Navigating B2B marketing

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Transcript of Navigating B2B marketing

PowerPoint Presentation

An insight into marketing automation & other collaborative marketing applicationsNavigating B2B MarketingThursday 4 February 2016Wifi: DMA Guest@DMA_UK @theidm #dma #idm


David Reed, Editor & Chief of IDM Journal@DataGuvWifi: DMA Guest@DMA_UK @theidm #dma #idm


8.30amRegistration & breakfast9.00amWelcome

9.10amContent or technology? Technology every time.9.25amAre you content with your content?

9.40amDont forget the people 9.55amReflections on Marketing Automation

10.10amPanel Discussion 10.40amClosing comments Wifi: DMA Guest@DMA_UK @theidm #dma #idm

Content or technology? Technology every time.

Adam Sharp, Managing Director, CleverTouch Marketing@CleverTouch @CTMadamWifi: DMA Guest@DMA_UK @theidm #dma #idm

Are you content with your content?

Joe Edwards, Digital & Social Director, Marketing Options International@MOIglobal @brandjoeWifi: DMA Guest@DMA_UK @theidm #dma #idm

Put brandjoe on here23

Put brandjoe on here24

5 years working with the idm when content marketing became a courseOnly 35% have documented content strategyOnly 21% are successfully tracking you ROI


Joe Pulizzi 2015

Markters will start to become disillusioned with their content marketing investments. Some will pull the plug. Others will cut back sharply, asking their CMOs tougher questions about the real value of all these Infographics and documentary films and owned media plays (the questions they probably should have been asking from the start).

In truth, it isnt the content marketing thats bad, its the lack of strategy, the poor execution or both.


We are in a content heavy world2.5 qunitioon bytes of data a day globally10million blue raysWhich when stacked up would be as tall as 4 effiel towers stacked on top of each other

Organic reach is restricticed by native platformsAd blockers

How can you make a huge impact to your business through the content you create.


You produce, publish and promote the market share of content for your industry, so your audience really cannot hit a webpage or social network without seeing you.The problem with the this is youll need more budget and resource than you can shake a stick at and risk the chance of boring people (a bit like death by PowerPoint but with content), and in all honesty your chances of making a huge impact in the market place are pretty slim especially if youare creating "same as usual" content.


Or You create something so mind bendingly disruptive your audience cant help but sit up, take note and tell others about it.The issue with this is youll need to start thinkingdifferentlyand quite possibly its going to look exactly the opposite as business as usual. This is about being brave, we all talk about innovation and digital disruption in our respective industries (Ive even heard it come from the water board). As examples Eloqua were market makersof Automation, Radian6 for social listening.Its these disruptive solutions that have shaken industries and created new market-places and while we talk about this a lot in the context of the market-place we rarely see it from a marketing and messaging perspective.


12 searchs 2 are brand while the others are genricZero moment of truth is defining that intention to do something with your brandIf youre not there, you wont be anywhere34

The first step is not a crazy brain storming session where we dream up Viral (hate that word too) video campaigns. Is actually look at what business as usual looks like what are you and your competition doing, now what might be the complete opposite of that?Some examples of business as normal maybe:we are optimising for maximumefficiency, we post 3-5 five times a day across our social channels, and our resources are focused on gated content and events to nurture our audience. We create 30 blog posts per month, we target our Key Decision Makers, and we are recycling our content to get the most from it. We are educating our client base so they see the value in us.


To address some of these business as usual statements: Rather thanoptimisefor incremental improvement,A/B at extremes and see what works best. Rather than post 3-5 times a day make your twitter handle private and just post once a week, make it so engaging and exclusive that people are hanging on for your very next tweet. Set your content free, let people have it, they will contact you when they are ready. Forget blogs, why notuse your budget on vlogs, video is becoming more important after all. The Key decision maker does not exist, at best they rubber stamp the contract and are heavily influenced by their peers,sotarget the peers. Never recycle a piece of content again, everything you produce should be original or its not worth talking about. Entertainrather than educateyour audience so they build positive points of reference about your brand. Or you could just do what everyone else is doing..


