T/*^ I w » V imm. '^^ 'W%w' TR 'T' mi^vjm:jr:- F^S'? ... 1" 11 i-'i^WiW!!;• *WJ!ySJJ|I,"i t I »-- * - 11 VOL. XXVL No, 46. MANASSAS, VIRGINIA. FRIDAY, APRIL 1, 1921 . XOCAL ADVISqUY ': BOARD SHECIH) •8idv»UM Amir PiMmii« Bi vmmX of Ito Woik fai UM Oli DoHdakB. PUni for the «BtaUiahm«iit ia Vir- Sinia of Mvviml naw Salvatioo Armj Coci^ aad th* Mcorfaic of iutiBM fw man and WOIBMI azid a mateniity hoa- pital f^ oafortOBAto motiiart, will be aasored tlumigh the «ppoiatm«nt of eonuBonity adviaory boards id tha S i ^ vmtioii Anny throncboat (ha stitlta, in the opuuon of the SalyatfpB Army cljl- c e n at Ricbmond. Diacaaaiag the plana of the Salm- ^oD Army, Colonel W. McDonald Lee, divisional director of its aocial re- •eazeh boreao, recently stated that theae advisory boards had already , beoi tvnaiA in several eommonitica <rf the state, iadodintr Wytheville, Fred- erlcksbargr, Ashland, Waverly, Suf- folk, Harrisonburg and Clifton Forge, and that organization of advisory boards in more than one hundred ad- ditional dtiaa and towns in Virginia is in progteas. The advisory boards plan was initiated last year in the western haif of Uie coantry and has proven so successful by its adt^tSon by 2,000 e<mimunities titere, that the plan is being put into effeet tiiBvna^- oot the east tliis year. A eommomty advisory board was organized in Manassas Tuesday even- Ihg, with tile following oiBeaa eleeted: Preaidatt, H. T. D&viea; vic^^iresi- dent, G. W. Merchant; secretary, L. Iiodman, and treasurer, B. A. HuteU' MAYHAVELOCAL NEW ENIERPRISE Phas Uadtr Way f«r Vwnmatiam «f Soft Drinks Worha H m . is to have a inriee in the farm of sta tqi >o date bot^ tifaijg pfawt if piaaa new ondarway for the formatiaa of a eoospaay mater- ialise. At a meeting hald yesterday by the partiea interested, plana were adopted for ttte organizatioB of a _ eorporatioD to be known as the S-C-Nectar BottUag Works, of Manaasas,' Va., and the purpose of which will be to mairafae- tore, bottle and seD soft drinks. Thm preaort interested parties are Moaars. H. Elmer Mats, Arthur L. Pence and C. A. Sinclair, all well knomi to the people of this county. Theae three gentlemeB have subscribed to the stock of \b» company and Mr. C. A. Sinclair has been appointed trus- tee to bold all funds received from the sale of stock until the capital stock of the M^t^^any is fully subscribed. K; %IM A TEAR IN ADVANCV MEEONG AT CONNER'S HALL Your Att»ru<Uaco i« Urgwidy Requested at dio MMS MoaliBg to b« Hdd at Conaer's Hall ilMMUr, April A, 7:30 p. m. Every eitisea ef Ma«aaea«; yonag or aid. reglatered vater ar •oC will be well repaid fer arteaiteiiee apa» the maaa mwiliag ta be IMM ia Conar'a BaB Maaday evoiiag, April 4tk, ««aa Mr. S. a Hoiaiacar, sH^ SMUugar e( StaoaUw. Va, win give a tsBk «B the practical Mn a( tiM dty aaaager larai ef murieifal gwr. eraawat. | Whatever yaw preeAt eoavictieaa nuy be as to bow Miasa aas abeold be gave—ed. i e a kaov all is aot well witli Maassaaa Yea arc iatereatad ia y«i|r haoM towa—thea «0Me t« tUs anst tag.. .Toa will be t^rllaiM *• Mk as staay qwnstlsM as yea may ' cai*t0aa|c The cducatiaaal «ah«ynf tida meetiag aloae shaaU wdl fvKf mmf ooe's atteadaaee, f ocilM dty maasger plaa is widdy recog- aiicd as the aieat jaedwmiad approved of aO forau of maaidpal geveraicnt, |L la aaothcr eriaaiB yt/u will note a letter from Mr. B. G. Kaia«r, a forauc Prince ^illiam coniUy deaioaatrativ bat aow a basiaeas awa of Stanaipi Mr. Koiaer's Mdanea^irt of Mr. Helsiager aad his i rfrBsifca ef ceatiaaed iatarea^ ia Msa»swa. ahoald eoartace aB that Iftiaiiy eveidag's meetiag will be wdl wertli while attcadiC. SBLINA HOLLAND OdUD for any reason the organisatinB is not MISS perfected the funds will be returned to tie subscribers in fulL The maxi- Du^hter of Late H^wy HnllaSd mom and minimum capital stock will: Was Eighty-aix Tear* (Hd. be $16/)00 and (10,000 respectively, j ^___ This company will use the mbst ap- proved and modon machiwwy ai its UTS in seeing th£B cstterpriaa B a a . C A. Stadair Addraased aaCiaad GtixeaaUp. The aocial weIfa«|p|IMivities of the Salvation Army, hpitlpBifeappreciated before the war, lia«« been 'brought into clear antfine tfaroagfa its eaagrtk ser- vice at. home and inroad daring the war period, althoogfi this service was but a ewrtinnaiici^ tit that wiiich baa characterized tbe w«ri( «r ttii-qtgaa*f'W>mpi>t«> saeeeas. isatfam since ita lueepUflb forty years The plan^is part and parcel of the '%ome servibe'* movement of the Sal- vation Army, which hf^Ma through ita XM» e«iw «nd o<i<««M9| bt^KmiSr try to aid^maierialfy in bnni^ng about a sArtisa <tf the eountzy'4r«feiial, re- Bgioaa aad acoBOBue tnndilaa. Naturally the need of aoeb work is greater in the iadostnal and conuaer- eial colters of the country and it has been felt as maeh i s Vtrgisia aa ia any ether state of the east, aceosdag to Ccrfood Lee. ^ ^~ Tlie new cotpa wiik^ the Sahratioa Anay bt^es to eatabliab will be leeat- «d at BadCord. Oootlt Beaten, Hani- SufTdk and Haasptea. MDnnEfnxB Mr. aad Mrs. a S. £]arke tsare Monday aad were aeeoi bMM by Miss Mattie Atiiey, who is spendiBC the week at Mrs. Oazke's hinie. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B o a t w r i ^ motored to Aeootsik last Soaday. . Missiea Panliae aad Oara Carter and Mrs. Fiaads Smierinsti. of Warii- iagtOD, speaft tfaa week-end at the iiome of Mr. aad Mrs. Da^sL Ckrtsr. Mis. Faaide Shackdf Md is visiting bar sister, Mrs. W. J. Aahlqr, of iade- p^tdent BilL Mr. d i f Mrs. Paal Oaike and dau^iter, Ostheriaa, IQas LooiaB Neale, «tf Wadungtea, aad Baa Cola Keys aad Mr. Bari Waters war* Sun- day goaats «< Mrs. C. K. Claike and faaii^. Bfr. Heary Carter was in Fairfax Tuesday oa important baatnessk Meaatat B. S. Kidwdl aad Wiafleld Dewey attended tte sehbol league last Thursday aad fViday ia IjMtbaxt. Mrs. a E. Oarke spaht last Satur- day with tiie lOaaea Glaseeek, of Ag- aewrffla. Mr. J. T. Clarke waa in Waahing- tOD Wednesday ea important business. Miss Pauline Florenec spaat the Easter holidays with ber pataata of this ^aoe. Miaa Mary Ccrawell waa tha S » - day «««>iac (Mat of MB. X. J. Ate- —With the aaaooaeemaBt that the < Fanners' Co-upeiaUve Exehaagc will aMive next waek ta the eld Ka^akM property OB Ceatra atreets ac^uirad by ttiem several wmtha ago bat aatil tfaa past weak eeenpied by the haxacaa shop of Mr. S. S. Galiefaae. conies tte - ^ BMva tfaat Mr. B. B. Spriakel wij^^aat a vnleaaiziag aataidlrneat fa boa lianiiliia which the Faiasara* Kx- «^aage baa rented fw ita staia siaca its orgawiialkw Mr. Spriakal raeaat- ly took a coarse in valraalung at tta ptaat «« dM SUi^ay FMnr Works, Ftwteick. Maryfauid. Job Work?—Wa are plant, and its products will be bottled under'bigfaly sanitary conditions. Jndga C. E. Nieol has agreed to erect a building near the d^wt to be used by this eorporatioa as its home. Mr. Mets wiO be the first secretar:^ treasurer of the corporation, while 2fr. Pence will be in charge of the plaat as aaaagor. Mr. Meta has been one of the most Bocoe^^fol of the younger busness men of the town and, aa ti># original idea fmr the orgaaisatieB n Us, his naoy firioulB wHl take pleas- HIGH SCHOOL A S S r a f » . T (Contribotwi) "Good CitJKfWsfatp" waa &e theme •f the asaeaiblr Mid a n k e tdgh sdiodi WedpeadiV ef laift <f<iek, An address on tho igdkject being made fay the Hon. C. jfcpiiiTsii. dalegata, Jh> the state IitfiiTi^ii In his adMaa Mr. Sa- d u r ferodght out very dearly to tha students how they might even now be training themsetvee ia the flae tzadi- tiflau of good dtizeoahip by dMwiag loyalty to tfadr school; respect for aH pn^iety rights of otbots; and loapoet f w tbeawetvea, bodily, laawtaUr aad apirilually. Mr. Sinclair's addreaa was praeeded by a*raeitatMa by B a ^ Lazsea tt "The AnwrieaB C^ead," aad by the fid- lowiag aeriea «A i ladingi and xadta- taoBS <a ''•eaae <taat Last Saturday moroisg at 6 o'deck, at the home of tier sister, Mrs. Ban- rietta Lipscomb', Miss Selina HoUaad, 36 years of age aad ooe of the oldest residcsita odt the eoonty, ttttd of liaitrt troultle. Miss ^Dand was a dauj^ter <rf the late Henry Holland and Mary F. 8. Sheppard, of England, win came to Ammca on tlMSr waikBag trip, aat- tling in New Y<»k, vrtier* ait of Aiir childiea, with the ezeevtiaa o< MIrs. Hugh Payne, were bom. At twenty years vi age Miss Hol- land joined the Methodist Church. Dar- Ibg the CSvH Wat rite resided witk bar parents i^ Brentsville, wli»« h » hc«ae < was buraad. Miss HoUaad's ftuaily is a long-lived one, her mother being 88 years oM at the tame of her death aad her father well past three BO<»« aad tea when called to the Great Beyond. {•' Sarviving reiativea are two Mrs. Henrietta Lipaconb aad Mrs. Hugh Payne, both of Msns^saa Burial services ware aaadactad at Grace M. JS. Chnrch, SoaO, Sonday afternooa at 3 o'eledc, wiib at Manaa^asfCeiBatery. Pallbearers ware Moaars. Fisiter, J. L. Bnahonc, E. H. HOiai, H. T. Daviaa, & T. Weir aad W. V . Da- PASTOR NOW FOR PRESBYTOUANS Rev. A. B. Jaaiism InstsBfd With MpreasiTevCeraaaay Tuesday Evadag. After being eight months without a pastor, the congregation of the Ma- nassas Presbyterian Church is rejoic- ing over the installatjon of the Bev. A. B. Jamison to this <^Bee on Tnesday evening at 7:30 o'clock. Bev. Fredey Bohrer, moderator of the presbytery vl WasMngton city sad pastor of the Metropolitan Presbyte- riaa Church at the Natiooal Capital, presided, proponnded the eoaatitat^^ al questioBs and preadied the xaslal- lation sermon. The d u o ^ to the pastor was given by Bev. Alfred E. Barrows, D. the Eastern Presbyterian Qntrefa of HUNGRY TffliyES RAD) BAPTISTS BrMk lalo Coaao's BaU Last Tossdar Niflit aad E^lof Kf Fsast . Not overbardaaad with .seniles as to the sanctity of a church's sfforta to obtain foads, uaknowa thievaa broke into Conner's Hall sometime Tuesday night and made themadvea at bom* to the extent of making up a ftre, boiling coffee, devouring about throe gall<ws of ice cream, eating the batter portion of a whole ham, and parts of several ,pies and cakaa which had been teft un- cut, aad leaving a eo^^^I taiat tm the left-over porttoaa as to render waiA. unfit for use. Tuesday evening the latUes of ihm Baptist Church served a delicious chicken supper. This sad the mlscel- laaeotts aad eaady booths war* weQ patronized- After all expoaea are paid there will reatain about 9100. In anticipation of a visiting delega- tioB of Baptists ministers in eonnec-. tion vrith tile Sevwity-five MiUion Dol- lar Campaign of that ehnreh, eaoagh eatables were left In the ball for din- ner next day. Before leaving for the night, the ticket office booth at the head of the stairs in the [Conner build- ing wss boarded up and the door was seeardy locked. Upon discovery of the raid Wednes- day monung, harried calls had to be aent oat to ladies of the eongr^taoa In ordtf to provide a swt^to dinnar for the ddegation of ndniaters. Tbair liberal rasptmis prevented the display ot any seeming lask of .hd^ltaBty,: which the roteers did not apiarditly with. ANOTHER TALK ON LEE HIGHWAY Swioad Maaa Meetiai: Csoa^ Hdd at Maa Satardajr Eysniaflr. ia tlM OCASINGBK A PBACTICAL KAN B.G. Kateer at Larpe Attaai- Msnsssws Journal:—I have reading