My Property Review 44

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Issue 44 19 June, 2009

Transcript of My Property Review 44



What to do when the fi gures don’t add upHOUSING AFFORDABILITY


FRIDAY, JUNE 19 2009

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Bruce H


75 mins to B


Sunshine Motorway

Mons Rd

Parsons Rd




Maroochydore Rd


Vise R


Old Marooc

hydore Rd


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With the mountains as your backdrop and the ocean just minutes away, no wonder Forest Pines

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then look forward to a new life where the best the coast has to offer is at your fingertips. Gorgeous

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Whilst all details have been carefully prepared and are believed to be correct, we do not guarantee the accuracy of the information. Intending purchasers must rely on their own enquiries. Illustrations are conceptual only and subject to regulatory approval and change without notice. *Average land price $288,668. Average land size approx 757m2.

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75 m


to B

r isb

ane8 m ins to Sunsh ine P laza

Visit the Forest Pines Sales and Information centre today.Corner of Old Maroochydore Road and Vise Road, Forest Glen. UBD Map 67 - M17



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My Property Review | June 19, 2009 3Elders Palmwoods | 5 Margaret Street | 5478 9122



Here’s an interesting fact as pointed out in our cover story this week: 55 per cent of the Coast’s population can’t aff ord to spend more than $300,000 on a home. It leaves us with quite the conundrum, given the fact that our median house price lurks around the $450,000 mark. With an eye on the future, what exactly are we supposed to do about this? Or, more importantly, can we actually do something about this or do we just sit back and enjoy the wonderful lifestyle we have on off er while it lasts, until a large proportion of us are forced to partake in a mass exodus from the Coast in search of more aff ordable living alternatives? Th is two-part cover story series on aff ordability tackles the obvious – what is the aff ordability crisis, how did it happen, what does it mean for the future and what can be done about it. Luckily, we have a number of experts on the case and with a special taskforce in place to tackle the issue, there’s hope on the horizon yet for more than half the Coast’s population.

Contributors – Julie Gatehouse, Todd Widdicombe, Dave Warner, Dorothy Drane, Jessica Ainscough

My Property Review is locally owned and published by Sunshine Coast Alliance Publishing Ltd. ABN 13 124 476 142Distribution Enquiries: 1300 367 352 General & Sales Enquiries: (07) 5443 8866PO Box 6362, Maroochydore BC Qld 4558Editorial:

Jade Harrison

EldersFirst NationalVic MurphyKen Guy HenzellsRE/MAXRaine & Horne waterfront & coastal propertyLJ HookerProperty TodayGo Gecko Insite Realty RealWayKings Beach RealtyBrown Realty BuderimMy MooloolabaHarcourtsPam CourtLeading EdgeVictor RealtyClassifi edsRentalsDirectory

3 8

10 1122263638404144464950515253545758 5960 71

254 Cover Story

Making our houses aff ordable

10 FeatureInsulate and save

24 My WorldMore foreign hot properties

25 Exclusive FeatureNoosa’s $8 million site

36 Market TrackerTh e latest property sales at a glance

40 Industry NewsWho’s doing what in the industry

42 Auction ActionResults from the latest auctions

55 CommercialTh e latest commercial off ering

55 HinterlandTh ere’s land in the hills

59 Classifi edsProperty listings and rentals

60 RentalsHundreds of homes to let

63 MY HOME REVIEWBuilding, renovating & styling

64 Jade’s Nail BagDIY problems solved and stories told

65 Cover StoryHow to buy a block of land

66 My Display HomeGJ Gardner’s light-fi lled design

68 My DesignA home for all the family

68 My ColumnTips on powering down

69 My StyleGive your bathroom a lift

70 New Home & LandTh e latest developments on the Coast

71 DirectoryProperty-related products & services

my exclusive feature



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WANT A RENTAL?Don’t wait until Saturday to fi nd out what’s for rent. Jump the rent queue and fl ick to our ‘My Rentals’ section on page 60 for the Coast’s most comprehensive listing of rental properties. With more than 190 rentals at your fi ngertips, you’ll be in a better position to peruse the rental market and fi nd the home of your dreams. My Rentals – fresh every Friday.

Publishers Anarr HigginsDarryl OlsonMichael Kramer Noel Olson

Editor Jade Harrison

Sub Editor Jemma Pearson

Art Director Noel Harris

Production Co-ordinatorKara Taylor

Graphic DesignerStephanie Kesper

Editorial AssistantJarna Baudinette

66my display home

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cover story

represent the development industry, community and housing groups, State Government and University of the Sunshine Coast. Its chair is regional councillor Anna Grosskreutz. Th e taskforce deals with a range of issues from emergency accommodation to social/community housing to aff ordable private housing options.• Th e UDIA (Urban Development Institute of Australia) represents a wide range of professions and occupations. Last fi nancial year the Sunshine Coast development and construction industry produced a total turnover of $5.4 billion and employed 12 per cent of the region’s workforce – about 27,000 people.• Not to be confused with the above, the ULDA (Urban Land Development Authority) was established by the Queensland Government in 2007 to make housing more aff ordable and facilitate the delivery of a range of housing options for the state’s changing needs.

THE ISSUE OF HOUSINGWhat exactly is aff ordable housing? Councillor Anna Grosskreutz expands the defi nition to aff ordable living. Her taskforce says housing is considered aff ordable “when it is appropriate to the needs

of lower-income households in terms of design, location and access to services and facilities”. Housing costs for the lowest 40 per cent of wage earners shouldn’t exceed 30 per cent of household income.

Th e typical housing product on the Coast is a large house on a large lot (800 square metres-plus) or an upmarket townhouse or unit. Almost 40 per cent of dwellings on the Coast in 2006 had four or more bedrooms and another 48 per cent had three bedrooms. About 76 per cent were detached dwellings.

Yet as the population grows and ages, our typical household sizes have been dropping. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics and the taskforce’s analysis of demographics, our region is housing fewer large, younger families and more single and/or aged people. In 2006, the biggest percentage of households comprised couples without kids (29 per cent), followed

Talk to any low-income earner saving up for the great Australian dream and they’ll tell you that getting into the Coast property market is tough. Julie Gatehouse investigates our housing affordability crisis in part one of this two-part series.

PART 1 by Julie Gatehouse

Fift y-fi ve per cent of Sunshine Coast people can’t aff ord to spend any more than $300,000 on a home, according to analysis by industry body

the UDIA. Yet the Coast’s median house price has been hovering around the $450,000 mark. No wonder there’s

a housing aff ordability crisis.

It’s an overwhelming task, but there’s optimism coming from those

involved. They believe there’s a cultural change towards issues such as housing

designs, densities and planning

“ “

In your dreams

Years ago, the concept of aff ordable housing focused on putting roofs over the heads of the small proportion of people struggling below the breadline and relying on public waiting lists. No more. Government, community and industry experts are uniting to tackle what has become a mainstream problem. If unchecked, they warn, it will adversely impact our lifestyle, community

diversity and economy – including the property and development industries – as key workers and young people search elsewhere to buy or rent suitable housing.

For example, imagine the impact on traffi c congestion alone if the thousands of new residents expected to staff a new Kawana hospital have to live in cheap places in the sticks without public transport. And what about accommodating our growing number of seniors who lose family and fl exible incomes?

Th e experts want to create stronger, vibrant, sustainable communities where even low- to moderate-income earners – and if you make between $40,000 and $80,000 a year, that’s you – can live the dream of home ownership without sinking into fi nancial hardship.

It’s an overwhelming task, but there’s optimism coming from those involved in the process. Th ey believe a cultural change towards issues such as housing designs, densities and planning is already underway.

THE EXPERTS• Th e Housing Aff ordability Taskforce was formed in September 2008 to advise the Sunshine Coast Regional Council on increasing the region’s supply of aff ordable housing. Meeting monthly, it provides expertise and acts as a network and lobby group to fi nd innovative solutions. Eighteen members

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by couples with kids (25 per cent) and single people (20 per cent). By 2031, the median age is expected to increase from 41 to 44 years.

Our median income ($895 a week) is considerably lower than the Queensland average ($1031), but our housing costs are higher.

In addition, our real estate prices have been relatively buoyant despite a soft ening of activity during the past year’s global crisis. Latest RP Data fi gures show Nambour is top of the Coast’s most aff ordable suburbs list – but its median house price is still $335,000. Our top 25 most expensive suburbs range in median price from $560,000 at Peregian Springs to $866,000 at Kings Beach and $900,000 at Tinbeerwah.

Lowered interest rates and government incentives have helped some fi rst-home buyers onto the property ladder, but the overall result is fi nancial hardship for many people seeking the Australian dream.

Housing Aff ordability Taskforce member Robyn Douglas, also the council’s manager of social policy, sums up what is now a problem on the Coast. “Housing prices haven’t really dropped signifi cantly here and incomes haven’t really increased, so we have housing stress.”

Source: RP Data

Sunshine Coast housing mismatch

Small households (two or fewer people) make up three-quarters of all households

Large dwellings (three or more bedrooms) make up 86 per cent of housing stock

Source: Sunshine Coast Regional Council

Household type Dwelling size Sunshine Coast (2006)

continued over>

The latest fi gures RP Data has compiled these Sunshine Coast suburb tables from the latest March 2009 fi gures.

My Property Review | June 19, 2009 5

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cover story

Housing affordability is a serious issue for our region. The Sunshine Coast has been named one of the least affordable regions in the developed world.

Housing stress

Housing stress affects more than one in three households in our region.

Is the Sunshine Coast affordable?

House sizes 1820 – 2009

Housing trends over the decades

THE ISSUE OF LANDMark Van Wyk, a developer and vice-president of the UDIA Coast branch, says the housing aff ordability problem has two main elements: the rising cost of land and the rising cost of building a house. “It’s a complex issue to resolve because there are multiple stakeholders.

“We’ve gotten into strife fundamentally because of the supply of aff ordable land and the inordinate time it takes to bring land to market under current planning frameworks,” says Mark, who is a taskforce member.

“Th e cost of subdividing land has skyrocketed to as high as 60 per cent of the overall cost for a developer on the Coast, which translates into higher sale prices to buyers. Ten years ago the land might only cost 30 to 40 per cent, but now there are so many extra fees, such as environmental compliance and increases for infrastructure, plus at the other end the bank and interest charges while we await approvals.”

He says planning schemes are inherently infl exible and have not encouraged diverse and aff ordable housing options.

Culturally, Mark also points to Australia’s traditional love of big homes and backyards. Th e sizes of Australian homes have been growing continuously from tiny settlers’ cottages in the 1820s to big project homes in the 1990s and today’s custom-designed mansions.

Th e issue of land supply remains contentious between the industry and local government, including accusations that developers withhold land to push up demand.

Mayor Bob Abbot, who says sustainability is now the Coast’s highest priority in every sector including strategic planning, believes suffi cient land is available. Palmview is one area he cites as perfect for future housing in the $300,000s, as long as infrastructure is adequate.

Anna says land supply is one piece of the jigsaw. She admits there has been “a degree of caution” within council processes, especially regarding big land releases in emerging towns, while infrastructure needs and planning have been checked out.

“We’ve got a total mismatch with Sunshine Coast housing at the moment,” she says. “We’ve gone to an extreme level that’s very large and unsustainable and many people can’t aff ord to purchase it.”

Th e ULDA believes the state’s housing aff ordability crisis is a result of market infl uences, interest rates, economic and fi scal policy and mortgage deregulation.

While fi xing the global fi nancial crisis is out of local hands, local minds are working feverishly on strategies to improve housing aff ordability.Part two: What goals are being set, and a sneak peek at the action plan underway.

Housing mismatchFor every fi ve dwellings here, only two are considered appropriate to their household size. Three dwellings are large with only small households residing in them. Much of our housing is under-utilised.

Unaffordable private rental

Two out of fi ve low-income households are living in unaffordable private rentals.

At-risk purchasers

One out of fi ve purchasers are paying more than 40 per cent of their household income on housing costs.

Source: Sunshine Coast Regional Council

The news for low-income earners and fi rst-home buyers waiting to jump on the property ladder is not good if the latest fi ndings by BIS Schrapnel are to be believed. The research house forecasts that property prices in some areas of the country will rise by almost 20 per cent in the next three years. The BIS report says that house prices in Brisbane will rise by 16 per cent by 2012. Property prices on the Sunshine Coast tend to move in tandem with our state capital, with BIS predicting that our prices will rise 14 per cent by 2011. The bottom line: if you can afford to buy, it’s probably a good idea to get in now.

Prices on the rise

< from overleaf

Source: UDIA

6 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

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Reductions available.

Make an offer today!

prices correct as at 1st June 2009

“ We didn’t have to splash out for luxury”

SALES OFFICE OPEN DAILY FROM 10AM - 4PMPh: 1800 237 959 1 Mungar Street (off Plaza Parade) Maroochydore.

Live in a residential haven without the price tag

Priced from $420,000

Final apartment sellout

Caesar Stone bench tops in the kitchen and bathrooms

Stainless steel appliances in the kitchen

Air conditioning

Outdoor Kitchen for easy entertaining

BBQ/air condititioned gym/Pool

24 hour onsite management to care of the maintenance

Secure underground private parking

Landscaped gardens

Minutes from Sunshine Plaza, shops, restaurants, cafes and cinemas

Minutes from pristine beaches

Minutes from Maroochy River to enjoy walking, fishing and boating

Apartments close to shopping, beach and cafés.



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Beerwah Caloundra Cooroy Maroochydore Mooloolaba Nambour Pacific Paradise Palmwoods 5494 6444 5499 5600 5447 6888 5479 6600 5444 3455 5441 1344 5448 8088 5445 9666

Located directly on the Maroochydore waterfront, this Penthouse apartment provides the new owner a fantastic lifestyle opportunity. The mortgagor’s instructions are clear, “This apartment must be SOLD ON OR BEFORE

two bathrooms, double security car parking


Mortgagor Exercises Power of Sale

Address: Unit 6 Paradiso, 6 Broadmeadows Road, Maroochydore

Inspect: Saturday 11-11.30pmAuction: Onsite @ 2pm on 27th June 2009

Maroochydore First National 5409 9918

apartment in Leo Crescent is a highly sought after location. Buy now and reap the potential growth

certainly one you should place on your list. Small

Mortgagee Exercising Power of Sale

Auction: On site 27th June 2009 at 3pm

Maroochydore First National 5409 9918

This Brick and Tile Beach house features: Downstairs 2 large living areas, separate dining, large kitchen, main bathroom. 2 large bedrooms. Upstairs features a parents retreat with very large living area, master bedroom with large ensuite and walk in robe. North

park, lock up garage with rear access to double bay shed at rear of home.


Value at Alex Beach

Address: 74 Okinja Road, MaroochydoreInspect: Saturday 1-1.30pm

Contact: Shane Purssell 0402 012 142Maroochydore First National 5409 9910

family and perfectly designed for duel living. The home features 2 separate large living areas, rumpus room and study. Master bedroom has ensuite, walk

with island bench. Outdoor undercover deck overlooking pool with bushland backdrop. Double


Large Family Home Overlooking Bushland

Inspect: Saturday 2-2.30pm

Contact: Shane Purssell 0402 012 142Maroochydore First National 5409 9910

8 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

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My Property Review | June 19, 2009 9


Beerwah Caloundra Cooroy Maroochydore Mooloolaba Nambour Pacific Paradise Palmwoods 5494 6444 5499 5600 5447 6888 5479 6600 5444 3455 5441 1344 5448 8088 5445 9666

EnquiriesJohn King

0409 570 284 BEERWAH 5494 6444 (lot sizes may vary slightly)


Glasshouse Country

Glass House Ridges EstateCreate your own lifestyle in Glass House Mountains’newest exclusive acreage estate

Views of the magnificent Glass House Mountains

Extra wide frontages

Simple covenants (allows detached sheds)

Tranquil park and lagoon setting

Town water and underground power

Average Size2880m²

Price Range$255,000-$285,000

LOT AREA 2 2934 m² 3 HOLD 4 2876 m² 5 2833 m² 6 3056 m² 7 SOLD 8 HOLD 9 3237 m² 10 HOLD 11 2823 m² 12 2859 m² 13 withheld 16 withheld 17 2726 m² 18 2854 m² 19 2896 m²





Address: Units 100 and 52 ‘Varsity Apartments’ Sippy Downs

Inspect: By Appointment OnlyPrice: $200,000 neg.View: Contact: Rosalind Nemme 0419 619 451Mooloolaba First National 5444 3455


Varsity Apartments



Picture Perfect

Glasshouse Country First National 5494 6444

Inspect: Price: $299,000

Maroochydore First National 5409 9916


Three-Bedroom Townhouse


Contract Crashed - owners have packed!!

Price: $459,000

Maroochydore First National 5409 9915



Best Riverfront Buy Around

Maroochydore First National 5409 9916

Tassie Owners Sacrificing !!!

Maroochydore First National 5409 9915

Budget Buderim Buy

Price: $159,000

Maroochydore First National 5409 9910

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10 My Property Review | June 19, 2009



Sought After Villa in Convenient Location

Webbers First National 5499 5600 MAROOCHY SANDS BUILDING, SIXTH AVENUE MAROOCHYDORE (07) 5443 2433

Alex Heads – 24/1 Pacific Tce, “Northpoint” $245,000. 1 brm trendy unit, ocean glimpses, opposite beach. View Sat 12-12:30

Cotton Tree – 1/75 Memorial Ave, $295,000. 2 brm, renovated with white kitchen, paint, etc … 4 in complex, Low B/Corps, 100m to river, Friendly environment. View Sat 12-12:30

Maroochy Waters – $278,000 “JUST LISTED.” 2 brms, ens, townhouse, courtyard, 5 in complex, brick and tile.

Maroochydore – $355,000. 9/5 Parker St, “Kalua”. 3 brm, ensuite, fully renovated, ground floor, opp beach. Great buy. View Sat 11-11:30

Maroochydore – High $300,000s. 31/5 Parker St, “Kalua”. 2 brm, ensuite, huge rooftop unit, courtyard, family, lounge. Motivated sellers.


Glennis Schindler0412 737 324

Greg Mills0407 750 603


Insulation in the building envelope – that is the separation between the interior and exterior environments of a building – helps keep heat in during the winter and cooler air inside during the summer months. Th ose living in well-insulated houses spend less cash on heating and air-conditioning bills. Th ere are many types of insulation made from many materials such as fi breglass, rockwool, natural wool, polyester, cellulose, polystyrene and refl ective foils.

Basically, heat always fl ows from warm space to cool space. In winter, heat fl ow moves from heated indoor spaces to adjacent unheated rooms such as garages, bathrooms and laundries, or outdoors, or it fl ows indirectly through interior ceilings, walls, and fl oors – wherever there is a diff erence in temperature. During the summer months, heat fl ows from outdoors to the house interior. Uninsulated homes are therefore warm in summer and cold in winter. To maintain comfort in your home, most of us stick on the heater in winter to replace the lost heat. In summer, the heat gained is removed by your fan or air-conditioner. Insulation provides eff ective resistance to the fl ow of heat, keeping heat out in summer and in during winter.

When thinking about the type of insulation you need for your home there are a few things to consider. If you are installing it yourself it’s obviously best to choose an insulation that is easy to put in. Check with your supplier about this one. If you want an insulation that will last as long as the house does, choose one, such as fi breglass or wool, that will not settle over time. If you’re concerned about the health aspects of insulation, choose

one that has been thoroughly tested for safety. Glasswool (or fi breglass), rockwool,

polyester, sheeps wool and cellulose (shredded paper) are considered to be pretty safe. If

low environmental impact is high on your list, choose an insulation

made from recycled material, such as cellulose.

While the cost of insulation varies greatly on materials used and the size of your home, it is generally a heft y expense. As part of the Federal Government’s Energy Effi cient Homes Package, home owners may be entitled to a $1600 insulation rebate to help cover the cost of

installing ceiling insulation. To be eligible you must be an

owner-occupier in a home that has no or very little ceiling insulation. To fi nd out more about the rebate and to see if you are eligible, visit

Th ere are basically two types of insulation – bulk and refl ective foil. Bulk insulation, such as rockwool, sheeps wool or cellulose, acts like a blanket over your house and slows down heat fl ow by conduction. During the summer, if you have air-conditioning, or the winter, if you have the heaters on, bulk insulation is useful in keeping that cooled or warmed air inside the home. Refl ective foil insulation resists heat fl ow by radiation. It’s useful in the roofs of homes in warm climates such as ours, because it refl ects the heat back outside. In winter, bulk insulation, combined with blocking draft s, is the most eff ective way of keeping the heat in.

Th ough insulation is not cheap, it generally pays for itself aft er a few years (depending on the type you choose to install) by reducing the amount you spend on heating and cooling bills. Obviously, the less you use the heater and air-conditioner, the more money you save. Every day you don’t turn on the heater or air-con, you are also reducing greenhouse gas emissions and your carbon footprint. Some insulation can also be eff ective sound proofi ng and helps eliminate condensation on walls and ceilings.

What is insulation? How does it work?

What kind should you use? How much will it cost?What types are there?

What are the benefi ts?

Want a greener home? Your fi rst step should be installing appropriate insulation – it’ll reduce your carbon footprint and save you money in heating and cooling bills as well.

Take cover

p perTh d nat


r air inside Those living

less cash ng bills. tion


u usy you save.

or air-con, you aremissions and your

ulation can also fing and helps


ill it




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My Property Review | June 19, 2009 11


BUDERIM’S LAST BIG VIEW BLOCK45 Panorama Crescent, Buderim

This is the rarest of opportunities to put your signature on Buderim’s premier view precincts. A massive 6723 square metre parcel of land (over one and a half acres) can be yours as a blank canvas. This street already boasts several of Australia’s finest homes, including the recent Sunshine Coast house of the year. This is your opportunity to create your own masterpiece encapsulating some of Buderim’s finest ocean views overlooking Alexandra Headland, Mooloolaba, and beyond to Moreton Island. Full geotechnical reports for the site are available, along with stunning architecturally drawn concept plans of a prestige home befitting one of Buderim’s finest addresses.

Inspect: by appointment. Contact: Damien Michael 0413 024 124, Chris Pace 0417 196 600. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY749

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18 Songbird Court, Buderim

This is an opportunity to secure one of Buderim’s signature properties.

