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Transcript of MAfTASSAS, VA^ PfcPiiT. OCTOBER 5, 1917 WMEBT...


BOYS LIKE LIFE AT CAMP LEE Waskinarton Speaker WUl )M

dress Red Cross Branch.


Letted From One of Prince WUIJam'8 Repr^8«Ua-

tlves in Service.

"We have experienced so many new thinsrs and so many things have Jiappened here since our arrival that it would be im­possible to recount th«n all," writea Earl D. Merrill, one of the Frinpe William boys ' at Ci^p _ - . . , . j n 4.v Lee. "The fellows are rapidly ^^'^ ^ be present ^ aU oth-adjuoting themselves to their ^^^^^LM^^ changed conditions of life and . , . ? ! ^ ^ " ^ ^ . ° ^ . ° ^ ^ . ^"y,?^ dTBSBings is progreBsing rapidly

A general meeting of the Hay-market Qranch of the Bed Cross will be held on Tuesday evening kt 8 o'clock on Tuesday evening Haymarket. A speaker from Waaliingtoa is-expected to ad­dress the meeting and the an­nual election of officers will be held; ;

It is earnestly hoped that ev-cry m<Maaber will make a special.

',. settling the heavy work before them.

"The morning after our arriv­al we were checked up at regi­mental headquarters, and while ^ weather is annroachinir

Lieut. Col. Love said, i The cold weatfte? approacmng and warm clothmg wiU be m denwnd.

As the Seed for dMsstngg Iff In­creasing all members are urged to come regularly to the work-

. xoQni_ Knitters are also wanted.

therje Lieut. Col. Love said, 'Prince. William has done very wdl. There; has been no Ijick whatever against them.' At that time ttie Prince William and ROOMS OPENED Fairfax men were temporarily | attached to Company G, with the D l l l £ i l l UvLKjU expectaticm of being assigned to' — .. , ."_.,_ it. But after the physical exam-' ]yf JQI, , IUI^ Pablic favitedTot^*"*"'®"* who was clad in his un-inatlon on Satufdj^ thryftffli J -- - Make U4 uf MaSBMU " h 'i m m.vnym^'^-''*^' " company,-with tlie excepti(m of

"a fe# individuals, wais trans-•ferred to Company R-barracltf under a new^set of officers.


Make U M of MftttoWMW" HeadquartoB.

Bed Cross—hcadjqtuartafs—m the People's Bank Bttilding was

ieUows were dMSBtSs^^penfor the^gfsrffinti Tuesday fied with_ae_ change, for^ they afteraotm. -Tfes rodms w«re had cut up a big pile of wood ^g^,^ jn order by the headquar^ ajfidjcleared up and leveled off tprg^^^nrnm'", 'rf ^ '''- MV»

jhe ground aronnd Company G's jbaeph Prgaton T.y<m ia, chair-^arters. Further, they bad jQ n gnd ,^11 be open to msm-come to Bke the <rffif,flm in that jj^n, ftf Ihv I'TLHT T HfFfl *'\ *^ eotapKoy. I paMic eS«fy afternoon ftpm 2 to

"One of the j^irf|uc boys did, jj Q' JQI . not pasa^^e physiclOvjninMM^; Voi^MK^^^^^Niabefs.^^^^t^^ •fion, but so far nwie of fee chapttr wfll hMW 9hn^ir T^'hl J^' Prince WfllfiMnmen has be«m re-' <jay. Site-flrst toembert t» vol-je(;ted. Most of the i^mer and unte«r for this service were ail of the latter ttive bem per-;Mrg,^. g. C. Johnson, Mrs: W. patently assigned to Gapa^anj YeweH MeWhant, Bits. Jacob L. E, SlglLJulJiiiiiy ,Bi'gjm^^ Mrt. J. Ji^Bttrks imdftHJiiuly

Oamp Lee is a htige wooden jugg j i a ^ Beveriy T/<^hn»W city coyering aipproximately 15 square nulea, with deetric lights, water and sewage sys­tems. The buildings, barracks, officers' quarters, store houses, stables and 'adniinistration

Jmlldingn are arrangfid in fr

] Ladies who desire'to assist in the work of-mffitMry relief are requested airily at headquar­ters for instructions eoaceming the knitting, sewing and otiiar work to be done. The Jmitters j . for the mreseni are busy WTMII H««fa«* ^

huge horseshoe with drill fields I sleeveless sweaters for tiie im-and parade grounds betweai thej mediate comfort of southern sides of the shoe and the divi-j^jgys j ^ jyj^tjienj camps. Among sion headquarters and depot at j ^^ finished articlei^ alr«»dy te-ihe front of the jsdioe. Whenljyed^ig ^ knitted mailer noade completed there will probably *» by Mw. W- J- l>oW>iiJ«, of Dum al»ut 300 barracks in. campy^frjes.

Speieiat interest sttadies to I the cc«if ort 'kits vhtdi axe such I weicome-gifts to Uie soldier, in' structions for making the bags

Beeomes Bride of Capt. Jwmiaoa^Mm to Hold Meeting Next Fri­ll. S. A., at Trinity Bpis- T^- day Eveaing at Towv

CQVifrChiirdi. U " HaM. ^" M ^ ^ — . — _ .__ _;

A beautiful and impressive Plans for the organization of wedding ceremony was aoleinn-< a Home Guard are being made ized' Saturday ev«Hiing at TritM^by Manassas citizens who are ity Episcopal Chinch when M|s# interested in the well-being of Maary Henrietta Lipscomb, only the community while the boys daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil< a n at th& front. An: organiui-liam N. Lipscomb, became th<i bride of Capt, Howard W. Jami* son, U. S. A. The ceremony wa4 -Hril;—As soon as 60 wen have performed bv the rector, Rev: If [ mtoUad Ihfiv will nimraiHl tt^ F. BtV'ks, in the {Hreseace of n large company of relatives and frieiids from the immediattt neighborhood and distant poiata. The church was effectively dee^ orated with ferns and palms andi other potted plantsT'lSiSs Julian Willdoxon Lewis rendered th^ ther than the limits of the coun-

I ty in which they are app<dhted. Appointments will be made UQ-

wedding music There were

The no

'^as attendants; n bride, .who *as given

marriage by her father, entered thejchurch on ^ e . arm. of Capt.,

States Army._. The; bride wore a smart tailored suit of navyj

lue'velvet aad Other acc E^ iwri«t Vi match and a duster hni^qiipt tut mufti ftwd IHiea of tMa

valley; After the ceremony Capt. and

Mrs. Jamison left, OP an e enfatg train fos Camn McCl Jan, Aunis^ Ion. AJju, whwe€*t)L j ' '

st«ti(»ed. Later the ypuni ilrfS enioyl a

IB QDuple

tidn meeting Is to be held hext Friday evening at the Town

elect a captain «ul two lieuten­ants and r^Mrt to the-Ad^tuit^ Geuer^'for further instructions. .-_Thfl Home Guard will b« com­posed of patriotic citizens over military age. Their jurisdiction and authority will extend no fur-

der the laws of the state from the civil officers, who are author­ised to .iOske..the-appointments and to allow compensation and

"The members of the Home Guavd being rai«n of—mature

hlue,—with -a^ becomiiy hat- years andjliafTfttion should bear HI mind that outin'c»Jcs and dis-turbances may be frequently prevented by wise counsel and tiffldy warnkigr^ resds thextri ciflar^isstted froffi itt^e offlcencrf the Adjutant Geqeral, "but the Guard sfaoulgl alao bs prepared

Wti eneetivelF to act with forte, if necjessaiy; Uh-

8C|!Uti ra|;lawfuI gathering^ shoidd be

The bride is a granddaughter of "the late Judge William E. lipsconib and hnff ?'"' '** Mnni. assasldllier Ufe. Her father is diaimum of the Prince "Willitoi

and ^SBiiner of reowds uscteenth Vn iinM jaiSdtf «|r-cujt. Capt Jamisph is » naittye of Baltimore.


tend Two ^tkytgmmr^'^

.Members of Manassas Chap­ter. United Paoi^teiis of Oe Confederacy, met at the chapter hi^ Wetbie^day aftemocm; VJS. Albert Speiden presiding. Mrs. Arthur W. ^ttfadr, ehapter^Bi^ each one a unit m itsc^. |b

eacjh-of i^ese bujOidinga aneoiaT pany, Oxcepting the conunis-sionod officers, is quartered. AD aKke, they are two-story wooden ^gre g iv^ in last^week's issue who is the guest of her da^gh-structures \dth a large bui|k - • "^ «- - . - ^ — J — _r:^ 4 xQom upstairs aeconunedatins

and further information vay be had at the headquarters in Hah-

100 men aiid a snu^or one: „,^^; R a ^nteetcd thatiBiaiaf ^mSSt'aJflS^, aaww Moi^g


downatairs for 50 meaa. I'M^^^j^e.^^mCT and giris of « e in a couiBan^ offirr• sui^Jj nirigWrrh^ -*" *" tJ-^ »« ^»»-

room, messhall and kjtelKsi oh pj t, j j ^ ha^gs. They mar ^ the first floor. fiMeiJ nr nnfilkyi -«/vftr.«ny fn thi»

build-"ThBie Is a T. M. C. A. ouuo- _d^we fif^the donor, «nd mem-ing—masy a ^ j ^ S J ^ j r s f e hers ot the 'RJi Qnoat gomnut. c^a-ef^ons^iiction—^in. n^riy every reglmffit

_te^ ialI-Ke^thatilu7i>rft]>n>l^ wBere a pro- erly filled. Ladies are invited to

gram <w-some-form of fnt&e- bring their materials to the -erefj tA<iiiB»tt in pioviUaF

toriaUt read several articles &em the Confederate Veteran, and Mrs. Hurlburt, of Mississippi,

ia, llrs. flack, read an orljp-: nal sasfer entitied "Anfe-BeUnm

Classes." Ttapyeaairtativea-to - the state

worlirooms. .^night Beligious services are _ The^rooms al!^tsrfdrfi«l'wi^ ~held on Thursday nights and tables, desk, cabinet, chairs and

three times on Sundays. Movies, sending niachines. Tlie .walls are victrriaSi statiimery and reading freshly papered, the woodwt^ matter are also free to ail. Great jg jqmtkss with new piaint,. and numbers of the fellows have jjg floor Is covered with lino-Sound their^way to these jecre- lemg. ation <:eirters to find amusement,; ~ *

c(»ventiim at Boanoke,-0etd&er

egates. Mrs. C. It. Larkin, Mrs. »~A. ^ly. ^te~: A&otJ

clair and Mrs. Jf- B. Barbour; alternates, Jirs. T. J. Ashfctfd, Mr« R T, Ryrd. Mrs. J. C. Mere-

feSowsfa^ and good cheer. Jkad the folks back hoipe or n»xi^ the rookies enter into liht activ-j and rereading the news from itioD of tht • ^ Hth •hgaamf .thgrn. Thgre OT lwk« qf ^ ^ ^

diUiawl Mis. V. B. lUnhaa;:

were~ seledted for the genei^ convention at Chattanooga, Tem.: Driegates, Mrs. Robert A. Hutchiscm, Mrs. R. S. Hyn-son, Mrs. E. B. Giddings and

i M^^K-E- EansdeU; alternates, Mrs. R«_ fcj* 'Wilflfly ttnk m^tu^

shfiuld be a general watchfulness by the members of the Guard at idl,times to prevent aete calcu­lated to foment trouble."

tlie Manassas .moivanent is

Setyeamt C. 4L Wine jmd Ueimt. POwdl M. Metz a ^ Joi^ E. Biurett.


G>fa||iaay K Nine CDmpesed of 7 PflBftfe William JBpyir -

• ^ •

"Ilerc was no drill Wednesday • r ^ _ _ ^•_ . ^ - ^ j j . _ • _ : A i r r afternoon, in order to give the

mot-a dnnee to rest bnd (dean up; says a news letter to Thef jtenm^ fromi-Camp-Lee, which -ft^HinenS; failed to reach Manassas in time for last wedt^s issnei. Cwnpaatiy K challenged Company^ bas^MB'game. Company K is composed of Fairfax, Prince WO Ham, Warren, Green and Spot^l-vaum ctniuly nien,~aiKi Tympany L of the men from Richniond,



Jonior arele Giris WiO Give "Miss Fearless & Co."

$1.00 A Year ia Advi


The giris of the Junior Circle Auxiliary, American Red Cross, will present "Miss Fearless and^ Company," a comedy in thi«e acti; tonight at Conner's Opera *' House for the benefit of the Red Cross

Maaassaa Church Will Kali>r>»in Fall Session of Washfag-

ton Presbytery.

The stated fall meeting of the.

a be

^Presbytery of Washington City In addition to the play | j j meet Monday wid Tuesday

short music&l piUKiam wHl ^ th the MimPiirTi^eiby^^ nan Church. The opening ser-mon will be preached by Bev. Tertius Van Dyke, of New York.

piugiaua Miss Louise given by Miss Louise Ma-

loney, Miss Margurist Roop, Miss Ernestine Mozer and ftrof. 0. W. Mosher, Jr.

Thp pAVtJMpnntH in the t>lay, who have been rehearsing under the direction of Mrs. G. T.^Xtyon, are Miases SftUie. Katherine and Elizabeth Larkin, Dorothy John­son, Mabel Ly;Qn, EmQy Round, Margaret Roop, Elsie Ro$en-.berger, Elizabeth,Buck and Vic-torine NieoL

"Kekets are on sale at^the Prince William Pharm|w:y.


City, a son of Dr. Henry .Van Dyke. An interesting feature of the meeting ia a trip to the bat-

Criebratien to Mart Departure of Pi BM WiUiWSoldiers

^ tar Camp Lee. .. ' —

tl^eld Tuesday afte»o(m un­der the guidance of Lieut. George C. Round.

The local church has appoint­ed three committees—^the ladles of the church, who will berve luncheon Tuesday on the lawn between the manse and the church; automobile owneiti among the congiegatiou, ^yfao-will report at the church Tues-day at 3 p. m. to carry the giiests to the battlefield,.and the other men of the church, who will pI MS the taBiet| a ^ &ttehd "Smt^T'

.arrangements concerning -the luncheon.

Tgambftra of iiie co«afregatiop^

. The third delegation of Prince William moi selected for nflli tftiyseryice in the new National Army will leave Tuesday momg ing for Camp Lee. Ei|^^|eeP men have been ordered to report at the cb«riiE6u8elKjndHy_By«iu-ing at i o'clock, and Iat«r the pe(q;de of Jdanassas Will honoir ::%^.yjth a ;geMBfeiMLJdi..JQafr; ne^s Halli umler the kii8pi<%8 of the Manaasas Chaptol' Of 'the American Red QrosS; '

Bev. Tertius Van Dyke, of New York city; has b(B?n in-

juldiuui] ut

who are to entertun visit^iig ministers and dogates are re-quested to meet at the church after„the 5:12 train Monday evaUng, If convenient.. Otho^^ wise th-CJoinisterft w^l be cyn-


vayftd to their hnniP«- Th«>^pro-

MMdax, Qeta|l«r 8. 7:80. S c n t t e l y ^ Bwr. %«tnB

vwi Dyke.' . , CtmaUUHuis of .the PwMihyhwy < t f u

prayer. . Bolt call of itiiiiisten'«ii4 cksffdiM:! KeeBptkrn of mcmbcn. CwrrespbiuiinK member*. Commlmieations and reference*.

:_ Report of Committee ma Ainiqie-mento. .

