Men of tumblr

Post on 21-Mar-2017

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Transcript of Men of tumblr

men of tumblr i’ll be in red

my granny will be in blue

do you know who this is?

that’s him you love. i don’t know his name. sherlock holmes?scratching his head ‘cos it’s full of nits.

who’s this?

doctor who. he needs a good feed. his smile’s fake, it’s too wide. when you smile you don’t go *smiles weirdly* you smile like *smiles*.

do you know who this is?

dunno, but i’ve seen him in something. has he been in a detective thing?

who’s this?

another doctor who. he needs a good feed as well. see now he’s smiling but he hasn’t got his mouth open.

do you know who this is?

no, but i like him. he looks like a baddie or a gangster or something.

any comments about him?

i think he’s a funny character like a comedian

do you know who this is?

i like these things. he’s out of that tv program hunt but i don’t know because i didn’t watch it.

do you know who this is?

no. he’s handsome. good head of hair. very fit.