Naace Conference 2103 - Adapting to the needs of a new curriculum framework: practical...

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John Partridge, Curriculum Team Leader for Computing & ICT, Minster School

Transcript of Naace Conference 2103 - Adapting to the needs of a new curriculum framework: practical...

  • 1. Adapting to theneeds of a newcurriculumframework

2. Consider many ICT & Computing courses you havetaught or your centre has offered The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 3. GCSEICT Full Course GCSE AQAICT Short Course GCSE AQA 20ICT GCSE OCRComputing GCSE OCRLevel 2AIDA, CIDA, CIDA+, DIDAOCR Nationals (new, old)Key SkillsEuropean Computer Driving LicenseCLAiTA-LevelICT A Level AQAICT A Level OCRComputing A Level OCRThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 4. About usJohn PartridgeHead of ICT & ComputingPaul StevensAst. Head Teacher for eLearningand Data ManagementOur School Voluntary Aided Church ofEngland School Teach Key Stage 1 through to 5 ICT & Computing delivered toall Key Stages ICT Mark & 3rd MillenniumSchool The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 5. NAACE Session About our school Our curriculum model at keystage 3 Using digital recording to teachComputing Developments in CPD:Computing in Education MSc atNottingham Trent The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 6. Programme of StudyBackgroundJanuary 2012 DfE disapplies the existing Programmeof StudySummer / Autumn 2012 a number of bodies,including NAACE, publish suggested drafts for a newprogrammeFebruary 2013 a draft programme for all NationalCurriculum subjects is released by the DfESeptember 2013 (tbc) a final programme ispublished 7. The New Programme of Study Much reduced content (863 words vs. 4,800+) Significant changes to both Primary andSecondary teaching content Computing focused No indication of assessment levels The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 8. Challenges facedCurriculum Teaching time Assessment & levelling StabilityStaffing Non-specialist staff Specialist staffStudents Literacy & numeracy barriers Student interest Leading to different levels of engagement outside of the classroom The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 9. How we are adapting key stage 3 Retaining ICT Continuing a move to project & spiral based learning Looking to adapt existing successful units to meet the new requirements Developing flipped/blended learning approaches Writing new units The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 10. Project & Spiral learningPrevious National Strategy ModelDiscrete units with a focus on individual topics, leading into some larger projectsduring year 9.Our Current ModelLarger projects, involving a number of different software packages, with a focus onrepeating exposure to core programsCore themes- Computing- Graphics editing- Data handling- Presenting information- Society The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 11. Comparison National Strategy 7.2 7.37.1 Searching onDesktop Using ICT the Internet PublishingThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 12. Comparison Project learning ComputerScienceGraphics Data handling editingPresenting information UnitSocietyThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 13. Year 8 Unit: KrakatoaCoverage- Computing; VBA quiz, interface design -Spreadsheet; Modelling volcano activity- Graphics editing; Banner, image editing -Society; Communication systems- Database; Volcano information -Word processing; User review- Presentation; Information point, audienceThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 14. Year 9 Unit: Youre the BossExamples Coverage- Computing; Business App - Spreadsheet; Survey data, business model- Database; Customer orders, mail merge - Society; Promotion, social media- Graphics editing; Designing signage - Word processing; Applying for a shop- Presentation; Digital advert, Shop frontThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 15. Adapting existing unitsDraft Programme of Study, 2013 use two or more programming languages, one of which is textual, each used to solve a variety of computational problems; use data structures such as tables or arrays; use procedures to write modular programs; for each procedure, be able to explain how it works and how to test it understand simple Boolean logic (such as AND, OR and NOT) and its usein determining which parts of a program are executed; use Boolean logicand wild-cards in search or database queries; appreciate how search engineresults are selected and ranked The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 16. ExamplesUnit: KrakatoaStudents great an informationpoint about the 1883 eruption,including an embedded video anda short quiz.The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 17. The newThere were island isFALSE IT WASThe eruption FALSEtidaltwo THEY TRUE called Anak was1883 in 1546 waves 125ft WERE 865ftKrakatauhighThe day it erupted, theThere were 5It killedFALSE TRUE pictures in TRUEIt killed 45,000sky in London went blackthe last slidepeople 36,000 18. VBA Visual Basicfor ApplicationsAllows macros to be created forMicrosoft Office programs.Enables to students to add interactionto PowerPoint presentations. The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 19. Start Finish The newThere wereisland isFALSE IT WAS The eruption FALSEtidal two THEYTRUEcalled Anak was1883in 1546 waves 125ftWERE 865ft KrakatauhighThe day it erupted, the There were 5It killed FALSE TRUEpictures inTRUEIt killed45,000sky in London went black the last slidepeople36,000 20. Adapting existing unitsDraft Programme of Study, 2013 use two or more programming languages, one of which is textual, each used to solve a variety of computational problems; use data structures such as tables or arrays; use procedures to write modular programs; for each procedure, be able to explain how it works and how to test it understand simple Boolean logic (such as AND, OR and NOT) and its usein determining which parts of a program are executed; use Boolean logicand wild-cards in search or database queries; appreciate how