‘Whistledown’ typifi es exclusive Buderim living by combining 3249m2 of private

land with broad north-facing panoramic views. This majestic 5 bedroom

residence exudes warmth and charm and will remain a timeless piece of real

estate for future generations. You can take in the views from the outdoor alfresco

dining area whilst overlooking the semi-suspended resort pool and spa which

is surrounded by boardwalks, manicured gardens, a waterfall and lush lawns.

An amazing fully fl oodlit tennis court offers a real point of difference for Buderim

escarpment living. From the ocean view gymnasium to the cosy formal lounge

and fi replace – you won’t be disappointed. The owner is committed to selling this

property at market price within the next 5 weeks.

Price: Expressions of interest closing 7th July.Inspect: Saturday 4-4.45pm & Thursday 25th June 4.15-4.45pm

Contact: Damien Michael 0413 024 124, Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222.Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY968

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MODERN ACREAGE LIVING – DUAL LIVING 251 Tanawha Tourist Drive, Tanawha

This stunning 2 acre property has a very sought after combination of features which merges versatility, functionality and class. The modern executive home features fi ve bedrooms, three bathrooms, both formal and casual living zones, a gourmet kitchen and an alfresco dining area that

is nestled beside a tropical in ground pool and children’s playground. In addition to the main residence there is a private fully detached guesthouse. The ‘Gabba like’ laser-levelled fi eld of meticulous lush lawns is positioned adjacent to the private long driveway off Tanawha Tourist Drive. The

children can play football or fi sh in the dam – this is kids paradise!! Conveniently located close to Buderim’s leading schools. Vendor will sell at market price.

Inspect: Saturday 2-2.45pm & Thursday 25th June 3.30-4pm. Price: Expressions of interest closing 7th July. Contact: Damien Michael 0413 024 124.

Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY967

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• Main residence: 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms• Private fully detached guest house• Private 8257m2 (2 acres) of usable land – fi eld like front yard!• Interactive playground, pool and entertaining area• Long driveway, 4 car garage, dam, bore, intercom, security, ducted air

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SURPRISE!1/87 Buderim Avenue, Mooloolaba

This unit is such a pleasant surprise! The renovators have done the best job on choice of colours and finishes in a light, airy environment. Upstairs offers a modern kitchen, open plan lounge and good size bedroom. Downstairs boasts a study nook, bathroom and two bedrooms opening out into a private grassed area. Along with all this the unit is ideally situated close to Alexandra Headland and Mooloolaba beaches, shops and restaurants. Organise your inspection today and have a pleasant surprise!

Inspect: Saturday 1-1.45pm. Contact: Jodie McDonell 0419 762 309. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY957


This is a great, 1003sqm commercial block, located in one of the Sunshine Coast most popular industrial precinct. Here you are surrounded by other good quality commercial allotments, that have been built on with a tilt slab construction. This is a fast growing area with minimal vacant lots still available to build on, so be quick with this one. For more information please contact the agents, John Skerlak 0413 441 834, or Bree Charles 0416 435 391, or to arrange an inspection.

Price: Low $400,000s plus GST. Inspect: by appointment. Contact: John Skerlak 0413 441 834, Bree Charles 0416 435 391. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY980

WHAT WILL THIS BE WORTH IN 5 YEARS???285 Mons Road, Buderim

With over 5 acres of useable land, a substantial family home and located minutes to the cafes of Buderim and Mooloolaba, private schools and local shopping, this prime piece of property will only increase in value in the future. A three bay garage and carport allow plenty of room for the big boys toys and there is ample room to set up paddocks for horses. With a possibility for future subdivision, grab this rarely offered opportunity to live the lifestyle and reap the rewards of country living.

Price: $991,000. Inspect: Saturday 3-3.45pm. Contact: Kim Barrios 0411 195 949. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY943

TIME TO MOVE…76 Nyes Crescent, Buderim

Suiting the family buyer with four bedrooms, three bathrooms, two separate living zones inside and two outside the home with big timber decks, beautifully landscaped gardens flowing down to the lagoon-type pool and a double carport with space for two other vehicles. All this, close to a number of schools, restaurants, and shopping centres. Owners are ready to move to their new home.

Inspect: Sat 11-11.45am. Contact: Jodie McDonell 0419 762 309. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY790

16 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

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NOBODY KNOWS …4 ‘Aquarelle’ 80 Duporth Avenue, Maroochydore

… just how amazing this residential style apartment is! Offering peace and seclusion on absolute riverfront along with liveability like no other. The generous floor plan boasts three bedrooms and three bathrooms, a huge combined kitchen/dining/lounge which flows out onto an enormous wrap around courtyard. There’s also a completely separate second living area with plenty of room which could be used in any number of ways. All this, ideally located close to restaurants, shops and cinemas. Be one of the first to inspect, this will be popular!

Auction: Saturday 27th June at 11am. Inspect: Saturday 2-2.45pm. Contact: Jodie McDonell 0419 762 309, Loren Wimhurst 0415 380 222. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY971

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Families and investors look no further if you are hoping to secure a great family home with a private bush backdrop within minutes to schools, shops and beaches. This 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, 2 car fully ducted air- conditioned home is situated in a quiet cul-de-sac in Headland Park and is in immaculate condition. The home is built on a 705m2 block with plenty of room for the kids to play and there is also room for a pool. Hurry this one is priced to sell and will not last.

Price: Mid $500,000s. Inspect: By Appointment. Contact: Rebecca Nolan 0404 866 358. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY956


This four-bedroom, two bathroom family home is perfectly positioned on an 801m2 block in a quiet nook of Buderim. Let the kids explore the tracks in the adjacent rainforest reserve, while you relax in the outdoor hot tub whilst taking in the serenity. This home is functional for the whole family with a formal lounge and dining, plus casual dining and spacious living room. For the boys, there’s a double garage plus a carport with extra high ceilings for a caravan. This is easy family living in a great location.

Price: Mid to high $500,000s. Inspect: Saturday 12.45-1.30pm. Contact: Chris Pace 0417 196 600. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY950


Beachside Bokarina is a very sought after location and this perfectly presented and maintained home is sure to impress. Designed for the entertainer with the options of; spacious formal lounge/dining, large t.v. room with bar area and a North facing outdoor entertaining area overlooking the lagoon style pool. Offering 4 bedrooms, incl the master with w/i robe and ensuite. Double garage with side access to a carport. With absolutely nothing to be done, put your feet up and start living.

Inspect: Saturday 11.15am-12pm. Contact: Chris Pace 0417 196 600, Rebecca Nolan 0404 866 358. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY769

CONTRACT CRASHED – MUST SELL34 Needham Court, Kiels Mountain

This weekend owner has purchased elsewhere and must sell today. Privately nestled amongst mature trees and the surrounding majestic beauty of Kiels Mountain, this family home welcomes the best of rural living with just a few minutes drive to shops, schools and beaches. Located at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac, and set on 6687m² of sprawling, useable land, this residence is the ideal rural retreat offering serenity, quietness and privacy. Spread over two levels the home features 3 bedrooms 1 bathroom with a fireplace upstairs; while downstairs boasts a second kitchen and dining/living room – making it ideal for a granny flat or teenage retreat. The land also contains a dam, 2 sheds, 2 water tanks and a pool. A renovator’s dream.

Inspect: Saturday 2-2.45pm. Contact: Rebecca Nolan 0404 866 358. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY929

18 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

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MILLION DOLLAR VIEWS WITHOUT THE PRICE TAG – ONLY A FEW LEFT“Juneau Apartments”, 128 Duporth Ave, Maroochydore

Don’t miss your opportunity to own one of these brand new apartments. Units 3,4,6,8,10 & 11 are now sold so you must act now so you don’t miss out. Juneau is perfectly positioned near the river in the heart of the CBD. Live the ultimate cosmopolitan lifestyle, with bars, restaurants and shopping all just a short stroll away, yet enjoy the quietness from this residential-only building which has resort-style appointments throughout plus gorgeous river and ocean views. Choose from three-bedroom (+ study) apartments, or take the palatial penthouse which features top-of-the range fittings and fixtures throughout. Retire in style with everything at your fingertips. Will be sold on or before auction.

Inspect: Saturday & Sunday 11-12.30pm & Wednesday 4.30-5.30pm. Contact: Rebecca Nolan 0404 866 358, Chris Pace 0417 196 600. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY626U

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ECO FRIENDLY HIDEAWAY16 Krause Road, Ninderry

With almost 2 acres of private lake, enough solar power to live on and put back into the grid, orchard, provisions for bed and breakfast holiday accommodation and only 20 minutes from Coolum Beach; this is one for the eco friendly minded. North Arm school is a 5 minute walk from home and public transport, providing the convenience of town whilst feeling a million miles away. This home provides large welcoming decks to view the natural fauna and enjoy the bird life making their home on the water.

Auction: Saturday 4th July at 1pm. Inspect: Saturday 12-12.45pm. Contact: Matt O’Grady 0414 317 375, Richard Scrivener 0416 799 188. Ken Guy Noosa 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: NSA057


This property ticks every box for the beachside entry level buyer: Affordable, perfect to renovate or live in as is, close to beach and cafes, new pool, space for a boat or caravan and north facing back yard. Additionally there are three bedrooms upstairs, an open plan living and dining room with a kitchen. Downstairs has a double garage, laundry and downstairs bathroom as well as two large rooms. A large deck area upstairs overlooks the lovely backyard with supersized lagoon pool that all would envy. Vendor will meet the market!

Auction: Saturday 20th June at 2.30pm. Inspect: Saturday from 2pm. Contact: Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116, Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY853

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This beautiful 20-acre property oozes plenty of potential for someone to create a gorgeous rural retreat with privacy and serenity assured. Use the abundance of land and run horses and cattle if you wish, or use one of the many gently elevated, but flat sections to build the absolute house of your dreams. The large dam is stocked with freshwater fish where you can relax and throw a line in, in fact, plant some fruit trees and throw in some imagination to make this a self-sufficient property. Let the kids run wild, with plenty of space to pursue a number of rural activities. There is a basic 3 bedroom workers’ cottage in very good condition and large water tank already on the property, where you could live whilst you built your home. Set in the premier precinct of Dales Road in Chevallum/Ilkley, this represents a wonderful opportunity. Inspect any time prior to auction.

Auction: This Saturday 20th June at 4pm. Inspect: Saturday from 3.30pm. Contact: Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116, Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY958


This is an incredible buy and will sell at this price! This supersized home on a generous 808m2 block, is situated in the lovely leafy pocket of Riverview Estate, (away from busy roads) minutes from the beach and Buderim. Special features include very large and spacious living areas, a timber kitchen and large balconies. With five bedrooms, three bathrooms, with downstairs completely separate and self-contained, with office and extra parking. This is perfect for Granny/ Teenager/ Business option. Currently tenanted until January 2010 at $500 a week, the returns are very attractive for the astute investor. Incredibly priced – offers over mid $400,000s will buy.

Inspect: Saturday 12-12.45pm. Contact: Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116, Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063. Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY. Internet Code: MCHY932

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22 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

• This property is so affordable its not funny!!

• Offers the most incredible views over the Passage to the ocean beyond, Golden Beach and Caloundra City

• Fully furnished one bedroom spa apartment

• Fishing, water skiing, boating right at your front door

• Full resort facilities available

GOLDEN BEACH – They can’t keep it… It must sell!Auction: Friday 10th July at Henzells

Caloundra, 49 Bulcock St at 3pmInspect: Saturday 12-12.30pm

Address: Unit 903 Worldmark, 75 Golden Beach Esplanade, Golden Beach property code: worl903Agent: Doug Wilson 0417 734 592

• Nothing to do but turn the key and live the lifestyle…

• Awesome views over the golf course and lake

• Dual key, fully furnished – stay in one, rent the other or rent both for dual income

• Proven performer with returns to reflect

• Full resort facilities available

PELICAN WATERS – Owner will consider any offer….Auction: Friday 10th July at Henzells

Caloundra, 49 Bulcock St at 2pmInspect: Saturday 1-1.30pm

Address: Unit 324 & 325 Crowne Plaza, 38 Mahogany Drive, Pelican Waters property code: crow324Agent: Doug Wilson 0417 734 592

• With ‘views forever’ the apartment takes in 360 degree views of the Pumicestone passage, Caloundra shipping lanes and the majestic Glasshouse Mountains

• 3 bedroom, 3 bathrooms, masters retreat with double spa and breathe taking 180 degree views

• On top of the world boasting 3 enormous living areas with over 320sqms of internal living

• Kitchen comprising of 2-pac finish, and offers more than enough storage• Privacy is assured on the NE corner, amazing sunrises/beautiful sunsets• Air-cond, side-by-side garaging, glass feature tiles and abundant storage

KINGS BEACH – Enormous split level penthouse – Will be sold at auction if not prior

Auction: Friday 26th June onsite at 4pmInspect: Saturday 1-1.45pm

& Wednesday 4-4.45pmAddress: Unit 22 ‘Cirrus Apartments’

39 Canberra Tce, Kings property code: cirr22

Agent: Matt Glynn 0404 315 066

Perfectly located – a 300 metre stroll to the heart of Caloundra’s CBD

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My Property Review | June 19, 2009 23

• 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, multi car accommodation

• Inground pool with spa and undercover outdoor area

• 1700sqm block with champion size tennis court

• Dual living opportunity, security alarm system in place

• Located in Nambour’s best suburb – Coes Creek

COES CREEK – Mortgagee sale – Must be SOLD!

Auction: Sunday 28th June onsite at 2pmInspect: Saturday & Sunday 2.30-3.30pm

Address: 16 Chiltern Court, Coes property code: PLA799H

Agent: Lisa Storey 0418 247 020Agent: Samantha Anning 0415 151 762

• 3 bedrooms, plus study, 2 bathrooms

• Huge living and family rooms leading to north facing covered entertaining area

• Walk to local school and shopping village

• Opposite park with BBQ and playground equipment

PELICAN WATERS – Enviable parkside living

Price: Offers over $500,000Inspect: Saturday & Sunday 1-1.45pm

Address: 15 Lander Street, Pelican property code: lande15

Agent: Sandra West 0421 079 991

• Walk to CBD, beaches and transport

• 2 bed, 1 bath, separate lounge and dining, 1 garage

• Immaculate condition, very low maintenance and no body corporate fees

• Split system air-conditioning and ceiling fans

• Suit first home buyer, investor or downsizer!

CALOUNDRA – Walk to shops!

Price: $349,000Inspect: Saturday 1-1.45pm

Address: 1/40 Suller Street, property code: suller1

Agent: Gayle Gokcen 0408 606 640

• 4 Bedrooms with built ins (Master with views to the water), 2 bathrooms

• 2 car accom (8m x 6m space)• Modern and stylish kitchen and bathrooms• Split system a/c servicing the whole home• Polished timber hardwood floors throughout• 3 separate living areas• Wet edge pool

WURTULLA – Live on the water’s edge – reluctant sale

Price: $749,000Inspect: Saturday 11-11.45am

Address: 11 Mizzen Close, property code: PLA747H

Agent: Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147Agent: Steve Turner 0412 679 488

• Brand new modern home ready to move in

• 4 bedrooms, media, retreat area, huge back yard

• Open plan living off modern kitchen, stone tops

• North facing under cover outdoor area

• High ceilings, inspect today, offers invited

PELICAN WATERS – Walk to shops and Golden Beach

Price: $619,000Inspect: Sat & Sun 2-2.45pm

Address: 8 St Pauls Avenue, Pelican property code: stpa8Agent: Stuart Cordingley 0419 769 894

• A1 Location – metres from Double Bay Beach, café, restaurant and park

• 5 bedrooms – master with ensuite and walk-in robe, 3 bathrooms + 3 living areas

• Air-con & ceiling fans throughout and double garage

• Low maintenance, 2-level home with everything!

KAWANA ISLAND – Business forces immediate sale

Price: Buyers in $600,000sInspect: Saturday 1-1.45pm

Address: 8 Barbuda Circuit, Kawana property code: PLA764H

Agent: Ian Howcroft 0402 246 791Agent: Bill Howcroft 0431 354 076

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24 My Property Review | June 19, 2009


ALEXANDRA HEADLAND 6/15-17 Edward Street – Inspect by Appointment ”Investor needs this sold” Greg Collis 0432 639 689

BUDDINASAT 3-3.45PM - 3 Sunbird Chase “Commitments Required – Urgent Sale” Greg Collis 0432 639 689

BUDERIMSAT 12-12.45PM - 4 Murray Pines Court “Large Buderim Home, HUGE Block & Pool” Jill Wright 0431 343 715

JUST LISTED – 2/6 Scanlan Court – By Appointment “First Home Buyers Special! Quirky, Semi-detached Unit ” Lisa Storey 0418 247 020 & Samantha Anning 0415 151 762

COES CREEKSAT & SUN 2.30-3.30PM – 16 Chiltern Court “Mortgagee Sale, 5 Bed, Champion Size Tennis Court, Pool” “1700sqm block” Lisa Storey 0418 247 020 & Samantha Anning 0415 151 762

DICKY BEACHJUST LISTED – Unit 32 “Portobello” 6 Beerburrum Street – By Appointment “2 Bed, 2 Bath, Balcony With Sea Breezes” – newly refurbished Lisa Storey 0418 247 020 & Samantha Anning 0415 151 762

KAWANA ISLANDSAT 1-1.45PM – 8 Barbuda Circuit “Business Forces Immediate Sale” Ian Howcroft 0402 246 791 or Bill Howcroft 0431 345 076

SAT 2-2.45PM – 127 Grand Parade “Make Me An Offer” Greg Collis 0432 639 689

SAT 4-4.45PM – 87/7 Grand Parade “St Kitts” “Urgent Sale” Greg Collis 0432 639 689

JUST SOLD – 24 Magnetic Street “Love It – Lock It And Leave It” Steve Turner 0412 679 488 & Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147

JUST SOLD – 18 Malta Place “Looking For Something Different” Ian Howcroft 0402 246 791 or Bill Howcroft 0431 345 076

LITTLE MOUNTAINJUST SOLD – 36/90 Caloundra Road “3 Bed, Detached Home, Pool, Tennis Court, BBQ Area” Lisa Storey 0418 247 020 & Samantha Anning 0415 151 762

MERIDAN PLAINSSAT 1-1.45PM – 75 Kurrajong Crescent “Near New Home, 4 Bed, Side Access, Plenty Of Backyard – 2 separate living areas” Lisa Storey 0418 247 020 & Samantha Anning 0415 151 762

MOOLOOLABA3 Kononda Court – By Appointment “Waterfront Lifestyle – Outstanding Value” Greg Collis 0432 639 689

MOUNTAIN CREEKSAT 11-11.45AM – 5 Malabar Court “4 Bed, Modern Family Home In The Heart Of Mountain Creek” Jill Wright 0431 343 715

JUST SOLD – 79 Glenfields Boulevard “Be Quick To Secure This Huge Family Home In Mountain Creek” Jill Wright 0431 343 715 & Emily Paynter 0409 394 733

WARANAJUST SOLD – 182 Oceanic Drive “Entry Level Beach House” Steve Turner 0412 679 488 & Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147

WURTULLASAT 11-11.45AM – 11 Mizzen Close “Live On The Water’s Edge...Reluctant Sale” Steve Turner 0412 679 488 & Geoff Ohmsen 0412 103 147

Beautiful homes, island escapes and a tropical getaway defi ne this week’s unique property list.

Aroundthe World


Th is six-bedroom home dates from the 1750s. It has been renovated to include modern features such as a rooft op hot tub.

Creekside, Devon

$4 million

Th is remote island is surrounded by crystal clear waters and is the perfect site to build a secluded getaway.

Temotuloto, Fiji

$1.1 million

Th is fi ve-bedroom converted church is situated on 2400 square metres of land and has retained many period features.

Aberdeenshire, England


Located on a one-acre island, this beautiful property features a four-bedroom home, a hot tub, and a private boathouse.

Ontario, Canada

$1.54 million



















Featuring 10 units, a main lodge, tennis court and entertaining area, Harbour View Lodge is a great tropical investment.


Located two hours west of Paris, this old water mill features fi ve bedrooms and a separate caretaker’s cottage.

Centre, France


Vava’u Island group, Tonga

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My Property Review | June 19, 2009 25

exclusive feature

Looking over the pictured artist’s impression and you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s a plan for one of the Coast’s latest unit developments – a stunning

series of homes that share a waterfall and resort-style pool. But you’d be wrong. Th e illustration is for a house and, if you’ve got a cool $8 million lying around, the land and plans could be yours.

Aft er 12 years, the iconic piece of Noosa land, at 62 Park Road in Little Cove, is back on the market. Th e new owners will be buying not just a prestigious piece of real estate, but a slice of local history, which began in the 1950s. Originally the Noosa Park Inn, the site was then home to the Noosa Wave Kiosk before becoming the popular Coco’s Restaurant in the 1980s. In 2000 the restaurant closed its doors to the public and the site soon became derelict, graffi ti-ridden and neglected. Th e building has since been demolished and now the site is available and ready for its next transformation.

Letting go of their prized property is bittersweet for Brian and Christine King, who purchased the land back in 1997 aft er falling in love with the outstanding views.

“It is one of my favourite spots in the world and holds so many happy memories for my husband and me,” Christine says. “Coco’s was my favourite place to go. I initially bought the land with the intention of rebuilding the restaurant and building our home on the top fl oor, but I was told that would be an unsound business decision. Also, I found it would be near impossible to get planning permission for another restaurant on that site. Th e original kiosk and restaurant were built so long ago that the owners didn’t need planning permission. I think it is a waste to leave the land sitting with nothing on it.”

Th is one-of-a-kind location has an estimated price of $7.95 million, setting the benchmark for land of this size in the area. Th e site has planning approval for a single dwelling, duplex or triplex development. Council approvals are in place and plans have already been drawn up for what could possibly be one of Queensland’s most opulent residences – a luxurious four-level, six-bedroom home featuring a pool with a waterfall fl owing down the side of the building to a lower resort-style pool. Th e

house plans come with the block, but they can be altered by the designer, Chris Clout, to suit the buyer’s taste.

Th e 1131-square-metre site is a double block, encompassing the original Coco’s site and the site where the old Boombarra units once stood. Views are extensive from both upper and lower levels and stretch from

Laguna Bay to the Noosa north shore and out to the National Park Point. Th e position is the gateway to the Noosa National Park and its walks to Tea Tree Bay, Granite Bay, Hells Gates and Alexandria Bay. Noosa Main Beach and Hastings Street are a 10-minute walk along the boardwalk.

