luccoaaireij bj

tha names Koss, Drummood and d. 'I be proeeedinca vm re rendered aatnaiRg bjtin fllrpateT* of the lady, who held her little boy ujiiu ti tut. piaising his beauty, and besjged the benchto t:.kc Di tice ol his hkciit at to the reputed father, a

I of whom she produced. At Bradford, a

f'itili.1 hits cut i li the head of a woman with whomhe Was beeping company. At ( aiiterbnry, a youngwoman I ss heel' shot by a man who had |vaid m.d four more murder* besWBeeicommitted, one by a maaiac, another by a mare

boy, without reckoning infahticides and sajifjaVg.'I he tendency to shed cither ooe'i OWBblood or thatof u krlkrW-creature ir pervading this kingdom.In m general- and admirals down t«» mechanic" andlaborers.

In a k -- glooujj department, I have to notice theo|»long of u,c new resding-room ofthe Bi .tish Mu>seuBi, which contains tW,Ol)0 volume*, ami b\ aa>doubtedty, OftO ofthe tnost beautiful in the world;and a «hangi in the tasLii nable nuu.g hours, mas-

BUI h BJ the tuircst Amazotii are now to be admiredin Hytie Turk fr< m II to 1, instead ol from ."> to 7.At Vienna, a functionary of the National Btnk

ha- embezzled the baadeUBhSBftlll af360,000 florins;aad the military eooaaBaaaVr, Vea Reitxeostora,drowned hin-sel! in the Danube, the day followingbis Emperor's arrival at Prath, in enaawusaaBoe otuuucceaaful ataea>Jsd>bia^f. At Pari*, baasaa thefaihrre of tha banibtr Thnraeyaiaa and privat*: the-atrn als at M. Eaaile de Giraruiu's house, there are

a few littii:: to record, ijevcrai Imperiul Senatorsare been called to their account; among others, li.

Vknlard, in E rmer time* the tutor af Louis N.ipo-let-Bi brother. It .».!> tie asjaa abo,oatba re¬markable day when the present Iinij«eror swore

t.i.'.lity to that l.'ejitiblican ('institution on wh<>«eruir.s le built his blot d-stained throne. o ..nnn'il..I hare kti.ttn hSSa trcm his rhihiho. d: he is anLi :.i st man i.e w ill keep L.s nth. Trie wraaBBg

Serctt r w;:s, therefore, either a dupe or an acc« B>BUCC. Vdi c|. the former ehief of the seer-t p«';ee.far-famed for his skill in catching robl-ers, hisMtthoirt, and his 7'/«» .V«/»'«n<.« of t'urn. has alsobreathed hi* last. In Ike first years «f the Orleuhsmiii.inhy, he was a celebrated man, as it were a

Psrisiaa ...ustration.TkaBaaabd Festival, which will take plice in

June. 11 gins to ex.'ite a great deal of interest in

Ttndin. It la certainly an honorable haft in *he¦. h.sti ry of Kf'g ami that she can bring to¬

gether. 2,&00 artieta tor the execution of Baauaer-woihs; at the opoBOsg af the CrystaL Palace at

Bydenbam there wera otdy l,sB6 assssablad. Thehearers will pnhably en this occasion taste the fullami lint of delight which music ia able hi give.Bi.i ks and essays i n Handel are aiready appearingbterery shapej but ivaftt will aasjoj the b.ogr phjI LvhliaaV d in Erigbah by a distinguished Frenchtefogei M. \'.iti i >< ht ilch. r, who, tlitMigh not a

I rotesied musician, is the most enthuiiaatic admirerof the B Buaooei af Halle.