search engineresults are selected and ranked The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 21. The Minster School 22. IntroductionAssessment Web 2.0Flipped LearningeAssessmentMind MapsAfL The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 23. Teaching and Learning ModelAverage Blooms Digital Taxonomy ActivityRetention Creating Rate Evaluating AfLTeach Others Analysing (immediate 90% Applying use ofUnderstanding learning) Practice by Remembering 75% DoingDiscussion 50% GroupDemonstr- 30% ationAudio Visual 20% ICT/Digital ThinkingReading Literacy Skills 10% Listening 5%Independent LearningThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 24. Supporting Students Use a learning platform to make theory and programmingresources accessible Use notes, worksheets and video to support studentsconsolidate their understanding Afl based lessons Set regular assessments(formal tests,assignments, eAssessments) The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 25. Supporting Students Moodle Based Resources Web 2.0 Powerpoint Slideshare iSpring Assessment YouTube/Vimeo Embedded Video TutorialThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 26. Flipped Learning (Blended Learning)The Flipped Classroom IS: A means to increase interaction andpersonalised contact time between studentsand teachers. An environment where students takeresponsibility for their own learning. A classroom where the teacher is not thecentre of the stage but an on-going guide ina students learning. A blending of direct instruction withThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 27. Video Animated LessonsHow these are used by Students- Video resources accessed on Moodle (VLE)- Lessons reviewed before attempting home learning activities- eAssessment used to check readiness for the next lesson (not for everylesson)- Videos built into eAssessments to encourage viewing for furtherconsolidation- eAssessment allows branching questions if certain concepts aremisunderstood- Email made available for students to ask specific questions and receivedetailed feedback of results.The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 28. IWBIWB recording easy to useCreates large files which need convertingResource in VLE The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 29. Graphics TabletThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 30. Graphics TabletComputer animated lessonsmade using a desk top PCWacom Bamboo Graphics tablet (75)(Wifi optional Extra)Feels like holding a pen on paper /Different ColoursUse with Smooth Draw and CamStudio torecord blackboard style lessons Easy to useDrawback you have to get use to watchingthe screen whist recording video The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 31. Assessment Multiple Choice Match Type In Hot Spot Word bank True / False Sequence Flash and HTML 5 in version 7 release 2013 Teacher receives email test scores and review providing information to focus onThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 32. Assessment Insert Image files, Audio files and Video files to aid the student in their studies Allows branching to aid differentiated support. Form of assessment can be used for computer programming theory as well as computing fundamentals theory.The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 33. iSpring AssessmentExample iSpring eAssessment Click the Quiz button to edit this quizThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 34. Assessment Mind Maps printed as a static resource Aspects linked to Moodle resources/websites as a dynamic resourceThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 35. Ofsted Observation Teachers engender high levels of enthusiasm for, participationin/commitment to learning. Teachers systematically & effectively check pupilsunderstanding throughout the lesson, anticipating where theymay need to intervene and doing so with notable impact onthe quality of learning.Pupils learn exceptionally well and as a resultacquire knowledge quickly Teaching promotes pupils high levels of resilience, confidence& independence when they tackle challenging activities .Appropriate homework contributes very well to pupilslearning Use well judged & imaginative teaching strategiesThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 36. Observation HighlightsResources instilled confidence in studentsGood reinforcement of class notes over nature oftext book contentSustained rapid progress Communicates high expectations Cohesive links with prior learning Excellent use of new technologyVery good collaboration amongststudentsExcellent modelling of class and individual examplesRegular opportunities to review progress Students acknowledged typicalityThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 37. Student VoiceIts great to be able to look back at how to do things!This really helps me prepare for assessments. I like theassessment before the real test. It tells me what I dontknowI need to see some examples more than once so it sinks in Students meet challenging targets at the end of the courseImproved internal test results Invaluable resources for when courses become linearThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 38. Adapting to theneeds of a newcurriculumframework 39. Changing CPD Computing At School Hubs NAACE Post graduate training School collaborationThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 40. Post Graduate StudyA new MSc in Computing in Education, Nottingham Trent UniversityUnits Developing Digital Literacy in the Classroom Computational Thinking in the Curriculum Creativity and Innovation using Technology Programming for the Classroom Engaging Learners in Computer Science Topics Anticipating and Responding to Technological Change in an EducationalSetting Research Skills or Research in a Professional Context Dissertation. The Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire 41. School collaborationJohn Partridge Curriculum Team Leader for ICT & Computingj.partridge@minster.notts.sch.ukPaul Stevens Ast. Head Teacher for eLearning and Data Managementp.stevens@minster.notts.sch.ukThe Minster School, Southwell, Nottinghamshire