Media evalutation question 1

In what ways do you intend your media product to use, develop or challenge forms and conventions? Media Evaluation; Question 1

Transcript of Media evalutation question 1

Page 1: Media evalutation question 1

In what ways do you intend your media product to use, develop or challenge forms and conventions?

Media Evaluation; Question 1

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Page 3: Media evalutation question 1

Like all films we have decided to put the name of our company at the start music form our film will also be played while the name of our company scrolls past, we have done this because while doing research, films often join the opening with something to do with the film about to be shown

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This is a Ariel shot of a man running away from something in the film James bond like this film we have gone for the same shot here as Adam like the man from the film are both running away/ trying to escape.

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Also like James bond we have decided to show our actor running away from a side angle in doing this the audience watching feel as if they are part of the film running along side him.

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Flash back

In our film we used flashbacks so the audience knows that something in the past is going to affect the rest of the film however it was a game that gave me the inspiration to use them. Call of duty black opps also use flash backs as you can see like ours they have also changed the colour to make it clear this is not in the present. see the flashback in action

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Like most films we decided to add some of the credits in the opener. We did this to so we could show our people involved ( most important people) like Hollywood films do.

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Adding the title in the opening sequence breaks down the action and tells the audience that the plot or story is about to begin.