CPD Open Badges from Naace & DfE


Transcript of CPD Open Badges from Naace & DfE

What are the Naace Computing CPD Badges? ● A suite of badges which help teachers to explore the three core strands of the new

Computing Curriculum

● Each strand is broken down into the individual elements and are structured over 3 levels

● Level 1 - Understanding of the PoS. This allows you to identify your strengths and areas you wish to develop your knowledge of further

● Level 2 - Knowledge of the PoS. These badges offer you opportunities to broaden your understanding of the Computing Curriculum

● Level 3 - Application of the PoS. This level of badges ask you to take the knowledge you acquired within Level 2, and apply this to your teaching of Young People

The Badges themselves are endorsed by Naace and have been supported as part of the Computing Matched Fund from the Department of Education

The evidence in which you submit will be approved and accredited by Naace and can form part of your schools portfolio towards achieving the ICT Mark.

Why take the Naace CPD badges? ● Recognised Professional Development

the badges you earn can be used as part of your CPD portfolio when applying for teaching posts

● Lifelong learning opportunities the skills you explore are crucial to your understanding and teaching of the Computing Curriculum

● Role-Modelling your learning journey can be reflected within your pupils learning journey

The CPD Project is recognised by the DfE as a valuable and intelligent way to support the training and professional development of teachers and schools

The Open Badges you earn can be shared across the web, on various different learning platforms and social networking sites through your Mozilla Backpack


● Join the Network ● Explore the resources ● Self-Certify

Login and start earning badges!

Naace Computing CPD Members badge

Smart messaging to help guide you through your CPD


Level 1 Understanding

● Take your CPD badge ● Submit Evidence ● Claim your badge!

Building upon your understanding of each of the Computing Curriculum Strands

Level 2 Knowledge

Apply your knowledge to working with young people in your educational setting

Level 3 Apply

Badge Structure

You can share your badges, along with other Open Badges you have earned on the Makewav.es platform through your backpack. Here you can share badges with other members of the Naace community and revisit your evidence submissions for future reference.

Additionally you can export your badges to a Mozilla Backpack, where you can share your Naace CPD badges across the web on a variety of different platforms.

You can use the new Makewav.es App to create

content on your Mobile Device (iOS) and submit this as evidence for your Naace

Computing CPD Badges

Link between badges across sites and the web,

sharing through the backpack


Matt Rogers

[email protected]


Skype: mattdigitalme

Naace PDE

[email protected]