with keen interest daring the past winter tbe series of aftfelea ^> "'^J printed ia your paper from tiie poi of L - CTT L- _. -^ •.., ^ J™ **',Mr. Clarance W. Wa<eaerr Having h Waahmgton city while Bev. Hubefti j , , ^ „ ^ knowledg. «f the eandi- "•rBSwt Jdmson, of the ChrFy Chaas ^ ^ pr^ailing ia IfaaaMaaa 1 UA Ckareh gave the chaitsa t»4be people.' Bev. Edward Wriglit, of the BaB- ston. Vs., Presbytetiaa Gtareh, lad ia COW TESTING FQIt FEBBCABT nuwatai^ af teacho-, tiie Bose Bice. General Goeth^, the graat neer, WilbBr TlMeMiti»ig*r. Walter Beed, the ^ a a t ^lyaieiaa. Miss Mildred CreeL. Woedrvw WilaoB, ijhe great atataa- maa aad idealist, Mias Nell Hyde. j Afl^er soBw very attract! va part There were 32& cows tested duriag the month ef February hi the Priaee em. William Cow Tfstiag AsseeiatisB. The beat iadividaal recoad in Oa aaaoda- nn.. tiea waa aiade by No. 4 with a prednctioB of 2,349 poonde, eontainiag a C Washington, the fooadar ef a. tion. Miss CfaristiBe Moaar. Lee, the great addier. the great W-8 Pounds <rf bittter fat. TUs is Grade Holatdn cow owaed by Mr, B. Rtzwater, NokorviDe, Ta. TIM best herd taeerd was aa a^ age per cow of 846 puaufc i f wift 32a4 pomMls of batter «Bt. ISdi record was made by the hnd of l b . M. J. Sheppard. NdcesviOe. The average pradaetjoa far eow ia th» aaaodatfpff-^ns 682JS peasda of by the boys' glea dob, the pn>- *'"^ ^"^ ^^^ i«oands battar Cat. gram wak doaed by tke dagfog af the ThafWIowtag^cowson thabooorroa adiool song, and the «Star-SpaagJed pwdnced over Wjpoaads of butter fat Banner" by tite school. i Owaer, C B. Fitiwatar, MalwaaOb, That 8«Be afternotm a vary baaati- **•% • * ^ No, 4,38A fnl axhibit of Japaneae water colors i waa ssade at the faigli sdio^ by tiw artist, a Mr.. M. Sakurai. of -^^•B, who is studyiag at the U a ^ r s ^ of Virginia and making the exhAit at djArent h ^ sdiools of the atate. I WATERFALL CLUB at Scfaael Hoase oa Taaaday WHk Twelve McMbera Prtaiaf. (Nora Maybogh, Beporter) The Waterfkll AgricuKaral and Home Ecooomiea ChA haU ita regaiar —AtteatioB ia callfed to the B ^ ' and Girla' County Oub rally to be biiU at the Msnaasis High School boildtag Saturday of next wedc. Apifi 9th, ba- ginaing promptly at 11 a. m. A de- tailed aeooimt of the prograai for thia iaiportant meeting for the yeong peo- ple ef the jtbunty waa givaa ia laal «f The Joqrari. mootkly saeatiag at the artioal hanse on Tuesday aftenMon at 2:M o'dodc with twDtic memlsrs liiiiiut aad aar preatdaat praaidmg. Tba saeatiag opened with niOBg, Leag Ago.- We thaa Ser^tare nadiag by Md tfaa Locd% pny«r tiifiaiii by aB. Hi« ptogtaai naiaati d of a redta- tiea by Miss Jeaa Sasith. Bead- ing, "Katie Lee aad WBHa Gray," fcr Miaa Nora Mayhegfa. A raeitatioa by Miaa Virginia BeD. Mr. Browning viaitad at tfaa sdMol OB Monday aad j i n a l i i i to dattvor the pigs OB Friday. The BMStiBg dased wia se^r. "Bat- tie C ^ « f Mia. JaaMa lliomasaeB died ef pa- ralysis at ber bosM in BaltiBwa Wad- neaday aigfai. Before IMT aHoriafe, she was Miss ABee Speakaa. of haB. She waa far^-aiae age. Tha body day and thefaaeral at BnddHdl at U e'ctek, 9m. pcaay —Proceeds froai tfaa aale of Easto- eggs aad flows by tiM Patroas' Leagae af tfae Msaaaaaa Graded Scfaool, bdd FHday aad Saturday of laet week, totaOed f41J», to be apptiod towards the cxpeaaa of Beaded improvasaaata at tfae adiool baildiBg. ne by aefaod ddUraa i the instaOatKm prayer. Bev. Ardibald Balloch Jamiam, tiie newly installed j/mtXot «AtiM"PimAff- ttciaa CJinrdi, ia a aon of the manae, hia fa^er being the Bev. David Jiuai- aoli, of Havre-de-Grace, Md. Bev. Mr. Jamiam's aative dty is BaitiaKin, in wlaeh dty be reeemd hia early edo- catian. He is a graduate of Balti- aser* Oty Gdlega, sad of Mew Wind- scar College, Md.; is a poat-i^adaata ef PriaeetoB UaiverBity, aad a gradnate id PiiuceUwi Thadogiad Smninary. Tn 1897 he waa laanied to IQaa Oiate G. Miehad. of Aberdeen, Md. Anoag the dmrefaaa he has asiiad Biay be mentaened Bsnawidk, Md., Covenant Cfaoxdi, af OBM^ Ndanas- ka, Lafayette, N. J., Aknnbia Charcfa, ef Milfard. N. J., and Ce^ee- ton, N. T. He has beea twke deetad by Prat- bytery as a wwnmjaaioner to tfaa gaa- aral saaemMy. Both Bev. aad Mrs. Jamison expreaa tiMmadvBB aa moA pleased at tlie opporianUy of beiag reddanta «tMa- aaaaaa, aad at the praapaeti af tfaa walk ia tteir daadt. CAISABPIN tlie Esster Alice Metk spent fadidays at ber home hi Mise Mary Trainham visited her parents, Bev. and Mrs. C W. Traia- hsxn, during faster. Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Btower, jr. that the splencU axi^ ef, facta »mi the aoond akgaaeats pnaiUed by hfan sho^d net be dlowad to g» t» waste antirdy. It is, however, the notice printed in yoor last issue that our dty ssaa- ager hoe at Staantoa is invftod ta addreaa yoor ritisews at aa earty data tiiaC preavts BM to arrita you thia note eneearagiBg ] » B to do <£ yOBcaa to gat the p e o ^ eat ta faaar Mr. HoWager. He baa been fa the dfy i ataaagarSi edka hare eontiiraoasly since it was first a^eaed DiiiUaii yaara ago—first aa claik. tfaaaaa asaaagar with Uaait. ed powar tati. BOW with full aad fall respoadhility. He l»eteBtions as a peMshed aai. ale- <iaaat pahiir ^i^awii, baly V year people want reliable first-haad iafor- BwtioB aboot roanini; a towa be can ^ 0 it to theai. i beqieak £av Us aieetiaB * o«s attendaate aad yoa vHS a wrong ia urging tiia p e o ^ to oDt and take aa iatareat ia of their own hoaie tewa. Wtth pleasant reedleetioao of namereea ceortesies extdided to by The Joornal fai tlte past, I with bast widtaa &r yoa- eontjaaed ^nas, B. G. KOINES. fltaaaisB, Va.. March 29, 1921. FEW OOUABS MOKE NEEDED their little daughter, Eleaaor, Miaa Winifred EMenberg aad Mrs.'M. E. Wilkins, of Bound Hill, were g o e ^ of reiativea and friends here en Sunday. Mrs. D. F, Kiadidoe spea* tfae wcdc-end witfar ber parents, Mr. aad Mra. M » Byrne, hi JUitsx. Mr. N. Carrdl Pattie, of Alesaa- dria, vidted his lymmts, Mr. aad Mrs. L. B. Pettier last ifeek-end. Mr. E. N. Pattie ia fa BaHiiBora boyfag spriag goods lUs wedL The Catfaarpfa Good Booaakeapfag CM» waa wtertaiaed at 'Kfakweed," the home of Mr. aad Mn. Chaa. K. McDoaaM. last Tfanaday. Mrs. C. F. Brewer, sr., sad Uas Ed- moafa Pattie wan Msasisaa last Friday. Mr. Bebart Haalip has faai iag <M« ifaaaBBtiaBs tm Editor Maaaiaaa Jeomal:—^Tkaoagfa your eetaiams t^eaae allow me to ae- kaowledge receipt of the following ad- aad \ ditiond contribations towards p a y i ^ last Satord^ evadng qoite a ra^ readiUtive number of citizeaa of Ma- nassas and vicinity attended tfae mass meeting held ia Conaar'a Hall in tlie interest of the proposed Lee Highway, which may traverse a portioB of Priaea William county. This meeting, in Isrge SMasure da- plicating that hdd one week previona- ly St Haymarket and which was re- ported extenaivdy in last weak% Joomal, again afforded Prince WHUaas citizens opportunity of hearing the in- teresting and able address ef Dr. S. M. Johnson, general director of the Lee Highway Association, on what the Lee Highway woald mean bJstorteaWy a a i econoBiically to the South. Nothing definite has been settled qpon by the Lea Highway AssociatioB as to the route to be selected to get from Washington into the -Valley af Virginia, but Prince WiUiam peopfa were given encouragement to b ^ ^ that tiiia proposed highway will tea- verse the upper section of Prince WB- liam, running from Centreville by way of Stone House to Thoroughfare Gap and thotee on to llie Plains, Marshall, etc This seems to be <me of the best tA the routes laid dow^i fay natnie for a higbway. Definite annoatieem«it a« to the sdeetioB of the Rwte, aceerdiag to Dr. JduisOB. 'wiB be foithooming shdtly. However, th«e ia a great deal of prelimfaary work to be done befara the Lee Higfaway can become aa ea- tablisbed fMt, whidt neeesdtates the orgaaisation of county assodatiaiia where memberships are soUdted to sid in the work of making the I«e Highway a reality. Tlie oOcara Of the Lee Higfawajr As- sodatim of Prince WQliaa eot^i|gr. headed by^*reside&t B. Lynn Bebert- Boa was aaaonaoed in last week's is> sue. At Saturday evening's meetiBg^ additJoaal aiemhersh^ wtre solicited aad aeveral ap^icatioBa woe^toraad PraaidaBt Bobotaon praaided At the eoadusioB of Dr. Jdmsoa's talk, Mr. Boyd, tiie dialrmaa of the Lee Bi^iway Assodatioa of Warren c o ^ ty told teiefly of what the pec^le af Us eeoBty are doing to boo^ tiie h^dk- way iafa oisteaee and tabave it tta- varaa tfaair cooaty. YBBSOJt UCENSB lEAT BE BEQfJIRED CkOdroi Uadcr Fimrteca ] 4m to Ovsnte Motor YeU- dcs dntf TbwB Streets. tlia axpensea-ef Mr. S. D. Holsi^;ar, dty manager of Staunton, Va., when be vidta Mtnasxas Monday evming to discuss the prtkctacd side ef the city saaagar rona af maaicxpal govcru- aMnt, the meeting to be held at 7:M e^doek in Conner'a Hall: One dollar troai B. B. Spriakel and M ceate from M. B. WUtmora. A few doUara mote are yet aaedad to BMOt tfae siliiaT expenses.' Geatri- TwHyai amy be kft with either of tfaa loed papers to be <taly acknowledged. Aay moa^ >«ft over win be taraed M a tiM street foad of the towal . CLABEIfCE W. WAGENXE. "Ci«A|mp- —The regular monthly meeting of tiM Ladiaa' Aid Society of the United Brathrea Cfaareh will be bdd on aaoct Tharadiy, at S o^dack, at Oa faaaa af WiadfaaaUa The property ownen of w a plaaai take aetieatfaat tfae ftom April lat to 10th haa beea '•Gkaa-Up" aad that u* to be put in a abject to inspeetaea. ^^ & S. SIMPSON. M. D., all W. B U L BBOWN. Mayar. WHh bat Mayer W. ffiO Brawn aad Couadlaaat Airingtaa, Burke aad Hibba in attaadaaeai tite regalv •HdtUy ceoneameatfac adiedded im MMMlay evening 'waa adjoomed ta meet again aa Taeaday evening, wfaaa the Ibyor and all comdlmen txttift Mcasra. C M. Laridn aad B. Lym Bdtf itaoa wale presenti A permit waa granted the Farmeaa' Ce-<9e(ative feehaaga to rtmodd tfae dwdBng pmtion of the eU Kiaeheloe pnqMrty ea Centre atreet. wUeh they puidiarcd sc««zid BMnlfaa ago aad wUcli wffl be eeR9ic4 by th^ fic- chaage ahortly. Mayer Bkewn rqwrted tha edlee- tioa of 11.00 fa fiaes. Several Ulfa wan aadaied paid. Ifrwaa agned that the license scfaedgJew^OBld Twaain tfaa same as last year. Cpoii metioq bafag aude aad «a6- onded. Mayor Brown appointed Meaan. Sinclair, Burke and Newman to inves- tigate and report at the next regular or called meeting <rf tfae toaa eooadi as to tfae advisability .of Scansfag aS- taaiubaea aad all vdudea i^eratiag over the streets of the town. It waa ardered that a warrant be drawn fa faver ef the Hooper-Maakfa Company ta dam of f 1,000 OB eealjK- oeant. "~ Besolved that tfae Ladies' Beat Baoat fa Maaaasi be givca, withoat (Anige^ water to tfae extant ef tfiM galkaa per <|aarter. It was unanimously voted that a diiM oader the age of 14 should not be aQovred to operate an sotomohaa, truck or traetor within tfae corporate Badta of Msnaaaae. The PoMie Utiliiaa Committse i|pa instrocted to ooafer with Mr. Cue, au- perintendent of the power plaat, re- gardfag a re^aeated Inriwai fa salary and to report to tlw eoaaefl at Aa aKt ragalar or called meeting. Mayor Brown appointed the foQow- iag commBtee to aeBdt aubecrlptkma for aa sir compraaaor for tiio tewa wdl MMira. K. %. Kyasia and B. Lyan