Relevant and unexpectedIrrelevant and expectedIrrelevant and unexpectedRelevant and expectedIrrelevantRelevant


Dont forget the people

Claire Wood, Director, Deloitte@DeloitteUK @ClaireEMWoodWifi: DMA Guest@DMA_UK @theidm #dma #idm

Dont forget the people

Thank you for the introduction and for asking me to speak.

Its been some time since we started our marketing automation journey however the impact of implementing marketing automation on people our marketers, our stakeholders in the business and our clients only becomes more important as time goes on, not less.


Lesson No 1 Why?

First for a quick recap so first lesson learnt

Be very clear why you are implementing a marketing automation system. For me those are:To enable your clients to pull content from youTo enable them to get your content in the format that works for themTo enable them to get it when they want it47

Lesson No 2 Whats in it for us?

Lesson No 2 MA isnt for everyone. So why are you doing it?

New lead generation? Deeper client relationships?

For me the reasons are clear:

Efficiency and timeliness of responseCreating that personalised experienceThe ability to tailor the user journey based on client behaviour and demand48

Lesson No 3 Whats in and whats out

Lesson No 3

If any of you have worked on technology implementation projects before you will know that often the biggest challenge is curtailing scope creep.

Be very clear what is in scope for your marketing automation project and what is not.

Make your IT function your new best friend. Presenting a united front to your organisation will be vital to the success of the project.


Lesson No 4 Be realistic about your timescales

Lesson No 4 be realistic about your timescales

This is not a quick fix.

You need to understand the technology challenges that need to be overcome.

You need to think through the impact that implementing marketing automation will have on your organisation

And you need to prepare for the change in behaviour and processes that it will bring about50

Lesson No 5 All change

Lesson No 5 this isnt just about adding a new technology tool.

Automating a bad process doesnt magically make your marketing better.

As I alluded to in the previous slide; do not under-estimate the change that marketing automation will bring to the way you plan a campaign; the timing of a campaign and the user journey scenarios and supporting materials that will be required.


Lesson No 6 Engagement is key

Lesson No 6 keep engaging with your stakeholders.

They need to be aligned to your vision.

They need to understand that marketing automation is a shift in thinking, not just a change in technology and that their behaviour may have to change too.

Most of all you need in your corner supporting you with the rest of the business and working with you to make sure marketing automation works for your clients or customers52

The four Ps

So now I would just like to take the next few slides to build on my original lessons learnt and go into some of them in a little more detail

They are





Walk a mile in their shoes

At the heart of your reasons for implementing marketing automation must be the end user experience. There will be an impact on your clients or customers and you need to plan and prepare for that.

Its taken us several months just to agree on the number of emails any one client can receive in a day because the question of volume is that important to us and to them.54

Walk a mile in their shoes

One of our biggest challenges believe it or not has been nomenclature in the preference centre.

Trying to agree the taxonomy for that has been challenging for an organisation that tends to like everything to be structured in the way we are internally which of course makes life easy for us but is meaningless to the outside world.


Heading in the right direction

People are creatures of habit and in our case, as partners, they all technically own the business so helping them to understand why we are now going in a different direction is vital.

Helping our internal stakeholders to get to grips with a fundamental change from automatic declined to automatic approved in our CRM system has been interesting to say the least.


Pull not push

Try telling a partner that because marketing automation gives the clients greater control that may mean they opt out of receiving some things from us and that is a good thing.

Do not underestimate the amount of help some of your stakeholders will need to think this through from the customer perspective. This is no longer just about what we want to push; it is about what the client wants receive.57

Planning is key

This is the one I really under-estimated the impact this will have on our marketers.

I sat in a training session shortly before Christmas and had one of those real light-bulb moments when I realised the impact that this will have on our marketing teams.

