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Table of Contents

TOPIC PAGE Teambuilding 2

Leadership 6

Values and Vision 10

Management 13

Management Styles 17

Good Decision Making 25

Communication 29

Written Communication 38

Public Speaking 43

Managing Employees 49

Motivation 52

Goals 60

Organizational Ethics 64

Diversity 70

Time Management 73

Coaching 80

Delegation 91

Course Evaluation 102

What do you think of when you hear the word “teamwork?” Most people have a variety of thoughts about it: working together, achieving goals, as well as time-consuming and communication problems. But teams are integral part of the way we do business at Justice Federal Credit Union. Good managers must be good team members and leaders.

Every manager functions as a part of many teams. Each is a member of the management team, department team, committee teams, and project teams. The purpose of each team is different, but the definition above relates to each.

Each team is comprised of several employees with individual skills and personalities.

Each individual brings something different to the team, as a result. Each team has a goal to reach, whether it is a sales goal, project completion,

or organizational change. Each team, and the manager in charge of that team, is assessed on reaching

the goal efficiently. A good team is the sum of its parts: each individual working toward the goal.

Teams have advantages and disadvantages. To decide whether a team is the right way to complete a project, both the good and the bad must be considered.

Advantages: Teams can be more responsive to the needs of an organization and produce

the desired result. Teams can get the job done, as they are made up of several employees. The

entire job does not fall on the shoulders of one employee. Good teams communicate well. Team members expand their horizons to

learn about the job functions of other employees. They learn new skills due to good communication and good teamwork.

Team members get personal satisfaction from being part of an effective team. When the team reaches the goal, it is the result of all team members working, sharing, and trusting. Bonds are built in good teams.

The final product of a team is of a higher quality, due to the input of the ideas and expertise of a group of employees.

The opportunity is available to use the strengths of team members and compensate for their weaknesses.

Disadvantages: Time is a big disadvantage for teams. Because it involves a group of

employees, meetings must be held which pull team members away from their daily work.

Individual team members must give their skills and expertise to the team.



Teamwork: the work done by several associates with each doing a part, but all subordinating personal prominence to the efficiency of the whole.

Team membership places additional responsibilities on these employees and their individual performance may suffer as a result.

Teams include a range of personalities and conflicts may occur. Teams often do not establish effective avenues of communication, which

leads to a lack of forward movement toward the goal.


An important aspect of a good team is trust. If each member of the team trusts the others to complete tasks, the team will thrive. The team must be able to speak openly and share ideas without recrimination.

Team leaders must trust the team members at all times. Micromanaging teams does not produce the best results. Some team leaders feel they must involve themselves in the responsibilities given to other members of the team. This is an ineffective way to manage a team. The members of a micromanaged team will depend on the leader to provide all guidance and will not share ideas. It is also common that micromanaged team members will not complete assigned tasks without the direction and intervention of the team leader, due to a fear of failure or repetition of the task. They will also not have trust in the team as a whole and may be unwilling to participate fully. These deficiencies diminish the effectiveness of that team.

The team must communicate progress, obstacles, as well as resolution of these obstacles, Open and clear communication is essential to a good team. Members should be able to successfully express their ideas verbally. They should be able to listen with an open mind to the ideas of other members. They should be able to build a consensus and work towards the team’s goal and not their personal goals.

The need for trust arises from each team member’s interdependence on others. Team members often depend on other people to help obtain, or at least not to frustrate, the outcomes that are valued. As each member’s interests with others are intertwined, it is important to recognize that there is an element of risk involved insofar as situations will occur where one team member compels the cooperation that is sought. Therefore, trust is very valuable in team interactions.

Trust has been identified as a key element of successful conflict resolution (including negotiation and mediation). This is not surprising insofar as trust is associated with enhanced cooperation, information sharing, and problem solving.

The managers of Justice Federal Credit Union must successfully fulfill the role of a team. They must work together to meet the organizational goals, understand and communicate information to their individual branches and department teams, as well as participate and communicate information with the project teams.

Exercise: Building a Team3

Trust: an individual's belief in, and willingness to act based on the words, actions, and decisions of another.

What does it take, beyond trust, to build an effective team? Below is quiz to determine if team building is needed. As it is taken, think about the management team, not other teams participated in. After it is completed, there will be a group consensus of the answers.

The Justice FCU Management Team

To what degree do you believe the following characteristics exist in the management team at Justice FCU?

Low Degree High Degree

Poor communication 1 2 3 4 5

Members afraid to speak up 1 2 3 4 5

Loss of productivity 1 2 3 4 5

Goals not being met 1 2 3 4 5

Belief that employees are not recognized for good work

1 2 3 4 5

Complaining outside the team 1 2 3 4 5

Conflicts among team members 1 2 3 4 5

Decisions made that members do not agree with

1 2 3 4 5

Confusion about roles and assignments 1 2 3 4 5

Limited time working together 1 2 3 4 5

Lack of commitment to the team goals 1 2 3 4 5

Lack of involvement 1 2 3 4 5

Lack of trust 1 2 3 4 5

Lack of creativity 1 2 3 4 5

Lack of risk-taking 1 2 3 4 5

Ineffective team meetings 1 2 3 4 5

To score, add up the numbers that have been circled. Refer to this scale:

26-32 Team functions well

33-48 Team could function better, but has no major difficulties

49-64 Team needs to function better

Over 64 Team functions poorly

Empowering the Team


The team leader must be empowered, before the team can be empowered. The team leader must accept that his or her success resides in the empowerment of the team. This is not an easy task. The team leader must have the belief that the team is effective and will be successful.

To empower the team:

Today’s business leaders understand that great teamwork makes successful companies. Changes occur very rapidly, too rapidly for one person to know every thing about every issue with total accuracy. To keep up with change, teamwork is essential.

Create the team, trust the team, and empower the team for success.


Educate Develop individual team member skills. Build the team. Encourage learning from mistakes.

Enable Allow the team to set goals. Open organizational doors that allow the team to

be successful. Listen to the problems of the team and coach

members to overcome those problems.Encourage

Recognize small achievements. Set high expectations and standards Celebrate with the team.

Leadership causes others to do what the leader wants them to do. A good leader motivates others to exert their best efforts. A leadership theorist, James M. Bass,

developed the theory of transformational leadership. He defines this as “Someone who raises (follower’s) awareness about issues of consequence, shifts them to higher level needs, and influences them to transcend their own self interests for the good of the group or organization and to work harder than they originally expected they would”.

Exercise: Interpreting Transformational Leadership

Please write down how you feel each part of his definition can be accomplished:

Raises (follower’s) awareness about issues of consequence______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Shifts awareness to higher level needs______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Influences them to transcend their own self interests for the good of the group or organization


Work harder than they originally expected they would______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Leadership: the ability to influence people toward the attainment of an organization goal.



Can YOU be a leader?Whether you realize it or not, you already have the ability, the knowledge, and the experience to become a leader. Leadership is an observable, learnable set of skills. It’s not something mystical that can’t be mastered by ordinary people with the desire and determination to substantially improve their leadership abilities.

Your position as a branch or department manager plays an important role in establishing the attitudes of the staff team. Although there are exceptions, employees will usually reflect the manager’s assumptions and the manager’s relationship with them. The manager has a profound effect on the quality of the work environment, and the morale of the staff. Your attitude, your actions, and your words are influential to your staff and the rest of the Justice FCU employees.

Leadership Myths1. Leadership is a rare skill.

Nothing is further from the truth. While great leaders may be a rare as great athletes, great artists, or great musicians, everyone has leadership potential. There are unlimited leadership roles in organizations, and in life. People may be leaders in one organization and have quite ordinary roles in another.

2. Leaders are born, not made.Sometimes it seems as though the leaders we learned about in school were born with extraordinary powers to lead. In actuality, great leaders work hard to fulfill leadership roles. The major qualities and competencies of leadership can be learned, if you have the desire.

3. Leaders are charismatic.Some are, but most are not. Leaders, for the most part, are normal, regular people. Research shows that there is nothing in terms of appearance, personality, or style that sets leaders apart from their followers.

4. Leadership exists only at the top of an organization.The larger the organization, the more leadership roles are available to those who make the effort to lead. Each branch and each department is a small entrepreneurial section within the organization that requires leadership.

5. A leader controls and manipulates others.This is the most damaging myth of all. Leadership is not the exercise of power, but the empowerment of others. Leaders lead by pulling rather than pushing. They create expectations and reward progress toward them.

Leader versus ManagerThere is a significant difference between management and leadership. However, both are very important in your roles as department and branch managers. To manage means to bring about, to accomplish, to take charge of or responsibility for, and to conduct. Managing is about efficiency. Management is about systems, controls, policies, procedures, and structure. Leadership is influencing, guiding in direction, course, action, and opinion.

Leader versus Manager Qualities




Problem solvingTough-minded



Position Power





ExperimentalInitiates changePersonal power

Organizations need officers and supervisors to be both a manager and a leader. Leaders help provide people pride and satisfaction in their work. They inspire people to higher levels of achievement by showing them how their work contributes to worthwhile ends. Managers set goals and objectives and ensure that work is completed productively, efficiently and on schedule. Managers at Justice FCU must effectively blend both the qualities of an inspiring leader and a consistent manager.

One of the major differences between a manager and a leader is the source of power. Sometimes power comes from an individual’s position in the credit union, while other sources of power are based on personal characteristics.

The traditional manager’s power comes from the organization. The manager’s position gives him or her the power to reward or punish subordinates in order to influence their behavior. In contrast, personal power is the tool of the leader. Subordinates follow a leader because of the respect, admiration or caring they feel for the individual and his or her ideas.

Power: the potential ability to influence the behaviors of others.


The Five Practices and Ten CommitmentsIn the book The Leadership Challenge, Kouzes and Posner set forth Five Practices and Ten Commitments that all leaders must model:

Model the Way.FIND YOUR VOICE by clarifying your personal values.SET THE EXAMPLE by aligning actions with shared values.

Inspire a Shared Vision.ENVISION THE FUTURE by imaging exciting and enabling possibilitiesENLIST OTHERS in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations

Challenge the Process.SEARCH FOR OPPORTUNITIES by seeking innovative ways to change, grow and improve.EXPERIMENT AND TAKE RISKS by constantly generating small wins and learning from mistakes.

Enable Others to Act.FOSTER COLLABORATION by promoting cooperative goals and building trust.STREGTHEN OTHERS by sharing power and discretion.

Encourage the Heart.RECOGNIZE CONTRIBUTIONS by showing appreciation for individual excellence.CELEBRATE THE VALUES AND VICTORIES by creating a spirit of community.


Values are ideals that guide or qualify your personal conduct, interaction with others, and involvement in your career. Values help you distinguish what is right from what is wrong. They are also the basis of how you can conduct your life and your career in meaningful ways.

Every leader must have values. These are an important part of how managers guide themselves day by day. Values relate to the role of manager and also the self. The way you live your values is important.


Research has shown that there is one trait that every leader shares: concern with a guiding purpose or vision. Their visions and intentions pull people towards them. A vision can be pictured—it has form and color. People want to know what the future will look like and feel like when they arrive at their goal.

A vision engages your heart and your spirit. taps into concerns and needs. asserts what you want to create. provides meaning to the work. is simple. is a living document that can always be changed. is based in two deep human needs: quality and dedication.

Values: a principle or quality intrinsically desirable or important to an individual.

Vision: an ideal and unique image of the future.

Values and Vision


Exercise: The Importance of Workplace Values

Please write down six workplace values you identified in the pre-class Vision exercise:

1. _________________________________

2. _________________________________

3. _________________________________

4. _________________________________

5. _________________________________

6. _________________________________

Now imagine that you have been given a six month sabbatical, all expenses paid, to a Caribbean island. The sun shines, a gentle breeze blows, and the waters are crystal clear. You may not take any work with you and you are not allowed to communicate by email, telephone, or any other means. You will be out of touch with the office the entire six months. Before you leave, those with whom you work need to know something. You need to explain to them your vision and how that should guide their decision making and actions while you are away.

Divide into groups. Each member of the group will read his or her vision statement aloud. Then the group will consider the best way to express this vision to the staff before you leave.


Here’s what I would do:





















Simply stated, management is the art of getting things done through people.

What does it really mean to be a manager? Being a manager can be an immensely satisfying experience for you and those who work for you. By effectively managing the efforts of others, you have more opportunities to make things happen. You can be a leader, a mentor, a person of vision and action who is respected and rewarded for your contributions.

Manager’s responsibilities include: Managing employees. Seeing that all work for your branch or department is completed properly. Having a concern for the big picture. Working through others. Communicating information effectively. Solving problems. Working with other managers and teams.

Your experience as a manager is unique. The job is undoubtedly harder than you expected and almost certainly lacks the glamour and power you may have imagined. You must get used to the idea of having difficult conversations with people, and may be amazed at the topics you must discuss.

Learning the skills and techniques of successful management is helpful, but it does not always translate into being an effective manager. Many management roles, such as leader, negotiator, and coach, take practice. These skills are learned through your commitment to improvement and practice.

Often times, people who are good workers and have good skills are promoted into management roles. It takes commitment to learn new skills, adopt a broader perspective, and make deeper commitments.

Poor interpersonal skills cause managers most of their problems. They don’t listen enough, they don’t share enough information, and they fail to treat employees with respect. Arrogance, disrespect, and unpleasant attitudes lead to predictable results: alienation, lack of trust, high turnover, and poor morale.

Here are some perceptions about difficult managers: Give many orders, but rarely listen to new ideas. Say little about what is going on elsewhere in the organization. Fail to plan well, which means employees must pick up the slack. Provide confusing feedback and performance reviews. Set staff members against themselves with favoritism.


Management: the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources.


Do not support employees’ effort to do their job.

The job of being a manager is complex and multidimensional. Three categories are used to describe the essential skills necessary for managers:

Conceptual SkillsA conceptual skill involves the manager’s thinking and planning abilities. It involves knowing where the department or branch fits strategically into the total credit union organization.

Human SkillsHuman skills are the manager’s ability to work with and through people, as well as work well as a member of other groups and teams. This skill is demonstrated in the way the manager relates to other people and includes the ability to motivate, coach, lead, communicate, and solve problems. A manager’s human skills allow employees to express themselves without fear of ridicule and encourage participation in the process. A manager with human skills respects other people and is respected by them.

Technical SkillsTechnical skills include mastery of the methods, techniques, and equipment used every day to do the business of the department or branch. It also includes specialized knowledge, analytical ability, the competent use of available tools, and the ability to solve problems.

Successful branches and departments do not just happen. They are managed to be that way. As a manager, you have some choices to make. What kind of boss do you want to be?