Page 1: MAYHAVELOCAL MEEONG AT CONNER'S HALL HUNGRY TffliyES · MMS MoaliBg to b« Hdd at Conaer's Hall ilMMUr, April A, 7:30 p. m. Every

T / * ^ I w » V imm. '^^ 'W%w' T R 'T' mi^vjm:jr:- F S'? ... 1" 11 i-'i WiW!!;• *WJ!ySJJ|I,"i




* -




•8idv»UM Amir PiMmii« Bi vmmX of Ito Woik fai UM Oli DoHdakB.

PUni for the «BtaUiahm«iit ia Vir-Sinia of Mvviml naw Salvatioo Armj Coci^ aad th* Mcorfaic of iutiBM fw man and WOIBMI azid a mateniity hoa-pital f^ oafortOBAto motiiart, will be aasored tlumigh the «ppoiatm«nt of eonuBonity adviaory boards id tha S i^ vmtioii Anny throncboat (ha stitlta, in the opuuon of the SalyatfpB Army cljl-cen at Ricbmond.

Diacaaaiag the plana of the Salm-^oD Army, Colonel W. McDonald Lee, divisional director of its aocial re-•eazeh boreao, recently stated that theae advisory boards had already

, beoi tvnaiA in several eommonitica <rf the state, iadodintr Wytheville, Fred-erlcksbargr, Ashland, Waverly, Suf­folk, Harrisonburg and Clifton Forge, and that organization of advisory boards in more than one hundred ad­ditional dtiaa and towns in Virginia is in progteas. The advisory boards plan was initiated last year in the western haif of Uie coantry and has proven so successful by its adt^tSon by 2,000 e<mimunities titere, that the plan is being put into effeet tiiBvna^-oot the east tliis year.

A eommomty advisory board was organized in Manassas Tuesday even-Ihg, with tile following oiBeaa eleeted: Preaidatt, H. T. D&viea; vic^^iresi-dent, G. W. Merchant; secretary, L. Iiodman, and treasurer, B. A. HuteU'


Phas Uadtr Way f«r Vwnmatiam «f Soft Drinks

Worha Hm.

is to have a inriee in the farm of sta tqi >o date bot^ tifaijg pfawt if piaaa new ondarway for the formatiaa of a eoospaay mater­ialise.

At a meeting hald yesterday by the partiea interested, plana were adopted for ttte organizatioB of a _ eorporatioD to be known as the S-C-Nectar BottUag Works, of Manaasas,' Va., and the purpose of which will be to mairafae-tore, bottle and seD soft drinks.

Thm preaort interested parties are Moaars. H. Elmer Mats, Arthur L. Pence and C. A. Sinclair, all well knomi to the people of this county. Theae three gentlemeB have subscribed to the stock of \b» company and Mr. C. A. Sinclair has been appointed trus­tee to bold all funds received from the sale of stock until the capital stock of the M t any is fully subscribed. K;


MEEONG AT CONNER'S HALL Your Att»ru<Uaco i« Urgwidy Requested at dio

M M S MoaliBg to b« Hdd at Conaer's Hall ilMMUr, April A, 7:30 p. m.

Every eitisea ef Ma«aaea«; yonag or aid. reglatered vater ar •oC will be well repaid fer arteaiteiiee apa» the maaa mwiliag ta be IMM ia Conar'a BaB Maaday evoiiag, April 4tk, ««aa Mr. S. a Hoiaiacar, sH^ SMUugar e( StaoaUw. Va, win give a tsBk «B the practical Mn a( tiM dty aaaager larai ef murieifal gwr. eraawat. |

Whatever yaw preeAt eoavictieaa nuy be as to bow Miasa aas abeold be gave—ed. i e a kaov all is aot well witli Maassaaa Yea arc iatereatad ia y«i|r haoM towa—thea «0Me t« tUs anst tag.. .Toa will be t^rllaiM *• Mk as staay qwnstlsM as yea may

' cai*t0aa|c The cducatiaaal «ah«ynf tida meetiag aloae shaaU wdl fvKf

mmf ooe's atteadaaee, f ocilM dty maasger plaa is widdy recog-aiicd as the aieat jaedwmiad approved of aO forau of maaidpal geveraicnt, |L

la aaothcr eriaaiB yt/u will note a letter from Mr. B. G. Kaia«r, a forauc Prince ^illiam coniUy deaioaatrativ bat aow a basiaeas awa of Stanaipi Mr. Koiaer's Mdanea^irt of Mr. Helsiager aad his i rfrBsifca ef ceatiaaed iatarea^ ia Msa»swa. ahoald eoartace aB that Iftiaiiy eveidag's meetiag will be wdl wertli while attcadiC.

SBLINA HOLLAND OdUD for any reason the organisatinB is not MISS perfected the funds will be returned to tie subscribers in fulL The maxi- Du^hter of Late H^wy HnllaSd mom and minimum capital stock will: Was Eighty-aix Tear* (Hd. be $16/)00 and (10,000 respectively, j ^ _ _ _

This company will use the mbst ap­proved and modon machiwwy ai its

UTS in seeing th£B cstterpriaa

B a a . C A. Stadair Addraased aaCiaad GtixeaaUp.

The aocial weIfa«|p|IMivities of the Salvation Army, hpitlpBifeappreciated before the war, lia«« been 'brought into clear antfine tfaroagfa its eaagrtk ser­vice at. home and inroad daring the war period, althoogfi this service was but a ewrtinnaiici tit that wiiich baa characterized tbe w«ri( «r ttii-qtgaa*f'W>mpi>t«> saeeeas. isatfam since ita lueepUflb forty years

The plan^is part and parcel of the '%ome servibe'* movement of the Sal­vation Army, which hf Ma through ita XM» e«iw «nd o<i<««M9| bt^KmiSr try to aid^maierialfy in bnni^ng about a sArtisa <tf the eountzy'4r«feiial, re-Bgioaa aad acoBOBue tnndilaa.

Naturally the need of aoeb work is greater in the iadostnal and conuaer-eial colters of the country and it has been felt as maeh i s Vtrgisia aa ia any ether state of the east, aceosdag to Ccrfood Lee. ^ ~

Tlie new cotpa wiik^ the Sahratioa Anay bt^es to eatabliab will be leeat-«d at BadCord. Oootlt Beaten, Hani-

SufTdk and Haasptea.


Mr. aad Mrs. a S. £]arke tsare Monday aad were aeeoi

bMM by Miss Mattie Atiiey, who is spendiBC the week at Mrs. Oazke's hinie.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Boatwri^ motored to Aeootsik last Soaday. . Missiea Panliae aad Oara Carter and Mrs. Fiaads Smierinsti. of Warii-iagtOD, speaft tfaa week-end at the iiome of Mr. aad Mrs. Da^sL Ckrtsr.

Mis. Faaide Shackdf Md is visiting bar sister, Mrs. W. J. Aahlqr, of iade-p^tdent BilL

Mr. d i f Mrs. Paal Oaike and dau^iter, Ostheriaa, IQas LooiaB Neale, «tf Wadungtea, aad Baa Cola Keys aad Mr. Bari Waters war* Sun­day goaats «< Mrs. C. K. Claike and faaii^.

Bfr. Heary Carter was in Fairfax Tuesday oa important baatnessk

Meaatat B. S. Kidwdl aad Wiafleld Dewey attended tte sehbol league last Thursday aad fViday ia IjMtbaxt.

Mrs. a E. Oarke spaht last Satur­day with tiie lOaaea Glaseeek, of Ag-aewrffla.

Mr. J. T. Clarke waa in Waahing-tOD Wednesday ea important business.

Miss Pauline Florenec spaat the Easter holidays with ber pataata of this ^aoe.

Miaa Mary Ccrawell waa tha S » -day «««>iac (Mat of MB. X. J. A t e -

—With the aaaooaeemaBt that the < Fanners' Co-upeiaUve Exehaagc will

aMive next waek ta the eld Ka^akM property OB Ceatra atreets ac^uirad by ttiem several wmtha ago bat aatil tfaa past weak eeenpied by the haxacaa shop of Mr. S. S. Galiefaae. conies t te

- BMva tfaat Mr. B. B. Spriakel wij^^aat a vnleaaiziag aataidlrneat

fa boa lianiiliia which the Faiasara* Kx-«^aage baa rented fw ita staia siaca its orgawiialkw Mr. Spriakal raeaat-ly took a coarse in valraalung at tta ptaat «« dM SUi^ay FMnr Works, Ftwteick. Maryfauid.

Job Work?—Wa are

plant, and its products will be bottled under'bigfaly sanitary conditions.

Jndga C. E. Nieol has agreed to erect a building near the d^wt to be used by this eorporatioa as its home.

Mr. Mets wiO be the first secretar:^ treasurer of the corporation, while 2fr. Pence will be in charge of the plaat as aaaagor. Mr. Meta has been one of the most Bocoe^ fol of the younger busness men of the town and, aa ti># original idea fmr the orgaaisatieB n Us, his naoy firioulB wHl take pleas-


(Contribotwi) "Good CitJKfWsfatp" waa &e theme

• f the asaeaiblr Mid a n k e tdgh sdiodi WedpeadiV ef laift <f<iek, An address on tho igdkject being made fay the Hon. C. jfcpiiiTsii. dalegata, Jh> the state IitfiiTi^ii In his adMaa Mr. S a -d u r ferodght out very dearly to tha students how they might even now be training themsetvee ia the flae tzadi-tiflau of good dtizeoahip by dMwiag loyalty to tfadr school; respect for aH pn^iety rights of otbots; and loapoet fw tbeawetvea, bodily, laawtaUr aad apirilually.

Mr. Sinclair's addreaa was praeeded by a*raeitatMa by B a ^ Lazsea tt "The AnwrieaB C^ead," aad by the fid-lowiag aeriea «A i ladingi and xadta-taoBS <a ''•eaae <taat

Last Saturday moroisg at 6 o'deck, at the home of tier sister, Mrs. Ban-rietta Lipscomb', Miss Selina HoUaad, 36 years of age aad ooe of the oldest residcsita odt the eoonty, ttttd of liaitrt troultle.

Miss ^Dand was a dauj^ter <rf the late Henry Holland and Mary F. 8. Sheppard, of England, win came to Ammca on tlMSr waikBag trip, aat-tling in New Y<»k, vrtier* ait of A i i r childiea, with the ezeevtiaa o< MIrs. Hugh Payne, were bom.

At twenty years vi age Miss Hol­land joined the Methodist Church. Dar-Ibg the CSvH Wat rite resided witk bar parents i^ Brentsville, wli»« h » hc«ae

< was buraad. Miss HoUaad's ftuaily is a long-lived one, her mother being 88 years oM at the tame of her death aad her father well past three BO<»« aad tea when called to the Great Beyond.

{•' Sarviving reiativea are two Mrs. Henrietta Lipaconb aad Mrs. Hugh Payne, both of Msns^saa

Burial services ware aaadactad at Grace M. JS. Chnrch, SoaO, Sonday afternooa at 3 o'eledc, wiib at Manaa^asfCeiBatery.

Pallbearers ware Moaars. Fisiter, J. L. Bnahonc, E. H. HOiai, H. T. Daviaa, & T. Weir aad W. V . Da-


Rev. A. B. Jaaiism InstsBfd With MpreasiTevCeraaaay

Tuesday Evadag. After being eight months without

a pastor, the congregation of the Ma­nassas Presbyterian Church is rejoic­ing over the installatjon of the Bev. A. B. Jamison to this < Bee on Tnesday evening at 7:30 o'clock.

Bev. Fredey Bohrer, moderator of the presbytery vl WasMngton city sad pastor of the Metropolitan Presbyte-riaa Church at the Natiooal Capital, presided, proponnded the eoaatitat^^ al questioBs and preadied the xaslal-lation sermon.

The d u o ^ to the pastor was given by Bev. Alfred E. Barrows, D. the Eastern Presbyterian Qntrefa of


BrMk lalo Coaao's BaU Last Tossdar Niflit aad E^lof

Kf Fsast .

Not overbardaaad with .seniles as to the sanctity of a church's sfforta to obtain foads, uaknowa thievaa broke into Conner's Hall sometime Tuesday night and made themadvea at bom* to the extent of making up a ftre, boiling coffee, devouring about throe gall<ws of ice cream, eating the batter portion of a whole ham, and parts of several ,pies and cakaa which had been teft un­cut, aad leaving a eo^^^I taiat tm the left-over porttoaa as to render waiA. unfit for use.

Tuesday evening the latUes of ihm Baptist Church served a delicious chicken supper. This sad the mlscel-laaeotts aad eaady booths war* weQ patronized- After all expoaea are paid there will reatain about 9100.

