h~ dgo~,.':? 'i.~ pl~~ fruitl'es~Vol+1+(1844-45... · ~ I "' e c tp ura eVI ence la any e-law, that...

'" 1., r , , /' , j \ - H '" ___ '?' ' ....... , .,.' 'j "'-"''''L'Ti BY GEORGE B, UTTER, flieted us, and the years wherein we have seen <i!be eviL",' His labors were at first in the vicinity of Bethnal Green, in the east of London, where a FRANCIS BAmPFIELD, company of brethren, who were not satisfied to , join either of the two Sahbath.keeping churches "Continued,] , h The occasion of Mr, Bampfield's "coming to then existing, requested him to take the overs h l g ht We have recently met with a pamphlet of six- o'f them, and administer the Lord's Supper, w ic the knowledge of the weekly Sabbath,T' was as teen pages, entitled, "The Lord's Day, or the v he did" in his own hired house," in which they follows: During his imprisonmeJlt at Dorchester, first day of the week proved ,to, be the Chrislian were accnstomed to assemble, He ministered to ' the subiect of the Sabbath, and particularly the , Sabbath, in a Sermon in the Protestant J them for nearly a year; at the end of which tllne uestl 'on wh'tcll day of the week alight to be ob. C11UI'ch, Wasllington N. 1., March 3d, q , the v determined to form a ChUl'ch, On the 5th J, d h d'scussed I'n that vicinity In And 0.1 New Market April 28th, 1,644. By' Rev, ferve , was muc 1 of March, 1676, they passed into' a churoh "tal!!, REVIEW OF A SERDION-THE DOCTORS AND THE FATHERS. For the Rec0.rder, '\ I, ing the cele days,)' (Ignati in his sians,) 'In this exhortation nole, ,that he is speaking both and also of the Lord's day, an difference betwixt them, as tiou; for the Lord's day he of days, and so leaveth a dny, to be in account as the speaking of the Sabbath day I 'h 1665 b th ' the cOlllitry wrote to Dr, Blackmore," The Doctor has chosen for a t e year ,a ro er tn "on these two great principles, viz; owning and In this extract, it is very inquire his opinion, whether the filst enth professing Jesus Ohrist to be the one and only motto, on his /itle.page, a very convenient pas. complained that the Jews of his! hon .. > belief in thllir>c&fl50illtiy; "U""ll d.y w"' 'h, ""' w"kIy S.hh"h. T lli """ L"d "" 0", "."i"", .. d law .. i", 10 0"' "g, of S,"I"'"" fo< '" i"it"ion 10 '"i,w of "'h, S.bb"h d.y." 'h,y E.gI ... d ""'" .!le, , .. cOllquleSlr.;: sabbatiz'e; hut of useth the word celebrate," was laid the time" and souls', and the Holy of truth to be our his work, which we cheerfully accept, viz, : "He exhorts his bretbren of the MallPesil(nlS'to records, S '''el'ed untl'l R second letter called hIS attentIon to d I "" tllat I'S first l'n hi's O'vn cause seemoth J'ust' but kept the spi.rits " one and our only rule of faith, worship, an iJe, * . , that he regards the Sabhath as I" . d'" 11 d the subject. He determined not to reply, until f his neighbor cometh and searcheth him out," vine appointment. but the I LUlHJUlta',,,/ilurIU he llad taken 'll'me to I'nvestigate, and satisfy his Mr, Bampfield continued' to labor as pastor 0 Th D ' ' R I 10 T L ' ' h' the church which he nad gathere an orgaOlze, d d 'd e octors text IS ev, : ," HE ORD S consl'rlet'att'on-a celebratl'on Hence the Were "mno-.wllin own mind, He immediately commence t e In, DAY." He sagely says, "It is evident that by of Christ. It was this d!ev'Dti(lD in Iha time of ' " \ d' , d t 'fj d 'ho v much until his impdsonmeni in Newgate, But his at, h L "'" d " b C't '. S bb I , T j 0 ensure restlgatJon, an was surpnse 0 n , I t e Om S ay IS meant t e "nstzan ll' atllr- thers, of the j'lleg,'tj'mate' ,h , " I, .. h ''lUltIon was not confined to that congregatIOn a one, sons in th dark imp""'" wo' ,.,,',' 'OIh, i"'i'"'io" m " " , h" ",ft", day of lA, w"k;" ",db,,,,",. h""I' 'io", '0 th. "Y' .. , iuotiLuLIU/,I", the <i,;,.,nni-t Old Testament" But when he the Ne.", Sucll'.:was his care for all the ch,urc es, t at e not finrl a 8l'ou} s r' t' I'd tl t . b .. I "' e c tp ura eVI ence la any e- law, that produced the were r,ung at tneir 'fillier1!.!s Testament, and there no explicit authority planned and executed severa Important enter" 'd h" d D Jj Sl es suc unmsplre men as octol's ever meant ceeding times; and every r-h,ristian.n,,\";h.. the arch fiend,-' Wlil08tflttteliJip'!s '''or the chang" of the day,' that Christ and the prises for their benefit, h h t' d'D I t' D r t' M the I deceased wer"e II .,. so, e as men lOne r, gna lUS, r" us III ar- to abhor and put away from I" A p"" I ,; ,,; fu'm\ y oh .. "" '" "ith d. Y; "d . T'. fi ,,' "" 'p"i. I mi"ioo 10 ". S,","h· 'Y', D,. T, ",IIi"" "d D,. 0 ';ge., " gi, i.g it .IIi .. ",;. Boll, ." h""" Ih. g"" .... '" "" ..... ""'" 'hoi oh'" i"" '0 G""', I ow. " m.<I, ,h. "" of ''''pi'g .h,reh" i. Wi I "hi ", H• m p'hi", n". 'h, "m, 'pp' 11"00 i" 'h,i, it Ii 'g'. H. "g. i"lh. w'.n 'li' ol, "ill, "'4. ,"'. ..' h J d ' I ' h GI I'd B I h' t wI' h been refreshed bV'l'esl, "" " , , love to him-he was overw e me Wit I a8toms . 0",,"",, nre. .. "" .re, 0 n. ]oc" '0 ,,11 hm ' .. rom, " .. h"Id" ,,' hofo" Holl'dd." lb. mooI ''''Ilim'''''' m." " .. th, "d "k," hold of h. h. woo ""mm"d" hy hi, ,h"oo", ."d "whi.h .'"i •• lI,i, h"" uP" 'h, fim' d.y of 'h, woo,, Th, ""mb" of" lb. Oc:cjcie,n I fo,n'd.ne!l!! ,for bells Every cHurch and public m 'lnd and was driven to ,the c.onclusion, w!js prospered with desired success; the report as Dominicus Dies, these Drs, always sabbatized h' ing is hung' round with tbeln in endless varl can Jewis Advocate,' a tll at the observance of the seventh day was still whereof, at his return, caused joy to all the breth- on the sev, enth day of the week, And then, as f J ely; as music to be thetnationa; '" eel to the interests 0 the ewa, h I fi f 'rh k obligator, V ' He was at that time a prisoner;, and 'ren and sisters in fellowship," the Doctor preached, we suppose, fol' the espe. ' t ey are ,El t at rf)s :' , ep I , b th f1 d 1 the Revelation on Horeb, full strlkmg aDd chIming wh.. h. """"d hi, "''"'''', 0 "eo, AM,h" p ao 'o"h", b",fili, d",Iop.a;. d.I h,,,,, 0' S.bh.,.ri.",. h, ".,h, 10 h", rem,mb" 'h. I. w of 'h, 'Lonl d.y 'hrough, hot Ib', i, 00' '"ongh. 0, tbo "d '00' '''' '''''''', him. H, foared 'h" Iof'" "h',h h. WOol', .. d whi,h w"' 0", 1m ., ,h,), foIl."i'g om J,,,;,. Lonl .. d M". ""M', whi,h w, "k. f<om 'p"fonn" i, ."i,,>81'10 pl<y to Ih. "" I<ho. "d f","re ,,,f.I.,,, wonId "ff,,' wi,h ,h. 'PP""] of hi' ,h,rei., "to .11 'h. w. "II "' 'm .. m."" " f.lli" 'PO' "rth; will .nohI. 0", of it, m"kof poopI .. '"P'ri" "",of "II. mu.", upon from it. Yet, he says, "Christ still held me to churches of seventh-di·Sabbath observers, who that a thousand such testimonies would weigh " the,carillons, (little bells,) ' f' b" II t hI", f G d d I r' h f j. , Splrtt: contrivance similar to the keys of a,t' piano". torte, my former terms 0 nngll1g a 0 an woe keep the commanumen 0 0 an tIe talt 0 nothing with us against the law or God, .,J b d d 'bl h ", I' I , Do not, above all, be. the carillonerrr strikes with a I his mig t, Christ, and his whole Wor ; an sUlla y t e Jesus." In this letter, a,ter expresstng liS t lan. But \ve are 'vI'III'ng to gil'e honor to whom th h HIt k ft" "'th ,I ," , d good Spiri' 'mm.! my b"" 10 'h i, holy ,"wI .. , f. 100M '0 G.d, .. d hi, holi. f 'ho' • "", m 10 ,h. h" m' i, d,,; "d m,,, 'h, re f". ob",..,., 'h" p"",I Y' "g f,i "d " Ii", YO' d,,'eoity... hes j let the world know, and oug a ercu ean as , 0 en WI SCience an ' Dwy " .i,,; _th, rim" "d ,",,= ·f thing' S.bhot" m," p,,,,d, ,1m 'ot,,,·d.y gI,,·y, h, "d" ,h. ,," 'wo h""d. of hk "'moo, D,. f.i'h, ,h .. Y'" gI"y i. Y'"' I. Am .. nl.m, i, i, ,hoogh,; nol I", .. on • afC the 'Lord's, alld do belong to him.''' makes the following proposition: "That by r1'\es. Blackmore gives some appropriate Rnd striking find the highest consolation in umlstalnces l:th9 usa n, d,bells,fl re kept constantly ringing, tWhich f S bb h k ' h h' oflifle l'n the law which Moses Horeb. create suc, h a il)O'essant as tOj""b,e For some time before his change of opinion sengers rom every a at, eepmg C urc III extracts from Dr, Clarke, to prove' that God at i1' , a- _ j, f ' For what haTe the heathens, and to strangers, an enough to Istract tne ears 0 " '" ","0","'), M,. .Bomp"Id ob,,,," 'h' E'gI .. d,,, by ].II,m "d m""ge' f<om .. y tho 0100'" """" hI.""" "d "","fi,d "'h. to off" whioh ,h;, I.w .. yon, hot. ,_ 01 a D".hm":':' .. bolh .10", i. p" ... , hoi wi,h g"" ditliooity ""h 'hnroh" " h"Ib". ,. HolI.,d, N,w Eog. 10.,10; •• d 'hal it "M P''''''''''' Ih. 'L" "' "'k ,h. lot'" Th, d.,., of Prei""'" ",d ,_." 'M .ow ","ore ,d.b. '" I.'"',h ·h, imp'''''' h. ,i,,,. I"d, oooI .. w"", '" m.y "'''', if '"' L>nl ". "'q",", .. ,_e, ,ofiI i, "'" i'"'p'm''' i.to ,h"g' h.. ""m. "" ,h. wo i"", ",d .. U .... 00, loog" ....... tho ........ /0 one and another privately, until four or fi will, once every year, at London or elsewhere, to the moml code pronounced upon Mount Sinai, should not be true as it was 'on of 9 fre1 , igio,'n a _ 'I d f r t' tn J " t tl . b, dCOCGIIL vu IIUI!!U' lOat SIlOlilO f ' , re:lmv'l"i""" wm g.i"d ""; """'00 '''P 'Y' ° ,,, "g" .. "g""g .. ' ''', ! "d w,·,"," with th, fi'g" of W, ,.d 'm '''y . d f bO,row., th,y ,,, .. i. a bo,mI", relic 0 """'fton'" h t '1 'th tl F tI /1." larger their system, every wor 0 and 'the same sounds -W'hl'ch filled the fpl "'a' .... ooioll y; whi.h· hoi,. k"" •• ':" m'm,,,,, "m, , '" m,." ° P"""" ,.. ", .ig''''''''y "k., "S";'g ,h." mW! .. p". from 'h",,,,.hood .. , 'Pi"'ooI of ",m l " ., , to him on the after,noon b, f the sixth day, be, seech, outpoprings pf his Spirit upon ourselves, for ticular time foj' a Sabbath, what day,' so suitable -Yes! what have they to offer! law says, ant with fear in an age of darkness, now form the .\ S bb h f I spAcl'aI pl'esence of grace \UI'th us ass'lsting us in ' d 'fi d nl . "God l'S no man that He shou ve ,'" no, pious and mirthful strains of an en,liahtened com,l ing him to forbear Reepmg the a at, I on YO" as that w,hich qod ha sanch e a,,,, set apart "b ' II h h d I' t'stl'att'Otls' so tbat thereby there say they, He has cast you olE, no longer munity, [MUllI(U>f Nature, , -for the next day, that they might more fully 9 on - a 'C urc a m n, for sacred Rurposes 1" But then, 1 his third b b 't b tt u d rstanding among his people " as though the Holy prom. ",It of 'h, m.It". Hi, .. ,w" w'". "10 'h, m.y , 'g"". '" ., di ,,,,"oof ,h. h' "Y''' 'hoogh 'h, "'. wonl "d 001 f"IfiI i,. Th, "Y', "Y,. AFFLICTIONS. " . s,renolh of the Lord, No, Duty is as cIliaI' as us j and that then and there we may consult how, Sabbath was thus instituted and perp tuated, the shall not make unto you I,he any thing A Christian, for the sweet hi bea"! tho If,hl" m. 'hm"h 'h, wh.I, S,fip""'; rod by. "mmoo "ook, '0 promo.. "y .,,,d wo,k, tim. .] "oo,io" ,ith 'h. i.. 10 how dow. hofm" if;" eo, ,mhI,." "d mM, i"om"",dlo lb. mbI"'.of all il I ,h"Id pol 'W'Y ,hi, """" of J,ho"h, fo< ,b. m.i"""" .f '"y ,h"'h otli"m, f" ,rod,,,i,,, of Cb"""",y." Ie 'h, ,p,,,,, of. ... p"milt" '0 remiod "' of 'Io'y. 'b, ri... No. 'h. '"'" g"'lo.. if.ft hO butflor one ria?l, I know not but that Ithe the t'raining up' of hopeful yOllng men in the single passage of Scripture to prove ¥, the Doc. The law says, "Remember the to keep not pruned, runs out into many superfluous steinS,.,. , " I d f h " I d th S' co it holy'," no, say they, the Sa a Jewish and grows a.t last weak and, ; 80 doth the Hory Srl 'rl't's qtIickenings and comfortings mav, know e ge 0 t e ortgma tongue an 0 er Cl'lp. , on the strength of his pretences, "Christ fi d r h' 'd d '.' , d I' h . f ceremony, we will keep in its rst av best man,' if he be not iIl ut short pf esires, an be withdrawn, From tltis time, though sufferings ture learning, an 101' t e procul'lng 0 a more ex· instructed his disciples how to chang the,srventh of the week, To be brief, pruned, \vith affiicti6ns.'i If it be'pain,fu] to "" Ch,i. ,,,,,, m., y., ro."I"'",, hy Cq,i,' , d.y S"hb.,. i", " eo, 'y, ott"g'.m" lio",,, th, I.w " • port I 'y '. i, 10 with". "m., p"n., a. d d ac t literal translation of the Old and New Testa- I h L d' d I ' h 'h b'd L b d th t< I abound, and the Scriptures dirilook iIJith a clear ment into our mother tongue., for the religious edu· make it to by alier us to place our hopes of a being of may grow, rather than cut up to burn, fl ace; such iS,also tbe expf.rienc'e of many cation of children, for the relieving of the poor, his ascension," But thts last posttto belllg more whom the law does not speak, the con. '. [Bp, Hall: d I d I It' , n t y tl'ary it forbids us to worship the great , :' , who are ppright,hearted walkers with and an ot leI' god WOl' (S j a so, 0 lIlQll1l'e w a ma than the 1>octor had abilities to mai tain alone, Unseen that spoke on Horeb from the fire, f RELIGIO, US I, thoroulZn'followel's of Christ in this way o( his be our duty towards the two and the ten tribes of he draws largely upon the words c( the ,!listin. And y'ou gentiles expect to astray,by " h " U h I Ii d h ' \ f The Christian ought to examin&,:W at 9p8!t.; oom=,d" Th. ',or ,,,' d.y, h' J ,d.h "d ofl.",I, 10 P """ ,," 00.",. gowh,d Bi'hop (,"oth" D .) e.d ,... 'lIOh 'PI" .. I, 1 C .. Y" im'lli" ''''h 0 ,ioo wh.. i,fi"",, hm .. ligio"" ",fqnnano" "I.h""d .. 'h, w;okly "'hh,th, p.hlidy d,· ,i,,; i.quh, .h .. 'h, Spioi' h".'o "y to 0"' qao'" M,. P"kin",.', L .. "", ",]."Iy 'h, Lonl ,. '" ,"1101, fu'gol", !hoi Id d"h, ""; upon him. P""r, h,,\i .. , "''''ioIi:. 'I1i' i claring for it from Ihe words John 18' 37-"To ,I""h" .. d oIh,,, io Ibi. g'''" p"'''''''.1 d.y, 10 "P"" tho id." '" wi,h" 10 .dl .. " 'PO' of hi, , .. i'g powoo, hi, m",y, h;, ,",h'Iik. du'm" d, .... ",lIy tend to .. ,lli. eod "". i "<n, "d tI;i, """ "m, I i.. "d ''''" Iik, p.bli"'pi,i"d ioq,hi ... " H, d.. 'hi' pu' of th, "bjoo"" At)! fatlh"" p"" f.i,b',I .. " " ,h. ,mind, . the .... <t, ,"'I 1 ... , " d h' If d d ' t'" h I strengthen our faith, and confirm our hOM);' allil, i. U" .,<Id, 'h" ] ,hooId b." "ito", 'of" 'h, ,I,," .m.. reo y.. ""on, ° lom m "'or· ,h. ",.lily of ,hi. poo'"d" "'go, "q """ l' NEGRO BOr! PRHU th,,, .. ,,, "boo, ,h;, i. no, the .a;,,, of Jh ... ,'!' '''''h. E"or '" "" ii, of 'h' 'OOIh my i.g 0" ,hi, p]... I"",Iy fmm WiI",', 'wo "',m"., who .. oln He" " • ho..,lif,I la,,,.,, of m.j .ooric]'di lb." Ib.y em not gi",b',rg"'dI! voice," After, tha,t time. he never met with any In addition to this, Mr: Bampfield drew lip a quotes Bishop Andrews, who quotes the Chris- d ' G d Th h please at that rbanne'r' and with,'tnat sincerity they: 0\lglitl\ objec(ion which could move him, but all wrought petition to tlie King, in suhstance, that" he would tian fathers to the time of Eusebius and St. Atha. the idea that this boy's ' , ence III 0, ose W 0' I .' [Lucas: ,_, for his fuller, conlfirrPation and establishment, make the law of God the law' of the land," A se- nasi us; then our author brings, up the !'ear of tion with the result, ,but While a prisbrfer at Dorchester, Mr, B.'s views cond llimilar petition was Q,fterwards presented to these witnesses by quoting Dr, Mosheim's account we find it in a speech recently of bapt1l'sm ,underwent a change, He be- the King; and a third to the then Mayor of Lon. the practices of all the churches who have been don, by Rey, a came convinced that immersion was the original dOll: Indeed, such was his desire for the w€!lfare corrupted by the " of sm ;", and" astly, the SOllth Seas, , 1 about to sail III t e" ° n nJUljI"I1J'l> and true mode; and although to attend to of the churches and the CRlIse, that he spent his usefulness with which the oQserrance of the A boy who had liberated it himself, he uniformly instructed others to re, whole time anll income in labors which'he judged Lord's day has been attended," slave vessel W.!1.S landed at ,ije,one, ceive it in tliat way, His opinion concerning the to build them up, Even the ,books Now in all this there is an entire disregard of pIhaeed under to he, care, ?f f!- d ' d I Ii th's ' Tompson, n one occaSIon '-dministration of the ordinance wall somewhat pe- which he wrote were eSlgne express y ,or I the reason which .Infinite, Wisdom has assigned in school and the door being ,.Ii". imm hio .0' Ih. ohj:'" .lth"gh ,h.y mnoh 0' 00"",,1 i, ,h'. I. w ro, 'h, ..''" of. ""d', eo ",'id g , hooni. a munomi,g; Scriptures, that an ordainitd preiacl1er.' interest, Sahbath and a fond leaning to far.fetched qiscovered that thIS boy ;was eUJgl1j! all ' ___ _' __ ,. ...1-_'-'-"_' U; •. 7"' .... t\ [To be continued,] " - , , , I 1M "ta':e'" off from men," and , I s' abb ta ' this an enlightened With his CI My Lord Jesus, me tank K II * From this event dates the "Cripp egate a nan h d 'th Ch ' t "he one more tra f h' h ' t' Bl'ble l'n hi's hand 1, Would not,lha same course come and catc me; an acceptance WI rls ;, , ' Church," the rise and early history 0 W Ie was so III 0 d. h ' b fi ld , ship come an veled from Lpndon to where, a out mutely connected with the labors of Fraucis Bamp e " of reasoning, if folIowe,d out, condu!)t us back me here; and Massa the middle of the day, in lhe brow river of that that we will in this connection gi"e a basty sketch of It, to the observance of all the holy noted, in teach me' know, thee, town, \vhich runs'with living water, he I'eceiyed, It assembled for divine worship first at Deyon,shire popish calendar 1 We do Iqng for the time favor to ask j send more ,rnpbi •• rt h ' b' ba' t'led' and so hav\'ng nassed, conle wIlen Chl'l'st'lans "'1')1, in and practl'ce, mot er, an sen goo square, and afterwards at Pinner's Hall, at which place h d d d ".ilng, IS elng p, Z, , ,r;, Mr, Bampfield contiuued to preach nntil his impn.onment, catch wicked man's th, w"''', h. h. .. oth"." ill N .wg.". io 1 68', p. died. Ai", .,," "':'" bid. hy 'h, I •• ",d ,,," moo y 'h, Ii ri.g God, m"'bo, "d ""','¥''' About the time that this took place, llis mar· the church,dispetsed, until Oct, 1686, when, the limes and n; more rake from their the teach them read, aha teach them Tiage created some' noise, It seems that during having become more favorable, they again linited weaknesses and of depa.cted fa. we all go to heaven h church fellowship, and invited Mr, Edward Stennett, then _ , is illlpri!lonment, a pious lady had ministered to , H thers,' Some might say, what a prayer of Wallingford, to take the oversight of them, e accept- j his and'to those of, othel' ministers who ed the call; bnt finding it impossible to discharge his, duo what he wanted, anu in the words were confined with him, This she continued un. ties both at Wallingford and London, he continued their suggested, Mr,r Thoplpson theul 'I h' I , h d' , to him, and asked him whether he t1 IS re ease, , Afterwards neeJin"'g a help he pastor 'only a short time, In 1690, his son, t e lstin- h ' " , ' --,-'- .1 Christ would' ear married j whel'eupon a great ,was' guished Mr, Joseph Stennett, accepted ,,,.,n;i'''r . that he (Mr tht pe married a servant, without portion, wbich he continlled to discharge witq great , his death'in 1713, From this time until 1727, ,there prayer" birth, or other' advantages, In 'his vindication a vacancy, and the congregation met with the Mill Yard 1l01lUPOUU was ;Vi,o,lll;:j,;:;g of'himself; lle referred to' his former gl'atuitous' Church, December 27, 1727, .. the chnrch gave itself to \l D " as 'fJrpof .that ,he was never greedy af. the care of Edmund ter filthy lucre ;" ana ,contends that ,such is ,the until his death in 1765, Mr, T!Jomas WllItewood suc- superiority 01' grace ,an9 ,fitness over birth and ceeded him, but8n1y preached three befoJe dowry, that he ought rather to be commended removed by dimtb, For nearly twenty years ,after the de'ath of Mr, Whltewood, 'Dr, Samuel adminis< : than ,', , j, i' ' d h h h d h d ih the - tere t e ordinances for tbe c nrc ,an preae e ' Aftel\his from prison,he came to Lon. the Sabhath; the aftel1loon' 8ervice, bemg don, where his liberty in; Gospel ' ,,1n JT85 e,. r!Jle,r' I was to tli41, ' . ". - , contiimed until his ten to Psa,lm 90; 15-j' Make Ull Mr;.John Brittain Shenston W8lI his \mccessor;. gladaccordilJg wherein tbou hast'ar. inMaylast. :',' " "' " '.;, _'I r " , , I .- , . ,