How the Role of Manager Has Changed


Dependence on policies and procedures Dependence on good judgment and results orientation

Technical skills Communication skillsHigh value place on rigidity High value placed on flexibility and

responsivenessControl of workers Motivation of workers“Us first” mentality “Members first” mentalityAdministrative skills Entrepreneurial skillsSpecific responsibilities Ambiguity, blurring of rolesStatic skill training Constant learningManagement of a homogeneous workforce

Management of a diverse workforce

Disciplinarian CoachExercise: My Current Management Skill Level


Assess your skills level as objectively as you can in each category listed below. Rate yourself according to the following scale:

4 Excellent 3 Good 2 Fair 1 Poor

My Rating Management Skill

Set Goals: The ability to set measurable goals that motivate me to accomplish them.

Motivate Employees: The ability to get other employees to perform their work effectively.

Appraise Employees’ Performance: The ability to accurately and effectively evaluate employee performance in a timely manner.

Provide Feedback: The ability to deliver timely, specific. and constructive feedback to employees.

Delegate: The ability to complete work effectively through other employees while raising their skill level and development.

Listen: The ability to correctly and actively hear the communication of others.

Solve Problems: The ability to understand, evaluate, and rectify problems in the workplace.

Discipline Employees: The ability to provide honest feedback to employees in a way that facilitates improvement.

Manage Conflict: The ability to resolve conflicts between others, as well as yourself and others.

Communicate Verbally: The ability to verbally communicate information to others clearly and effectively.

Interview: The ability to effectively question to get the desired information.

Conduct Meetings: the ability to facilitate a meeting so the intended outcomes are achieved.


Exercise Authority: The ability to say “no” and mean it.

Make Decisions: The ability to make high quality decisions based on accurate information.

Manage Time Effectively: The ability to organize and use time in an effective manner.

Manage Personal Stress: The ability to cope with the pressures of the job.

Now review your answers and assess your strengths and weaknesses as a manager:

My Strengths Areas I Need to Improve


Historical Forces Shaping ManagementThe practice of management can be traced to 3000 B.C. to the first government organizations developed by the Sumerians and the Egyptians, but the formal study of management emerged in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. That study continues today.

ClassicalA management perspective that emerged during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries that emphasized a rational, scientific approach to the study of management and tried to make organizations efficient operating machines.

Scientific Management (Frederick Winslow Taylor)A subfield of classical management that emphasized scientifically determined changes in management practices as the solution to improving labor productivity.

Management Styles

Focus on Management

In the past few months, several employees were terminated. Each manager dealt with the loss of an employee in a different manner.

John, a branch manager, lost a fairly new and well-liked teller due to a loss of over $1,000. When informing his staff she would not be returning to work, he told them she was no good and he was glad she had been “let go.” He expressed that she had caused him a lot of extra work by not knowing how to do the job, and he just did not have the time to train her. He said he was sorry that everyone had to pick up the extra work on the teller line, but that was the way it went.

Cynthia, a department manager, lost an employee for a variety of reasons. The employee was well liked throughout Justice FCU. After the employee was terminated, Cynthia did nothing. She did not say anything to her staff about the loss of this employee.

Molly, a department manager, lost a long time employee. It came to light that this employee had lied on his resume and job application. Molly expressed to her staff her regret that the employee was gone. She told them that she would miss him and his expertise, but it was right that he was no longer an employee. She promised to help the staff complete his work until a new employee could be hired and trained.

Which manager had the best transition after the loss of the employee?


Bureaucratic Organizations (Max Weber)A subfield of the classical management perspective that emphasized management on an impersonal, rational basis through such elements as clearly defined authority and responsibility, formal record keeping, and separation of management and ownership.

Humanistic PerspectiveA management perspective that suggests jobs should be designed to meet high-level needs by allowing workers to use their full potential,

Theory ZA management perspective that incorporates techniques from both Japanese and American management practices. Japanese firms emphasize employee involvement and the success of Japanese firms is often attributed to their group orientation that focuses on trust and intimacy. In contrast, in the U.S. the basic orientation is toward individual rights and achievements.

Total Quality Management (TQM)A concept that focuses on managing the total organization to deliver quality to members. Four significant elements of TQM are employee involvement, focus on the customer, benchmarking, and continuous improvement.

Theory X and Theory YTwo opposing philosophies of human nature have been identified by management theorist Douglas MacGregor. Theory X assumes that employees are naturally selfish, lazy, lacking in ambition, reluctant to assume responsibility, and don’t care about goals.

Assumptions of Theory X: The average human has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if possible. Because of the human characteristic of dislike for work, most people must be

coerced, controlled, directed, or threatened with punishment to put forth adequate effort toward the achievement of organizational objectives.

The average human being prefers to be directed, wishes to avoid responsibility, has relatively little ambition, and wants security above all.

Theory Y is often referred to as the human relations approach to management. This theory suggests that workers desire increasing amounts of responsibility and skill development to contribute to the success of the organization.

Assumptions of Theory Y: The expenditure of physical and mental effort in work is as natural as play or

rest. The average human being does not dislike work. External control and the threat of punishment are not the only means to bring

about effort towards organizational goals. A person will exercise self-direction and self-control in service of the objectives to which he or she is committed.

The average human being learns, under proper conditions, not only to accept, but also to seek responsibility.


The capacity to exercise a relatively high degree of imagination, ingenuity, and creativity to the solution of organizational problems is widely, not narrowly, distributed in the population.

Under the conditions of modern industrial life, the intellectual potentialities of the average human being are only partially utilized.

Exercise: Situational LeadershipRead each statement and choose the method you feel would be the most effective,

1. Interpersonal relationships have been pretty good, but performance has been dropping during the last few months. Employees seem unconcerned about meeting their goals. You continually need to remind them to meet deadlines. They do not want to make their own decisions; they would rather have you make decisions. Clarifying their roles has helped in the past.

a. Have employees plan strategies and goals and do not push for immediate results.

b. Incorporate any recommendations they may suggest and see that goals are met.

c. Clarify roles and supervise carefully, but downplay friendliness.d. Be open to any employee involvement, but do not push too much for better


2. Your staff, which is usually good about taking on responsibilities, is not responding well to the recent changes you have implemented. They seem to be dismayed or offended by your pressure on them to meet their goals. You have put extra pressure on them because senior management is putting pressure on you.

a. Allow employees to become involved in redefining strategies and goals.b. Implement changes and supervise carefully. Do not worry about

employees’ current state of mind, because they will get over it.c. Avoid confronting the problem by not pressuring them anymore and ignore

their current state of mind.d. Encourage group input. See that new changes are put in place.

3. Your employees are not responding lately to the personal attention you have given them and your friendly approaches. Their performance is going downhill.

a. Emphasize policies, strategies, and the importance of improving performance.

b. Be open toward employees and do not push for performance.c. Talk to employees about their attitudes toward you and then emphasize

performance.d. Do not intervene with respect to performance and stop being so friendly for

a while.

A perceptive manager recognizes the fact that both Theory X and Theory Y types of employees exist in the workplace. There are people who welcome challenge and those who avoid work. The manager’s job is to effectively lead both types to success


4. During the past few weeks, you have noticed that employees have not been getting along. They have worked well together in the past. Their performance continues to exceed goals.

a. Talk with employees about their interpersonal relations and the need to change things in order to prevent performance from slipping.

b. Do nothing right now.c. Take immediate and firm action right now to correct the problem. Do not

be friendly as a way to pacify them.d. Be available for discussion, but be cautious of hurting your relationships

with employees. Do not take any action immediately to solve the problem.

5. Employee performance is improving. You have been making sure that everyone’s goals are clear. Interpersonal relationships have been improving, too.

a. Continue to have friendly interactions, but continue to make sure that all employees stay on track with their goals.

b. Do not emphasize performance anymore. Begin reducing the number of friendly interactions.

c. Make your employees feel involved and good, but do not continue to emphasize performance.

d. Emphasize the importance of goals and deadlines and de-emphasize friendly interactions.

6. Performance and interpersonal relations are good. You feel a little uneasy about your lack of direction with your staff. You have not emphasized production or shown excessive friendliness and concern for your employees.

a. Leave your staff alone.b. Discuss the situation and make necessary changes.c. Direct employees toward specific strategies on meeting goals, but it is not

necessary to emphasize interpersonal relationships.d. Be extra friendly to show your appreciation for their performance, but no

specific direction is required regarding performance.

7. Some new policies have been implemented which require you to shift some responsibilities. Employees may have some good suggestions for you. They have been flexible in these kinds of situations and they respect your opinion. They like to be involved in the decisions that affect them, but they look to you as the one who should make the decisions.

a. You decide the best way to shift the responsibilities.b. Get buy-in from the employees on the need for the change and allow them

to organize the implementation.c. Be open to the changes employees recommend, but maintain control of

the implementation.d. Avoid confrontation and leave things as they are.

8. You are a new manager. The previous manager was not liked by employees. The employees have good interpersonal skills and seem to be doing a good job.


a. Redefine the goals. Do not be too friendly, so they will know you are the boss.

b. Involve the employees in decision making to show them the importance of their contributions. There is no need to emphasize performance.

c. Discuss the past performance and ask their opinions as you evaluate the need for new strategies.

d. Leave well enough alone. Do nothing.

Situational Leadership Grid



1 C B D A

2 B D A C

3 A C B D

4 C A D B

5 D A C B

6 C B D A

7 A C B D

8 A C B D

Quadrant 1: Directing BehaviorsQuadrant 2: Coaching Behaviors

Quadrant 3: Encouraging Behaviors Quadrant 4: Delegating Behaviors



High Relationships

Encouraging Behaviors

Low Task


High Relationship

Coaching Behaviors

High Task


Low Relationships

Delegating Behaviors

Low Task


Low Relationships

Directing Behaviors

High Task


Hershey and Blanchard’s Situational TheoryThis approach focuses attention on the characteristics of the employees in determining appropriate leadership/ management styles. Employees vary in readiness level. Those who are low in task readiness (new employees, for example) may need a different style of management than those who are high in task readiness and have good abilities, skills, confidence, and a willingness to grow.

Follower Readiness


S4 S3 S2 S1

Able and willing or confident

Able, but unwilling or insecure

Unable, but willing or confident

Unable and unwilling or insecure

Follower Directed Leader Directed

Four StylesS1 Telling is for low readiness employees who are unable and unwilling to take

responsibility for their own performance.S2 Selling is for employees with moderate readiness.S3 Participating is for employees with moderate readiness.


Share ideas and facilitate in decision making



Explain the decisions and provide opportunity for clarification



Turn over the responsibility for decisions and implementation



Provide specific instructions and closely supervise performance



S4 Delegating is for employees with high readiness.

Managers must always evaluate employees and use the most effective style to meet their individual needs, If an employee is at a very low level of readiness, you must be very specific and tell him or her exactly what to so, how to do it, and when to do it. As the readiness of an employee grows and reaches a high level, the manager provides a general goal and sufficient authority to complete the task as they see fit.


Good decision-making is an essential skill for career success generally, and effective leadership particularly. If you can learn to make timely and well-considered decisions, then you can often lead your team to spectacular and well-deserved success. However, if you make poor decisions, your team risks failure and your time as a leader will, most likely, be brutally short. Learning to manage means learning to exercise sound judgment and make good decisions. Effective management is a series of decisions that lead to the accomplishment of organizational objectives. And, it is not as simple as sorting the right decisions from the wrong decisions, because your options are rarely simply right or simply wrong.

Senior Management requires you to use your best judgment and common sense to choose the right course of action that will best support the organization when all options are considered. We can control, or at least affect, our successes and failures through the decisions we make.

Good Decision-Making

Focus on Management

Miguel is a head teller. The branch wonders how they would survive without him. He helps everyone and members flock to his teller window because they enjoy interacting with him.

Miguel got married last week, and everyone in the branch attended his wedding. While he was on his honeymoon, it was discovered that he had taken $1,000 of American Express Traveler’s Checks from the branch stock without processing the transaction on Symitar. When he returned, he explained that he needed the money for his honeymoon and planned to complete the transaction and use the checks received as wedding gifts to pay for the Traveler’s Checks. He knew he would be able to complete the transaction, and had the checks to prove it. He never meant to steal the Traveler’s Checks.

Was Miguel’s decision a good one?


Learning to make good decisions means analysis of those decisions facing you. However, before you begin to make a decision, consider the following:

In many cases, decision-making is also problem solving. As a manager of human beings, you will need to analyze problems. However, they are not always YOUR problem and all of them include decisions. Consider the following:

It is ok to “push back” a problem or a decision to the staff member or team. By letting the employee(s) make the decision and solve the problem, you build skills and understanding of responsibilities.

“Pushing back” decisions is empowering to the employees. It lets them know that it is ok to use their own decision-making skills.

“Pushing back” is a form of delegation: you ask the employee to make the decision, which removes it from your “to-do” list.

It will require coaching at first. Like in Mary’s case above, you can explain the situation to her and ask what she thinks is the best solution, but you will need to coach her along the way and help her make the decision that is best for her and for the organization.

When you “push back” decisions, it is important to remember that you will have to live with the decisions that are made. You must be prepared to go the distance. It is hard to teach yourself that you do not own every issue, make every decision, or solve every problem.

Decision Making ToolsBelow are two decision-making tools. Understanding these tools is helpful as you make decisions as a manager.

Focus on Management

Mary, a member of your staff, is asking to take PTO. Mary has never managed her PTO very well. In the past, she has frequently used leave without pay when she was too ill to come to work. She is requesting two days off to celebrate her anniversary. Her current PTO balance is 20 hours, so taking 16 hours will leave her only 4 hours. She also has not yet taken her required 5 consecutive business days of leave and it is October.

Who is responsible for this decision? You or Mary?


Six Slices of the Same PieThis tool is an important and powerful technique. You will view decisions from six important viewpoints and step away from your habitual style of thinking to see a broader view of the situation.

Most people, especially those who are successful, think rationally and positively. They see what they see, based on their background and experience. However, by not looking at a decision from more perspectives, they fail to consider important elements, such as emotion, intuition, negativity, or even creativity. They just do what they always do.

Six Slices of the Same Pie will force you to look at a decision from a variety of perspectives. You may use this technique with groups or on your own. Using it in groups will help keep everyone on the same page and avoid the confrontations that can occur. Remember: each Slice of Pie involves a different style of thinking. Therefore, your group will use six styles to make the decision.

Slice of Apple: Here the focus is on available data. It is important to look at all the available information and learn from it. Are there pieces of information missing? Do you need that information or not? Look at past trends and try to extrapolate needed information from the information you have.

Slice of Cherry: The focus here is on the intuition, instincts, and emotional response of the decision maker, as well as consideration of how stakeholders will react emotionally. Also, consider the reactions of group members who do not share your style of thinking.

Slice of Mincemeat: Look at the bad things. What could go wrong? What may not work? This step helps you see the weaknesses in your decision, eliminate them, alter them, or plan for them. Mincemeat thinking has an important role in this process. If you do not look at the dark side, your decision is flawed, and your decision may contain fatal flaws. Most people tend to think positively, so this slice is very important to the process.