In anticipation of a visiting delega-tioB of Baptists ministers in eonnec-. tion vrith tile Sevwity-five MiUion Dol­lar Campaign of that ehnreh, eaoagh eatables were left In the ball for din­ner next day. Before leaving for the night, the ticket office booth at the head of the stairs in the [Conner build­ing wss boarded up and the door was seeardy locked.

Upon discovery of the raid Wednes­day monung, harried calls had to be aent oat to ladies of the eongr^taoa In ordtf to provide a swt^to dinnar for the ddegation of ndniaters. Tbair liberal rasptmis prevented the display ot any seeming lask of .hd^ltaBty,: which the roteers did not apiarditly



Swioad Maaa Meetiai: Csoa^ Hdd at Maa

Satardajr Eysniaflr.

ia tlM


B.G. Kateer at

Larpe Attaai-

Msnsssws Journal:—I have reading with keen interest daring the past winter tbe series of aftfelea

^> "'^J printed ia your paper from tiie poi of L -CTT L- _. - ^ •.., ^ J™ **',Mr. Clarance W. Wa<eaerr Having h Waahmgton city while Bev. Hubefti j , , ^ „ ^ knowledg. «f the eandi-"•rBSwt Jdmson, of the ChrFy Chaas ^ ^ pr^ailing ia IfaaaMaaa 1 UA

Ckareh gave the chaitsa t»4be people.' Bev. Edward Wriglit, of the BaB-

ston. Vs., Presbytetiaa Gtareh, lad ia


nuwatai af

teacho-, tiie Bose Bice.

General Goeth^, the graat neer, WilbBr TlMeMiti»ig*r.

Walter Beed, the ^ a a t ^lyaieiaa. Miss Mildred CreeL.

Woedrvw WilaoB, ijhe great atataa-maa aad idealist, Mias Nell Hyde. j

Afl er soBw very attract! va part

There were 32& cows tested duriag the month ef February hi the Priaee

em. William Cow Tfstiag AsseeiatisB. The beat iadividaal recoad in Oa aaaoda-

nn.. tiea waa aiade by No. 4 with a prednctioB of 2,349 poonde, eontainiag

a C

Washington, the fooadar ef a. tion. Miss CfaristiBe Moaar.

Lee, the great addier. the great W-8 Pounds <rf bittter fat. TUs is Grade Holatdn cow owaed by Mr, B. Rtzwater, NokorviDe, Ta.

TIM best herd taeerd was aa a age per cow of 846 puaufc i f wift 32a4 pomMls of batter «Bt. ISdi record was made by the hnd of l b . M. J. Sheppard. NdcesviOe.

The average pradaetjoa far eow ia th» aaaodatfpff-^ns 682JS peasda of

by the boys' glea dob, the pn>- *'"^ ^"^ ^^^ i«oands battar Cat. gram wak doaed by tke dagfog af the ThafWIowtag^cowson thabooorroa adiool song, and the «Star-SpaagJed pwdnced over Wjpoaads of butter fat Banner" by tite school. i Owaer, C B. Fitiwatar, MalwaaOb,

That 8«Be afternotm a vary baaati- **•% • * ^ No, 4,38A fnl axhibit of Japaneae water colors i waa ssade at the faigli sdio^ by tiw artist, a Mr.. M. Sakurai. of - ^ ^ • B , who is studyiag at the U a ^ r s ^ of Virginia and making the exhAit at djArent h ^ sdiools of the atate. I


at Scfaael Hoase oa Taaaday WHk Twelve McMbera Prtaiaf.

(Nora Maybogh, Beporter) The Waterfkll AgricuKaral and

Home Ecooomiea ChA haU ita regaiar

—AtteatioB ia callfed to the B ^ ' and Girla' County Oub rally to be biiU at the Msnaasis High School boildtag Saturday of next wedc. Apifi 9th, ba-ginaing promptly at 11 a. m. A de­tailed aeooimt of the prograai for thia iaiportant meeting for the yeong peo­ple ef the jtbunty waa givaa ia laal

«f The Joqrari.

mootkly saeatiag at the artioal hanse on Tuesday aftenMon at 2:M o'dodc with twDtic memlsrs liiiiiut aad aar preatdaat praaidmg.

Tba saeatiag opened with niOBg, Leag Ago.- We thaa Ser^tare nadiag by Md tfaa Locd% pny«r tiifiaiii by aB.

Hi« ptogtaai naiaati d of a redta-tiea by Miss Jeaa Sasith. Bead­ing, "Katie Lee aad WBHa Gray," fcr Miaa Nora Mayhegfa. A raeitatioa by Miaa Virginia BeD.

Mr. Browning viaitad at tfaa sdMol OB Monday aad j i n a l i i i to dattvor the pigs OB Friday.

The BMStiBg dased wia se^r. "Bat-tie C ^ « f

Mia. JaaMa lliomasaeB died ef pa­ralysis at ber bosM in BaltiBwa Wad-neaday aigfai. Before IMT aHoriafe, she was Miss ABee Speakaa. of haB. She waa far^-aiae age. Tha body day and thefaaeral at BnddHdl at U e'ctek, 9m. pcaay

—Proceeds froai tfaa aale of Easto-eggs aad flows by tiM Patroas' Leagae af tfae Msaaaaaa Graded Scfaool, bdd FHday aad Saturday of laet week, totaOed f41J», to be apptiod towards the cxpeaaa of Beaded improvasaaata at tfae adiool baildiBg. n e by aefaod ddUraa i

the instaOatKm prayer. Bev. Ardibald Balloch Jamiam, tiie

newly installed j/mtXot «A tiM "PimAff-ttciaa CJinrdi, ia a aon of the manae, hia fa^er being the Bev. David Jiuai-aoli, of Havre-de-Grace, Md. Bev. Mr. Jamiam's aative dty is BaitiaKin, in wlaeh dty be reeemd hia early edo-catian. He is a graduate of Balti-aser* Oty Gdlega, sad of Mew Wind-scar College, Md.; is a poat-i^adaata ef PriaeetoB UaiverBity, aad a gradnate id PiiuceUwi Thadogiad Smninary.

Tn 1897 he waa laanied to IQaa Oiate G. Miehad. of Aberdeen, Md. Anoag the dmrefaaa he has asiiad Biay be mentaened Bsnawidk, Md., Covenant Cfaoxdi, af O B M ^ Ndanas-ka, Lafayette, N. J., A k n n b i a Charcfa, ef Milfard. N. J., and Ce^ee-ton, N. T.

He has beea twke deetad by Prat-bytery as a wwnmjaaioner to tfaa gaa-aral saaemMy.

Both Bev. aad Mrs. Jamison expreaa tiMmadvBB aa moA pleased at tlie opporianUy of beiag reddanta «tMa-aaaaaa, aad at the praapaeti af tfaa walk ia tteir daadt.


tlie Esster Alice Metk spent fadidays at ber home hi

Mise Mary Trainham visited her parents, Bev. and Mrs. C W. Traia-hsxn, during faster.

Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Btower, jr.

that the splencU a x i ^ ef, facta »mi the aoond akgaaeats pnaiUed by hfan sho^d net be dlowad to g» t» waste antirdy.

It is, however, the notice printed in yoor last issue that our dty ssaa-ager hoe at Staantoa is invftod ta addreaa yoor ritisews at aa earty data tiiaC preavts BM to arrita you thia note eneearagiBg ] » B to do <£ yOBcaa to gat the p e o ^ eat ta faaar Mr. HoWager.

He baa been fa the dfy i ataaagarSi edka hare eontiiraoasly since it was first a^eaed DiiiUaii yaara ago—first aa claik. tfaaaaa asaaagar with Uaait. ed powar tati. BOW with full aad fall respoadhility. He l»eteBtions as a peMshed aai. ale-<iaaat pahiir ^i^awii, baly V year people want reliable first-haad iafor-BwtioB aboot roanini; a towa be can ^ 0 it to theai.

i beqieak £av Us aieetiaB * o«s attendaate aad yoa vHS a wrong ia urging tiia p e o ^ to oDt and take aa iatareat ia of their own hoaie tewa.

Wtth pleasant reedleetioao of namereea ceortesies extdided to by The Joornal fai tlte past, I with bast widtaa &r yoa- eontjaaed ^ n a s , B. G. KOINES.

fltaaaisB, Va.. March 29, 1921.


their little daughter, Eleaaor, Miaa Winifred EMenberg aad Mrs.'M. E. Wilkins, of Bound Hill, were g o e ^ of reiativea and friends here en Sunday.

Mrs. D. F, Kiadidoe spea* tfae wcdc-end witfar ber parents, Mr. aad Mra. M » Byrne, hi JUitsx.

Mr. N. Carrdl Pattie, of Alesaa-dria, vidted his lymmts, Mr. aad Mrs. L. B. Pettier last ifeek-end.

Mr. E. N. Pattie ia fa BaHiiBora boyfag spriag goods lUs wedL

The Catfaarpfa Good Booaakeapfag CM» waa wtertaiaed at 'Kfakweed," the home of Mr. aad Mn. Chaa. K. McDoaaM. last Tfanaday.

Mrs. C. F. Brewer, sr., sad U a s Ed-moafa Pattie wan Msasisaa last Friday.

Mr. Bebart Haalip has faai iag <M« ifaaaBBtiaBs tm

Editor Maaaiaaa Jeomal:—^Tkaoagfa your eetaiams t^eaae allow me to ae-kaowledge receipt of the following ad-

aad \ ditiond contribations towards p a y i ^

last Satord^ evadng qoite a r a ^ readiUtive number of citizeaa of Ma­nassas and vicinity attended tfae mass meeting held ia Conaar'a Hall in tlie interest of the proposed Lee Highway, which may traverse a portioB of Priaea William county.

This meeting, in Isrge SMasure da-plicating that hdd one week previona-ly St Haymarket and which was re­ported extenaivdy in last weak% Joomal, again afforded Prince WHUaas citizens opportunity of hearing the in­teresting and able address ef Dr. S. M. Johnson, general director of the Lee Highway Association, on what the Lee Highway woald mean bJstorteaWy a a i econoBiically to the South.

Nothing definite has been settled qpon by the Lea Highway AssociatioB as to the route to be selected to get from Washington into the -Valley af Virginia, but Prince WiUiam peopfa were given encouragement to b ^ ^ that tiiia proposed highway will tea-verse the upper section of Prince WB-liam, running from Centreville by way of Stone House to Thoroughfare Gap and thotee on to llie Plains, Marshall, etc This seems to be <me of the best tA the routes laid dow i fay natnie for a higbway. Definite annoatieem«it a« to the sdeetioB of the Rwte, aceerdiag to Dr. JduisOB. 'wiB be foithooming shdtly.

However, th«e ia a great deal of prelimfaary work to be done befara the Lee Higfaway can become aa ea-tablisbed fMt, whidt neeesdtates the orgaaisation of county assodatiaiia where memberships are soUdted to sid in the work of making the I«e Highway a reality.

Tlie oOcara Of the Lee Higfawajr As-sodatim of Prince WQliaa eot^i|gr. headed by^*reside&t B. Lynn Bebert-Boa was aaaonaoed in last week's is> sue. At Saturday evening's meetiBg^ additJoaal aiemhersh^ wtre solicited aad aeveral ap^icatioBa woe^toraad

PraaidaBt Bobotaon praaided At the eoadusioB of Dr. Jdmsoa's talk, Mr. Boyd, tiie dialrmaa of the Lee Bi^iway Assodatioa of Warren c o ^ ty told teiefly of what the pec^le af Us eeoBty are doing to boo^ tiie h^dk-way iafa oisteaee and tabave it tta-varaa tfaair cooaty.


CkOdroi Uadcr Fimrteca ] 4m to Ovsnte Motor YeU-

dcs dntf TbwB Streets.

tlia axpensea-ef Mr. S. D. Holsi^;ar, dty manager of Staunton, Va., when be vidta Mtnasxas Monday evming to discuss the prtkctacd side ef the city saaagar rona af maaicxpal govcru-aMnt, the meeting to be held at 7:M e^doek in Conner'a Hall:

One dollar troai B. B. Spriakel and M ceate from M. B. WUtmora.

A few doUara mote are yet aaedad to BMOt tfae siliiaT expenses.' Geatri-TwHyai amy be kf t with either of tfaa loed papers to be <taly acknowledged. Aay moa^ >«ft over win be taraed M a tiM street foad of the towal



—The regular monthly meeting of tiM Ladiaa' Aid Society of the United Brathrea Cfaareh will be bdd on aaoct Tharadiy, at S o^dack, at Oa faaaa af


The property ownen of w a plaaai take aetieatfaat tfae ftom April lat to 10th haa beea

'•Gkaa-Up" aad that u* to be put in a abject to inspeetaea. ^^

& S. SIMPSON. M. D.,


W. B U L B B O W N . Mayar.

WHh bat Mayer W. ffiO Brawn aad Couadlaaat Airingtaa, Burke aad Hibba in attaadaaeai tite regalv •HdtUy ceonea meatfac adiedded im MMMlay evening 'waa adjoomed ta meet again aa Taeaday evening, wfaaa the Ibyor and all comdlmen txttift Mcasra. C M. Laridn aad B. Lym Bdtf itaoa wale presenti

A permit waa granted the Farmeaa' Ce-<9e(ative feehaaga to rtmodd tfae dwdBng pmtion of the eU Kiaeheloe pnqMrty ea Centre atreet. wUeh they puidiarcd sc««zid BMnlfaa ago aad wUcli wffl be eeR9ic4 by th^ fic-chaage ahortly.

Mayer Bkewn rqwrted tha edlee-tioa of 11.00 fa fiaes. Several Ulfa wan aadaied paid. Ifrwaa agned that the license scfaedgJew^OBld Twaain tfaa same as last year.