Transcript of h~ dgo~,.':? 'i.~ pl~~ fruitl'es~Vol+1+(1844-45... · ~ I "' e c tp ura eVI ence la any e-law, that...

'" ~ 1., r , , /'

, j ~ • \ - H ~-"":'~ '" Y~ ___ ""~'~ '?' ' .......

~~"" ~..w~~~~~ :..,~ , .,.' 'j

"'-"''''L'Ti BY GEORGE B, UTTER,

flieted us, and the years wherein we have seen <i!be 1lte(.orb'er~ eviL",' His labors were at first in the vicinity of ~~"""'~~ Bethnal Green, in the east of London, where a

FRANCIS BAmPFIELD, company of brethren, who were not satisfied to , join either of the two Sahbath.keeping churches "Continued,] , h

The occasion of Mr, Bampfield's "coming to then existing, requested him to take the overshlg ht We have recently met with a pamphlet of six-

o'f them, and administer the Lord's Supper, w ic the knowledge of the weekly Sabbath,T' was as teen pages, entitled, "The Lord's Day, or the

v he did" in his own hired house," in which they ~. follows: During his imprisonmeJlt at Dorchester, first day of the week proved ,to, be the Chrislian

were accnstomed to assemble, He ministered to ' the subiect of the Sabbath, and particularly the , Sabbath, in a Sermon in the ~ethodist Protestant

J them for nearly a year; at the end of which tllne uestl'on wh'tcll day of the week alight to be ob. C11UI'ch, Wasllington VaIl,e~'" N. 1., March 3d,

q , the v determined to form a ChUl'ch, On the 5th ~ J, ~ d h d'scussed I'n that vicinity In And 0.1 New Market April 28th, 1,644. By' Rev, ferve , was muc 1 • of March, 1676, they passed into' a churoh "tal!!,


For the Rec0.rder, '\ I,

ing the ~q.I~oai~a· cele days,)' (Ignati in his sians,) 'In this exhortation nole, ,that he is speaking both and also of the Lord's day, an difference betwixt them, as ,~I,;'_­tiou; for the Lord's day he of days, and so leaveth a I"~Y~. dny, to be in account as the speaking of the Sabbath day I

'h 1665 b th ' the cOlllitry wrote to Dr, Blackmore," The Doctor has chosen for a t e year ,a ro er tn "on these two great principles, viz; owning and In this extract, it is very

inquire his opinion, whether the filst °hr,~erl enth professing Jesus Ohrist to be the one and only motto, on his /itle.page, a very convenient pas. complained that the Jews of his! hon .. > belief in thllir>c&fl50illtiy; "U""ll !timltlb!11t'(ir.thl~mr'lo d.y w"' 'h, ""' w"kIy S.hh"h. T lli """ L"d "" 0", "."i"", .. d law .. i", 10 0"' "g, of S,"I"'"" fo< '" i"it"ion 10 • '"i,w of "'h, S.bb"h d.y." 'h,y E.gI ... d ""'" .!le, , .. cOllquleSlr.;:

sabbatiz'e; hut sp~aking of useth the word celebrate,"

was laid ~side ~t the time" and re~ained ~nan. souls', and the Holy S~'riptures of truth to be our his work, which we cheerfully accept, viz, : "He exhorts his bretbren of the MallPesil(nlS'to ol~ records, "w~'lea:rn S

'''el'ed untl'l R second letter called hIS attentIon to d I "" tllat I'S first l'n hi's O'vn cause seemoth J'ust' but kept the spi.rits 0.f<da:rtm.~i!3§,J,r4~m., !,:S!lm,~tl,~lg;<~" " one and our only rule of faith, worship, an iJe, * . , that he regards the Sabhath as I" . d'" 11 d ";ir'pr'eYleii~e~,(hI~ir

the subject. He determined not to reply, until f his neighbor cometh and searcheth him out," vine appointment. but the I ,'lrnr~' ~~~:~~i~gl~it~g: t~e LUlHJUlta',,,/ilurIU he llad taken 'll'me to I'nvestigate, and satisfy his Mr, Bampfield continued' to labor as pastor 0 Th D ' ' R I 10 T L ' ' h' the church which he nad gathere an orgaOlze, ~ d d 'd e octors text IS ev, : ," HE ORD S consl'rlet'att'on-a celebratl'on Hence the b~lls Were "mno-.wllin

own mind, He immediately commence t e In, DAY." He sagely says, "It is evident that by of Christ. It was this ""'"'~"""n,.. d!ev'Dti(lD in Iha time of ~tnl'mR: ' " \ d' , d t 'fj d 'ho v much until his impdsonmeni in Newgate, But his at, h L "'" d " b C't '. S bb I , T

j 0 ensure ,tb,ei~r'~r~~:~~eil:~t~~~:l~~)~~r~l~ih restlgatJon, an was surpnse 0 n , I t e Om S ay IS meant t e "nstzan ll' atllr- thers, of the j'lleg,'tj'mate' ,h ,

" I, .. h ''lUltIon was not confined to that congregatIOn a one, sons in th dark imp""'" wo' ,.,,',' 'OIh, i"'i'"'io" m " " , h" ",ft", day of lA, w"k;" ",db,,,,",. h""I' 'io", '0 th. "Y' .. , iuotiLuLIU/,I", 'p~opel'ty ~r the <i,;,.,nni-t Old Testament" But when he ~xamined the Ne.", Sucll'.:was his care for all the ch,urc es, t at e not finrl a 8l'ou} s r' t' I'd tl t . b

.. ~ I "' e c tp ura eVI ence la any e- law, that produced the were r,ung at tneir 'fillier1!.!s Testament, and ~ound there no explicit authority planned and executed severa Important enter" 'd h" d D

Jj Sl es suc unmsplre men as octol's ever meant ceeding times; and every r-h,ristian.n,,\";h.. the arch fiend,-' Wlil08tflttteliJip'!s '''or the chang" of the day,' that Christ and the prises for their benefit, h h t' d'D I t' D r t' M the I deceased wer"e ~!l1~aIJ"zeid,by.tlhe!llldlllnw~soiiri(l. II .,. so, e as men lOne r, gna lUS, r" us III ar- to abhor and put away from I" A p"" I ,; ,,; fu'm \ y oh .. "" ,~, '" "ith d. Y ; "d . T'. fi ,,' "" • 'p"i. I m i"ioo 10 ". S,","h· 'Y', D,. T, ",IIi"" "d D,. 0 ';ge., " gi, i.g it .IIi .. ",;. Boll, ." h""" Ih. g"" .... '" "" ..... ""'"

'hoi oh'" i"" '0 G""', I ow. " m.<I, ,h. "" of ''''pi'g .h,reh" i. Wi I "hi ", H • m p'hi", n". 'h, "m, 'pp' 11"00 i" 'h,i, • it Ii 'g'. H. "g. i"lh. mo!~i.g, w'.n 'li' ol, i~. "ill, "'4. ,"'. ..' h J d ' I ' h GI I'd B I h' t wI' h been refreshed bV'l'esl, "" " , , love to him-he was overw e me Wit I a8toms . Hn;tsllir4~. 0",,"",, nre. .. "" .re, 0 n. ]oc" '0 ,,11 hm ' .. rom, " .. h"Id" ,,' hofo" Holl'dd." .~hihit lb. mooI ''''Ilim''''''

m." " .. th, "hj~., "d ~"" "k," hold of h. h. woo ""mm"d" hy hi, ,h"oo", ."d "whi.h .'"i •• lI,i, h"" uP" 'h, fim' d.y of 'h, woo,, Th, I~, ""mb" of" lb. Oc:cjcie,n I fo,n'd.ne!l!! ,for bells Every cHurch and public m'lnd b~for~, and was driven to ,the c.onclusion, w!js prospered with desired success; the report as Dominicus Dies, these Drs, always sabbatized h' ing is hung' round with tbeln in endless varl

can Jewis Advocate,' a mCllltl~J tll

at the observance of the seventh day was still whereof, at his return, caused joy to all the breth- on the sev, enth day of the week, And then, as f J ely; an~l as music ~eems to be thetnationa;

'" eel to the interests 0 the ewa, h I fi f 'rh k obligator, V ' He was at that time a prisoner;, and 'ren and sisters in fellowship," the Doctor preached, we suppose, fol' the espe. ' tas,te~ t ey are ~ever ,El t at rf)s :' , ey:.,~r~i" ep I

, b th f1 d 1 the Revelation on Horeb, full strlkmg aDd chIming every_qu~rter,ofa,n.llour,},h~ wh.. h. """"d hi, "''"'''', 0 "eo, AM,h" p ao 'o"h", b",fili, d",Iop.a;. • d.I h,,,,, 0' S.bh.,.ri.",. h, ".,h, 10 h", rem,mb" 'h. I. w of 'h, 'Lonl d.y 'hrough, hot Ib', i, 00' '"ongh. 0, tbo "d '00' '''' '''''''', him. H, foared 'h" Iof'" "h',h h. WOol', .. d whi,h w"' ~"' 0", 1m • ., ,h,), foIl."i'g om J,,,;,. Lonl .. d M". ""M', whi,h w, "k. f<om S~"ho"", • 'p"fonn" i, ."i,,>81'10 pl<y to Ih. "" I<ho. "d f","re ,,,f.I.,,, wonId "ff,,' wi,h ,h. 'PP""] of hi' ,h,rei., "to .11 'h. to"~ w. "II "' 'm .. m."" " f.lli" 'PO' "rth; "'~', will .nohI. 0", of it, m"kof poopI .. '"P'ri" "",of "II. mu.", upon from it. Yet, he says, "Christ still held me to churches of seventh-di·Sabbath observers, who that a thousand such testimonies would weigh " the,carillons, (little bells,) Thi~is don~l,by"a

' f' b" II t hI", f G d d I r' h f j. , Splrtt: contrivance similar to the keys of a,t' piano". torte, my former terms 0 nngll1g a 0 an woe keep the commanumen 0 0 an tIe talt 0 nothing with us against the law or God, .,J b

d d 'bl h ", I' I k~' , Do not, above all, be. the carillonerrr strikes with a I his mig t, Christ, and his whole Wor ; an sUlla y t e Jesus." In this letter, a,ter expresstng liS t lan. But \ve are 'vI'III'ng to gil'e honor to whom th h HIt k ft" "'th ,I ," , d

good Spiri' 'mm.! my b"" 10 'h i, holy ,"wI .. , f. 100M '0 G.d, .. d hi, holi. f 'ho' • "", m 10 ,h. h" m' i, d,,; "d m,,, 'h, re f". ob",..,., 'h" p"",I Y' "g f,i "d " Ii", YO' d,,'eoity... • hes j let the world know, and oug a ercu ean as , 0 en WI SCience an ' Dwy " .i,,; _th, rim" "d ,",,= ·f thing' S.bhot" m," p,,,,d, ,1m 'ot,,,·d.y gI,,·y, h, "d" ,h. ,," 'wo h""d. of hk "'moo, D,. f.i'h, ,h .. Y'" gI"y i. Y'"' I. Am .. nl.m, i, i, ,hoogh,; nol I", .. on • afC the 'Lord's, alld do belong to him.''' makes the following proposition: "That by r1'\es. Blackmore gives some appropriate Rnd striking find the highest consolation in umlstalnces l:th9

usan, d,bells,fl

re kept constantly ringing, tWhich

f S bb h k' h h' oflifle l'n the law which Moses receivl~don Horeb. create suc, h a il)O'essant jingl~, as tOj""b,e intqlerl'Jb!~ For some time before his change of opinion sengers rom every a at, eepmg C urc III extracts from Dr, Clarke, to prove' that God at i1' , a- _ j, f