Slice of Peach: Here the focus is on the positive and optimistic. Here is where you look at the best, see the benefit of the decision, and the value of it to the stakeholders. Peach thinking is optimistic and often gets you through the “Mincemeat” times.


Slice of Rhubarb: This is creativity. You can use several tools here to encourage creativity. SWOT, brainstorming, and drill down techniques are great for creativity, especially with a group or team. It is important here to encourage creativity and restrict criticism of ideas.

Slice of Blueberry: This is process, and usually the role of the team leader in a group. The leader can use Blueberry thinking to direct the group back to other slices of the pie to reenergize discussions and decisions.

This technique looks at a decision from six specific styles of thinking: data, emotion, pessimism, positivism, creativity, and process. It includes the good and the bad, including emotions and dark thinking. Decisions made with this technique will be sounder and more resilient.

Where the Solution LiesThis is a simple decision making tool. It is used when changes are being put into place that will, hopefully, make improvements. It will help you see where the real problem lies and lead you toward the correct decision very quickly. It will help you find the decision that has the greatest benefits toward solving the problem that faces you. It is also helpful to sort out a number of choices that are available and help you choose the best one.

Here are the steps:1. Make a list of all the problems being faced or the options available at this time.2. If the list is very long, group the items into related facets of the same option.3. Score each item or related groups of items as a percentage of 100%. In the

end, the entire list of scores must equal 100%. 4. The best decision is to change the item or group of items, with the highest

score on the list first. By the time that change is accepted, the other, lower scoring items on the list may not even require changing.

Your ability to make good decisions is essential in your role as a manager at Justice FCU. Using these tools is a good place to begin.


In your job as a manager at Justice Federal Credit Union, you have two essential avenues of communication:

1. Managerial Communication with your staff2. Conducting and participating in constructive meetings with your staff and other


Managerial Communication

As a manager of people, how important is communication? Consider this: Managers spend 80% of every working day communicating with others. In other words, 48 minutes of every hour is spent in meetings, on the telephone or talking formally or informally with coworkers and staff. The other 20% is spent sitting at the desk, completing tasks, most of which is also in the form of communicating by reading or writing.

Communication permeates every management function: Planning - gathering information, writing emails, letters, reports, meeting with

others. Leading - communicating with others to motivate them. Organizing - gathering information and communicating it.

For communication to be effective, it must be: Received: You must take the time and make the effort to communicate

important information to your employees and coworkers. If you don’t tell them, they will not know.

Interpreted accurately (understood): Think about how you communicate and provide sufficient facts to make sure that your intended message is understood.

Remembered: Provide information in a form that can be taken away, such as agendas, after meeting notes, handouts for the staff, etc.

Used: Follow up and be sure that what was communicated, especially when really essential, is improving the work of the employees and/or team.


Communication: the process by which information is exchanged and understood by two or more people, usually with the intent to motivate or influence behavior.


There are three important things to remember as you strive for effective communication:

1. Expect to be misunderstood by at least some of your listeners or readers.2. Expect to misunderstand others.3. Strive to reduce the degree of misunderstanding, but you will never totally

eliminate it nor anticipate all possible outcomes.

ListeningManagers who believe giving orders is the most important form of communications are in for a surprise. Listening is the key skill for effective communication, and you must listen effectively to employees, members, vendors, teammates, EVERYONE!

Our listening skills are only 25% effective. Why is that? Simply put, we think faster that we speak. While most people can speak 125-150 words per minute, we can listen at 450 words per minute. As a result, we get bored or frustrated by the slowness of the speaker and fail to listen intently. We also concentrate a lot of our “listening” time formulating what to say next, rather than on what is being said to them.

Employees say more and communicate more effectively when they believe someone is really listening to them The people around you know when you are listening; you may be surprised with the significance of their comments when you really listen.

A good listener is attentive and paraphrases what the speaker says to clarify and confirm the meaning. The following tips will improve your listening skills:

Give your full attention to the speaker. Project sincerity verbally and nonverbally. Paraphrase for understanding. Respond empathetically. Ask open and closed end questions.

Assertiveness and the Ability to Say “NO”Assertiveness is important because you need this skill every day in your role as a manager. Imagine how mush easier your job will be when your employees and supervisors understand you and feel that you are forthright with them. Your assertiveness will increase your effectiveness when you coach and counsel your employees. You will be better prepared when employees try to manipulate, mislead, or even lie to you.

Assertiveness: communication characterized by positive, direct, honest, and confident expressions about your decisions, ideas, or rights.


Assertive communication tells those around you that you do not beat around the bush. Assertive communication is clear and easy to understand.

Exercise: HOW ASSERTIVE ARE YOU?Respond to each item with yes or no, by checking the appropriate box. Then check your score, using the instructions at the end of the quiz. This quiz will tell you if you need to work on being more assertive.


1 I state my own view when someone with more authority disagrees with me.

2. I express irritation if someone with whom I am talking starts talking to someone else in the middle of our conversation.

3. I insist that the landlord or repairperson make timely reports.

4. I openly express love or affection and tell people that I care for them.

5. I make direct eye contact when speaking with someone.

6. When a person is being highly unfair, I call it to his or her attention.

7. I ask friends for small favors or help.

8. I say no without apology if people make unreasonable demands of me.

9. At work, I suggest new procedures or ways of doing things.

10. I cut short phone calls when I am busy.

11. I am able to refuse unreasonable requests made by others.

12. I look for a seat in the front of a crowded room rather than sit in the back of the room.

13. If someone keeps kicking the back of my seat, I ask him or her to stop.

14. I can speak in front of a group without becoming nervous.

15. I have confidence in my judgment.

16. I seek repayment from a friend who borrowed $10 and forgot to repay me.

17. I remain calm when others are reviewing my work or scrutinizing it.

18. I speak up in a meeting, if I feel my idea is relevant.

19. I do not apologize for what I am about to say.

20. I ask a friend who calls me late at night not to call after a certain time.

21. When merchandise is faulty, I return it for adjustment.

22. I can ask for a raise or a promotion without feeling overly anxious of nervous.

23. I speak firmly and loudly enough to be heard and understood.

24. I state my own and others’ limitations without feeling guilty.

25. When I meet someone for the first time, I introduce myself and extend my hand.


26. I can work with others without trying to make them feel guilty or manipulated.

27. In a restaurant, if a meal is unacceptable, I ask the waiter to correct it.

28. I express my opinions, rather than keeping them to myself.

29. I am able to confront an issue or problem at work rather than call in sick.

30. I insist that my spouse or roommate take on a fair share of the household chores.

Total: YES__________ NO___________Scoring Key based on the number or “YES” answers:

26 or more You may need to tone down your assertiveness.22 -26 You are assertive enough.15-21 You have some areas to work on.Less than 15 You have some major work to do to become more assertive.

Assertive Communication Skills Describe directly and completely the situation you are concerned about. Explain how others behavior affects you. Say no and mean it. Know the facts before taking a position. Focus your comments on observable behaviors. State firmly and specifically the changes you would like to take place. Provide feedback. Request feedback. Be more concerned with earning the respect of others than their affection. Say what you mean.

Formal Organizational CommunicationThere are typically three directions in which formal organizational communication flows:

Downward CommunicationDownward communication refers to the messages and information sent from senior managers to subordinates. This form of communication may come in forms such as speeches, announcements on Intramation, procedures, email, etc.

Upward CommunicationUpward communication includes information that flows from lower to higher levels within the organization. Combining a sufficient flow of upward and downward communication helps ensure that the communication between management and


employees is complete. The types of information communicated upward include problems, suggestions for improvement, performance evaluations, grievances, and disputes, financial, and accounting information.

In an effort to facilitate upward communication, management uses techniques such as quarterly management meetings, employee surveys, suggestion boxes, and face-to-face conversations. Despite these efforts, barriers to upward communication may exist. Managers may resist hearing about employee problems, or employees may not trust managers sufficiently to provide information upward.

Horizontal CommunicationHorizontal communication refers to the exchange of information between peers and coworkers within and across departments. The purpose of horizontal communication is to inform and request support.

Informal CommunicationInformal communication may include many types of conversation—some important and some just friendly. But informal communication is a very important part of good management.

Management By Walking AroundA communication technique called Management by Walking Around (MBWA) was made famous by the books In Search of Excellence and A Passion for Excellence by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman. These books describe executives who talk directly to employees to learn what is going on in the organization. MBWA works well for managers at all levels of an organization by mingling and developing positive relationships with employees and learning directly from them about their work.

Informal communication will not happen without some effort on your part. You have to make it easy for people to share their thoughts with you. Consider the following:

Are you a good listener? If you practice the listening skills we have discussed, your employees will know you are paying attention and that you really care what they have to say

Are you approachable? If your management style encourages people to approach you, they will open up and share more information.

Are you trustworthy? If employees know you will not misuse information, the risk they take in talking with you is diminished.

Are you fair? If you are fair and act fair, it will elicit trust from employees. Are you predictable? If you react equally and consistently to information that

is shared, employees will base their readiness to talk to you based on those previous experiences.

The Grapevine


As Marvin Gaye once said, “I heard it through the grapevine.” Your employees hear information daily from this informal, person-to-person communication network. The grapevine links employees in all directions. Sometimes the communication is true or partly true, and other times it is false, but you can never stop this form of workplace communication. Realize that employees are going to think and talk about things that affect them and their jobs. To reduce rumors, provide employees with adequate work related information. Decide carefully if it is necessary and possible to keep a secret. Hush-hush information is always more interesting and susceptible to rumors.

Constructive MeetingsAs a manager at Justice FCU, meetings are apart of every day: staff meetings, project meetings, team meetings. Communication through meetings is essential to our ability to meet organizational goals, share ideas, and make decisions.

The success of every meeting depends on what is done before, during, and after a meeting. All meetings take time and cost money. Consider a weekly one-hour staff meeting, held 52 weeks per year with 5 employees attending. If hourly rates for those five employees average $12, each weekly meeting costs the organization $60 and over a year costs $3,120 in salaries and productivity. As a result, to make meetings pay off in the time and money required to hold them, each meeting must be well planned.

Before a MeetingThe very first step is to decide whether you really need to meet. Unnecessary meetings are one of the biggest time waters in organization. Bill Gates once said, “Meetings that largely involve status updates are signs of poor information flow.” So, before you begin to plan and schedule a meeting, consider:

Could a meeting be avoided by another means of communication, such as email?

Is there a goal for the meeting? Is the topic for everyone you plan to invite, or could it be handled in informal

one-on-one conversations?

If you decide to lead a meeting, pay attention to the following guidelines: Set a goal for the meeting. Every meeting should have a goal or a purpose

to be achieved. If one does not exist, find another way to communicate. Decide to invite only the people who must attend to meet the goal. The

whole team does not need to attend every project meeting. Think about having smaller, more specific meetings, than one big project meeting on a weekly basis.

Create an agenda. The agenda should include the goal of the meeting and the specific topics in the order they will be addressed. Assign the person responsible for handling each topic, so he or she can be prepared. Set times for the meeting and each topic and as the meeting leader, keep everyone on time.


Create the meeting information. Create and/or draw together the relevant documents needed to meet the goal.

Send a meeting request through Microsoft Outlook. Do this far enough in advance for everyone to prepare. Attach the agenda and all relevant documents to the meeting request.

During the MeetingTo lead a constructive meeting, there are several important steps:

Lead the meeting. You have assigned others to agenda items and it is their role to come to the meeting prepared to lead that discussion. Your role is to keep the meeting on track, to assign further responsibilities, and help elicit communication.

Start on time. Meetings that start late are a waste of time for those who arrived on schedule. Meetings should begin and end promptly. Those who are late will be responsible for learning what was missed outside the meeting.

Wrap up the meeting. At the end of each meeting, provide a quick summary of the meeting goal and the steps were taken to meet it. Go over assignments given during the meeting to ensure that everyone knows what is expected of him or her. If time permits, take a few minutes to determine if the meeting process met the established goals.

After the MeetingThere are two important steps to be taken:

Send post-meeting information. After the meeting, send the meeting minutes to all participants. If team members were not needed at the meeting, send them this information so they will understand the decisions that were made. Include a summary for everyone.

Follow-up with individuals assigned tasks. Make sure they remain on track and offer to lend assistance if needed.

Good Meeting Leaders Should: Establish a forum for team members to provide updates and

status reports outside of team meetings. Hold team members accountable for staying up to date. Ask targeted questions to elicit thinking and questions

surrounding the meeting goal. Create a safe environment in which all ideas are considered and

met with positive encouragement. Convey with words and actions that active participation is

expected and require input from all team members present. Ensure that every meeting is productive by gaining input,

determining next steps, and assigning accountability.


Being a Good Meeting ParticipantIt is as important to be a good meeting participant as it is to be a good meeting leader. Here are some checkpoints to consider before you attend your next meeting:

Keep your Calendar on Outlook updated at all times. This allows a meeting planner to view the up to date schedule of all participants and choose a time that will work for all participants.

Accept or decline the invitation in a timely manner. If you must decline, let the meeting planner know why. If you will not be in-person for the meeting, provide a telephone number where you can be reached.

If you feel that your attendance at this meeting is not necessary, discuss this with the meeting’s leader.

Review the agenda and any materials provided prior to the meeting. Bring copies of everything provided to the meeting.

Leading Teleconference ParticipantsBefore the Call

Send the appropriate invitation and agenda to all participants, including those attending by telephone. Be sure to provide all printed materials (agenda, background information, etc.) to participants in advance. It is important that participants come prepared to every meeting, so define what you expect of them and provide some ideas on how they can do this. With teleconferenced meetings, it's imperative that all attendees are on the phone and ready to begin at the set start time. Also, it is essential that telephone participants dedicate the time for full attention to the meeting. If the meeting has been properly planned, it is well worth every participant’s time to attend and participate fully. Highlight the importance of this when you email the meeting information to them.

During the Call Always take roll call first. This lets everyone know exactly who's in the room. If some of the meeting participants haven't met previously, take some time to let each participant introduce himself and explain why he or she is attending the meeting.

Next, outline the agenda and highlight the objective of this meeting. It's probably a good idea to define the meeting ground rules and expected behavior during the meeting. For example, ask participants to speak naturally, identify themselves when speaking, pause for others to comment and spell unusual terms, names, and numbers. Basically, you should explain the importance of communicating as clearly as possible to avoid confusion.

During the meeting, try to direct questions and comments to specific individuals or locations. This way you can avoid having several people talking at once.


If you are a topic leader, be prepared. Know what you want to accomplish during your section in accordance with the meeting’s goal. If you have materials that need to be reviewed prior to the meeting, email them to the meeting planner for distribution. If you are bringing materials, make ample copies for all participants. Do not forget those participants who will be on the phone.