Originally from the UK, via Hong Kong, Christine and Brian (whose background is in real estate and commercial fl ying) moved to Noosa permanently about 12 years ago and opened jewellery stores in Noosa and Sunshine Plaza. Overseas business interests are drawing the couple back to Hong Kong and so they are forced to let go of the plans for their dream home. Th eir hope is that someone will purchase the property and carry out their dream.

“I want someone to buy the land, build a beautiful home and truly enjoy it,” Christine says. “It is such a magical place that it deserves to be a beautiful home for a family. It is the best location in the world and will make an amazing home site.” To fi nd out more, email Christine on

One of the country’s most prestigious properties is on the market, and MPR has the exclusive story on this Noosa address.

One in 8 millionThis is a house…

…and this is the view

It is such a magical place that it deserves to be a beautiful home for a family. It is the best location

in the world and will make an amazing home site

“ “

Artist’s impression

Artist’s impression

Th e Noosa Wave Kiosk and Headland Flats in 1968.Photo: Gary Clist Collection. Others available at Th e Big Shell, Tewantin.

by Jessica Ainscough

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Wim Bannink 0411 748 822 or 5456 0221 Marketing Consultant

INSPECT Sat 1-2pm & Wed 6-6.30pm or by appointment

PRICE By negotiation

WEB ID#1270272

26 Atherton Close BUDERIMLUXURY MANSION IN TROPICAL SANCTUARY - Totally private & unique open plan living, with 3 indoor plus outdoor living areas – 2 dining areas

- Billiard room with bar & huge home office (or Guest suite) with own en-suite

- Magnificent granite kitchen with luxury appliances and unique lounge with built-in large screen theatre surround system

- Massive master with his & hers walk-in dressing rooms, spa en-suite , sep. toilet

- Separate Guest room with en-suite, bath & sep. toilet

- Complete security system & 12V dimmable downlights throughout

- Fully automated solar heated pool & fully ducted/zoned heating & cooling

- Large double garage with wall to wall storage & on-site parking for 6

- Close to the best schools, university, restaurants, shops and mins. to beach

26 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

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87b Glenmount Road BUDERIM

LOCATION, VIEWS AND PRIVACY Here is an opportunity to own a spectacular Buderim acreage property set on elevated position and enjoying unhindered ocean views.

Viewing is essential to appreciate all that fantastic home has to offer.


entertaining and pool area


(ideal work from home)

Buderim Village

Buderim acreage



David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 123 or 5456 0244 Sales ConsultantINSPECT Saturday 11-11.45amAUCTION In-rooms June 23

at 6pm Garry Crick Mercedes M’dore ID# 1268272

19 Aquarius Place ALEX HEADS


committed elsewhere and our instructions are clear – sell this home!


delightful pool and gas heated spa

auction time frame



David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 123 or 5456 0244 Sales ConsultantINSPECT Sat 2-2.45pmAUCTION In-rooms June 23

at 6pm Garry Crick Mercedes M’dore ID# 1268890

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BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill Street

NAMBOUR 5441 7008Cnr Currie & Howard StsExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins


INSPECT :: Saturday 2-2.30pm

AUCTION :: In-rooms June 23 at 6pm Garry Crick Mercedes M’dore

WEB :: ID# 1252734

CONTACT :: Grant Cheatham 0411 467 917



INSPECT :: Call Agent

AUCTION :: In-rooms June 23 at 6pm Garry Crick Mercedes M’dore

WEB :: ID# 1238812

CONTACT :: David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 123 or 5456 0244



INSPECT :: Saturday 11-11.30am

AUCTION :: In-rooms June 23 at 6pm Garry Crick Mercedes M’dore

WEB :: ID# 1268435

CONTACT :: Brendan Neil 0414 815 512


28 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

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My Property Review | June 19, 2009 29

BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill Street

NAMBOUR 5441 7008Cnr Currie & Howard StsExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins

A ¼ ACRE IN RAINFOREST SANCTUARY!If location, space and ease of living are important to you, this great family home is sure to appeal. Set on an enormous ¼ acre block and privately screened with a decorative wall, this imposing, solidly built property just ticks so many boxes. There is masses of room for the kids to play safely plus a large area which is accessed through double gates ideal for boat, caravan or large shed / workshop. Other features include:

INSPECT :: Saturday 12-12.45pm

PRICE :: $725,000

WEB :: ID# 1270035

CONTACT :: David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 123 or 5456 0244



INSPECT :: Sunday 2.45-3.30pm

PRICE :: $449,000

WEB :: ID# 1261286

CONTACT :: Jackie Marker 0406 995 055

CREEKWOOD ESTATE 33 Elvena Circuit 4 2 2


by trees

INSPECT :: Saturday 12-12.45pm

AUCTION :: In-rooms June 23 at 6pm Garry Crick Mercedes M’dore

WEB :: ID# 1231705

CONTACT :: Russell Dell 0400 409 000

BUDERIM 6 Cooba Close 3 2 2


AUCTION :: In-rooms June 23 at 6pm Garry Crick Mercedes M’dore

WEB :: ID# 1268314

CONTACT :: Kirk Patrick 0439 395 599 / 5456 0222


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BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill Street

NAMBOUR 5441 7008Cnr Currie & Howard StsExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins

Australia’s Premier RE/MAX Agent Michael Knights


INSPECT :: Saturday 1-1.30pm & Wednesday 23rd June 4-4.30pm

AUCTION :: In-rooms June 23 at 6pm Garry Crick Mercedes M’dore

WEB :: ID# 1264549

CONTACT :: Michael Knights 0409 018 778



INSPECT :: Saturday 12-12.30pm & Wednesday 23rd June 3-3.30pm

AUCTION :: In-rooms June 23 at 6pm Garry Crick Mercedes M’dore

WEB :: ID# 1263623

CONTACT :: Michael Knights 0409 018 778

ALEX HEADLAND 2 + study 1 2



PRICE :: $$$ – All Offers Considered – Buy A Bargain

WEB :: ID# 1268393

CONTACT :: Michael Knights 0409 018 778



INSPECT :: Saturday 11-11.30am

AUCTION :: On Site July 4 at 3.30pm

WEB :: ID# 1269089

CONTACT :: Michael Knights 0409 018 778

30 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

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BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill Street

NAMBOUR 5441 7008Cnr Currie & Howard StsExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins

WURTULLA 6 Karunda Street 555 sqm block


Don’t miss this opportunity – cheapest surfside dirt

INSPECT :: Any time

AUCTION :: On Site June 27 at 4pm

WEB :: ID# 1268291

CONTACT :: Michael Knights 0409 018 778


INSPECT :: Sat & Sun 1-1.30pm

PRICE :: $499,000

WEB :: ID# 1270690

CONTACT :: Keven & Debra Hyde 0413 259 353 or 5438 5218



INSPECT :: By Appointment

PRICE :: Buyers Over $340,000

WEB :: ID# 1242801

CONTACT :: Michael Knights 0409 018 778



PRICE :: Sale By Negotiation Around $350,000

WEB :: ID# 1254327

CONTACT :: Michael Knights 0409 018 778



INSPECT :: Sunday 12-12.45pm

PRICE :: $569,000

WEB :: ID# 1264048

CONTACT :: Jackie Marker 0406 995 055



or by appointment

PRICE :: $399,000

WEB :: ID# 1268727

CONTACT :: Jackie Marker 0406 995 055


My Property Review | June 19, 2009 31

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PERFECT FAMILY HOMEPerfectly located with just a short walk to shops

schools and sporting fields. You will love the

convenience of this location. The family can spread

out and have privacy and seclusion when needed,

when entertaining get together by the outdoor area

with built-in BBQ and pool that the family will love.

INSPECT :: Saturday 1-1.45pm

AUCTION :: Saturday 18th July at 12.30pm

WEB :: ID# 1269870

CONTACT :: Darren Rix 0416 188 259

SIPPY DOWNS 3 Franklin Place 4 2 2

BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill Street

NAMBOUR 5441 7008Cnr Currie & Howard StsExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins


business, guest accommodation or teenage retreat

space. Quality home on usable acreage with town water in a sought after location!

INSPECT :: Saturday 12-12.45pm

PRICE :: $875,000

WEB :: ID# 1267575

CONTACT :: Fiona Browne 0416 151 204



perfect for a teenage retreat or home business

INSPECT :: Saturday 1-1.45pm

PRICE :: $498,000

WEB :: ID# 1265496

CONTACT :: Fiona Browne 0416 151 204



INSPECT :: Saturday 11-11.30am

PRICE :: $280,000

WEB :: ID# 1267841

CONTACT :: Vicki Flint 0438 451 410



living area, large walk-in-pantry and a solar hot water system

all amenities. This is the perfect country retreat

INSPECT :: Saturday 2-2.45pm

PRICE :: $430,000

WEB :: ID# 1269040

CONTACT :: Fiona Browne 0416 151 204



INSPECT :: Saturday 1-1.30pm

AUCTION :: Sunday 28th June at 3pm

WEB :: ID# 1270163

CONTACT :: Vicki Flint 0438 451 410



INSPECT :: Saturday 1-1.45pm

PRICE :: $369,000

CONTACT :: Nev Mayfield 0418 713 932



INSPECT :: Saturday 12-12.30pm

PRICE :: $520,000

WEB :: ID# 1268200

CONTACT :: Vicki Flint 0438 451 410


32 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

Page 32.indd 1 16/06/2009 12:40:56 PM

BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill Street

NAMBOUR 5441 7008Cnr Currie & Howard StsExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins


PRICE :: $565,000

WEB :: ID# 1255699

CONTACT :: Steve G Pery 5441 3784 or 0448 884 093



PRICE :: $459,000

WEB :: ID# 1269051

CONTACT :: Steve G Pery 5441 3784 or 0448 884 093

BLI BLI 4 2 2


or by appointment

PRICE :: $620,000

WEB :: ID# 1269049

CONTACT :: Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 790 or 0413 002 330



PRICE :: $325,0000

WEB :: ID# 1265209

CONTACT :: Chrissy Hamley 0409 575 361 or Paul Price 0402 831 330



PRICE :: $695,000

WEB :: ID# 1264836

CONTACT :: Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 257 or 5456 0219

BUDERIM 4+ 2 2

RARE BUDERIM FIND – VACANT LAND 1211SQMINSPECT :: Any time by appointment

PRICE :: $385,000

WEB :: ID# 1269052

CONTACT :: Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 790 or 0413 002 330



or by appointment

PRICE :: $380,000

WEB :: ID# 1265010

CONTACT :: Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 790 or 0413 002 330



INSPECT :: Saturday 11.30-12.30pm

PRICE :: Mid to low $600,000s

CONTACT :: Steve Perry Lifestyle Acreage Specialist 0418 711 955 or 5450 86 74


My Property Review | June 19, 2009 33

Page 33.indd 1 16/06/2009 12:29:08 PM

BUDERIM 5445 672239 Main Street

CALOUNDRA 5438 522279 Bulcock Street

MOOLOOLABA 5452 4555103 Brisbane Road

COOLUM 5455 16005/21-37 Birtwill Street

NAMBOUR 5441 7008Cnr Currie & Howard StsExceed Expectations - Everybody Wins

MAROOCHYDORE Unit 11/12 Parker St 2 2 1


INSPECT :: Saturday 12.30-1.15pm

PRICE :: Offers over $340,000

WEB :: ID# 1267882

CONTACT :: Donna-Lee Foster 0422 230 896

Alexandra Headland19 Aquarius Place SATURDAY 2 - 2.45PM

David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 123

Bli Bli25 Bellevue Street SAT & SUN 12 - 12.45PM

2 Steve G Pery 0448 884 093

Buderim50 Mons Road SATURDAY 11 - 11.45AM

Paul Becker 0401 024 010 Donna Danger 0412 152 67667 Ballinger Road SATURDAY 11 - 11.30AM

Brendan Neil 0414 815 51287b Glenmount Road SAURDAY 11 - 11.45PM

David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 1232 Goomburra Place SATURDAY 12 - 12.45PM

2 David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 12319 Nirvana Crescent SAT & SUN 12 - 12.30PM

Kirk Patrick 0439 395 599 / 5456 022220 Springbrook Grove SATURDAY 12 - 12.45PM

Bevan Horsnell 0412 512 2576 Cooba Close SATURDAY 12 - 12.45PM

Russell Dell 0400 409 00023 Figbird Crescent SAT & SUN 1 - 1.45PM

Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 7903 Jakeman Drive SATURDAY 1 - 1.30PM

Vicki Flint 0438 451 410

26 Atherton Close SAT 1 - 2PM & WED 6 - 6.30PM

Wim Bannink 0411 748 82290 Jones Road SATURDAY 2 - 2.30PM

Grant Cheatham 0411 467 917

Creekwood Estate33 Elvena Circuit, SUNDAY 2.45 - 3.30PM

Jackie Marker 0406 995 055

COES CREEK21 Pease Blossom Street SATURDAY 1 - 1.45PM

Nev Mayfield 0418 713 932

Diddillibah17 Mangovale Crescent SATURDAY 11.30 - 12.30PM

Steve Perry Lifestyle Acreage Specialist 0418 711 955

Dicky Beach5 Mellum Court SAT & SUN 1 - 1.30PM

Keven and Debra Hyde 5438 5218 or 0413 259 353

Diddillibah 56 River Gum Drive SATURDAY 12 - 12.45PM

Fiona Browne 0416 151 204

Kawana Forest8 Geebung Court SUNDAY 12 - 12.45PM

Jackie Marker 0406 995 05514 Silkpod Street SUNDAY 1 - 1.45PM

Jackie Marker 0406 995 055

Kiels Mountain12 Kentish Road SATURDAY 11 - 11.30AM

Michael Knights 0409 018 778

Ninderry / Yandina2 to 12 Old Coach Way SATURDAY 10 - 11AM

2 Steve G Pery 0448 884 093

Pelican Waters16 Kalowendha Avenue SATURDAY 3 - 3.30PM

Keven & Debra Hyde 5438 5218 or 0413 259 353

Sippy Downs3 Franklin Place SATURDAY 1 - 1.45PM

Darren Rix 0416 188 259

West Woombye2 Shekinah Court SATURDAY 2 - 2.45PM

Fiona Browne 0416 151 204

Woombye10 Keil Street SATURDAY 1 - 1.45PM

Fiona Browne 0416 151 204

Wurtulla17/19/21 Cutter Street SATURDAY 2 - 3PM

Michael Knights 0409 018 778

Alexandra HeadlandsUnit 263 “Alexandra Beach Resort” INSPECT BY APPOINTMENT

Chrissy Hamley 0409 575 361 or Paul Price 0402 831 330

2/88 Tantula Road West SATURDAY 12 - 12.30PM

Michael Knights 0409 018 778

Buddina5/10 Pacific Boulevard - Mariner Point SATURDAY 1 - 1.30PM

Michael Knights 0409 018 778

Buderim71/18 North Buderim Boulevard SATURDAY 11 - 11.30AM

Vicki Flint 0438 451 4107/22 Amaroo Drive SATURDAY 12 - 12.30PM

Vicki Flint 0438 451 410“Sea Aura” 7/143 Burnett Street SAT & SUN 2 - 2.45PM

Jan & Andrew Withers 0403 737 790

Marcoola27/130 Mudjimba Esplanade SATURDAY 2 - 2.30PM

Michael Knights 0409 018 778

MaroochydoreUnit 21 & 22 “Regent’s Landing No 1” 19 Arwen Street SAT & SUN 10.30 - 11.30AM

Jenni Laughlin 0407 439 53111/12 Parker Street SATURDAY 12.30 - 1.15PM

Donna-Lee Foster 0422 230 896Unit 49 “Regents Landing” 19 Arwen St SATURDAY 1 - 1.30PM

Chrissy Hamley 0409 575 361 Paul Price 0402 831 330

Mooloolaba“Nautilus Resort” 32 River Esplanade SATURDAY 1 - 1.45PM

Jenni Laughlin 0407 439 531


34 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

Page 34.indd 1 16/06/2009 1:25:44 PM Unit 49 “Regents Landing” 19 Arwen Street 2 1 1


AUCTION :: In-rooms June 23 at 6pm Garry Crick Mercedes M’dore

WEB :: ID# 1260531

CONTACT :: Chrissy Hamley 0409 575361 Paul Price 0402 831330

My Property Review | June 19, 2009 35

SOLD INSIDE 7 DAYS!going... going... GONE!


To get it SOLD callDonna Conrad NOW

0401 502 078

20 Mimosa Crescent CURRIMUNDI Unit 102/13 Nicklin Way MINYAMA 5 Manor Court LITTLE MOUNTAIN


Exceed Expectations - Everybody Wins

property reviews

Th is north-east-facing apartment has two oversized bedrooms, plus an ensuite. It is fully furnished and would be ideal for someone looking for an aff ordable waterfront holiday apartment where everything is at your fi ngertips.

Th is elevated unit off ers panoramic ocean views from its expansive wraparound balcony. Th is is a large four-bedroom two-bathroom apartment that off ers plenty of cupboard space in the kitchen, plus a large storage area and two space for cars. It is in a small residential complex of 11 units.

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

Unit 31 ‘Northcliffe’, 48-50 Duporth Avenue, Maroochydore2 bed, 2 bath, 1 carAuction June 27 @ 1pmMaroochydore First National 5479 6600Karen Barker 0418 572 676

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

5/26 Buderim Avenue, Alexandra Headland 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car$895,000Raine & Horne Kawana Waters 5477 7500Ann Jelf 0413 335 541

Waterfront Maroochydore unit Alexandra Headland unit

Page 35.indd 1 17/06/2009 9:04:35 AM

36 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

Being Painted Now And Ready To GoMAROOCHYDORE 6/71 Bradman Ave

VIEW Saturday and Sunday 1-2pm PRICE $399,000INTERNET ID 105712666ANN JELF 0413 335 541Kawana Waters 5477 7500

3 2 1

Room For Boat Or Caravan

VIEW Saturday & Sunday 11am-12 noon AUCTION On Site11 July at 12 noonINTERNET ID 105809494ANN JELF 0413335541Kawana Waters 5477 7500

3 1 1 + Pool

Lifestyle, Location, Security

VIEW Saturday & Sunday 1.30-2pm SET SALE® OFFERS CLOSE 29TH JUNE UNLESS SOLD PRIORBUYER INQUIRY RANGE® $335,000 - $410,000 VALUE AT $370,000INTERNET ID 105777190KERRI JOHNSTON 0424 142 144Caloundra 5436 8117

3 2+ 2 we’ll look after you®

market tracker

A list of what’s recently sold on the Coast

65/188 Alexandra Parade, Alex HeadlandPrice: $337,000Features: 1 bed, 1 bath, 1 bathAgency: RE/MAX MooloolabaSales Agent: Jenni Laughlin

34/274 Alexandra Parade, Alex HeadlandPrice: $275,000Features: 1 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: Kevin Hyde

13/2A Albatross Avenue, AroonaPrice: $320,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: Kevin Hyde

32 Sanderling Street, AroonaPrice: $427,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: Rob Whiting

8 Bellevue Street, Bli BliPrice: $450,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX BuderimSales Agent: Steve G Pery

210 Oceanic Drive, BokarinaPrice: $585,000Features: 1 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: Go Gecko CaloundraSales Agents: Shane Strong & Emma Wallace

5 Leah Close, BuderimPrice: $650,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX BuderimSales Agent: Shelly Evans

14 Redgum Street, BuderimPrice: $348,000Features: 4 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: RE/MAX MooloolabaSales Agent: Warren Chapman

17/13 Townsend Road, BuderimPrice: $288,000Features: 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: RE/MAX MooloolabaSales Agent: Grant Cheatham

14 Wren Crescent, BuderimPrice: $355,000Features: 3 bed, 2 bath, 1 carAgency: Mooloolaba RESales Agents: Henry & Nina

3 Bower Street, CaloundraPrice: $419,896Features: 3 bed, 2 bath, 1 carAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: Michael Kettle

6 Rufous Court, CaloundraPrice: $420,000Features: 4 bed, 3 bath, 2 carAgency: Go Gecko CaloundraSales Agents: Shane Strong & Emma Wallace

Shed 7, 23 Enterprise St, Caloundra WestPrice: $800,000Features: WarehouseAgency: COMMERCIALFN.COMSales Agent: Robert Webber

Lot 1461 Feathertop Cct, Caloundra WestPrice: $430,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: John Guest

4 Spindrift Avenue, Coolum BeachPrice: $510,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX CoolumSales Agent: Dianne Swan

12 Cedar Court, CurrimundiPrice: $405,000Features: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX BuderimSales Agent: Fiona Browne

5 Saffron Drive, CurrimundiPrice: $380,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 2 carAgency: Go Gecko Caloundra

Sales Agents: Shane Strong & Emma Wallace

17 Tibouchina Place, CurrimundiPrice: $360,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: Go Gecko CaloundraSales Agents: Shane Strong & Emma Wallace

79 Cooroora Street, Dicky BeachPrice: $410,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: Keven Hyde

Lot 6 Sawreys Road, Forest GlenPrice: $440,000Features: LandAgency: RE/MAX MooloolabaSales Agent: Fiona Louie

16 Beattie Street, Golden BeachPrice: $670,000Features: 5 bed, 4 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: Brian Jones

14 Whitsunday Street, Kawana IslandPrice: $480,000Features: 3 bed, 2 bath, 1 carAgency: Raine & Horne KawanaSales Agents: Steve Kealey & Julie Coffey

>$1 million$500,000 – $1 million<$500,000

continued page 38 >

Page 36.indd 1 16/06/2009 2:12:01 PM

Affordable Waterfront Luxury KAWANA ISLAND 7/51 Grand Parade “Island Quays”We are very proud to present this very well-appointed three bedroom ground-floor luxury apartment with expansive north easterly views.The huge landscaped deck is the perfect spot for entertaining...