Treasnrer'a r^ott and refeceoee.

world war. Rev. Mr. Vaii Dyke should be wdl qoidified to spei^ on tills subject, having returned recently from HoUahd, where served as private secretary to his fathei ^ Dr-Henry Van Dyke, who has been our r^neseutalive at the court of the NetJierlands:

A f ^ a short- naosical pro-gnun, the ladies xtftte Bed CriW will oitertaziii the young men in a social, way, serving bght re-

The prospective, soldiers will report at the courthouse agaig

] i ^ ntter PftdiWek, iStaflfOTd and Madi>

son. ~^Pnm fSeJSfijMn ia Ccnapany

filled friaces tm the nine.. The ftia^ j>»«re waa-aS-to £ in_fej at iimqiaay- JL J^Mili: put acroilra home run and Keys had to hiiftredit two home runs and

Tuesday iwMming at So'^ock. The peoirfe . ef Rinee Wi'' who desire to - accord speciaLiumor are. invited to aA-aemWe^nt'tfag Jubilee tablet on


Adjournment. Tnieadar. October f. -

9:00. DeTo^naL 9:80. Beadins miiiates of last me^-

^ Mnunittee: on 13Ifi> wid overtures.

AjnMWt nx t ^'f temporary commit­tees. •

Leave uf absence. 7 -Anditjgg;. Q^fiiom Ballston Chnrcb. " Can from MetropoJitan CtoirtjL

-p«p.i»* '<Wi—nmtariation .at—8Uth C^orch.

Report from vacant chnrebes. Mitrtlaweops bosmess. . 12:30. Recess.

. 1-. 2:00.- Approve narrative to..Syaod.-Keporta of standing committM. Repwt of local, evangelist. MiseeHarteoBs-'

—Report of aofiklBS Committee, R^ort of.^'committee on kanre of

The the courthouse" lawn at 8:30; ^j^j^ i» composed of «'«*o?^^^*^?"?:'^1^*"'*^fe6wh as "southern,' Auxiliary of the Red CFOOO wiB-

Drive to battMMd: _.ntJ

ReU Adjournment.

Potomac—PresbytMy, chnrchea-


ftte the men with •witii the Greaiwich Pres-

bytwan Chngelr,the church hav-ate badgesand brief pubhc exer- .^^ separated into two JHriadk> ffiw^willlwheld. The program \ ; ^ , , t •!.> «»w> »f th«> rivfl which is in charge gt„a Red , ^ Committees have been <

rssuBtr 4hort—hddrPM

lude. • by -Rgv:—Drr

war. pointed lor conference to • reunion of the-xhurcSea-

of the

<Kni«j»tAwHi.liavmifB. The Hne-1 lagton, and membwr o

Charles Wood, pastor oi ine ^^^^.^ the cordial feOowahip Churdi_ofJhe-Covenant, Wash- ^ ^ ^ ^

up fe>Co«pany -K .was Jtt M4e«al-Council o l Churcfces ^ Chriatlinn Service


SiraU.Mra.C.E. Mrs. Westwood HutchisMi

evnesteese and vim as thodrflB'joy on"ffiiTlaces of'nuuie^Bd and police duties of the day. {graoine disappoiBtment on oth-

Trivate ODie Lynch has been ers as they call at the company slightly indisposed for several or regimental postoAce lA quest days. The otieraw^ welL Pri-[<rf expected m ^

fit Rdith Andfmr. trf Fr«-tow, was pqtrescnted by Miss Virginia Lee Moore, of Pitts­burgh, Pa., and Miss Mildred R. Bradjt, cf Anmtpnlis, Md^ at the

vate.Ed:Road8 is to be assignedl "In popularity among his leT- annual sUte convCTtion o7 the to the regimental band, as t h e lows ,the nnm who reewhnes a Iptematkmal Federation .-ef guy who plays the comet' [ box of 'eats' from home ties for Catholic Alumnae, which WJ -

"TTie fellows spend a good J first place with the refe pient trf ] hdd last week a t St. Mary" part of their time writing to a copy of The Journal." " ; Academy, near Alexandria.

lows:^" " ; —^ Ed Roads, second hase; C. D

Bue, firat base; W. F. Ritenour, third base?" Charies K. iteys, catchv; N. C. Pattie. short stop; M. Si»Ba^ pitcher, and A. Iffis, ilgliil Irlil. an

P. C WorthMgton afi8rL.~f aTm

ITneves at WoHt Again: -ITiieves entered the home of

H(4b»d» center fidd. bodt of SaMjO^

- - ^ ta^ 'jUtagy Rodney Smith, better known as Gypsy Smith, jr., the evangelist who con­ducted a series of meetings at the tabe:

The young men will be escort- ifr. Seorge D. Baker last Friday-ed to the railway sUtion by the! night, carrying off Mr. Baker's town and "eoan^ offieiata ^andjwatcS, Bft hmitiiig mat and the O. r. A. brass band.- Tbey about fM. The watch an^ will leave for Petcfrtwirgon th*; m<aiey were taken out of the suit

o l clothes which-lie. had- worn , the day before and the suit, after

13lfij(bool childi« are asked being r«aieved of its valuableswas to march to the eourthoosg' lef t in the re«r of " - ' graunda at 8:80 a. m. witOags! near his shop door.

the house It is'sup-

wdstmgs, reaming to ichool at pos^Tfiat the thief enlierga the" the ckMe of the exercises at the house by way of the kitchen. Jubilee tablet. " ] The next morning the family

The men who leave nextweek, ^ of Mr^Henry Camper, in a neigh-' ***i mking a total ST€4 froth Prince' boring house, "found their hall

Kght burning and discovered the loss of food from the pantry and a new: h«t belonging to Mr. Camper.

ivitiBarto 4i6ld»Hp^aQ^4re^ two weeks' revival, begimungj George Washington Martin, Sunday, at~a Methodist Chnrdi Haymarket in DanttUe. | (Continued on page eight)



QRCirr COURT "^^r ,

_: tenner,


tobcr Ttxm-~, lorNexLWw*.

The October term of the cir cuit court for Prince William county convened here at the county" courthouse Monday morning, Jttdge f;B."T. Thorn­ton presiding. The summary of proceedinga fnllnwft: ' —

- - -eommon Law. -- ---Monday — Beaign^tion of

Chas. A. Barbee, sheriff, ac-cepted, the rtialtjiifttlon being tendered on account of a recent decision of the l^te Corpdnu

of Thomas H. Lion and others, Mr. Barbee appointed sheriff to fgi his uneAprrea~~ten>T.~ Mr, Barbee qualified by taking the prescribed oaths and giving bond in he pfenalty of $5,000,

Annie Mathhw fippolR*ed guardian of her seven-yga son, Charles Mathias. Mrs. Mathias qualified by entering into bond in the penalty of $100, with S. C. Harley as her surety, and by making an aflh'iuaSon |hat she would faithfully per-f orm the duties of her office*

WilBam Crow, appointed coun­ty game wiurden by JohnS, PaN sons, - state" commJBsiuuiii' jsf game and fisheries, and who had entered into bond before the clerk of the txmrt, "qualitedr-1^ taking the oaths pre^taAed by law. • •„'"V V •":•"•'

indietment t^ alalKle>-inwmorrnori fiWT&iltr ~ " ^

Commonwealth again«t Sara BeHT ARx Bosti and Edward Tuell, indlcWent for a felony, y true biHr-

I^dia J. A*^^ M f W ^ ^ ^ u ^ Comwell, a t t a c i ^ S i i r K - contin-ued to December term.'

Dumfries District School Board against Jane L. Williams, notice—continued to December tftnn.

Commonwealth against A. J. Hansborough—tdefendant t o ap­pear on first ^ y of December ,tBflM. -——-^ :•• :::-:•- ' —

Blanche L." Chapman, execu­trix, granted certificate for ob­taining letters of probate- on will of Jaiues C. Hortun, de-


AHowanee ^ %Uffln witnwH at'Juiw Iwm.—


Mnnday — Emery agkiiwt}^ Taliaferro and Wallace—refer-red to Bryan .Gordon, master

Wedn««l«y—^pikloser against Clipker et als—John P. KerUn appointed receiver to t^ce charge of property involved, col­lecting and paying out rents;in-j unction awarded. '—

Thursday — Helen E. Shoe­maker against Ozella P. Carpen­

ter et'i&i-miit revived,"

suit. ^^de- tb the

Purnitur* and all kmda of nercnaiKiu« or o t h e r eommoditiM pnunjuiylrusferred or delivered.

—Subscribe for the Jeuma}, $1 a year in advance.

Aaythbry«K«Mt a Ae-«^«l-

ItMtcn, n u u4^

On viiic mi mtAim ^ fr~ t m b MprmiiUiitJIiiiLiL

M j N t e ' t k m

WML let IS |m 7M U (



PnratMtnt U? the terms ol -a decxjtm-' «nt«r«d on the 13th day of Saptembar,

^h^^eary «»u»e of Chi-/ V. Wine pMioing in the Cir-

eait Court of Stafford County. Vir^ Spaeial Com-ginia, tba underairBed

miflaioMCT will aetl at patoie arietion mfront of Uoarthoane fn tKe M«i M "'


ceased. Commonwaalth against

X u u s a • a-* V * ws^wiwp^w^T

his sureties, Phillip Tuell and R E. Mountjoy, bonded eltch in the

I sum "atf 1,000 tm Ida appfau* ance in court oo October iO.

Commonwealth against Sam Bell—Defendant, with bis sure-tleff, f:. J. Whittlesey «id Rob-

sum of $250 each for his ap­pearance in court on October 10.

Commonwealth against Roy Johnson, mi84emeMior—defend-ant di^hai'ged. —— —^

List of writings^r^«idt«i by clerk ordered filed, >

Correction concerning num-ber of duplicate warrant issued to E. B. Giddia^ fortHawic<j- <» juror m criminal cases at April term.

Mary E> Snook against the Boi^d of Superviwwu gin appwl •—dismissed greed. -r—-

Sheriff submitted report showing^iriaoinnrs; confined in jail, as follows; Alieek Boat<Hi anH Rov Johnson, await jnyaf l -

Commonwealth against C- P.~ Ennis—defeodant disduurged.

Commonwealth against N. L. Emus, misdemeanor (violation of MapP3«El==30 days in jai r $50&w and costs j>f prosecution; —Commonwealth against Na-

tioh ef Mapp law>—30 days in county jail, $50 fine and costs of ^gsfecution. 7~.— ;..-„__:„:..

Allowance to grand jurors for attendance and imleage. :_ CommonweiJQi against John Wriker capita issued agamst

of gtanff jury, and GJuufleiai witness befoBB

tion BTackwcIl.hdtf grand jury. . ,

Commonwe^th against Rob-ert/Kevs^ indictmait for amis-

defendant, who f aiied to app^^ in court.

CompiSDwealtli against B. C. Horndon -«» igji issyd^ aqyiiist defendant.' 's

George Cotton, held a« wit^ ness in the case of the Cbmnokm-wealth agwpwrt ' 'D«d'* WmiaaM, aiaghargoAi

$ 6 0 » 0 0 0 in Cash

Prsmiuws - and


$ 3 8 , 0 0 0 JnWorlfFs • ~FII l»«t




$18,000 in eash prices assures the greatest exliibition of Horses. Cattle, Sheep and Swine ever held in the South. Don't miss it. Also Finest Poultry Show on record. Enter now 1

- i^fc r a n »


year's premiums doubled, insuring mora and finer County Exhibits, Single Farm Exhibiis. etc Also a wonderful display of HorticHliural products. Write for Catalogue.

_gHER—Jhe Worm'A-Bnea* Amiiaatnftnt Features—Fl

8 _ WippoJraw _ Q " mm maLMTwrnm <*

WoMler Skat* PerfornMn "LoopiBg-loop, Flying-flu»a <niK_«llll>MANS

CK D O R A * CO. RamarkaMa TricitrCrellata

TlMOriKfeMl Otkmr lASCOCK

MULK DERBY OJefcaoa'a Ortgtoal lUieaiHa

DmNa tnriimik LottiaHayer'a Own Com':t

LIL KCRSLAKK •The Parmer* Hia Plga^'

7 - M A N e V A N S - 7 Three r tart! jng Aciu to On*

MAS KCCLESTON QttBgn of Aqqutic athlatica

Champion Aerial • ~ HKRBKIITS - • Moat •an«atinn^l AariaUaU 4 - W 1 L N A T S - 4 In thWr novel' 'Kresy Kar"

Many o^ersttperb attraetions. A |3.00 Show^ f jrie I All new—positively the first time South t

M S . T, CLYPr WORtD^T-HOmC SHOWS ON THC MIDWAY! The entire collection of superb^attrSctions—alwaysTeatures of the great northern fairs, willmake this year's Midway »thing of wondwr. These atteaetions eompriae a wonderful Frir alone. Eyer;-kind of show conceivafale^and every one entirely new and novel,jever before seen in j ^ ^ u t h l

IN DIXIE*-M«0«©EOUS FIRE W ^ I « W + mUffitfDLZoaJK]

[srphy, Ameries'Bi iongg^o

demeanor." Tfefoidant w i th h i s surety, J . , P . Leachman,.bonded in the sum of '$50 each for Bis appeM^nce on the first dhy of the December term.

Charles A. Bari)ee, P,

sheriff. having appointed J. P. Kertin deputy sheriff, couri;;iW>roved appointment t o - M the-unex-plred'Term on iu ig DecemJber 3 1 . 1919. Mr. Keriin quHlified.-

Commonweatta . aga ins t -Ual l Robinson, i n d i ^ m ^ t for a misdemeimor -^ Ss^^da^^J^ charged.

J. M." Wolford and <J. C. Watts, psitMTi trading under the firm mmie cff Niafkaiar Land and Auction-J iOmpaBy, apesHrt J. A. Mortyiui aiwi Rrymi fiHnluMr

TMaaav—R.-&. panted guanUan of ^MSKCT. BtKkner, Grasrsen Tyler Bwik-ner and. Artjiiur Herfo^ Buck--Begj- Mr. Stnither qoaKfifd Lucy C. Buekner as We surety, entering into b<md in the sum of

T.irfBHw »/> Mil sof t drinks their places of business granted to 0. M. Keretetter, J . C. An ' dersoan, Sotoius Geradiis, Mrs. Pete Candiliotis and C. CL Ko-Wmtw , «» of Quantify.

Lipscomb and B. B. Thorn­ton—rpt.iit7i«>d q ^ fnllnwiny in-dictmehts r^~^ • ~

Commonwealth-against A. J Hansborough, indictment for a miademeannr, a tntf hill

Wednesday — l^iecial grand jury of inqqe8t,_Bttnuneaed-few» bystaBders-r-J. L. Moser, fore-afanr L C." Jae^to, J.^P*iiik JfiU stead; S. T. Corow^; WflMamit Bettis, John W. EUis and Thom­as—WoeUeadeS'—zi^uzBed . -ihe

_Taoe inaoagef.~~ tba iliieet«wiiis luonam ever offered

in the SooUi. 8oaie«f tlM world's beet horse-Qeah vill be aeoo. Raees beiph epeains day.

Manawaa, at 12 m., on the

iSth day of October, Ulf,

the foliowtng' deacribed two tracta ot ' Ukod to wit: Pint. That certain tract or parcel of land with all buildings and intprovementa thereon situate ly­ing and being ia Prince William County, Virginia, n^ar Independent. Hill, eontaining 67% acres more or leas on the road leading from Kopp to Independent Hill known as tne Keys Place. This place will make a nice home. It is well located and haa tii«r«on a nice dwelling, with flv« ' rooms and kitchen, a well m the yard, a good bam and out buildings. This' place is well watered and there is a two room school hoase -wtthin a short diatanea. Second. AH tiut certainr tract or parcel of land situato lying and being in Prince William Ckainty, Virgfinia, with all buildinp and im­provements ihereMt cohtauiing 131H acres mofe or less and known as tha Fineh Plaea. Thia property iaa 4t seven room dwelling and bssement, out baildlngs, and a well in the yard. There are aix>at 8QI) growing; fndt trees ^«B t)>i» plase sad it w v ^ watarad.