Cpoii metioq bafag aude aad «a6-onded. Mayor Brown appointed Meaan. Sinclair, Burke and Newman to inves­tigate and report at the next regular or called meeting <rf tfae toaa eooadi as to tfae advisability .of Scansfag aS-taaiubaea aad all vdudea i^eratiag over the streets of the town.

It waa ardered that a warrant be drawn fa faver ef the Hooper-Maakfa Company ta dam of f 1,000 OB eealjK-oeant. "~

Besolved that tfae Ladies' Beat Baoat fa Maaaasi be givca, withoat (Anige^ water to tfae extant ef tfiM galkaa per <|aarter.

It was unanimously voted that a diiM oader the age of 14 should not be aQovred to operate an sotomohaa, truck or traetor within tfae corporate Badta of Msnaaaae.

The PoMie Utiliiaa Committse i|pa instrocted to ooafer with Mr. Cue, au-perintendent of the power plaat, re-gardfag a re^aeated Inriwai fa salary and to report to tlw eoaaefl at Aa aKt ragalar or called meeting.

Mayor Brown appointed the foQow-iag commBtee to aeBdt aubecrlptkma for aa sir compraaaor for tiio tewa wdl MMira. K. %. Kyasia and B. Lyan

Page 2: MAYHAVELOCAL MEEONG AT CONNER'S HALL HUNGRY TffliyES · MMS MoaliBg to b« Hdd at Conaer's Hall ilMMUr, April A, 7:30 p. m. Every


^"WWF'fiW • w «r"^w^ '•llfr-WVM"^'8P*'V^'»'^- T *'•


M U ttiy -WODM not tBov maj

Our plant is now in opera-^ iion and we are prepared I to furnish ice in any quan-I tity. Give us your order. •I*


FOSABETIfiiFAR For ooUidert MM) iMweoDMis to na-

dcnUnd the fair utaatioB, It btcamm nrrnwrr to nritm pMt BofM Show Uatorj at ManitMi Fiftem yaua •CO it Mt out witii brifffat pro^oeti mod $10,000 in eMtb to iaprow tlM toM4 of anB7 and hontias horMS, on-d«r acreement then not to aUow ISOM. Sooa, bovcver, by v^ing atodc and prexie*, they introdncod this gambliac «Iem«at. Som« of oar beat dtixwia and |tockhold«ni then with^w.

When we reorganized for a fair in 1919, some of tfaeae predicted then that it would tnm out in the aame way. After running through with what


men wf their cropa, atodc, or eUdMB ,1a tt. OuiiilM^ «U> woma (Ite larcwt aad aiaat iBflaaaOal dkatak)

[paased raarintioaa denooadar radac rowdTten, aad iodaceat aid* alwws, •tatinc tfaiay weald Itave aottainc more to do with it. Thoae who heard them praaeat their eaae, adatit that poiat was well tatcan. The Secretary

I eoaeedad that, iadaeant ahowa had to ,be tiiia«d wit, bat aaid these side shews were hard to ice^ poated oa. What we want to know is, why have any ? . If the best oar eooBtry affords is not good eoonsh to b« interesting, than it is high time we were organis­ing to make it so.

The Country Gentleman, in a last summer issue, teils of a >ea<Ung IIU Bois Fair (Ueroer) with good lot and money they had, and all they eoold,, , , , . ,, . . . . . . . .

"•"' . I, eu _ * , - j « ««.! buildings, all paid for and cash in the borrow, the Horse Show found so little •,_ . ^ I I -J J • • ^ ^^



t t T T ? T t t t

INSURANCE We arc ready for bnsineaa^wffl handle all lines <tf

INSURANCE, inelnding Fire, Hirft, Bnrslary, Ma*« Gbasr Uability, Piopertr Daawge, CoOitdon, HcaHb aad Acddeat-^'Hie Philadd^bia l ife.

Swaeof oar ^>eriiiln 1 ^ Aetoa CwaMnatiiH* A«-tcnioUle PdicF. all i* one—ttw best tbaii can be boocH

Why waU ontil yon have m aeeidait «r &» b c f ^ insnrmg yoitf aaioBMribfie?

When in town eraae in to see ns. ^Rfl be glad to caH and oplaia the peliey best salted to year i

T#ar iatMCSt wffl ahreys be ear tivt I

R.CHEREFORD M. L a BoOdiag, MuasBas, Ta.

RtitereBce: The National Bank ai

New Garden Seed | 1! We have everything yoa want for the garden. Beth ^ loose (by the onnce) or ra padcagcs. Peas, all kmds; Beans, all kktds; onn, ail kmdSj by the pint er qoari. Red and White Onioa S^s—4^eapar tihan-we tsra saw them before.. % IRISH COBLER AND EARLY ROSE SEED POTA­TOES—THE VERY BEST MAINE GROWN—WILL BE HERE NEXT WEEK. % WE HAVE CLOVER SEED OF ALL KINDS—R^ CLOVER, TRUE SAPLING CLOVER AND ALSYMC, CLOVER. RED TOP ORCHARD GRASS, T U K X I B T AND ALFALFA



J. H. Burke & Ccnnpany I MANAssAa viacawA I


Do You Want Service? H If yoor car isn't working jnst ri^t--4f yoor patkMS is abo^ gOM aad yMi Jost can't anke the eU hw b*-hava, bring it axoand to the new Gang* aad gira as a tiy aol. We wffl Ix it for wa ttww hew. ! • atlMr werda, yoo'B get aaz iBn i awriee ai Oa 1

V DistribatorB toe Lee Pnetore Proof teed for ^,000 ndhs—$i.M for ei DlaaoBd and Geodikh Una. OliMr<

adOlforayi AOL

local interest that gate receipts and! entry fees would not pay operating ex­penses. The race horse man in charge that year told me himself that people iwre do not appreciate the sport of Udags—radaff—that he was thronch with Manassas. (And, by the way, h« was the only man in the county mak­ing a specialty <a racing.)

Sure enough, there was no meet tlie next year. Business men and fannexk then would be wise to start an agricoltoral fair. Careful inquiry waa made, not only by fte Ladies' Auxil­iary, bat also \v the Farmws' Xnsti-tate, and we were assored by both county agent and his fair expert, that a fair could be niade a sneeess witixwit races, gambling devices, aad immoral shows, aad that there would be no' such. T9 Biake sore, wa want fartKsr by iaaidingthatitbe pot in the char­ter.

Later OD, at a special meeting, called tor that purpose^ enough sto(& and proxies were secnred to insert a daoae calling for "Contests of Speed." Some of us, while not daiming te be i^iilos-ophers, tSiought We could see that there woold not ]^ much difference be­tween a "cMitest of speed" and a horse race, and refdsed to take up oar stock. (They claim now that we do not amount to moeh—only a few cranks.) It was seHous enmigh though for tiieat, then, to admit fhey could not go forward without money, so a meet­ing was called at the courthouse to de^ tormina what tiie people wanted! a rising vote and count, we found that racing was tamed down by three to one. Thoe were no races tha( year.

bi 192(ttbe Horse Show erowd ovar. reached as by changing the date agreed upcm, to t ^ one iriueh rained out. Tins was done to pot op in the Horse Show circuit, so profes­sional drc^it-goers could drop off at M«Tni«M»T enronte to Fauqaiar. Few will f(»xet the conttpoous downpour of rain opont these dates. They daim, and it is true (we are thankful for. it) that we do not make the weather—but the Horse Show crowd, and ibips alone, are responsible for putting our fair onda tiu^ particular water-spout of 1920. I predicted also at the.time that the origrizud date would prove fine weather. So it tamed out, as can bej; estahluhed by witnesses—tf> whom I'J xemarlKd; 1 told yim So. " !

Notice tiiey set the 1921 show again' in Horse Show instead of Fair circuit. > August is too farly—weathn- too hot j and dusty. Or stormy. Crops, young 1 stock and poultry are immature, andi old birds ia moult. We wish a datoj jost hef<»« or after the Fairfax Fair. \. August date akme is snJBeient to ^e-1 vrat a saeceasfd fair. Why ruin it, a I thiag ia lAidt the asajor^ ci oar own people are interested, for the s a ^ of. ahowtec sf raoe bozaes—a gam* at whidi vary few of as eaa affbid to p»yt

I>iseoaraged by the dismal faitare aad hig leaa, they xi a races oa Labor Day, aader '^aspicas of Priaee Wil-Maai Fair AseocistJOB," ia dsGberate aad wilftil vielatioB ^ the acreeawnt by wfaidi tbsy seeared the ataaey. Meet ef the safaseriptiaas had already bean paid 19 oa the aasaiaaee that than wooM be ao radas. ' I rsfaied to pay thea, bat have saea efferad to setUeoa the basis of my safaaeriptkst, fior an agriealtaral fair.

l l ie naxt move was n> call another a<eetiug, WIMB it is daisied thxee-toarths voted for ladng. Note, how­ever, thb was doaa by thirty asing aboA €tl seveaty-ene proxies, a pro-caediBg admittadly rcqpoadbie for raaaing away with Ute old awociatioa, aad whSdt we stated plaialy w« woald, aet stand for m thia. Labor Day racea rssaUad ia a fiBlfaer hMS of $3M. The: troth is, that Hit Berse Show haVSZ-1 copied the stage here to the erxdosioB ci BMsa wwthy aad importaat enter-: prises. The Pair has been roa both] wiOi aad withoot races. In adttter way did, aw can itever teodi the real| tatarests of eaeogh people to make it' asaeeaas. To fflostratc, take the last;

bank—the paid admissions of the sea­son being $17,000. AU.,tiiis without a Bo-«al}c(l "attcaetion,'' n<ur a single dollar in capital steek.

'New to business point of view. Thn race track and grounds bdong to a aoa-resideat, who refuses to conddcr its sale or a long term lease. Stt^ to think a minute. Were this associa­tion a sneeess otherwise, would it not be foolish to put permanoit buildings oa land belonging to some one elsef Instead, the association's statmaent is practically an admissim of insolvency. Liabiiitiea approximating |7,000 and what are its asseto? Two years axo we directed attentiim to the wrong in placing more money on horses than all the crops sad stock combined—reeom-inended a redaction of %lfiO0, whidi still left over twice what Fairfax pats on ito horse department. Instead of reducing the 6orse Show prises, they were increased |1,400 to 11,700, exda-dve of purses. Is it wise to pot more money into one attraetioB ( t ) thaa into our poultry, sheep and p%s, asks an ex.'sapointendent?

Whether we Hke it or not, most of US are up against a long period of en­forced economy. John Clay, of Clay Rd>inson A <^., ssys ia Us last mar* ket reporty that on a 100-mila trip across a rich aeetieo of New York, hs paased only two cars, wh»eas, niotor^ ing same way each spring ia past ytears, he'd see from 60 to 100 cars. Stated he had run his cara in, sold his hunting horses aad hooads.. And, Mr. Clay is,Beither a poor aor a

lag It (Baa BaL N«. U7B, VwmiaK Adivitisa.)

tt is bat ««b to say te» the prsd-dHit is not parsoaayy rsspoodUa f* all tbs dUfta made. We at* aot autk-ing aa attack on Mr. Bobertaoa, er any body sine, pscseaally. On ths con-Uazy, we see modi in thdr pahlie

thdri gpirit and gmipMr to admire. We 'h<qie they wiU lead oat ia a pnaly agriodtaral fair, doss ia to towa. j

Where te the sense or justice in praaUaing to pay foar to six thousand dollars for speed wd sport aad vUe shows, iriifls we can't pay our boys and girls and thdr motiiers their small allotmmt of wdl-«amed priae money T To pay Paia i * e WoHts twice what all our sheep aad hogs got is scarcely fair.

MjnisnnBi haa already achieved rec-egnitioa for leadership with the Land Bank, Federal (jov«mmeot Wool Warehouse, Farmers' Union. My judgment on rural sentient in North, em Virginia is away if. i t doss aot sup-p<»t a fair catoring to. the actual far­mer and his family. will eoQM aa 'H>ae of thoa^ Messmgs which nt«k-eth deh aad addath no sorrow tbara-with," Is Bty prayar.


TYPEWRITERS! * Usaf aad Edssssd by U. 8. Goifannat

Bsmincton No. «. or 7 (bUad). .fl4M Bamiagtoa No. 10, vialUa t aoU

w ribboa «•«> Und«wood No. 4, oaa^te rih-

boa..^ » ^ Undsn^ 4, a-cdor liWwJ,

l a ^ i p K a r -••• '^M Boyal No. 1, ono-ooiwr rttboa. - • » J O Boyal No. 6, a-eolor riUMB iHJfO Oliver No. S..W 1 * ^ Oliver No. 5 « " • CHiver No. 9 ^.....^... S6.00 llonarth 2 aad 8 ' «74» Smith-Premier 10, Linotype

Keyboard. rd>ailt 9BM Guaranteed in good used oimditiaB

alt ready for long hard service. Sat-isf aetiMi guaranteed or purehaae prioa r^nnded. WWd> sise typo will yoa have Pica (ff Elite. Ordars fillod promptly.

Bibbons.'Amy color or colors, for aay make of MaeUae. eadi TiSe ddivsnd. Stote make and modoL Caxbon p a p * per box of 100 dioda, 11.96 ddivsvid. Bmpire Typo Foaadry, Bagalo, N. T.

Our i»apoaiti<m is to bay. a lot fo town, and pat iq> sohstantid boildiBga yrhtsu funds in haad warrant. A sav­ing of 116/MO caa be made in five or six years. This lias resulted in o^edi-taUo eqo^men^ f « other seetioos try-


W A S M O O T &i


C o I N c



Tie prices oa Building Materials have been steadily going down for many ifiontbs and have now reached the point ^here the conservative invfeator caa figure on tmildiag and improving.