BBQ area

VIEW Saturday & Sunday 11-11.45amPRICE $690,000INTERNET ID 105529858WARREN SELVAGE 0411 433 500, KERRY CROOK 0400 454 351Kawana Waters 5477 7500

3 2 2 + Pool

Trendy EntertainerMERIDAN PLAINS 50 Kurrajong Crescent

VIEW Saturday 1-1.30pm PRICE Low $400,000s INTERNET ID 105381370JULIE COFFEY 0416 141 065 STEVE KEALEY 0437 935 369Kawana Waters 5477 7500

3 2 2 + Pool

As Big As A Castle!

Does your family need a home with p-l-e-n-t-y of space? Then you absolutely need to look at this ultra-spacious



VIEW Saturday 1-1.30pm PRICE Make an offerINTERNET ID 105771320PETER COX 0413 134 884Kawana Waters 5477 7500

6+ 3 + Pool

Circumstances Force Sale

Disregard all previous price indications as our

property must be sold at auction. This beachside home is perfectly located within a stones throw of the surf beaches of Kawana and central to Kawana Surf Club and the Kawana Shopping Centre. The home itself offers

block with side access and plenty of room for a pool. The property also comes with development potential and is

or combination of both.


VIEW Saturday 12-12.30pm AUCTION On Site July 4 at 12 noonINTERNET ID 105800194JULIE COFFEY 0416 141 065 STEVE KEALEY 0437 935 369Kawana Waters 5477 7500

3 1 2

No Exit Fees – Low Body Corp

4 Caloundra Road

active lifestyle in your very own air-conditioned




VIEW Saturday 11-11.30am PRICE $329,000INTERNET ID 105784979JULIE COFFEY 0416 141 065 STEVE KEALEY 0437 935 369Kawana Waters 5477 7500

2 1.5 1 we’ll look after you®

Urban Chic

VIEW Saturday 11-11.30am PRICE Offers over $499,000INTERNET ID 105710210JULIE COFFEY 0416 141 065 STEVE KEALEY 0437 935 369Kawana Waters 5477 7500

3 3 2

My Property Review | June 19, 2009 37

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38 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

Inspect Sat

12 - 12.45pm

Have your holidays and make money too!14 Culbara Street, Mooloolaba

3 + sunroom 2 2.5

Ideally set up with brilliant holiday nett returns Make the most of a holiday lifestyle on this beautiful Broadwater Idyllic harbour offers relaxed, easy living with great fishing, swimming and boatingDirect, safe deepwater access Easy walking distance to the famed Mooloolaba beachfront with patrolled beaches, cafes and restaurants

$1,295,000Trevor & Glenys Martin 0400 818 777

+ Jetty, Pontoon & Boat Ramp

Great time to profit from Sellers situation!25 Myoora Court, Minyama

4 2 2

Only 9 years young, vacant and ready for a smart buyer! Open plan living, well appointed kitchen and spacious family room leading to the undercover outdoor entertaining area Master bedroom with large ensuite and spa, and cedar shutters that open up to enjoy the water views from your bedside Glistening inground pool with water feature, and large pontoon with deepwater ocean access

$1,195,000Trevor & Glenys Martin 0400 818 777

+ Pool & Pontoon

Inspect Sat

11 - 11.45am

Inspect Sat

12 - 12.45pm

market tracker

12 Athenree Place, Little MountainPrice: $385,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: Andrew King

Lot 7 Sunset Drive, Little MountainPrice: $520,000Features: LandAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: Michael Kettle

63 Boronia Crescent, MarcoolaPrice: $419,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bathAgency: RE/MAX CoolumSales Agent: Bradley Muffet

4/47 Dalton Drive, MaroochydorePrice: $320,000Features: 3 bed, 2 bath, 1 carAgency: RE/MAX MooloolabaSales Agent: Grant Cheatham

7 Liffy Court, MaroochydorePrice: $422,500Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 2 carAgency: Go Gecko CaloundraSales Agents: Shane Strong & Emma Wallace

12 Kirra Road, Maroochy RiverPrice: $860,000Features: 4 bed, 3 bath, 3 carAgency: Go Gecko CaloundraSales Agents: Shane Strong & Emma Wallace

13 Brushbox Place, Meridan PlainsPrice: $430,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: Jackie Marker

10 Cottonwood Street, Meridan PlainsPrice: $665,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: Jackie Marker

51 Coomaroo Crescent, MinyamaPrice: $1.11 millionFeatures: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: Raine & Horne KawanaSales Agent: Ann Jelf

214/26 Saint Vincents Court, MinyamaPrice: $277,500Features: 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: RE/MAX MooloolabaSales Agent: Phil Morgan

37 Buccleugh Street, Moffat BeachPrice: $435,500Features: 3 bed, 2 bath, 1 carAgency: Webbers First NationalSales Agents: James Reynolds & Peter Morrison

37 Balyarta Crescent, MooloolabaPrice: $660,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX BuderimSales Agent: Vicki Flint

24 Poinciana Avenue, MooloolabaPrice: $498,000Features: 3 bed, 2 bathAgency: RE/MAX BuderimSales Agent: Brendan Neil

55 Escolar Drive, Mountain CreekPrice: $615,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: RE/MAX BuderimSales Agent: Russell Dell

44 City View Terrace, NambourPrice: $330,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: RE/MAX BuderimSales Agent: Steve G Pery

37 Laxton Road, PalmviewPrice: $515,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 4 carAgency: RE/MAX MooloolabaSales Agent: Michael Knights

142 McKees Road, PalmwoodsPrice: $455,000Features: 2 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAgency: Elders PalmwoodsSales Agent: Mike Burns

29 Stanley Street, PalmwoodsPrice: $450,000Features: 5 bed, 3 bath, 2 carAgency: Elders PalmwoodsSales Agent: Mike Burns

6 Chesterton Court, Sippy DownsPrice: $367,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 2 carAgency: Go Gecko CaloundraSales Agents: Shane Strong & Emma Wallace

139 Main Creek Road, TanawhaPrice: $475,000Features: LandAgency: RE/MAX BuderimSales Agent: Markeeta Culley

Apartment 10 ‘Water Gallery’, 20 Anchorage Circuit, Twin WatersPrice: $630,000Features: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: Lend Lease RealtySales Agent: Joel Fyfe

3 Mariner Place, Twin WatersPrice: $532,500Features: 3+ bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: LJ Hooker Twin WatersSales Agent: Grant Ormrod

50/80 North Shore Road, Twin WatersPrice: $485,000Features: 3 bed, 2 bath, 1 carAgency: RE/MAX CaloundraSales Agent: Peter Hill

165 Nicklin Way, WaranaPrice: $395,000Features: 3 bed, 1 bath, 5 carAgency: Property TodaySales Agent: Serg Gubecka

35 Cobbs Road, WoombyePrice: $530,000Features: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: Woombye Real EstateSales Agent: Helen Turner

8 Paynter Park Drive, WoombyePrice: $405,000Features: 3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: Harcourts NambourSales Agent: Andrew Mellish

3 Ridgeview Place, WoombyePrice: $440,000Features: 4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAgency: Woombye Real EstateSales Agent: Helen Turner

49 Wappa Falls Road, YandinaPrice: $460,000Features: 3 bed, 2 bath, 4 carAgency: RE/MAXSales Agent: Steve G Pery

Lot 16 Whitehaven at Beachside, Hyatt Coolum, 1381 David Low Way, YaroombaPrice: $350,000Features: LandAgency: Lend Lease Realty

>$1 million$500,000 – $1 million<$500,000

*As supplied by contributing real estate agencies

< from page 36

Page 38.indd 1 17/06/2009 9:07:58 AM

A Picture of Style and Sustainability47 Tamin Place, Maroochy River

5 4 3

+ Home Office & Studio

This innovative designer home on a 5007m² allotment has reached completion and is now on the market for the first time.

Situated in a secluded cul-de-sac, "47 On Tamin" is a luxurious 500m² Pavilion style home that blends the beauty of its surroundings with practical, modern, and spacious interiors.

"47 On Tamin" is a custom built, one of a kind home. The fit and finish of this property is in a word spectacular.

There is absolutely nothing for the new owners to do except move in, relax and enjoy the unspoilt views which encompass the Maroochy River, Mt Coolum, out to the Pacific Ocean all the way to the horizon.

This home certainly caters for the largest of families.

Call me now to inspect this exquisite home.If you wish to view this property, just use this link

Auction Saturday 27th June On Site at 12 Midday if not sold prior

Jeremy Burns 0438 306 466

Inspect Sat

11-12, Wed 4-5pm

My Property Review | June 19, 2009 39

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40 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

9/20 Anchorage Circuit, ‘Water Gallery’, Twin Waters

Situated on the top level with a beautiful northerly aspect is this luxury residence boasting sensational views across the canal. Comprising of 2 bedrooms plus study, a bright and airy living area and well-appointed kitchen with quality European appliances. Enjoy the living area which flows out to your covered outdoor deck area, perfect for a lazy afternoon BBQ. Located within the gated community of ‘Water Gallery’.

Great Views – Fantastic Location!22+ 2

Auction Saturday 4th July 2009 @ 12.30pm

View Saturday & Sunday @ 12-12.30pm

Contact Grant Ormrod 0412 374 787

LJ Hooker Twin Waters 5450 6188Twin Waters Shopping Village, Ocean Drive, QLD 4564

15 Hetherington Drive, Twin Waters – New Listing

This home boasts a welcoming feel and fantastic views across the championship golf course. Comprising 3 separate living areas, you can choose from the spacious formal living/ dining area, casual family room or media room. The master bedroom is huge with magnificent ensuite and WIR. The hostess kitchen is beautifully done with Caesar stone bench tops. Set in the exclusive ‘Fairways Island’ precinct of the Twin Waters master planned community.

The Complete Package...24+ 2

Price Low To Mid $800,000s

View Saturday & Sunday @ 1-1.30pm

Contact Grant Ormrod 0412 374 787

LJ Hooker Twin Waters 5450 6188Twin Waters Shopping Village, Ocean Drive, QLD 4564

news & views

In the name of charity An expert in action

Mechanical heart

New recruits

A snapshot of who’s doing what in the industryA number of local agents are participating in some forthcoming charitable events taking place on the Coast.

Eric Annett from Leading Edge Real Estate in Nambour is participating in the Ride For Daniel, a 50-kilometre ride that starts at the Big Pineapple and winds up the hinterland before fi nishing at the Ettamogah Pub. Th e ride takes place on Sunday June 21 and is in honour of missing local teenager Daniel Morcombe. It aims to raise the level of awareness for child safety and protection.

As part of the 10-week lead up to this year’s Bridge to Brisbane, Heart Foundation Ambassador Matt O’Grady of Ken Guy Noosa participated in the 15-minute skipping challenge overseen by the Heart Foundation Jump Rope for Heart skipping squad on Friday June 12, in Brisbane. Matt became an ambassador for the Heart Foundation aft er his son had heart surgery to correct a congenital defect. He is raising funds for the Bridge to Brisbane run, which will take place on August 30.

One of the country’s leading auctioneers will be swinging his gavel here on the Coast this Saturday. Industry trainer and 2004 REIQ Auctioneer of the Year Dane Atherton is auctioning two properties for agents Minka Jenkins and Gaby McEwan of Ken Guy Maroochydore. Th e fi rst auction at 18 Pandanus Street in Mudjimba kicks off at 2.30pm, while the Chevallum auction at 178 Dales Road will commence at 4pm. It’s rare to see Dane conducting auctions here, so it will be worth seeing such an expert in action.

It’s great news to hear that Les Hadlow from Woombye Real Estate is recovering well from his third open-heart operation. Th e surgery involved replacing some bypasses and inserting a mechanical valve. Les is quick to add that aft er three weeks of rest he’ll be back in the offi ce. “If I was any tougher, I’d rust,” he says.

Aft er four years working in residential sales in Maroochydore, Susan Austin has made the move to Pelican Waters to work with Henzells Agency. She says the move was an easy one to make. “Henzells has the right marketing, technology and training to give our clients an advantage in today’s market. Th eir systems lay a solid foundation to help their clients achieve the maximum price the market is willing to pay.” Susan has built an excellent reputation as a leading sales agent and looks forward to continuing her career in her own backyard at Pelican Waters.

Long-standing Sunshine Coast real estate personality Eric Murray has returned to the industry. Eric achieved many accolades as a principal and business owner of one of the most successful Professionals real estate agencies in

Australia at Kawana Waters. Eric and his wife Amanda sold the business and travelled

before returning to the Coast. Eric has joined Henzells Agency at Caloundra.

Paul Scott has been a licensed selling consultant since the early 1980s and operated his own real estate business in Tasmania, selling an array of property types including huge farms, vacant lots and suburban residential homes. Paul has brought his vast experience and selling know-how to the Sunshine Coast as part of the team at Carolans First National in Nambour.

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Page 40.indd 1 17/06/2009 9:13:50 AM

p: 07 5412 1600 e: ‘Holbrook House’ 48-50 Sugar Road, Maroochydorep: 07 5412 1600 e: ‘Holbrook House’ 48-50 Sugar Road, Maroochydore

5 + Offi ce 3 2 12,050m²




Family Living At Its Best!

2 Sundown Close, Tanawha

Level north facing properties rarely last long within the ‘dress circle’ of Tanawha. Elevated and positioned on a mind blowing 12,050m² is this new designer home complete with its very own exclusive rainforest on the title with the possibility of sub-dividing at a later date. Prior offers considered.

Auction 27/6/09 at 3pm Jamie Holbrook 0418 500 081

My Property Review | June 19, 2009 41

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42 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

p: 07 5412 1600 e: ‘Holbrook House’ 48-50 Sugar Road, Maroochydorep: 07 5412 1600 e: ‘Holbrook House’ 48-50 Sugar Road, Maroochydore

North Facing Liquidation Sale30 Tepequar Dr, Maroochydore

This solid home with three large separate living areas has the bones to become something amazing! The property features a boat shed, a 6m deck and a 12m x 3.5m pontoon with jet-ski lift and boat winch. The instructions are to sell on or before the auction day so present your offer now!

Auction 11/7/09 at 1pmJamie Holbrook 0418 500 081

3 + offi ce 2 2+ Pontoon




Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agents:

36 Edwin Road3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carJune 14 Currently in negotiation.Elders Palmwoods 5478 9122Judy Barton 0401 157 885 &Mike Burns 0418 991 702

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agent:

17 Coora Crescent4 bed, 1 bathJune 12 Passed in at $320,000. Henzells AgencyMclean Henzell 0438 620 007

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:

Sales agent:

22 Nicklin Road4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carSaturday June 13 Passed in. On the market for $459,000.Maroochydore First National 5409 9915Karen Barker 0418 572 676

Features:Auction date:Result: Agency:Sales agent:

52 Sir Joseph Banks Drive4 bed, 5 bath, 2 car, 1 offi ceJune 12 Sold for $2.1 million.Henzells AgencyDebbie Shellshear 0402 116 110

Features:Auction date:Result:Agency:

Sales agents:

Unit 48 ‘St Kitts’, 7 Grand Parade3 bed, 2 bath, 2 carJune 13 Currently in negotiation. Waterfront & Coastal Property 5444 6400Ian Baker 0409 570 231 &Nigel Baker 0409 511 622

Features:Auction date:Result:Agency:

Sales agent:

34 Needham Court, Kiels Mountain4 bed, 1 bath, 1 carSaturday June 13 Under contract prior to auction.Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUYRebecca Nolan 0404 866 358

Features:Auction date:Result:

Agency:Sales agent:

94/151 Mudjimba Beach Road3 bed, 2 bath, 1 carJune 13 Passed in. Looking for offers over $310,000.Property Today Serg Gubecka 0410 557 975

87b Glenmount Road, BuderimContact: David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 12390 Jones Road, BuderimContact: Grant Cheatham 0411 467 91719 Nirvana Crescent, BuderimContact: Kirk Patrick 0439 395 5995/10 Pacifi c Boulevard, BuddinaContact: Michael Knights 0409 018 77849/19 Arwen Street, MaroochydoreContact: Paul Price 0402 831 330

178 Dales Road, ChevallumAuction details: On site Saturday June 20 @ 4pmAgency: Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUYContact: Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116 or Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063

Unit 22 ‘Cirrus Apartments’, 39 Canberra Terrace, Kings BeachAuction details: On site Friday June 26 @ 4pmAgency: Henzells AgencyContact: Matt Glynn 0404 315 066

23 Highclare Court, Little MountainAuction details: On site Sunday June 21 @ 2pmAgency: RealWay CaloundraContact: Darren Ide 0408 549 457 or Ryan Morriss 0404 657 343

21 Pinewood Street, Little MountainAuction details: On site Sunday June 21 @ 3pmAgency: RealWay CaloundraContact: Darren Ide 0408 549 457 or Ryan Morriss 0404 657 343

18 Pandanus Street, MudjimbaAuction details: On site Saturday June 20 @ 2.30pmAgency: Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUYContact: Gaby McEwan 0401 781 116 or Minka Jenkins 0488 550 063

Auctions in ActionHere’s a sneak peek at hot auctions taking place on the Sunshine Coast in the next seven days.RE/MAX in-room auction, Tuesday June 23 @ 6pm at Garry Crick Mercedes, Maroochydore 19 Aquarius Place, Alexandra HeadlandContact: David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 1232/88 Tantula Road West, Alexandra HeadlandContact: Michael Knights 0409 018 77881 Beerwah Parade, BeerwahContact: David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 12367 Ballinger Road, BuderimContact: Brendan Neil 0414 815 5126 Cooba Close, BuderimContact: Russell Dell 0400 409 000

The easiest way to check out the latest auction results




Pelican WatersKawana Island

Kiels Mountain


auction action

Auctioneer Jason Andrew was in full song adding up the bidding at this

property, when the seller’s dog, taking exception to so many people in his front yard, charged at him. There were roars

of laughter from the crowd as Jason tried to stop the dog and carry on with the auction, saying that this was one of

the reason why he loves in-rooms

Mclean Henzell

878 b Glene mount Road, BuderimConttaca t: David d Hedleyy-W- ard 0404060 011 123900 Jono es Road, BBududere imCoContn acact: GrG anant Cheatham 0411 467 917

In a marketplace that is so uncertain it is amazing to see that when a seller’s expectations reach market value, buyers start to appear. The top end leads the rest

of the market, so if these results are anything to go by, it should be a

successful 2009/2010 fi nancial year

Jason Andrew, auctioneer

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p: 07 5412 1600 e: ‘Holbrook House’ 48-50 Sugar Road, Maroochydorep: 07 5412 1600 e: ‘Holbrook House’ 48-50 Sugar Road, Maroochydore

Penthouse Up For Grabs!1006/36 ‘Waves’ Duporth Avenue,


Positioned on the Eastern wing of the highly desirable ‘Waves’ residential building is this absolute waterfront penthouse apartment with private roof top entertaining. This prime location is central and the views are virtually unmatched. Unfortunate circumstances now call for an immediate sale.

$1,500,000+ offers consideredJamie Holbrook 0418 500 081

3 2 2 + Rooftop




My Property Review | June 19, 2009 43

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44 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

No Up Front FeesNo Hidden Costs Offi ce: Shop 5, 9 Bulcock Street, Caloundra. Ph 5499 7859

Sippy Downs, 8 Columbia St $435,000

Caloundra 5499 78593 2 2


Buderim, Offers over $800’s

Inspect by AppointmentCaloundra 5499 7859

4 2 3


Open H


Sat 11



Bokarina $650,000

Caloundra 5499 78593 1 1


Maroochy River $865,000

Caloundra 5499 78594 3 3


Sippy Downs $399,000

Caloundra 5499 78594 1 2


Caloundra $565,000

Caloundra 5499 78594 3 2




... you deserve it



IN COMMISSION... you deserve it





... you deserve it





... you deserve it

property reviews

home has even got its own putting green. Set on an absolutely irreplaceable position looking north over a two-acre lake, this is a home that you will enjoy as is or you could explore the massive potential that this property off ers.

If you are looking for superb value in one of the Coast’s most enviable locations, look no further. Th is fabulous home, just a 250-metre walk to the patrolled beaches of Alexandra Headland, off ers four bedrooms including a

great parents retreat on the second level with recently renovated ensuite. With a spectacular resort-style outdoor living zone with sundecks, delightful pool and gas-heated spa, you’ll feel like you’re on holidays every day of the year. Th e

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

19 Aquarius Place, Alexandra Headland4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, 1 offi ceAuction in rooms, 23 June @ 6pm at Garry Crick MercedesRE/MAX Property Associates 5456 0244David Hedley-Ward 0406 011 123

Holiday at home in Alexandra Headland

Page 44.indd 1 17/06/2009 9:26:58 AM

No Up Front FeesNo Hidden Costs Office: Shop 5, 9 Bulcock Street, Caloundra. Ph 5499 7859

Sippy Downs, 5 Pembroke Crescent $535,000

Caloundra 5499 78594 2 2


Open H


Sat 12




Caloundra 5499 78595 2 3


Open H


Sat 11



Kawana Island, $689,000

Caloundra 5499 78594 2 2


Open H


Sat 10



Sippy Downs, $470,000

Caloundra 5499 78594 2 2


Open H


Sat 11



Maroochydore, $425,000

Inspect by AppointmentCaloundra 5499 7859

3 1 1


Kings Beach, $310,000

Caloundra 5499 78592 1 1


Open H


Sat 11



Little Mountain, Offers over $700,000s

Inspect by AppointmentCaloundra 5499 7859

5 3 2


Caloundra West, $480,000

Caloundra 5499 78594 2 2


Open H


Sat 12



Pelican Waters, $665,000

Caloundra 5499 78594 2 2


Open H


Sat 10



My Property Review | June 19, 2009 45

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46 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

1300 651

Buderim Chancellor Park Sippy Downs Mountain Creek5588 / 5476 6677CONTACT: 5476 9422 / 5476

Chestwood Collection, SIPPY DOWNSBrand new spacious and quality built properties are all priced under $449,000. Featuring 4 bedrooms, master with ensuite and walk in robe. Modern kitchen with stainless steel dishwasher and ceiling fans throughout. These homes are completed with landscaped gardens and are ready to occupy. Follow the signs down University Way to Chestwood Crescent to view these properties.

10 5 NEW HOMES – FROM $442,500-$449,000!