It is on ^ e Warrenton and Dum­fries road and is near K«w H<»e Church, and a school honse is in.walk­ing disianes. • , , ,

Terms of sale: One-third cash, bal­ance in on* and two. years, in equal ijistallments, sacored by deed of trait

thft TiTfrt^i '*'• •" '^'^ ** i>pHnn 1 of purcUMT. I pm anbat has been sold on the sac-ond tract above set ont.


" ' F. M. CHICHESTER,. • Commissioners.

\^ AtMstMMWv L. B.^ATIIE. . i; G. W. Herring, Qerk of th* said Court, do certify that tiie bond re-quiiM of tlve Special Commissioner by the decree r^deted ib .^ i^ «ana«t on the 10th day of September, 1917. has been duly given.. >

Given under myhimd as Clerk or the said Cuuft,'tfals 10th day at S « ^ tamher, 1917.

-— •'Wnt***

G. W. HfiRMKC: Clerk. ~

Afariajagteacpoeition %sdi o i ^ t of weld's

Se»tiM vivid, startlioff portnyat of the great sas battle between B^ttleahip and Snbmadne •ad ether new, swej-insitoing war speetadea.


Gifltatfrllm to Jetallit jHippytrmMI w mtfUm^^Mtmmi llMMnbsr ttw Tte» and Fta«*

• * ' ' T


lf>^Ml VIrsWa:


Und« and by virtue of a decree ef , UiB Clwuit'Quuit of PriBce WiUiaaa •'^ County entered in tba ehaseery suit tliinSsia depending under the Si^le of-Sanieb et als. vs. Blackwdl et ala.,.. OM tmdersigiied oemniairioneni «f sale t l u R ^ aspwiteii vriB 9ffer for sale • at v^BOa aaefion to tfaa highest bii^=

at twelve o'clock in.,tn ttmxt of t b ^

following indictment ComiiaouwealUi

staiit^ SKWO^ sgnsst'

Indk'lniifttt fof-eon*

misdenleanor. ""S.' L. Kelki^, legulsfly Bcjeused

to practice law In the courta of

trpspa.«».<t nn thg <>aatf in aaargf^ sit—set for triaftOflay- "

-Crnnri jury—J K. Rust, fore.^ man: W. aihw^d to prartw^ m Ch&rle5ry-BftHe»r^B..f^BaOH,]^ ew»fe R. D.

CowmwiwciJtit ttgsingt Mia-Bie Keys, indictment for s tA-(my—set for trial Monday, Oeto» ber 15.


Commonwealth againat CaD Robinson, indictment for a talt-demeanor, a true bill.

Commonwealth sgainst "Dtif' WiUiams, indictment fanamfe-demeanor, a true bilL

Commonwealth against John Hicks, William Brown, Charies i ir -n, .» (^Ai^*^^.,^ «n.^ T l l i i f r ^ y f " " ' ^- B- Qgrtly. I. V. Allen, rA^mtui,- a » r » « h i l l . I B . Z."

CoBunonweaitb agamiLfl.JL Henidon, indictment for s mis­demeanor, a true bill.

Commonwealth against John Lee, indictment for a miade-

Commonwealth against Addi­son Carter, i n & l m e n l for a nu*-demeanor, n o t a true bill.

Witnesses for the coounoiK wealth In the case of the Co^r TnCTy«*lJlh M?i™* BBimie Keys, bonded in thA'sum of flOO each "to apfwsT'ovOctober 1&: H.O. Rossdl, J. a Crane, W. L. Bushey, J. E. Morcffi» John jyVfSa, MuUte Seett, M m Twffl, Jamea M. YwuiU, John F.

5.' Sanborn, lOltoiiiBrannnell, "Schleater. T :

« Ford cara- RfflMOxHit S346; Tokiribg Car 9860; Cotqiti^ |&0&; 'Vaihr ., _ __ 0^^596? Sedan $645, aLl. a. b. Detroit

and J. J. Nidiolson. Comibonwealth against Con­

stant fotJWA—Sd days in jafl, |50 fine and coats of proaeea-

Reports of G. W. Nut t and J 5 . Storke, justices of the peace, certified to the proper authori-

Coinmonwealth against Jamea , ties for payment.

fWL UNiVEfi^Ak

-# T%e ¥«rS4i^/» C(Mapan3V<rf Detroit, appoihlM m anOffldzea agent: ^ F<Hti cars in this territory, to property represent Ford interests, to

rhanira, uaiag FwdiMrieeei.

tton. «nttfOjriiy l^mpne Ford: made .matera&'aiui

mamtitin an ndfnwiat' Heryiec atation, «npk)i regnlar

^ This ia tile service we are giving to Fcod owners. Material'•^rork-jnanship -prices, the standard of eadi guaranteed. ^ Who) your Ford car needs attention, hring it tousyand ge^the b^-efltuf expeiiFofd meclonics. We giveyoa thewwnriiHSf M gasuine Fl)n^ a«rini«<>, «nft> gftniiinA Fftrd.mndft pnrtB. «

W. E. MeCOY, IVofnrielor Manae<hs, Vif^jain

a ic X DE

Peopiea National Bank in the Tovn la Uaaassaa, aferesaid oonnty, aD that certain tract or p u e d of Ian4> Ijiag in Br«itBvine Di^tzietj aforesaid coun­ty, kncnm^aa-'the Henty Kadcw^ land, adjoiiAnflr the lands of Wrii^t, Seeae, Geo* and (rfhets, contaiainir about 31 acres. __TOT»si__Onfcfeird_caah»_and_fflOfi=_ third in one ana two years respeettye^ ly, xor-wfaidi deferred porelaser is to mtereat bearing

Moments eieeule-day of saVs bond), with leave to

antiapate (Htid detetcd paymenta. Tltte to be vrithheld untfl parebwe price ia paid in fnlL


--—-——CftnUHlWlWeW it Sale.—^ Auctioneer: L. B. PATHS.

Klvenr asreqidred. biy tte decree, e l sale in the axoreaaid suit..

GEO:Cu I van.. ^ l::n<EB.T3erk.


Jeamue A Armstead, Compiaim^it ••:" ' VI. •

Lweiqa A. Armstead. Defendant. ^

application stattBt speMlKalij

of The comr— ^aat-

falWrn place of abode 'r%A rmmJAtmr^ nt I K H B t o ^ r t , the Osek «< the Ce«Brt this the 11th day ot September.

object of this suit is to obtain

tiie defendant, on the gTOunds of de-sertlou and-fbr ge^erm^Triief. _- - ^

And n affidayit havinr that the dcfei

an aCBdayit havinr bieen and filed that the defendant,

eMha State of Virginia, it is '


Slat be do epp«kr vrfthin fifteen days after tibe puMieatioa of order this aaA 4a whilTi B«M«ry f« Ua intereat tiiereiB; and it ia esdeied that a copy of this ordw of peplfcati<wi be published once a week xsr four sncceasive weeks in The Ma-nasaaa Journal, a newspaper pub-Uahed in-the county of Prince William

Jaad that a copy be poated at the front door tf the courthouse of the said county on or befote September 17, 4aUHtel=lHiBr=<ha=aaa*=*Maaadia#i Jtale Day aftar the order-«f publica-tloB is OTitered, and that a copy •aid order of piAtieation shall be

i l the Ciaa*i to the tiefendant to hia laat

DeU-ai2 French street, Wilmington, ware.

GEORGE G: TYLER, Qark. Teete:—GKORGE G. TYLER. Clerk. W. M. ELLISON. - - ^ : --SlriiBitor for th« Compla.-ant. _


| B MArQ BALSAM * ^ H F»'3« •--' •-a/lir^L* dajwlmtt, " j H r III TT I s lmlnj f i - r T--*

^^^\A *VL arw^ t l » »t > ^ rr- ••"*•

StODAY, OCTOBKa i . 1917.


Journal Council of Defense, based on the •rts of the Frendl} high

. . ! > • > . • p j ^ craiiQissioner and others, com-1 JmmtntmmfU.,» j ^ by the committee on Public

"fiiter«rKrt&« Ptat Office at Maniuaa7 Virginia, aa Second Clwa Mail Matter

'' Uf UJlHli%I

Friday, Qetober 5, 1917.


Election Tocsday, NOT. 6, 1917.


-For-fcieutenant'OovenKW: B. F- BUCHANAN

TifE DOGS AND WAR France is badly in need of

'Vygn, w« arft reouAded by the Alexandria Gazette, which inti­mates that Alexandria has enoujrh and to spare and that if France can make use of them they should be netted and ship­ped across the Atlantic as soon a$ pouible^ ^"—;

So oumy duties have developed for dogs since the besrtnning of -the jeM_yuit-eYfiu_stray cwune can be u ^ . Every dos pound in the French republic contrib­utes'to the supply and-breedinsr societies furnish regular quotas —«nd still they call for more.

At times the pro^Jects would seam briiiht for the orguuzation of a whole canine regiment of ownerless ana unucensea ttogD which find their way to the streets of Manassas.

Doubtless they would be hap-pief in France The enemiei

Tor ACtofuey-Giiiiend JOHN R. SAUNDERS;

of dogs in genenU, would be glad .Thornton has six years to servj

For State Treasurei' GHASTA.Ji^NSON

For iSeeretwry of the CooxmcHo-

B. wealth O. JAMES

For SuperiBtandent of Publie; lutraciBoB

HARRIS LART -Iowa have found a ornqoe -wuy

VdffiamCoun^. C. A. SINCLAIR

'^ % A'CARD

To tlwVoterarf Prince WIHiamCcwnty: ~ HaTing been T«K'^iBrIy~aedind th« Pwnoeratie noBunee far the Houae-c£ DriegategTtWH PrinCa Witiiam eoonty," I be: •B wmnce tbat 1 wHT^elTaBR'

ttfrHiaaaaof •aM eeanty at tiH» genew ii«.hrid in'MoVeadter,

A CARD / To tiie Voters and Citizeoa of Prince

Wiiriam nonntT-I herekw give notice to the peoHole of

Prince Wauam Coonty that I ahaU be a eandidiite to auceeed myaeifin the ncoct Hooae of Delegatea of Virginia. I be-liave niy conduct ia Oe paafe ipat paaim warrants thia. I ask yoa to ex-attine the records, as kept in the, Jour, nal;0f theHoose, to see wherf I stood

rfSf • ^ ymrf Mf thvlioitor mudi yen faaye already, eeof erred upon me and the CTfift^fMi* repbaed, i ^ with a renewed I - " - ' ' " MMt'jftarmpatigP to bettW.

. iei la fca fa the fatorfc-^^a^

CHRIS. J 7 '


War time risk» ar« subject ta •great exaggCTatiwi, itoeording to thftVlryinia Council of Defc whicfc declares tnat iwt. than one man m thirty has been Hllea during the put yiU W «.hH lialU 'pgkls ut Em one. defcfe rate from disease is less

"uian m times x*peacCj-1 « *»•

jealous guardians of the welfare «rf thoii dftftBdeta. provi^ng Jwaltfaful conditions oTliie and

"Scientific sanitation. _ ' • fifteen meaout of every ax-

teen soldien of the aSied ar--anes have survived three yean ,of fii^tiBf, aiuUhe-gzDwisc ao-periority d Huar mimitions and vtiUmr aflO'** 0** rtok l i f ter every day. _ . T h e linpresaion is cuireht in 1'

America,'" the statonent ujn, "»>!»<• rt^a prpjipjit war ia a » <fe

gfeoljinwnjifa that the -';|bafting df n Anwrkn means his probabfe. If not al­most certain death or perma-

luve been published that half -^ the men that go into ISbit * trenches never come out alive.

TMs impression ia false, ami %« If- -atatementa are lies.'

This vifirorons denial from the

Tnfnrmttfinti, M>)fl}f]A hf. regMrded

as accurate andpowtive evidence •" ~ I V ' •<"» tf.-^-—'——

should bring comfort and confi­dence to "the folU'at home.''

imlicensed dogs and the enemies

to see them go and the man whose heart goes out to a hM&e-iesa dog^ould .share their pride in be&g of seHice.

And so we say with the .Alex-4 aadria Gax«tte, , if'Fnui&e can . JJhave not been asked to sup>> make us© of th«n, ihey should be drafted and sent to the front as soon as possiUe.

ASE :WE SATISmD? Pupfls m certain schooUi Jn

port .any one f er and I had not heiurd it intimateji that:the next legiidature wouli be xalted-uu-Ut idBeta JiMlgerftlg this, circuit till I heard the riH

- "inor lefwied t^. ' I skall not. now undertake tfi

ministrator Hoovo- for tipe du-i«ti<m of the war. ^ e y have' idedged Uiemaelvtt not to find fault w i ^ the food which is

will ghnr faster than the of coppers, and after all,

"object of theae beysiind giiiB was not to raise a war fond of penny fines. - •


On her My*«>unt^ meeds me . lipa today •

I lieaid the bugles ealltec : 'my heart,

jigBd at the jwuud gsg^fhwai pulses start,

And every bkx>d<lrop seems at ~^ ^once to mfi^——— ^ am "a^itarioitl Yon bat lead

So ciomes the sunumns, riqg^ ——ing over

The cUurioBfWaminc, pealteg on the wiink- —

peace and eaae arthm. rr^'Mi, * ^ ^

My country's fate ia n ^ ! _

holfer, un viuL not md end i^^?ears;

Th/Mw horn in freedom aeom

-NeTANMJE To the Voters of Prlnc? WttiBai

The deject of this article is to deny . <^r my signature, the statement that has been and is now being circulated over the county that it is Judge Thorn­ton's intention to resign his po­sition as judge of the 16th Ju­dicial Circuit and that I am pledged to secure the election of his successor, in the event I am a member of fhe Virginia lefi^ lature. - I liave every reason to believe that the statement, which without any foundation

18 what­

ever, was made for the sole pUT-pose of leading the voters of the county to think that I had be-coraffTrparty to s deatrandthuf attempt to injure my standing as the Democratic nominee ioi the House of Delegates.

I deny moat positively andenji-phatic^ly that I am pledged' to support Miy one for the judge­ship, if I am elected to the Legis­lature, or that I have had any kind of an Qudeini^dlng or

CTiftTif with arty on«» with

reference to the judgeship. Judge

from next FeSruwry. He hai not intimated to me that he wiS resign. On the contrary, I ^ v e every reason to beJieve that h6 has no intention of resigning.

auUiwislup iof thia •«>*• m(Hr; but should it now b6 re­peated, lOtoeerepeatiiilr it do ao knowing the same to be a ddSbexw ate fatediood. '''' ;,_•.;'•

takm placed before than while we M « | > Thus far, I have, take© no fee^Bsr fte l*ff» m=1*ak» «"* p&i¥~1!rilBy n^rqu^pi^ eeiit3«^ ^. their cpmrad«8 in arms >croBa y^gy;. and have tried to. avoid t\{» ai.k: TCvery vi<datieh i s puii- nvtwythitig miggftative of abuse.

ly a fflfe of one cartr— ^ut uTJustioe to niy8«H,T«SF •j^\ Miat. ftfl1ltfnt-^g^j^ allow my i

striffid into an admission of stieii an onfomided charge. Advt. e. A. SINCLAIR.

Stateaeat af the BlMMial {[lenditioB 0I Baak af Oceovuta, lacorpontoi^

af /Prtaea WaUaBi. State ti Tir. j » r i a , ^ the deae of hwainiaa Sa^ tapber 11. ISlT.-ssade ta tise State Cskpantia*

7rRrc<dcMan, Proprietor. "give It to you everr Haynarket, Va.

m: mm

FAMK TIIHl'il'i.