Our entire approach to annual and campaign planning needs to change58

Support your marketers

Engagement is of course the key.

We started running training workshops before Christmas and our system isnt due to go live until the Spring.

But we need people to be behaving differently now as they develop their first campaigns to use marketing automation.59


So our processes need to change to work with marketing automation not against it. Things like

Who is going to sign off on the campaigns?Who determines what, if any support can be provided from our central MA team?What planning process will we need?How do we control volume of activity? (A big challenge for us!)60

Give yourself time

Through our pilot campaigns we have an insight into the increased length of time and effort it takes to properly plan for all the different user journeys and touchpoints that marketing automation will enable for your clients or customers.

So, for the first time ever, our annual planning process will ask our people to plan for time spent on a project as well as money. 61


That will be a major challenge for our people and we are not going to get it right first time. But we need to try.

However we are hoping that it will have the knock on effect of helping us to control volume of activities.

We go to market in support of 37 different dimensions of our business on a daily basis so as you can imagine volume control is tricky!62


The big light bulb moment for me was understanding the upfront preparation that each campaign will take. The need to have all the materials prepared to support all the potential user journeys and possible touchpoints upfront just frankly had not crossed my mind.

It will force us to think differently and it may well require greater input from our stakeholders to get the messaging and content prepared.



And of course it will also take more time. So our marketers will need to give themselves far greater lead time than they are historically used to doing in order to be properly prepared.

So in conclusion64

Dont forget the people

Marketing automation done well will feel like a personalised experience for your clients or customers but dont under-estimate the planning and preparation it will take to get you there.

In my original journal article I concluded with the somewhat ironic thought that the more hi-tech our world gets, the more our clients value a personal touch. And so ultimately I believe that marketing automation should enable, rather than replace, human interaction.


Reflections on Marketing Automation

Shane Redding, Owner, Think Direct@ShaneRddngWifi: DMA Guest@DMA_UK @theidm #dma #idm

Reflections on Marketing Automation@ShaneRddng


Very different landscape to 5 years ago

Fallen in love with the image?


Most software projects fail to meet their goals

On average 45% over budget, 7% late & 56% less value than predicted. McKinsey & Company in conjunction with the University of Oxford, 2012


Andrew BuckleyVP MasterCard

11 in depth company interviewsPart of Doctoral research at Manchester Business SchoolTechnology enabled innovation



4 Common Internal factors


Departments are like different thought worldsDougherty

MA selection and implementation requires different teams to work together. Many company structures dont facilitate this with different KPIS, budget structures and siloed departments


I had to learn a completely new language .. that was specific to ITMe too!

Language communication a real and most common problem. Lesson last week of 8 hour meeting


Only when you get to the big unveil .. you realise,Youve misunderstood

Different interpretation of the same facts

different SKILL sets

Post Implementation

Andrea CollinsHead of Marketing, UKI

Marketing and Sales

Exactly the same barriers

Skill sets

Mitigation or Success frameworkAgileInterpretersCreate a common languageFind and recruit X skills

Set up MA IT/marketing/sales project team with wide skills setCreated and shared common definitions from suspect to saleFocused on VALUE not VOLUME of SQLsApplied our existing AGILE approach to marketing Keep learning and tweaking

Be Honest:CultureCapacityChange

What do you see?

Panel Discussion

Adam Sharp, Managing Director, CleverTouch Marketing @CleverTouch @CTMadam

Joe Edwards, Digital & Social Director, Marketing Options International @MOIglobal @brandjoe

Claire Wood, Director, Brand & Marketing, Deloitte @DeloitteUK @ClaireEMWood

Shane Redding, Owner, Think Direct @ShaneRddng

Wifi: DMA Guest@DMA_UK @theidm #dma #idm

Closing Comments

David Reed, Editor & Chief of IDM Journal@DataGuvWifi: DMA Guest@DMA_UK @theidm #dma #idm