Arrive on time. If you are participating by telephone, be available several minutes before the meeting is scheduled to be placed on the conference call. It is important that the meeting begin on time.

Participate fully in the meeting, especially on the phone. Listen to the discussion actively, ask relevant questions, and always keep

the meeting goal in mind. Be courteous to all other participants, allowing them the opportunity to

voice opinions and share ideas. Be prepared to come to agreement with the group as decisions are made.

Compromise when you can. Hold your ground in a relevant way when necessary.

Stay on topic and keep your discussions within the agenda topic and the meeting goal.

Be aware of the time limitations for each topic and keep remarks within those limits.

Let the leader lead. If the time limit for a topic was not adequate, it is the leader’s decision to table the discussion for a later time, or continue it at that time. Respect this decision.

At the end of the meeting, be sure you understand any actions you are required to accomplish and the deadlines for completion. Agree with the team on these deadlines before you leave the meeting.

Complete any required actions on time. Report your findings or activities to the group when completed.

Written Communication


Business people write everyday. It may be a performance review, a proposal or an update to a project, or an email. But effective writing is part of the daily routine of every manager.

The way you write provides a perception of you to the reader. Well-written documents that have been thoroughly proofread are without errors that may send the wrong impression of the writer.

Business writing is fundamentally defined as being persuasive, so knowing the audience is crucial to its success. At its most basic level, business writing seeks to convince that reader that what is being said is true. It may try to persuade the reader to take an action or think about something in a certain way. It is difficult to persuade people if you do not take their feelings, perspectives, and needs into account.

Sometimes you will know your audience personally and other times you will not know the audience or may need to write to more than one person. You will need to use different strategies. For example, when writing to a group, there is no single perspective to consider. More people, with different perspectives will read the message.

There are two kinds of readers: skimmers and skeptics. Skimmers are typically very busy people. They use the technique of

skimming to understand how much attention must be given to the document. To prepare a document for skimmers:

o State the main point clearly at the beginning of the document. If you can put it in the first sentence, the skimmer will probably read it.

o Place the most important information at the beginning of each paragraph and highlight key dates and figures. This draws the skimmer’s attention to what is important in the document.

Skeptics are people who are doubtful or cautious. Skeptics will read a document carefully, word for word, and will doubt its veracity as it is read. To prepare a document for skeptics:

o Make sure your document is well organized and all your figures, facts, and dates are correct.

o Proofread carefully. Once a skeptic sees a mistake, the veracity of entire document is at stake.

Readers from a different culture will often have a different set of expectations. Be sensitive to these when required. For example, readers from a different culture may want a polite introduction to the document prior to getting to the point. Here are some universal strategies for this type of writing:

Maintain formality by using titles and family names to convey an attitude of propriety.


Avoid slang, jargon and other figures of speech, such as user-friendly, zero tolerance, etc.

Be specific and illustrate your points with concrete examples. Provide a summary at the end of the document.

The goal of content is always to include enough information to make the point, but not too much to waste the reader’s time or obscure your main point. Knowing your audience requires understanding HOW MUCH information is too much. Sometimes we tend to over explain in an attempt to convince the reader of our point of view. This is true with oral communication also. As you dig through the message, continue to answer the question “WHY” until you reach the exact level of information required. You will be able to write most persuasively if you organize your message to meet the needs of the reader.

How to Begin Written CommunicationIt is important to get organized prior to writing a business letter, memo, or email that will effectively present the intended message. Without this organization, the writing is often ineffective. Here are some tips to get started:

Start with an outline. Use a traditional outline or mind maps. Give yourself enough time to complete several drafts. Do not begin to rewrite until you have completed the entire first draft. Do not try to impress by using big words or long sentences. Keep the

content clear. Use spell check carefully and fully. Edit and rewrite, repeatedly, until you are satisfied with the result. Proofread carefully. Have another person read and comment on the content and style. Ask

them to discern your message. Ask them to proofread it for you. If possible, put the document away for a day, and then read it again with

fresh eyes. Make changes, if needed.

Proofreading is EssentialAs we saw in the email exercise, poorly proofread documents leave a bad impression of the writer. Whether in a written document or an email, proofreading is a skill that all business people must use daily.

Effective Proofreading Tips


Proofread backwards. Begin at the end and work back through the paper paragraph by paragraph or even line by line. This will force you to look at the surface elements rather than the meaning of the paper.

Place a ruler under each line as you read it. This will give your eyes a manageable amount of text to read.

Know your own typical mistakes. Look over items you have written in the past. Make a list of the errors you make repeatedly.

Proofread for one type of error at a time. If commas are your most frequent problem, go through the paper checking just that one problem. Then proofread again for the next most frequent problem. Read through your writing several times, once looking just at spelling, another time looking just at punctuation, and so on. Again, this can help you focus so you'll do a better job.

Try to take a break between writing and proofreading. Set the writing aside for at least twenty minutes.

Proofread once aloud. This will slow you down and you will hear the difference between what you meant to write and what you actually wrote.

Ask someone else to read over your writing and help you find sentences that aren't clear, places where you're being wordy, and any errors. If you need help, ask for it. If you're not sure if you need that comma or whether to use "affect" or "effect”, look it up in a writing handbook, or ask your coworker for help.

Use the spell-check on your computer, but use it carefully. Do your own spell checking. Computer spell-checkers often make errors - they might suggest a word that isn't what you want at all, and they don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, for example.

Turn on Grammar Check. This Word tool will designate items in your writing that are not grammatically correct. Use it. Go to Tools/Options. Click the Spelling and Grammar Tab. Place a check in the boxes next to Check grammar as you type and Check grammar with spelling. Click OK.

Remember that proofreading isn't just about errors. You want to polish your sentences at this point, making them smooth, interesting, and clear. Watch for very long sentences, since they may be less clear than shorter, more direct sentences. Pay attention to the rhythm of your writing; try to use sentences of varying lengths and patterns. Look for unnecessary phrases, repetition, and awkward spots.

Exercise: Good Written Communication


You are the head of Office Services for your institution. The credit union will replace all metal door keys with plastic key cards on July 1. Key cards are being used, because of the efficiency and security they offer: a log of entrance to the building and use of doors and entrances is kept automatically. Because of ordering difficulties, keys will arrive on July 1, 2006. Each employee must turn in their current metal key, if they have one, in exchange for a key card. Those without metal keys will need to obtain a key card to move throughout the building. The door locks will not be activated until 75% of all employees have been issued key card, so effective issuing procedures must be developed.

Write a memo to the staff of the headquarters building. Explain the institution’s procedure changes and key card responsibilities. Let them know that each employee must see you on July 1 to exchange metal keys for plastic key cards. Today is June 15th.

Use the letter format on the next page to write your letter.

Use this area to outline or mind map your memo:







Did you know that the most common phobia that Americans have is public speaking? Seventy-five percent of all Americans report having a fear of public speaking, which is more than the fear of spiders, fear of the dark and even fear of death!

To overcome that fear, most people avoid the task. But as a manager at Justice Federal Credit Union there are many times that you may need to speak in public: for business development, manager’s meetings, staff meetings, etc.

The key to public speaking, and overcoming any fears you may have, is good preparation. There are three steps to creating an effective speech:

1. Know your audience.2. Write your speech.3. Practice.

Know Your AudienceYou will be speaking to a specific group of people. It is important to assess that group before beginning to organize and write your speech. Here are some things to think about as you decide how to create an effective presentation:

Research the audience, if necessary. Know who will be attending. What is the average age of the attendees? How much do they know about the subject? Think this step through, ask questions of those organizing the event, and get to know who will attend.

Use appropriate words and body language to meet the needs of the audience. A presentation for career day at a school is not the place to use words like “software development”. It is important that your audience understands the words being used. If you underestimate your audience and use words that are too simple, they will be bored.

Think about the image you wish to convey. Based on the audience, think carefully about your message.

o Treat the audience as a single entity. If you pretend that the audience is one person, there is more of a personal connection during your speech.

o Make eye contact. Look around the room and hold the eyes of individual audience members. Doing this makes a connection and that is the goal of public speaking.

o Consider audience participation. This is a technique which encourages them to pay attention. You can include a show of hands, giving them tasks, etc.

Public Speaking

Public Speaking: the art of effective communication with an audience.


Write Your SpeechThere are three main components to a well-written speech:

1. A Strong OpeningThis is a very important portion of any speech. You need to grab the attention of the audience from the very beginning. If you come up with something clever, shocking, or interesting at the beginning, you will be off to a good start. Here are some techniques to use:

Be dramatic. “I am about to reveal a plan that will drastically alter the face of humanity” when the presentation is about a new brand of facial soap. Drama gets attention.

Tell a joke. Getting people to laugh will loosen them up and make them inclined to like you and hear what you have to say. Do not use this technique if your joke telling skills are tenuous, and people groan after your jokes are told. Also, be careful about the kind of joke you tell.

Tell a story. Keep it short and keep it relevant to the purpose of the speech. Lead your audience with the story.

Pose a question. Asking a good question is an excellent way to begin. Make it relevant and thought provoking and it will grab your audience because they want to know the answer.

2. A Purposeful BodyHere is where you place the information you want to deliver to the audience. Everything you want to say should be said here in an organized and untrivialized fashion. There are two useful techniques to organize the body of the speech:

Outline your thoughts. Use a standard outlining procedure to list the topics you need to cover and the information about each topic. Putting it on paper will help you get to the purpose of the speech and provide an outline of information to use while speaking.

Mind Map Your Thoughts. Mind Mapping is a less formal way to outline the body of your speech. Write the main topic of the speech in the center of a piece of paper. Then branch out to the supporting ideas. This is a brainstorming technique; you will still need to outline the speech.

Remember that the body of your speech must make the point and be well organized with supporting information.

3. A Memorable ConclusionThis is where you tie everything together and help the audience walk away from your speech with the objective firmly in their minds. Sum everything up in a few concise sentences and leave them with a clear and memorable thought.

You may use the outline two ways. You may use it write the speech, as most politicians do. Writing the speech means you must be able to read it, while interacting with the audience or memorize it. You may also just create the outline


and practice and build your speech based on it. Whatever you plan to do, here are some pointers to follow when putting together the final speech:

Vary your word choice. Use interesting and different words and phrases to keep things new. A thesaurus is a good tool to use.

Keep your words conversational. Even in a technical speech, your audience will stay attentive if you are conversing. Being too formal will be a barrier to the needed connection with the audience.

PracticeMost effective public speakers practice the speech before presenting it to the audience. Practice is very helpful in overcoming the fear of public speaking, because you will be comfortable with the words and the effective delivery of those words. This builds your confidence and makes the presentation easier.

Here are some practice tips: Read the speech aloud several times. Watch the flow of your words and how

comfortable you are with those words. Make changes, if needed. Stand in front of a mirror and read the speech. Watch your body language as

you speak. Make improvements where needed. Read the speech aloud to a coworker or family member and ask for their

comments. Use those comments to refine your presentation. Recite the speech in your mind or out loud as often as possible. Driving to

work is a great place to practice.

Remember the old adage: PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!


Exercise: Preparing and Presenting a SpeechThe purpose of this exercise is to improve your public speaking skills and allow you to practice the effective process of developing and presenting a speech.

In class tomorrow, you will give short speech to the other L.E.A.D. participants. Use the following worksheets to plan your speech, then practice. During your speech, other participants will listen to your presentation and provide a comment sheet to aid in improvements.

This will be an introductory speech and the purpose is to introduce yourself to the audience. This is not meant to be an oral resume, but a way to help us learn more about you and who you are. You can tell about a hobby, an interest, or a vacation, as long as the content allows us to get to know you better.

The speech is to be three minutes long and will be timed. A green card will be displayed as you begin. The yellow card will be displayed when you have 1 minute left. The red card will be displayed at the end of the three-minute limit and you will need to conclude within 10 seconds.

Know Your Audience1. Who is the audience?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. What type of words and body language will convey the purpose of your speech most effectively to this audience?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. What image would you like to convey?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Write Your SpeechBelow either outline or mind map your presentation. Remember that you will need a strong opening, a purposeful body and a memorable conclusion. Refer to the information above as you organize your thoughts.

Now, PRACTICE! You will be prepared for tomorrow’s presentation!


Introductory SpeechAudience Assessment

1. Was the speech completed successfully within the time limit? Why or why not?

2. Did the organization of the speech keep your attention? Why or why not?

3. Was the opening strong? Why or why not?

4. Was the body of the speech purposeful? Why or why not?

5. Was the conclusion memorable? Why or why not?

6. Did the speaker use appropriate words and body language? Why or why not?

7. Was the speaker comfortable? Why or why not?

Additional Comments_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


During this section of L.E.A.D., we will discuss the management of employees, which is a critical part of your role. It is your responsibility to set goals and motivate your staff to be successful as a team. This also includes clear communication and imparting of information at all times.

Before we start these discussions, let’s look carefully at employees. It is important to understand what motivates people before you set about to motivate and coach them.

Maslow’s Hierarchy of NeedsAccording to Abraham Maslow’s theory, people work to satisfy the needs that motivate them. People place this motivation in a hierarchy, with the most basic needs at the bottom (the need for food, air, and water) to the higher level needs at the top (the need for creativity and development). He contends that no one can move up this hierarchy until the previous need has been met.

Managing Employees

Focus on Management

Your newest teller, Jill, has been with you for several months. Somehow, when she started, she misunderstood that she could use PTO that was not yet earned. As a result, Jill has rented a beach house for a week and needs to take 5 days of PTO, although she only has 3 days earned. This problem is the result of a misunderstanding on her part, or inaccurate information provided during the hiring process. You do not know which.

The branch is fully staffed, and if she had accrued the time, you would gladly grant her request for PTO. Jill has spent a lot of money on this rental and will lose it all, if she cannot have the time off.

What is the best course of action?


As a manager of


When you manage human beings, it is important to consider the needs of your employees. As basic needs are met, Maslow contends that human beings will set out to satisfy higher-level needs in the specific succession shown above. If a need beneath the current level of achievement is lost, the individual will return to that previous level, fill that need again, and begin to climb up.

Focus on Management

Kathryn has been a member of the branch staff for several years. Her performance has always been outstanding and she has continually been recognized by you and the senior team for her outstanding efforts. But lately, her performance has deteriorated to a point where you must address the problem.

When you meet with Kathryn, you learn that her husband of many years has moved out of the house to live with a younger woman. Kathyrn is unable to make the mortgage payment on her own, and is in danger of losing her home.

What has happened to her performance, based on Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?

What can you do to help return her performance to its previous level?