' For what haTe the heathens, and to strangers, an enough to Istract tne ears 0 " '" ","0","'), M,. .Bomp"Id ob,,,," 'h' E'gI .. d,,, by ].II,m "d m""ge' f<om .. y tho 0100'" """" hI.""" "d "","fi,d • "'h. Nu",,~ to off" whioh ,h;, I.w .. yon, hot. ,_ 01 a D".hm":':' • .. bolh .10", i. p" ... , hoi wi,h g"" ditliooity ""h 'hnroh" " h"Ib". ,. HolI.,d, N,w Eog. 10.,10; •• d 'hal it "M P''''''''''' th~gh Ih. 'L" "' "'k ,h. lot'" Th, d.,., of Prei""'" ",d ,_." 'M .ow ","ore ,d.b. '" I.'"',h ·h, imp'''''' h. ,i,,,. I"d, oooI .. w"", '" m.y "'''', if '"' L>nl ". "'q",", .. ,_e, ,ofiI i, "'" i'"'p'm''' i.to ,h"g' h.. ""m. "" ,h. wo i"", ",d .. U .... 00, loog" ....... tho ........ /0 one and another privately, until four or fi will, once every year, at London or elsewhere, to the moml code pronounced upon Mount Sinai, should not be true as it was 'on of P'ft:lgiliT~r, r~dii'~ed"~~~;;!the f.~auds 9

fre1, igio,'n

a _

'I d f r t' tn J " t tl . b, dCOCGIIL vu IIUI!!U' lOat SIlOlilO f ' , re:lmv'l"i""" wm g.i"d ""; """'00 '''P 'Y' ° ,,, "g" .. "g""g .. ' ''', ! "d w,·,"," with th, fi'g" of W, ,.d 'm '''y . d f bO,row., th,y ,,, .. i. a bo,mI", relic 0 """'fton'" h t '1 'th tl F tI /1." larger their system, every wor 0 ~olly,' and 'the same sounds -W'hl'ch filled the fpl "'a' .... ooioll y; whi.h· hoi,. k"" •• ':" m'm,,,,, "m, , '" m,." ° P"""" ,.. ", .ig''''''''y "k., "S";'g ,h." mW! .. • p". from 'h",,,,.hood .. , 'Pi"'ooI of ",m l " ., ,

to him on the after,noon b, f the sixth day, be, seech, outpoprings pf his Spirit upon ourselves, for hi~ ticular time foj' a Sabbath, what day,' so suitable -Yes! what have they to offer! law says, ant with fear in an age of darkness, now form the .\ S bb h f I spAcl'aI pl'esence of grace \UI'th us ass'lsting us in ' d 'fi d nl . "God l'S no man that He shou ve ,'" no, pious and mirthful strains of an en,liahtened com,l ing him to forbear Reepmg the a at, I on YO" as that w,hich qod ha sanch e a,,,, set apart "b

' II h h d I' t'stl'att'Otls' so tbat thereby there .~ say they, He has cast you olE, no longer munity, [MUllI(U>f Nature, , -for the next day, that they might more fully 9on- a 'C urc a m n, for sacred Rurposes 1" But then, 1 his third b b

't b tt u d rstanding among his people " as though the Holy prom. • ",It of 'h, m.It". Hi, .. ,w" w'". "10 'h, m.y , 'g"". '" ., di ,,,,"oof ,h. ~'moo, h' "Y''' 'hoogh 'h, "'. wonl "d 001 f"IfiI i,. Th, "Y', "Y,. AFFLICTIONS. " . ~ s,renolh of the Lord, No, Duty is as cIliaI' as us j and that then and there we may consult how, Sabbath was thus instituted and perp tuated, the shall not make unto you I,he tm!lg~ any thing A Christian, for the sweet fFui~, hi bea"! ~ tho If,hl" m. 'hm"h 'h, wh.I, S,fip""'; rod by. "mmoo "ook, '0 promo.. "y .,,,d wo,k, tim. h~ ""d"go~,.':?" .] "oo,io" ,ith 'h. i.. 10 how dow. hofm" if;" eo, ,mhI,." "d mM, i"om"",dlo lb. mbI"'.of all pl~~ il I ,h"Id pol 'W'Y ,hi, """" of J,ho"h, fo< ,b. m.i"""" .f '"y ,h"'h otli"m, f" ,rod,,,i,,, of Cb"""",y." Ie 'h, ,p,,,,, of. ... p"milt" '0 remiod "' of 'Io'y. 'b, ri... No. 'h. '"'" g"'lo.. 'i.~ if.ft hO th~ugh butflor one ria?l, I know not but that Ithe the t'raining up' of hopeful yOllng men in the single passage of Scripture to prove ¥, the Doc. The law says, "Remember the qauul~[j1 to keep not pruned, runs out into many superfluous steinS,.,. ,

" I d f h " I d th S' ~ co it holy'," no, say they, the Sa a Jewish and grows a.t last weak and, fruitl'es~ ; 80 doth the Hory Srl'rl't's qtIickenings and comfortings mav, know e ge 0 t e ortgma tongue an 0 er Cl'lp. , on the strength of his pretences, s~yS' "Christ fi d r h' 'd d

~ '.' , d I' h . f ~ ceremony, we will keep in its rst av best man,' if he be not iIlut short pf I~ esires, an be withdrawn, From tltis time, though sufferings ture learning, an 101' t e procul'lng 0 a more ex· instructed his disciples how to chang the,srventh of the week, To be brief, contradi~. pruned, \vith affiicti6ns.'i If it be'pain,fu] to ble~d, "" Ch,i. ,,,,,, m., y., ro."I"'",, hy Cq,i,' , d.y S"hb.,. i", " eo, 'y, ott"g'.m" lio",,, th, I.w " • port I 'y '. i, ~ ~"" 10 with". "m., p"n., a.

d d act literal translation of the Old and New Testa- I h L d' d I ' h 'h b'd L b d th t< I

abound, and the Scriptures dirilook iIJith a clear ment into our mother tongue., for the religious edu· make it k~own to man~ind by th~i~ ~:ta~Ple alier us to place our hopes of a being of may grow, rather than cut up to burn, "~' flace; such iS,also tbe expf.rienc'e of many other~ cation of children, for the relieving of the poor, his ascension," But thts last posttto belllg more whom the law does not speak, the con. '. [Bp, Hall: d I d

I It' , n t y tl'ary it forbids us to worship the great • , :' , who are ppright,hearted walkers with Chri~, and an ot leI' god WOl' (S j a so, 0 lIlQll1l'e w a ma than the 1>octor had abilities to mai tain alone, Unseen that spoke on Horeb from the fire, f RELIGIO, US DUTi~8-,:,.... I,

thoroulZn'followel's of Christ in this way o( his be our duty towards the two and the ten tribes of he draws largely upon the words c( the ,!listin. And y'ou gentiles expect to astray,by " h "

U h I Ii d h ' \ f The Christian ought to examin&,:W at 9p8!t.; oom=,d" Th. ',or ,,,' d.y, '~.ref"'" h' J ,d.h "d ofl.",I, 10 • P """ ,," 00.",. gowh,d Bi'hop Ho~I,y (,"oth" D .) e.d ,... 'lIOh 'PI" .. I, 1 C .. Y" im'lli" ''''h 0 ,ioo wh.. i,fi"",, hm .. ligio"" ",fqnnano" "I.h""d .. 'h, w;okly "'hh,th, p.hlidy d,· ,i,,; I~ i.quh, .h .. 'h, Spioi' h".'o "y to 0"' qao'" M,. P"kin",.', L .. "", ~,' ",]."Iy 'h, Lonl ,. '" ,"1101, fu'gol", !hoi Id d"h, ""; upon him. P""r, h,,\i .. , "''''ioIi:. 'I1i'

i claring for it from Ihe words ~f John 18' 37-"To ,I""h" .. d oIh,,, io Ibi. g'''" p"'''''''.1 d.y, 10 "P"" tho id." '" wi,h" 10 .dl .. " 'PO' of hi, , .. i'g powoo, hi, m",y, h;, ,",h'Iik. du'm" d, .... ",lIy tend to .. ~igb,~~. ,lli. eod "". i "<n, "d ~, tI;i, """ "m, I i.. "d ''''" Iik, p.bli"'pi,i"d ioq,hi ... " H, d.. 'hi' pu' of th, "bjoo"" At)! fatlh"" p"" f.i,b',I .. " " ,h. ,mind, . ~!ff~ the .... <t, i'?~ ,"'I 1 ... ,

" d h' If d d ' t'" h I • strengthen our faith, and confirm our hOM);' allil, i. U" .,<Id, 'h" ] ,hooId b." "ito", 'of" 'h, ,I,," .m.. reo y.. ""on, ° lom m "'or· ,h. ",.lily of ,hi. poo'"d" • "'go, "q """ l' NEGRO BOr! PRHU th,,, .. ,,, "boo, ,h;, i. no, the .a;,,, of Jh ... ,'!' '''''h. E"or '" "" ii, of 'h' 'OOIh h",~b my i.g 0" ,hi, p]... I"",Iy fmm WiI",', 'wo "',m"., who .. oln He" " • ho..,lif,I la,,,.,, of m.j .ooric]'di lb." Ib.y em not gi",b',rg"'dI! voice," After, tha,t time. he never met with any In addition to this, Mr: Bampfield drew lip a quotes Bishop Andrews, who quotes the Chris- d ' G d Th h please at that rbanne'r' and with,'tnat sincerity they: 0\lglitl\ objec(ion which could move him, but all wrought petition to tlie King, in suhstance, that" he would tian fathers to the time of Eusebius and St. Atha. the idea that this boy's ;a~iYo,\cOt1Il~iC.-' , ence III 0, ose W 0' I .' • [Lucas: ,_, for his fuller, conlfirrPation and establishment, make the law of God the law' of the land," A se- nasi us; then our author brings, up the !'ear of tion with the result, ,but

While a prisbrfer at Dorchester, Mr, B.'s views cond llimilar petition was Q,fterwards presented to these witnesses by quoting Dr, Mosheim's account we find it in a speech recently of bapt1l'sm lik\ewis~ ,underwent a change, He be- the King; and a third to the then Mayor of Lon. the practices of all the churches who have been don, by Rey, ~. C'hBr~wJnh' a came convinced that immersion was the original dOll: Indeed, such was his desire for the w€!lfare corrupted by the " ma~ of sm ;", and" astly, the SOllth Seas, , 1 about to sail III t e" ° n nJUljI"I1J'l> and true mode; and although una~le to attend to of the churches and the CRlIse, that he spent his usefulness with which the oQserrance of the A boy who had bee~ liberated it himself, he uniformly instructed others to re, whole time anll income in labors which'he judged Lord's day has been attended," slave vessel W.!1.S landed at Si,er~a' ,ije,one, ceive it in tliat way, His opinion concerning the ad~pted to build them up, Even the ,books Now in all this there is an entire disregard of pIhaeed under to he, care, ?f f!-

d ' d I Ii th's ' Tompson, n one occaSIon '-dministration of the ordinance wall somewhat pe- which he wrote were eSlgne express y ,or I the reason which .Infinite, Wisdom has assigned in school and the door being ,.Ii". H.~.g "~I,d.,d imm hio .0' Ih. ohj:'" .lth"gh ,h.y ~""'. mnoh 0' 00"",,1 i, ,h'. I. w ro, 'h, ~'''ifi .. ''" of. ""d', eo ",'id

g, hooni. a munomi,g;

Scriptures, that an ordainitd preiacl1er.' interest, Sahbath and a fond leaning to far.fetched qiscovered that thIS boy ;was eUJgl1j! :::;l~!:~~~~f!~~~~i;~~~ all illdispehsabl~; ani~,~I,a~i~erc;~~eltL~bel~r,ELaitifll,.-li;;;==-~-:-· -~ ~ _~_,~ ' ___ "'_-'-_I~'~"",.~+ _' __ ,. ...1-_'-'-"_' ,I._~,,- '~i.,.,. U; •. 7"' .... _a.~"l''' t\ [To be continued,] " - , , , I 1M fnJJr"'~;na-,~iliG4H,,",~cc "ta':e'" off from men," and , I s' abb ta ' this an enlightened Christi~n, With his CI My Lord Jesus, me tank thEle.tl~atvPl~~ed, K II * From this event dates the "Cripp egate a nan h d

'th Ch ' t "he one more tra f h' h ' t' Bl'ble l'n hi's hand 1, Would not,lha same course come and catc me; an acceptance WI rls ;, , ' Church," the rise and early history 0 W Ie was so III I· 0 d. h

' b fi ld , ship come an e~tc veled from Lpndon to ~alisbury, where, a out mutely connected with the labors of Fraucis Bamp e " of reasoning, if folIowe,d out, condu!)t us back me here; and Massa the middle of the day, in lhe brow river of that that we will in this connection gi"e a basty sketch of It, to the observance of all the holy ~ays, noted, in teach me' know, thee, town, \vhich runs'with living water, he I'eceiyed, It assembled for divine worship first at Deyon,shire popish calendar 1 We do Iqng for the time favor to ask j send more ,rnpbi •• rt h

' b' ba' t'led' and so hav\'ng nassed, conle wIlen Chl'l'st'lans "'1')1, in and practl'ce, mot er, an sen goo ~ square, and afterwards at Pinner's Hall, at which place h d d d ".ilng, U\l~T'g~:S, IS elng p, Z, , ,r;, Mr, Bampfield contiuued to preach nntil his impn.onment, catch wicked man's

th, w"''', h. h. "~d .. oth"." ill N .wg.". io 1 68', wh~ p. died. Ai", .,," "':'" • bid. hy 'h, I •• ",d ,,," moo y 'h, Ii ri.g God, m"'bo, h,,~ "d ""','¥''' About the time that this took place, llis mar· the church,dispetsed, until Oct, 1686, when, the limes and n; more rake from their the teach them read, aha teach them

Tiage created some' noise, It seems that during having become more favorable, they again linited weaknesses and djscrepanci~s of depa.cted fa. we all go to heaven togelh~r." h church fellowship, and invited Mr, Edward Stennett, then _ , is illlpri!lonment, a pious lady had ministered to , H thers,' ~ Some might say, what a prayer of Wallingford, to take the oversight of them, e accept-

j his ~ecessities, and'to those of, othel' ministers who ed the call; bnt finding it impossible to discharge his, duo what he wanted, anu in the words were confined with him, This she continued un. ties both at Wallingford and London, he continued their suggested, Mr,r Thoplpson theul

'I h' I , h d' , to him, and asked him whether he ~h(lqgl~t:! t1 IS re ease, , Afterwards neeJin"'g a help he pastor 'only a short time, In 1690, his son, t e lstin- h

' " , ' --,-'-• .1 Christ would' ear i:'\V;YIC~.;,I},t!;1 married ~er j whel'eupon a great ~ry ,was' guished Mr, Joseph Stennett, accepted thepa8to~1 ,,,.,n;i'''r . that he (Mr tht pe ha~ married a servant, without portion, wbich he continlled to discharge witq great fideli~y

, his death'in 1713, From this time until 1727, ,there prayer" birth, or other' advantages, In 'his vindication a vacancy, and the congregation met with the Mill Yard 1l01lUPOUU was ;Vi,o,lll;:j,;:;g

of'himself; lle referred to' his former gl'atuitous' Church, December 27, 1727, .. the chnrch gave itself to \lD" a~;,K:II!g,UNJ" W.W:llle~tler;"'L-:-. labOr~ as 'fJrpof .that ,he was never ,,~ greedy af. the p~Btoral care of Edmund To~send," w~o ter filthy lucre ;" ana ,contends that ,such is ,the until his death in 1765, Mr, T!Jomas WllItewood suc­superiority 01' grace ,an9 ,fitness over birth and ceeded him, but8n1y preached three tim~s befoJe ~e):Vas dowry, that he ought rather to be commended removed by dimtb, For nearly twenty years ,after the

de'ath of Mr, Whltewood, 'Dr, Samuel Stenn~tt adminis< : than bl~m"ed., ,', , ~ j, i' ' d h h h d h d ih the - tere t e ordinances for tbe c nrc ,an preae e

' Aftel\his rel~ase from prison,he came to Lon. the Sabhath; the aftel1loon' 8ervice, bemg • don, where his liberty in; Jlr~acri9g, rt~,e Gospel ' ministe~,¥!-.ro~~on. ,,1n JT85

CoDtinued,<~l,~kj e,. h~~, ~O, r!Jle,r' impri~onm~iit, I ne~rJy was ~alled to tli41, ' . ". - , contiimed until his

ten years~ ~cording to Psa,lm 90; 15-j' Make Ull Mr;.John Brittain Shenston W8lI his \mccessor;. gladaccordilJg ~o:lhe ~ays wherein tbou hast'ar. inMaylast. :',' " "' " '.;, _'I >~0-',

r " , ,

I .-,

. ,

serves only to introduce the folly of the next; and God was to undo of creal ion , do it over Fur the ," CAN'T BE RELIGIOUS ANY MOllE TILL AFTEIl ~lje 9nJjblli~ Jl:~corber., ".')' wh,,. WOW.", 'po. lhO "'''l .... ''b .. ,''', ",am, """ th, fiNI day; aod gi" a comm,nd MI! '0 E"",,, •. "-In an article under this head

" '-. and othe, pi"", ,fam'''~'' W"'m, ... b,ru\. 10 Ibatatr.ct. h Th. Arne,;"", Se'ventl!t.,da~ Bal;!ist' Mission;ry Oberlin Ev,ang~list ~ays; " Certainly' not, NEW YORK," OCT., a, 1844. h onh;~ndY ot~er daYt~fiandd notthitDJg aL~peda.rs to w "kWeTwhi!1 ndow .apprto~cha th

l' n eglfirI~tsdtanYc' °If.

o tale, Society met at V 1844 j W. B. you intend a most Etcred, regard tor your

\ , .. ~ "" " \ t at t e ay IS sanc I e "un 0 Ie or as a ee, IS ay IS DO ID sen a e Report was and the will or,God,. in casting your - of hol;1U8S and rest." < ' God's Word called the Sabbath day. This is Maxson presiding.