[1 Be Bayj-,—.^-

[If y^^^syrijto^l^^ ^

u o Join the Arm a if you have money pat it in the Bank, lliere is a tine and a piaee for

everything. Now is the time to save yoni earnings by patting then


ft^ remely ricliTiiiiif you can^av^ betag^ vxtreaiety Yog may never I

poor. Seise the o^portanity as oar host of patrons have done and be on

The Nitional Bank of Manassas ^ l ^ E BANK o r PERSONAL SEWViCE


INSURANCE IS A PROFESSION "Siled^ your asant and companies ak you would yqur Bmiker, Lawyer or Ooctor, since, jtmr fijanncial «ncja may dep«id on this a«d the best corta no aioce t h a i y l M j g g g r t . s a a « » g ~g^


FtoTESilD J3!U:49^»k'


New York jhaipsrsa It wiiTpa^ yoa ia taUc it ov«r and iB^ our

year for one dollar, i


BRIEF LOCAL NEWS —A 8on. David Mrion Pitta,

jr. to Mr. and Mm

waa^writ^ttiunuy moniinr

^The annua] Fairfax countjr fair was held thU week at TaSr-

^\fAX. Courthouse. ^ _ _

p. H. PttU.

^^Sf^S^ TOT: mANAs&ns^mjfOiAh FRIDAY, OCTOBER j ^ 1911.

making her home in Warfiing-

-—!MtE~LcncTrmfln.7rmngif44|ffrfft'"'\ 'P Prpvidfttice Hospital, r ton of County-Treasurer J. f*. Leachman, is ill of typhoid fever in a Philadelphia hospital. .

—The annual meeting of the Virginia Division. United Con­federate Veterans, will be held at Peter^Mirg October 23.

—Miss Georgia Hvrell, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eiii£rtJIarKlL_.ha&^-b«en t^ken to a Washington hospital for treatment.

—A meeting of the Woodbine School League will b e T e W Irt the school house Saturday even­ing, October 13. The program will consist of vocal and instru­mental mwic~and-Xfidiation8^_

—-A negr©^ named Walker* who was arrested on a train for vio­lation of the Mapp law and held in the Prince William county jail to await the action of the grand jury, escaped last Friday morn­ing. No trace of the fugitive has been reported. '

—Marriage licenses were is-fnird thin wffflk at'thft PHn * William county courtfiouse to Roy E. Wittig and Daisy Lam, both of'^Wellington; Jobii C. Bell and Susie F. SanforJI, of Wellington,'and Harry F. Mfiller and Bsuria-Z. Yliliprt, Iwth o f Washington, D.C...

-^HiSs .Calherijie Cochran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J*. lCkKhj»a<tfjrh& Jwho-haa.condHct«A.)»i« bn Plains, Fauquier county, wiH be married NovembCT 16 'to Mr. Robert Pusey Hobswi, of Frank-fort, Ky. The laide-dect^ is sister of Mx9. Jtotfe Robertson,, of Haymaziiet.

——Mr ThatnM IT. Dudley, of

—Rev. Sydney Peters, prohi­bition commissioner of Virginia, will preach Sunday morning, Oc­tober 14, at Grace Methodlat Episcop^ Church, South.

—The protracted meeting con­tinues at the Buckhall Methodist Church. Services wilLJbe._held Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock bjLthe pastor, ReyJH. Q- Purr

-•—The Piedmont Convocation of the Diocese of Virginia, Pro­testant Episcopal Church, will

— The knitting cemmittee of the local Red Oroas chapter is making plans for an early shipr ment of knitted articles. Ladie« who have obtained wool from th« chi4>ter ara requested to t^ turn the finished garments as soon as possible, as sweaters are desired immediately. The ar­ticles should be.returned to Miaa

. JiL. E^JLixey, Lee avenue, chair* man of the knitting committee.

and 24.

cupied by* Austin's Harness Shop were vacated this we«k, Mr7 Au^

l\>welUttn having Bold out Ute aameaa

—The Ladies' Aid Society of Grace M. E. Church, South, wffl meet with Mn- IL Q. Burr Thuraday, October 18. at ' s o'cfcclE. .The.meetihf has been postponed from October 12 OB

—WillUm sentenced

Burgens, colored, in the circuit court,

S|eerwitSrTrimty~Church Tu'e8='Taatwe«icr to dtc~tii~tSe'electric d y and Wednesday, October 23 chair for criminal assault, and

•^ William Adams, colored, sen­tenced to 10 years in the peni-tentiary for criminal assault on his step daughter, were, Satur-

-^Rev. H. Q. Burr will preach at Jwies Chapel, Bradley, Sun-day afternoon at 3 o'clock. ^Th»|g^l^ Richmond by Mr. Sacrament of the Lord's Sup­per isill be administered and new members will be received.

^"I always like jto get the news from, my home town," writes Mrs. E. it. Bryant, of Flint, Mich., a former resident, in renewing her. siibscription to The Journal. "We all enjoy read-ing The Journal every week, as it'seems to us a real Jetter from home." ' —:—-~ •—^^^.-.J.

S. T. Smith and another guard from the penitentiary. Burgf»s will be executed between the hours of 5 a, m. and noon, Octo­ber 26th.—Fairfax Herald.

—A delegation from Freder­icksburg recently cidled qp Sen­ator Claude A, Swanson &t his offices jm Washingtonaski^^for his Assistance in relieyiiig the coai situaticHi at Fredericksbarg.

tStBalui OwgiiiBnn hrtn jagyiaed ifee — The wareroonis in the M. L gjty au^rities that he is. in

C. Building which have beea^>6- ^\og^ jsaapanAi<ai with-the coal commission tmd hopes to better c<mdition$ in a cdiort^ime. Plans

business. Mr. Charles H. Adams,

t fii the same room, tea wiCh the IMmACnt

—r-Mr. an^ ' ifrs. CJttrica Forbes^ of Cu^p«r> have an­nounced the engagement of their dauf^ter, BGsa ClarA Cwi-tI^n F/irhaft, to JSr.-Genr^o M*^-

Middleburg, ^ been a^inted executive seoretary to CoJ. JEL B.

^Whlte, of LeeBbnrg,"fi)od^attogaF TattCTTMurf fflf Obtobeir at the istrator of Virginia. Mr. I>u4- Jho^e dT the bride. Mr. Jamfir ley will open an office and TJT-ganize an oBiCe fuiiwJu-JUchJxufmwlv 1****** **^^^"***"^ mond prior to Gol- White's ar-rlval in that city. _ -

—Governor Stuart has ap> pointed Ci4)t.,S. Roswell ikmo* hoe, of Fairfax, former.state au­ditor and former editco* < the Fairfax Harald, a representa­tive from Virginia to thd seventh anniod Cwifenmce, on taxation, whicb wUl be faeld-ni Atlanta, Ga,, November lS-16.

-Mr. John A, y ^ " ^ I "^ Round Hill, lost a valuable driv­ing horse Friday eevning. The

the high trestle near the rail­way station, fell off and is be-lieved to havg jhwir irnifmnliy: killed' • • : 7 '

—William Smith, ^s^ty-one years old,- a reispected Txmdmm farmer living near Sterling, was gored^W^ death by a maddened bull about^seveo^o'doek Sunday evening-while dri from the fl«lH t^ hi« t>i'i=at--, Pn.

bum Tuesday afternoon. HiB wife and three children surviye.

^ :4«>j«»ifre|Bi Ibe Hew York and **^]^6uiBylvania Company for al-

soh, who i» a photographer, was

^-The Northern -Virginia Farmers' Institute will zesome

Friday in October and wiH con-, tinue its sessions on the third Friday of tliem<nth throughout the winter. "The program for the October meeting will be an­nounced next week by the secre­tary, Mr. H. W. Sanders, agri­cultural director of the' h i ^ schod.

—A monument has been erect-ed by Judge John Barton Payne,

animal ifot Out of tiie lasture field, wander^, to the railroad and, going oat some .distanf» oni county wJw took p» the.ciyO

are being makle to facilitate the shipment of c<yj to the dealerfe

Bsay^be able to supii^ the consumers

—A compromise^ verdii^ for yft.ftOft WM neeorded Saturday in the Umted States CoOrt « Akxandrui,^ Judge / S^ttiimd Wad<fin i^esiding, tjh 1 ^ suit of IL B. Hutchison to rocoyp^

leged damages to Dr. Hutdbif •8oa!s_iland in Prince WiUiiun counly. Hr.^ufaduscm's atiaor-Iteys were Judge 0. E. N i ^ , of Alexandria; Bon. Thomas H. Licm, Of Manassas, and Mr. E. E

its regulM meetings on t$e thkd Garrett, of Leeshutg-. Mr. Sam­uel €r. Brent, of Alexandria, and Mr. Ridgdz P. Mdvin, of An-ni^wlis, Md., i^9)ei|red for the def^dimt. '

—Two brothers \ were caught in the draft in Fairfax coraity. One was r^cardM as b^B( |i UMZ "wiM" >n«! thft other bmrf;

A NEW MACHINE AT J"HE Peoples National Bank of Manassas

This machine is really a wonderful set of steel brains which we are put­ting to woric in our accounting depari^

-ment. • — With it we can handle our figure

work faster than ever before and at. the same time be sure that evei^ item in our books is right.

Helps Us Give You Better Service By the machine method, every de­

positor's account is kept in balance aH the time and there are no mistakes such as are unavoidable with other ways of hancUing figures. '

The tiTWft waving TWadp po«Mhl«» hy the machine i^yes us an (^^Mrtunity to improve tihe service to our cus-t^ters ia aU dei>artm^ts<^ tiiebank

Everything Is Done Automaticaliy-It prints dates, adds your deposits

to the old balance, subtracts checEBT figures and prints your new balance. All of this is done automatically. The operator simply writes the amounts .on the keyboard— the machine shifts from column to column and adds, sub­tracts, or prints the date as desired,

' without the least attention being hec-essuy. , '

Ccme In u d See it Work There is no method of posting led­

gers known which equal this Bur-roughs^Bookkeeping Machine in eith­er accuracy or time saving. .

Come in and see our new Bar-rou^is at work Jir our accoimting der

:.«t rfcarJTWtfmfe- ' - - ^ - —^

The F%oplesi9at^^ Bank of Manassas

LMUU and' IHacooittB V. 8. Bonda • .'.

.«Z38,6S0.91 »i,ooo.aD

v^^ock ot £ed«iralSeMaTe.Ba^^ 1 Brniktiig H^nw, TittBitUre Mid - Jtlxbteei; ,^7..... i;7tfi,Ma.0Q,

JPfVenr Gent RadamptSoBFttad Lawftd ScMTv* w ^ W^Aaal . Btuf^t Jlaiili I

Capital ...- |SO/)00.00 Snrplai and UaaW4<d P>oflt» 17^.40

. Cizads^oa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,M0iM T)^piiite T77T7:.T77^T..7; V... mjn*M-

.CmA mad Doa-friailn Banka ^ .-28,76840


as more "settled.^ Both passed the phy^cal examination. The oiaer brother, «)e "wfld" boy, if

Gf Chicago, t o ^ f i ^ S S 5 i ~ o r l y o u please, i(i said to have voF• the Payne family of Fauquier tinteered to tdt> his lut for Idas'

War and other wars of ~tlte~^un-try. The BMmument was un-•gpitfart I f f TJ nrjiqay ffT"> piiMie ceraBwaiea at the cqnefaay st

^Oriean, Faoquicr county: X large p a i ^ of msmboa and eo^ nftCllons of tlie •fairtu|y,i>ith eUi

coujptry tm^lSt the "setQed" biay ~Ttinain~ af .hom.e to i»T>TMie "tOt the parents. He. has gone to

gf aU tiie peqpievin the which IK was reared, UUI

ers attended. —Dr. auxley Carter, of War-

renton, is suffering fnoBa tbgee iHokea libs and other painful. ^lUeves oontmue t o w

neral services took place at J j l fe -kgui^ sustained last Friday when ha fell through an <HIMSI window on the second floor (^

—Dr. -H.-U,- Roop, of Eastern College, preaclievTMHiday mot"R—• ing at the United Brethren Church and Rev. B. D. Lacas. also of Eastern^ iffled the puIiMt

Methodist at Grace Church, South, in the idwence of the paatarw nT t i t Wipe ive churches. Rev. L. C. M< Rick and Rev. H. Q. Burr. •

west of-Hendon. Dr. Flanagan has taken charge of the situa­tion and the Loudoun.-county authorities are cooperating with him to Check the spread of the disejr??. Measures will be takffli 1- • ildren from assemb-lir,. : .e danger has passed.

Warrenton. TTie reaaOB he was not astaatly kffied is bettered to be due to the fact that he struck

. , wiBdow. whicg lessened .^le ^i?«»P*Mforce of thelalL.

- ^GrMving for his wife, who £ed two weefiTaffo. Hcnr:r I*

—fMenefee, f « many years a prom-tth«BtJt_SpgpryviUe,

lip—iftA fttfariotiBm he kas i a lastii^ iimif eesien on fee who know thfe tme inddehts eC this Mttte stotT-'-^tMslyn iter.

in this pwtioiL of the county. Last Sunday morning when l b . ^rthar Pearson, who reaideb

M:4kFJ wttit oat taJeed.k«i Stock, one. of his two-shotes, which he re-cently pun^aaed for nearly -#0 for the pair, was missing. He ^ iHU^t^ of course, tiiat the pig

n.pfhawwttfJi M>bHty, Shetland A ease of infantile paTslysis is r^Mited in Leudoun, 4 miles | killed himself JJugsday n l ^ k

September 20th. A ckwe watch had be«i kept over him since his wife's death; his friends believ­ing that he contemplated sui­cide. He left a note giving di­rections regarding his funeral and business affairs. Two sons and one daughter survive him— Exchange.

had ^scaped from the pen and was 8om^ha« on tbe premises, trnf^e changed hfii fiifatd MM»-day morning when he discovered that the other one was g<me slse,

4W8l>Ty chickens Tl is nuite'ceftiun. Ml, reaisnir

Try it—ydu will want more

I We have a -nice, stock of theioBowing machinery tbatigre arcrm a pfositfaoift.te oftCTyo<j: ;: _giKxi |giP'8i"

Com King Manure Spreaders, Hooster G>mplanters, ~ HooiierDrflisand timeSower^Wdber WagtimL"

J . L Cas^ n>w% mtemational Pivpt Whed Cubiirators,

TCATDOeit BUGLES says, that the chickens did not voluntarily wander off during the night, but that both i ^ and chickens were stoito as nfi trace of them had been-^onnd up to Wednesday morning when in­terviewed by >-reprosentativo ^ this paper.—Hamilton Enter prifp

I Manassas Feed, Supply and Implement Co.




Mr. J. P. Smith, o l WaterfaU,


Mrs. R- ft. Si^es •WAS the we€k-ent} guu4 uf iV ttllTeo ll' Marshall.

Mrs. Mai7 C. Davis, of Qif-ton, visited her aunt„ Mrs. S. E. Simpson last week-.

Mr^ ahS Urs. TTart Gibson, of Clifton^ Station, Wiere Manassas visitors yesterday.

Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Bell have returned from a visit to rela­tives in Stafford county.

Mrs. W. C. Walters, of Nokes-ville, spent Saturd^ with Mf* and Mrs. S. E. Simpson;

Mr. Carlyle B. Buck, of Kings-port, Tenn., has been J:he fuest

' of his mother, Mrs. B. C. Buck.