Open Sat/Sun 10:00am - 4:00pm

CONTACT: Cheryl Howlett 0408 129 008PRICE: 199,000

Varsity View Court, SIPPY DOWNSInvestments like this one do not come along very often. Receiving between $600 and $640 per week. Very Low maintenance with onsite management keeping you up to date with the complex. Resort like appearance with 2 pools, gym, tennis court, volley ball court and great common area. Over the road from Sunshine Coast University and 15 minutes to all the major beaches on the coast. Return approx 7.5%. Don’t delay in having an inspection. A great first investment.


property reviews

Th is unique treehouse is a hideaway with four bedrooms and two bathrooms sitting on 4760 square metres of land. Th e property features a three-bay shed, located at the front of the propery and with fl at access. Brushbox hardwood fl ooring, western red cedar cladding, Oregon beams and raft ers feature throughout the home. It has two separate loft s, both with excellent views to the Glass House Mountains, and two balconies. Th e master bedroom is air-conditioned with a walk-in robe and ensuite. Th e other bedrooms have built-in robes.

Th is may be the best buying opportunity in Buderim. Th e interstate family must sell this four-bedroom, two-bathroom house with full downstairs granny fl at. Set on 1167 square metres with an adjoining council reserve that protects the elevated bush outlook, the home is of a solid construction ready to rent out or live in. It features a full termite barrier, is three minutes to the centre of Buderim and 10 minutes to the highway.

Luxurious, water-view living just got easier. Positioned in Cotton Tree and facing directly north, this lavish apartment takes in stunning uninterrupted water views across the river mouth and north along the coastline towards Noosa. Everything here is quality, with solid marble features in the wet areas and superior attention to detail throughout, and the design is no exception, with a dressing room in the master bedroom and a separate media room. Relax on the spacious balcony or soak up the ocean views from inside the apartment. Leave the two cars at home, secured in the basement and walk.

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

21 Pinewood Street, Little Mountain4 bed, 2 bath, 7 carAuction on site Sunday June 21 @ 3pmRealWay Caloundra 5499 6111Darren Ide 0408 549 457 and Ryan Morriss 0404 657 343

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

503/45 The Esplanade, Maroochydore2 bed, 2 bath, 2 carBuyers from the low $1 millionsKen Guy Maroochydore 5443 2222Bree Charles 0416 435 391 and John Skerlak 0413 441 834

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

67 Ballinger Road, Buderim5 bed, 3 bath, 2 car, 1 offi ceAuction in rooms, 23 June @ 6pm at Garry Crick MercedesRE/MAX BuderimBrendan Neil 0414 81 5512

Little Mountain hideaway Maroochydore apartment Buderim’s best buy

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1300 651

Buderim Chancellor Park Sippy Downs Mountain Creek


This is a unique opportunity to reside in one of the most exclusive and well built properties that the Sunshine Coast has to offer. This residence is a private oasis yet only minutes away from Mooloolaba or Buderim…

This amazing property is positioned on over 1.7 Acres of land with ocean views and features:

This property must be seen to be appreciated.


Nick Boundford 0403 050 111 / 5476

Peter Kinchin 0418 736 424 / 5476

My Property Review | June 19, 2009 47

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48 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

Ivadale LakesC A L O U N D R A

property reviews

Th is home combines modern living with classic charm. Th e timber casement windows and decorative timber fretwork add to the appeal of the home, which also has high ceilings, a spacious well-presented interior and an interesting fl oor plan. Th e main large living area with dining zone is air-conditioned. Th is area has access to a paved outdoor entertaining area. Th e kitchen is less than a year old and the superb design off ers generous bench and storage space. Adjoining the living area is an additional nook, currently used as a library.

Th is architecturally designed home boasts three bathrooms, an expansive media room and two-car garage, plus buggy storage. Off ering a fl ow of indoor to outdoor living spaces, this open-plan home has been built with quality materials such as wood, stone and marble. Th e kitchen is built for entertaining and has European appliances and stone benchtops. Th e master bedroom has a spa and private entrance to the pool and landscaped courtyard, while the undercover outdoor entertaining deck off ers year-round opportunities to entertain.

Th ese apartments take full advantage of their northerly views over the golf course and lake. Fully furnished with facilities for the disabled and opportunity for a dual income stream, this sale off ers twice the value with a fully furnished studio suite plus a one-bedroom self-contained luxury suite. Stay in one and rent the other or rent both for dual income. Th e complex facilities include a lap pool, restaurant, gym, tennis courts, barbecue areas and more. All this is only a few minutes to surfi ng beaches and Caloundra.

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

39 Quiet Valley Crescent, Buderim3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, 1 offi ce$669,000Brown Realty Buderim 5445 6144Pam Paten 0412 957 403 and Mike Paten 0412 070 833

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

Units 324 & 325 ‘Crowne Plaza’, 38 Mahogany Dve, Pelican Waters2 bed, 2 bath, 2 carAuction Friday July 10 @ 2pm at Henzells CaloundraHenzells Agency 5491 2000Doug Wilson 0417 734 592

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

Unit 9 ‘Vantage’, 157 Centenary Heights Road, Yaroomba 4 bed, 3 bath, 2 car, 1 offi ce$1.15 millionLend Lease Realty 5455 1900Cathie Price 0413 068 602

Charming Buderim home Pelican Waters apartments Yaroomba designer home

Page 48.indd 1 17/06/2009 11:32:35 AM

• Buderim • Caloundra • Maroochydore • North Shore

View 24 hours / 7 days a week on


SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 12:00-12:45PM $585,000Helen Gavin 0408 502 235 / 5456 0310 Internet Ref. No. 105805312

If you need accommodation for 6 vehicles and enjoy entertaining, this is the home for you. 3 air-conditioned bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, study and 3 living areas – one of which is a huge fully enclosed entertaining area overlooking the manicured gardens and delightful pool. All of this on a huge, private 1571sq mt block with easy access to Buderim, Maroochydore and the Bruce Highway. Ring today to inspect.


SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 2:00-2:45PM$399,000Helen Gavin 0408 502 235 / 5456 0310 Internet Ref. No. 105711283

Within 100 metres of Pacifi c Lutheran College is this beautifully presented, low maintenance 4 year-old home. Offering 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, 2 living areas, large functional kitchen, 2 outdoor areas and tool shed. All doors and windows have security screens and the backyard is fully fenced allowing for peace of mind with children and pets. Immaculate presentation – nothing to do but enjoy.


SATURDAY 2:00-2:45PM$749,000 Jarrad McCarthy 0410 052 219 Internet Ref. No. 105734911


OPEN SATURDAY 11:00-11:45AM$660,000Russell Smith 0418 996 111, Mark Daniel 0488 999 013 Internet Ref. No. 105443446


LOOK! 1398SQM – MUST BE SOLD THIS SUNDAYAUCTION on site 21st June at 2pmDarren Ide 0408 549 457 or Ryan Morriss 0404 657 343 Internet Ref. No. 2539188

Opportunity could never be better when you take in the location and size of this elevated block. This 1392sqm vacant block of land sits high on the top of Little Mountain with fantastic views north to Buderim and MtCoolum. All you need to do is design a home to suit your lifestyle. Location is perfect, within easy reach of



My Property Review | June 19, 2009 49

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50 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

p. e.

INSPECT Saturday & Sunday 12-12.45pmCONTACT Carola 0417 608 466

LITTLE MOUNTAIN 22 Discovery Drive


4 2 2

INSPECT Saturday 1-1.45pmCONTACT Carola 0417 608 466

CURRIMUNDI 44/47 Sycamore Drive, “Urban Sanctuary Villas”


3 2 2

INSPECT Saturday 12-12.45pmCONTACT David 0417 292 870

KINGS BEACH3/10 Ernest Street “The Headlands”


2 1 1

INSPECT Saturday & Sunday 1-1.45pm CONTACT: Carola 0417 608 466

RARE FIND @ KINGS BEACH $725,000KINGS BEACH 14 Verney Street 4 2 2

INSPECT Call Agent CONTACT: Carola 0417 608 466



Little Mountain



Little Mountain

property reviews

to master bedroom, built-in robes, lock-up garages and private courtyard garden areas. Resort facilities include a pool, two tennis courts, and barbecue facilities. Th e resort is made up of owner-occupiers and long-term tenants.

Pacifi c Paradise Resort is located in Mudjimba and is close to the Coast’s tourist attractions including beaches, national park reserves and outdoor adventure sports, the airport and golf courses. Th ere are also local cafes and restaurants

close by. Th e resort off ers a range of high-set three-bedroom townhouses, all with air-conditioning and featuring fully equipped kitchens, separate laundry and powder rooms, open-plan dining and living areas, full ensuite

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

‘Pacifi c Paradise Resort’, 151-153 Mudjimba Beach Rd, Mudjimba3 bed, 2 bath, 1 carSubmit all offersLJ Hooker Marcoola 5450 7000Frank Lister 0423 021 250

Live the life at this Mudjimba resort

Page 50.indd 1 17/06/2009 9:33:29 AM

Ph : 5445 614456 Burnett Street, Buderim QLD 4556

we love it! we live in it!we specialise in it! putting the ‘real’ back in real estate

brown realty

Mike Paten 0412 070 833, Pam Paten 0412 957 403

$535,000 Open Sat 12-12.45pm

FAMILY HOME WITH THE LOT!A fantastic family home with 4 excellent bedrooms.

BUDERIM 87 Buderim Pines Drive

Looking for Offers, Owner Ready to Negotiate


BUDERIM 50 Eckersley Avenue 4 2 2 Pool

Pam Paten 0412 957 403, Mike Paten 0412 070 833



BUDERIM 5 Coral Sea Court

Mike Paten 0412 070 833, Pam Paten 0412 957 403



BUDERIM 59 Sawreys Road

$695,000 Open Sat 11-11.45am

Minutes to Buderim Village, Easy Access to Mooloolaba Beach


BUDERIM 27 St Martins Terrace 3 2 2

Mike Paten 0412 070 833, Pam Paten 0412 957 403



BUDERIM 133 Lindsay Road

0411 399 514 0411 399 514

$669,000 Open Sat & Sun 12-12.45pm

Idyllic, Private and Tranquil


BUDERIM 39 Quiet Valley Crescent 3 2 2 + Study

Mike Paten 0412 070 833Pam Paten 0412 957 403


My Property Review | June 19, 2009 51

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52 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

Shop 21 Mooloolaba International, 121 Mooloolaba Esplanade, Mooloolaba

p. 5444 0800

North facing Residential apartment offering 190m2 of open plan living. Delightful free flowing design on the podium level with your own private entrance to the pool and spa. Here is everything you need in a residential apartment so close to the beach. Designer kitchen with SMEG appliances. Generous master with elegant ensuite. Guest bathroom plus powder room. Stone benchtops to kitchen and bathrooms. Marble and timber floors to main living. PET FRIENDLY BUILDING. Owner anxious to sell!

PRICE $790,000 INSPECT Saturday & Sunday 11-11.45am ADDRESS Unit 3, 45 First Ave, Mooloolaba CONTACT Monika Beducker 0418 715 639, Suzanne Annabel 0411 106 791

3 2 2

2 bedroom apartments close to the beach are always in demand for both permanent or holiday rental. This fully furnished apartment can comfortably handle both situations. Its northerly orientation helps capture the winter sun or the on site facilities like in ground pool and BBQ area help you make the most of the summer months.Centrally located to take advantage of Mooloolaba’s cafes, restaurants, shops and beach.

INSPECT Anytime or Saturday 12-12.45pm ADDRESS 302 Seamark, 2 First Ave, Mooloolaba CONTACT Paul Angell 0438 468 378 2 2 1

Yes I could do with a freshen up but with good bones and great position I’m a bargain. This ground floor, two bedroom, low maintenance, waterfront unit enjoys a north easterly aspect over a wide canal. It is handy to shops, within walking distance of the beach and Mooloolaba restaurants and cafes.

PRICE INSPECT Saturday 1-1.45pm ADDRESS 2/14 Pangarinda Place, Mooloolaba CONTACT Paul Angell 0438 468 378

2 1 1

PRICE INSPECT Saturday 2-2.45pm ADDRESS 2/7 Yallanga Place, Mooloolaba CONTACT Suzanne Annabel 0411 106 791

3 2 1

Michelle Elle Angie

Email or Phone us for a FreeRental Management Prospectus,

Rental Appraisal or advice. (07) 5444 0800

property reviews

Th is one-bedroom apartment off ers an impressive view of the beautiful Pumicestone Passage, Golden Beach and Bribie Island. Th e unit’s balcony faces across from the ever-changing waters of one of the most exhilarating seascapes. Located on the ninth level and facing north-east, this stylishly designed fully furnished unit has a kitchenette, lounge area, ensuite with spa, air-conditioning and balcony. Th e resort boasts a heated lagoon-style pool and outdoor spa, fl oodlit tennis court, games room, gym and barbecue area.

Built with an emphasis on outdoor living, with this property you can entertain guests poolside in the covered living area, let the children run free in the fully fenced yard or take a dip in your large pool with water feature. Inside comprises four bedrooms plus study with the private master positioned separately from the other bedrooms and serviced by spacious walk-in robe and large ensuite with separate toilet/powder room. Two separate living zones ensure every member of the family has their own space, while the modern kitchen interacts beautifully with the casual family room.

Th is two-storey home overlooks Baronga broadwater and captures glorious long and wide north-east views. Th e home features four bedrooms, three bathrooms, the master ensuited with built-ins and two separate living zones downstairs with a central kitchen. Th ere is a large separate garage with a studio. Surrounded by landscaped gardens with rolling lawns to the white sandy beach, you’ll feel like you’re on holiday year-round and with 18 metres of waterfrontage with boat ramp and pontoon, you’re ready to escape with easy deepwater access to the Pacifi c Ocean.

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

Unit 903 ‘Worldmark’, 75 Golden Beach Esplanade, Golden Beach1 bed, 1 bath, 1 carAuction Friday July 10 @ 3pm at Henzells Caloundra Henzells Agency 5491 2000Doug Wilson 0417 734 592

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

9 Elanora Avenue, Mooloolaba4 bed, 3 bath, 2 car$1,995,000waterfront & coastal property 5444 6400Trevor & Glenys Martin 0400 818 777

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

16 Karinya Place, Twin Waters4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, 1 offi ce$849,000LJ Hooker Twin Waters 5450 6188Grant Ormrod 0412 374 787

Golden Beach apartment Waterfront at Mooloolaba Twin Waters island living

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My Property Review | June 19, 2009 53

CUTE AND COSYNAMBOUR 35 Reilly RoadThis solid cottage on a lovely picturesque block in easy walking distance to the town centre and schools, is an absolute gem and will make a great investment

Tony Mason & Kate BothamM: 0424 925 925 Tony, 0401 22 33 62 KateE:, Harcourts P: 5441 3933

13 1 1

OPEN HOME: Saturday 10-10.30amVIEW AT: ID: QNB090601

5 2 2 2Trish Kelly & Beverley Kelley M: 0400 344 314 / 0412 205 040E: Harcourts P: 5476 7822


2 2 allotment

PRICE: High $500,000’sOPEN HOME: Sat 12-12.45pm

VIEW AT: ID: QBD090210

5 2 2 2Trish Kelly & Beverley Kelley M: 0400 344 314 / 0412 205 040E: Harcourts P: 5476 7822


PRICE: $569,000OPEN HOME: Sat 11-11.45am

VIEW AT: ID: QBD090601

3 1.5 1 1Trish Kelly M: 0400 344 314E: Harcourts P: 5476 7822

GONE SAILING! – VILLA TO BE SOLDKAWANA ISLAND Villa 137, Island Villas, 2 Grand Pde

PRICE: $379,000OPEN HOME: Sat 11-11.45am

VIEW AT: ID: QBD090604


Tony Mason & Kate BothamM: 0424 925 925 Tony, 0401 22 33 62 KateE:, Harcourts P: 5441 3933

34 2 2

AUCTION: Sat 11 July, 2009 at 12pm OPEN HOME: Fri & Sat 11.30am-12 noon VIEW AT: INTERNET ID: QNB090606

QUALITY DUAL LIVING MUST BE SEEN TO APPRECIATE!WOOMBYE 16 Eagleview CourtThis beautiful double story home is positioned on a tranquil block with views overlooking bush and ranges. It features polished timber fl oors which lead

adjacent verandahs provide outdoor entertainment areas overlooking the

Andrew MellishM: 0421 701 408E: P: 07 5441 3933

24 2 2

OPEN HOME: Sat & Sun 1-1.45pmVIEW AT: ID: QNB090505


Call the Kellie Girls todayif you want SOLD on your property

Trish Kelly0400 344 314

Beverley Kelley0412 205 040

property reviews

Immaculately presented, this spacious three-bedroom townhouse features two living areas, wraparound courtyard with pergola and established trees. Th ere’s also a fi replace for those brisk Buderim evenings.All this is only a few minutes’ walk to the restaurants, schools and amenities.

Set on an elevated block, this home has three bedrooms, the main with ensuite, a separate study and media room, plus spacious living area. Th ere is a large deck that off ers fantastic views to Mt Coolum and a pool.It is located just minutes from Sunshine Plaza, cafes and restaurants and the beaches of Mooloolaba.

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

5/20 King Street, Buderim3 bed, 2 bath, 1 carLow $400,000Vic Murphy Real Estate 5443 2433Glennis Schindler 0412 737 324

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

6 Cooba Close, Buderim3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, 1 offi ceAuction in rooms June 23 @ 6pm at Garry Crick MercedesRE/MAX Property Associates BuderimRussell Dell 0400 409 000

Buderim house on top First home in Buderim

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54 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

Mountain Creek: 5477 7600 Sippy Downs: 5456 1599

pam courtrealty Pam

0412 708 313Bob

0412 714 326 Debbie

0411 832 325 Rod

0416 724 244Ben

0403 668 843

• Perfectly presented a must to view

• Owners relocating, make your move

• Pool and spa to relax and enjoy

Open Saturday 1-1.45pm

SIPPY DOWNS267 University Way

4 2 2

Don't Be Afraid To Look Offers over $600,000

• A living area for every room and more

• Gorgeous colours, fittings & style

• Ducted air, security system & large ent.

Open Saturday


SIPPY DOWNS6 Alpinia Street

4 2.5 2

Simply Stunning $542,000

• A great investment or 1st home buyers

• Close to schools and shops

• Make your move into the property market

Open Saturday


SIPPY DOWNS30 Sorbonne Close

3 1 1

Renovate & Reap the Rewards!! $379,950

• Spacious 4 bedroom home with large office

• Huge undercover living area to entertain

• Solar heated pool and security system

Open Saturday



4 2 2

Presented To Please!! $649,000

• 706m² block with side access and walk to shops

• Family room adjoining the kitchen

• Tucked away at the end of a cul-de-sac

Open Saturday


BUDERIM44 Bribie Pine Court

4 2 2

Now Vacant, Make An Offer! Mid $400,000s

• Your own private 700m² block

• Your brand new kitchen and appliances

• Your low maintenance family home

Open Saturday 1-1.45pm

MOUNTAIN CREEK4 Silveroak Court

4 2 2

What's In It For You? $479,000

• Sparkling salt water inground pool

• Wide side access, room for the boys toys

• Handy to schools, shops and the lake

Open Saturday 1-1.45pm

MOUNTAIN CREEK14 Lurnea Crescent

3 2 2

Wide leafy quiet street $489,000

• Front private media room

• Large rear entertainment area

• Located in Mountain Creek school zoneView by


MOUNTAIN CREEK12 Greenway Place

5 2 2

"Decorator's Delight" Mid $400,000

• Timber floors, modern kitchen with dishwasher

• 3 x air-conditioning units/2 way bathroom

• 2 separate living area's

Open Saturday 2-2.45pm

BUDERIM14 Kamala Court

3 1 -

Affordable Lakefront Living! $399,000

• Double side access on both sides of the property

• Two separate spacious living areas

• Plenty of room for a pool

Open Saturday


BUDERIM227 Ballinger Road

4 2 2

Bring The Caravan And Boat.... $489,000

• The cheapest one on the market in the complex

• Gated community, secure lifestyle

• Walking distance to schools and shops

Open Saturday


SIPPY DOWNS11/2 Springhill Drive

3 2 2

What's The Catch $349,000

• "Presented to Perfection" family home

• Large 700m² block with side access

• Tastefully refurbished. A must to view!

Open Saturday 1-1.45pm

MOUNTAIN CREEK37 Glenfields Blvd

4 2 2

Highly Recommended! $479,000

property reviews

Th is great family home has a private bush backdrop within minutes of schools, shops and beaches. It has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, is air-conditioned and situated in a quiet cul-de-sac in Headland Park. Th e home is built on a 705-square metre block.

Th is solid little brick home in a central, quiet Buderim location is currently rented. It features three bedrooms, two bathrooms and large living area with cathedral ceilings on a generous 789-square metre block. It has a big backyard with plenty of room for a pool. Address:

Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

41 Troywood Crescent, Buderim4 bed, 2 bath, 2 carMid $500,000sKen Guy Maroochydore 5443 2222Rebecca Nolan 0404 866 358

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

19 Nirvana Crescent, Buderim3 bed, 2 bath, 1 carAuction in rooms June 23 @ 6pm at Garry Crick Mercedes RE/MAX Buderim 5456 0222Kirk Patrick 0439 395 599

Buderim family home Great Buderim investment

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My Property Review | June 19, 2009 55

4 Otranto Avenue, Caloundra Qld 4551 5499 5699


High visibility Shopfront comprising a total of 92 square metres of retail shop space (70 sqm on street level & 22 sqm mezzanine.)Great opportunity for an owner/occupier business or an investor looking for a high profi le position with maximum passing traffi c.


Prime Position Opposite Alex Beach Surf Club

Address: Shop 4 ‘Avalon’ 166-170 Alexandra Parade, Alexandra Headlands

Inspect: By AppointmentPrice: For Sale By Tender - Tenders Close

5pm, 22nd June 2009(The owner reserves the right to accept any offers prior to the close of Tender)View: Prop Id 1081792Contact: Robert Webber 0412 713 457


MPR goes on the hinterland land hunt and fi nds that there are plenty of plots in Nambour’s surrounds.

by Dorothy Drane

Bush-side blocks

There is unprecedented variety in hinterland land stocks right now as new estates come online in

allotments that range from exclusive residential estates to prized small acreage and rural residential blocks.

Nambour is the hinterland’s CBD with a range of commercial, educational and health facilities, and government services. As such, surrounding communities are emerging as great places to raise a family or retire.