We have the most complete stocks of LUMBER, MILL WORK AND BUILDING MATERIALS we have had tor several years and are giving tmr trade the advantage of re­ductions in prices by the producers from month to month.

amoU Where quality, price and service we will get the bosiifeas this Spring.


w A

s M

8 T &

C o I N m




eatalogae, which Aamu 8MB—aO hease people—made exhibiU, to twaaty odd oatraats of hotsss over half e< them ootaldars. Nearly $100 was pat oa eae army hotse, oOear's aMoat. Now just why should oasi hone get about the sante aMMicy aa aO these seventy home woaaea, who «x-faiUt domestic sdsaee prodnets?

One of oar best tserehaats charac-tariaod the effort to make the Fair carry the old Horse Show like "trying to revive a CMIMO." Many farmen



When you want a real, juicy steakp or a choice roast, let us serve y(Mv and you will always want ift be served by us. We curry a fuB liiie dl die b o ^ of meats of aB kimis.

Always a fresh line of Grocer­ies and gre«i vegetaUes at reason­able prices. GMmetousb^oreyon buy or you wffl be missing a b t

Special Prices Every Saturday Do you know pure lard has advano-

ed? This Saturday 50-pound tubs at \SH ceniis per pcwmd.

We pay cash fdr your eggs» diick^ cnsy eahras, indesi e t c


Page 3: MAYHAVELOCAL MEEONG AT CONNER'S HALL HUNGRY TffliyES · MMS MoaliBg to b« Hdd at Conaer's Hall ilMMUr, April A, 7:30 p. m. Every


WODAT, AFVIL 1. IWl T7!^>w'|^Pip^npiP9^in^»>pv'^^*«iipimi^^ ^SSw


The Manassas Journal Jonraal Pabliahiac Co^ Inc.

D. K. LBWI8.

Va« H MM0d-«bM Bail

I L M • 7Mr ta

THE MAjiAfiSAS JOPKNAL, MANAfiSAa. VIBGINIA tec •riwhiitwHM dadiM* to piaM •ay faith wfaatevcr in UMM praniiaca. It-dwunda ftmdaamtat ehansM ia tiM •eon^Btfe ayston mdartyiac tha SoTiat NtiaM that oaeMurily imply eomplate npudiation of iu political sy^aail—Siehnoad TioMa-Dispateb.

LAUGH AND LIVE ^ ' * * ' * < » ' * * » « " ^ l * ' > » » * « « i » » * » M « » » « » » l » « » < i W « »



Fridny, April I, 1921

WILSONS POUCT UPaOBLD Tha annoimcaittMrt tram Waahinf.

ton that Saerataiy HnthM ha« traaa-ttltt^l ^ Bota BptifyiBc tha Soriat aa-«^ritiaa that zwoiptioa of teada ba-twacB tha tmo ooaatriaa eoohl not ba eoasidarad uatU fuMiamantal chaacaa had baan mada ia tha aeMUNnk ay»-tam ondarlyinff tha Soviat racima. >• ^Midadly iataraattec nadlng, ia tha U^it of tha bittar critieiaB haapad npon tha WOaoa adaiiniateatka. by BapnbHean leadwa for taUng a afan. ilar stand. Caiargad with tha raapoaa. Ibility of goinmifmt, they now find themselvea oompallad to pay tribnta to tlM wisdom of th» policy adoptad l>y the provjow administratis by eoatinaing it in forea. Moraovar Sac-rotary Hooyar avtlwrisas tha stata-mant that caatinaaaea of this Wilson policy met with the fall sppiovd of •vary membw of the H««<<|iy cabi-act.

When Warren G. Harding at Oes Moines deliberately annonoced that, if elected, ha would revens all the for-icn poUeies of the Wilson adaiinistra-taen, he practically held oat his hand to Leniiie and Trotsky. It may be troe that in other ottarances he de-aoffiiead Sovietism, sasorwl the coan^ tef that he wooM have notisiaff to da with an wgaaization that was bent apon destroyinjr the govwnaient of the United States, and gave notiea that he never reeosnised Leniaa.

That was not the impoataift faci in the sitBation, from a bolshevist view­point Tb9 imp<artaBt fact waa that tt» KepaUican party was campalgB-big f«ir, powOT upon a p lat fo^ of ra-yadi^aan; that U aolemnly aaaoanead

Witty 8ayia«B ffkaaa H M ' UvfiMi '^TiMmiiL af Ike Gsoky

Short DfnctieM for Baay Peaplo.

To flad a aaadk ia a hayata^—sit down OB it.

To remove stains fruB m'^melm —Marry BMoay.

To o joy yonra^ a i yonr wils's dia-ner party—stay away.

To keep fraasea in yoor tronsaz*— Bamova tha giil from yoor lap.

To plant a gardao—Hte a plantar. To rest «iaietly-^Cloaa tha whtdows

aad tozn oo tha saa. To aeeamalate aMiiay—#ock hard

and spaad nothing. To beat the eariy Urd to the worm

—Stay np all night . To ba Preridant-'<;o to sleep and

dream i t To tat arreated—Lai yomr wife

drive the ear. To be tfaoai^ a UazwAhMiys tsQ

the troth. To sea bettor tioua ahead Drink a

qoart of hooch. To ba bais>y tiioagb mani«l—Uava

l U C L .

CIGARETTE H9 e i«ar«U9 has

^ha sanw iMloioiM ~ l l«v«r as Luoky Strike. Baoausa Luoky Strlka la | !M |



ItK^*^"^ *^"'' ^^* ^•" ^ *•»« Garage BnsiaM I want to tliuk

fiowB, aai tf hmMrty in


• • •

it waia oat to destroy WilsraiRB and dbwww every act and sottimcnt for vrtiieh that administiation stood.

^ ft %as Woodraw Wilsoa who had givea Sovietism ito most terrific blew. It waa WUaota who had hidietad it at tha bar of dvilisataon and had heaped eotrtamsly tqion it to soch an' extent that no otiier great power daxad deal with it whQe ha was in oflka. If tits Sep<d>Hean party i h o ^ Wfai, LeniM assumed that it woald lose no time ia axptrngtog tram th» reeord of the American goverament every revoeaUa ptdiey or program that the Democrat-ie presid«it had qp<maored.

And Leniaa lost no tima on his part, la pniawiflag ins petttioa to Praai-dent Hardhig. Withhi leaa tihan a month of Mr. Harding's indoetion in­to oflfee, tha Bolshevist dictot4ff, pre­tending reg«naati<m, petiti(»ied Mr. Han&ig for a resamptioB of trade r«^ latioiis with Sossia. He dedarad that It was not the purpose of the Smriat to foment revefaitiMi in Amoiea or to interfere in any form in the imii r Mia of govammeart in this eoantvy. He aakad the privilege of sendiag a nda-sion to Ajaaika to negotiate with (his government

This placed the issoe sqoardy be­fore the new adiwintstratian. It waa not to be sidestepped. Soaw answer bad to be made to the Bolshevwt com-msakation. The answw waa i»ompt-ly forthemaiag and it is a eomplete Olduddiag of the policy <rf the prev-io«s adnunistratitm and, by implica­tion, open eraifessimi of its wisdom.

Meanwhiie, the canning Leniae has proclaimed his own reform, it ap­pears. Ha has abandonad most of the ftedaxBsatel principles of CoBuaoB-ism. He iias dedarad that world rev-dntioa is aa longer to be p^^soted by militant Socialism and be is ready to make fl^ieads with "capitalism.'' Hew serioQsly this surrender was taken by ths HardiBg administration is indicat-ea by the ptdicy adopted regarding the ptwpoaad Mgotiataons. The Hard-

Owh! The seedy bat honest person entered

tha second-hand clothing store and aoeoated thejeraprietor.

"Last Tuesday," he Itid, "I bought a second-Jiaad suit hen, and—"

•Vothiag doing," dioated the pro­prietor, 'nrtm examined tha suit and paid yoor money; the deal's dosed!" And with ungentle hands he pushed the Person into the street

"Oh, vary wall," said tiw Person, wavii« a twentyrdollar Inll ia the dealer's face. "1 jwrt wwited to ^ v a yon hack this tiiiag that I I b o d fat one of the veat pockets."

Moral: Q^a a Gay a Chaaea and HiOd T o v Fsah fa Miradsa^Tbaaa-

'Bli»«d».'•«>:•-• • • • ' . , ' • : , - •

Same af the SasMu A negro. bo««ht a horse, which he

afterward found woold not go. Ha took it to a veterinary sargaon, wlw injaeted morphine into the *i»TmHi

The hMae bdted down the^stxeet vrttile tha sstniifthad negro tamed to the nrgaon and aakad him wliat the charge was.

"Ten cents." said he. "Than.'* aaid Ba«tiw, "I want y«a to

p«it 60 eoto ' w u f t of tiiat staff ia v y Jaigs." • . " •

"Whyt" asked, ha doetn. " 'Canaa Tse got to ketdi dat h o v r •Cdnndila Seeord.

A yotug soburban doctor whose practice was not very great sat to his study reading sway a lasy aftemooa in early sununer. His man servant appeared at the door.

^"Doctor, Vtytm boys is staalin' your green peaches again. Shall I dtaae them away?'

' The doct(« ktdced thoughtfol Ut a momwt, then leveiad his eyas at tha •errant

"No," he said. • • •

The Sydney Bulletin tails a aew story of the shirks caught at hia own game. It was a soldior wlw said:

"Please, sergeant-major, may I be excused from chordi parade? I am MB. agmMtic"

"Dont you believa in the tan «am-mandmoitB, tt>aa?"

"No, Idon^" • "Not avea the one aboot kamfaig l U

Sabbath?" "No." •• • "Well, yoa'ra the very man rva bean

Ia<ddteg fgr to aewh out the eanteepa.**

aiO' fricnda, to whom _ ihg to loMw that the . . coonta, it 1 ^ contJiiiM to n eany a compicto stock of Ford Parta. I ako MH Na« a^i n . ^ Caw. a«d the fa»oiia Le. Poaeto* V^ cLSSuT^^iSL^^ b«k«I by a raaraatoe that is a gasnatoe. A B ^ iSSTto * T t C hiA. TH I X cSrZT / ^ - £ - - ^ ^ lasar to IM aad t«t jma tmomtf S & wTriiiS, ^ ^ * ^ •" •• " ^ •• "" " **« • • ' ' ^ ^ I 5 5 ? K I ^ 'H*"*' ' • • " "' •«*»»* luiehiBa ahop experieaeti, rev will pr^t by tfmiag any laaseaaUe tfstaaea to haS« wZS^^iZTLJ^ "•*« Mypscseaal avarrWoa. ^ ^ ' ^ n^ain wniu

flalsarebaUdaadpaiat cai*. All work coaraataed.


° ^ * " * • • • • - Very traly yoors, CHAS. J. GILLIS&

To Whom It Mv CoBc«»: M«»««^ Va, Deeeaib«r 8, 1920. I met Mr. C. B. Rolaiid soon after eomins to tlie eoimtv >•»! k. h^

*me quite a bit of work for me. whldhha? ahm b S LrfitS? £ ? Wwtory. «.d his c l u « ~ h.Te beea i^m^liJ^'liSe^^X It

•datak^ I a« sor^ ia coiat to hte. Very reepect&yT " " * • " • M. KHTGE WBtniOBB.

Somethiag ia a Name. "Gee, wfaix! Isat that Smithaoa

who Jast went by in Us anb»9obiIaf When I knew him a few yaara ago ha had a junkshop."

"He.stiU has. Only he aurrad it «» a fashiflwabla •treat sasi lahdad Oa •aine stock'

• • • Ths Caaaa.

Two Florida dazidto ««(• watting a balloon —w-^-j"" Tha yaoagar daricey looked up at te big hat h> anasament and tiwn said:

"I woiMler what ke^s that ba-looa op in the air that«-way?"

"WaB." relied the oldar darkay, "it is ^ased by varioaa ensea. Soma-tiaMs it is caused by one caaaa and then again aoawttoiea tt ia eaossd by

Farmer Brown—"So you've got back from New Yoric, have ye, ffi? How did yoa fad to soch a htg dty?"

Farmer Grsea—"I fdt toe my poek-aihook Boat o' the tana."—&>stoa uaaaer^t

* * * Teacher—James, give ma a aen-

t o c e using the word "incooeu" James—'a opened th« door axMi *&!-

eoaw' the eat" , • . • • a ^ ' " ' , ' . \

Brnks—"Was the loss on Bnnra's dwdUiVtotial?"

Jiidc#—"Yea; the neM^bora aavad six m d v ^ a a , bitt raeagmsad thaw an."

'\nsitor—I am eellaeting for the poeto' haq^ttal. Wm yon coatributa?

Editor—Witii Jrfaaaoza. ChU to-n«fat witii the aadmlanee and ra have a peat ready. .

• • • , •

flTBt-CIaas Scoot—"Why do bens only lay egga m the day-time?"

Tenderfoat—"I give Uvp." FIrst-CIaas Seoot — "Pecaaaa at

night they are roosteta."