Your responsibility as a manager is to effectively motivate your employees toward branch, department, and organizational goals. The more you understand about motivation, the more likely you will be able to influence the behavior of your employees. Managers can use numerous ways to create an environment where employees will be motivated to improve. The key is to discover what motivates your employees. Listen to him or her, learn what is valued, and create an environment where every employee can reach his or her potential.

Fair and Equitable TreatmentMotivation is directly related to morale, which is defined as the attitude of individuals and groups towards their work and the organization. One of the most important things a manager can do to motivate employees is to create a work environment characterized by trust and openness. A little fun never hurts either. One way to create this climate is to treat employees equitably. If managers communicate, delegate, recognize, or deal with certain employees in a different way than the rest of the staff, the inequities will undoubtedly be picked up by employees.

Being perceived as a “fair” manager is not as easy as it sounds. Difficulties arise from the fact that one employee’s perception of what is fair differs from another’s. If an employee requests time off and is denied due to the business needs of the department or branch, that employee will feel he has been treated unfairly by management. However, other staff members will recognize the business need and think you made a fair decision. You have to manage how you are perceived. Be fair and look fair.

Become a “Fair” Manager Show each employee that he or she is important to you and the organization

by taking the time to get to know each of them and their career goals. Use the Individual Development Plans as a guide.

Apply organizational, department, and branch policies consistently. Authorize an exception with the understanding that you have set a new

precedent. Model the behaviors you expect others to demonstrate. Praise and counsel all employees who deserve it. Delegate pleasant and unpleasant tasks equally. Encourage and value the opinions and comments of everyone. Provide information, training, and support to everyone. Give credit to employees for their ideas and suggestions.

Suggest additional practices:

Motivation: the willingness to exert effort in the pursuit of organizational goals.




RewardsThere are many ways to recognize good performance. Promotions and raises are two ways, but these are obviously used infrequently. Some ways to recognize good performance are:

Words of encouragement Recognition among and in front of peers Assignment of greater responsibility Excellent performance reviews Recognition on Intramation Posting of results A sincere Thank You Pizza, donuts, or other food for a team effort Bonus Bucks ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________

Telling an employee he or she is doing a good job sounds easy. Why then is praise given out so stingily? Probably because most of us are not practiced at giving praise. Ever since we were children, we have heard more about what we do wrong than what we do right. As a result, for many of us, no news is good news.

Never underestimate the value of praise. Imagine how you would feel if your boss said……

“Thanks for staying late so we could meet our deadline.”

“Thanks for caring enough to do it right.”“You are doing a terrific job and I truly appreciate your contribution.”


“You did an incredible job of calming Mr. Moss today. He actually left the branch with a smile on his face!”

“I watched you sell MemberLink to that member. You did a great job. Would you mind talking about your technique to the staff this week?”

“I really appreciated your coming in on Saturday to complete that project. I know how much you enjoy the movies, so here are some Bonus Bucks. You can use them to buy some movie tickets for your family.”

Remember: To get more of a desired behavior, recognize and reward.

Two-Factor Theory of Motivation (Frederick Kerzberg)This theory of motivation is useful to many managers. Herzberg looks as two aspects of the job: motivators and demotivators:

MotivatorsThe aspects of people’s jobs that provide satisfaction are intrinsic to the job itself and include:

Achievement Recognition The work itself Responsibility Advancement Personal growth

These motivators are necessary for substantial improvement in performance. When they are present, people work harder and feel better about the job. When they are absent, people are neutral and just “do what they must”.

DemotivatorsEmployees feel dissatisfied with the jobs due to conditions that surround their jobs, rather than the job itself. Herzberg calls these hygiene factors and they cause intense dissatisfactions and easily demotivate workers:

Working conditions Pay Company policies Interpersonal relationships

It is important to remember that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are not opposite ends of the same continuum; rather, they are entirely separate factors that must be dealt with in different ways. Removing negative hygiene demotivators does not


automatically increased motivation. It does, however, clear the way for positive motivators to have a positive effect.

The manager’s role is to remove demotivators and then use motivators to meet high-level needs and move employees toward greater achievement and satisfaction. This has positive effects in the department:

Turnover is reduced when employees find satisfaction at work. The skills of the staff continue to increase. Better relationships can be built among the team. Skilled employees can be promoted to new responsibilities. _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs/ MotivationAs we discussed earlier, Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs says that people are motivated by needs they want to satisfy. He grouped these needs into five types: physical, security, social, ego (esteem), and self-actualization. As we know, these are hierarchical or arranged in the sequence in which the needs must be satisfied.


Maslow’s Hierarchy of NeedsMotivators and Demotivators

Needs Motivators DemotivatorsPhysical


ExerciseFreedom from disease

and disability

Make sure working conditions are comfortable and safe

Salary is equitable

Ignore employee complaints Change work area without

anticipating reactions


Provide information about what is taking place in the organization

Ensure that employees have the training and equipment to do the job effectively

Communicate your expectations

Not telling employees about events or changes planned that will effect them

Make promises about raises or promotions that you cannot deliver

SocialBeing lovedBelongingInclusion

Ensure that new employees feel welcome; assign a buddy

Be friendly, pleasant and positive Create group cohesiveness by holding

regular meetings and activities

Allow cliques to form Promote competition that inhibits

cooperation among the staff




Treat employees with respect Solicit employee opinions Communicate the contributions each

employee makes to the success of the department and the credit union

Reprimand in private Get to know your employees, value

their differences Recognize and reward employees

fairly Delegate meaningful tasks

Discriminate Be intolerant of different values

and cultures Criticize personality traits Criticize in front of others Get too involved with employees’

personal problems Rely extensively on one

employee over the team

Self ActualizationDevelopment


Be flexible and open to new ideas Help employees set challenging goals Encourage career planning Cross train Allow as much independence as

possible Give credit for employee contributions Train employees for advancement

Discount employee ideas or suggestions

Hold back promotions for your own convenience

Monitor continuously due to lack of trust

Assign only mindless, unpleasant tasks

Play favorites Implement changes without

employee input Delay training opportunities


Expectancy Theory of MotivationThe “needs theory” does not explain why there are differences in individual employees or why people behave in certain ways. Expectancy Theory is based on what the employee believes about his or her behavior and what is important or has value. Motivation depends on individuals’ expectations about their ability to perform work and receive desired rewards. Employees ask themselves several importance questions. How managers respond to these questions defines the motivational environment.

The key concept of Expectancy Theory is that motivation depends on how an employee answers these three questions:

1. What are the chances that if I try to achieve high performance, I can do it?2. If I try, what are the chances I will be rewarded?3. Do the rewards mean anything to me?

If the employee believes:The effort to achieve high performance will be successful.

An individual must believe that with hard work he or she can be successful. With low expectancy to be successful, motivation to success will be low. Manager Strategies: Ask employees about their estimate of success Help remove obstacles to performance Demonstrate that high performance is possible Give positive feedback to improve employees’ self esteem

Performance will be rewarded.The expectancy that successful performance of a task will lead to a desired outcome.Manager Strategies: Link performance to rewards Give rewards for desired behaviors only

The specific outcome will answer a perceived value for the employee.The value or attraction an individual has for an outcome. If outcomes are not valued by the employee, motivation will be low.Manager Strategies: Periodically assess what employees want for rewards

The ABCs of Performance Behavior58

Activator Behavior Consequences

What a manager does before performance

Performance What a manager does after performance


TrainingDirectionsGoalsPerformance StandardsClear expectations

Sells servicesFollows policyDoes not provide great member serviceMakes mistakes

PraiseReprimandCounselingRedirectNo response

Translating Motivation Theory into Managerial Skills

1. Interact with employees in ways that build their self-esteem and encourage good behavior.

2. Set challenging goals, provide a plan of action, and be supportive.3. Respect employees’ feelings, needs, and ideas. Request, acknowledge, and use

their input.4. Focus on behaviors—not personalities—when addressing problems and future

objectives.5. Coach employees in order to achieve the performance you desire.6. Use reinforcement techniques to define, encourage, and maintain desired



Exercise: What motivates employees?Rank the following ten rewards in terms of their importance or motivational value to your employees, using 1 for the highest and 10 for the lowest. Place your ranking in the left column. After completion, the results of the study may be written in the right column for comparison:

Potential Motivators

Full appreciation of work doneFeeling of being in on thingsSympathetic help with personal problemsJob SecurityGood wagesInteresting workPromotion and growth in the organizationPersonal loyalty to employeesGood working conditionsTactful discipline

1=Highest Motivator10=Lowest Motivator

If a manager misinterprets what is important to the employees, they will choose methods of motivation that do not work. This practice can change a motivator to a demotivator.


Setting Goals in Your Department or Branch


Focus on Management

Rovane had it all figured out. This time her branch was going to reach the floating goal for eStatements. They may not win the campaign, but she would not be embarrassed again. She had a plan. The branch goal was 50 eStatements over a two-month period. She has five employees and divided the quota by the number of employees. Each is expected each to sell ten eStatements during the campaign. She would sell two additional, putting the branch over the goal. Rovane designed a motivational strategy that she thought would be most effective: if an employee had not sold five eStatements by the end of the first month, she would stay--after hours without pay--to contact members by phone until the goal had been reached.

Dalilla was determined to once again win the floating goal campaign for eStatements. The branch goal was 50 over a two-month period. She had 4 employees and thought her strategy was a sure winner. Each employee, including herself, needed to sell 10 eStatements: five per month. But to ensure success, she decided to provide quotas that would surpass the goal and asked each employee to sell 10 each week during the campaign. That would result in a branch total of 400 new eStatements.

When she introduced the contest to her staff, she wanted them to spend some time planning what they would do with the prize: $200 cash. They could have a big party, buy something for the branch—whatever motivated them to succeed. Each morning she planned to hold a meeting to announce the results of the previous days’ sales efforts and offer some tips to the group, based on her observations of performance. This would work for sure!

Jay had just been promoted to a new branch. According to his regional manager, the previous manager had never instigated a sales culture at the branch. Jay was great at sales and the employees at his previous branch did a great job meeting floating goals.

He had a plan for the eStatement campaign. The quota was 50 over a two-month period and he had 3 employees. His strategy was simple: if each employee sold 10 eStatements over the two-months, he would sell the additional 25 needed to exceed the goal. He planned to spend time on the teller line and opening accounts for new members so the staff could observe his sales technique.

Which manager’s technique will be effective?


Sometimes it is hard to clearly put goals into words, let alone communicate them successfully to employees. The process of setting goals is more complicated than it may look, but the payoff is worth the effort. Employees need to know two very important things about goals:

What are his or her individual goals? How do these goals coincide with the goals of the department or branch?

Characteristics of Effective Goals:1. Goals are specific.2. Goals are realistic: challenging, but never impossible.3. Goals are measurable and key indicators of progress are specified.4. Goals have a target date.5. Goals have a specific plan of action steps to be taken.

Goal Setting Steps

Exercise: Goal SettingMaya is a department manager in Consumer Lending. She has been with the credit union for 2 years and was recently promoted into her position. She spends the majority of her time overseeing her staff, approving loans, and working on projects for the credit union and her department. She is often in meetings or out of the office visiting vendors.

Malcolm is a loan processor and he has been in that position for over ten years, and with the credit union for fourteen. He began in the Call Center and learned good member service skills in that position. With his experience in the department, Maya feels that Malcolm should take a larger role in the department, although she is not

1. Decide on an objective.2. State the goal of that objective.3. Outline the action steps describing how the goal

will be attained. Involve employees to establish ownership of goals.

4. Ensure that the rewards are motivational to the employee.

5. Provide feedback on the progress toward attaining the goal.

Goal: desired future state that an individual or organization attempts to realize.


able to offer a promotion at this time. Maya feels that if Malcolm could improve his performance, she might be able to convince her senior manager to create a new position for Malcolm, but first, he must overcome some issues that have been bothering Maya and the staff.

There have been problems with the loans Malcolm has processed over the last few months. Documentation has been missing on some, entries into TAPS were incomplete, and two loans were charged off as a result of his errors. Although the percentage of mistakes is small based on the number of loans he processes monthly, his experience says to Maya that he should be making few or no mistakes.

Maya has received several complaints lately from members and other Justice FCU employees about Malcolm’s service skills. He tends to be rude on the phone, does not complete tasks he has promised to complete, and is slow about providing needed information.

Last week, Malcolm sent loan paperwork to a very important member. The loan paperwork did not arrive on time, because the address was incorrect, and two important documents were missing, When the signed paperwork was returned, it was obvious that Malcolm had not taken the time to mark where the member was to sign, as many signatures were missing or in the wrong place.

Maya asked Malcolm to help train the new title clerk, as this function was being taken from his job duties and transferred to hers. Malcolm was relieved to no longer have that responsibility, but made no substantial efforts to assist the new employee. Maya continually coached Malcolm to improve his training, but finally got feed up with his lack of effort, and took over the training effort. Malcolm seemed to be relieved.

If you were Maya, what goal would you set for Malcolm? There are several to choose from, but what would help Malcolm improve the most? Use the Goal Setting Format on the next page to set his goals.

Goal Setting FormatDate___________________



General Objective __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________State the Goal _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Target Date________________________

Action Plan Steps1. ______________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________2. ______________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________3. ______________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________4. ______________________________________________________________

______________________________________________________________5. ______________________________________________________________



Organizational Ethics


Business ethics is the study of what constitutes right and wrong, good and bad conduct in the workplace. These types of concerns do not necessarily involve giant Wall Street firms that have been in the news. The majority of cases involve mundane, ordinary moral challenges that working people face daily.

Some people believe that because business is primarily concerned with making money, it cannot be overly concerned about ethics. Even though we serve our members, there is also money that needs to be made to provide computers, facilities,

Focus on Management

James worked at the headquarters of Justice FCU and had a cubicle that was off the beaten track. James had been having some problems getting to work on time in the last few weeks and his manager had already spoken to him about being on time, every day.

Tuesday morning James really over slept. He was in a panic about what to do: call his manager and explain that he would be late or just try to sneak into his cubicle. He could easily sneak in, but when he clocked in to ezLabor, his manager would know he was late. Then he had a thought: He could log in at home before he left for Chantilly.

James logged onto his home computer and clocked in to ezLabor. Then he began his commute to Chantilly. When he arrived, he carefully went into his cubicle, undetected he thought, and began to work. During the day, no one said anything about his lateness, so he figured the plan had worked.

The next Friday, his manager asked him to step into her office. She closed the door and James knew something was up. She asked him what time he had arrived at work on Tuesday and he replied it was his usual time. His manager said that she had been looking for James to answer a question once she saw he was clocked in on ezLabor, but had been unable to find him. None of his coworkers had seen him during this time period, either, not even his friend Ken. It was obvious to her that he had not been in the building, but how had he clocked in?

James tried to convince her that he was in the building—didn’t his ezLabor record prove he was here? But she was certain he was not at work and demanded to know how he had clocked in. Finally James explained what he had done and presented what he thought was a good explanation for his actions.