' , , .~ pre-en ted . and the made a state· and I'n yout conduct pn'or to tha't eVent. CBllii'LIllTY ill lIillUJlS, ' ,",ogh .. dot" aoy bot a w,"W.be God, from • , '. ,ffiairs. ',>

' • • , )l" B h fi ment of the I· ••. ·;'h~." the/deep~~t.!e]!i!ritance Can you be The early church was.'e,',m, inoo,tlv:, Ii PERSECUTION'IN, FR'A.N:CE. cGa dl,ng It so. ut thodsde 'Ob al~ahcters must d glure HereurJon Joshua B. , Muson, ", 'I ' _L h •. '\. -":fi' d' ~lh d ',' k bl . t f" \ Ii 0 S arrangement, a ,a 0 IS , nam!.', an a ter and 'fruman Saunders, a commit. religious after the election, un ess your ' ~ye ClIurc. Jesus It, lta, oUn er, a ex' ',A rer,naf a e lOS ailc!! 0 persecution or" con· as they think be·t. Thes. two days are dl'ffie~1 b ' I" h . IJ

- ~" '''''' t t d":s d r sent liquidatin2'--the een slOg e up to t at tIme. ' IImplo of ~ 0"," '" do ,...t Wh .. h ... nl .. ; .... '. "k. h .. been ,. .. ody d",lopod ;n I'.'he;, .... ~m ... tl" ,bj .. l, dim._ 10 d" d':t.: ';;j,: ;::.,;!.y :,,,,;oti ,d. ~~ ~~ . . _ . . __ ~ .. , - hi> d;,.,;pl .. , he Nut thom;n .h!. 'he.,,~ot F;aooe.. lIS, .... Ih" .. me time ago M. .; ...... d d;m,tenl m .. ~ and tim." joi .. n'" 10 lb. ",II of Ib, ANn.Su ,m CO .... ",;.~ N. Y. llto.

' • or ....;;;,.n .. -WIiin hlifollOw.;. .r. 1_ po- • Cath,H, pri,"" w"' .bro'ght 10' koowlolge of P"m '''''h oo .. ;d.~';oo .. "h~, ."" >ri." Antl.SI",,), Soo;"y ,.Id i~'olnth ~n",1 .'01. h h d . • ' , ., _ The Society met . U SIded b rioL_driven ftom 0.. oIty I. anOl ", , .y .h, 'm,h .. i. "m I .... , ,nd lhe",po' .ban o .. d ""I,d." thot ,f ,hete be an, Sabbalh 0 • ''00001;' .. before ;'g;' I;", .pl. 19. I W".otl'o y a I,,~, . ) i we;{, ''; nu.,;oo ...... Th. ~ f,b !', be th.u tho "'tch.;o whi.h he h.d boon broughl 'p. ","olh d.y. Bot .. "m .. ' aU do., lho ,. • ' """ , "';'''rn, of ;01.11" .. , iod ~lh,.O'/ic .iU, .. , ,; \' Ii"r oW ""JI wa'k·· Wh .... " otl" ;0,,",," H",,",> ahe, pobH.',d a "ot.mon' of h;...a· of Iblo ~'Y, he sa ... hh."if from lho ,ho ... of 1. '!'hey ""omm .. d otf,rt be a~d .. ld .. """ ,. a .,;,;101 """,' by ", .. I

' lib.,: JtAd .w,,' all ~ ... "'e"i.ot to Iblo. And .... f'"d,pt; •• Ih. P""uta" faith, and "'P'''''' hy dony;.g Ih. .ulhod., of .ho madOlo ",n,!,1 ~, dn.. aod that d;e!h>g""h'" philan'b"'~""-" ."" ".. . -- d d h' 1 b ~- thO ~ F . funber contflbut!ons be ~U1JL\4ltiU, That tlie I When Si1ec~'ss. atten e t elt a ors wf. IS of'the Romish ,superstitions. or this he was Sabbath entirely. • S"'nd'lng Fund be called \"hereas the ' u' ' \ '. I

., ... -", . d 'th ... 'v ': A CONGREGATION OF, .UINtSTBRS.- t is stated tho e ann,ounl eme,nt, of it w~ always receIve, WI condemned to a year's imp!,isonl)1~nt, a,nd a fine 2. The next paper we take up 19 II The Per. Society is indebted beyond ammame funds, and

JOy. }c , , "- of 600 francs, as being guilty of insulting and fectionist," from Putney, Vt. It contains an ae. cannot honorably d "0':""'; nrr,Vi~inn has'been , ' , that there were a thousan~. ministers present at ' 'NoW

t e 'arlY,church was designe 'as a pattern,' deriding a religion, the establishment of which cOllnt of the Saratoga Conv!.'nlion, accompanied made lor liquidating Its O!el)tSI' recommen

" I h " ! d" . d the late Missionary, Meetil,lg ,in, Worc,ester_the :, :~.tb;l "''P ot, fo, 'a1I .. ~,"';"g ';m... I, had to· " logaUy ""'ogruz,d i, F,anoe. Au by oomm"" d"igo.d 10 ,how tl"l ',"day, 0' 'hot Ih. ,,,,khold,.,, of ;'g f'od b. ,.. 1 .. ",,1 "mhe, "" ,"",~,d ;. 1M. "'",ty. " . ed h ·l· t' d' tl fir the'S v'or to d 1 h' h t h th d" "n B d' d" Id bId ,,' h quested to consent to a ",,,,on'''of the joint stock R ' TC V'll "11" h' libl' h ., • .,u, I. '",OU" '00 "" yom", w" m. eo. Ig e, '""', W ". • 00"'"0 ¥', ~. , .y, ,ho, 'P a.. '" I. f'!lh, "."H.. ,f Ih. bli!~a~ons of the Society, EVIVAL,- lie ) age t.r

atc man, p 18 ed

. 'io ;>to all lb. w,dd .od P""'"' .h. ge'pal to w"' "",,6=01. Th •• d;lo, .f a Freo,h pap" "0 .. """go'y w;lh A"'.W,' .. ""y aod Good. whi,h,;o Ih' 'P;';" of vPI:mnmee, will not at Waynesburg, Pa" says that a' protracted " I.";'" ",.atnto. a.ole;. bloto')' w'"' tho but ;. annooo';'g Ih, d,,"i,o, "YO' " W. ha" Ptid.y." ",,,d Iw,",y.fi .. pOI ' m"l;og h.. ..",.tly bom h.ld m. Ih.1 '~"'I" ',=ina"""1" u.,. lb. dp\y "'j';'''' ;0 lha. "m~ b~ ,",,' by • .m of 'I,po', "'~toiog To Ib .. , w. "_bl Md "I""" from olh" po. d" ,f Ih. "",d;,. f,od b,. .hi,h .... I~d ;" Ihe prof."", oonveNWn '"

: ..... d. Bot ~ Ih"b_ now _ting th, ox· io Ftao •• in '8«, a man, hoM"",, ,od "Id.oo,," 5. Th'l .n" b'ptism of about 70 pel'sons. • pers, from the Vermont Observer, the Primitive have been thus liqulUal~ea, ':Fll.l~'and copying the pattern which has been honored by all that know him-a man, to whose Christian, the Rose, etc., each giving expression Ihe fund paid back, theSo,cleltv "'SSf'",

II' Is h k f k' k th truth 11 t .[ d t h '1 .l!' t st dn ss h d' ABNER KNEELAND, for a long time edl,'tor of the ' 'tet. " t e wor 0 ma 109 nown e exce en cun uc, carl y, 'ASIO ere e e , U· to opinions different from the other, and all com. S, S. Griswol be an agent,

' 'be h fi" d hi f k II W fi t I . d d' bI' t l' h Th d d " Investigator" at Boston, died lat Salubria,' 'Iowa,

-' to t e rst an c e wor. e ear no , n· mamty, an mo eratlOn, pu IC es Imony as bining to show that the question, which day ought e report was a opte . : d...t, ,. ;, poinf,lly ,ertah>, lhat b" own .dotn~ "'en bO,", by Ih ... who 'l'mpolh;" nol .;Ih h" 10 b. '''''",d aod how H o'ghl to b. o,"mol, i, A. a "b"'I",ol m"'i on tho 2'" of~. Au .. ". " me, ,n, t and popularity engros, ses'more attention t~an new faith, but who have seen his labors in the I d If .. d ' b h of last year were rtl-~I~'l:L~Il.\,

f h h I h far from being selt e . pro.esse Sa bat reo surer for sixty dollars ...... th"alvario, of "" ;,,01.01 ""d p"';'M.g pari,b 0 whi, • wOO '""'", I ,at '"' • ~o fu,m'N wfll ,h,. Ih.;, 'YO' ",a;,,, 10'" lbi,,, aod lb. pobli"';,, of,h, LU!." ... ,,'!"

, ,

' '~ ... d. Tho rejul. i", .. ina I,w .. " of p;dy, h" ",... """d,mnod to ;mpn.mm,,, fm" y... 'h,y m~' "1""" to m." th, """'I","'M. R"",d,, ",,,,, .. ,,01. 'conformity to tbe world; and the absence of many in compa~y with robbers, because he has ven.. W. B. l;UjlX~O", Prelsident. ' o(th6' high~l excellencies 6f the Christiail char· tured to publish the reasons that lead him to for· WHERE IS DR. EDWARDS 1-A late New Or· ...:. R~~i"tv .cte~. ! sake the 'Pope and embrace the gospel." leans paper represents a state 0 t lOgS ID t at q

DEArn OF MR. SHIPHERD.-' T' Rev. JOHN J, SmPHERD, the well known proje or and foun~er of the Oberlin Institute and Colon , apd formerly pastor of the Presbyterian Churc at Elyria, died

' f h' . h To the Members of the S. D, B. MillSlOllaty , I. Cl'ty whI'ch shows the friends of the Sabbath, and By request of the Society

- E.lPtlrience has shown, that to" engage earnest y - _. I t' 'n,)IJice.rnll - E ABBAmn of good, order, that their work is not yet complet. suggestIOns re a Ive to lis ~. ' . in'lYIissio, nary'labors is the chuJ1eh's"best protection K,EEPING TH S 1 • " h d' h It is well known that for

i .... - ed. " Whilp waiting, says tee Itor, "at t fJ ' .~I iitsterror and formalit~,' and the best pledge of ' Mr. Editor-'I beg leave to inquire of thoM Seventh· depot of the Pontchartrain Railroad on Sunday pediency,of a standing fund, ' ' .- 1 d h 1 h d d' ' It' 'th day Baptists, who profess to take the fourth 90mmund. I I Ii Id h h king on our benevolent 'I1L~"JII~; ,~p ar ea, t an oulwar success. IS WI ment 88 their rule ot conduc.t, upon what I1.<CrIptural au. last, a itt eater noon, we cou ear t e eeper tioned, A misunderstan ~I ch~r~h liS it is with the mind of an individual j thority they travel with their horses and carriage8 consicJ.; of a keeno table ,rolling his box and calling out if th att tioD be wholly turned. upon itself the erable distances, or even at all, to meetings on the Lord's his "'arne; proclaiming, in faot, and in utter agement of the business, on

' e en < , Sabbath 1 ALPHA" conte~pt of every, religious and moral feeling, have given their notes of lifi~~in.embelrshiD, result"will be unhealthy action', i,f it be S",.edeaboro, N. J. , produced some dl'saffiectI'on

- that all who wished to imlulge in the sordid vice [to others, II fie[d\vill be ~pen~d for its , Although this inquiry is not directed particu. of gambling had an opportunity of gratifying their which has hindered its Optl$I'IOnW, ~l)d growth will be the result. M1lltiplie? ~re the 1arly to us, we will venture to say a few wo~ds base passioll, and of luring olhers to do likewise." siderations, together with

. 1 b Ii' h' h' "" sSlonary h II k' [Ne\\' YOl,k Evan!!elist. ganization, called, the MI's'slOnfl,ry 41,SSOClal:lOn, ,l\ecJproca ene ts 'w IC come I~vm ml , in reply to it. In doing so, we s a spea as ~ already commenced

lllWr. It calls into exerci~e the best abilitie~ ana to a candid inquirer after truth, andr not as to We can tell the Evangelist where Dr. Edwards greater usefulness as a moo""'" {il,r,QUll'll the best feelings j it enlarges the ~eart, and incEeas. one who raises a supposed difiiculty for the mere is. He is attending Conventions among the can carryon our es all the capacities for enjoyment; it prevents sake. of objecting. To such, this is our answer: "friends of the Lord's day." He is the last man this society to adopt the

Walton, Michigan, 011 the 161 inst.; aged ,~ years.

. Gov. Hammond of S. C., has a pointed, Thurs.

day! Ihe 3d day of OctOber, as a ay of Thanks. giving, Humi!iation and Prayer, throughout the State, '

, , "Tlle bishops, in theory, are inde d the governors

of 'the church. ,In practical tffee,. ,however, on the minds of the majority, the editorial 'Chili" stands fal' above them.'" !.-

' ,di!!Cord and p~tty jealousi~s, by fUfnishing ~ noble 1. The fourth commandment says, "Six days to vindicate its claims among those who deny, its Ways and Means as Pf€ISeiltiriQ'

--. olj .. , of oomm" ;n-.t .. 11 bl"", aU~th"" ,b;" lho, labo, ""d d, aU Ihy wo,k, b" Ih, ,"Ih"hy" oegl"l h .• d,ti.. W;lh ,,," "'0'. P'~:':;,",b ;."". '" Ih.

~ who ~tfotm Ihe .!abo" M ~U ~ th"", who a.. "',"oth d.y ;,,", Sabbath of Ih. Laid' Iby God, ;," h. h.. "" fOll,w,hi ..... ", b.. Wl" "" 'h;p ;"Im ;, "''''', ,,'d " A "'y ""'''''''''' "m",,,,,,d';. N,. Y"k !h, o~."", o'.>t.: "";0 it tbo"h.11 0", do any wotlL" Th. wold h." he"d of hi .. dmoo;,h;.g o""'''"H, .... , p,,' red ohlig,H""".,,,h. ;'""", ,boat m;d~,y o. Sa",day. TbJ wi.d ot' fuot :. W.h ",:,h v~'~' of "" doty ond Ib, b,..,n~ of " ... Iotod ""k, ge''''Uy "f". 10 I"de, .rt, ot "",,! II woo" 'ow", h. digo;'y and ",d .. Il'" ;,;, ho' i'" ""P'" Ibal wm b' ~'fmm ,b. oorth~ •• , bot abo" ~oon ,. '~od,y engagmg In ihlSslooory labors who can fall to h h Ilis self.complacency. Besides, he migh,t be immediately paid up, except iactuar. in· d d. h h 'bl' . h

WHISKy.-Th:'distill;ies ofthis citf and B:oolr, lyn now make about 25,000 gallon per day and consume aboul 8000 bushels "of gin, ' two.thirds corn and one·third rye.

cOIn mlittfle on course w

. . ' '. ,occupation. From this we suppose t at I e com. - ability; this is therefore eXDe(lted socIety, it o!hoppe roun to t e sout .west, owmg wit fo:e


1m """" m ,he ~otk , W '. beh.~ the, no m'!ld""ol furb;d. Ih, "P' '"it of '"' ,Id;",,), pto. w;th tl" ,"w.t .. m. "g",";.na.d I,. If "y ,f I''''',kh,hi." I, b,w, g'ea' f"y, w hn,. Ih",;o f,ll d,,;._ "rna of tho ,.,,~ .. ''''' ''''!'Y Ib, elu'I"n ." OV"'~ ooftfug' .h;,h· .to prop" on olb" d,y', ond re- q'i'~, 'Th. "01"'" d,y ~ lb. 8,",th ,r <b, d;,idond ""d, ,on""'g 10 'o"'~ I;m.;. lot",.. Th. lid, ,. "'"fu", rim " .. I ... ktng 11 ... Th".gb pa',,?oa! ""d P'~,,?g ,allo 'quo",", to rnak. th, day 0", of· .. " 10 Ih, Laid, L,Id Iby G,d,...o yo, k"p i4 DonI" " mi"", 'h' 'g'''' '''',,''" " Ih. b;gb" thon "" b.fo" kn'~, ,t", ... ;., '" m, ay not ,n"pon lhi"m for contrI.bUll.ons, he but does not require that we should cease first day of January, 1845 the soci. bridge, and washing away some pdrts.of the em.

oogh; matte, pf dnty, to y 1 'm mOo.. from aU .. tioo, ond ,hul '",~l'M "P i.' .. m. OEnn OF OR. CAlIS'N. ,/ .h~. who .b,,,td h". poid ;, J... "'.kmon, S,,,,.I fio. !t." ;" lb. dty .rut la b h ety, nt its session in 1843, fai neglect I

~ lho God boo P""l'"ted hUn, Tb. 00''''. . . S,me of 0" "ad'N may he~,,~ •• ,,' "" '844. H",,,h, """';'1.nf!;pronlptliess in this several chimnflys I were blown down, anil consider. ldo~tiQnf'of'this course among Christians, would 2: We find that among the ls'raelites the se\,. d b f B '" I case. Those who have any fund able injury IVas done in the harbor. I t c~~--~-cttiih~~tIm~~~~~~ttJhif~:;ri~-·r;~:~~.~ ftO'An<\i"'Q the" Mo e lind Su ~ects 0 aptIsm, recent Y in their keeping, are requested 1 Vl1;"" vI" "tiC- t.1:i .. nyl'C- YT~'~ ........,.rt',o ........... o.l _.i~ut p"", bl d 'd' h I r! I A writer from PliHadelphl'a gl've t

L- [olloWI'hg l'llliny of failures from a want of ~ • pu IShe, eID"'" y,ne t e resu t~ 0 muc 1 ""'''''''CIl In readiness to rerund the sa , IJ.C,

I" faning the Sabbath, sl]ch as preparing the sacri· d fl' I 'tt b R D C h' h 'II b hi b b h account of the storm there:-b.eliev~r in Ghrist felt-himself reo an re eclI6n. twas Wl'l en y. ev. r. ar. w lC WI pro aye y t e

' fices, offering a double portion, changing the f E I d d' d d b h B . Each local arren' )'s requosted " We were vl'sI'ted yesterday nlor' nI'na wI'th' a I,ponoilile to do aomethUtg Ut .h~ wotk, .od ""h eoo, 0 ,og'" , "" • "ge, • y ,. 'pl.l, ,,'. >

shew bread, &c. A holy convocation was like. as a most valuable contribution to their' standard list of the names of those who, steady rain which has continued uP~to the hour of Cbri>tian ,btmh ...... '" ;t>e!f .. • "";""y wi" b.ld. F"m Ih;, w. 1"'0 Ihat lb. Sabbelh I ."'" 'f Hf~m'mb",,&;p, tollle!ll€ amount closing, WIth but th~ slighl~st interm ssion, It \Viii

' IOciety for th.IS· purpose, there would be; but little, publications A correspondent of the Baptist Ad. of interest due on each note,' of no doubt be productive of'lgreat benefit to tl.ecoun. , diJlionlty;o omy;og;. 001. Th. 'h'""" Ih.",~ ""'ot,,,;,, Ih. fo owiog ""'n! 'f Ih, ","'0 ,II "''''Y' looo.d ;. bi" , .;.h tli. I,)" b"l hOI' ;1 h" do", ",.,;d ... bl d,m,/:" by

had its duties, that these required active service, II , i " , , , Id b ,. d h d' , Id b .nd ;aolod.d "".",bli'g. aod m.lon. oly d"lh oft&;, ..... " .,hol". ao,",", ,f ;."". d" to 'h, Ih, olliog, 'f "lla",~ ,,",.f m "ri" i'''' of lba •. 8elvea won e reVive, t e estitute wou e <:n., Our Saviour was accustomed to atlend upon first of JaIl, 1845, Persons ' r<' • d D" W h" S h iii P'rovided for ... and the spirit of CJ{ristianity· would 0; "It app rs that on thl! 16th of A ugust, he a~mst U'lly an Istnct.' as mgton q ,are as BU er.

