Media evalutation scriptg

Post on 04-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Media evalutation scriptg

G321 Media Evaluation


The development from Prelim Task to producing the final opening

“Our prelim task was to prepare us for the producing the final opening and from

this I learnt a lot.

Camera work- improved awareness & knowledge

180 degree rule filmed incorrectly was corrected & learnt

After prelim task when planning our final film more thought went into the

mise-en-scene and planning of each shot. This shown in the animatic


From Movie maker to more professional film editors

First time using colour correction

Adobe premiere pro

Being an actor- see how it feels- better direction needed for Parker so I

made sure in the final filming he knew what was expected of him and

how to be in the shot.

Filming, pan, zoom different shots for different affects

Confidence in making decisions effectively

I feel that the camera work that took place in the prelim task really developed

my awareness and knowledge. Also our mistake in using an over the shoulder

shot wrongly and not in keeping with the 180 degree rule taught us all a lesson

that we would not repeat again”

This project was also my first time in using colour correction on after effects so

this improved my knowledge and skills in this programme. Jake and Rhys were

great in teaching and helping us with the process and together we could produce

a very professional looking image. So when editing our final opening I had

many skills to utilise. I have also taught myself to use adobe premiere pro and

my skills in editing have drastically improved.

Being an actor in this film I realised how important directing actors was to make

sure the right shot was achieved. I took this through with me to direct our actor


My confidence has grown too. I have realised how import it is to have

confidence in decisions for example knowing what special effects sound

realistic or filming a shot in a certain way

G321 Media Evaluation


Opening Clip I will talk about the ways in which my media product Anomalous

develops, challenge, subverts or goes with conventions of real existing media


Our product anomalous does support and conform to some

conventions of horror film-

I.e. using a small child used commonly in horror films as noted

through research that audiences find this chilling and unsettling

Atmospheric, ambient music and sound effects is a strong

convention in horror films that we have followed

Realist use of different shots and transitions

Flashbacks a common convention

Used a well known institution i.e. lions gate & paramount

supporting film openings

A usual convention we have used sound as a way to create tension

i.e. wind chimes, breeze noises

It also Challenges and subverts conventions...

Opening set in daylight in contrast with usually being in dark

and shadowed earlier stereotypical settings being woods or

abandoned houses subverts usually horror settings and

creates a different atmosphere

Also the protagonist being a villain or rather antagonist and

subverting the usually stock character of what Vladimir prop

character theory would expect of a villain. Being in a smart

suit representing him to be of a higher class

I think overall our film does fit into the physocholigic horror genre and does use

conventions that would be expected. However mirroring the title there is some

unusual and deviating from the norm and this is something we really wanted to

make apparent to are audience. This is a key theme and idea I wanted our film

to represent!

G321 Media Evaluation


This clip will focus on what film institutions we choose and why


Lions gate

Popular institutions

Well recognised

Trusted by our audience which is very important to raise viewers

Some audience members will come just because the film is in

association with these two institutions.

Produced films like devil inside, saw, hunger games

Our video blog work where we developed a mind map on a white

board develops the reason why we choose these institutions

I think it‟s really important for a film like anomalous to be linked to such big

institutions as with a large segment target audience we hope it would be hugely

watched and liked.

The next point will focus on the audience for „Anomalous‟

Explain who our audience is.... How did we attract them?

A gripping opening-music, action & horror straight

away no build up to a climax

A unique & interesting title „Anomalous‟

Theme of the dice- unusual

Using a young man and a young girl relatable to


Posters, trailers on line on YouTube social networking would target are

young audience. A mix of media platforms for the film to be promoted on

Set in an everyday ordinary setting makes it also relatable and realistic to

our audience

I addressed the audience by thinking what attracts different viewers and

market research was key for making this decision effectively and with


When we first came up with the word anomalous I searched the definition

it into Google and saw the breakdown of the syllables this had a great

look and the idea developed into the credits of the film. This is unique

and will grab the audience as it is recognisable but presented in a

different way.

G321 Media Evaluation


This point will develop and outline the way in which Anomalous presents

different social groups & how the characters are represented. Develop on

discussing the themes experienced in Anomalous.

Anomalous brings up many themes

Themes of confusion, anger, frustration and the abnormal

There is a strong sense of physcholigic terror

Parker is presented as a high class male ABC1

We used a suit to show that every class and every human can be

affected by the „game‟ the dices victim are not divided by class or

ethnicity linking to slogan on back of DVD and other promotional


In a suit he looks presentable and shows the day is important and a

significant day in his life

He is represented as being a weak male however

Even if the message is only subtle in the beginning he is being

controlled by the little girl

This goes against stereotypes of older males being inferior

The young girl is represented as being strange and is more of an

afterthought her character is not developed in the opening

All victims in this opening are male. So this is a negative

representation of the male gender.

G321 Media Evaluation


This short clip will speak about the horror genre in general and how I feel about

the genre after this unit. How have my techniques and knowledge developed

and grown?

I‟m not a huge horror genre fan myself. But I have found this unit & topic

incredibly interesting.

The way I view films or short clips has changed dramatically.

I have developed & improved in many areas partially camera work and editing.

But also the way I have presented my work has also been a reason for this


Blogger- Discuss my use of Blogger. Other ways to present posts such as

Photoshop, Ipiccy and Chirbit.

I have really enjoyed using blogger. It‟s simple yet effective to use and being

online expands what is possible

I have enjoy creating short photo essays, creating voiceovers and using

Photoshop and ipiccy to create visual ways of presenting information.

My group -Jake, Chloe & Rhys. The experience of working with this group.

I have really enjoyed working in this group.

Variety of talents & Ability

Resources of technology & equipment between us

Splitting of roles and work load

Teaching each other as we go.

Short Summary of Evaluation and thank-you for watching!

By Olivia Gascoine