A major new estate coming online is Coes Settlement at Coes Creek in Nambour. Th e estate has recently been completed aft er being delayed by rain, but has already proven to be a huge success for Day & Grimes Real Estate. All but two lots of stage one have been sold, with titles still four weeks away from being issued. Th ere are 11 lots remaining in stage two, meaning 36 of 49 allotments have been snapped up before titles are issued.

Th e estate, which is being promoted as “living with nature”, has green buff ers along Coes Creek and Petrie Creek, which add to the appeal of level building blocks and extra-wide kerbed roadways where it is possible to have street parking without blocking traffi c.

Still available are lots 10 and 11 of 600 square metres for $195,000 each, lots 28 and 29 of 732 square metres for $197,000 and 654 square metres for $195,000 and lots 32 to 37, ranging from 603 to 677 square metres for $199,500.

“Demand has been strong in this estate because the level blocks make it a very cost-effi cient way to build,” Day & Grimes principal Ian Black says. “It’s a fully serviced neighbourhood that gives the impression of living in the country while being within minutes of Nambour’s centre.”

Judge Homes is off ering house and land packages in Coes Settlement at $389,000 for a four-bedroom plus ensuite home with three living areas and a double lock-up garage. It has fl oor coverings, light fi ttings, stainless steel appliances, fences, turf and an exposed aggregate driveway.

“Th ere’s even the TV antenna already in place,” Ian says. “It’s great value for a fi xed price, and the choice of 14 blocks ranging from 600 to 742 square metres.”

One of Nambour’s biggest

developments is Th e Image, on Image Flat Road, which will ultimately off er 350 allotments. It is being released in stages with stage three now coming onto the market.

All of the fi rst stage has been sold with only a few allotments remaining in stage two, totalling about one-third of the project. Th e average allotment is 680 square metres for $190,000. Th e estate has ready access to Nambour amenities and also off ers open space, undulating land and a running creek, which also has a park and walking paths. Covenants are in place to ensure the quality of housing, and with about 60 large homes already built or under construction, it is becoming established as a quality area.

Keyline Real Estate in Nambour has nine acreages, two developments and eight allotments currently on the market, including 14 lots at Wakefi eld Road in Woombye and 19 in Woombye’s

Rangebrook Estate.Th e Heights estate

at Henebery Road is off ering 71 allotments in two stages, with sizes averaging 950 square metres at $180,000. Th e estate is in a valley in the hills above Nambour and off ers spectacular views to the coast.

Leading Edge Real Estate’s prestigious Northridge estate in Gardenvale Drive in

the burgeoning Coes Creek area comprises 19 residential allotments ranging from 647 to 1263 square metres. Land is gently undulating with the perfect north to north-east aspect and rural views. It adjoins parkland and is fully serviced, with a country feel, only minutes from all the facilities of central Nambour.

Leading Edge is also responsible for a number of estates north of Nambour. Parkside at Maple Court in Yandina is a residential estate of 23 level allotments from 700 to 840 square metres.

It is set beside three acres of environmental park and has a meandering creek, creating an idyllic and safe environment for families within a stroll of Yandina shops. A primary school, sporting facilities and railway station are also within walking distance.

Also in Yandina, at Collins Road, is Riverside, a rural residential estate of just 10 allotments, three of them fronting the north arm of the Maroochy River and

Nambour is the hinterland’s CBD with

a range of facilities and services. As such,

surrounding communities are emerging as great

places to raise a family or retire

commercial property

continued over >

An affordable Kunda Park industrial building is selling now

Kunda Park site

This is an opportunity to own your own industrial building without it breaking the bank. Th is property

off ers a quality tilt-up building in a small complex of fi ve industrial units. Approximately 100 square metres in area with approximately 95 square metres of mezzanine, this property gives you two separate areas in which to run your business. Featuring a kitchenette, toilet

and shower facilities, two exclusive-use car spaces and road frontage, this property will sell fast.

Address: 16 Tectonic Crescent, Kunda ParkPrice: $240,000 + GSTAgent: Carolans First National Real Estate Contact: Peter Wrigley 0407 374 349

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56 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

Exclusive, boutique enclave adjoining dedicated reserves Peaceful, family orientated location Generous allotment sizes ranging from 801 - 1,012 square metres North east facing blocks available with views to Blackall Range Some of the last remaining estate land available within Palmwoods Aland Place located adjoining Palmwoods Primary School Building covenants ensure you protect your investment

Palmwoods Land at Aland Place - exclusive allotments located off Palmwoods School Road

For enquiries email or phone Alex 0433 208 517


handy to Yandina, Coolum and the highway. Ranging in size from 1.5 to 15 acres, dry allotments start at $297,000 and river frontage lots at $398,000. Th e waterfront blocks have direct boat access to Maroochydore and the ocean.

Pikki Forest in Bernhardt Place at Ninderry is a rural residential estate of 10 allotments ranging from one to fi ve acres. As the name suggests, it has plenty of trees to give it a natural appeal. Some lots are elevated, giving big views, while others are privately tucked away in

bushland. Th e estate is fi ve minutes from Yandina and 15 from Coolum.

Riddell Real Estate in Woombye is marketing the Grove Estate, where only four of the 15 allotments remain. Sizes range from 710 to 947 square metres for $199,000. Th e estate is within walking distance of the local shopping centre, schools and bus and rail services, and is bordered by a reserve.

Th ere are also acreage blocks with prices starting at $399,000 for two acres close to Woombye township. Larger acreage blocks of 10 to 20 acres, some

within walking distance to town, are priced from $595,000.

Victor Realty has two well -priced examples of residential land waiting for home builders in Nambour. Th ey are:• 873 square metres in Nambour Heights

at 61 Lachlan Avenue, for $199,500.Th ere are fl exible covenants and theblock off ers enviable north to northeast views.

• 699 square metres at 26 Perception Drive in the Image Estate for $187,500.

At Palmwoods, Mike Burns of Elders is off ering:

• 14 elevated acres with a north-easterlyaspect at Upper Landershute Road for$595,000.

• 22 useable acres with ocean views andrainforest at Barsons Road, Montvillefor $495,000.

• 19 acres of fl at grazing land atMcGilchrist Road, Eudlo, for $695,000.

• 12 acres with an elevated home siteat Moorhouse Road, Woombye, for$595,000.

• A 722-square metre gently slopingelevated house block at LandershuteRoad, Palmwoods for $230,000.

< from overleaf

Th is little cutie is nestled on private and level land in Flaxton. Th e property has thoughtfully landscaped gardens with paved sunken terrace. Th e instant appeal of French doors and polished hardwood fl oors will suit the buyer wanting atmospheric charm on a shoestring budget. Th e home has two living areas, a fi replace and summer conservatory room that opens onto a gated deck, overlooking the garden. Once beckoned outside, the would-be veggie grower is blessed with the benefi ts of rich red soil and a garden tool shed.

Here is an opportunity to own a spectacular Buderim acreage set on an elevated position and enjoying unhindered ocean views towards Moreton Bay. Just minutes from Buderim Village and some of the Coast’s best schools, this is a great family home that ticks all of the boxes for those looking for a peaceful retreat in a great location. Set on 2.5 acres and off ering four bedrooms, an offi ce or fi ft h bedroom, open-plan living and a huge pool and spa area, this property is a must-see. Viewing is essential to appreciate all that this home has to off er.

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

15 Ensbey Road, Flaxton3 bed, 1 bath, 1 car$439,000Maleny and Hinterland Real Estate 5494 3022Julie Reimers 0417 465 536

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

87b Glenmount Road, Mons4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car, offi ceAuction in rooms 23 June @ 6pm, Garry Crick MercedesRE/MAX Property AssociatesDavid Hedley-Ward 0406 011 123

Affordable Flaxton cottage Mons acreage a rare fi nd

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My Property Review | June 19, 2009 57

Visit our web site :

andin the




Massive Reduction of $14,000

Th is stunning home off ers a level of comfort and style that even the most discerning buyer will fi nd hard to resist. Privately set in a leafy Burnside cul-de-sac, there are: three generous bedrooms (with ensuite and walk-in robe off master bedroom), two beautiful bathrooms, spa bath in main, spacious lounge/dining room, air-conditioned, bright sunroom with open decks either side, large eat-in kitchen which overlooks yard and pool, rear covered pergola/entertaining area, in-ground pool, brilliant, easy-care landscaped gardens, double lock-up carport plus front car space and workshop.

Th e is a huge 2193-square meters of rainforest tranquillity in a gorgeous fringe area of Nambour. Th e site is ideal for permaculture with the canopy already in place. Th e soil is rich with natural humus and would be perfect for swales on a very gentle slope, with town water. Th ere is a double open front garage/workshop that is powered, for hobbyist, storage or business purposes. Consisting of weather board, tiled and tin roof, the three-bedroom home has an interesting challenge around every corner but oozes character with timber fl oors and ornate cornicing.

Th is stunning two-acre property has a very sought-aft er combination of features which merges versatility, functionality and class. Th e modern executive home features fi ve bedrooms, three bathrooms, both formal and casual living zones, a gourmet kitchen and an alfresco dining area that is nestled beside a tropical in ground pool and children’s playground. In addition to the main residence there is a private fully detached guesthouse. Th e ‘Gabba like’ fi eld of lush lawns is ideal for the kids to play football or they can fi sh in the dam. Elite schools are nearby. Vendor will sell at market price.

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

9 Bega Street, Nambour3 bed, 2 bath, 2 car$425,000Victor Realty 5476 0050Craig Heppell or Toni Bielby

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

251 Tanawha Tourist Drive, Tanawha5 bed, 3 bath, 4 carExpressions of Interest closing Tues 7th July @5pmKen Guy Maroochydore 5443 2222Damien Michael 0413 024 124

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

4 Girraween Dve, Nambour3 bed, 1 bath, 2 car$290,000Carolans First National Real Estate 5441 1344Deb Aldous 0438 985 336

Nambour charmer Tanawha dual living Nambour – $290,000!


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58 My Property Review | June 19, 2009


5476 0050Craig Heppell 0400 180 515Toni Bielby 0417 640 585Karen Heppell 0400 330 485 Victor Realty

A Modern Classic Nambour $425,000

9 Bega Street Open Saturday 12-12.45pm ID# 1083041

Impressive 3 bed, 2 bath home• Beautiful timber finishes• Private O’door Area, IG Pool•

Dble LU carport + car space• Very quiet Burnside location• Workshop / Shed•

Vista Estate Townhouses Nambour From $329,000

50 Aspland Street Open Saturday 1-2pm ID# 991236

6 x 2 bed & 4 x 3 bed• 165sqm & 200sqm living space• Single and double garages•

Peaceful, handy location• FHOG $21,000 By 30 Sept• 3 under contract. Be quick!•


Mid August 09

Solid Value – Great Location Nambour $339,000

18 Swallow Street Open Saturday 1-1.45pm ID# 1047455

Tidy 3 bed lowset brick home• Fenced 727sqm block• Open plan living areas•

2-way bathroom• Single garage – internal access• Quiet area, handy to shops tport•

Offering Style & Seclusion Palmwoods $455,000

32 Kolora Place Open Saturday 11-11.45am ID# 1080754

Spacious 4 bed, 2 bath home• Large formal lounge room• Bright impressive kitchen•

Lge covered outdoor ent area• Dining / family room• Double auto garage•

Bargain Buying Nambour $329,000

11 Mayfield Street Open Saturday 12-12.45pm ID# 1086265

3 Bedrooms With Built-ins• Modern Bathroom• Two Generous Living Areas•

Solid And Well Presented Nambour $399,000

3 Casuarina Court Open Saturday 2.15-3pm ID# 1081260

Brick & tile 4 bed, 2 bath home• Open plan living and dining• Large office / study•

Rear covered deck, ig pool• Fenced, l/scaped & lawned yard• Double carport•

Two For The Price Of One Nambour $405,000

3 Hall Court Open Saturday 2-2.45pm ID# 1080811

4 bedroom, 2 bathroom• Separate ‘granny flat’• 2106sqm block – ½ acre•

Spac lounge/dining area, a/c• Wrap-around covered deck• Double carport, inground pool•

Timber Floors Throughout, A/C• Lockable W’shop/Storage Area• Easy Care Yard•

Th is wonderful home is situated on an elevated 881-square metre block to capture the breezes and views over the surrounding estate. Consisting of four bedrooms plus study nook, two bathrooms, lounge, dining, media room and activities room, this home has it all and much more. Th ere is a lovely outdoor entertaining area for those who enjoy their barbecues or who just want to sit outside and relax. With its ducted air-conditioning, you will be sure the family is kept warm on those cold winter nights and cool on those hot summer days.

Th is solid cottage on a picturesque block is within easy walking distance of the town centre and schools. It would make a great investment property or fi rst home. Set on a 607-square metre block, this home features air-conditioning, a single carport, a large yard with room for a shed, water tanks and town water, a garden shed, chooks and chook shed all situated in a very pretty outlook.

Th is three-bedroom, one-bathroom western red cedar home sits beautifully on a useable 4793-square metre block at Dulong. Th e owners have maintained the gardens and lawns meticulously for many years, enabling a young family to enjoy the fruits of their labour. Kids can enjoy outdoor activities, having several cleared grassy level areas to play. Two garden sheds and a powered shed for two-car accommodation are also part of the package.

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

79 Petigrain Avenue, Palmwoods4 bed, 2 bath, 2 car$539,000Elders Palmwoods 5478 9122Judy Barton 0401 157 885

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

324 - 326 Dulong Road, Dulong3 bed, 1 bath, 2 car$480,000Leading Edge Real Estate 5441 4899Tony Story 0407 660 115

Address: Features: Price: Agent: Contact:

35 Reilly Road, Nambour3 bed, 1 bath, 1 carBy negotiationHarcourts Nambour 5441 3933Tony Mason 0424 925 925 and Kate Botham 0401 22 33 62

Palmwoods family home Dulong acreage Cosy Nambour abode


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My Property Review | June 19, 2009 59

Houses for Sale

Houses for Sale

Houses for Sale

Houses for Sale

Houses for Sale Houses for Sale


Terry Hinds Real Estate73 Hillcrest Ave, Nambour. Ph: 5441 4616 Fax: 5441 7766

Investment Opportunity $409,000Only 18 months young, 4 bedroom brick and Colorbond, air-con living, modern appliances, double LUG, leased until Nov 2009, landscaped and fenced yard. Great value and the right time to buy!

Position Privacy and Room to Move $409,000Will not be built out! Elevated 1524m² with north-easterly views over town. Lowset brick and tile, 3 bedrooms + ensuite, spacious air-con living, covered space for cars (double LUG), boat and van. Established gardens. Tranquil setting.

Family Home at Nambour Hts $465,000Polished hardwood fl oors complement this spacious family home. With 4 bedrooms including ensuite, 3 bathrooms, separate living areas up and down, outdoor deck with extensive view to the north this home has been lovingly maintained. Inspection by appointment.

John McGowan 0417 004 117Toni Hinds 0423 328 138

With plenty of fi rst home buyers about,we have a distinct lack of properties

in the $300K to $360K range. Call today for an obligation free appraisal.

REALTY5441 2511

Cnr Howard & Queen Sts, NambourThis business is independently owned and operated by Glamoren Pty Ltd A.B.N. 93 679 422 703

We have been here nearly 30 years and have helped over 10,000 people buy and sell.

NAMBOUR $199,000Over 50’s environment, many owners have called this complex home for up to 20 years. This is possibly the fi rst time this two brm unit has been sold since new. It is in exc. cond with easy access (no steps). Close to clubhouse, bowling green and pool. Beautiful trees surround the village and it is an easy walk to town.KULANGOOR $285,000Very spacious 4 bedroom home. On near level lot. Renovations underway. You can fi nish to your taste. Extra rumpus or 5th bedroom makes this a perfect home for a large family. Sellers have NEW PLANS and are very negotiable.NAMBOUR $385,000Fabulously presented and freshly painted 2 storey home with three bedrooms, polished hardwood fl oors, large basement with room for many vehicles and rumpus. Flat fenced yard. Balcony overlooking adjoining bush.BURNSIDE $437,000An opportunity to buy a new home without the hassles. This just established 4 bedroom brick home in popular Heritage Heights is fully landscaped, paved, retained, planted. Enjoy the views and breezes from the sunny deck. Easy access yard, even room for the caravan.NAMBOUR $490,000Set on almost half an acre of development land we have a four bedroom high set home with parking and extra space underneath. Located right at the front of the block which leaves the balance suitable to either subdivide into additional lots or utilize as a unit development site.

RURAL SPECIALSWEST WOOMBYE $399,500The feeling of acreage without all the mowing. Solid 3 bedroom plus home with fab new kitchen, large deck overlooking in-ground pool. Internal stairs to rumpus and storage rooms. Workshop, double carport, shed, two air-conditioners and dishwasher. Fenced over a quarter acre lot.KUREELPA $465,000On the ocean side at Kureelpa means spectacular views from Bribie to Coolum. Sturdy three bedroom cottage just ripe for renovation. The most view and house for the money on the coast.EERWAH VALE (YANDINA) $695,000ACRES TO SPARE. Your plantation on 45 acres (parcels of this size are rare.) American style barn, lovely big country style home with verandahs all round. Plenty of water and four paddocks. Waterfall, rainforest and dam.

Properties on this page are just a sample!For the largest range of exclusively listed

properties in Nambour and district check out

REALTY5441 2511



Discover more:Julie Reimers0417 465 536

Petite, private on a shoestring budget and all freshly painted – a two storey, 3 bedroom darling with polished fl oorboards, sunroom,

French doors to gated deck & sunken terrace garden. An ideal Hinterland hideaway on 875m2 of

rich level land for the lazy gardener. NOW $439,000 neg and motivated!


Pamela Welze 0411 326 484

78 Bulcock St, Caloundra 4551Phone (07) 5491 2955


Modern 2 bed villa. High ceilings, 2nd toilet, A1 condition. Great facilities with body corp $1550 pa.

Villa 10 Lakeside VillasAuction 27th June @ 11am

Open Saturdays 11-11.45am


Montville - MOTIVATED!10 Glover Court. Committed in Tamborine - now leaving this gorgeous 2 acres of cul-de-sac quiet & country style charm. Vast covered courtyard for all-weather enjoyment. Fully pet-fenced, 3 bay shed and all meticulously maintained. Open house Sat & Sun 11-11.45am.

Buyers up to $700K MUST INSPECT. Exclusive agent Julie Reimers 0417 465 536

12 ACRES OF LAND - ILKLEYQuality 12 acres with 2 street frontage, private driveway and 2500m2 building envelope. Very quiet, faces north-east.

Vendor must sell.

Contact Damien Michael 0413 024 124

Ken Guy Maroochydore 1300 KEN GUY


Privacy & view on 5 acres -

New House & Land Package

Judge Homes @ “Coes Settlement” Call now for details. These packages will be complete and ready to occupy with 4

bedrooms and ensuite and a double lock-up garage.

Buy before 30th June and get a free Alfresco living area. Ian Black 0407 587 503

Live Large in Nambour

7 Warabi Place, NambourTh is four-bedroom, two-bathroom home has two separate living areas and a covered alfresco dining area. An oversized double lock-up garage and side access for extra vehicles means lots of space for the family. Th e yard is landscaped and fenced with privacy in mind. Add a sunny backyard large enough to accommodate a pool – all this and only four minutes to Nambour.

Price: $474,000Wendy Taylor 0409 776 980

Offi ce 5441 3366

The Hinterlands Premium residential address...

Call Now!Ph: 5441 4100


House & Land Packages from


BEST of the hinterland. Fabulous views. Large blocks. North or east aspect. 2 available from $189,000. Ph owner 0400 533 737.

Page 59.indd 1 17/06/2009 8:43:21 AM


SLUG – single lock up garage DLUG – double lock up garage U/C – undercover parking brm – bedroom d/w - dishwasher f/f – fully furnished u/f - unfurnished Reader’s index

Open for inspections Saturday, 20th June3/41 Moreton Pde, Caloundra – $215 p/w.

2 bed, 1 bath unit with SLUG. Viewing Time: 1.00pm

5/55 Minchinton St, Caloundra – $300 p/w.Fully furnished 2 bed, 1 bath unit with SLUG. Viewing Time: 1.15pm

66 Omrah St, Caloundra – $325 p/w.2 bed, 1 bath house with tandem carport.Viewing Time: 1.30pm

Please contact our office on the day of the viewings, before 11.00am in order to check properties availability.


Please contact Henzells Permanent RentalsDepartment 5491 2000

for more information regarding all of ouravailable rental properties.

Other Available Rental Properties:1/3 Orvieto Tce, Kings Beach – Fully furnished 2 bed,

1 bath unit w SLUG. $240 p/w. 2/13 Merrima Ave, Kings Beach – 3 bed, 1 bath unit w

SLUG. $280 p/w.3/45 Albert St, Kings Beach – 2 bed, 1 bath unit with

SLUG. $290 p/w.10/12 Coonowrin St, Battery Hill – 2 bed, 1 bath unit

with SLUG. $265 p/w.39 Nelson St, Golden Beach – Two storey, 4 bed, 2 bath

home with 4 secure car parks. POA. $440 p/w. 8 Fernleaf Crt, Creekside – 4 bed, 2 bath home with

DLUG. TNT to pay for full water usage. $380 p/w.5/7-11 Canberra Tce, ‘Outlook’, Kings Beach – Brand

new 3 bed, 2 bath unit with SLUG. $370 p/w.8/18 Queen St, Kings Beach – 4 bed, 2 bath unit with

SLUG. $400 p/w. 12 Tibrogargan Place, Pelican Waters – 4 bed, 2 bath

home with DLUG. $420 p/w.13 Gradorean St, Pelican Waters – 4 bed, 2 bath home

with DLUG and pool. TNT responsible for pool costs. $500 p/w.

5 Botany Dr, Pelican Waters – 4 bed, 2 bath home with DLUG. Pets on application. $430 p/w.

Are you fed up with paying high management fees???

Red Property Group has the lowest management fees on the Sunshine

Coast. At 4.5% and no hidden costs, start saving $$$ now.

Switch to

Red Property Group today! Maroochydore $650pw neg Lux penthouse style, fully furnished 3 bed apart, with spec ocean views, 2 car spaces.

Maroochydore POA Lux fully furn 3 level penthouse. Spec ocean views, 3 bed + study + media room. Huge living areas. First to see will take.