' pl"M of wo"h;p, 10 ".,,1 at """ tim" i. ''''''01 Ih,'"",Y .. Li"tpool 10 .mb,,11 r.,. B.I. lhe .. dcly ato .1'0 ,,,,""'tod 10 lb. '"m, '" m".!;,lly. Tw.I"., mil,. ~es are blown ¥ ~utifully exemplified. ' reaching them, to heal the sick, and do works,of fast; and Wille walking leisurely upon the wharf, to me previous to the first of Jan: 1 down, one of them having been to ' up 'by the

• Finally unless each and everv "·,QI~kl\.oJder roots, Several vessels have also su "tained' dam. ' , mercy upon the Sabbath, which cours~ he vindi· he pulled 01 his watch to ascertain how long a, i ~~

" NOT TO OONDEMN, BUT TO UrE. . , . time would lapse before the steamer would leave sents 10 the above-mentioned diVIsion age." Cated as no breach of the Sabbath, but as consist. . , bl' '. . '11 t'll I', th'e harbor. WhI'le I'n the act of 100kI'ng at the SOCIety so IgatlOns, It WI S I ' Christ,came into the world for the express pur· 'k' H' I b h' d II use~~ln~ss,

ent with its ,proper eepmg. IS examp e was time piecre, lil approached too neal' the edge, and us upon us to In er OU! uture p.... of ".;"g ,hln". 'I1blo;, the '",wn;og ;mitotod ~.A,..II.. H,"", w. ;.r", Ihot w"' i. « """,,' p""ip;tolol from. h.ighl of Add,,,", LUlU G,,,,,,,, All •• "" doctrine of the Gospel. ,Though we had courted to negleoU]Jese duties, under whatever pretence, mne feet intd tho tide, A small boat from the ~HERMAN S, .nd'm.etite~ destruction; though we were already would be breaking rather than keeping the Sab, quay immediltely proceeded to his rescue, and as • under c6ndemnation i though nothing less than bath. he rose to lh~ surface, he was caught and placed WORK OF THE HOLV SPIRIT IN hi! death could make atonement for sin; yet he h f h S bb h d in safety in 1t. He was fonnd, however, to be the Spirit of God is apparently with

' 4. Granting that t e rest 0 tea at oes much eXhau1aed from the shock, a dislocation of the of the American cllUTcbes, there did not l1e8ifate, but freely gave hiIIlllelf a ransom b h' I d b),

not exclude, ut rat er mc u es, assem 109 at shoulder'oo asioning him much pain. This be. ing indications of His presence ill' lor'us,' A~ eviland bitter thing must sin be, which the place of worship, the only remaining ques. ing speedilu adjusted, he was placed in his berth,

\)'..' d . h d h fCh' H I JI I Syria, occupied by the missionaries rw~ ~!ln lln requIres t e eat 0 rIBt. 0 Y tion is, whether we shall go there on foot, or with and the vessel set sail. On reaohillg Be fast, he

' ~ b th I h' h Id I d h 'd f th R M can Board, viz., among the Aflnemaln$ ~?- right~ous must e e aw, w IC cou on Y horses and carriages,- We believe, in the light of was conveye to t e resl ence 0 e ev. 1'.

be,magnitied anq.\ml1de honorable by 'such means. Ii Wilson, the B'aptist clergyman of the plaoe, in a tinople, the Nestorians, and the Ara 'j..\ • the Scripture facts to whioh we have re erred, state of extreme debility. Symptoms' of a conges- and Mount Lebanon. The hand, ~ut, the death of 'uhrist do~ not save, men in their that either would be consistent with the spirit and tion 'Of blood upon .the lungs Soon appeared " and I

' , 'It' '·'·d d f h East may prove a signal, calling • II,S; prOVl

es a way, opens a oor 0 ope, letter of the fourth oommandment. No doubt men altho,ugh attended by his son, Dr. Carson, and ' (I.1,c


i'll I k d . , in this Western world to prayer and .an~;,~,'1 al~s 00 an lwe. may ureak the Sabbath by driving or walking so other eminent men, in a few hours he ceased to be

f h an inhabitant of this world of sorrow and of sin. extension 0 f the kingdom of Christ. ,"" far 10 meeting, as to ~~ke the day, one 0 la or, His age was sixt~eight." I

"IIl9JJAf '01 m ~mm:lT, .. th" .bau ,,,to N,,,,,h.I ... , .. m",1 Ih;.k "W .. ", Bo." TH>N,., B,'"'''' ! ""h~ b',Th~ (oilow, 'mg' e~traot9 are tak,eri,: from'li letter that in su~h case the sin would not, be in traveling

j DIVISION OF THE METHODIST CHURcH,-Since in his late bull, speaking of the ofai'AtileHciin cI'ergyman travelin,S'. in ~urope.: with horses and carriages." send the Bible I'nto Italv, uses the i'')llj:>wiufl: I the action of the Methodist Conference ,in the case J<

'f¥YI~"scr!~ .. ~tate of things wh~ch resu Is, na. "

turally from'de~yil1g the authority of the fourth T~E QUESTION SETTLED. ,the slave.holding Bishop, the MethOdist papers guage:.. .

' , " 1 I have been filled with articles about the division " ThIS sOCIety strams eve ~dment: ' Just SO far as, men ~ep,!lrt (rom ,We have before us severa re igiou~ papers . • among them by means of thl~~ e:xj>oiilnli~gelveB to similarcotl~e9uen.' coqtaining lengthy artIcles on the subject of the of the church. It has probably led to ten tImes f!'Om all par;s, corrupt and

,b~ foun~ ,only by ad~e'ring Sabbath, and giving a variety of conflicting theo. as much discussion on the subject of slavery, as scatter them secretly amongst ·~'I;'q()~lt1Iaiiri,inl!jl~,o,f" GOd, • ,:, We' copry from ries. W.e will give a hastY'notice of some of them would have been secured withont that action . .same limp. Ihp.ir infanti",,:" '0 ., ~', qiJlesl:iOllI,t<4.lliu~,,[rAng'~II~;It may seem; after all the bluster books still, or Tracts designed .to

introduce collected

and to At the


STORM AND Loss OF LIFE,-On Sa ~rday after. noon the CIty of Montreah~as sudd~it y visited by , squall from the North and West, ife embling in' fury,n tropical tornado. The morri~nr had been oppressively hot, an~ about the time ve mention a gathering of dens~ clouds, preceded by a slight fall in the barometer" took place, and ~ere WIjS a general expectation of a heavy thunder storm. Suddenly, however, a. gllsl of wind I arose with such violence as in' a few moments to ~Ievate the whole dust of the city, and to suspen ,it like a funeral pall;, and darken the whole tmosphe~e until it fioated away. \)

The river was of course a perfect she t of foam, and some trifiing damage was done in he -bar,bor by' vessels "straining their {I1oorings.-The course of the !torm being itearly on the liine of th!l river, it was felt for some distance to the Nort~:, We learn that the Souter Jo\.lnney, whiqh arrived here yesterday at noon from Quebec,1 saw one schooner on her road which had lost her mast, and a;bther which had her sail blown a,hy,-We fe~r that we shall shortly have intelligenge of m~!,y calamities, ,

It is our painful duty to relate, that df~ing tbe heia-ht of the squall a melancholy catastrophe oc. cur ~t!,J on lue river. Mr. Cooke, the writing

, of the High SC,hool of Montreal, in com-,\1 'fOUr~1itsr Sunday"in ,E,urope we: passed at

Maname, in the south, olFranoe,' It'w,,, a Ro. riwi'F-ete:'Day, and tile 'scene strongly reminde4 uW'or;We1 anniversarY 9f' olir national IQdepend. ence .(,honia;: Th~ ritorniIig was1nshered In with the'ringing ofbells-=the- foar of c,annon-martial music and, military;parades. . Innumerable fl~s

on both sides 'no body seems ready to draw the the minds of their readers all ].respet't' d· 'd' I' > Ma 'h S h " 'd f Church and the Holy See." I~I 109 me. I n~ at t e out seem alral 0 , " W01'Se books than the Bible! 'Londou bemg left alone, ,while many at the North seem paper.) So then the Bible, in of the

pany with two brothers of the name ()fDean,lat~. Iy from Englnnd"and a gentleman named Wll. , kinson, were on their way to Sorel, ,on a,voYMe of pleasure. When opposite Pointr ~u., 'TremJ;le they were overtaken by the full fury of th~ squall, t~e'ir canoe was lIpset, and melanch,oly to record, all sunk to rise no more. A person who Wi/$ in a"canoe about ten yards behind them, andriWho narrowly escaped tlie same fate, relates that their canoe was whirled twice round" and,immediately overturned, and thafnot one of the party ever ap. peared on the surface.

across 'the streets-public. b\lildings an'd

.8hiippiin2.hitbE"hl~rbot.;~tJlestreets cr.owd: polllula'!lOD from

ually afraid ~f leaving them alone. In such people among whom it is a sol circumstandes, the question of division will be a emn decree of Gregory XVI, proriou.nd{jcllo· be a most difficult to be settled without much bad book !" saorifice of 1"~II-',IIJ{,

.' "A PilOPOISIT.!/>N."-This is the title of an arti. cle in ,the Recorder, stating that applica. tions have 'been made to the ,Home Mis.

will make it necessary for the on the subject of slavery. The

the question, of slavery be fully and fairly'dif!cuilsed by three northern and three soulhe~n meD, the discussion be printed, alid cirCUlated. proposition finds fav~r With, the' editdr' of the Advocate; but we doubt

much to do with the Board's

, ,

THE BAPTIST CHURCH AT CoplE~rHAI~EN gave an account of M f. M (lln'~;ter's irnbt'iso.nlllent som~ time ago, Late information'says Mr. Mams~el"s impris9hment, the chm:cjh penhagen" which now consists of about bers, is sadly harrassed, meeting for ",\,,~~t. commons in the Vicinity of the city, and they are pursued and dispersed by They however remain ;steadfast,

meek and quiet dE\portment, have :"'rt"U~iu: sympathy from all parties'."


, , ,

ACCIDENT,-A sad accident occurr~d ~t Cheeto" on wago, Erie Co., N. Y.,on.Saturday. the 28th of

Sept. "The accident happened at'a Loco.Foco gathering, which had been called for the purpose of rai$ing a hic~ory; pole, when Borne of the tack. ling gave way"by; which the tree feU and ki1l~d Major ,Geo Zahm, editor oftha.. Germ1ln paper III Buffalo, and Mr. Chas. Easlinger, a jeweller, also of that city, besides breaking both' legs of.\ a 'Mr. Peter Smith, and inflicting seri.us injuries to a MOURNFUL.-A leiter from the fourth person." ,

le(/ t~ Rev. Mr. Knibb in Jamaica, ' , , , :y '11 b . d I ' h The steamer 'H. g. Thibodeaux stink Dear the ~', ou WI , e paIne to earn that t e mouth ofthe,Ke~ucJty,,)iiver, on<Saturday',IIl.Bt,

Church Union of1amaica' has extended while on h'er Pl\~sage,'from New.;orlealll to" ~rnj, these on~e peaceful shores, and cinDiiti. She ha<rconsiderableof-a C8rg~ of:mer~. ed liy seeing our J¥l~r, dear p,~~~le,' hat:elJ.,1 s.Clor~~,1 chandise to difter~'!.t :cbnsign~ ~q Waf~itrw~l~8, ed" , fl, n, ed, w,hipped, and imprisoned, only sank t6 her Cabm fldor, lind probably nQt

be a total loss. Sbe:wu partly'inlured. '" ' reason whatever than that they are • ~

in New Yf)rk wind at first

n00"l0n Sunday Qldwing with

of the

( ,

~ tnttal J nttlltgtnrt.


SAB:nATB " t ~ \ '1


\ I

tion, On inquiry I found them the hereditary hoisted American colors. The frigate hailed him, ere receotly d chieftain of the tribe, with his motll.er and privy but a few yards distant, all he could say in Eng. Clara, in Cnba, an tlld and esteemed

~-- councillors, A strong leaven ofcunlning destroyed lish 'was 'Fisb,' which satisfied the English ad· aged 80 years He had been married [W,[",.

FROM MEXIco.-The New Orleans papers of in the young chieftain an otherwise fine counte· miral, who bore up, wished him a pleasant passage had 13 $OI1S by his first w fe: 10 of . I d h t' nance; the;queen mother bore the impress of high -the ladies on board the frigate wavin.Q' their living and married. In addition he Sept 19th, contam very ate an somew a 1m· I I' f h dk h' ~ . I ~ I f' rank in the perfect peg Igee arrangement 0 er han erc leiS as a partmg sa ute, The s aver sons and 49 great grand children, IIIU~I\I~~g

pOllan! intelligence rom MeXICO, costume, which scarce protected herffom the vul. went on his way rejolciog, and landed on the Bra 149 individuals. ' Th~ most important news is that the tow!!. gar gaze. But the old braves, who composed the zil coast 1035 slaves, making an enormous profit .LAUNCH.-A beauiifui sleamer, call

Metamoras has been destroyed by a hurricane. councIl, would~av graced any court in Christen· on the speculation." [English paper. marIe,' was launched in fine style from It occurred on the night of the 4th ult. and was dom. One, th rime miiliBter, the Nestor of the C d •. sr t h h h . EARTHQUAKE IN LIVINGSTON o.-A correspon· ty Iron Works, Sept. 22, between

SABBATH, The SABBATH T'.ACT SOCIETY puhlish the foUowin,

~ABBATH TRACTS. at, 15 pages for One cent No. I-An Apology tor introducing the Sabbath of the

Fou!t~ t;emml!lldment 00 the consideration of th. ChnstJan Pubhc. 28 pages j Prioe single 3 eta '

No.2-The Moral Nature and Scriptural Observance' of the Sal;ib~tp. Defended. 52 ,pag!lS; price 6 cbI.

No. 3-Authol'lty' for the Change of t4e Da)" of the Sab. . hath. 28 pages; 1" il'.e ~ obi, ,

more tremen ous m Its euec Stan t e urncanes group, was a magnificent fellow-about three h • I d '37 M th t h' d f th dent of tQe Courier states.t at a VIO. ent shock of She is owned by Messrs. G. F. nri,>rRflil of '3fi an . ore an wo·t Ir ~ 0 e score years and ten, erect, c0d:andmg, with ,eye h h d

f h . d d h - an eartbquake was felt m t e neIg borhoo of of this city, and is intended to run ft.orrl.U'~ot'tolk, houses 0 t e City wereqprostrate ,an t e re- undimmed and countenance enotinO' intellect and Th d d I .. d " Lima, Livingston Co '. on u. fS ay eyening of Va., through the Dismal Swamp into main er were more or ess lnJure . energy; he seemed tbe last remnant of the Dobili- I

No. 4-The-Sabb"th and Lo@,.,Day-A Hi,tory of ~ ob,sertsnce in tne Chrll\ian. C}iurelJ. 6~-pq.1 pnce 6 cls. .