Mrs. Bert.ha Gray Rnhinflon-


ulEard, of Payman,]If AtlV jUiHlfpYnfTQVr^TT^ the f ^ t ( M A U T A U Q U A NEXT IJfiaiBKf' ifipa* ^ 'a -today.' « A a & I m l i n j / l i l J - froahmcnt tu>miulLL«. in" vJuuun —^ T^^Z^Z^- 1 roHian %\unAA receim.^ rare^el-was In town today .

was a Manaaaas viaitor Monday.

Mrs. R. S. Smith left Tuesday

Mercer, of Woodbine, Md.

Mr. M. D. Cooper, of Blacks-burg, one of the judges at the Marshall fair, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. BttHock dnr-ing the week.

Mr. and Mrs. WilUam H. Foote, of Biuemont, and their three children, are visiting Mr. Foote's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Foote.

Mr.'Jand Mrs. J. H. Rexrode, acc<Hnpanied by Mrs. Rexrode's

by. motor yesterday to upend several weeks in Reading, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Bullock and Miss Flora M. Bullock at-

TO HONOR BOYS MMBb«ns »t Manasaaa Sad Croea

Next W M ^

At a regular meting of the Manassas Chapter of the jVmer-

waa placed in charge of the eele-bration to be held Monday and Tuesday in honor of the Prince WHliani boys who wiH leave

mother, Mrs. H. D. Wenrich, leftpPaesday morning for Caiqp Lee; OthciTmombers of the chap-

ter who.served on conunittees at the last ente.rtainment were re­appointed to the same commit­tees.

committee in' chargg o* the entertamment given be-|P»<j P«»*iv«J 0»«ii« Wedbaaday fwpB^TRe"dejpariure of. the! 'S^EMtini^viiSSbitBaS: Prince William mer» for Peters-b y g ; Mrs. U. M. Laiiin, for the rmnmit'W'bHa lemii Ky MiK Msaii J. P. Lyon, for the headquarters committee; Mrs. R. S. Hynson for the committee on military

A thrw-day chaxitauqua will

3 o'ddcFat Eaaiem Auaitcmum, »(ith programs each afternoon and night. Tickets ai e now on

relief; Miss M. E. Rixy, foTr the ** e in the hands of the guarwi knitting section of the conunit-

kait^_Aed.€h«H.. hekt Monday ^^ ^^ ^ „ ^ ^ ^ - relief; Lieut evening at, the Town Hall, a, composed^of Lieut. George C. Round, Rev. Alford Kelley, Mayor W. C. Wagener and Mr. G. Raymond Ratcliffe,

George C. Round, foi* the com. n^ttee on general propaganda, and Rev. J committee appointed to write a letter to the first Prince William

tors. A junior chautauqua ^so wiH be held for children under 14 years, at a redticad rate for the season ticket. Persons hold-

F. Burks for the ' K either ticket will be admit-' ted to both chautauquas. JFhe

come. p. m. Pietro MordelU sad

prsao, iad Maxme Buck, pianisv aaid reader. _ __ ^ ^

8:16 f. m. Dramatic reidinr, " f w Tarm^" (Bootk Tarkiaston). by


Baptist OrgaalatkHia JMat s i S U r s h a l l Churefa.

Joys sent to the cantonment at Petersburg. »

Mrs. Westwood Hutchism pjyaented a petition bearing the names of thirteen persons ex-pressing a desire as members of

< the Manassas Memorial Associa­tion to form an auxiliary to the chapter. The petition was re-

program follows: Firat Day. ^

3 p. m. Series t^ture by the su-p«rint«ndent, topics for the entira fes­tival to be announced on the o^ninc day.

3:4& p. m. Columbia Quartet^J'nK grram including old-time aongs, negro melodies ^>H pomjr i-hKrai-tor ««"«[•

7:30 p. m. Columbia Quartet. Pa-' triotic rerfew of ""all the b^t tonga which l;tave sprung from loyal Amer­ican hearts in time of wat

8:16 p. m. Illustrated lecture by Peter Mac Queen, traveler an^ war correspondent who has

Rev. Westwood Ibitchison, a member of the Manassas Bap­tist Church, and Rev. R. T. Hayes, a member of the Mar­shall Baptist Church, were or­dained to the ministry last Sun-day at Maishall, wheie Ihw L«y=— men's Cooperative Committee and the Sunday School Conven-tien of the Potomac Baptist As­sociation were in session. —The .following ftUnlfltefS too t" part in the erdinatioB service: Rev. Dr. I. B. Lake, of Upper-ville, who preached the sermon; Rov. V. H. Councill, of Warran-

Martin, editor of the Orange Ob-server, was a Manassas.visitor Sunday. ;

Mr. James Reagan, of Ports­mouth, during the week was the guest of Sb*. and Mpi. D. A.

Mrs. Lindsay^ L. Lomax, oT WashingtoritThas been the guest of her sisters, the I|Iisse8 Payne, in- Grant avenue. ,

' > . Mrs. L. G. .Nicol is spending

uivtfier, Pr. G. A. Spiinkd, at' Crtaet, Albemarle county.. . ^ ; -

tended the Fauquier county fair at .Maisliall.—Mg. Bullock'a Percherons won two first awards and one. second. ' _ - -

• (Mrs. John Strother, of Nokes-ville, accompanied by her little son and daughter, Andres and Catherine, have been visiting at the liome of Mr. and Mrs. Walter BectoF:~Mr8. iSfa^Jther and Miss Beatrice Gross attended the Baptist «conventibn at J!to*8hall Sunday. —^—

The vice chftirmaa^, .Mrs.

• Mrs .^ . Et Thomas, who haa been in Pittsbiirj^, Pa., fo? sev-

- ^Mi5. ' Brftatttyne Patternrairr" who has-been th6 guest.Of her sister, Blrs. Hodge, left this wSftk for^ Washington. She was ftc-eompanied by her little grand­daughters. Misses Bleanot and

end months, 1»" "turned to t h ^ _ ^ ^ ^ p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ _ ^ ^ ^ ^

fa ^anassasr cm *:«*ort vimt. The .children will leave shortly

home of Mr. A. A* Hooff.

-Wh-r^.1^^ of N^^ York city, was the week­

-end guest of his : parents* Mr. a n 4 Mrti W' N. lAptoomh.

George T. Lyon, presided. The devotional exerdses were con-dde^TTfTlSV. JrT. Burks and Rev. Alford Kelley, and "Amer­ica" was sung. The minutes of ihe previous meeting- were read by the secretary, Miss Mary Larkin, and approved, .and other communications relating to the work of the chapter were read and ordered filed. " . —

ItqpoFta WPTP madft hy Mr. fl.

ferred to the executive commit­tee. .'" —- '• "" -r-:^=.=

- The committee on civilian re-lifiJL-Of-Which. Mayor Wagener is chairmui, was advised of illness in the family of a soldier.

Announcement was made that the annual election of offices .wist^tidce place at the next nieet-ing. on Mwiday", October 15.


lived in the , MftTTiaaft'iton ^ who delivered the eharte-

Subscribe for the Journal, $1 a year in advance.

v^. to the candidates; Rev. W. L. 3 p. m. i ^ &i* by the-«». Naff, who offered the invocati<«:

perintendent. ^ Rev. 0. Grey Hutchison, of Jer-3:45 p. m. Beatrice Stuart Weller and Company^-cartoonist, violinist

and baiytone. . 7:30 p. m. Beatrice Stuart Weller

and. Company. Program of music, cartooning anid fun making.

8 ^ lecture the severely wounded in France.

ThW Day. * - 3 p. m. Series lecture by the sa

^l^jntfindent^— • ^

towmig and ftw matamg. ^^ ^ Hm, Berea and StaSord J ire by "Capt. Leslie ViSew, of BSptlSt ChuTChes and Sev. Bflyaf Scotch Fuaileers, who j*aa- uett Grlimdey, Of XSastieton,

sey Shore, Pa., who presented a copy of the Holy Bible to Mr. Hutchison in behalf of the Rock mil , Bereaand Stafford Store

^ a r -who

presented a Bible to Mr. Hayefi oojtbfi^tart of the^Sarshall Bap­tist Church.

m t h tbdr mo|Uier,. Mis. Roiiert y . PattersOTi, wife of Lieut. Gol. Pottonwn, U. S. A., (iww in

Mr. Daniel fi. Muddiman, who ^ is employed at .the District

^ / " ^ WoriAouae at Occoqul^, spent \.Sunday with his fan^y-here.

Rev. R. T. ffi^ees, at MarahftU, in Manassas Monday,

France) to ^pead tlie winter te CaUfomia. „ ^

—l>r. and Mrs. W. J. Bell wiU cel»te»te^4heu:- galdffpL wtrriding aiiniversary ok Tacsday, Oetoiwr

was in Jianassas juonoay, en route to Louisville, Ky., where' he WiU attong^a BapHat m l l e p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ . ^,^^^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y V e d n ,

Miss Mattie E. Ooyle, < Charies Town, W. Vi»., is spend­ing sevieral weeka at the home of Mrs. H. M. Jackson, on; south Main street.

Mr. md Mrs. William M. . Longwell and Miss Janet Long-

weHf who have been tlie guests "of Mr. a n d J ^ . O. D. Waters,

have returned to their home iat Gaasaway, W'V«-

iirs. J. L. Bimhong'aud het Kt-tle daughter,. Miss Frances BuBhnng, toft Wfdneaday for fortnij^f 8 inait to her nater, MnLJtobert Gilkeson Van Meter, of ifoorefield, W. Va.

L-f- Mrs. Walter M. Providence^ Tft-L;

Bi^cec, ^ expected n

how* tftmorrow to be the gawt of MIH. P. R. Uwiii. Urn M^Sr Caroline'Prince, ha* been

• Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Breeden and their littie son, of Betfaesda, Md., and Mr. and Mra. Eart&ee-

16, a t^SFf i^tTSTBrentes l l te : ~

J-—The }SaaUia(ma GHoA Housft^

day afternoon, OetSter 17, M' the hMne^-c^ Mrs* '^Hiemaa ^ Coleman. The regular, meeting has been posi^ned from, next Wednesday m account oi i^ Chautauqua.

—Mr. Charles R. McDonakl, superintendent of schools, who has been ill for- several weeksr was taken to S ib l^ Hospital, i n Washington, last week. Advieeg fmm "n«]fWnnd» thP MeTSanaia home near Gainesville, state thi^ h^ is improving. Mrs. McD<»-aRtvnlf^iyitttfU Iiuin Waahingi ton today- -

-^Jhe cottage prayer niec^ ing for women, which has con-tiBoed weekly amee ^ e ^ y p ^ Sttdtk avrneem i^ ' hekl xesterday i^teraoon at the t o i e of Miss firegory. The

<ten amttBarHtae daagfcter,cf ~ Waahington,- tiria week wereUie' guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Breectesb


Hr. and Mrs. C. E. Fisher, ac- ^ j^g i t^ar tKhr -HeV. Mr^CnJv cwnpanied by their littleaon and

B"gV>t*»-, Flm*«- and CorTTW^ er, and thd* aon-in-law « S daughter, Mr. and Mr*. Roy C. Baofennan, receully atfves at-Golpg?^-

dar aftwMOB at 2 ^ o'clock at the hcooie of Mrs. J. L Randall, the iMor hsripg been advanced onaeeovnt ^ - t t r x i a n d v i ^ c

"==B«^. Gmnpt W. Cimbtnw, pr»on evang^at, will giv« a iiee-ture Mi-"Frin(Ml Evangaliim and Reform" Sunday evening at the

spent many years among the convicts doing mis­sion w<Mrk and i^abo intorested i n a home for discharged pris­oners at Catlett, where these on fortanates are caved i b r a a d p o -

Miii TT Tl MitrTlrll) 1** "m-lgitinnn secured for thenu. Tfa« 'don, was the goest qg-Tpcsdy pahBle is m v i t e d ^ »ttgn^ - -

J- of Col, and mw I I 11 H i m I

Mrs. Robert U n i


—Misa Martha HcMweaa Tor-JffM] u« i : , . j imr i t te f^^^. and Mrs.

OP her way buiue from a ^I^ILytUeHou I'umer, of AMM, *ml{ br. ¥. Attgost ReUter, U. S. A^ aFVAIgrtna," near

viDe, on Uie James river. ,«ere married Satiirdi^ evening Ifr and Mrs. B. B. Goehnaucr. at the hopoe of ihe bride by Rev.

Mrs. E. N. Gibson and Blisses Stuart Gibson, former rector of Ada and Ora Mason Kinchdoe, of Aldie parish. Miss Rachel

and Mrs. Harvey Young, of Washington, D. C ,


Upperville Weekly, of Clarksburg, W. V a , wpre rorenr jrueats at the home

was tiEe bride's only attendant, and her brother, Mr. Francis

toivadulterated fidbrics sa nmnepous, never —

whidi wool naturally possesses . . . . If you want dothes of aU'WOol—ail wool and nothing fek for tfae-Kirschbaum labd[-a> yoitf guide and

^ ' - i R ? TI:w?oTi. ' Turner, was best man.




tmeen COUEQE jams ^^"" «gKqrigirmC»'>^ {WxiUtti bjr Uw foUag« zvporUr.) "Dasplt* the fact that, doe to

tfce.<Unft ftD4 9ttt«r rgftwng. thg


N.JL-Sch<>dula flgiiretpublUh«d.4>oty M informmtion. Not gu»ran teed.

'enF(dhB«Bt was i^n^l this year, |3ag^r5_ Colteg^, tjir^j^op^ it? portals to knowledge in grand style. Without confusion, the entire school settled down to work and fun. The organization of the Y. M. and Y.W. C. A.'s,

TraJniL—TeManmai as follow* SOUTHBOUND

duly; local for No. 43-9 05 a. m. aulv Charlottesville and iimiteif-Atlaota.—Coach< • only.

No. 35-9.M a. nu daily; U. S. Fwt Mail to Charlotte, Atlanta, Birmiag-ham. New Orleans. Dining car. Stop* to take on passengrers from Harriaon-burv Branch points.

No. 15-5.12 p. m. daily: local to "Charlottesville. Parlor car to Warren-

pt .Sunday. No. iTC-6.22 p. m. dSiily except Sun­

day; local to Warrenton. No. 41-10.46 p. m. daily; Washine-

ton and Chattanooga Limited to ROMB^ oke, Knoxville, Chattanooga, New Or­leans. Dining car. Stops to raeetve passengers for poyits berond Charlottes­ville at which scbednlea to atop.

NORTHBOUND Nn. 18-7,00 a. m: diily except Sun.

day; local fo'Waahiagtdn. No. 16—9.06 «^-,m. daily; local to

Washington. Parlor ear, <wly except Sunday,

No. an-9.40 a, m daily; limited t« Washington aod points Eaat. Stops on Sunday oolyv

No. 14-9.47 a. m. daily except Sun­day; limited to' Washington. Parlor car.

No. 44-6.2^ p. m. « fi y; i]n«fmA-t«, WastahgtoS'.

Ho. &—».« p. m. daily; teeal Washington. Parlor c v . _No. a -9 .»0 p. m. daily; limited to WushiiiKtuii apMl puinls —•> ~-flag. , J


the literary societies and other interests canie in thdr due or der.

An informal reception was held Saturday evening at Voor-hees Hall. The entire schoc^was invited, and, Ihanlu to the ar-tistic musical numbers rendered by Prof. Mosher, violinist, ac-compani.ed by Prof. Muelberger

PSJBSBYTBIUAN Mananu Pmbytwiair t%arc1>,

Kev. Alford Kelley, paator.