Dependability in

fDcpendabiltty iabankiagsaTfee has heen the one reeogalad iavortaat factor that ia demaaded by the depoaitor of a baak ia haadltDjr MB faads aad bnpkifao^ofataas of a inaadal Baton.

f Ja —<rfi«ff your fc—n^g Srreatest care, aad wMi (tf the lastttatioa which 1 itlsafaistonaderyea.

cmiaaetioB tt ah^d he doae with the of the zeemd aad staadkw

yoar liniiiiiiii, sa w«ii aa thasorvlee



Ths Joomal 1.60 a yaaria advaaca aa4 wortli tha «ir<




tobacco makes 50 tadqAMfiHMlbr



Aathar of bcpertiaent Paaiaa

I had a f riesd. Ti. ^„ ^ ,. And he had a mine. It was full of ore and its grade was fine. Be could show, by the mi9. a deposit of ora Whin made it as safe as nmniiv a store. OrafaetnyplaBt

AQ there waa to do Was to pat op a mill aad ma it thitragh. The assay plainly jHToved that the <m wodd roB Some several d(dlars to every too. If I wasted to whi. here was one best bat ^ I pat is my pila-aad it's ki thete yat. Oh. wcU, every toidea dnaa mast Md, Aad aoiae dreasBS an short

^ Birt I had a friead.

f Witii a rseecd of tweaty-ive yens of piactieal banking, sad witii rcaottees of man thaa sevca hondbcd thoassad ddlare, we oga yoa a baaktef avvica that is btead aad comp^cMive ki its scope

ta BMst year evecy partieater ftauieia] le-


Grain,Hay,FIour,andFee(Is Unicorn and Ballard Dairy Rations, G>tton S e e d MeaL Horse. Hoir and Pnnlfrv F a h *

Hie Peoples National Bank MANASSAS. VntGINIA

A drastic and very serious conditum of deflatkm ex­ists and the prices of many retailers are entirely out of proportion to raw materials, but you wifl not find this conditi<m existing wfam you investigate our prices. We have taken our losses and are olfering everything in our line on the new low basis.

C M. LARKIN & COMPANY XxMrn Mittersy^anassas, Va.

Page 4: MAYHAVELOCAL MEEONG AT CONNER'S HALL HUNGRY TffliyES · MMS MoaliBg to b« Hdd at Conaer's Hall ilMMUr, April A, 7:30 p. m. Every

i f f i i«^PS^»WflPPipiWP^ E«IBI



—Mr. W. J. ShdtoB, of WmabiagUn. -was • Joomid visitor today.

—A bskby wM botn to Mr. «ad Un. W. L. Br«wBiB« iMt ThsirwUr.

—Th* AprU term of th* circuit court will convene next M<«day.

•n^ I - * - ' Ail SodeCy of G»«« ! —Mi" K " ^ 8 « » ^ who !• fct-l

to. G ^ » . € « * . . l»otJMr.Mr..EwlyB«iad. |

«=? _ , . l . . - l - ! - » - l - ' - ' -

in J atives

-Mi»» Mary McCuen apwrt Toeo<J»y Alexandra vi«i*ia« friend* and rel- _

_Mr Wiion Merchant, of Dum­fries, was the rueat of relative* here ' Sunday. ' \

—Mr. Lymaa Patteraon, of Balti­more, was the pieat of hU mothw and t aunt Monday. !

—Mr John H. Nelson, of Washing­ton, visited hU sister, Mrs. Albert Speiden, Sunday.

—Mr. J. S. (^iliek and •oB, Mr- Bu­rnett Gulick, visited Mr. and Mrt. J. B. Johnson, Saturday.

—Mr. Harry N. Merchant, of BaW timore, was the fuest of reUtivea hen the first of the week.'

—Mrs. William McCnen spent la^ Thursday and FrWay in AlMandna visiting friends and reJativea.

—Mr Jackson, of Warrenton, a rel­ative of Mrs. S. T. Hall, attewW the Easter german here last night.

-Mrs . G. Walker Merchant -riaited her son-in-law ttd daugWw, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Wth, amday.

—Miss JoaepWaa Gflroy, of AlexM-dria, spent Ea»t«r holidays witk Iha Misses Mair«»d Hden MeCoen.

—Mr. E. S. Brawner, of Dmnfriet, was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. Walksr l|«chant, Siqiday.

—Miss Mary Laridn and bfrthef', Mr. Georga Larka, «* Waafctogton, ar« the gnasts of rdativea hare t^» wedc

—Mrs. Adam Goode retomed today from a Vistt to Mr. and ""^^r^rt-M Evana and Mta. MalBe B « « w . « Braddod^ '

—Mr Paxfl S. WillianM, who ia at­tending the UnivetHty cf \ b ^ ^ " visiting Ma paiwta, Mr. u d Mr*. 1^ B. Williams.

—Miaa E ^ y n Kncheloe. who «» training at the Nurses' Home at Chw-lottesviDe, attMrfed t to Eaater danM here last night

—Mr. Robert Lawrence, of Chester Pa., spent Aistw at tiie hwne of lila brother and «st«r-in-law, Mr. and Mis. Albert Xawreace.

->- Mr8._ C, G. Griffith and dajw^tw. Miss Eleanor GrifSth, ei Waafaingtao, were the guests of Mr. and Mra. 0 . R-Lewis Wednewby.

—Mr. and Mrs. Bay Hedrkik and family, of Anandale, were tbe Easter goests of Mrs. Hedridt's parenta, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. HaD.

_Th« studeatt of tha Wairentoo High School will prasent "A Kentodcy Bdle," a comedy in thrao •«*•, •* Go­ner's Hall, tonight {

—llanasaas Otaptar, U. D. C, will; hold their next regular mMting at thp | home of Mrs. F. E. BansdeU, Wadnea- i day, Apra 6, at 3 p. m- j

—Mr. and Mrs. Herman Lun»foJd, of. Washington, were the guests of, Mrs. LuBsf ord's parents. Mr. ai^ Mrs. -M. C. Doggetl, this yeek. j

—A fine boy, weighing eleven pounds was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Ar-Uiur W. Leith on Sunday eretoing last at their home in Washington.

—Mrs. Bennett and Mrs. Beckwitt, who spent tile winter with relatives in Washington, arrived last Friday and are the guests of Mr*. Emily Bound.

—Mrs. Henrietta Lipscomb return­ed last Thursday from Mtimore, where she had been under Veatment by a specialist for the past five week*.

—Mr. Paul Sprink«l, who is attend­ing the State Agricultural Sehool at Berwyn, Md., spent Easter with Us jMovnta. Mr. and Mrs. K. B. SprmkeL

—Mr. and Mia- Baymen< Davis had as their gnesta for the Exeter holiday Mrs. Etta Brown and daughters, May and Sfi-a and son, Woo«taow. of Char-U>ttesvill*, and Mrs. BeU Jeoea and, baby, cf Washington. i'

Mr. and Mrs. Stevens will leave Tuestay mbmiag fi)r the Baltimore annual eonferepee at Roanoke: Mrs. Stev«ns will also visit her daughter. Miss Loei^e, a student at Randolph-' Macon Woman's College, Lynchburg, ^ and her aistw, Mrs. Kelly, at BedfoM ^ City. :

—The subject of Rev. Wm. Stevens' sermon Sunday morning at the Meth­odist Chore* will be * Jesus Christ, the On* Hope of the Worid." Mr. Ster-ens will preach at Bradley at 3:00 p.; m. and at BnddiaU at 7;80. Rev. J.j M. BeU wiU preach a* Manassas ati 7:30 p. m.

—Miss Virgtaia Taylor, of.Philadd- , phia, who vkitMl frioids in Roandke, over Easter, arrived hare Tneaday j and baa been the guest xd her cousin, ] Mr. a T. HalL _5he leaves for Wash- j ington today to viatt her cooHn, Mias Maude Hall, and expects to laave Sat­urday for her home.


' —LitUe Guy, the nln»-moBth*-oid baby o# Mr. and Mr*. Jamas l«ek, was dataied hf death on Maxch le. The litlia fellow was th* pet ef hi« pareits.

—Major William Pattwson, of Washington, tnm the goe# «« ^ s mother and aunt, Mra.. Bapan^ne p«tten<m and Mrs. OUct E. Lay Hedge, ftatday.

—Mr. Emmett Gidi<Sk, <rf San Fran-eiseo, Olif.. and Rev. Jo*e|di F. Gu­lick, of New York, are the gneeta of tbor parents, Mr. and Mia. J. F. Gn lick, of Waahtegton.

^^^^Miasea Eleanor and Juie Patto^ sun, of WkalungtMa^ who ha*B been the gueets of their grandmother, Mrs.

[Ballantyne Patter»<m since Sa^irday. left yeaterday for thdr home.

-Mra. G. Raymond Batdiir* , a ^ two cidl^eB, Jack and Roae, ^^m Leon and Gmstance Watoa and Wai­ter,. CanoQ and Dorothy Sanders, mo-torad to Washington Eaater M(»day to attoad the ere K^feig at the WHte

For Sale—Single Comb R. I. Red cockerda; also eggs for hatching,.^ for 15. Day-old cluck 20 cents eadu. W. D. Kline, Manassas, Va. 43-tf

% With the incieaaing of the capacity of our mifl from tUrl^.

five to ninety b«iel» of floor a day, we are in a better podtion than

ev^ to eare promptly for flie iacreaaing imivad far White »«i»

Uw flower of doors.

f Scane of the new,eqmim»ent we have added, we list here—

A Bew aiaTMfe Uchly P«fcetdl MV«*«r-


i w u J>iii« Jti IIMW 11' •»•* '"I • IwtfirTT of fri^

A» ivpiwad aiftOT «f atvdi fautgor capMt^.

f Qane-in at yoar connaiifSMe Mrf adt u» to show yo» how

moch b^ter we we eqatppad than ew* before to fiB ordarB f«r • • • ' « ' •

floor, meal, grains ai^ £eedB.



~-^OHB a i O T BOSS" F e a t a x ^ R4>y Stewart in » lAoterlaj f an cf thrOla and 12 aC "Tkt Myatery

Ite. ef a."

—A. E. MacMiHan has just returned from a two-year trip through r*«ed Russia. He sa^s the fonale pactka of Lenin's dbnuuB ia B«»t snpindy bow­ing beneath the yoke, and titat the ^ -taie of the country resta witii the wo-oien. Read tUs i a t e n s ^ imtoesting article in the Washington Star, Sun­day, A ^ 3,

—Tlie Woman's Auxiliary to the Farmers' Institute will hold ita regu­lar monthly meetii^ in tEe high scho^ building next Friday, April ^Sth, at S p. m. AH members are urged to be present and to bring a new menib»'. Everyone int«ested in the worit ef the Auxiliary i cordially mtvited to at­tend.—Secretary. ,

TUBSDAT. A n t n . s

raiGENE O'BBnBN ia • ^ O B U « APABn-

O M ef hie' knt. Far the first tfaa« yen ha*e an swstinatty to aee a p i « ^ m e Mat waa fikMd at heeM, moat^t the arrniri bong n and axennd War-TMtM, th* ^ndMKC* heii« aain»arte< hy the f a u n a Waneaitfl* Hant Onh.

l lelTc




^" V

TOK PLAYTHING OF BROADWAY Fcs^nrng Jnathse Joknrtone. Loia, dHKcr and the pet of 4dle cidi men. wiaa ji wager by -gaiwng the att««tion k a man saUto be wholly indiCecent te wMWu'a ebarms. Bat aht falls in leve with the mam. a toiUiaai youig doctor, and knows herself unwMthy ef a place in his etean, pnrpearfnl Bfe. Hew UU ttoew aff the geUcm ahadc-ka ef iter aid reddens life and lonnd leva a ^ legeneratien fenna the plat ef tUa atiifing dramal .Alae *t>*et



FACE OF YOUR WINDOWt A VmK Sifver Special with an aO-etar] xnat. A lef« ataey, a ctfaM mystery,

«( aedal tcvelntiaii, aai a r»-ef tte eeent eerriee are ceas-i










Byrd Clothing Company MANASSAS yntGINU

HARRY T. MOBEYJn T H E GAUN •arty T. Many fa THE GAUNTUCr. • n * atraage, wfld beaaty ef the Tcn-Bsaeee M- l i l i i fena a fitteg hack-1 g i a o i far tWi phstsphg *( iaMgne.

1 111 r I t* iilUmi a perfemnaee of Hary T. Merey, Oe -inan'a ssaa," in « • great i l l i s n . He hattka U* way f t** the trA • t e «• man fer the tUnga he W he f i ^ t Yen w a Ihs ttiB e«»t Ttpfk cert^te. Ake Mewa aad Be-

«e-lJe; Nigi*, l l e -ae .



eocryvMMU Tea, mm'Vew NancT b gates to be te this paper eftca, amA

tcByM where to boy the Dra«B 7«« NEED ani the Drvg Store ihteCB TOU DESIRE for hiMthsH nae aid far BEAUHFTIMG^

KiwOynad what'^WNoBirhaa to flay. ShawfflctoayM

an the they are alwaya fresh as

We PRICE tUncs right.



Lights the harp. Run* the •aehine. Makes chores


Cocke's Pharmacy .«


Page 5: MAYHAVELOCAL MEEONG AT CONNER'S HALL HUNGRY TffliyES · MMS MoaliBg to b« Hdd at Conaer's Hall ilMMUr, April A, 7:30 p. m. Every



FOK SXNT—G»d«n w A p ^ Ml*- E- W. W«iF. 4ft-1



- | 3

i;- \'.^

.. t

Viw 1I*Z7 LooiM Baetgr aoid l b P. iUetMT WW* a t t e M for «fe« holicUya. -

Uiaa Sophie TylMr, wh» ia •ttewttiig •cfaooi ia BAltimor*, w u at k«r home, "The Sl^Ur." tor the hoUday*.