As his manager, what would be your course of action?

Ethics: the code of moral principles and values that govern the behaviors of a person or group with respect to what is right or wrong.


and salaries to our employees. Business prospers because it has dramatically improved the quality of life for everyone. Business ethics begins with the freedom an individual has to take part in business with the hope of bettering one’s self through hard work and effort. It is our jobs, as business people, to defend the goals of prosperity, freedom, and fairness of opportunity.

The topic of business ethics involves the very large Enron types of issues, as well as the smaller problems we face daily. Consider these questions:

Is a credit report a justifiable way to determine the hiring qualifications of an applicant?

How should a business respond to employees who have AIDS? At what point does acceptable exaggeration about a product become lying? Must businesses fight racism and sexism? Is the use of privileged information immoral?

These questions typify business issues with moral significance within organizations and the communities they serve. The answers we give are determined largely by our moral standards, principles, and values. The relationship between business and personal ethics cannot be separated.

Ethics and OrganizationsAn organization is a group of people working together to achieve a common purpose. The purpose may be to offer a product or service primarily for profit, as in business. But the purpose may be public safety and order, such as law enforcement, or education and so on. Organizations offer their employees many benefits: jobs, status, money, friendship, and personal fulfillment. In return for these benefits, employees of the organization agree to follow organizational rules. For the most part, organizational rules stem from organizational goals.

Below is a list of things that can happen at work to make it tempting to compromise your character and act unethically:

Falsifying expenses Falsifying reports or other documents Accepting gifts from members Violating confidentiality Revealing or accepting proprietary information Using organizational property Using organizational time Using organizational equipment

Social Responsibility


To be an ethical business person, you must also understand that you have social responsibility. This is an easy concept to understand: It means distinguishing right from wrong and doing what is right. It means being a good corporate citizen.

The Three C’s of Business EthicsBasically, this means that we must be compliant with the rules of the organization, as well as the rules of society. It means being fully aware of what you are doing in terms of the Three C’s of Business Ethics:

Compliance with the rules Codified law Rules of morality Policies of the organization

Contributions to society Through the value and quality of products and services By the jobs provided By the benefits to employees

Consequences of business activity Inside the organization Outside the organization

Ten Checkpoints for Ethical Decision-Making

Social Responsibility: obligation of organizational management to make decisions and take actions that will enhance the welfare and interest of society as well as the organization.


I. Recognize that there is a moral issue. This step is important because it requires us to identify issues that need attention, rather than ignore them.

II. Determine the actor. If this is a moral issue, whose is it? Is it mine? The distinction here is not whether or not I am involved. In matters of ethics, we are all involved. The question is whether or not I am morally obligated to do anything.

III. Gather the relevant facts. Good decision-making requires good fact-finding and analysis.

IV. Test for right versus wrong issues. Does the situation involve wrong doing? Is lawbreaking involved? If so, the choice is a legal rather than a moral matter.If the answer to the legal test is “no”, three other tests are useful:

The STENCH test: rely on moral intuition on a gut level. Will this course of action go against the grain of your moral principles, even if you cannot put your finger on the problem? For many people this is a common and surprisingly reliable test.

The FRONT PAGE test: How would you feel if what you are about to do show up tomorrow morning on the front page headline of the Washington Post? What would be your response if what you took to be a private matter were suddenly to become entirely public? If such a consequence makes you uncomfortable, you should not do it.

The MOM test: Would I be proud if my mother knew what I did?If an issue fails these tests, there is no point going on to the following steps. Since you are dealing with a right-versus-wrong issue, any further deliberation will probably amount to little more that an effort to justify an unconscionable act.

V. Test for right-versus-right paradigm. What sort of dilemma is this: truth versus loyalty, self versus community, short-term versus long-term, or justice versus mercy? The point is not to simply classify the issue but to bring into focus that it is a genuine dilemma, in that it pits two deeply held core values against each other.

VI. Apply the resolution principles. Ends-Based Thinking: Is the resolution of this dilemma for the greatest

good for the greatest number of people? Rule-Based Thinking: Would you accept the resolution of this dilemma as

a universal law that others ought to believe? Care-Based Thinking: Is the resolution of this dilemma something that

others would like you to do? VII. Investigate the trilemma options. Is there a third way to resolve this dilemma?

Sometimes the middle ground will be the result of a compromise between the two rights and result in a creative course of action.

VIII. Ask the opinion of others. Others who are knowledgeable on the subject and would be objective are an excellent resource. Use them.

IX. Make the decision. At this point in the process, there is little to do but decide. This sometimes requires moral courage.

X. Reflect on the decision. Once the decision is made, go back over the decision making process and reflect on it. Learn from the process.


Exercise: What Would You Do?The SituationA colleague, with whom you have worked for the past three years, asks you to cover for him for an hour or two after work. 

In particular, he asks that if his wife should telephone to speak with him, you should tell her that he is caught up in a meeting and that you will pass the message on to him when he is free.

Instructions: In your group, use the ten checkpoints to explore this dilemma. Document in the space provided the thought process for later discussion. Based on the steps 1-8, make the decision on your own. Once everyone has made a decision, we will complete step 10.

I. Recognize that there is a moral issue. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

II. Determine the actor. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

III. Gather the relevant facts. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

IV. Test for right versus wrong issues. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

V. Test for right-versus-right paradigm. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



VI. Apply the resolution principles. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

VII. Investigate the trilemma options. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

VIII. Ask the opinion of others. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

IX. Make the decision. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

X. Reflect on the decision. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Focus on Management

Helene happened to walk into the office to pick up some documents. None of the employees present seemed to notice she was there. What appeared to be a casual conversation was taking place among the four men and one woman. Helene could not help but notice that a few of the comments were blatantly racist. She was acquainted with the African American woman in the group who seemed unaffected by the racist remarks. Helene looked around for the supervisor, but he was in his office, deeply involved in a phone conversation. Helene picked up the papers and left.

What happened here?


The ability to relate well to all types of people in the workplace is an essential management skill. The trend toward a more diverse workplace is shown in the following table:

Managing diversity requires considerable knowledge, sensitivity, patience, flexibility, and training. Valuing diversity is an approach that enhances acceptance, tolerance, and understanding of differences. The broad view of diversity, and the one we will use, recognizes diversity in all its forms. Differences exist between people of different ages, backgrounds, experiences, and so on, in addition to more obvious differences between races, cultures, and religions.

Challenges for Managers: To communicate effectively with employees from diverse backgrounds.

U.S. Labor ForcePercentage




Whites, Non Hispanic

76% 73% 68%

Women 46% 48% 50%

Hispanic 9% 11% 14%

African American

11% 11% 11%

Asian American

4% 5% 6%

Source: Workforce 2020, Hudson Institute

Diversity Goal: to create an environment in which everyone feels included, appreciated, and valued.


To coach and develop people who are diverse along many dimensions, including age, education, ethnicity, gender, physical ability, race, etc.

To provide effective performance feedback that is based on substance rather than style.

To create an organizational climate that utilizes the array of talents and perspectives that diversity can offer.

Benefits of Valuing Diversity Develop employee and organizational potential.

o Employee moral improves because people feel valued.o Relationships at work improve.

Attract and recruit the best people. Meet the needs of our diverse membership base. Enhance creativity and problem solving. Create a climate of fairness and equality for all employees.

Five Techniques to Value Diversity

1. Promote tolerance. Work toward openness and acceptance of others. Respect the different beliefs and viewpoints, lifestyles and business images, work styles and behaviors.

2. Be a role model of respect and appreciation. Be willing to listen and to learn about diverse people and groups, to examine your own needs, beliefs, and viewpoints that block your ability to respect and appreciate others. Be willing to change false beliefs.

3. Encourage collaboration. Encourage employees to work toward common goals for the good of the department and the organization.

4. Provide quality treatment to all employees. Believe in each employee and communicate that belief. Explicitly communicate high standards and high expectations. Promote a respect for diversity. Show each person that he or she is important to you and to the organization. Provide support for all employees. Teach people the basis for success in an organization, including the

unwritten rules. Be an effective mentor.5. Get to know the individual. Take time to get to know each employee, as well as

his or her cultural group. The more you learn about each person, the better you will be able to collaborate with that person as an individual and part of the team. What you do not know may prevent you from doing your own job effectively.

The Changing Workplace


The diversity of the American worker is changing, as we have seen. But another important change is also taking place. It concerns the age of workers and a dramatic change in job perceptions.

The baby boomers are beginning to retire (those born after World War II from 1946-1964), and as they leave, the drain on the knowledge of organizations is dramatic.

Baby boomers have historically remained workcentric. They look at a job as a life-long commitment and remain in various positions in a company that employs them for many years.

With this longevity comes knowledge. As they have grown in responsibility, they have carried knowledge with them. When they leave, in many cases, the knowledge is gone.

The growth of the workforce is slowing. From 1950-2000, the workforce grew at a rate of 1.6% per year. Over the next decade, this growth rate is projected to drop by one-third to 1.1 % per year, due in part to the retirement of baby boomers.

The workers from Gen X (23 to 37 years old) and Gen Y (18 to 22 years old) tend to have very different attitudes about work.

These employees tend to be familycentric or dualcentric and see a job as a means to an end. Employees in these groups place equal importance on activities outside the workplace, such as personal interests, children, and family.

Fewer workers in this group want jobs with more responsibilities—52% in 2002 versus 68% in 1992. They are not interested in the trade-offs.

More than half of these workers who do want more responsibility plan to do so in new organizations. The only group where this is not true is low wage earners who desire more responsibilities to earn higher wages.

However, research shows that these workers actually work more hours per week in 2002 (an average of 45.6) than workers of comparable ages in 1977 (42.9).

The differences in attitudes do not require a judgment of right or wrong; they just are. As a manager of a diverse workforce of different ages, it is important to know what is important to each group. It will help you understand the needs and priorities of each worker.


Time management is planning and using time wisely. The key to successful time management is planning the use of your time, and then protecting the planned time. People who say they have no time do not plan the use of their time or do not protect their planned time. To do this successfully, you will need to do the following things:

Take time to plan your days, weeks, etc. Planning time is wisely spent and will help you free time for other activities.

You will need to condition or recondition your environment to work within your plan. If you are always available for interruptions, you will need to condition staff and coworkers to end or limit the interruptions.

People who put demands upon you will also need to be diplomatically conditioned to meet your plan. Diplomacy is the key.

You must commit to making this change.

Time Management

Focus on Management

Henri arrived at his desk at 6:00 a.m. He wanted to use the extra time to clear work off his overcrowded desk. He began by going through his mail. He came across a journal article and became deeply engrossed in it. Suddenly it was two hours later and other workers were beginning to arrive. He needed to focus.

As he pulled out the project file that was due tomorrow (he still had two days worth of work to do on it), some colleagues stopped by the invite him for coffee. Since he had been there so long, he decided he needed a break and it would only be a few minutes. Thirty minutes later, he returned to his desk to “buckle down” on this project.

As he walked in, the phone was ringing. His manager asked if he could sit in on a 10:00 meeting for him. How could Henri say no? So he attended the meeting, which lasted until noon. He had a quick lunch and vowed to spend the entire afternoon working on his project.

But things did not go as planned. Coworkers stopped to ask questions, a crisis needed immediate action, and his email inbox was flooded. He never had a minute to work on the project that was due tomorrow. As he stuffed work in his briefcase to take home, he wondered how other employees were able to enjoy evenings with their families.

What problems do you see with Henri’s time management skills?


Time Management Ideas

Manage your email; do not let it manage you.Email is the biggest time waster out there. If you are a slave to your email, particularly if your pc is set up to notify you immediately when a new email arrives, making a small change can facilitate a marked improvement in the time available to you each day.

Check your email at designated times each day: first thing in the morning, at lunch, and one hour before you leave for the day. You must decide when to view and respond to email, not the people sending emails. You are in charge of your time.

Turn off the email notification function: In Outlook in the Mail function, click on Options. Click on the Preference Tab. Click on the Email Options push button. Click on Advanced Email Options. Turn off Display a New Desktop Alert.

Be prepared to changeYou will undertake drastic changes. Be creative to find and introduce different ways of doing things. Challenge and question your habits, routines, and the way you defend your time when others dictate how you should use it.

A tidy desk equals a tidy mindOrganize your workspace. Create a filing system in your office and on your computer that allows you to find, retrieve, and save information quickly and easily. Tidy up your workspace and keep all papers filed away unless you are working on them. Keep a clean desk and organized systems. Review your workspace, its layout, and set it up for efficiency.

Delegate 25 % of your workExamine the work you do each day and delegate 25% of it to an employee reporting to you, if possible. This serves two purposes: the work is no longer your responsibility and your employee grows, learns, and becomes more valuable.

When delegating, you must train the employee accepting a new responsibility how to complete the assignment to ensure the employee’s success. This will take some time at the beginning, but will eventually free your time from that task.

Have meetingsWell-planned meetings that are held regularly cut down dramatically the interruptions you deal with daily. Schedule and hold staff meetings, as needed. Encourage your employees to hold any questions they can until the meeting. This prevents interruptions, but other employees may have the same questions, which prevents more interruptions.


When you really need to work or concentrate, find a way to do it: close your door, put an “Interrupt Only in Case of Emergency” sign on your cubicle, etc.

Make Decisions QuicklyYou may need to sharpen your decision-making skills to do this. You may need to consult with someone or get more information, but don’t just sit there. Remember the acronym JDI (just do it!) People who can’t make decisions waste their time and that of others.

Say NO politelyBe polite and be constructive, but learn to say “no”. Say things like “I understand this is urgent for you, but I have other priorities I must deal with first for the good of the credit union. I would rather agree on a realistic deadline with you then one I can’t meet.” Be realistic when making and accepting deadlines, based on your schedule. Don’t take on too much: you will complete a lot of work poorly, in lieu of quality work you can finish successfully.

Align your goals and activitiesReview your activities in terms of your Vision Statement, and prioritize your activities accordingly. Especially, plan preparation and creative thinking time daily for the long-term jobs, because they need it. If you don't plan for the preparation you'll never do it, and all the work will get left to the last minute. The short-term urgent tasks will always use up all your time unless you plan to spend it otherwise.

ProcrastinationProcrastinating is a universal problem. Often, the image of a procrastinator is one of laziness or not being “one of the team”. It also leads to a lot of guilt.

But think carefully about what YOU do when procrastinating. Do you put off tasks you enjoy? Or do you procrastinate doing things you really dislike.

Do you put off providing negative feedback to an employee? Do you procrastinate time spent with your family? Do you put aside paying bills until the last minute? Do you do the laundry or cook a meal with a smile on your face?

M A MMotivation creates Action which creates Motivation

A M AAction creates Motivation which creates Action


FUN Time Management Ideas (to get started)

Lesser of 2Think of two things you need to complete, both of which you are not excited about completing. Then choose the least offensive of the two items and complete it. You have created Action, which will create Motivation to complete the other task.