OB th'epiaho, the" evening was a. huge success. JMrs. Porter, teacher of expression, also added fo the program's charm by a se­lection, "When the Moon Rose," realistically_given.

iiiveryone is contributing something towards the success ol.the school, and, after we find ourselves in football, just watch old Eastern roll up the victories, not only in athletics, but also In the conquests of knowledge and wisdom.. —T—r—^- -~=

The Washinirton Irving T.itar. ary Society has elected the fol-


Stoip on

Harrisonborg. . P u l w eai[ No. 21—6.00 p. in: didly except Son-

day; local to Harrisonlmrg. RU^qr car. . ':' •

R. H. DBKUTTS. _ smt,

Washa^ton, D. £L

/Cil G t 7 People W a i ^ p t t r Eggs and fiutter^i-

SUpby P u e c l P o s t a i a

lowing offioCfPi Piesideut, Mtsy Gran8to|n; vice president. Miss Titus; tiecretary and treaaiurer, Miss Mocer; critic. Miss Jaek-son; hostess. Miss Gtfoss; and censor, Miss Schustier;

Tlie Jeffersonian Literiuy So-ciety has elected nffiferg SB fol

ISonday—Sunday School at 9:46 a. m. ^iili^|ee«,-PaaliR* of~B^hr«nmc«. *eai< lfaig .M»*-'laci.>aie_> t > - t l » Lord's Supper, 11 a. Id. Sermon Sub­ject, The Peacemaker. Christian En­deavor at 7 -p. m. Subject, Chrises Yoke. What it is and How to Wear it. Uni<« meeting at the Baptbt Church, 7:30 p; m. Prayer meetiag Wedaeiday -eventog ft TM 9''c\ask. Sabjeet, A Praying Church.

Clifton Presbyterian Church, Rev. AJfMfd Kelley, pastor.

Sunday—Sunday School at ,10 a. » . and^krtetian EadeKvariaiTtM p. at. Oubjecta as stated aburs.—^ —

BAPTIST Manassas Baptist Church, Rev. T,

D. D. Clark, pastor. —Sunday--—flumlay School, 9.46 a. wrf moMtiug swviee, t l u'clwA; B. Y. P. U., 6;46; evening service at 7:S0_,

Wednesdajr^Prayer meeting at 7:80 p. m.



Trinity Episcopal Church. Rav. JT. F-Burlcs, rector.

Sunday School at 9:46 a. m. and Sunday morning service at 11 o'clock.

St Anne's Memorial Chapel, Nokas-ville. Rev. J. F. Burks, rector.

Service at 7:30 p. m.

LUTHERAN -Bethel Lntheran _GhBrdl, Rey. Ed­

gar Z. Pence, paator. Choir practice Wednesday at 7:90

# ^ Mmm^mm^WMi 8TH ST. AND PENNA. AYE.


"Always the thing for the

B^t of Eveiy-Least Money**

—Oar slogan for nearly a quarter of a eentery.

—And-Btill the only, one we know.

-m face of nnprecedeated conditions that inclade rising prices and M scarce market—we ' live ap to this pol^. . _ • - * _ _

j>. m. instraetimi Friday <«t Catechetical

3!l6 p. m. Preaching at 11 m. m. Snndsty School Snaday a t 10 a. m.


lows: ..PcBttident, Mr. Bachelor; vice president, Mr. Wilswi; eeo-

No. 49—9.06 <u M. 4iri^rtocai tq tfctart «nd treasurer,, Mi*. Bot^ man, and critic, Prof. Mosher.

The officers of the Y. M. C. A. are: Ifr. SuteSfimesidait; Mir. OTode, vim prwaidwit, and Mr. :Payne, secretary and treasurer.'

At a jneating of the giris' Ui-eiary sjuelety Uw meabera de-dded to study SootJ) AxasnoL during ^ e fyeat soBester aad to do some Bed Gross knitting^

.All Saints' CsthoUc Church, ll«a-Father William Gill, paator. _

. MMftJ* S a at., ftrst and tMfin^^ liayxr tranA xnA fniii-tli gmulf yf ^ 10:M a. nu, foUowed by haiedictlfn •( liha.BleaBad Sacrament.

MlRfttODIST Grace lI«Uie<|ist Epiacopal Chntch,

South. Hanaaaaa. Bav. H. Q.-fearr. P * * * " ' • ' '" •" . • . _• - • •

Saaday tjcbool at 9:4fi a. Bu PiaasWag at 11 a, ai.i art



^ w c a A Laagia at a-.«0 p. m.

—You will find clean, fresh stocks of FAUL ANI) WINTER NEEDS in every eae e l ^ e —w STORES UNDER tnnr R O O F : — ' — - — - _ — .

-;=THE APPAREL STORES are readj^ with new • ' Suits, Coato, Wakts,^ Dresses, Mimnery, Furs, Sweaters, Skirts, etc., w o m » . Misses', Children's and bfants'AppareL

-r-lfiE A C C B I ^ R T STORES with the new in


riinv«., w-Mkeirhfefw. Mis , llodiees, Shoes, U:

i f Tawalrv JIaal ircUastCte.

-—THE BOllE FITTING STORES with _ China, Sihrer, Kitchen Ontfittings, 61»8swa:re, Beds and Bedwear, Floov ctfverinfa, etc.

Bngi^ praperi«a, ^nens , -

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ m . £ M D GOODS STORES wHh

- ^ — LaiMa, B«d»aMeris»Jtfl>beiM.ThHincto

— ^ m OTHER STORES with .^»ail OertiB, Oudy,J|tetlonei^ Toys. VklralBik Nbtiopei,

^r-ALL ARE READY wttk nmr at iainn'»--lim prieaaL

A BIAIL OiUPHl samCR^wMbicted l y » laree af Infaiilprt TOvrA^iRB Irltii w e ^



Thememhers of the CoUegiaa a S ^ ^ l J ^ - ' ^ " ^ * * ^ Btaff fat- the colleggjyear +™™"^+^ ^

I ffditnr-inj>hiaf» MimT Mnfgnret V—Sec<»Mi and fourth Snn-

ulars. MetaiiTarriers will l i ^ t for years-^ntJi~t»«jdElse:—No wrappingor labelling

DULIN&IURIINm 1215 F Strand I2l4-18G'St.

V wASHiifGi5Ssr» iSfx:"

•Mcaig, ,of Pettngylvania; asso-laate. e<&toM," Miss; " GranstiHi, ef Virginia, and Mr. Hugh Ramsajir, of Washingttm; businesBrmanagers, Mr Russell Wilson, of West '^Orginia, and Mr. LeiNs Payne, of N » r Jer­sey- •-

The foothall team will jonrney to Anni4>dis tom<«TOW mom-ing to 1 ^ t h e l S t Jc toV^td-

Various s i«es"pnced fewa ^^ team. 8 $ cents vp

o„„J , „ . , , . IF" STATEMENT bend for catalogue and parbc- W tae Ftaadal CaaiBtioa of Baak «f N^AeaviSe,

The laeorporate^

• Coaaty af PriMe Wiffiaa. State « TirgWa. at ifce daae of VaslaiM ima* JS, m r . made ta tke State Gecfacattesi

day, Dpr Gi^ea^gle-^Fiiat Sunday. 8 y. M.

RriiifaHr—Thgd aad-fifapSaadays,] 3 p-..m.;' •• ' .-.,-; .'• •.. . :

Woadbnm^Tfaird aSd IBth Son-days, 8j».:m.

Woolaey'r- Firat Sunday, 9 p. in. ' UKmcD' «^THBEN.

Bav. L, C. Meaaiek's appimtmenta foUow: ^

Rector & Co. H A Y M A R K E T . VA.

4JttDERMEKS^ PfOMjpt nnd tntirfaictwry aer-

Hearsei fnmiaiiecl for a n y mnaonnbic dialnnr^.

. Mansssas—^First and third^Sandaya, 7r30 p, m Sarwnd and fwirflijann days, 11 a. n.

BacMian Saeoad aad fs^th days, a = : S © f

Adea^-SaooAd and'fenrth Ouudays, 7:30 p. m. . -.

Midland—First and tUrd Sundays, l l * . r a . '


RESOURCES Loans aad Discounts.... .,,|7Ij094.54 Overdrafts — SeciB«d Un- Hwurr*

r setared . .rrr:—..^T.:.. IfltfUSI^r^^ Banking House and Lot .:.. 1JIJ.W

Everything &iar f j |^^] to Eat^ 125:57

My line embnuaa IStaqrfe and Fancy flmffwipw •

Queensware, Tin aiia" Enamelware i '



Fnmnare and nztaraa Errhawgea and chasfcs—ISP-



Capital stoeh So^his fond . . . . . . r . . MWJS UnAvidwl . profits, lesa'

aatoont paid for iiiliiiiMl. . I—laaenses Mid- taaas • . . . • • — M S ,

N^wWaUPa Totel $86,722.46 I, W. R. Hooker, Cashier, do solema

I? a > q i that .tha ahfiTi \%^ flUMBWt of the flnandal coa£ti«B

rivnd. W e s d U k n v n «f last y n u ^ a a t o d i n t • U | > r i c ^

aUso ld

FM(^<WaIIPa|)erlI«Be The ou-raal | 1 in advazice.

49,401.62 IndWidnaT fiposits, inctad-

ing savings depoc Due to NatMMd Ba _, Notes and bills re-«Uaeoaatad 15^000.00

tenet on depewta ...;.."' iMH Restfved for aeeraad taxes. 1.66

flewnthliig Ai^wny.^ "So you think a eoHege edn-

cation. ia « good thins for a-

^<n> I think it's a pretty good thing: >Flts him fear something

E v r y t K i n ^ G o i n ^ U p ! Goat of Irvinf; tarm iaipleinents have

advanced; it coats much more taadneata yodr childreh tiian former^; wearing uparelaodeveryfliiHgyon n ^ is going np. Wa ewi tnld- that flgri HMmTanra cmiqNuuea aijB advan^ig.their rates in tremendous proportiona—BUT REhEM-BER—the 014 nJiabto Faotpiier Mntoal Fire InaarsneeOliD^Kny have not aa yet

BceAtheirratea. Now, bafora >aat-adraaeedi J»a epBte^^inaara yoor property. Bct-lart»hay»Ua«diMtiieed itthantoased litaaAjkotJbaavitr 'Wewill be glad to gireyoBratea. Noreoawi^evet^ «rtw». . , H « 0 . M. lOJMt;

12-16 • Manaaaas. Va.

RJcTs N e w Style Boofc o f Shoe-FathioBa will be

inlife. Hhecsn' lcatch-imjritk Mai led ew-Request

lAuiivilfe Courier-JoumaL

Thft ^'•aailian goveramont 188721.46 -b^s^i^roha^edJhsL use of

«efvatrves in almost ewryj^s^ of foodstuff and-beverage. —

iTitli it ytm can Jwy with perfect s^iafactien.

Sons Tc»«MfSl^Cer.lOll




DUltuisr State of Virginia,

County of Prince William Afflrmed to and subscribed before

me by W. R. Hooker, Cashier, Bth day of July. IS 17

L. M. JONES Notary Public MAHLON SEESE. J P.

Under and by virtue of a certain deed of tmat, dated May 15, ISIS, «r record in deed book 68, pagea IMJ, aadaxaeaMd by E. B^ DebaoB, «t ax., to secara certain note thereto « ^ mentioaed, in the payment of whiea

" ' ^"^artiaa;gv been so requeated by the holden aaid netea. wiD. in

la ninee William Caaaty, Vir­ginia, all that certain tract or «f laad, lyfaig oa the NokaasQle a « Quwcfl. awiM.. at eooaty, adjoining the laaos oi mumr-iaaoB, roontain, et al., aad coatahdag more or leas 40 aerea.

<3a«hr more or


Auctioneer: J. P. Kpr;in l.i-

is madefrom best materials^ l)aked in an up-to-date oven, handled by neat, dean, care> fnl wMlmen. Ask for it^-nooept no other. We atoo have a niee'QUICK LUNCH

~ INTER wh^tio ynn «.—

AdMlaiaterad far Jaaa KaUautfaa «f Teeth.

ijR* Li^j!. s e t <JHB DCTITI«T "

M. I. C. Buildinir. Manassas, Va

T H E .TOI 'orll.O' i;.

p ' - two times

EHouftes Petticoats - _

DriPtftf floods


Youf imyecfofr invitttd

CAMPER & JENKINS The Ladies' Store M, » » » « t


CANNING'CLUBS Sloiy tff CliO? Woik Wiitlau bj

~ Thirtfi»|-x«M'-oK,J||p»j. ^

( sas Member. •

,-t The article given below I'a a story of the work of the girhr of

the canning clubs which was sub-loittsljirlfh otliefs early In t^e suAimer to Miss Lillian V. Gil­bert, county -home demonstra-tion agent, by Miss _giizafafitk Pope, R^fifrteeify^rold stu-dent of the Manassas school who has been prominently identified with the club work. The laat paragraph of^the ator/ should be accorded special atten tion, showing as it do«s the spir-it of .helpfulness and cooperar tion exhibited by the girls of the canning clubs. Thft af^ry fr»l-lows:

"In the present time when we are engiaged in war and the scar­city, efj^ood is felt everywhere, our country urges every plot of earth to be cultivated, if possible. Whether large or sniall, it will ^elp to feed our soldiers. When Miss CSlbert announced to the boys and girls about thejpar-H o n i n y , "^ tttf»^igli» ^^{n \.>ii|i|i f ^ ^

win iftiik when fhe idr stzyua them.

"With the litUe experiraice I have had in^canning, I^would be

Court of tlM CMMtjr of PrfaK* Wit-HoM, oa the 6t^ di^ oT Sopteaitwr, Wi7.

Saville t Claiborne. glad to h e ^ any of~niy frienSi ^j^^ adth- thoir «>Annipg." - -rrr=:

Inc.. Plaintiff


Vi Quantioo Company, Inc., Clar

msc A: itutchiion,. Tnu WUa9ii, 3^wtM, Huch-B. HuteUMM,

—--"t^. ^Gordsn Bohannan, Agent 4Sldridg« E. Jordtfir ht )*ir i.Jmi'Mit aa^ a* troBtoo, 3. Walter Long m his own riirbt and a« troitco, J. W. Kephart, B i m K, Cft|T9U and LmtU D. Car­roll, partners, trading under ^ e firm

" " " glectric Compuur., Howard, trad-

ijl CarmlL^ J. A. Gilroy and A. C. ing Under the firm name and part­nership of Gilroy and Howard, Defen ifamtr ••

Says Six Fifty-Cent Bottles Brought Relief After Ten

The object of this suit is to enforce the paynMBt'of a claim of (1313.04, with interest thereon from June 21,

'1917, due Saville and Claiborne, Inc.. :"£-?r6yr fee--'8hantieoGompaHy,^ Ine:, ana

subject the lands of the Quantico TELLS VHAT KIND OF IR<W;«^,"C„^,^|,^y„--;^,«^"«^^^

HE RECOMMENDS ics lien lor said amount wlucb mechan­ics lien is duly recorded in the Clerk's

, Office of Prince. William County, Vir-" __ie°i*i*»lxl8* 1917. in \bt M( " '

WHS—troubled—with" my Lien Book on page 40, and covers all stomach for ten years, and i"i **«* *=•'**'» '"^^'^"^^ '"*'* ^^^ »'?'*

-^ ini appurteninres and —semimta thwete

that time I bought almost every annexed and used in connection there-i,:~j y^-t •i^^i^i^^ ^^A ^f.i,iAiik'r KA-^ with, losatid ia'^rinra William TMin. J ^ d 01 meoicuie ana couion i oe- iy;y}^gi^ . n j „ much land there-8 ^ to say how much X took or, with a^shatl be necessary for the eon-_ » ; j „.tTs*«_ ~..»jj—1 ^^^ri^^ ,„f ' vonierif use of the same,to-wit: All pwd ourfor medical Hervipp^ypt| ^^^^ ^^^J^•^^^ ^^ „, ^^^i „f ,^„j i^. nethiBg did me «sy good. I began using Acid Iron Miner^ and I don't tlunk 1 had taken more than six ef -the fifty-cent bottles when I began feeling bet­ter than I ever did. I only weighed 145 pounds when I be­gan to take Acid Iron Mineral and now I wdgh 180 pounds, ft

time and place to "cte my bit."' -The school board had the

ground put in proper con(^.tion "4of^«fl-it»^ultivatciti Eaeh^ttd|4fe

was allowed six row«t each^eing 210 |eet long, Whesn the m o i ^

- lag' <!iame. for ug~^'-start itar work, we decided what we were gning tn plant, T rit^oiHAH *q_ plant tomatoes, beans and comi Tha wtiKOTTi I selected thetfe v^^e-tables was that moat peoide like them and they cai) be canned for wiaier uae. •; — q ~ ~

"Before starting our tomato hill we put f (J UliBUf=

^ where the hills were to. be made, each hUI being' about 3 feet apart. l i i ier in the—evvniag, afaotit 5 o'clock,'I went^ver to my garden, whidi is bdow the Agricultural School, to set out my p lan t s :"^ doing so, Ijtook

Then iag and beia^ ID ' Quantico Station, on the S.,

-and Quantico, beginning at the intersec­tion of Potomac avenue with the County Road leading from Quantico to Dumfries and bounded* on the south by said Potomac avenue, on the east the west by what would be. E street if and north by sa'd county road, and on extended northwardly, the said parcel of land bemg that portion of Section B deaignated '^Reservation'' on a c«r-

^ t of the prt^er^ of the

HriniK US yowr Bggs ^ F o w l a for Cash and save express and drayage, eoramiasion, load of weight and de­lays in flfetting returns.