Alexandra Headland from $405pw Balinese style apart, opposite park. Lux 2 bed + study furn and unfurn, 2 car spaces. Avail now.

Alexandra Headland $850pw Lux fully furn 3 bed penthouse, resort fac. Avail now

Maroochydore $950pw Lux 3 bed Villa. Penthouse living at its best. Private lift, spec ocean views, fully furn, apart comes with cleaner.

Maroochydore $500pwAbsolute waterfront. Spac 3 bed apart. Spec ocean views, resort fac, fi rst to see will take.

Phone 5451

Specialising in Luxury Rentals

Jump the rent queue

PLATINUMM’laba 2brm unit, new bath/kit, balc .............. $265

M’laba 2mod 2brm unit, open liv, w/frn .......... $265

Mtn Creek 2brm unit, 2levels, sec park ............ $300

Wurtulla 3brm duplex, new pnt/blinds ............ $300

Mtn Creek Excel 3brm unit, w/frnt, slug .......... $320

Mtn Creek W/frnt 2brm, open liv, slug ............ $340

Kawana Is Mod 3brm house, 2bth, fnced ....... $370

Meridan As new 3brm, study, 2bth, dlug ........ $390

Buddina 3brm duplex, mod kit, walk bch ........ $390

Buddina 3brm house, 2 liv, pool, dlug ............. $395

Alex Beaut 3brm t/house, 2bth, great cond ..... $395

M’Dore Exec 3brm unit, sec, pool, lge yard ...... $420

Bokarina Great fam home, 2liv, air, 2bth ......... $420

Wurtulla 3br home, 2liv, 3bth, pool, office ...... $420

Kawana Is Lovely 4brm home, 2liv, 2bth, air ... $455

Kawana Is Mod 4br home, open liv, air, fncd .. $465

Kawana Is Spac 4br, open liv, air, great cond .. $475

Kawana Is Exec 3brm, study, pool, great cond $500

Wurtulla Lge 4brm, 3bth, pool – great cond ... $550

M’Dore Huge 5brm, 2.5bth, mulit liv, 3levels ... $510

M’laba Lge 4brm, 3bth, 3liv, study, pool .......... $620

Kawana Is Huge w/frnt 4brm home, 4liv, chef kit,

study, 2.5bath, balc, patio, jetty/pont, dlug ... $750

Kawana Is Exec w/frnt 5 brm, 3bth, open liv, media

room, i/g pool, auto dlug, intercom & sec sys $900

5437 8806

AROONA (Kingfi sher) $320House. Immac 3 bdr home new paint, carpet and curtains + air con. Great u/c ent area, single carport + off st parking.

BEERWAH (Greenview) $370House. 4 Brm home with gen bedrooms, 2 bath, sep laundry, lounge & dining DLUG, great ent area.

CURRIMUNDI (Pacifi c Haven Complex) $395Townhouse. 3 bed, 2 bath, high set DLUG. Great complex with POOLS, TENNIS COURT and GYM walk to beach, schools, shops. Lease to 5/11/09 only Break Lease.

CURRIMUNDI (Currimundi Rd) $370House. 3 lg B/I bedrooms I fully reno bath, sep toilet, sep lg lounge and din, sep laundry. Loads of storage. SLUG partly fenced rear BBQ area. Walk to beach, schools and lake and cafes. Immaculate.

CURRIMUNDI (Robe St) $290Duplex. This imm 3 bedroom is avail for a 5 month lease, lovely priv garden, stones throw to lake & beach. Avail furn, part furn or un furn. Very secluded and quiet.

GOLDEN BEACH (Burke) $190/$200Units. Two x two bedroom in complex of 5. Clean and tidy, bathroom with toilet & shower over bath all a stones throw to the beach.

LITTLE MNTN (Hanwell) $400House. 3 brm with pool and Chefs delight kitchen lg ent area, air con in family + comb L and D. DLUG & S/A.

LITTLE MOUNTAIN (Casuarina) $470Houses. Fantasitc Family home on 1/2 acre with 4 brms + study, pool and 4 living areas. DLUG and Carport plus huge side access. May suit dual occupancy.

SHELLY BEACH (Russell) $350Townhouse. This fantasic 3 bedroom t./h is situated between Moffat & Shelly Bch. 2 levels modern and well appoint. Walk to beach cafes, etc

WURTULLA (Mandara) $380Break lease, 4 brd 2 bath. reduced from $410. Great family home good size yard fully fenced and DBL car port. Pet Friendy and immaculate.

WURTULLA (Royal) $525House. Exec Canal Home with Pool. 4 gen bdr with C/Fans & built ins, sep L and D plus family room. S/W pool overlooking canal plus grassed areas front & back for children to play. Lovely family home.

5/30 Buderim Street, CALOUNDRATel: 07 5499 6111

COES CREEK Near Nambour, mod spacious home with bush/hinterland views, 3 lage beds, main with ens & huge WIR, 2 living areas, a/c, lage block, pets cons $420pw 5443 3096.

FOREST GLEN 3 bedroom acreage block, Maroochydore Road. $300pw.Phone 0414 791 467.

MARCOOLA BEACH House: Metres from beach, 2 storey, 4 bed, 3 bath, offi ce, 2 lounge rooms, DLUG, pool, spa, 2 outdoor living areas $550pw Ph 0413 304 008.

MOOLOOLABA 4 bed, 3 bath, 2 living, inground pool, DLUG plus 3 car garage, long term private lease, available 15/6/09. $495pwPh 0409 110 745.

NAMBOUR New 4 brm 2 Bth, DLUG, A/C, Security, View at ID 20078 $420wk. Ph Owner 0419022822..

Jump the rent queueTo advertise in this section, contact

MPR on 5443 8866 or

60 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

Median weekly rents increaseNew RTA fi gures show that rental prices are still on the rise.

The latest fi gures from the Residential Tenancies Authority show that median residential rental prices

across the majority of Queensland’s suburbs have experienced positive

growth in the year ending March 2009. Two-bedroom units experienced the most growth at fi ve per cent, followed closely by three-bedroom houses and then one-bedroom apartments.


Property TypeMarch Qtr

2008March Qtr

2009% change

1-bed units $235 $240 +2%

2-bed units $280 $295 +5%

3-bed houses $350 $360 +3%

4-bed houses $425 $420 -1%

Source: RTA

The Real Estate Institute of Queensland allows for rental properties to be inspected at

least once every six months. Th ese inspections have many

benefi ts for both agents and owners and provide information in relation to:• How well the tenants are

maintaining the property,• Whether any repairs and

maintenance are required,• What preventative maintenance

might be required, and • Whether or not the current rent

needs to be reviewed in line with market levels.

While the Form 20a stipulates a six-monthly inspection, some real estate agencies will conduct them every three months. Tamara Wrigley is from Carolans First National

Keep up the routineThe importance of those property inspections.

Page 60.indd 1 17/06/2009 10:02:55 AM


SLUG – single lock up garage DLUG – double lock up garage U/C – undercover parking brm – bedroom d/w - dishwasher f/f – fully furnished u/f - unfurnished Reader’s index



TWIN WATERS $5004 bedroom, 2 bathroom family home. Air conditioned. Fully fenced back yard. Swimming pool. Double lock up garage. Available: NOWSIPPY DOWNS $4955 bedroom, 2 bathroom + offi ce. Large open plan living.Undercover entertaining area. In-ground pool. Air conditioned. Double remote garage. Available: NOWBUDERIM $450Character home featuring 4 bedrooms. Four levels of living. Great elevation. Potential for home offi ce. Beautiful leafy location with sparkling swimming pool. Available: NOWSIPPY DOWNS $4303 bedroom, 2 bathroom + offi ce area. Ensuite to main. Open plan living. Great location across from the lake and walk to allamenities. Double remote garage. Available: 30/06/09BUDERIM $3503 bedroom, 2 bathroom townhouse. Master bedroom with ensuite and walk in wardrobe. Nice sunny bedrooms. Courtyard. Single garage. Swimming pool in complex. Available: NOW

Old Values, New Ways

5476 9677Shop 3 Kuluin Village

Cnr Main Rd & Indiana Place Kuluin


WARANA 3 brm plus rumpus room, air con living, covered ent area, pool, includes garden/lawn maint, monthly pool service, dbl carport, short walk to beach & shops. Pet on applic $370pw

BOKARINA Fully furnished 3 bedroom beach house, lge balcony for entertaining, tandem carport, close to beach, no pets $400pw


MOOLOOLABA Choice of beachfront fully furnished 1 bedroom units, resort facilities, security parking $310-$330pw

MOOLOOLABA 3 brm unit, ensuite, 1st fl oor, courtyard, sgl LUG, pool, easy walk to beach, school, shops & cafes $320pw

MOOLOOLABA Fully refurb 2 brm t/house, spacious bedrooms with built-ins, dishwasher, private courtyard, sgl LUG $330pw

COTTON TREE 3 brms + multi purpose room, spacious living, dishwasher, ensuite, lge balcony, pool, sec parking, walk to beach, shops $420pw

MOOLOOLABA As new 3 brm spacious exec duplex unit, air con, ensuite, media room, dishdrawer, remote dbl garage, cov ent area, no pets $470pw

5444 0800

NambourTwo Bedroom Home with Sunroom $270pwTwo bedroom home with sunroom, recently painted inside, single carport, storage underneath the house, fenced yard, close to hospital, pet on application only.Three Bedroom Home Open Plan Living Area $280 pwFront verandah with patio with ceiling fans & separate laundry, single carport, located in Coes Creek area.Spacious 3 Bedroom Cottage near Hospital $295pw1 bathroom, separate toilet, separate dining and living areas, covered outdoor entertaining area. Massive backyard, (shed not included in rental at this time)Near New 2/3 Bedroom Townhouse $295pwSpacious tiled living area, ensuite + additional bathroom with bath tub, courtyard area, Single lock up garageNeat & Comfortable 3 Bedroom Home $295pwLocated in central Nambour, polished timber fl oors. Open plan living area with older style kitchen & combined area. Storage downstairs. Single carport Pet on application.Three Bedroom Home with New Kitchen $300pwRecently renovated, lounge room with polished timber fl oors, combined kitchen dining, large fenced yard.Stylish Four Bedroom Home in New Estate $380pwLarge open plan living area modern kitchen with dishwasher, Air conditioned, Security screens on all windows and doors, low maintenance lawns & gardensQuality 4 Bedroom New Home $390pwComplete with ensuite, built in robes, timber fl oors in spacious living areas, wrap around timber decks with outlook, Remote DLUG + additional covered parking. Lawn maintenance included. Pet on Application. Private and Secluded Acreage Living $395pw3 bedroom plus offi ce / 4th bedroom, combined lounge / dining, fully fenced acreage block with tank water, Air conditioning downstairs plus bedrooms upstairsExecutive Style Residence in Kureelpa $420pw5 bedrooms with , theater room Gourmet kitchen , open plan living area rear terrace with ocean views situated on 1.2 hectares Available NowImmaculate Queenslander $500pwSituated in a rain forest setting this home has 3 bedrooms master and ensuite. Polished timber fl oors, French doors & high ceilings. Downstairs offers self contained granny fl at with combined shower & laundry making it a perfect teenage retreat. Enjoy tranquility of the wide wrap around verandahs or relax on the deck beside the inground swimming pool & Spa. Available now.

To book an inspection of these properties contact Ray White Nambour Property

Management 07 5441 7788


Tel 5444 441 1Mob 0408 752 622

Buderim, 2/68 Gilbert Street $200 per weekThis fi rst fl oor older style 1 bedroom property has large rooms including kitchen, lounge, dining, bedroom and bathroom. The north facing verandah is the full length of the property and there is a combined laundry. Gilbert St is a very desirable address.Cotton TreeUnit 3 “Longboarders”, 10 Memorial Ave $265 per weekOnly 50 metres to the Surf Beach, cafes, restaurants, olympic pool and river from this 2 bedroom unit in a small complex. Some furniture available, carport, communal laundry and electricity included in the rent.MooloolabaUnit 3 “Candice Gardens” 88 Amarina Ave $290 per weekUnfurnished, 2 bedroom fi rst fl oor unit in small block of 4. Single lock up garage, large balcony. Fridge and washing machine included. Close to shops, schools and beach. Mooloolaba Unit 105 “Sandcastles”Cnr of Parkyn Parade & River Esplanade $290 per weekBeing in the heart of Mooloolaba and situated right on Mooloolaba Beach you will not need a car. Fully furnished in all respects; Queen sized bedroom, water glimpses, large bathroom and internal laundry. 2 hot plate cook top, air conditioned and full use of resort facilities. MooloolabaUnit 4 “Venning Lodge” 29 Venning St $295 per weekTop fl oor 2 bedroom unit with some ocean views from balcony. Unit has ceiling fans, single lock up garage, close to Coles and the beach. Headland Park, 21 Keswick Place $350 per weekUnfurnished home in a lovely quiet cul-de-sac and with an easy walk distance to corner shops. This is great for the family with a large fully fenced backyard, 3 bedrooms the main with built-ins, 2 separate living areas, practical kitchen which overlooks the outdoor area. The carport is large and there is room for a boat, caravan or trailer. No Pets. Alex Headland, U3/242 Alexandra Pde $360 per weekIncredible northerly ocean views from this totally renovated 2 bedroom unit. Timber fl oors, up to the minute kitchen with dish drawer dishwasher, refrigerator and washer/dryer combined. You will love relaxing on the balcony watching the surf roll in. No garage.Meridan Plains (Currimundi) A wide selection of new &‘as new’ homes starting from only $370 per weekComprising 4 bedrooms, ensuite bathroom, air cond, fully fenced yards, close to lovely park with equipment for kids to play in, rain water tanks plumbed into toilets and laundry. Great homes waiting for your inspection.


waterfront & coastal propertyCnr Parkyn Pde & River Esp. Mooloolaba

Ph (07) 5444

We can help you with all your waterfrontand coastal property needs.

Renting from Currimundi to Marcoola,we have the coast covered.

Mooloolaba $330p/wCanal front fully furnished unit. 2 bedrooms, great living space, modern kitchen & bathroom, SLUG, pool in complex.

Mountain Creek $430p/wCanal front 3 bedroom stand alone unit in small complex, 3 bathrooms, fully furnished, exclusive use pool, DLUG.

Wurtulla $680p/wOnly a dune away from the beach, this is a great 2 storey family home. Featuring 4 bedrooms + study nook, 2 bathrooms, wooden fl oors, large living spaces, pool, DLUG.



Phone 5409 9900For a full rental list visit

BUDERIM Tidy 1 brm unit on the top of Buderim, walk to shops & restaurants, sep. bathrm, carport, includes fridge $180pw

M’DORE 1 brm, 2 bathrm, fully furnished unit, air con in living area & bedrm, modern kitchen with stainless steel appliances, lock up garage with remote .................................... $300pw

BUDDINA 1 brm plus study/2nd brm, fans, balcony, walk to beach & Kawana shopping centre, security car park $270pw

M’DORE 2 bedroom villa, very neat & tidy, air con in the living area, private courtyard, remote lock up garage ....... $270pw

M’DORE 2 brm grounfd fl oor unit across from Maroochy River, built ins, 1 bathrm, lock up garage ......................... $270pw

M’DORE Tidy 2 brm townhouse lovely views backing onto river, private courtyard, two way bathroom, balcony off main brm, loft, lock up garage ................................................ $300pw

COTTON TREE 3 brm executive apartment 2nd fl oor, ensuite, walk in robe, air con, balcony, internal courtyard, dishwasher, secure parking u’ground, beautiful inground pool ... $420pw

COTTON TREE Ocean Views, 3 brm fully furnished apartment, air con, private balcony, ensuite including spa bath, resort facilities-pool, sauna, steam room, tennis court, security parking .................................................................. $420 pw

M’DORE Modern 3 townhouse looks as new, down the road from Sunshine Plaza, air con in living area, ensuite, dishwasher, lock up remote garage ......................... $350pw

MOOLOOLABA 3 brm waterfront unit on the top fl oor overlooking the canal, ensuite, balcony off living area, soon to have air con, dishwasher & new carpet, lock upgarage .................................................................... $320pw

M’DORE 4 brm unit, timber fl oors, balcony overlooking river, private jetty/boathouse, rent includes electricity, lock up garage .................................................................... $350pw

COTTON TREE Walk to beach & surf club, two brm townhouse, priv. c’yard, pool in complex, sec parking, great loc . $295pw

M’DORE Highset 3 brm home, plenty of space with 2 living areas downstairs, one upstairs plus sunroom, large verandah, lock up garage, short walk to beach .............................. $340pw

M’DORE brm lowest brick home, great location close to beach & shops, neat & tidy, timber fl oors, mod kitchen, entert area, solar HWS, f/fenced, l/up gar & 2 carports, pets neg $350pw

MOOLOOLABA 3 brm family home, 2 living areas, ensuite, easy care gardens, close to all amenities, DLUG .............. $400pw

BOKARINA 4 brm family home opposite the beach plus inground pool, ensuite, 2 living areas, lock up garage plus room for the boat ...................................................................... $550 pw


Contact Jean Hamer Prime Properties (07) 5444 50003/19 Brisbane Road, Mooloolaba or Mob 0407 750 959

UNITSMooloolaba. Great 2 storey, 3 bedroom villa

with dble remote garage & private courtyard. Swimming pool & all other amenities in complex - NEAT AS A PIN with great views. $360pw

Cotton Tree. If you are looking for quality, look no further than this 3 bedroom Penthouse opposite beach. Ensuite & 2nd bathroom. Fully air conditioned - ocean & mountain views, secure parking under. Balconies, quality fi xtures & fi ttings. $500pw

Have your investment managed professionally.

For further information phone 5444 5000



Phone 5499 5622

Bellvista - 4 bedroom home with 2 bathrooms, 2 car garage and large patio area. Situated in a quiet location .............................$370 p/w

Buddina - 3 bedroom unit with ensuite and lock up garage. Close to shops and beaches. AVAILABLE NOW...........................$280 p/w

Golden Beach - 4 bedroom home with 1 bathroom, 2 living areas, outdoor entertaining area and swimming pool ...............$400 p/w

Warana - 3 bedroom home with single garage and large fenced yard. 10 minute walk to beach. AVAILABLE NOW ...............$335 p/w

Our Knowledge is your Property


What are you looking for in a Property Manager?

If you would like to know more about what we can offer you, please contact Rachel & Annette on 5478 3788 or 0407 006 748 to

discuss your management options.


ALEXANDRA HEADLAND $2802 Brm U/F unit, lge living with balcony. Ocean views, SLU, great area close to beach & shops.BUDERIM $5605 Brm U/F Home 2 living areas ens D/W ocean views DLU. Property for Sale.BUDERIM $3902 Brm U/f home + 2 brm contained fl at under SLU + off street parking large deck off dining upstairs.BUDERIM $3203 Brm U/F townhouse unit SLU 1 bath air cond dishwasher close to transport shops and school small pet neg.CHANCELLOR PARK $3503 Brm U/F home ens DLU set in quiet cul-de-sac Garden shed.KAWANA ISLAND $4503 Brm U/F ensuite home DLU separate lounge family room under cover area off family Very neat and tidy home. MOOLOOLABA $2802 Brm U/F Esplanade unit SLU close to school and shops with ocean views.MOOLOOLABA $390Private 3 brm U/F home DLU 1 bath close to all amenities timber fl oors fully fences yard.


My Property Review | June 19, 2009 61

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62 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

SLUG – single lock up garage DLUG – double lock up garage U/C – undercover parking brm – bedroom d/w - dishwasher f/f – fully furnished u/f - unfurnished Reader’s index


5 Margaret St,

Phone: 07 5478 9122 / 0438 933 668


RENTAL PROPERTIES REQUIREDIn Palmwoods and surrounding areas

Dedicated and thorough service!Palmwoods $380pw

4 bed, 2 bath house, DLUG, rural outlook, modern, lovely, tidy and low maintenance, pets ok.

Highworth $220pwFully self contained granny fl at, new and fresh, beautiful rural outlook, peaceful and quiet, 1 car space.

Wurtulla - 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, stylish new home, large open living , lake views, modern kitchen, quality appliances, DLUG. Avail NOW $450.

Buderim - 3 bedroom, 2 bath, spacious living, pool, air con, guest studio, close to local shops. Avail NOW $375.

Nambour - 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 living areas, DLUG, fully fenced, quiet location, near new home. Avail NOW $380.

Kings Beach - 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, air con, water front complex, amazing views, resort style pool, walk to beach & shops. Avail NOW $380.

Mooloolaba - 2 spacious bedrooms, 1 bath, combined living areas, small complex of 4, hop, skip and jump to beach. Avail NOW $230.

Buderim - 3 bedroom, 1 bath, combined living, ceiling fans, SCP, neat & tidy so close to Buderim shops & schools. Avail NOW $295.

Mountain Creek - 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 3 living area, under cover entertaining area, fantastic pool, DLUG, School Zone. Avail 06/07 $520.

Buderim - 5 bedroom, 3 bath, dual living, 3 living areas, polished fl oors, very private bush setting, double decks, fi re place, close to schools. Avail NOW $495.

Caloundra - 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, amazing ocean views, SLUG, top fl oor, open living, walk to everything Caloundra has to offer. Avail NOW $275.

Golden Beach - Top fl oor 2 be, 1 bath, ligh bright living area, very modern, ocean views, 100m to beach. Avail 29/06 $340.

Buderim - 4 bed, 3 bath, 3 separate living areas, entertaining decks, very private. Avail NOW $460

Buderim - 4 bed, 2 bath, unique architect design, 1.25 acres, decks, all new and modern, bush setting. Avail NOW $620.

Pelican Waters - 5 bed, 2 bath, amazing home, deep water access, pool, jetty, new kitchen. Avail NOW $900.