Swiss CheeseBreak the tasks you need to complete in small pieces. All you need to do is complete once piece, then you may stop. You will find that once you begin the action, you will be motivated to complete.

10 MinutesClose the door for just ten minutes and spend it plotting the task. Write for 10 minutes, jot notes, or talk to yourself about how to get started. This action may motivate you to dig in and complete the task.

Reward“If I do this, I get this.” Simple idea. Put a note on a piece of candy that says what you need to complete in order to eat the candy. OR use pleasant tasks as a reward for completing the one you do not want to do.


Time Planning MatrixYou need to judge whether activities are urgent, important, both or neither, to plan your time critically. Most of us plan our activities based on who shouted last or loudest.

The following time matrix can assist as you plan the use of your time. People who are poor time managers spend most of their time in boxes 1 and 3. Spare time is usually spent in box 4. Most people spend the least amount of time in box 2, which is the most critical area for success, development, and proactive self-determination.


Urgent Not Urgent1-DO NOW

Emergencies, complaints and critical issues

Demands from superiors and members

Planned tasks or projects due now

Meetings and appointments Reports and other submissions Staff issues or needs Problem resolution, firefighting,

fixes, etc.

Subject to confirming the importance or urgency of these tasks, do these now. Prioritize based on the urgency of each task.

2-PLAN TO DO Planning, preparation,

scheduling Research, investigation,

designing, testing Networking, relationship building Thinking, creating, modeling,

designing Systems and process

development Anticipation and prevention Developing change, direction,


Critical to success: planning, strategic thinking, deciding direction and aim. Plan time slots for these tasks.

Not Important

3-REJECT AND EXPLAIN Trivial requests from others Apparent emergencies Ad-hoc interruptions and

distractions Misunderstandings appearing

as complaints Pointless routine or activities Accumulated, unresolved trivia Boss’s whims

Scrutinize and probe demands. Help originators reassess. Whenever possible, reject and avoid these tasks sensitively and immediately.

4-RESIST AND CEASE “Comfort” activities, such as

personal phone calls, net surfing, excessive breaks

Chat, gossip, social communications

Daydreaming, doodling Reading non-relevant materials Embellishment and over-


Habitual “comforters” are not true tasks. These activities are non-productive and de-motivational. Minimize or cease these activities altogether. Plan to avoid them in the future.


Use Good Planning ToolsTake time to plan your work. There are some simple things you can do to make the time you spend planning, the most important time of each day.

Here are some planning tips and ideas: Have a good planning tool. There are several available.

o Microsoft Outlook has a tasks function which allows you to create a “To Do” list with deadline that will provide a pop-up reminder. Once a task is completed, check it off for a real feeling of completion and success. Outlook also allows you to delegate duties to others.

Begin by entering the Tasks function in Microsoft Outlook. The Tasks screen is shown below:

To create a task, click on Click here to create a new Task.

On this screen, you can enter the Task you need to complete, the date it is due, and whether you want a reminder for the task. You can also assign the task, must like

Task List

Access Tasks

Enter a new task here

Assign Task


creating a meeting, through this screen. You can track the progress of the task, its completion percentage, etc., whether you are the owner, or it has been assigned to another employee.

Use the Outlook Calendar to plan your time and keep your self on track with meetings, projects, etc.

Franklin Covey offers a complete planning calendar, available at franklincovey.com or a local Franklin Covey store. If you like paper, these are great tools. These calendars have several effective functions:

o A monthly planning calendaro A daily notes page, to keep track of phone calls, hotel reservations, etc.o An appointment schedule to list daily appointmentso A prioritized Daily Task List where you can list tasks, mark them as

completed, delegated, etc.

ResourcesChapman, Alan. Time Management Techniques and Systems. Internet: www.businessballs.com. March 9, 2005.Covey, Stephen R. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Simon & Shuster, Inc. 1989.Haynes, Marion E. Practical Time Management. Crisp Publications, Inc. 1991.Schumucker, Lee Weaver. Fundamentals of Management. Kendall Hunt Publishing. 1992.


Coaching is an ongoing process designed to help gain greater competence and overcome barriers to improve performance. The goal of coaching is to change behavior, to move employees from where they are to where they should be. A good coach knows how to bring out the best in others and has a desire to actively participate in each employee’s development. They know that coaching is ongoing and a primary responsibility of their role as a manager. Coaching doesn’t just happen—it takes planning and preparation.

Coaching Employees

Focus on Management

Marilee was recently hired as a call center manager at Justice FCU. In her position, she oversees six operational employees.

One of her employees, Candice, was highly regarded by the last manager. Marilee had been told what a great job Candice did every day. She was very good on the phone with members, taking time to answer their questions and provide the correct answers. She was a good salesperson and cross-sold products and services regularly that met the members’ needs. Just before Marilee’s arrival, Candice had been promoted to the role of Team Leader.

Candice seemed very reluctant to assume her new duties. She preferred to spend her time on the phones. She was dragging her feet at the moment on an assignment given to her: train the other call center employees to sell Web BillPay. She seemed unable to get started and unsure of her ability to do this task.

Marilee felt that this was due to insecurity on Candice’s part. Marilee began assisting her with some of the new tasks to build confidence. Candice did great, as Marilee had expected. She provided positive reinforcement, which was really well deserved: “You have done a great job reducing call time.” “You are my resident expert in cross-selling.” “The staff really respects your expertise.”

The end result was worth the effort. Candice delivered the Web BillPay training and it was fantastic. She began to step up and assume more of the responsibilities of her role as a Team Leader. Candice had been a good employee, but now she was a great employee. Marilee was convinced: by showing her confidence in Candice’s abilities, Candice began to believe in herself.

Are you a successful coach?

Coaching: the process by which managers can help employees achieve established performance levels by explaining, demonstrating, practicing, assisting, and then giving feedback.


Coaching is never a quick fix. Changing another person’s behavior takes time and patience. As you gain more experience as a coach, you will find it works miracles with one employee and may not work at all with another. Sometimes you need to try numerous approaches before your find the right method for the right employee.

The Role of a CoachThink back to a coach or mentor you have encountered. This may be someone who coached your high school swim team, your first boss, your child’s little league coach. Was he or she a good coach or a bad coach? Most of us have experienced both! A good coach is not necessarily someone who is the best athlete or supervisor. Rather, it is someone who was able to encourage you to do your best. As a coach, you have the opportunity to encourage your employees to do their best. To do so, you need to inspire, encourage, and challenge your team to meet their goals.

Communicate ExpectationsHave a game plan! Identify expected performance by having a clear vision of success. Include your team in creating that vision.

Train Teach your team the plays! Show each individual how to meet your expectations.

Measure and ObserveWatch them during the game! Observe individuals in action; don’t rely on someone else’s report.

CoachGet in the Game! Provide coaching on a frequent and consistent basis. Set the standard! You can’t coach attitude, you can only demonstrate it.

Reward and RecognizeReview the game film with your team! Provide specific feedback on performances.

As a coach, it is vital to recognize achievement. Though progress may be slow, your praise will encourage an employee to strive to succeed.

FeedbackFeedback is an opportunity for the manager to share information with an employee that will improve the employee’s performance. As you work with employees, you notice aspects of their work that they may not be aware of: Are they too abrupt? Is their sales approach too rote? Are they alienating coworkers or members unknowingly? The only way an employee can improve is if someone (YOU!) describes what has been observed. Feedback also is positive, so it is appropriate (and important) to share an observed behavior that you really like and want to continue. Everyone appreciates being recognized.

Think about different kinds of feedback you have received. What kinds of feedback made you feel good? What kinds made you wish the person had said nothing at all? Did someone ever say anything that helped you recognize where you could improve?


There are two types of feedback:Positive Feedback: Praise given to reinforce good behavior.Developmental Feedback: Information provided to help an employee do a better job.

Feedback Tips

Choose the correct timing.Praise is most effective when given immediately. It helps increase the chances of the behavior happening again. Developmental feedback should take place before the behavior occurs again.

The timing is critical, so remember this mantra:.

Ask for a self-assessment.Begin feedback by involving the employee. Asking the employee’s opinion will create a more open atmosphere. Employees are usually aware of their strengths and weaknesses. Self-assessment helps the employee take more responsibility.

Concentrate on observable behaviors, not attitudes.By discussing observable behaviors, the manager takes the criticism out of the personal realm. An employee will be more willing and able to change a specific behavior than a general attitude. Instead of saying “You don’t seem to be happy here”, try “Your last report had several errors and I wasn’t able to use it”.

Be specific.Both positive and developmental feedback needs to be specific to be effective.

Focus on behaviors that can be changed.Ask yourself if the employee is actually responsible. Ask them to change an observable behavior and not an attitude.

Praise more than correct.Praise and encouragement do a great deal to improve performance.

Verify that your message is understood.At the end of the coaching session, ask the employee for a recap. This helps you make sure the message was understood.

Praise in public.Criticize in private


Axioms of the Practical Coach1. Never let great work go unnoticed. When you see it, say it!2. Never let poor work go unnoticed. Make it private and

positive.3. Never let an employee go down a dead end road.

Use the TWO-MINUTE CHALLENGE1. State what you observed.2. Wait for a response.3. Remind them of the goal.4. Ask for a specific solution.5. Agree together.

Six Deadly Sins of Reprimanding1. Failure to get facts. Know the facts before leaping to conclusions. Do not

accept hearsay evidence or go on general impressions.2. Acting while angry. Never a good idea. Be calm in your own mind and as

objective as possible before you decide to reprimand. Ask yourself: Is it possibly my fault that this error or violation occurred?

3. Let the employee be unclear of the offense. Let the person know what you observed and the specific details that were at fault. Do not allude to general complaints.

4. Not getting the employee’s side of the story. Make sure the employee has an opportunity to explain the reason something was done, while avoiding the sidetrack. There may be mitigating circumstances, unclear directions, or conflicting orders that were at fault.

5. Failing to keep records. When formal communication is required, it is important that you document conversations and incidents involving the performance problem. Keep a diary of informal communication for future reference.

6. Harboring a grudge. Once the reprimand has occurred, do not harbor a grudge. The person deserved the feedback and received it. Now, give the employee an opportunity to improve.


Coaching Self-Assessment

Instructions: The purpose of this activity is to help you learn what you need to be successful as a coach and to help you create an action plan for self-improvement. Write an X in one of the boxes to the right of each competency, depending on how you see yourself right now. Obviously, you need to be honest with yourself on this. No one will see your ratings unless you voluntarily share them.

Strength OK Improve

Communicating Instructions

Showing the person you are coaching how to accomplish the task and clarifying when, where, how much, and to what standard it should be done.

Setting Performance Goals

Collaborating with others to establish short- and long-term goals for performance on particular tasks.

Providing Feedback

Carefully observing performance on individual tasks and sharing these observations in a nonthreatening manner.

Rewarding Improvement

Using a variety of means to provide positive reinforcement to others for making progress on the accomplishment of important tasks.

Dealing with Failure

Working with others to encourage them when they do not meet expectations.

Working with Personal Issues

Listening empathically and without judgment, and offering emotional support for nonwork difficulties.


Confronting Difficult Situations

Raising uncomfortable topics that are affecting task accomplishment.

Responding to Requests

Consulting with others on an as-needed basis. Responding to requests in a timely manner.

Following Through

Keeping your commitments. Monitoring outcomes of the coaching process and providing additional assistance when necessary.

Listening for Understanding

Demonstrating attention to and conveying understanding of others.

Motivating Others

Encouraging others to achieve desired results. Creating enthusiasm and commitment in others.

Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses

Identifying root causes of individual performance. Probing beneath the surface of problems. Keenly observing people and events. Defining and articulating issues effectively.

Building Rapport and Trust

Showing respect for others. Acting with integrity and honesty. Easily building bonds with others. Making others feel their concerns and contributions are important.


Why These Competencies Are Important

The 13 competencies that make up this assessment are of particular importance for those with a coaching role. They represent areas in which you need to excel in order to fulfill your coaching role successfully.

Communicating Instructions. Showing the person you are coaching how to accomplish the task and clarifying when, where, how much, and to what standard it should be done.

The role of coach often involves teaching a skill or procedure to another person. The ability to break down a task into easy-to-understand steps that you can articulate to another is vital to being an effective coach.

Setting Performance Goals. Collaborating with others to establish short- and long-term goals for performance on particular tasks.

Effective coaching sometimes starts with pointing someone in the right direction. First, you work with the person to set broad goals; then you become very specific in agreeing on desired outcomes and how they will be measured.

Providing Feedback. Carefully observing performance on individual tasks and sharing these observations in a nonthreatening manner.

Giving others feedback on their task performance is critical to improving their performance. In order to do this effectively, you have to observe the person performing the task, noting what the person is doing well and what can be improved. Then you work with the individual to ensure he or she understands your feedback and uses it developmentally.

Rewarding Improvement. Using a variety of means to provide positive reinforcement to others for making progress on the accomplishment of important tasks.

Timing of rewards is important. Don’t wait until you see either perfection or failure on the task. Look for growth in task accomplishment and reward that soon after you observe it. Although coaches don’t always control formal rewards (pay, perks, or promotions), they can make frequent and effective use of informal (“pat on the back” or other nonmonetary recognition) ones.

Dealing with Failure. Working with others to encourage them when they do not meet expectations.

When an individual demonstrates an inability or unwillingness to perform a task according to expectations and standards, you need to be able to deal with the result. This can mean encouraging, reprimanding, redirecting, retraining, or otherwise affecting his or her ability or willingness. Patience can be a virtue or an enabler of more failure. Use it wisely.

Working with Personal Issues. Listening empathically and without judgment


and offering emotional support for nonwork difficulties.

In general, coaches are not expected to function as counselors or psychotherapists. Few are qualified to carry out such responsibilities, and the context of the organizational relationship might preclude this type of interaction. Faced with an individual whose personal situation is interfering with his or her performance, however, you need to be able to intervene. A good rule of thumb is that whenever you feel “in over your head,” you are. Be prepared to refer the person to appropriate sources of professional assistance and adjust the coaching process to support getting through the situation humanely.

Confronting Difficult Situations. Raising uncomfortable topics that are affecting task accomplishment.

Coaching often involves situations in which performance has not met expectations. Unmet expectations often lead to finger pointing, denial of personal responsibility, and other dysfunctional behaviors. Talking about these issues can make people uncomfortable. Good coaching requires the ability and willingness to confront difficult and uncomfortable situations head-on, but with tact and diplomacy. When the best interests of all concerned are at heart, the honesty and courage to confront difficult situations are welcomed.

Responding to Requests. Consulting with others on an as-needed basis. Responding to requests in a timely manner.