' When you deal with us the transaction is ended. --.You deliver your gw^a and we hand *'ou the cash. —

Aug:air5tl^ ? shall eem-7ny t)istiieffl oirir

•trictif caali basis. By this system I will you one to tgOLperLcent on all purchases.

e in and susk prices before Juur,iiLg,..jelyr, . ._


T>f AVAggAg VA

"where. Hoping to share a por­tion of your trade, I am,

[ K X X K X H X K M X X I K X X K K K M K K ^ O O O C !

is a pleasure for me to Tecom- g^SntS^* C^mpSS- ^ ^ h f c h memd it to anyone who has i snwdnJ itf the Clwk's Offiw of ••fat aniwne — —

^4..,__ „* j^j{««.=«^« ,».. 83, to which plat reference is made for symptoms of mdigesbon or fakh^ dewmption. stomach trouble and if they will, . Also ta set acide a deed of_tru8t.of . :j..t__-r „..«« • i .av -nrfn «TiH ^ * « Jnn 12, 1917, and of reeoWT in try it rfTBfi sure they wm Jind county on May 2, i91«, m D. B. «8, be," writes Mr. W. T. Gash, 5*0-prietor of a well known plothing.

\y 2, i»i«, m V. a. w , p. i o ' said Oerk'a Offico of date Junea2,

1917. from the Qnantifto Company; to Eldndge E. Jordon and J. Walter T fmg, trnstacn to aeenre $75,000.00 otf

sho^: hats/ and men's furnish­ing store in Bristol, Vlltflnla

A stateifaent such as the above' ȣ! ; S g ^ ^ ^ g ! - i f ' ^

the ground that it « n ^Wfthottt Tala-aWe coiuidwation ^ut a^ffdnin pac­tum and a fraud tq>on the creditors of tile Xinanico. Company. Inc., and to '

=- .* . ^ ^. • the Qiianticq Company, hie., if P«>PW from a msrchsflt of integrity) have a receivorsMp of toe assets of

1. i _ _ -11 *v.^ ^.w.«^ ^f in these procMdlngs, and a. genentl who knew all the agony o f ,«««» ,»»TOitT^ stomach trouble for ten years or, An j ^ v a i t Bayisir been made more must convince the reader that after all is said and done. just ^iain, ^et^day natora

it is in Acid Iron Miiiend ia the

and filed that the- defeudagtr,-Br~Br Wilson,-Eldridge<B. Jordon, J. Wsl' terliong} Hwny R. CaFToU aaA

Goods rfARMERS When you think of purchasing a watch, a ririg, a scarf

or brooch pin, or other jewelry, remember we can supply your wants. Most anything in the

sporting gpo^s line will be found here— , at an attractive price.

Watck Repairigjjul FrUSaag oi Glasses


Yours to serve,

C. R. KELfc¥^ Sfriikel'iOy^ lm>tts,Ta.

TAKENOnCE The way to make two blades of-

n a s s srowA where one .does now:, Bay tEfi-celebrated MagnesiTxin Lime from Leesburg Lime €ftT"

. Jeweler and Opticiaii Manassas Virj

D. Carroll, partiiera tradfiig imder the finn name of Carroll Eleetarie Cwn-

Bf; are JwrregdeiitB of the State

my hand and dug back the earflnu After setting the plant i p - - ^


over the roots^ then covered it .over with Mme loose soiL^^T^ reasmi I set my plants out about 5 o'clock is b^uiuse they can be

^nTffie "ground over night'before the sua's rayafall uptm them the

.,next morning. . "After several weeks I worked

my tomatoes for tlie first time. After that I worked them on an average of imce^ a week. There b6i0ff plaity* of rain, my ixmtar

water, I etmtinaeid to weric tfie plftpfa until tiiey started to Uoom.

"As I

cbeiQjieBt, best medione to4«iii^ the system badR. ta-noqnal and j^^j^j, p&^fjaS&ari£& the Ubod.

It 'is'jmusuai^ helps the appe­tite, and ccMsts but littie, a tea-apoMiftil in a a^ilas of water af: ter meala being » moat iiivigw-

irginia, it is ordezed that t h e y l o within fiftaen days after doe lays Smi hneofi aad <4o wnat may

to proteetjtheir i o t a r ^ it is furth<9r ordered' *'-

that a copy hereof be pohUahed once a week for lonr snceessive w e d s in the Manassws Joamal, a news^kper pob::. Uahed in the eounty of-Pxince WilBam and that» copy be ported at jthe froot door of the eourthoose of thi8_coan^ uu tn befwe the 17th day

eoiv Absojntely^ non-injunous, tains no akohol, 'narcdtic,. or habit-forming drags. Does no up^t the liver, stomach, or bow-dB,nor ugure lhe teetii.

^ your druggist hafflft it send a dollar to Ihe Feiiudlue ehem-'i ical- Corp., Roanoke, Va., for * large site bottle ttrepal^.

GEO. U. TyUfiU, CltxfL . A copy—Terte:

GEO. G. TYLER, Clerit. WM. W. BUT2JNBR; p. if 17-41

\ H*wA irf Pafr i* ?»>'—«' gT«*« rf

>TPhat's a fine job,** says the satisfied cosfOTnerr wlioee pr&i-iaz order JuusHceB SIM 1^ tiw JoataaTs job dcpartaaeat.

was chosen from the Xeagag of S a f t ^ - d ManaHia»: to attend the course at Eastern College, - whnh was oflC»«d to n«nfiiTig, PtwiHrv an^ SirfefaF tSub ^ s T T T e a n i e d to ean to-wi>«i#Kim Attwigf with other things.

^'Wb^-miF^omatoeB are ready to be canned I will use the sjr^

takinS^the course. '^Twre are six steps in fan-:

ning tomatoes. The first ia scald the tomatoes one minute,__the next step ia phntging tiiwaJnta cdd watefr and after that w>-}—J •'*"^'"«P* ft^.*^^^?!^ move skin, core and bad spots.

The object of this suit, rtyled »T above, is to obtain f.n abswote *vorw for the complainwit -- - ' -feadant uu giowBd-ef-

The next step is to sterilise tops.


and cans and, if eannrng ia glsss, I DTuw aute' of vkgmia having been also StCTilise rubbei S by putting *^ and that her last known place of

after comiiig to a boil, let-boil liteen miniit<M Thfr wxt

step is'the packing of the cans. Put enough salt or sufxr, or

cdver tomatoes with juicse, ; "The next step is tir^eal and tip cans and the last step is the cooking in' boiling water for 22 mimitea. Do not fill cans tooldBaaa&rag^ full; if so, they will not seal. If-canning in glass, be sure always to wrap a cloth or sometiung around it when taking the jars out of th( water; if Tiot, the jars

OIK wwk and get« on^ cards, l e t t i^

grams, eatalogs, g n d e p r t ^ i a f



College, ;Gnguate> Ijtw, l i e « cine, Eiiigiaeei ™g

~~ LOAS' yUKPS to deaetving stodoita. |10JOO aB.ooats to Virginia stadent* in the Academic iXepaltaeOtL Scad. f «


In- the Caark'sOfM _ . _ Cemt e l Prfaee WUBMB

Cocnty, at Solea August 27. Ml?. VOtGDOA:

tff the Gimak

T. EdwMd iMMfmr^i^atHL— f i . — •

EtU P. Jasper, Defendant

Ap^ieatlon having been made in wiping, as required by •t**'***, ^ •fif eomplamant, and the affidavit that the •aid Etta P. Jasper is not a resident

filed, and that her last known pi abooe was AJbeofta, Canada, an erdn' «t sabUeation ia accordingly ratered, a a / i t is orderad tiiat the said Ette P. Jasper do appear within fifteen days »*tmr Aa» jmbUcation of said order aad do wEa? ta bv^itarert s i fb orde

to protecT heteia, «ad that a copy

order be poMiriied four sac-weeks in the Manawas J o ^

cwBtr, and that a copy hereof be poatad at th» front door of ^ « w t hooM <rf said coontT as refund Vy law, and * copy codified to and regis­tered by the clerk of said court to the saiddatedant at her last kaewa ad-

vl. TYIXR, Oefk,

*" 'l^'ffliAN. LEO P. HARLOW, p.

•* ' " ' ^ E O . G. TYLER. Oerk, By his detraty,


jProtect ypur Farm PirbducU^

Liye Stock FrQm the Weather

7—All kinds uf fwd aiid live ateck-arc goimr to be worth niKmey nest winter and the time is right liere to wake your preparattoos tor taking care of tbem. -

Do neft delar beiMiag and inpRmng antU every one will, want tpatfirial and lahnr for thto:saffle pnrpose, BUT PO H ' NOW. "


the lime that has been so4d in Loudoun and Fairfax for the past

[twenty-fiye years,-:«nd ootr'pnK~ dueed them all. and the reason for it is because it contains Mag-nesiam and Chdde oTIrbn in rignt' premortion to Calcium Carbonate,, ana the United States Agricnl-tiiral Department in Year Book 1901, page 161. states that Mag-nenum is absolutely necessary to phni ^ w t h and notiiing else will ta le its place. Send orders to Cwnwell'• Supply Co., Mlnat»

A. S. Robertson, Well. -If. Rollins, bristowr

coTisitlcr the vsdue r"ill HCJI Had tUt

—:WHefi-aillUca—yott LUMBER, DUIliDUG MATERIALS iuid MlLl*=Ji^RK c^ Li"h that yog caanot ~M

of other pilUB of

Z~ aSbrd to do your t-ii^iincT aad -MapfWMgg—:~"" to aa^ood adTaata(xc X.S usual.-

;Oiir stocks are Very complete and we can give good

*low grfideft. ya!'.ics in-both the big^ and

W. A. SMOOT «r CO; Ific.

higton.Va Mr direct to us and aaiyewill

hKVe prompt attention.



Henry K. Fietd & €o.

MULESJGRSAL Always from 106 taa6& faead^ of bones and mules of all descriptions for sale at my atebies in Ycric. Pa. 14-33*



jhrbk, GraiAe aedjdl

PriKeWaMPhttMcy ryowtarm macEmerje M..SMM viiiws -^—|-Qij^ Ijne^ffld k>ok faff


aaUNSURANCE Stflaving de termine to devote our I wEoIe braeto^elEealEstate and -»lasuwmfe bunneea. we heieby I Mlicit all property for side aad

' j t n q i M t t thoee hi^ving propoty to

i list tbe same with us {ffomvtly.

. ^ ! ^ : 3

1 _ _ -il Undertaker j

1 ^ '%—/=^-

M i l l iT

|~CbTnwelli5uppty"£dnipany | ^ m -~~~' aiAMAVftAa-^vifiniMiA — I I MANASSAS; ^riRGINIA

.AMI V i Iss Arc., nxB Cocrraocas. M^XAMII.

Pn>ia|« siuatioa giAan »U orders Pr iv>« •* low V) vrtnA omnnc* »nH m«lnn») «-i'' )•>•• ifit. METAUC CASKETS CARBJtL IS SfOCK..


teach here for another yeac JlSy3EHuii >uuk • iBwUim iwi t ill the WQA. of the Civic League, whisji yajg of inestimable vafue Mi[tfton,^nce the home of Gen- from Bealeton. tnjUtfi coauauBity. Owins to Ihe destruction of the new school bouse by fire, this session will be held in the Pentecost Church.

Hill, Emery Morgan and Earl Brown, have been caUed to Camp Lee to begin traiaing-iotr Buli« taprMr«le«r-"~~"~" '-^

Miss Blildred G. Btwa^ has returned to Washington to re^ sume her studies.

Victims of Tyfiioid. The two young daughters of

Mrs. A. Stone were removed

the sir, f r o n iddrii tlHT H^oy* Kcadetaad nftariwd^a-ed a bird. « "eye vi«i| of the ball court and sCwrtingtfie'gi stream. ^ {ing of a tennis court. MlM

After enjoying the beauties Holmes not only superinteaidid. The patrons of the ^JH^grT,

Hill School were very plelfsed U> see Miss Inez Allen return t«tof nature en the creel ^ e p l r ^ , the work but toot^partstrena-

med to tiie aatne and drove ously in the exardse of the hoe. weugh thu wuikiie—a grounds; Mias Mopcnrer^]

to Alexandria and then to Ar- of the fifth and sixth grades, is

Miss Julia Cato, of Sti^ord, spent the week-end with-her 8i»^ ter, Mrs. c . C.DUSH;:

Mr. Jesse Bainey, of Dum-tes, vieitad irianda at IBwesfc"

burg Sunday. Mr. C. C. Dunn made a busi-

«ni Lee. ' • I ^"' ^^^ ^ Cosse died Sii»-^ ness trip to St. Elmo Tuesday . At Ariihgton the party set-1 dy evening and Was buried Tues- Mr. J. T Syncox, of Dumfries,

tied dcwB under the trees and day aftefmoon in the Clifton c e » . passed through Forestburg Satr feasted sumptuously, while the etery. Mrs. DeCosse was a Miss urday.

aqHinv-lw played,Crouch. She i s survived by Jterj Mr>X E. about the trees and flowers: 1 husband,- "two sons . twa daiq^-^sicklist ^s^week: •1 «4ff

-on the

Rev. C. W. Beard was the week-end guest of Mr. J. C.

from their home to a Washing-ton hospital about two weeks

ver. xne ySiinger daughter died soon after entering the hospitaJ and was buried at Boswelf Hill

proVcSd and is expected hojne this week. .