No. 5-A Christian CaTeat to the Old lII!d New Sabba-. __ rians.-[Containing some stining .extract. frolll

The correspondent of EI Censor de Vela Cruz tv of his race, An instanc~ 6f the arrogaDce of last week.. At Avon It w~s qUI!e severe twas Norlh Carolina, carrying fr~ght aod b ... ·h lib t h d d - accompamed b.y an explOSion, hke a very. heavy CHI'IRS OF ANTI"UIT" .. -Deacon AhrnillRm Ca. estImates Ie .. 0 e OSS at a ove wo un re the young chieftain, perfectly characteristic of the d h h b h' '" 1.

soul~ Tbe direst destrllction, however, so far as safage, occurred in the evening. He bought a clap of very distant thun er,.t ong t e nI&, t pen, of Stoughton, has now in this city a;~o,u'pte

_ - WI old author who wrote under tliat \itle.] 4 -pa-ges; 1 ct. I

No. 6.-Twenty Reallons fo~ keeping holYdll each week: the Seventh Day instead of. the Firat Day. ,,~

we can Ilearn, was at the two mouths of the Rio barrel of flour, beckoned three or four stout fellows pe~fectly cloud}ess and the aIr extremely mIld and high back chairs, made in England, and Grande, some thirty miles below Ih(city oflMet. to roll it to his tent, arid strutted beside them with q~let. The wmdows of the houses were .shake~ over in the Mayflower, in 1620. One amoms.! Here scarcely any were sa~ed. folded arms, with all the pride of the Cmsars. VIolently, and several persons who had retIred (It chairs formerly belonged to Elisha

The most active measures were taken at once [Cleveland Herald being about 10 o'clock) leaped from their beds and grand son of Goverhor Bradford who for the relief of the sufFerers, and a general sub· went into the street to seek the cause of their alarm. its proprietor / '

MORMON NEws.-We learn from the Warsaw At Caledonia, 15 or 20 miles west, windows and . _ ----'- . . SCription was about to be opened for the purpose. . I h L"~ W' h f th 1 d f tables \\'ere severely J'arred, and -in one instance a MAMMOTH AFPLE.-The PhIladelp.hla The Picayun~ of the 20th says. The greatest SIgna t at j"'uan rIg t, one 0 e ea ers 0

, 1 f h theMormonsJ has left Nauvoo for the pine region candle was thrown from its candlestick and loose zette says that an apple has been raIsed destlUction occurred in the mout lOt e of the Wisconsin with about two hundred follow- panes of glass were shaken from the window. Woodward, in Bridgf)water, Bucks Erande. This river debouches r'w the Boca del ers, comprising the most reckless of the Mormon The explosion lasted for nearly a minute-quite may rank amo?g the wonder~ of RIO and Boca Cltze{/,; at each 0 '(Iiese there were fifty seconds. ' Ivelghs 1.wentY.~lx ~unces, and IS fin,,;,,,, settlements, and as one paper informs us, over commumty., quarter Inches In CIrcumference. 'three hundred inhabitants. SIdney Rigdon is said to have left for Plttsbu!g, EAR.THQUAKE AT TRINIDAD.-By the schooner

B h . I b d A ltd t d and it IS added that a large number of the English Sarah, at Baltimore on Friday from St. Thomas, ANTf.DwKENs,-Mr. Murray, in his ot were entire y su ~rge . e ter a e will soon follow him. America, declares that weI e he an Ame.~IC!\q,

r AlJgust 9th, states that the remains of sixty.four Dl'ssensl'ons are' -"al'd to_exl'st among the Mormon Sept. 11, we learn that on the 30th August, about Id b d f h' f . "'pIe who pe-'I"hed at the Boca del Rio had al ,,- -- U h 3 o'clock, A. M. the inhabitants of TrinIdad were wou e prou 0 IS country; 0 Its

pe,. , 0 • leaders. Mrs. Sihith"0he' widow of Joseph SmIl , ils magnificence, its gigantic rel!OUrclls.-riNer!!, Ireil.dy been found and interred, and that it was accused of withholding the t~sfer_ of prop~m,y roused from sleep by the shock of an eartbquake, esls and scenery, and still more proud ascertained that as many as twonty seven were belonging to the Church, held m Joseph Smith s the violence of "which far exceeded that of any Iy dIffused education and indeDellOe,nce. destroyed at the other mouth of the river.. name. 'There was a rumor that she ha.d purchas. other they have ever experienced, except the-one h . h bl f ' I . d that many more have perJshed of 1825, Great fears were entertained for the t e impefls a e memory 0 its "elUIU '''l-'Uy,,,,,,. t IS presume , ed property at HamptolJ, where Law, and thl). se. whose names were unknown. The 'Mexican pa. ceders reside. safety of tbe town, but no material damage was James Cox, a notorious villain and a !.I'/;!,"'"

pels are full of details sbowmg of how fTIghtful a Brigham Young lately preached a sermon in sustained. The deepest anxiety was manifested has been arrested near Portsmouth, Va.

ges; ,1 ct. , No. 7.-Thirty.six Plain Questions, presentil!g the maiD

points in the contrpversy j A Dialope between a Minister of the Gospel and a Sabbatllriu; CO\IDo terfeit Coin. : t '


UNITED STATES, from the Seventh day Bal'titt General Conference; wherein is shown the peqJetua/ ob­ligation upon Jew and Gentile to obsen'e God'. Hol,. Sabbath, as INSTITUTED IN P AlU.DUI!: upon the SUIU"II , or la.t day of each week; and the f!1lbse~uent mb.tiua rion of the FIRST day is shown to beincoll8lstent with the in.titntion, and subversive of the Bilile BI a penect raJ. of faith. I < ,

on Publisht>d 'at this office for the Conference:,and for 1IIl. h also by Leavltt, Trow &: Co., 19" Broadway; Mu-k H.

e Newman, ~99 Broadway, aod E. Walkef &: Co. 114 Ftal, 00',1 street, ($3 per 100,) aud at tlie booutorel eenenUt pnce 6 cents.

BANK NOTE LIST. C017ect~d Weekly. j

CURRENT MONEY.' [Billa of all the Banks in the .eveW State. IDClolua II dI.

natllle was this catastrophe. r ~ Nauvoo, in which he is said to hav~ avowed the on behalf of tbe adjacent Islands, from neitber of cently escaped from Richmond' City It IS reported, verbally, and by privatellelters, spiritual wife doctrine-a matter wInch had been which had any pOSItive information been obtain- he was confined on a charge of having K!~mappe~a

. that active measures are in progress, both to col. charged upon and denied by them. ed up to the time of the Sarah's leaving on the and sold a free Negro. ! lect men and prepare them for the campaign. The temple is going ahead with astonishing ra· 3d illSt, ' The editor of the Cincinnati \Desertions, it is added, are scarcely less numer· pidity, a great portion of tbe population 11e1ng ~~- E~'TRAORDINAaY CIRCUMSTANCE.-A daughter "I am kowing of the fact in

Table of Current Money, (e"cept ·tho •• IpecifiadJa. 'llni TeIM of Unc~rlam ani Broken Bankl,) pllerilly pulillA 1>Id~ buaioe ••• though charged b)' the Broken m wi. cit)' willi a. diacount allind to them.] ~

ous than recruits. ployed upoo it. The leaders prophesy the reappear. of Mr. Ephraim B. Irish, of this place, aged about Black of Mississippi, receiving, UlII,,,,, We hear nothing farther, by this arrivl!l, ance of Jo .. to eonsecrate and dedicate it to the 12 years, who has been subject for the last 18 Waverly novels, ill 38 volumes, we


lgllln,i the" :dvance army of 10,000," which it was be· Lord, an~ to h~sten this event, the poor fanatics months to spasmodic complaints, has had, within 35 pounds, as public documents." fore reported had marched tOlVard .the Rio Grande. are' exerting themselves to the utmost. a few days, teo pins and needles taken out at dif· L t Ii 0 'T 't

C Th ' i" II . I . N d hr:' f f h hld't' e ters rom regon ern ory THE POTATOE ROP.- e iO olVmg extracts Many persons are eavmg auvoo, an ot ers lerent limes rom one 0 er ee s, an I IS suppes· d h f G \V LB' t fi' I f we copy from the North American: would leave if!hey could dispose of their proper· ed some yet remain. She has no knowledge of eat 0 . . e Ie on, ormer y.o

The potatoe crop in this state is ruined. The ty. At a meetmg of Mormons m ~he Bear Cree~ the manner in which the pins and needles came port. He was shot by a.n ~ndlan, and Shakers, who engaged to deliver fifteen thousand settlement, week before last, they lesolved to qUit there It is supposed she must have swallowedthem d~ys afterwards, .The mcilan Was 1IlIiIlpe'JI"'''''J

~ th whl'le unconscious of the act. kIlled by a Mr, WInslow. bushels here, \ have given notice of inability to r e country. ~ furnish a sinO'le bushel, and wiII hardly ,have ACCIDEl'i'r TO JOHN QUINC ADA~[SANDHIS LADY /" [Newport (R. 1.) Mercury, The steamship British Queen, which enough for their community, ofFering' to' the -The True, Sun says, Mr dams and bis lady THE POTATO CRoP.-The Philadelphia Chroni. ran between Liverpool an? New Yorle,

I 'f h Id b h d bl . rd' I /. .. h afterward sold 10 the BelgIan Uo,veI:nlIler)t, "ivorld's people" the who e crop I t ey WOtl were ot consl era y InJur a lew ays SInce C e says: We mentIOned, a aay or two ago, t e . , diO' it. The only section from whICh no complamt at the City Ferry, by falling between the dock and apprehend'ed deficiency of the potato crop, owing vertlsed to be sold by auctIOn at Ant IS ~ade is Maine, but it is hardly possible that even a pier, whIle on a Journey from Washington to to disease 01 the plant _ Few of our readers, how. reserve. there the crop has escaped the disease. Quincy. Mr. Adams says hiS Injuries have" near· ever, are probably aware of the enormous growth The winter arrangement of the .H()~ton

CATSKILL, September.-The potaloes are a!1 ly laid him ~p, and will confine him for several of potatoes in tbis conntry, or of tbe serious loss- Providence Railroad, which began on !"IJIJ"Hl

perishing about us, and indeed all through thIS weeks." It IS stated that the escape of both Mr pecuniary or otherwise-that would result from a !IS follows: The night line will leave H~,ston part of the state in the ground and out of it. [0 and Mrs . .A. was a very narrow one. general failure thereof. AccOIding to the census Stooington, daily, except Sundays, at 4 0

some instances, 'after being d~g and put into bar. IMPOOTANT DECISION ON THE NATURALIZATION of' 40, the potato ClOp of the United States exceed· M. The morn 109 line will leave Boston rels in the ceHar in perfect orderl Iheyhave bee~ LAw.-TheJudgesof Maryland have decided that. ~d one hundred and eight million bushels-equal M. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and "''''CUIl.'tl.". found in thlee days so offenstve, as ~o r~nder It no matter under which law of the U. S. Congress, in value, at twenty.five cents a bushel, to $27,000,· The weather this morning was cold; necessary to. throw t~em a~ay. ThI~ WIll prove or at what period, if the parents are naturalized, 000 Of this quantity, there were produced in such as to put an end to vegetation in air a great publw calamity, so Important IS the pota· the children, if tben under age, at once, and by ~ YOI k, 30,123,614 bushels. for the present sea;on. The trees are "sere toe crop to all. . virtue of the naturalization act, of Congress of the ine, 10395,280" and yellow leaf," but vegetable prcldticti,<ms are HO~IER, .Sep. 16.-The only essentIal crop that 14th of April, 1802, and especially of the 4th sec-- Penm-yl-vaniaJ 9,535,67;1 . " beyond the reach of injury by the Great. bas faIled IS the potatoe; that has suffered amaz· tion of that act, are made CItizens Reverdy John- Vermont, 8,869,751" coats and coal fires are in demand.

IUgly from the, gaog.ren~. If a quarter of a c~0'p son says' "I repeat, then, as my decided opinion, New Hampshire, 6,206,606 " l [Bost. Transcript, ~att~~'daJ' should be realIzed, It Will be more than 1 anhcl. that the construction I give the law (as stated) is MULBERRY PAPER -We have received from Dr. pale. ,.. the correct one, and I knOl0 that such has been, D. Stebbins three samples of writin!l: paper, man- Mr, Philip Thomas, of Cumberland, C ... 0 S 20 rhe potatoe rop . b II h v two of his hands, are reported to have LEAVEL.ANv, HID, ep. ,- ~ and is, t~e interpretation given to It y ate ufactured from the bark of -a mulberry tree. The

IG tillS sectIOn, \\ blt!h a few I~eeks smce pro~lsed Courts III Baltimore, Fedeyit as well as state." first experiment produced a very dark colored, but eating diseased, potatoes. We have b I I Ii I the particulars. [Provo 10 e a very arge one, we earn rom our agncu - JudO'e Marshall of the Frederick County Court smooth paper j tbe last is very white, glossy and

' tural friends is much injured by. diseased p~tatoes. con~urs in the vi.ews expressed by Mr. Johnson stout, I,ut not quite free from spots. He hopes GOV. Shannon of Ohio, Minister We are informed that In some mstances dIseased Mr Johnsoa is OllC of the ablest lawyers in the that at tbe fourth trial, which is about to be made, to Mexico from the United States, potat6es have proved fatal to swine red with them Unlon I will be produced a sample of writiog paper which at Vera Cruz, and was received with I"v,"~",

The New Haven Herald says: "I W II b qu I' s t t 'n d of kindness and consideration. We"have been told that in one town in this MANUFACTURI~TG ESTABI.rSHMENTS AT SALISBURY lee a m every re pec 0 any I use, an Pi. y N1 Tb FILM f: t made from the mulberry tree ney to the city Irlf Mexico, he was

diSC. > ditCo New England : ~ Monongahela Bani 16

St. Albans, VI. 1 York Bank It HousatoDlc R. R. Ct. par Wyommg Bank I' ~

Ncw York: Delaware:, tit I CIty &mostRlqerbks par I Maryland: f to 1, Other Safety Fund ~ Cumberland Blnk J

Red Backil 4 Mill.raJ Bank • New J.T6e!J: " Sallabury Bank •

Small note. We81N,J. f Dllt. Columhia, 1 N. Hope Del BrIdge 1 VirgIOia : 1

Pennl!llflama: ! to Ii N. W. Bank ofV, .• Rehef noles 3 North Carolina: It Carhsle Bank Ii Soutb Carobna: It Cbambersburll Bank 1~ Georgia: It Franklm of Wash'lon 2 PlantersBk Savan'h • Gettvsburg Bank l~ Ob,o: 'I Harrisburg Baak I ~ Indiana: Lewislon Bank 2 Slate Bk&:branchelI Lancaster Co. Bank I & Kentucky: !l Lebanon Bank l~ .", 'renueuee: :I Mulers' Bank 2 Canada: I to , Mld~letown Bank 14 Mlclugan : :1' ,

UNCURREN'E MONEY. MaIne-CalaiS 10. Lafayette -, Portland Cjt1-, Mer-

cantile 5, St. Cro,x -, Wpstbrook 3 ' Bath, Caslme, CitIZens, Frankfort, Georgia Lumb.r Co.

Globe Hallowell &: Augusta, Kennebec, Oldtown, O.lford, Ps.samaquoddy, Saco, StJ/twaler Canal, WashlDgton CcI. Waterville, Wmthrop, WIscasset, Damariscotta, AKflcD1tu. ral-broken.

New Hampshire-Concord 6. H'lIsborough, Wolfsborongh-brDken. Vermont-BennlQgton 90, Windsor _. ' ' Agricultural, Comlllerclal, Esser. Green MCluntai., J.f.

ferson Banking Co. Phenix-brok.n. Ma.fldchu.ett,-Commonwealtb 85, Middl .. er 6, New.

buryport 70, Norfolk 12~. Berkshire. Chelsea. Esse" l1f Salem, Farm. &: Mech. of

S. Adams, Farm. of Belchertown, Fum. of BOlton, FUll.. of Sandotone, Frankhn, rulton Grey Loclr, Hamplbl ... Killby, Lafa,ette,_ Mendon, Nahant, Onental, PheniK of Cbarl~.town, Roxbury, Sutton, WmDiaimel, Wi~ broken.

Rhode 16land-Pascoag R. J. 10, AgricllturaUO, Pro,j. dence Co. G.

~ county the effium exhaled from an undlJg potatoe ~ND MESBUR.' A~S.- e anne! aou ~c ~r· [Nortbampton Courier. Perote aod Puebla, and hie trunks field was as offensive as whitefish, and that thIS IS 109 Com~any 111 Amesbu~y, went mto operatlOn·m fI d '-VI"Vl"""'J

the case at Hotse Neck, &c. ThatY-at Colchester 1822. '1 he capital jtock.ls $150,000 The num· RAILROAD TO MOUNT SINAI !-The last steam. e. • men could scalcely be hired at two dollars per ber of persons emp!~yed IS about 90 males anr! 85 er brings information that the important railroad A Mr. Battle, of Shreveport, La, and

Burr.IIM. E:agle of Newport, Fum. Exchinga, Farm .• Mach. Franklm, PrOVIdence, SCltuate-brokm.

ri- C'onnecllcut-Brldgeporl Exchange A •• oc. Bridgeport Manufacturing Co Commercial of Tolland, Derby, E.,,_ broken

day to remove these putrifying articles from cel- females. The pay· roll amou~ts to about $4,000 from the Red Sea to the Nile is to be immedi- negroes were both killed in a well, a lars, and io some places larmeJ's had plaugher! per month, and 15,.000 yards of cloth are produced ately prosecuted to completion. The line from since-baving gone down to remove them in deep to get nd of them. " weekly. . . the Nile by Cairo to Suez on the Red Sea, has melon linds that had been thrown in

The SalIsbury lManufacfunng Company went been surveyed by Mr. Galloway. There is not tainting the water, NEW~ FROTh! THE OREGON EnHGMNTs.-Five . . h' th b 'l'h h I d'ffi"7< I h h I Th /C

mto operation t e ~ame year as e a ove e t e east I cu ty on lew 0 e route. e The potato crop, which this year has men arrhed at Independence, Missouri, in the be· . I stock is $300,000. There are three MIlls distance is 84 miles. The soil presents reo less in many places, is goed ou Long l~llI!l1'lJ. gmning of this month, brmgiog intelligence lIl'lJljo(:IJntaming g~OO spindles, 210 looms, 31 sets of markable facilities for the cheap construction of the emigrants who left last Spring for Oregon cards, emploYJng 150 males and] 80 females The the road bed, bemg composed of gravel or peb. The Naval Court Martial in the These men are dnect from FOlt Laramie, distant pay-roll is $r,000 per month, and 40,000 yard of bles. For .the first ten miles, being the valley steam frigate Missouri is 'in session at about eight hundred mIles from Independence. cloth are ma,de weekly. of the Nile, the ascent is 57!> feet above the City. Some half·dozen witnesses have


ex· Tbey state that the last of the emigrants left Fort AFFRAY AJI/J) DEATH -A fi!l:ht occurred between water of tliat river, The li.ne of the. roa,d is amined. Laramie on the 3d 01 Auaust, and expected 'to - th I I th t 54 I fi !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!==!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~=I!! reach their place of destmation abotrt the first oT W. W. Rives and Char~s Tmt, in Wilcox Co. en ~ery. eve; e summl, mI es rom

Ala. on tbe 14tbiin which Rives was, mortally the NIle, IS 900 feet above the Red Sea. October. The emIgrants had plenty of Bacon. but wele badly off [01' Flour and Bread.stuffs, wo~~ded. Tait ade his escape Eastward. This THE WEATHER.-On Saturday morniog shortly a~d It IS feared, had nothing like a supply to car- brutal butchery is thus commented on by the Ca- after day light, we were again favol'ed wilh an.

o fy them through. Although there was plenty of hawba Gazette other ram, which continued with slight intermis.