Timely response to requests is a tangible indicator of respect. To build and maintain a healthy coaching relationship, make sure your responsiveness reflects a high level of priority.

Following Through. Keeping your commitments. Monitoring outcomes of the coaching process and providing additional assistance when necessary.

Trust is a critical component of any coaching relationship. Keeping your commitments helps build and maintain trust. Showing an ongoing commitment to the long-term success of the person you are coaching also builds a strong relationship.

Listening for Understanding. Demonstrating attention to and conveying understanding of others.

Listening is another indicator of respect. It requires keeping your mind open to what others say, attending well to both the content of what they say and the feelings they may be expressing (sometimes unconsciously). Listening effectively almost invariably involves checking your understanding of others’ messages by reflecting what you hear, using such phrases as, “What I hear you saying is...” and, “You seem to be concerned about....”

Motivating Others. Encouraging others to achieve desired results. Creating enthusiasm and commitment in others.


The right button to push to help motivate another person differs widely. There are no hard-and-fast rules to what motivates anyone. You can be effective by knowing what motivates the person you are coaching and tying his or her desires and goals to the task at hand. This requires continual assessment and reassessment of the person and situation. “Reading” the person can be inaccurate. It’s better to ask what is important to him or her and how the task at hand relates.

Assessing Strengths and Weaknesses. Identifying root causes of individual performance. Probing beneath the surface of problems. Keenly observing people and events. Defining and articulating issues effectively.

Properly identifying the abilities and interests of the person you are coaching directs your coaching efforts to the most critical areas. This involves keen observation and attention to detail. It also means distinguishing between symptoms and root causes of problems. Without accurate assessment, your coaching efforts might all be spent on addressing the wrong problem or a nonexistent one.

Building Rapport and Trust. Showing respect for others. Acting with integrity and honesty. Easily building bonds with others.

Making others feel their concerns and contributions are important. Rapport and trust are the cornerstones of an effective coaching relationship. The person you are coaching needs to trust that you have his or her best interests at heart so he or she can be honest with you regarding shortcomings. There also needs to be a bond of mutual respect so the advice, teaching, and counseling of the coach will be more readily accepted.


Coaching Exercise

Focus on Behavior

Rewrite the following sentences so they focus on behavior, not attitude.

1. Jacquelyn just isn’t motivated.___________________________________________

2. Sue doesn’t care about her job.__________________________________________

3. Charisse is lazy.______________________________________________________

4. Andrew is incompetent.________________________________________________

5. Michelle is rude to coworkers.___________________________________________

Case Study

Each manager should select an employee whose performance you would like to improve through coaching.


Describe the performance goal: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What behaviors would increase the employee’s skills?


What additional knowledge and training would increase the employee’s skills?




What training and knowledge should you provide to support the employee’s effort to improve?


What types of incentives, if any, would increase the employee’s desire to improve?


List some ways you can observe the employee’s progress and provide feedback.


Get together with your group and discuss your individual plan to improve an employee’s performance. Present your plan and listen to the feedback and ideas of the group. Change your plan where needed.

Remember that n this group activity, you will be providing coaching to a fellow manager. Demonstrate your coaching skills during each discussion.

Delegation 91

Management is defined as “achieving organization goals by working through others.” Delegation means giving people things to do. It is easy to see that these two definitions are intertwined. And it is obvious that managers who are not delegating are not managing effectively.

Delegating is another way to get things done, but the ultimate responsibility remains with the manager who made the assignment. Delegating does not pass on the ultimate responsibility for the success or failure of a job or project.

Important Reasons to Delegate

Focus on Management

Scheduling training sessions is one of the most time-consuming tasks for trainers. It requires the arrangement of locations, times, and participants. To make this easier, a credit union designated an employee committee from the branches to fulfill this role. The committee was to determine the best location, based on the trainer’s needs, schedule the appropriate dates to meet the business needs of the departments and branches, and schedule employees to attend. Melanie was chosen as the primary contact and scheduler for this training.

This committee had been trained to meet this need. In the process of delegating this procedure, the trainers had spent time explaining scheduling, locations, meals, budgets, etc. All the necessary information was relayed to Melanie nearly two months prior to the training dates.

According to Melanie, the IRA training would be held at the Credit Union House in the local town. The first session that day was at 9:00 and dates and numbers of participants were provided to Paul. The weather was really bad, but it was IRA season, so Paul hazarded the trip and arrived in time to set up the room and distribute materials.

At 9:30 no employees had arrived for the training. Thinking the weather was a factor, Paul called Melanie to find out if anyone had contacted her. Melanie was silent on the phone. Then she said, “Oh, no. I completely forgot to schedule the employees to attend IRA training.”

Can you determine what steps of delegation were missing from Melanie’s assignment?

Delegation: the process of assigning responsibility along with the related authority.


Managers who are unwilling or unable to delegate are limited in their success by the amount of work they alone are able to complete. By delegating tasks, managers are able to accomplish tasks that are more challenging and extend their own capabilities, while extending the capabilities of the staff. Delegation develops skills in employees by allowing them to test the water, try new things, and grow. By delegating duties, the manager shows trust and confidence in the employees’ abilities, which is a motivator. As a result of this trust and confidence, an employee may work harder to justify it. Delegation will also help morale when you expect positive results from delegation.

Good delegation results from the S.M.A.R.T. technique:1. Assign a SPECIFIC task.2. Provide MEASURES of accomplishment for the task.3. AGREE to the task and its measures.4. Are the task and its measures REALISTIC?5. TIMING requires a start date and an expected finish date.

The Steps of Good Delegation1. SPECIFIC: The manager must provide specific instructions on a specific task.

Never just say “do this” without direction and training or the assigned employee will most definitely fail the assignment.

2. MEASURES: Provide specific items that say the job is completed and completed correctly. If the delegated duty is to prepare documents and close a home equity loan, the measures would include the appropriate use of TAPS, completion of all required forms, correct disbursal of the loan proceeds, and submission to Consumer Lending. All these requirements are measurable.

3. AGREE: This important step means that the employee agrees to attempt the task and live up to the measures. The manager must provide guidance during the process, especially the first time, to ensure that the employee is on the right track. If the employee does not agree to the assignment, further growth may be needed prior to delegation.

4. REALSITIC: Always make sure, and revisit throughout the delegation, if the task is at the employee’s level and can be completed successfully. Delegating work that is not realistic is a disaster for you and the employee.

5. TIMING: It is your job in delegation to check in with the employee. Are they on track, do they have questions, is the task overwhelming? Provide guidance and assistance where needed, but avoid the overwhelming urge to take control. If your delegation is S.M.A.R.T., you will have a better employee when the task is completed.

Delegation Exercise


This exercise is designed to give you experience in delegating tasks. You will practice the skills you have learned in this course. The worksheets will be used to guide you through the scenario.


You are the head teller for a credit union branch. As the head teller, you are the supervisor of the fully staffed teller line, which consists of four tellers:

MelanieShe has worked at the branch and the credit union for three years and is a very competent teller. She balances everyday and is willing to help out with tasks when asked. She does not sell to members at the teller line, and has told you that she hates to sell. Her sales numbers are very low as a result and you have spoken to her several times about the need to improve her sales. Her attention to detail in her teller work is without fault and her understanding of the teller line functions has become second nature to her. She has no supervisory experience, but you have noticed that she is the person your tellers go to, if they need transaction or settlement help. In her Individual Development Plan, Melanie stated that she has a short-term goal to become a head teller.

StephenHe is a new employee and has been on the teller line staff for about three months. His teller skills are adequate, but his transaction speed is slow and he continues to have balancing issues. His sales and member service skills are the best you have ever seen and his sales numbers tops even the FSR numbers. Members love him and many are slowly gravitating to his window whenever possible. He is young, has no supervisory skills, and has a tendency to be late or call in sick more than you would prefer. His Individual Development Plan stated that he would like to become a FSR at some point in the future. He plans to continue his education.

HildaShe has been with you for one year and is an adequate teller. Her teller skills are good, but she seems afraid to try new things and learn new skills. It takes her repeated explanations to gain a new skill. She is shy, and a bit afraid to ask members to try new products and services. Angry members throw her into a complete shambles. She has two children in day care, but is always on time and at the job when needed. She works hard and is a good team player. Her Individual Development Plan states that she is happy where she is and is not interested in additional training or responsibilities.

LinShe is an employee who is willing to do and try anything. She will work hard to figure out an answer on her own, before asking for help. She has only been on the teller line for six months, but came out of training with the knowledge and skills needed to be excellent. Her balancing skills are adequate, and she works hard on her own to discover where she made errors. Her sales skills are middle of the road, but you can tell she is working hard to overcome her fear of this process. She offers to help at the drop of the hat and is easy to teach new skills. All the tellers admire her can do attitude, which is infectious. Her


Individual Development Plan states that she would like to become a loan processor some day.

Your AssignmentThe branch manager wants to cross train employees for the upcoming vacation season. Because the branch is fully staffed at this time, she sees this cross training effort as a chance to improve the skills of her employees and the productivity of the branch. She has asked you to cross train as an FSR. You will attend a two-week FSR school, and work for at least one week as an FSR in your branch. Your manager will serve as your coach during training and you are very excited at this new challenge.

However, you have never trained your tellers to fill your job function. Generally, when you are away, your manager completes the head teller job duties. The manager’s efforts to cross train are now including your job functions. You must have your staff complete your job for three weeks and there is very little time for training prior to your training date.

Your training class will be local, and you will be able to communicate with the branch via email or telephone during breaks and lunch. You end training early on Wednesday, and will return to the branch on those afternoons.

You must decide how to delegate your work. There are several choices: You can designate one teller to assume your job functions. You can divide your job functions between all or some of your staff.

The job functions that must be completed while you are away are: Balancing and cataloguing of all official checks, traveler’s checks, etc, sold in the

branch. Daily balancing of the branch. Teller line schedules. Buying and selling teller money. Ordering money shipments.

Using the worksheets that follow, complete the delegation process, working with your assigned group. You will need to complete all the worksheets, except the Evaluation Worksheet at the end. Once everyone has completed theses, we will do role-plays of the Communications Worksheet, so be prepared.

Preparation Worksheet


1. Assess your priorities. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

2. Put a “yes” next to each of the above priorities that, when completed, will bring you and your department closer to credit union or department goals.

3. Put a “D” next to each of the above priorities that can be delegated (completely or partially).

4. List the priorities you will delegate. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

5. Complete an Employee Interest Record to determine employee’s career interest as well as the knowledge and skills needed.

6. Complete a Delegation Assignment Worksheet to determine which employees are the best candidates for the delegation assignments. Select a delegate for each of your projects.

7. For each project, answer the following questions:

What results do I want from this project?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

What authority level am I prepared to give?_______________________________________________________________________

What resources do I need to provide?________________________________________________________________________

What deadlines must be met?________________________________________________________________________

How will I monitor the project?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Employee Interest Record


Employee Career/Job Interests Knowledge/Experience/SkillsNeeded Has

Delegation Assignment Worksheet


Assignments to be Delegated

Knowledge/Skills Needed

EmployeeWho has the knowledge/skills?

Who would like to develop the skill?

Communication Worksheet


Note: use this sheet as a guide when you delegate the project.1. Consider the employee to whom you are about to delegate this assignment. What will be important to this person? What specifically will you do to create a positive climate?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Is the location adequate? Check the following:___ Is the climate relaxed?___ Is coffee or soda available?___ Did you arrange for equal seating?___ Is the phone set to not disturb the conversation?___ Did you instruct for no interruptions?___ Are all materials needed available?

3. Write your opening sentence. Practice the sentence to commit it to memory. Will it put the employee at ease?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. How do you plan to gain initial acceptance of the assignment? Write a strategy or two.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. How will you explain the delegation assignment? Use the Preparation Worksheet to guide you, but work through the key issues with your delegate.

What vision will you communicate? What results do you expect from the project? What is the scope of the delegate’s responsibility? What resources are available to the delegates (money, supplies, equipment,

people)? What level of authority will the delegate have? How much instruction does the delegate need?

6. Use an Action Plan Worksheet to mutually develop a plan with your delegate. Be specific about:___ Incremental steps___ Coaching required___ Resources needed___ Checkpoints___ Due dates

7. Give the delegate a copy of the Action Plan Worksheet.Action Plan Worksheet


Assignment: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Assigned to: ________________________________________________________________________

Activity Coaching Neededto Do Job


Due Date

Monitoring Worksheet


Note: Use the Communication Worksheet and the Action Plan Worksheet to guide you through this worksheet.

1. What did you and your delegate agree you would monitor? What outputs and behaviors will you be observing?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. How will you monitor the project? Will you be receiving specific materials? Reports? Memos? Other data? Will you simply confirm that deadlines are being met?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. How will you monitor behavior? Will you observe the delegate in action? Will you request evaluations from people who work with the delegate?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. Do you need to take steps to pave the political path for your delegate? If so, what will you do?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

5. What problems do you anticipate? What can you do to prevent them?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Evaluation Worksheet


Use this worksheet to plan your evaluation meeting with the delegate. Both the delegator and the delegate should complete this exercise prior to meeting.

1. How successfully was the project completed? Were the objectives met? Were the expectations met? Were the deadlines met? Did the project stay within budget? Were positive relationships built with others?

2. Did the delegation meet the employee’s developmental goals? How? Identify acquired knowledge. Identify learned skills. What further development is needed? What needs to be discussed?

3. How well was the delegation cycle followed? How thoroughly was the delegation cycle prepared? Was the communication meeting positive? Discuss the level of involvement for both of you. Were the expectations clear? Were you accessible to the delegate? Did the delegate have freedom to act? Was follow-up completed at appropriate monitoring points?

4. How effective was the relationship between you and the delegate? How well did you communicate with one another? Did you both listen well? Were you both able to constructively disagree?

5. What rewards and recognition are appropriate?

L.E.A.D. for Managers Evaluation Questions


Please take some time to provide thoughtful answers to the evaluation questions below. Your ideas and responses will help make L.E.A.D. for Managers an improved course in the future.

Question Your Response1. List three things you

enjoyed about L.E.A.D., in descending order.

2. List three things you did not enjoy about L.E.A.D., in descending order.

3. Explain why you feel that you learned what you needed to in L.E.A.D.

4. List information that was not included in L.E.A.D. that you wanted to learn.

5. List new ideas you have gotten from participation in L.E.A.D.

6. List which topic you felt was the most beneficial to you and explain why.

7. List which topic was least beneficial to you and


explain why.

8. Were the written materials and handouts provided helpful to you? Why?

9. Which activities were helpful? Which were not helpful?

10.Do you feel that participation in L.E.A.D. will approve your effectiveness and results as a manager at Justice FCU? Why or why not?

11.How should L.E.A.D. be improved for future



The information contained in this manual is proprietary to Justice Federal Credit UnionMay, 2006