Mr- Eugene Hameraul has been on the sick list for the past two weeks from a faU received while descending a gang plank

Dinner being over, attention ter» and one brother was turned to thieLee mansion. | Pastor Buys Auto. oniSirlittte f iwi i kuollovertook- ^^ i^ L. Naff, pastor ofW^^^™"* "'''' ing the city of Wasbingtdn. Af-^ Baptist Church, rec^iv^ his a»- ^- ^ ^- "*^'» « ' ^ ^»" ^^ ter registering and looking over tomobile Tuesday. **"* calves, the relics and papers of hiatori-[ ^r . and Mrs. Clyde Mathers **"• Georpa Com well, Mtss^ cal interest, the party retumed| aj,d jjr. and ihiTEmYm^ihar*^^^-^^^^^ **'* Me8sis.-RrTyr^ to the machines for the home-1 ^ave returned from Palmyra ' •"'^ Joseph Abe! motored to ...-_j .- _ v . - v u- pi„v^m„,^ county, whert they t^ 1^^^'^^^^^.' Wednesday to

tmded the funeral of Mr. Whit-'****"*** ****

ward jonmey, which was made ^with—meny—conversation and song and an occasional "Hello" to •the Sdmmies, which was an-awproH wifTi a Hmflo

The party included Mr. and Mr8.'T. M. Russell, Mr. and Mrs

Mauds. t„anejr> l;rearrar

on one of the river steamera-at

Jsmeifk TuFcell; P^arTand Ruby Russell, Helen Ludwig, Goldie Beavers, Zella Posey, Rowena Posey and Mary Carter and Messrs. Rayr mond Beavers, Curlia Posey and Elraory Russell.


ten, a brpther of both Mrs. I Mrs. Horace DeVaugbn is vis-Mathers'. i iti"fif in Washington this week.

Tlie faimers are busy cuttingj—Mr. J. C. Dunn, Miao Peari com, picking fruit and getting-' Baher, Mrs. € . C. Dram and Miss raadytQ-put-in jsrinter grain.|^*"***y ^""" attended ^he Com is said to be v^ry sT&w Fredericksburg fair Wednesday

Winthrop, Md. Mr. Jake Worth, who has been

employed ^by the f ^ ^ « ^ - jJii^sAxmieLeti^mdm^ Bol-Fertilizer Company, foy t*e past four years, will le&ve in a few days for a vacation trip, to north-em New York.

More for Prmce WUi&nr We are soon to be d^Hived of

a grvs^l amoiint of Hw" l.rmwii day eveOlngtu. attend a movii^g

Mrs. G. E. Soutter visited in Washing^n and Frederickaburg last weekT" ~^ '', ^ ; .. • '•

The ClvteTteagueiriD hold its first me^Smg m a wei^ or ao, and a large ftttenduice !s'e qMBcted.v

Mr. W. G. Bushey recently visited his daughter, Mrs. W-Geofge, who Bvw In Wftghttg-ton. • ^

A diuis^t^ was bent last Thursday evening to Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Oertly.

Personal: Mentieit. ' Mr. John Hicks hs accepted a

mOHTBBN ttEAit t&kVB Tt}£».-DAY. - +

(Continued from page one.) Charles W. Creel, Waterfall.

_ Chfti4l>R F. MilKtaad, Qceoqusc. _ Owen Lester ^ m w e l l , Bxia-

tow. ,. Roy Allea Hudt^maft, ifainas-


Wm. Crow, of JopUn Appointed 1^ Gaine CoBiHissioner.

sas. '4 Arthur W. Leith, Manassas.

John Reedy, Bristow. Harry Roland Buckley, Hay-

Arthur L. Colbert, Manassas. : Wheatky M. Johnsdn,Taanaa-sas. — '

Raymond J. Davis, Manassas. . MijOx M- lAlfe*. "^^elllngtQn. _ ~ Metyin.-' ComweJl, Manassas, R. 2.

J. Benj.. Johnson, jr.j^ Manas-aa&.—-"-

William C. Hinton, Quantico,* Harry W. Polen, Catharpinr. T. J. Runaldue, Manassas. Arthur L. Lawler, Nokesville.



l<Ht MIHH, both ef^Huadley, ^ere marri^ re<^tly in Washington. Tbe bride formieriy .lived at Smithfield.

A large crowd gathered at Smithfield school house Wednes>

picture show, but for some rea-wwi thft nhnm, lY ow ftilfid fft nr

herfe, as it is imported that the rifle j-angeafr Winthrop. Md will be removed to Qoantico. Sa much gainedfof I ^ w W f l l t o p ; ^ ^ 1 ^ BafggffliaiilrtWo i f ptirmaueul.


— lusters, Mis«^ Rtiuices MKT ^ ^ ^ Graded School Gladys Bemor, of Woodstock, accompanied by Miss Mae Luck,

ripening and damaged some by ^he drought.

Mrs. Charles Crosen ia/ quite sick at her h(»ne about one n^e from the village.


Court procee^ngs continued from page 2:

Common Law. -_ Thursday^—Bi^an Garden ap-

W. C- T. U. MEMBERS MEET Pointed justice of the peace for I Manassas magisterial district

Annual Convention at ^^^ *«™ ending Dec 31, 1919 j Harry P. Davis appointed jus-: tice of the peace for Mtoassas i Tnnyiatariftl ttiatrirt tti nncct^cA i,Stewart, . .Evana. regtgngd.


.Mr. William Crow, of J^plin, "TTOB tjiiiBlncHr as game % Princte Wflii»'>i c imty , hia p% pointpent having been made by Mr. John S. Parsons, state com­missioner of ganw and inland fisheries.

Game Warden Crow hfs re-SJCrT^w -m \*X vkV -*ra. avsaytzoxx n z l l K "

Necked pheasauta, half of which have been released at Joplin and half at Ben' Lomond Farm, near Manassas. The_state has de­clared a three yearaTcIosed sea-soii on pheasants and the birds Yfill have additional protection


Tho Woman's Christian Tem-^. perance Union of Vir^nla In ses^ rtn. VT 1 -n !.«• 1- 11 - J. r^^ i J-L -TT X ^ ^1 Mossrs. Gordon and Davis quali-

The Nokeaville -public school | sion at CharlottesvUle last week! ^j u^ tokimr th« aidha. .«•». opened Bfonday TOonitng. The selected Roanoke for the ig^g " ^ t ^ ^ j ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ' ' ^ ****** ^ * " teachers are Prof. I. N. H. )c»vent ion^^d elated the f o l - j ^ ^^^^^^^^^^

P ^ i d e n t , kr s . Howam M . ' ^ « ^ * ^ °^ ^^ »«P»«^' ^ -Bieaiim, of NbkesvfflerTnindiaa, and Misis: Carrie Lee, of Green^ wich, and Miss Lucile Miark, of Nokesville, assistants. --lifise- Ifoybelle Hinegapdtf^ daughter of Mi-, S. H. Hinegarff-ner, ia attending Haiiassas tBgfc

MaiBUdlei, the

j wood Jackson, a minor under j fourteen; qualified as such by

-teeasurer, 4ai»r-W.-#. SLrickler,' Puturubui^; superintendent of

Scho rf." Bladea Lee

young son of Mr.. and Mrs. Q- L. j scientific' ten^perance, Mrs. T. JK^ii&j^\a¥\iiiAm IferBTiivifffir and niusi

Hoke, Lincobi;- vice president and cdJ^Pondmg* ae«*taiT.^^ ^ ^ j ^ j ^

^ , L i U i ^ ^ J h e p h e r d , ^ r - t i o f ^ O O O , with Ridiard Kel-

£ S L L T ' ^ L ' ~ ^ ^ ' f l 5 ^ T ^ « surety, and taking * * ^ * " - ^ I^^nr-Wlae^s ter ; ^ ^ oath prescnbed:

* . . - _ . -_ , , - . ^ | 1 per bu. Pears, 50c and 7 5 c t - ! ^ ! ^ ^ ^ ' * ^ ^ ^ ^ g ' ^ ^ ' ^ ^ R IHHlorfaW^^

! <:al dlrecluf, Mrft. W. L. B&tles; Miss Tbelma. Bruce Montgom-1 Richmond.'

ery, of Verdon,*-has been the' Delegates were eleete<|to the 4? Belle Hav iw-iMssit tMiagllr gfiest of Mrs. Clf^^Bo^tSlfi !<wUJu«aieMiyen1<B»JirywiiiiI-

Miss Winifred Hinegartl^er- ton the first week in November, visiflid in MftnaaaasTEIiH wi^^l P Tho Manassas iinion waa rep

l&s. J. A. Hooker, has eatw-ed; A. EL S^ies,. Sfrs. fe L, Hundtey New-and M » . Boberta-i^nB.— ^— "

Iwsition with the Potomac Ship-building Company at Quantico

Mrs. G. E. Soatter haabad^u: her guest her sister. Miss Hessie Wiggleworthj of Carolinecotinl^.

-Mr. William Sullivani iar sev­eral years a clerk in the store of Messrs. " SoUttST and Bushey, has accepted a position with the R- F. & P.' railroad, at A t e a n -dria. . • -

Miss Ethel Bushey has been visiting her sister, Hrs. W. George, in Washinijrto^.

Mr? Oscar Bushey has ac-

Sniithfieid Sunday^ «9 route to Quai^os.

Jjr.jind Mrs. Jajne8,TQlMau of Mr.EdwinS. Hooker, whe has'resroted by Mrs. George C. Ndbwi Erj&d,were Sunday gaests been.visiiing his parents, Mr. and Round JWrs^^^te^Randall, Ijrs. of Jtos^ Tplson's aister-in-4awj Mw. L. R. K^yB, #110 la v a y sick. -. Mira Graces Fkn-ence recently lost her pocketiMok cmtainiag $10 or $12 while making a shop-lang trip to Occoquan with Mia» Ocie Bailey.

Miaa Lucy Kincheloe is viait-

The Journal—one dollar year—and worth it.

, William Crow presented resig-nanon as admlnlslhilor of t&e

aesignation wan acecpted. License to sell soft '<kinka at

his place :0f iMismen gnmted to l^illiaa^^. CoUiBa,;of ^^iaxrfico.

fl.LGogllwiiL against X. F. Bargnmin and, Luc^ L:i Barga-nnn - ^ v e r ^ t agaaliai<»the defendant L. F. gamin, $ 1 0 ^ 5 , interest costs. . . . ...'i--....' -..•' ' i '•


RflfiicTiation o f X^P^ j wah^ justice of the peace for Gaineis? ville magisterial district, ac­cepted.

from the landowners. The hunting season opens No­

vember 1, and County Clerk Ty­ler already. Kss i6su©3T35 huntr ing licenses, 119 for the county and 14 for the state. —Some. pergbnsTTave Been uif^ der the misapprehension that a license boutrht in 1916 would good for one year from the date_ of issue. All hunting licenses ob­tained for last season expired July 1, 19l7, tmd all persons hunting on expired license are liable to arrest.



Keifer pears., for- ^ e — 7 5 cents bushel. Mrs. B Au Pear­son, Gaines^nlle, Va. ' 20-4t

Wanted at once-r-Good^ steady lady as switchboard operator. Apply at telephone off i^ 20-lt

For sale—Apides at 75c and

Broitsville. 20 . l t CSuBce pears at a reasonable

price. Come and get theaTor. order «H^. J. H. Dodge. 20-4^

Fw &de- Two good' drivimr _ or work norses, nine- years olol V ^Wheatley M. Johnson, Mianassas,


Austin. Low cost.

ing ho: sister at S t . Elitto. Miss Kincheloe will -leaVe for Ricb moBd next'week to attoid the fur and to visit hCT sister, Mrs. J. H. Holm^'

MisB Lucile Lunsford, who has been sick for some time, is saii} to be improving.

Mrs. R. IK. Hay«r m AdaiQag

cepted the pootion of clerk in the store of Mgggig. Soutter ig^ Bushey. '' —•-.•' _'~-^


A paiiy of autemobniite ftws Canova' spent Sunday at Oeco-quan. They arrived aboat 11 iSff a. m. and, getting down frwn the <;afs ~wMwfa»r<x< ttmnw,^ »hy touch-me-nots until th^r- had|,' reached the~ruins of an old fac^ tory on the bulks of Ofecpquaa creek, which serves now as a trough for a mill race. A f t « watching the ^water leap bor-hedly over the-recks at a dis­tance of twenty feet; ^

, . . . . . . . Red C Boea. If the date is ia-r L f ^ ^ v l ? ' ^ « S ^ ^ ^ i^imveniai for M B . NortH, fur-race and walked up - w e dam, stopping occasionally to see the viaitors rowing and fiehiBfe!iiK^ aBy iwtehiiig the

frlendg and wl^tvca atnaaaai: Miss Mhanie Lowe, of- lade-

pendent ffill, was a Smithfi^d visifaw this week.. . ^ |

i lzs. ;}.'J. Morpliey; Trf . ~ Chase, 1 1 ^ is viaitaig her sister. JfnuXzS. Losa^ord.

fiffil altfndffi th» I f grif mnrti iiV «Bd box party which was ^cld at Minnifvillp i3atiird»y •veninti—


The Aid Society of the Preaby terian Qinrdi^et Friday ;e7eb*

at the home of Mra. M. E. Quigg. A letter from Ifrsr N<Mih to Mrs. Mofltyn was read and plans were made to hold a meeting October 23 at 7:30 p. m., whoi Iba. HtxVb. win make an addrras- ia tiie interest of the

ther anhounecBMot jrfll be made.' Officers were elected for the

enaaing year as follbwsT. Pred^^

that crossed the creek. The water being quite low,

they^ easily walked dry shod over to the main stream, whera 8ouM be seen iurriads of rocka of all colors and shapes. Tipping about from rock to rock they the playgrounds at the sehoel came to a stone towering high in ^ house Saturday morning. They

dent, Mrs. X , IS. Qoigg; tary. Miss Naacy Merchant, and tnasurer, Mrs. D. W. BucUey,

W«k on Playgroond.

Miss Hoimaa had ^ <OFB« of the girls Mbd boys at work on


lusuru y.ouf ilrrain in istacE^ against fire and liffhtning^ See ^

For Side^Businesii property : in small town. Good ipvestment; small capita necessary. App^ or address X c^ate Joimial. 50-3

For Srfe— Runabout in good condition. Mra. A; TC, Spiga

For Rent—One largie room over pool room, suitable for of­fice or business oiterprise. Ap-~ ply to E. R. Conner. SR-tf

Wanted—6d,<X)0 white oak cross ties. See OS and get prices'. MTLynch A Co. \ 28rtf

Insurance—Ji you are afraid of Motoid Asseaamaats, ~ try our old Ime companies. If you don't like tije incretoing old line rates, try oar Mutual^ Take your choice. /We represent both kinds. Austin. Corporaticm. 53

for—rent - ^ C-iuum a welling with modefh imtimvn. ments. G. Raymond RlBciafe, Manassas, Y^ i s t f


Fnr Sslft»r>welling house and store room combined, with one acre of lunrf PA T riafmy Va . house in good condition. 8 rooms.

'e rly new 6-room house w i t h i _ large halls, 2 large-porches, 2 -acres «ood landrlocated-^-Hdlr-from Manassas C. H. on Manaa-

. s?s and__&T8tpw road. WelL__ lighted with--ehcU-icity. Both^ —-IHVPerties wOTBe sold cheap and on easy terms. 150 acres cut- -over timber land located about 2 miles aouth of Brantsville, Va., on the Indqiendait Hill .and county road E, L. Hontbaker.

- 19-12^-^W s d e or rent, possession

21st of September, the Walter Shannon praperty UP Weal SjL — For further4nformation write. ^

^''^ater Shannon, 614 Main S t , Nurfoat, Va., or see-liKltrlfa:


Horse for sale—Eight y e « 8 M. WiU work anywhere. Ap­

ply Maddox k Byrd, Manassaa. . "*- 17-tf.

; For sale—Fine seed flfe; »b-jsolutely free of garlic oJ^«iy_ jfoul seeds. W. L Steere. Ma-i nas.saj!. Va. : ~ 'i^