Glasshouse Country

Phone 5494 6444For a full rental list visit


This stunning four bedroom home plus study features ensuite off the main bedroom, open plan tiled living area, formal lounge, dining and family rooms, single rooms have built in robes and lead off common lounge area, large kitchen with modern appliances, fans throughout, fully fenced back yard, double lock up garage attached with remote control. $400 per week Avail Now

EXECUTIVE RESIDENCENear new 2 story executive style home in the heart of Beerwah. This home features 5 large bedrooms, ensuite and walk in robe to master bedroom plus balcony overlooking the mountains, powder room, formal lounge and dining plus rumpus room, covered tiled patio at rear, chefs kitchen with dishwasher, double lock up garage with remote. Close to all amenities. Strictly No Pets. An inspection is a must to appreciate. INSPECTIONS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY$430 per week Available 22 June

DUPLEXNewly renovated with new paint, fl oor coverings, kitchen and bathroom, spacious yard, single lock up garage. Opposite park and only a short walk to the centre of town.$265 per week Available Now

UNITS UNITS UNITSAvailable now a selection of two and three bedroom units/townhouses, close to town, short walk to local shops and rail.Priced from $295 per weekAvailable Now



KAWANA ISLAND – Stunning near new home. 4 bdrms + study, 2 bthrms, air con & fans. Large open plan lounge/dining area opening onto a huge outdoor entertaining space. Modern kitchen w stainless steel appliances incl dishwasher. Central location! $450 p/w

BUDERIM— Gorgeous newly renovated 2 & 3 bdrm units in the heart of Buderim. 2 bthrms, air-con, a dishwasher in the kitchen & SLUG. Each has a lovely balcony or outdoor entertaining area. Within walking distance to most of lifes necessities.4 WEEKS RENT FREE!!

SIPPY DOWNS— Brand new & near new homes in various designs! All featuring 4 bdrms, 2 baths, DLUG & much much more. Found in fantastic Chancellor Park locations prices start from only $400 p/w

Buderim Chancellor ParkSippy Downs Mountain Creek

Jump the rent queue

1 3 0 0 K E N G U Y1 3 0 0 5 3 6 4 8 9




Buderim 3 + study, 2 bath, double garage, entertaining area $435

Maroochydore (Bli Bli) 4 bed, 3 bath,2 car $495

Buddina 4 bed, 3 bath, 3 car garage $750Minyama 5 bed, 2 bath, 3 car garage $875

Caloundra 2 bed, 1 bath, walk to beach $270

Maroochydore riverfront 2 bed, 1 bath $270

Maroochydore 2 bed, 1 bath, slug $280

Maroochydore 3 bed, 1 bath, slug $290

Maroochydore 2 bed, 1 bath, slug $320

Maroochydore 3 bed, 2 bath, river views $340

Mtn Creek renovated 3 bed townhouse,

2 bath, slug, waterfront, pool in complex $340

Maroochydore 3 bed, 2 bath, pool $345

Alex Heads fully furn, 2 bed, 2 bath,

opposite beach, slug, resort facilities $350

Buddina 2 bed, 2 bath, 1 garage $350

Cotton Tree 3 bed, 2 bath, walk to beach $355

Maroochydore new 2 bed, 2 bath, t/house $340

Buddina 2x3 bed, 1 bath, single

garage, close to beach and harbour $350

Caloundra 3 bed, 2 bath, double garage $370

Kawana Island Luxury 2 bed, 2 bath apartment resort facilities $370

Peregian Beach 3 bed, 2 bath, dlug, pool $450

Maroochydore 3 bed, 2 bath, double

parking, river and ocean views $800

Cotton Tree Luxury split level penthouse,

panoramic ocean views, polished timber

fl oors, large open plan living, gourmet kitchen

with stainless steel appliances, inbuilt

bar fridge, media room or offi ce $800

5 bed, 3 bath, 2 car garage. $850

Page 62.indd 1 17/06/2009 8:48:10 AM

My Property Review | June 19, 2009 63Display homes at:


Since 19851800 806

Homes from $139,500

House/Land Packages starting at $356,200

Building blocksWhat you need to know before buying land

Energy-efficient designGJ Gardner showcases the Water Gallery, p66

Bathroom blissCreate the latest look in your bathroom, p69

Page 63.indd 1 17/06/2009 11:06:57 AM

64 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

13 27 89visit 4144


8% lease back for 2 years with option to extend2 DISPLAY HOMES FOR SALE

A great opportunity exists to purchase a quality G.J. Gardner Homes display home, including a two-year lease back arrangement. Contact us today for plans and further details.

Brand New G.J.Display Homes




garden mix from a landscaping supplier before putting in hardy succulent-type plants such as dracaenas, agaves and even palms. Local markets have a great selection of plants. Ask the stall owner for as much information as possible – they know their stuff . When you plant them, consider shade and heights and water them in, especially for the fi rst few months. Top off with cane mulch, wood chips or bark and go for garden solar lights – they cheap, easy to use and eff ective.

Todd: Kylie, why bother replacing the old garden bed at all when in a single arvo with the help

of a coupla buddies, a backhoe and Scotty Cam, you can transform the entire backyard into a sporting hub.

If you’re like me, your yard’s got more grass than Willie Nelson’s tour bus, so get rid of it all. Simply tear up the yard, fl atten the entire area with a packer

whacker and start laying the AstroTurf ($45 a metre fully installed). Th e benefi ts of AT will be obvious the minute you step onto your new GABBA-esque fi eld of dreams – no more mowing, no more watering, and it’s always green and useable. Simply hose away any landmines the family Lab parks on it and your new yard will be tops for backyard cricket, mini golf, bocce, marbles, nude runs, crocquet and cheese rolling. As for lights, get your sparky to install some three-phase power action and whirl up a couple of 25-foot poles with fl ood lights attached. It’ll be on like Donkey Kong when the boys see your new multi-sport arena.

Dave: Hey Kyles. I’m gonna throw a word at you – permaculture! Nothing to do with ’80s hairstyles, everything to do with permanent agriculture. Decorative food gardens are the future. Th ey look great, are organic and healthy and the food is free! Th ere’s something so satisfying about growing and eating your own stuff . Whirl in a couple of small fruit trees, heaps of vegies and plenty of herbs. And here’s where we kill two birds with the one rock, so to speak – retain your garden bed with a rock wall. A fi ve-metre-high rock climbing wall! Great for your fi tness, you not only eat fresh homegrown produce, but you’re getting plenty of exercise too.

DIY questions solved! Email us your DIY query (or blunder) and if you are chosen you will receive handy (or not-so handy) advice straight from Jade, Dave and Todd. Listen to HOT FM on Friday mornings and have your advice published in MPR. Simply email your entry to: to enter.

Disclaimer: Th is information is off ered as advice only. Licensed tradesmen should always be consulted.Editor’s note: Dave and Todd’s responses should be considered as entertainment only...

From DIY blunders to hints and advice, let Jade, Todd and Dave solve your home project queries before things go horribly wrong.

DIY BLUNDER The trees around our home had started blocking out the view so my wife asked me to give them a bit of a trim. Time to bring out the chainsaw, I thought, and started hacking away at anything green. I was working on an old 40-foot paperbark with the wife’s help – she was holding onto the rope as I started on the trunk. I told the wife to tug on the rope to make sure it didn’t fall on the car or me, so she did. Then the tree started to fall – in her direction. I yelled for her to drop the rope and run, but she took off straight along the path of the falling tree. It didn’t hit her, just, but she has now hidden the chainsaw. At least we have our view back.Dave, Nambour

Email your best DIY blunder or simply dob someone in:

wood chips osolar lights –and eff ectiv

Todd:the in a


If ymortouSimtheph



g ga



QI’ve got a garden bed that I’ve ripped out and I want to create a new one. I’m known to kill plants, so I need ones that are easy to grow. Have you got any tips? Kylie, Chancellor Park

Jade: Kylie, start from the ground up. Th is means if you don’t have good soil, nothing will grow. Get a few barrows of good

Dave Todd


A Mynex kitchen is the heart of your home.“The decision to purchase our kitchen from Mynex Action Cabinets was based on solid industry experience, advice and professionalism. The level of service, consistency and attention to detail demonstrated by in office and on site staff was exemplary as was their friendly approach and commitment to ensuring that we as customers were satisfied with the final result. Based on our positive experience we would be more than happy to recommend Mynex Action Cabinets in the future” G&S P Currimundi.

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Page 64.indd 1 17/06/2009 12:49:52 PM

My Property Review | June 19, 2009 65

NOW SELLING - Stages 7, 8, 9 & 10 ✥ Majestic rural outlook

✥ Large, elevated allotments, average size over 800 sq.m.

✥ Fully developed parkland and wide landscaped road network

✥ Walk to daycare and school

✥ Minutes to major shopping centre

✥ Fully serviced - water, sewerage & underground power

✥ Covenant for your investment’s protection

w w w. e c h e l o n - g y m p i e . c o m . a u

Gympie’s PREMIER Residential Estate

Contact Marketing AgentNathan O’Neill 0413 978 788Harcourts Gympie 5482 3966

cover story

Doing your blockWant to buy a block of land where you can build your dream home? There are a few things to consider before signing up.

When building your own home, buying a block of land may seem like the easy part of the process. Aft er all, it doesn’t involve things like colour

schemes, architectural trends and design plans. But choosing the right block is essential to the success of your custom-built home. Your immediate comfort and future capital gains depend on the suitability of your choice. And there’s no point thinking about the design of your dream home until you’ve found the block, as the land will dictate the type of house you build. Here are six things to consider when hunting for your perfect block.

ShapeTh e block’s shape is just as important as its size. Th e best choices are wide, deep blocks as they off er the possibility of an impressive street presence and the opportunity to create garden spaces. Elongated, battleaxe or angular blocks may restrict your building possibilities and will require an expert architect or builder to work out how to maximise space. You’ll need the exact dimensions of your block for calculations and planning.

AspectPerhaps the most important element of your block of land is the aspect. On the Coast, a north, north-east aspect is ideal. But looks can be deceiving – even the most poorly oriented block can look sunny and elevated when vacant. Get an expert opinion on how the block’s exposure to sun, wind and rain will aff ect your home.

Slope and soil typeA fl at block of land will obviously be the easiest and cheapest type to build on, but a site on a slope may make for a more interesting look. Remember, though, that blocks with a steep gradient that have not been retained will attract high building costs. Th e gradient will also impact on which way water will travel and indicate the need for drainage work. Th ere are also a few things to consider when it comes to the type of soil on the site. Sandy and light soils may need reinforcement

by Jessica Ainscough

even over small gradients, and thick clay or rocky soils may incur additional excavation and tipping costs.

ServicesIt is important to check if the site has access to services such as electricity, water and sewerage. Most blocks in established areas are fully serviced, but you can’t assume all services will be available. Additional costs for service connections may be required for blocks on new estates and in rural and remote areas.

CovenantsIf you’re looking at a block of land situated in an estate, chances are it will incur building covenants. A building covenant means the house you build must meet certain requirements in quality and aesthetics – all determined by the developer. Th e benefi t for you is that it ensures a level of quality on all buildings in the estate. A drawback is the cost. Th e covenant may require you to spend more on the construction of the house than you are prepared

to. Building covenants may include the minimum size of the house, the building envelope, driveways and fence types, the external facade and water courses.

NeighbourhoodTh e neighbourhood you choose to buy in will determine your enjoyment and re-sale opportunities. Not only must you be comfortable with the area now, but think about whether it will meet your needs in the future. Th ings to consider include the quality of surrounding homes, proximity to shops, transport and schools and whether or not the home you want to build will suit the area. It’s also a good idea to check with the council to see if there are any building restrictions over the land.

You may have the plans for your dream home all fi gured out, but the block of land it’s destined for needs to be established fi rst. It’s much easier to design the house to suit your block rather than trying to fi nd a block that will suit your desired home. Do your research and it will be possible to build the home you want.

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66 My Property Review | June 19, 2009

Open house

display home

The Water Gallery 394 from GJ Gardner draws the outdoors in with high ceilings and spacious interior areas. Th e architecturally designed doors

and windows allow for maximum natural light without compromising the fi ve-star energy-effi ciency rating.

With four comfortably sized bedrooms and a home offi ce conveniently tucked away in the corner of the entrance, this allows more room in the family, kitchen and dining areas for entertaining. In addition to the outdoor area is the alfresco pavilion, which is the perfect setting for dining and entertaining.

Open-plan kitchens are now a feature of GJ Gardner’s houses, and this home’s kitchen, with its wide benchtops and loads of storage space, is no exception.

“People love the openness of the home,’’ Sunshine Coast franchise manager Tony Quinn says. “Th e size of the main bedroom and the ensuite and the kitchen with its high ceiling and the courtyard area – it’s a nice place to get away to.’’

Th e living area features four-metre bi-fold doors back to the courtyard and a set the same size opposite that open to the pool deck.

Upstairs, the main suite has an ensuite that could easily have shutters or louvres fi tted for privacy. Bi-fold doors open to a large roofed balcony. Th e walk-in robe and dressing area are separate from the ensuite. Little touches like the laundry shute in the main suite and two other bedrooms add to the feeling of attention to detail.

Space and light defi ne the new energy-effi cient design from GJ Gardner Homes.

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My Property Review | June 19, 2009 67

display home



Design: Water Gallery 394Crafted by: GJ Gardner Homes 5478 4144Take a tour: 10 Columba Place, Pelican WatersPrice: From mid-$500,000

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68 My Property Review | June 19, 2009 I p. 54 777 192

Visit our showroomSuite 2, Boulevarde Centre, Jessica Blvd, Minyama.


Designer Showcase Home in a Beautiful Resort Sett ing

Luxurious New Hyatt Resort Home Over 400sqm.Bedrooms: 4 (2 ensuited) + StudyBathrooms: 3 + Powder Living: Lounge, Family, Media with FireplaceGarage: 2 + Buggy

(New 4-seat buggy included in purchase)Land: 750sqm (approx)Close to: Beaches, Resort, Airport Features: 5-Star Finishes, Pool, A/C, Security,

Timber Floors, Gated Community

View: Saturdays 1:00pm - 3:00pmPrice: Auction to be held on site at 1:00pm 27 June, 2009Address: 7-157 Centenary Heights Road, Coolum Beach 4573

David A. Perez 0427 378 600

For more

Fun and games


DesignCrafted by:


The Hamilton 252Coral Homes 5437 9582$145,100

Coral Homes’ popular Hamilton 252 is a 252-square metre design that is a large yet aff ordable family home.

For the kids, the home features an activity room and centralised games

The kids will love this family-friendly Coral Homes property. room. Th e open-plan living area features a kitchen and family area, plus a meals room that is designed to be inviting and fi lled with light.

Th e adults can retreat to the more formal lounge room or the spacious master bedroom, which has an ensuite and walk-in robe.

Power down and save

by Brad Thompson

With the announcement last week that our electricity bills are set to rise by 16 per cent, there’s been

no better time to consider simple ways to minimise electricity use in the home.

Take advantage of the current Queensland Government initiative to have a wireless energy monitor installed. Th is will allow you to track your consumption and see where you are currently using the most energy.

Here are a few ways you can save energy, save cash and help the planet: • Replace all external light fi xtures

with sensors.• Tint all external windows. • Insulate ceilings.• Replace incandescent with CFL lights. • Install water-saving shower heads. • Turn off all appliances at the wall when

you’re not using them.• Use cold water in the washing machine.• Shower for no more than four minutes. • Convert to a solar-powered hot-water


Design fl exibility

Coastbuild Pty Ltd trading as Morcraft Homes BSA Lic 1057734Copyright © All plans copyright to S. Morcombe - copy in whole or in part strictly forbidden.

Head Offi ce3/105 Brisbane Rd

MooloolabaPh. 5478 4155

Display HomePeregian Springs162 The AvenuePh. 5448 3600

Display HomePelican Waters

3 Columba PlacePh. 5437 3100

Display HomeBrightwater Estate 5 Ponytail CircuitPh. 5437 6333

Over 1200 homes built on the Coast, 28 years local experience, 50 industry awards over 70 plans to choose from, our reputation as a quality builder is the envy of many. We build your designs or ours and happily alter them to suit your needs.

Martinique 385Lower Level

Upper Level

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My Property Review | June 19, 2009 69







designed to inspire

From your initial personal consultation through to completion of the stylishkitchen of your dreams, The OneStop Kitchen Shop will provide you with the latest designs, finishes and professional service.

exclusive kitchensbeautiful bathrooms & beyond

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SHOWROOMMonday – Friday8.30am – 4.30pm33 Page StreetKunda Park Q 455607 5476 6135

Kitchens& bathrooms

member - the best in the business

book your consultation with our qualified designers today 07 5476 6135

Security screen manufacturers for the Sunshine Coast, specialising in stainless steel mesh, as well as... Flyscreens, Blinds, Shutters & Awnings.

Request a quote online or call us for a free measure & quote.

In May & June we are slashing 10% off the cost of all screens & screen doors. This includes our supa popular Supa Screen Security without an interrupted view!

Visit our showroom at Unit 6 / No.1 Metier Linkway, Kawana Waters, 4575Phone: 5493 2600 Fax: 5493

10%OFFMay & June


If you want to realise the hidden potential in your home, to prepare your home for sale or to maximise the return on an investment property you need us.

Increase the value of your home

p. 0449 141 349 e.

Interior Design and Property StylingProperty Presentation Consultations and ReportsRenovations and Project Management


Much sought-after display home is now available

for sale at 4 Columba Place

Contact Ty Fox5437 3188

0409 530 922

Since 1985


Bathe in luxury with these bathroom accessories.

Hit the tiles

1/ Aquatic candle (oval), $29.95, Freedom Maroochydore 5479 1444 2/ Mett mirror lights, from $169, Beacon Lighting 5479 0411 3/ Sayama wall lights, $195 each, Beacon Lighting 5479 0411 4/ Oslo contoured towels, $32.95, Canningvale 1800 801 728 5/ Lennox towels, $24.95, Freedom Maroochydore 5479 1444 6/ Jordan bathroom ceramics: lotion bottle, $21.95, soap dish, $14.95, tumbler, $12.95, Pillow Talk 5443 7238 7/ Ashton storage set, $69.95, Freedom Maroochydore 5479 1444 8/ Bamboo storage boxes (set of two), $49.95, Freedom Maroochydore 5479 1444 9/ Madison decorative bath mat, $34.95, Canningvale 1800 801 728 10/ Linen House coated stainless steel waste bin, $29.95, toilet roll holder, $37.95, toilet brush holder, $26.95, Pillow Talk 5443 7238











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70 My Property Review | June 19, 2009


Proudly Marketed by



4 2 2


new home & land

New start at CoolumCoolum’s Outlook estate offers more than just affordable land.

As the popularity of the Coast increases, many buyers are fi nding it diffi cult to get exactly what they

want in established suburbs. For these buyers, the perfect solution

might be to build a new house for the same price, or close to it, of buying an established property.

Outlook at Coolum Beach off ers great parcels of land at aff ordable prices. Outlook is close to Coolum

Park Shopping Centre, is just a few minutes’ drive to Mt Coolum and Coolum Beach, and is close to the local primary schools.

Selling quickly, there are now limited blocks available with prices starting from $240,000.

For further information, contact Samantha Leworthy of RE/MAX Coolum Beach on 0415 113 092 or 5455 1600.

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home directory

- Plumber - Call Sean 0414 227 471 - Excavation - Call Nick 0432 032 910

BSA Licence 1129822

Need a Plumber and/or Excavator?

All aspects of Plumbing, Drainage & Gas fittingAll attachments - 1.5T Excavator with operator & 2 T tipper

Plumbing or Excavation

BUYING? OR SELLING? Obtain a detailed, easy to read report to Australian Standard AS 4349.3 from a qualified, insured timber pest inspector.

Pest control & termite treatment options availableBSA License 1113734 / Pest license 14175


CURRIMUNDI 5491 4111

Valuers and Property Consultants

Suite 2/2 Akeringa Place, Mooloolaba Email:

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Servicing the Sunshine Coast from Gympie to Bribie Island and the Hinterland

Property Valuers

We drop the bin. You fill it. We pick it up when ready.


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How do you know where to buy? Is the asking price fair market value?Our market research can get you started; our qualified valuers can

inspect the property and give you reassurance about the price.

We advise. You decide.Sunshine Coast: 07 5444 7277

Property Advisors

Are You Wanting To Sell Your Home? or Maybe you’re considering purchasing a home that’s in need of renovating. When attempting to sell street appeal is paramount.

AAA Roof Protection Pty Ltd offer a pre sale make over of your roof where we provide the following services:

So if your selling or buying call AAA Roof Protection for great personalised service and quality workmanship.


Grant Rogers0408 015 6471800 009 535BSA Lic# 1154098

Roofi ng

Aft er detecting termite activity in 18 homes on the Sunshine Coast last month, Jason Brown

of Precision Pest Management can’t stress enough the importance of a pre-purchase pest inspection.

As a local business, Precision Pest Management has a close relationship with Sunshine Coast buyers and sellers.

“With the current market, vendors are requesting pre-sale inspection reports to boost their properties’ saleability,” says Jason. “As a member of the local Sunshine Coast community, people know they can rely on us for honest and thorough reporting. We establish relationships with clients that continue for years, following up with annual termite inspections and general pest control as well.”

Business profi le – Precision Pest ManagementAAA Roof Protection has become the fi rst choice when it comes to roof restorations and maintenance.

Locally owned and operated, this family company has delivered good old-fashioned service and reliability.

Th e staff at AAA Roof Protection pride themselves on being involved in all facets of the process, from meeting the

client and quoting, then doing thework. Th ey are not just sales staff with a hard-sell feel and a commission to meet.

AAA Roof Protection understands the importance of referral and word of mouth in our Sunshine Coast Community. It’s all about providing a good service and doing it right. AAA Roof Protection takes an enormous amount of pride in what they do. Give them a call and you too will appreciate what all the fuss is about.

Business profi le – AAA Roof Protection

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Curtains & Blinds

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Pre Purchase Inspections

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30 years experience building and renovating swimming pools on the Sunshine Coast.

For advice and quotation Mobile 0415 498 869 Ph 5438 9839

Pool Construction

Maid to Shine Cleaning Services

Michelle Smith 0405 599 828

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Also offer a maintenance division servicing real estates and businesses

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MICHAEL BLAKE CONCRETINGFootings, slabs, driveways, paths, pool surrounds, epoxy fl ooring, and crushed glass fl ooring. Plain and exposed. Phone for a free quote and advice.

0418 726 900

Concrete Services

Phone Mark Toft on 0413 703 637

New Homes

Extensions/ Alterations



Tilt Panel Construction

Blue Dog Constructions Pty. Ltd. Builders No. 65991


My Property Review | June 19, 2009 71

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