'I be BtatJate 11 fl< wer», wlueh t<*>k pi. ce la*t*week

,11 M tiBIUS'lle of l>iul«u, W.lliBBpl^. hoanete thai I «r.j.fjjj

.. -l OBO Dpi t< r that ui.bwom '..g kSJ^!' vr t,«.n whiel we call i btt. iiwy,;raj^2splendid nt th'« L«t*:<«Itarai .<.. -< SiZBad the sky. Imagine the gracea of »fl aajjaajSunited. the ehernis of rhe Monde, the b g»'! e < hi «»"'!t-r' «ir»<l. the slitteritis* o| theaabera*tirtam af the spru.htiit*se of the Kren-h ateeaaa!the gracefulness ot the Italian, tbe naesWavboBafthe (.«rrnau flaxen-haired girt, t!.p awau-i.he wfutvneu ot ti..- proud English lui\ add to Vuc»»^nn tt rtfhirch* BwUBMt siika, light eh .fcs, ^n ntlcts which show ;o»i to .. p- .. ..» rn-gind fbape: white. Mae and r**fhprattle,BwEtl in w a kn<! af illuminated »h.,.v» .»er Igt]hight«M«J t-y |.>;o>i,re and the e... M-.. tehees «|hi ;iBj ;.«In.irrd: think of cnnolmee, arsonst< o kicai.f.c. ami ot elegantly-booted, r..n.b*> Ban.pCtpug out M#Avi'l:t!v in t to escape a ll.trTeua-glume: aud m w, of all these tint!'. :. i (

I * ».. in TOW mmtj, t'»e ino.t ra -. aj . tor»r*hi»hii nt.t.i.g f >oi.. .. I* i.,' I... : , ,, i;iir<jv.. im ti i....y « fi. r. and you nut . w.»nearthetrntl or la.;.,,' «rh] 1.two ornaments of nature aro n.< a*, to be adBuredfihe eiore i» oirTieult. bctwo. I .;. - «... .. ion the hit, and that Batata Bg u I .!rpa» ii in r*gwhite, on the righti between t,. * nw^ajuLaLuii.i.iu laal that petfaaWdlad) wbei .utnes|3selfob her yellow dress; bvtwei n th* Hydiaja,gea w;tl< >.' ft¦¦ Ir..ia C, and tlmt j. ypwith the haughty air.ind theniig-tttnt Itiiae. What«WUdnofS in t! t e pleas g 't i-k«. t! o-r .;, j j jg,^tropee, Htree fine weil tb-wer*. tbeae .preteadivM.i. »ettee, theae ..It'ii.nt I'm h- -». tt i .'*.> tk»raVrM.ivs. on otie ahhe, and the largo. rX| -e»» \m si<*f _>

the i heny-ch-. k< J. icajpweaeetred «I aahaaei afjtritein on t he < ther. Eiaanlnethe raheg tied i'ahpa,the yellow of red CaJcehtlieei the i ite-tni^aaea,an! »ay. is there not some retetnbl hftfMagIheae iceutleea though beouUfol pLtnta .j lmttmwalling statin « on which aXOtntlfttJ Nat bej is;,hthed m r ehoieeet gitts. Ihrgetting h .t it* tbaag1'?Ueling Soul I And ju«t as those l'..w. «. v, ',< ... .i»oruaiin nt consists in the dHaniOj < rok ra displayon one stein all the shades of the rctebow. are is-eall UI -matched strip* -. garish aanaOjaj and gaadabonnets engt riv sought by wh >.ire already

"O'tr ycuth's tilfht toils aud beajtj'» Cows/} tc>*a "*

Th»-' Baereihsaa Ityr >u weajhi aOkflne ti' A gilaV J aaks le.retinf r. ui.J Je. a;

PEOI l EPISCH IN PARI IVM- N l'atbarcent ;he subnet most imnied:a,'-!y of b> la the o atrj boa beeo the doaeae and p.-odaaof the Ptfaacaaa ItoyaL The annmtv of j>>.uou a raajwa» i ested a Ithoet ¦ division, Mr. Boob i k tnsduagafull- n trot s"atjH'. The djwry of t* lu.ttw ia Oaajwas bieoghl balvN Ihe (.'.iiniiiittee of Supply, ateiMr. Conyngbein nsored] tirat, thai the paaaaton has*,daeed ßoin jC8,000 to £6,000 a year; au4 seooaigg.that the d. wry of £10,000 be oaitted. r'-urtsso,raahera eeteefwash him on his Srat mot^ n and alt.lean aa the aai <>; t.