New York C~ty-Clinton 1 •• Washington t. Agency & EICh. Chartered, City Trust & Bank in, CG.

Exchange, Franklm, Frankhn Manufacturing Co. Lumber ,Associallon, Manhattan Assoc., Marble Ma nuf.ctorine Co. Mech. Elch. Co. MlI!battan BankIng Co. N. 1': Fo .. ;,. & nom. Exch. Co. N. Y. Loan Co. N. Y. Blnkin, Co. N. Y. Clly, JSortb R,Vet Banking Co. U. S. Excb. C,I.­broktn.

NtIIJ York State-Alleghany Co. 52 & 30, Amerlca ef Buffalo 26, Bmebamton 23 & 28, CatlllaB£UI Co. 11 iII 25, Commerce of Buffalo 26, Commercial of Bulf.,o, t5, Com merclal of O.wego 35, Clinton Co, 30, Erie Co. ao &; 42. Fsrm. of Seneca Co. 2B. I.odl. 19"& 5, LYllnl 30, Merch. Elch. of Buff. 2t &: 37. Mech. of Buff, 39, Mdll'n' of Clvde,8, Oleajj 15 & 28, Olwego 15, Phenl% t1f Buti'.

State Bank N. Y. of Buff, 75, St. Lawrence 70 &;:1.1 TonaY,an,do 40, U. S. Bank of Buff, 25, UUlon of BuB'. Sll, Watenlietl;lO. Weslern N. Y. 27, Hamilton 1.

[Where '!here are Iwo prices in thia list, the IirK i. Cor 8toCk Security notel. and the .ecolld for Real E,tate ud Btock Secu.

flour at the Fort, the priCe! being forty dollars per " This affair would be revolting enough to na- sien until Sunday morning, part of the time com. barrel, and only to be had for casb, they could not even were it entirely disconnected with all ing down" with a perfect rush," whicb will doubt-procure it. Sugar and coffee were also quite the circumstances connectetl with it. So far as we less set the mills going in all the country round Scarce with them. Their teams were jaded and have been able to learn, they were briefly these: about. We also had a few slight sprinkles yes. weak, and theIl'-cattle generally in a bad condition Mr. Rives was enO'ao-ed to be married to Miss Sa· terday, which was a cold, raw, disagreeable day,

In Hopkinton, R. I., on the 21st ult., by Clarke, Mr, CORYDON CLARKE, to Mi.s J WORTHY. Also, on the 22d nft., by the same, LANOWOR'HV, to Miss PHEBE C. LAI~G"rOR~rifY Hopkinton.

In Stonington, Ct., Sept. 28, by Rev Jllmes Mr. THOM .... R. WELLS, of Kmg.ton, R. I., to BETH RHODE8, of Stonington.

rity notes. I ~ I

ClIy o( Buffato, Clinlon Manufacturing Co, Columliia, Moore,1 Commerce of Boff. Elch. of Poughkeepsie, UreIDe Co.

Hudson. Mech. & TradeD', Oneida Co. PI'tt'~Qlf, WUIa­mgton &: Warren, Buffalo-brDkeli. On the 30th nit., by Elder John (1rjlene,:

~ rained incessantly during the first two' months rah Tait daughte; of Capt J. A. Tait, and sisler rendering overcoats and hickory fires any thing riP'In our marriage list of last week, John I ,,'harles 'fal·t·, the consent of all the f:amily bu' uncomfortable. Indeed l"e learn by passen. BhOiiId have heen Joshua G. Sisson. o their ;tourney, so that !aU the water courses were .... '...,

I nusuaHy high. They complained greatly of the perhaps Dr. Tait, had been given, and. the gerci from Cumberland, that on Satu;day night DIED,

GREENE to SALLY BUKE, both of Richmond

hardship's and fatigues of the trip, but enJ'oyed father had given Rives a. cer.tificate to obtam-. quite a heavy snow. fell on the mountaIns, to the k h I Th d h f t h [B It S At New Mar et, N. J., Sept. good health, and had lost only ane man by death. which he did-t e marflBge Icense. e marTl' ept 0" neal' wo InC es. a . un. HAM, aged 64 years. His death is

They /lad divided and formed themselves into age ,,:as to take place at 8 o'clock on Saturday. INFLUX OF FOR.EIGNERs.-An article in the New his acquaintance. For t"",p"~Mu.n 1 . . d' . h' h h d d . , I efficientmemberofthe afid 'P~i::I:~i~i severa, parties, ,OWIng to IssenSlOns w IC a mornIng. ,York Jouroal of Commerce, base on stali~lIca ored hy a pIOUS deportment. tbe Cl

laken place m tlIe company. It was thought that Accordingly on that mormng Mr. Rives, acco.m· authorities, gives the whole number of foreigners )\y, and iu all his relations in lite, he was jCb.ristiaIi. they ,.ould reach BufFalo in five or six_days after panied by one or two friends, went to Capt. Talt,s arriving in our country in thirty.six years ending One of his ~eatestenjoyments appeared to he Ieavi~ Fort Laramie, where they hoped to~ay in to have the marraicre ceremoney performed. On with 1816, as 220,000, averaging 6,111 per an. bnrdens Wltb his bretbren. Not the tih"r~IIi' a su~ient supply of proviSions to subsist tliem till arrivill.!!.'. at or ne~r the door of Captain Tail's num During 15 years ending Jan. 1, 1844, which he was .. member, but the "arious bell'l!role:nt 'hf .l.Irrived at their destination Fears were en· dwefling,lieanalilsTnenas were met l:)y.1JrTaIt, there arrived in New York alone 684,469, aver' stitntiolls of the day, hav&eujoyed tbo ~ d fi . f' dl a1' h f' d a mau of bus1Oess, his 109s Wlll be much Ie ained of their being harassed by the Sioux In· an a ter passIng rlen y s utallons, t e rlen s aging 45,631 per annum. During the first sev. ing been for year. engaged in mebbanical dia s, whose Chief. had despatched a Ia'rg~ war of Rives were inviter! to pass into the house, and en of these years the average was 38,966, and gave employment to many, who have party for the purpose of attacking them; bUNhe Rives requested to step aside that he, the said Tait, during the last eight years 54,137 In these 15 reward. of their lahors, for the only danger they apprehended in the event of such might ~pe¥ a few ~ol'ds with ~im. After step· years the total immigration into the United Stales de~th~f ~~~~t~ro~:~h:!~f;!"ch~rch has lost an assault was the loss of cattle. pingasldil" a short distance, Talt commenced an is estimated at 1,000,000, avelage 66,666 per pillars. hi. family a kind and pious husband

R I . h assault on Rives with a cane, which Rives soon annUIII, \vhI'ch I'S eleven tI'mes greater than the and the neillhhOl'hllod a valoable citizen. EGISTRATIClN OF THE NDIANs.-Mackmac, t e h' hId "' hi' u

k' I' f M d' h I wrested from 1m, w en Ie rew lori a revo vmg average of the thirty.six years ending in 1816. years he has sulfered much affiiction, and for IllQ'IIj;lIB, 'Ing Y Isle 0 our e ltetraneans, as recent y pistol and sliot Rives in the 10lver p3rt of the stom· ~ has been anxiously waiting for hi. deliverance tlJ:c:omjt. been literally encompassed by savages. Some ach, from w' l'!h 11 mnd Rives died on Monday U. S. GOVERNMENT EXPEDITION AnroNG THE IN. 3500 afthe different bands of the Chippewas as· morning.' DIANS.-A gentleman who left Fort Leavenworth 'hl1\bled there to receive their annual stipend from We learn'l hat afi~r Rives bad been carried into on the 10th ofdast mooth, informs the Philadel. t e General Government, and their lodges and house the marriage ceremony was performed. phia Inquirer that preparations were tben in pro. ark {!anoes arranged along tlie Silvery beach DrEf",tt"V gress among a body of five hundwl U. S. dra.

.ented a fine:View of an extensive Indian encamp· USE OF THE AMERICAN FLAG IN THE AFRICAN goons, to march westward under the command me~t. PrevIous to receiving the payment a regis· SLAVE TRADE -Extract of a letter, wlitten by a Major Clifton Wharton. The objects of the expe. trallon of the numerous families of the tribe takes respectable American shipmaster, Il;nd dated Zan- dition are to endeavor to make peace between place, a~d a corresponde.nl of the Chicago Journal zibar, January 29,1844:-" I arrived here De. certain Indian tribes that have been a long time thas notices t.he r~glBtratJon at Mackinac: cember 19th, after a very tedious passage along at war, to hold Councils with various tribes along

In the regIstratIOn of the Indians it is an object the coast, stopping at Delagoa Bay, Quilimane, the route, and to impress them with tbe necesity f~r the~ to ma,ke their fa!Dilies as n~merous as pos- Mozambique, EboJ and Majunga The first four of preserving peace a.mong each other. AlB? by Sible, beIDg pal.d per capu~.-Barefaced falsehood l·n'1rr~ are Portuguese, and formerly slave marts. the display of a cOllslderable an? well appo~ted aDd every species oticunmng were resorted to 'present the trade is carried on to some extent, force to convince them of the abIlity oftbe Umted enable them to COU?!. Cqildren were lent and the EnO'lish are doing: all in their power' " "t horrow;ed-accompllces corroborated each other's 00 Ii' h t· .. . 1 Slates to punish them lor any aggressIOn cemml-

10 preveDt it·, but since t e fIg t 0 VISit IS not a· d ' . b'l' th I d' Statem~ls, and endorsed each other's . d I h e upon our Citizens, w I e 10 e n Ian ~un. II ' r I ITh IalintJeis"":'.but-llowed by America, much abuse IS tna e 0 t e try. An artist is to accompany the expedition,

a tQ very Itt e effect. e Vllry efficient ofi\cer American flag in tbe traffic. Indeed, the Portu· to take sketches of the Indian Councils, games, of the Governmem in almillt every instance detect. guese tell me they h~ve no fear of detection when ed the deceit and discovered the truth. A smile once on the ocean. For instance, I met a ,lnaster &c. , from tbe whole assembly greeted a failure in any {If a Portuguese vessel, fitted as a whaler, with ACCIDENT TO OTTO MOTTY.-We learn ftom Oflhese attempts at deception. boats, &c. He left the coast'a few days after my Barre Gazette that while riding in the ring at

A group, conslstjbg of a slenderlouth of four. last voyage, with 1,100 slav~: When off the Petersham, on Saturdag, Ott? .Motty was thro~ teen, a woman o~ mature years, an a number of Cape of Good Hope, he met the English admiral, from his horse and severely IllJured. Some of hIS

¥T've'llohle·looki~~ old men, attracted my atten. in a frigate, whQ pursuea him. He accordina-ly ribs were broken.

\ -

On the 20th ult., Deacon Z'\CBE;uuS:v~l~tii~~;~ years. He was a soldier in the r, well as a 801dier of the cross j and he came to like a shock of corn fully npe.

In Hopkin~n, R, I , 10 the 22d

sickness, ANN, danghter of Deacon S~~!~~~i:~~~~~~f'::: 16th year of her age, The d~~~:ddJEio;~kil~!d 3d Seventh-day Baptist chUrch in circle of relatives ar.e left to mourn her early 1I0t as thOle who mourn without hope.

Sherman S. Griswold, William Henry P~~b:l~,~:jr!b'~ S. P. Stillman, Henry Clark, Horace S .. Green.

RECEIPTS. St:ott.-Geo. W. MllXIIon, .~. We.terly, R. I.-Henry Clark, ,2. Newport.-Erastus B. Stilllll11ll, $2. PortEil'lvjlltl, Ct.-William Henry, Potter '2. Amio/.- D. B. Ovett, $1.

~r We have ·belen iinal~iI'E1d w nether this office .re8piiIl8i~,le fi>r ,1tIlOileya.

the fifth VOEt·~ O~~f~thre~~~:~~~al~~~! that a list

derr"i:~:~~' in 81

be ilial;ittied'~

.""" J1"-" I

Nm Jer,ey-Franklin, Hoboken Bankin, Co. Jen.y Clly, Manufacturers', Mecb. of Paterson, Monmoutli, Mill­rls Canal & Banking Co. fum. &: Mecb. of New BRill­wick. New BrunSWIck, N. J. Manufacturing &; Bokin .. Co. N. Jl'Protect1on &: Lombard, SalIm & Philadelpbl' Manufactunng Co. State Bank of Trenton, WaelilllJ~ BankIng Co.-broken. " ~

Pen7l8lr\ltlanta-Berkl Co. 75, Far. & Dto,etaj of WaYhesburg 5, Girard 20, Lumberman'. 90, SUlqlleli1llll& 50, U. S. Bank 3B. West Brancb 15. _ . . " ,

Agricultural, Alleghany, Beaver,' City, CIIDtre,'Ercb. Bank & S~vings Jnse. Farm. & Mech. N. Salem" ~~. Greencastle, do. Pittsburg, F,um. & Mecb. SallOlI'l' IDlt. Ha~mony Inst. Hunlll1gton, JUlllata, Lancilier Co. LOlA Co.IMannal Labor, Marietta &: Susq. TrldiDg 0\,. Moicli.of Palla. Moch. Pillaburg, N. Salem, Notthern, NortbllnJ!IC!A. N. W<oelcrD. Penn. Savings, Penn. 48rlool. &: M.DU{ac.

Co. liD. Manufac. Co. do. S,,,ln,. ,In.t. Po~ Mallufa.c. Co. SIIqer I.ake, South"ark Savin"1 $qgda

Soulhern Loan Co. Swatara, 'rl.y~'i1J. ~r~i~t";;;~;:;I~i:' Towanda, UmOD Bk. of PenD, W •• blllJlOa. Y1 Wllkesbarr~ Beidge Co. YOlIJ.b!IPDJ'~

~~;!i~t~~:~~~~~~W~i1mington LOan Co.,""*_. & Oh,o R. R. Co. SlO, FtUilthD 10, . Commercial of Bait. do. "Of 1)(\1-

li~~;~~~I'~~~~:~~;~~F~~~';e~t~l~klon, Farm. & Millen' Ha'r. de G Blnk of St. George'. Co.I ....

br.ncbel, Susquehanna, Bri~I' P,II




60 ,

Jllis.cdlant.ons. "

WOMAN'S INFLURNCE Say not that woman 8 vOIce

Must stay II« silve1'y note While the far hIlls and vales reJOIce

And on each breeze doth float Glad tidmgs from the field

Where 'Y.iriU()' takes her stand "8!l.i!Ilt 'til!~ntioUSlle8o to Wield 1'TI1e sword WIth fearless hand I

Let Woman too reJOice (\ To see the foe recede ~

And let her 111 t1fe stilI smaJl vOIce The cause of Vll'tue Plead ~

And While the thunder tone Of eloquence IS stirred

Her whispered warmng God may own­HIIVOlce through hers be helitd

Say not tMt woman's heart Its4'ulilless must contam

Nor from compasslQjlS fount Impar' To other hearts agall

For 81Dce her sex hath shared The evils of the foe


Chnst enjoYIng the bleMmgs of the covenant Within HIB arms from whom no one shall pluck them T

It]A not necessary that cluldren sl 0 lid be made by their religIOn early professors or youthful prodigies A mother deeply anxIOus fOi her ch Id s early piety should not talk of It to others but lIke Mary that tieautiful pat

of female character keep all these thmgs aI d pon der them m her heart Her deSire sIlO I\d be that reI glon should mauifest Itself m all the graces of the elmSI­

Ian character m watchfulness prayer love to the tures and God 0 house subJugation of the pa:ssi(ms, try, obedience and mtegnty and that these. qu"litie. be produced not from parental authonty tion to herself. but by the Influence of the and by the belief In an unseen Gbd and an eVe'r-11'nn~ SaViour The exwesslOns of thiS piety be .1 """Ull", die 8ms of the chIld or the exerclBes of self-d'enial In the apprehensIOn of an eldet Chnstlan as to create a .mile and' the WItnesses lIIay be God and the parent only but tbe prmClple WIll be as genume the Influence on the heart 118 real as that which has produced great acts of fmth of which the world have been the spectators

"'n~",' voluptua!y of the firot water He 18 by thiS sloped /rmn h18 meltdlan and apparently tnrn ng h s expe rlence 1010 commOdity So It wonld ~ecm for wh Ie the

Mystenes of Par s were In coorse of publ catlO I the po hce of I hat clly arrested the au thor on tbe ground that the scenes of that book lVere too licentiOus for Frenchmen and the last an val from Europe brmgs the !nteIl gence fhat fo the same reason It had beeu prohlb ted tn V em a by mun clpal authonty

Such Is tbe chancter of two of our most popular novehst. Be theIr SOCIety and stand ng n hfe what they may-though they may be courted and caressed In CIrcles of refine nent­though men orh gh teput1ltton as d sClple of Christ act a. godfather, to theIr ml.era~le hterary progen) and send them lOto evefY cny. and hamlet and town throughout the coun try to mfl ct a curse a hundred fold WOrse than the plagues of Egypt-tbls IS the r character and th 0 tl c r manner of hfe

Oh COlDe not ~e ncar mnocence and troth Ye worm. that eat IDto the bnd or yout!

Father. I mothers' WIll yob allow the moral characters of your sons arrd your daughters to be developed under such an Influence' WIll you allow them tij brealhe an atmosphere exhaled by such mOllsters In h!}man form 1

Few •

INTER~:STlI~G.·,..JJ j'.L~mlJ~·tstat.esthat thl ee fifths

'Passes thlOugh the complexlOn l~ In a

for II hat pa~ses affect Its condl

JS worthy of much loctUi er also states

mstruments diS theiT'sul'lerfiu'owi:.'COlnlllrlts by blowmg, and

food than m.


a Germat1, named

n tlus State appeal ed S ng and pl esenfed a Catherma Monk, who walds ott\\O years, on examuung the pardon, September 24th, l842/ (lovel nor Seward, on

Let not her sympathy be spared Where yet IS felt the blow

Life has a commencement though It IS prUlneSSIVe III 11« developement and tlnlmay be said of the life of the soul u well of the liod~ What IS conversIOn m adults but the work of the Holy SPlnt whl'n he enters the heart and produces therem repentance for 8m and watchfuluess agaJDBt It the belief that Ch st has suffere 1 the pumah menl of our gmlt and love to HIm through whom these bleSSIngs are procured?

