Mozilla Webmaker tools (Vital TeachShare, 7 February 2013)

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An overview of Mozilla's Webmaker tools for a Vital CPD TeachShare session on 7 February 2013.

Transcript of Mozilla Webmaker tools (Vital TeachShare, 7 February 2013)



1. Introduction2. Mozilla Webmaker3. Thimble, X-Ray Goggles & Popcorn Maker4. Experimentation5. Q&A

1. Introduction

Doug BelshawBadges & Skills Lead

Mozilla Foundation@dajbelshaw

YEP, WE MAKE FIREFOX(but we do way more than that...)

The Mozilla Foundation is a non-profit organization that

promotes openness, innovation and participation on the Internet.

2. Mozilla Webmaker

“Mozillians are people who make things. Moving people from consumption to creation is Mozilla’s goal.”

 Mitchell Baker (Mozilla Chair / Chief Lizard Wrangler)

3. Thimble, X-Ray Goggles & Popcorn


3 tools

ThimbleProject-based HTML/CSS editor for web page creation

X-Ray GogglesSee and mess around with the building blocks of the Web

Popcorn MakerEnhance, remix and share Web video

(live demo)

(live demo)

(live demo)

4. Experimentation(go to