The bid was read a first time. In the If iwofI .ads a length.IBM «I del ate took pis ., i i' naiUtse,( n the propoecd ani.ndm« ut of the Ma:.,ui >niallaw.Vaiiolls ist li tlte« w< te \oted u ?»..(' ...¦n.or.o. Aaaa arrtl w*s naored tor the scat of 11 i>nu« u. Rar.lag, who aeppoiotede Lordef tin Ada.ty. |ajII. ltuktliv gave i.,:. that >>n ... i day If».nid teat the Hoaee oe thogaeatloo ¦: v--te tyball..«. glrO. t'<ek neaBed attention tot *. iaoreatagiu jsuitnti. u of slaves into Cuba, and to ti. nuli ipiaeItiiiirh tbret oa that coast. Admae! Wai. .-;»»!

the ditbcult and ha^ai lous i.atuie ot :he servios Uattevpting to suppress the slave-trade on t i.n>«mst. Lord I'alnarston said that Ix>ril t'lariodoibad very reccnth renew, d his r> pre«entat ".« 11 ttis.Spnnisli'tioven.n.i nt u; on this subi. .:. and noeg.^t*would wnni'g. a« tar as >iip|.>m.-.!'c m-g tisti a«. nid go, to ii.ilnc. 'h. (,vi rnm. i.t at 1 t.. take,egceteel -»« pj t., pal down tbe trade. It :!i Hruatadjoetaed ovet baa Qaeaa'e birthday ani" -ie Derby

si izi'RE or i in: KEY OI I in: RED Bl11.- Part- .V' .: '( ".. di ./ fft (tt BBBout s taat tit

British l-.'ast India Coatpaay her« tak»n n «^-.«d (the l.-land of l'erim. in the Strait cf Bub !maad-l.and c Binltt. lv commanding tbe entiauce to the UdMa. Tne British flag WMBoiated there aa the Magot Febreery by tbe t>jtnpaBy'a troops, aad theocca*palioii is di flam. '1 he ostensible caase is, twijears Btaee, aa Eaglkh ahip which was wreckad a*th. (i Ba! of Ih ib ia was pillagi d by the i at.ves. TheEaat I' <lia Compoay laniiiiiiaad the chufs ef theSi.iiimiIis to Ad> n to ii,nke reoatrttioii, «<4 a tnafywas concluded by B nil ihe t'oinpnry tra- tnaceri(iythe isi'sii.i. da ailiUary gatiaaaa fioaa Im a salreaiypluted on the Irland.

LOSS OK 'I 111 JOSEPH S«.\Ij-'nn Iht aVsadsa Ithssa ifus«s.

Tlie iateDigeaoaoi ihiacataatropaa raa*bad l.loyuii u Miaday. The loss appears to have i, sa a f- arf doae, aad eeaatdaraag thai aaaaag bar cargo the HalttO barrels af gunpowdtr in all is tarsi an I su isa¬ri, nse qaaatit] of apirias, the ese«|.e of ib-- crew anipas tenners waa rnairelhtea. The Joseph Biiastea*aia t. ak-builf ship. 180 tnae register, inmanded byCapt. Efaaatoa. flhe aailed froaa the Baal lasUaDecke,I.oidon. for Jfell.urne on the liih of let: December,i h.-follow lag d« tails of the loss are extracted from aeanative written b\ Mr. tJoodall, late a memoer idLloyd s, who w iü. his wife aad fatally vertpaaaaa*gait ii I < ard:" On Ihe BBOnaiag of the B9ak February we eatne id

sight of the cloud-capped peak of Tristan d Aounba,and by 'J o'clock p. m. wvre near >-u>,iigh t" the northaideof the hdaad to lower the life-b. at. (.'apt. El n-

l*>n having invited me, F aeooaapeoied Baal withv hat at B BsV . kVe pulled into a b-.autifJ saady

buy, I oaaded Beerte Beta point to point by bold bluacliffs, rising like a huge wall BOOM a^UOU um t p< qaa»dicularh fr< in the -1 ore. The captain made arrangenteeta Kar eoetsajtaakeie on the f,.n, wb.g day witlruww ater tasks. VVe then returned to the ship, which b«dsto. d IT. and was BOW some seven mile* Ji-tant. Warowed a considerable distance hrough a heavy ate,when we saw her go a' oat and stand in for thelaad.'1 he sun was lust setting. We bad aangeed with soaieaatoaiahaaeal tow badly the ship steered, and I jokedth.- captain apos what I thought the smoke from tk<*galley tire, for we bad not diued. A minu'e more mjbeert Wae in my throat, for airy was raised, ' Theship in on Ore.' The mm k- was coming up about t itUiain hatchway, wh>-i> w< know tbe powd. i inagasiBlwas. Capt. Ehaatoa was never more alive. Utseemed as if he would spring from his boat into tbaship, lie exhorted tin rowers, ' I'ull for your livesfand as are reared I saw tiaifes sufii.-ietit to eoovkies flatthat it was a bepesaaaoaoBj n.<- ne n.< .. ur twatreach) d the ship, ('apt. Eluistou leaped tn to BtttBn>la chelae, and in a second was on b-nid .a tiaeto ' rder all the paBBcngBTt forward bnnM d at y '. fthe rlanies Were lusoing up tbe skyii^i I