It may be said that children have not an equal burden of actual gJ1!lt or so enlarged a VIew of the reqmsltions of God 8 holv laws as to dIsplay to them the need of a Sa vlOur yet there may: be a deep Aense of the weakness~nd IDcapaClty of then nature to d4\any thIDg good of tfu1m selves and though the reVIew of the past may not be so extenSIve as WIth the adult yet thete may be a deep and VIVid sense of broken resolutions whtch WIll explulll the SCl'lpture account that they are by natnre chddren of wrath What bamers do pnae unbehef and famll anty WIth SIn present to the reception of the humblmg truths of. the gospel and espeClally In reference to our fallen

now TO TREAT A WIFE First ~et a wife Secondly be paltent -You may have

great tnals and perpleXItieS n your busmeos \VI th the world but do not therefore Catry to YOUI lome a cloud ed or conttacted blOW You Wife may hale had tr als

Judge and the J vlctea as she was the unfeelmg father Java 9 a 10

S Imatra

Say not that woman shand For Virtue hath no power­

That she must meek spectator stand In reformation B hour

See how that gentle band Of mters onward move-

How 10 one cause bave heart and hand Umted works WIth love'

PROV18ION F.fIR DISCHAR6ED. CONVICTS by natnre And though t IS not sa d that iii the mllid of 11 chIld these do not eXIst yet they are not grown Into such formIdable obstrucltons

The Newburyport Herald pubhsbes the followlDg pe

tition to the Legtslature of Massachusetts It contaInS a The affections of children are walm and tender aId pIal' for the preventlPn of cnme whIch at least are soon won by the love of those around tl em There

" 'tocbe conSIdered ]A an exalted dlgmty gentleness and klldness In tbe v character of Jesus as exhlbned In the Gospel that IS par

wit eh though of less magmtude may bave been as I al 1 to bear Do not Increase heI d fficultles '\ In d COlt clhatmg word a teuder look WIll do wondelo It cI as ug from her brow all clouds of gloom You encounter YOllr dlllicultid. ID the open atr fanned by hea, ell s cool bleez es but your Wife IB often sh It III from these bealthful 1 Huences and her health fa Is and ber SplI'lts lose tbe r elastICity But oh bear With her she has tllals and sorrows to which you are a stranger but whICh yom teu deroess cau deprIVe of all theIr aI gUtBIt Notice kmdly her llltle attentIons and effprts to pI lIDote ) our comfort Do not take them aU as a matter of cODJi\!e and pass them by at the same tIme bemg very sure to obBel ve any om s slOnofwhat you mayconsldet her duty to you -Donottrea!

two years, and p),(loaOIV ""n""iCI at all but fOI the fact

was pIe eI by thIS

6",ln/pill. SUppOI ted by Ihe

himself, as he the pardon

"'!'"~'i''E;'''i!'.U''' annals of pus case

& EnqUIrer ---------+--~,----ar"t4e Bentree and-H ofRepresentatl1Jesoj Massachusetts ticularly calculated to attract the r love Many a g fted

Thtl undel'8lgned CItizens of Massachusetts Chnstlall mIght be glad to ahare m the SImple I eltal ce and~a11i.enting the frulure of our present system of aIld heartfelt affecilon dIsplayed In their expressIOns of la~~ to do What they thmk mIght be done for the n.l\v~n., I love to thell' glonous Redeemer And J es Is satth nnto

WIth mdifference If you would not scar and palsy her whIch watered b) geutleness and kmdness would

to the latest day of you I ex stence throb WIth smcBle and constant affectIon

MORMON --NEWS -The ~ay5 that the hand of felltrt"~hi~ d alln flom EldelS Zachariah WIlson was rumored that on

tiOl!fof cnme and the general welfare of the them yea., have ye never reRd 0 It of the mouth of babe. do retJpectfully IlBk your attention to the followmg and sucklIngs thou bast perfected praise? Matt XXI 16 8mhlt!ljand petition Let butpacents make the conversIon ofthetr young child

Someltmes YIeld your w shes to herd She has prefe ences as strong as yo I and It may be lust as t) ng to I er to YIeld her chOIce as to yo I Do yo find It hmd to yIeld S 11 etzmes? Thmk you It IS not dIfficult for her to gt e up a/,""ys? If yo II never YIeld to her WIshes tl1etu s danger that she WIll th1nk that yon are selfisl a d carc ani) for yourself aud WIth B eh feelmgs 81 e cam ot love

' Whereas the pumshment of cnme has by the expen ren the object of toolr ferven t pray.e s and fry to mst 1 ence (If oUr oWn II,nd aU precedmg ages been proved 10 gosyel motives mto the r mIDds and t may be that they mlliClent to deter men from ItS commIssIOn and whereas WIl find under God s blesslOg a heaven taught slmphc ty the 1'f't1Jent.on ofcnme IS an obJect !.I!ost worthy to re m theIr piety greatly echf)mg and refreshmg to their cen e !h(attention and employ the res~\U'ces of a wue and own hearts they WIll see the force of our SaVIOur s ex good GO~f'mment and whe~as thIS object would 8eem hortalton Unless ye be co verted and become as 1 ttle Dlest tnorpughly and most sallsfacton~'y e'ffected by the shall not enter mto tl e kmgdom of hea,en

J ou as she might Agall show YOUlselfmall) so tl at ) all! W fe can look

up to you and feel that yo I will act nobly alld that she can confide m your Judgment

refonnation bf cmmnals and whereaa It must be admItted of the yoU! g nay be nuel affected by \ lS1hle that the d\sclphne of ourpnsons and pemtentianes neIther objects theIr memory may be treacllClOuS and theIr ap elFect nOf'/S well adapted to effect tbe reformalton of those prehenSIOn of future pleasure 01 eVIl compal8u\ ely weak committed to them and whereas tbe COlldllton of con and mefficacIOus We may look "Ith SUSpICIOn at theIr VIcts discharged from these mstltntions 1S beset WIth temp early commencement of plet) know ng tI e weakuess tations and mducements to rerum to theIr VICIOUS habIts and the snares to whICh they WIll be exposed These and mournfully destitute of countet balancmg encourag"l conSIderations should lead theIr llstmcters to exerCIse menta to ~ommence n better course of hfe all!l SIDce a great dehcacy al a caUlton IU allow ng II e r rei gton to be WIBB economy 'w1!1 rather employ Its resources III chang expre38cd beyond tl e hmlts of the Irsery or then mo mg bad men to gobd thanm<l1lerelypuu!slllng them whIle ther B apartment bIt whe e IS the gran I receptacle to they remam bad, and Since humallity &lid rehgton UDtte whIch the advanced Chustmn must re.ortl I ~,lt Ie need? WIth fi:he \nteres!8. of pohtICal alld SOCIal hfe to demand All must IlBk fOi datl) I 0 It ly g ce a I I the cl Id III Y lome attempt to amend SOCIety by z;folmmg II e IUllst Ig dnnk freely ftO! I tl fOl tum of 1 [e Is da IJ cup III

noratltalld VICIOUS portion of It creasIng ID SIZe with growmg years ns "ell as the eldet Therefore Iwe the underSigned do petItIon your hon ChnstIan hiS larger draught 01 glace The B ble pre

arable bodIes to establish from the funils of the State an sents no hml! of ate at wl:Jch pIety lIlay commence let lII.8titlitidn llUlted to enable nnd encoura~e those who are It not then be Satd. Ye ha e ot be a c ye ask uot di8eharged !rom ollr pnsons pemtenltanes and houses of Blessed-were those Hebrew, otl er, ho I ro gl t II e eotre(}tion lCll1bandon thell' VICIOUS courses and commente mfant olfsprlng to Chnst ar I Ire v f rll that ten leI yet forthWith itlie (ormation of a new character and thluse of severe expostulatIOn flOm the ado able Redee ner Suf honest labor for theIr SUbSistence fer -sufferthe httle ch Idlen to ClIO 111 to me for of such

These j1Ilfortnnate men and women are usually desh IS the kmgdom of he a, en CIIARLOTTE ELIZABETH tate of any1 ,honest oCCUpatIOn It IS tIle mtercsi of State to stq>ply them wnh employment

Theyare InVIted WIth open arms by their former VI S ous compamous aud urged WIth hearty sympathy and apparent Kindness to Teturn to theIr fol'nter corrupt COUl' ees It f.8 tke 'nt~re~t of tlle State to IDVIte them as cor wally and With equal manIfestations of sympathy and lrindnellll and not ouly IDVlte but enable them to com ItuelWe a better course of life


• CONVERSION OF A hw -A Vel) pleasmg lie Jent has

been related to us concermng the con er.1 n of a r e\\ to the CIII stIaIi fmth TI e name of the COl' e t 18 Israel Boothrod He IS a yo lUg mali of lIens ng m I e S til d apparently fiu!l.talents anat ve of Lou 10 I E rrland where I s parents ana otbel lelalt,es res de He I as bee I III

th S couutry but a short tIme HerOie 1 e l~ft hOI ell' glandfatl er who IS a JeWISh Ilgh pncst el JOIl e 1 upo It m III he most solemn manllel I e\ er to fea 1110 Nc v Teslament or beheve III JeolSo[ N u eth aHlJe Mess ah At I \e pool he became acquo He I wllh a CI 1stta I lad) "lto took m Il tClest III h s "elfa e aud I ged upuu h n to lead tl e New Testament He ef 1'81 but 51 e I I a It hIS knowledge placed Ihe ~ I blillc I book III hIS tJ 11 Fmdll g It on sh pboard he could I ot resll" nits c S ty an II ead It through tWice calef Uy lut st 11 I ega d d t f ct tl a d lis dl nc A I1h a I 1I1 osler

Ho, Ie Cm Ie I to Ih • leglOli w (ll I t lea 1 ut last week he "ent to a calUp n eel, g f the Methot!.t Eplscop I Ch IIch near B U\ er ad, It Ie atten hng 11 <1

hstle·s mumler to the nreachmg of tl e goslol I S III J was s Iddellly atlested by the WOlds of the I reacher au I he beon to m I Ie m hIS o'\n I I nd \1 at If all thl' true 1 H 0 feelmgs becan e BO exe te I tI at he tttempted to leal e the ground but on second thought c neluded t was not fmr to leJect the teshmony of the preacl er wltho It a heurmg He returned and ltstened and nfter the d,scouroe was over Ietlred to the woods nnder ag tatl( n of mlndl Bnd began to pray to the God of

~ So great 18 the repugnance manifested by respectable peoplll to ad!!l1t to ,theIr sOCIety or engage III thmr serVICe the conVIcts dlBchatged from our pnsons that these haove olWn n\l alternative but to return to a VICIOUS life or to commence theIr ltonesl course by ,:Ieliberate deception relative to their past history and occupatIOn Ie .. tke on feres! oj the State to releMe them from thIS false and ~\IIt dangerou~ posItion by provldmg them WIth means both for prellBnt honest subSIstence and for the formatIon

aId Isa3c and Taco\}-the God of h s fatlters-t wri'el·s.cl Ii m wI ether Sh loh had come and "hether Je us

was the MeSSiah HIS anXIety mCleUSI g 1 e re Itu"lled to the meetmg and ealnestly sought sah at n 11

tl e lla ne of Jesus ChI'lst IlS the onl} true MesslUl \Vh had already come mto the wo Id H 8 petit Oll w IS at tended WIth success He found peace m behe ng H B exclamatIOns on bemg enabled fully to confide I I a cr Ie

,)f a new character / Your petItioners believe that a large portton of the con Vlel« who now go out from our pnson to lesume theIr VICIOUS Ii, es and ultimately to return for a severer pun uliliJent, mIght be really I efOi med saved and made I alu able memoers of sOCiety 9J the adoption of such meaDB as t~ey propose

They: ask tl erefore that a9 the first expenment III an enterprIse whICh they thmk so hopeful you would forth WIth establish nnldi!titunon and cause to be erected buIld. mgs Bulliment for the recept on of SIXty men and forty women, suRplied WIth teachers and. all needful faCllties lOr iliBtijlction ill agrrculture the mechamc arls and the orillnnry househould occupations and WIth the necessary aiTaitgel#!lnts for food clothillg and ahelter

TlieyAsk tha~ llvery conVIct

fie.d and naen SaVIor were the 811110h h s COl e 11 e Sh ~h has come

011 Mo Iday last he; attend~d a 1IIet! oell t Cal II ~ree mg I ear (hiS CIty and took upon h mself the jJ o~ 01 01 ChrIsltamty m the ordmance of bal t 8m Prello 9 t the cere man) lit the plesence of tl e assembled COl ol egutl011

gale n account 01 Ius ear~y hfe aud (I rlsll" expert ence and 10 a most affecting manuel plOfedsed h " fH 11 I Chllst when the holy lite '\as perfollned II tl e c of the adorable and ever blessed Tl'lmty hIS JOY was so great 10 the co tident beltef and trust 10 a MeSSIah ahea dy come that I e BU Ik to the glou Id under 0\ erpowe 1Ug emoltons

leen of the Jeadmg MOI"nniln he chm ch amona them

ma Smith The TempJe till d tell of" wrlO\\ s bel cap. A bOI e thnm IS to and then SIX feet of pla n Ish the walls

The S gnal says Inat I lJes have left Bear CI eel I

110lSCS \alued at $700 and, ""nu.¥

II'llIch they had stolen The Mormon, \\ ele al a me It

Se IOUS diSSen"IOIlS cn llch HIgdon has admIt IllS claim 10 the I lIght of tIe t\Yeile to a e ErlllaJd Hawlev

r olin P GJeen ]\fal sha


-lhc Nm the nen s of

Ana, IV Ie of ultimo of a

II complllnce 1 to Alvarado

rhe authol "a tlllg to be

thel e on

Legulra 7 a C ba Braza St Dommgo


I SUGARS St Cru x lb No v Orlca s CUba mu.covado Porto RICO Havana wh Ie

Do Bro va Loaf


93 @ 95 73@ 7" 35 @ aO 90@-

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Piifbn, or from any of our mmor PIISOUS ,pe:nitent:iar.ies, or ~Oh$e8 at correction may be earnestly and cOlrdilllly mvi!:eil to .enter thIS Illstitution and remrun ID It one ,recelVlDg food clothlllg shelter and mstrnctlon,

H s parents are sa d to be I cry respectable anI "eal thy and It IS supposed that h s profes on of Chr sttamt) Will Renously aftect IllS filture wOlldlJ proApects May we not hope that he w 11 be nst u I e tal u l1e Dil me Prolldence III leadu g many of Ins em g lace to a fill behef In the only Messlal who Will el e bless OUl "arid -tl e ouly Star of Hope elel to allse ove tl e mo trumg

T Ilks lsI bU'n 2Sa L verpool ground rz

mgluB or lie~ falthfullaqor for ten hours per day to art, tra'de or employment as he or she may prefer of taqht and pral;l1ced 1lI the institution

.1'hey ask alao that a hb~ral proVISIOn m~y be made thi. e8tabliahment of such books aIld penoilicaI publIca tions as are slUted to mClease the knowledge enlarge the Dl1Dda an~ elevate the moral and religIOns pnnclples Ita m~tes, lind that their IllstructiQn III the lundamental priiic;fples of rebglOn alld mortahty be fu\'ther prOVIded rot lit the employment of SUItable teachers male and fe ~e

'folll' petitionera .believe that a year s probatIOn spent WWe recipientS of tillS benevolence ill IIldustry and so bnllty and the certlficate of the supenntendent, testIfy

Img til their goOd conduct dunng that perIOd would read iff,. dbcIIln them good SituatIOns bonest employment

that !tme they that such an offer

and lesolate tents 01 Jacob ?-P,ltsb" gT. Ga

TIlE OSSIFIED JILiN OF DUBLIN A 1\ rlter 111 the Chllstlan Advocate, under thOe

head of TransatlantIc RecollectIOn_ ' speakmg of the Museum at Dubl1O, remarks _, What cal/s and rtI ets tne attentIon of e\ erv vlsIIor whether SCIentIfic 01 otherWIse IS the celebl alcd Rkeleton of an OSSIfied man, It IS saId to he the only Instance of enlll e oSSIficatIOn evel Imoll n It IS the skeleton of a }outlg man named Clark 1\ 110 was of lalge f arne and strong constitutIOn

LadlJ!i6.!:' !lmg asleep 10 the open aIr dUllllg a state of

pelsplratlOn, be caught a severe cold at whICh lIme It IS supposed oSSIficatIOn commenced and continued to progress lor many years by sl)w de glee_ ttll finally he was all bone except skin, eye. and entrads For a length of tIme before hiS death IllS JOlOts grew together so Ihat hG could not move, and thuA did dealh In IhlS hOrrIble and terrific form, cleep over hIm by slow creglees, un ttl at length hiS Sight depalted, hIS tongue became stIff and useless IllS teeth gl ew togethet m one solId mass of bone, so that to plolong hiS mlSel able eXistence, an aperture had been blOken through whICh to pour nutrIment '


"WiSDGI t.....,~oseon Jeffrey I I,rIWthelr'sI\un:-,,,"., Bee

BATHfim - Wmslow an able wflter 011 the d I~ eases of the mmd and body IS a great advocate of bathmg fhe state of the mmd, says he IS close ly dependent upon the condItion of the cutaneous secretIOn I would advlse those \\ ho are subject to mental depreSSIon, hypocondrlaclsm vapors en I1UI, or by whatever term It may be deSIgnated to try the effect of bathmg I feel aSsm ed that In manv cases ~101ent attacks of Insamty may be warded off by the Use the warm or cold bath In cerebrallff1tatlOn, eVIdently the result of vasculaT excitement, bathmg the head every mOl mng "Jth 'WId water or vmegal ~and watel IVIIl be found hIgh I} adVIsable

Denms HardID IBJoolnfi,llId"':'(JhElrlcs Clark Newport-Abel Silman nab New London - Cbarles

Lew s Otsel c-Joshua Clark Petersburg-Geo Crandall Pre. on-Clark R ogars Persla-Elbr dge E Idy PlIcal n-Geo P Bur I k Rcott-H C Hubbard South Branch-R T Green Un.d 11. For,,"_ Wrn Utter Watson-Ezra "",;"~.,, West Clarksv lie - Cltlrk 1M il


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11 SOAP 8~ N York bro vn Ib