«uddy doors, so that in a few Baiaatce gaab rt-

treat woalsl have I..-, n « ut off aatirtly. Tbe Irewi- diaCOTertd by the captain's little block servsr*,CatOha, who, with the steward, got down tna c<sa*

j an,on hat. b into the, and waa engaged ,oaaar«Is¬ing fir the roavce of the smoke when the a^ann te-< an e gtaeraL Mr. Vaugbaa, the aeooad ofhoar, ga|

them in the scan n. and at length <::s jveittthef'SBieS along Ihe ship I SsOB ' I.' > tk* gBB dsSBjPsjtsjajMalBaooretv it..-considered that the oucketi«,f water wnieh were fraely BdaaiBbHotad w-.uld sab-due the tiie and no vi i) gr. at alarm was :. ,t .onr.{but a b w minutes *<-r\. d to di-pel tbis lllasi w. Mr.gtabea the ebstf ealeer, who fat tbe eaptaisr*e aOaaaaahad the c. mu.and of the ship, seeing the lacreaarddstig. r, gave i>rd« is fa ao aands that i ouid be »par»afrom the workiag ti the ship to open the msgajia*aad throw lbs gaanowdsr ovarboard. Mi. Hera* a

ja eagei reahed to Ma eabat fcraa aa, whteb ey.*jon. bferana us^ up ihe baU hway. I n«th» .,ii,,. Mr. I've, got to bat eebia, wh«ie Bhrea bamalif powder bs.J be. n ti tv»d f-r want ot MS "» '**

1)..-.wi'h the r.nai i/Vt'» in t'<. taigvzir.e under the main batcbaray, were hand d trialbead to bead aaal ilnown a^arhoaad. Tba aaa

bad assaapeared trosn tie storaroosa a* a

the n ein Lat«hwey we* opeaedj th re * ingi, I,, w i.i <i gr< ater dra .gl t, rbe fire wa- aiakji; <epaaitrtdca to this Qaafly miu-. <d ar»«<l w.tb ab «v

sit'l.t. en tuns of gt.i i ow.b r. At Uat tlie e.wer usrjslarrtla was attuaJv hot-almost too Ctt tf*?tH is was i.. 'V mau wa* irtei t ttpeea»wok. Thee w^-rc n r.ntes of a? .r../a.g »eafJWJ»The wmker sea i "¦ - seied to have i->-t tl -¦< P*T. me ot mind, and it was a raaaajrkd ~',aJ~Zmade tuhsequ. ntiy oy ti e crew, mat not . »g^Twas baard fr.... aiy. ae Th- steward A freJ **hatted with treat nravry and deeotkat. ^^t.^mBl,.-i,ade hi- wsy llooogh the aamaa siaoke uat^cuddy to the cabin ¦ :t.e atara, aed save., .te c r

tnn. s cbrotomeiers, d> k. watch at.the' .a.u«aw-1

Caaaia th. bUck tervant,aiao got taroas-a 'Mt^mm... -|e.P.b.n t. .. -i h- svt.-:-

Ut retrt at w»s c it at by the sataaas "g..Bad I .me, and be was diawn up haJ -P^ agh the aaarter-gallery »ladowoa ^fgS-Tl pWci l. iaglowered, the caveatJ^'^ tJgLa,,! taw all tbe wotnen aad ehildiea »Jed down before he admitted others .o jaaarto make Bp her complement. The rem*x - * . gon board eei ai ed by the ^booUa "^-.^^SShad r. turned from the island. The *«"<+;°°r<.was felt when the last barrel oft«H»'*Tlf!Sbajoad gave ail on board tbat «"«T^j tw*

babaf that the worst was past, wW-ow