Itiaa Mary Boekmer ntumed hMM on Monday from BaMnore. wkara ah* vac the KMat of l&a Jane Baevea.

Mr. and Mta. D. D. Balur and daughtffT. HeUn, of Waahington, ware

FOB SENT—A fann ^ 360 aerea, 4 mOea fMn Mtnaiwaa, oMiyeaiait to both chaich and aehooL—Apply Hrt. ^ . . ^ u . ^ , „.._„, ^ . — , - _ -Hannatta Lipacomb. 46-tf the gueeta <or the wadc-aod of' Mr, .,,. ^— - , • i and Mrs. A. R. G. Baaa-

rOHT SALE—A pony, «*rt. and har-1 ^«v. E. S. Hiaka, of ^ , Bidfe, Md i naaa, lUil in fint elaaa eoaditioB and j visited frienda here and In WarrmtoB for aale cheap.—Ai*^ MetE, Mapaaaas. Va.

'"n •..

Powell M. this week *46-3 Missea Mayo and Seldea Baker were

_ - I the neata of Mra. W. M. C Dodgaj WANTED—B^iabk man to solicit durinc the Eastar hohdaya. j

(y4era for Fruit and Ornamental | Some of the pupila of tha Warren-j ^ « e i , Bosea, ShrulAery, etc.. forFall ton High School gave a play in the; de l iwy, alao act as Diatrict SOper-; pariah hall hera on Tueaday eremng \ ii^tmdcat. Big weakly retazna; write whidi W»B foUowad by a daaea at the N«w«(k, New York State. 4«-X Ua»>nie HaU.

• itav. and Ura. Thomaa M. Browne For Sale—One large work €«t«rtained the "Uttie girt" metnbera

horse , true in »D hamesg . Apply j of S t Panl'i choir at an Eaat«rpaity E Dickins. Bristow, Va, ^ - 4 . on Toeaday afternoon, at tba n c ^ . • - — » - 1 Mr. Spencer A. Buckner, jr., who ia

Pure Bred Ancona E g g s f o r * atadent at the Epiacopal Seho«d, KAteh&g — a»^»P*«i*» strain. ILyhdjbnrg, waa at hw home great winter layers-l l^M per 15;; Gaineaville for the ^"^^-^ S.OO per 100—Mr». G. H. Ayers. The moving pictorea at th*. Pariah g ^ ^ ^ Va. 45-2 Hall, which were « « n « « W _ * « ™ « i w p i r . - r . - \ Lent, will be laanmed en Sstoxday. ' Pasture for Rent by month or | whan Wallace Beed in "VaUey of

season; located on the Vaientil» I Giants" will be ahown.

Staffer idace; will take care of 100 or 150 head of stock.—D. Bowman Siowaltw, Bristow A^rgini*. 45^'

Thiee-Day Chicks For Sale— IThite Leghorns, S. I. Reds, and Rocks, high «la8s stock, price, $15.00 p « hundred. Incubators wfll hatch in April, <aie the firrt -week; order atcmce.—^Bta.F. & Mei^th , Gainesville, Ta. y 4&.3

For Sale—Goitle pony; also govenfifls cart, practk«Ily new. Mr9. W. S. Byland, Manassas, Vm. ^ ^

For Sale—Two McWayne (one light and one kit) steel beam plows. Ptfee. *22, ^reduced to %<&, C.E.NashACo. 44rS

FfflT Sale—No. 1 Clovear ahd Or­chard Graa»Hay, mixed; ^ s ^

The three s«ar»icea at S t Paul'a <%iBdi <« Easter day, e«Hidiieted by the rector, B«v. T. M. Browne, were well attMided, partJcalarly the one at eJeven o'clock, when a congregation aaaembled that taxed the aeating ca­pacity of the church. At the chU-dien's aarriee at • • . » a. •«. e«di child i«eeiTOd an Eaater. baaket attd card. Mr. Browne also held a Beryice at S t Luke's, Bocklaad, MI Sunday araiins.

AtaBwetiag of the cofiBmgatian of S t Paul'a Caiun* « Mmiday aftar-nooB t t e folknring were elected to serve aa vfatzymen for the easning year: M«a«a. Bailey TWer, T. B. Thomaa, T. J. Caww, E. Kayaer, C H. Keyav, W. M. C. Dodge, C D . 8. QaikaoB. G P. Diaoaway, W. M. * * daI^ Hidmea Bobertaon aadDia. Wa«a C. BKyaa and EmUn Matatdtei


and Mra. Jack Breedea and lit-<.1..rS?^n»aH&V mixed; w m s d l Mr. and Mra. Jack Breedea ana n*-± S i S 3 ? t a S 4 ^ f f i twenty t l . daughter. Thetaa, of W j ^ ^ ^ " • • " " P * ® ' , . * ^ «_5-^i>«»-^-«B • •*- «d[ . ead hara With fnenda tons. ApfdytoBBMeBobertao^ HaymaAetjVa. *S-4

For Sale—l*rge Wack horse, wdiait about 14I»^« 1500 ft'i Apply at Joomal office. 4^4

Wanted.—White woman as cook, two in tam^.^F**^/?! iaona. IDss EHa Garth. 44-4*

i^eat the weA-end hare with tncnda and reUttivea. _ _ » ,

Miaa EveJyn f*«eeB, wbo is woA-ing ia Waahingteai, w^oA. Sunday here v i& her mother, Mra. Boaie PuredL

Mr. and Mia. M. M. BuaacB « « * Smiday at t ie home of their aooa, Ifcsra. J. M. and T. M. BuaadL

Mr. J. C. Poeey and faasBy ^«9it Sanday with Mr. Pnaoy-a mother. Mra- Nrflie Poa^, of Takan.

Miaa Peari BusaeD baa been confin­ed to her bed |«r ov«: a week w i *

Wanted—50,000 wldte <«k

• ^ I lUI llll'lll l1 I IPT -• • r.m I a^w^ r > n ¥ I T l ? Miaaea Cora and Dera Breedtsi, who

THE STAFF OF IM aj-^i'^nssi.'E;: THAt MEANS OUR BBEAD , ^ ^ B„ , , , J^

Mr. T. M. Itoaaell, auperviaor of CoJea diatiict, att«rtled the tee High­way meting an Saturday, th* l « h . at HaymaAet _, *v-

We wwe aarpriaed to bear rf the muriage «*f Li«*- Norman CamppeO, ^Waahingtan.

Mr. E. E. Comwell and dan^tcr, Xyrtfe, «>eHt Saturday m Manaaaai

I Daiay Petty, who ia warWi* m BBEAD IS YODE BEOT PO<M)

0«r ta mite it bse» aaft, b«t ia

fnak a»«y «ay fiaaa h^ha^ far

8PBC2AL ItMt THB c n u a S K iK« f t t y l«»

t B M r r c y M wttfcdM

MR. FARMER! Read Carefully—It Means Money to You


Installment or Five Papei WITHOUT INTEREST

No PoKcy too Lai^e No PoKcy too Small

l U s ^SB k«8 n m r bi^ore been off««d tb«

Fkners «f Prince WBiam and Fafafax eeimtka.

Whfle tt ta nrt new fci p r t a e ^ the pha ta jibt

M ^ i fatndaeed brt* Yircfada, tt havjac werkfll

soeeeaafafly IB the CMftxai and WestCTB Btatfla f«r

i fiOBdier of yean. The Royallnrarvioe COBM^

pany and TIM Flrcaua's Fond, fcndhig Fire tarn-

f u i e s of the wwid, whufe past zaeord i s tUi

ennmadty spciioi %ttMir, are »dw offering yn«

. tMgplan.- ,.__

•JAnatap* W Ab Pba Onr ^s^^^'hoMm^isAMm^mm Yea hafe the a^paatage rf a, tve-year rate,

\^ i f | i fa tomtthamnnaraTfliree years «*dth*PW

loB is paid in tv» eqoal auMnl taetaAncnte

WTIB00TINTEBE9)r. T!i*renadbkBtheaaswrf

to pai a saall prendpn annnaSy wit of the pce-

eee4»<tfcndiycnr'Bcrs». The i>n«y retained ty

the aiBinml onder this ^an, if ht wsted hi Bre

gtMk, w S nwxe ^ a n pay the yicnUnnu flo his

poUey. Yonr wagons^ Ba«gies, In^kniiaite, «f

any other YeUde or lavtancat neettsary to y w

bnshwas, yoor Lire SlodE U eroy dcsajptim

art 5»Taed ANYWHERE WrranN THE STATE OF YIBGCnA. fai baniB or sheds, or idkb ox <m

highways. This one adntntage ever any pt^ey

yov nuQr BOW havo is w « ^ « grant' dad to yon.

Yon may opmraic two or Jore pfawcs. or yen i u y

kaae other IpadB. Yonr Feed, Eqn^nwnt, l ive

StO(^ cte., wi& he eovered wherever they nay bn,

Shmdd any of yonr live Stock be kiOed on tlie

h^ways , eould yon now reeovw for the hw?-

ibswcr-^o . Bend yoor poUcy

Yonr present ptdky may I* ccmvertod into

tliigpljMa, witiioat charge, and yon wffi be refund­

ed the ancarned prenunm thereon.

CorrespwideBce soKcited—witlioot obBgatiim.

rAr (awage, loic Pmeclim, less gate. Eaty Pi|aate Ate Ailr^^ to > b^

G^ieral Insurance Agency, Inc. THOS.W.LiON,





Aieiaadiia, v a s t Moaday and Tnea-dey hata with frimda aad ralattwa.

Myrtle and Baaaie OetMWall SvMlay

FOR SAIIE! Ua-acre Farm. 4

te cal|»va-


of tiatbcr, •ewharaai

Priee, t&JM « • tiaM.


Suitor Overcoat

$23.75 HORN


Mary Caitar aad Mr. WaMar WotrifMleB, of KafP, « i ^ the w «td Witt fricDda heva.

Msa. F r a ^ Feaceeva aad tttia of

^Mi^ T. M. aad J. M. B M M O . J.

C Poaay a ^ T. H. HaiaM tha • u i l l m o< the O. F. A fa

aaaiatad hy tteir taadMr, Miaa Owana, cava an anjoyahla party^t tfca irhinl hoaaa laat MaOrlay aicM.

Miaa <Khra Hal(ii«ar apent Soaday at har home haia.

Mr. Tarhaian Cortia, tA WaahiBg-toA, Ma4e a abort liiiiinaa t i ^ hare lastwaefc. .

MaaacB. Croodi and Barfce, of Cm-t(«, and Mr. aad Mia. HcBry PoMail •,»<i aasaQ aeo aod Mra. K. S. Hiwpaoti, af B o a ^ , ware viBtera af Mr. aad Mia. T. H. Ceaka^ laat SaMday.

of tha y a t ^ pauyli of tha caTe a tem at tlM h ^

Satvday aickt. Aa.

DR. FAHRNEY HagMrtuarn, Maayiaad


aad tha by lir- C. J.

Bar. J. S. Oaok wBl Praahytatiaa •otmac. Haly ealehrated. .,v_.^_

!«« . Tiacae ^^taar, of WoadbrMca, apeot IT eater with bar .

Miaaea Haael aad Btmyaa Toosff, of ^ f, ^aBt tlMir Eaatar haUdsy

[witt thair aiatff. Itn- Pad Cookaay. U i A ia I Tm piqifla ef tha advanead gndaal •

Tlie D»- Fahmey* \mfn been practiciaa M, liii iiM anJ bave m x i r a ip«c»«hy 3^ duooic <iiMMe« (or <mx *0? r c a n . 1 • a wo>kn« only with dnoaic diseaae* • Iwd U a ^ - dificoITcMm - aad > <i>N(-i^amt 7<mi caM betote I D«M yv^. if 70« IMTC • t iosblc or w«a1f»«i twdefotuul". wriw to eve and HI atvJy ycm caai and Uive •atialactK^-

Auto Tires Guaranteed

10,000 MILES Agnmat


^PRICES RIGHT-STOP! LOOK AND RBAD Funuture uphcdsterins is one

tbiny thi^ Cannot be troated to anyone hot experienced men. Do not tittow year parior seta and odd pieces away aa I am in a po­sition to make them over aquM to MW at a reaaonaUe priea.^Cd and Me me or send me a poctaL



before bnyinc


^ Manassas Transier Co.

MK8. JAS. QODF^nr.

FIRE INSURANCE The oU rdiable Fauquier Mn-

toal has been doinc bntfaeaa for over SS year&. No hich salanea to pay- Every member haa Ua any at the annual meeting erery year; strictlyTnntual; no aaaen . •ants; rataa the k>weat


Page 6: MAYHAVELOCAL MEEONG AT CONNER'S HALL HUNGRY TffliyES · MMS MoaliBg to b« Hdd at Conaer's Hall ilMMUr, April A, 7:30 p. m. Every








Ir S f t T I r F TOAU-DAKYMEN 1 1 U 1 1 1 E Mm PRODUCERS

I j O YOU want more milk ami cream? If M , *-^ you should feed EUREKA DAIRY RATION.

the highest in qupdity and safest to use, for beet results. You may be from Missouri, but we eaa show you. Ask your feed dealer about EUREKA and find idiat you have long been looking for.









ProBipt Adjnsfaicnt fWrwiymdwiftt SoMdtcd B.A.KITST C.J.GILLI8S ATRBOaT

Something New for Manassas! "Send U to (he Laundrp"

MeswB. Wine and Pence ha^e secured the a^ocy for The Ideal Laundry, Gn^iqipeiv Va.

Save your clothes, your back and your temper by havine u3 do your family washing. Wash them dean, send than back sweet and wholesome—just like hcnne. If soap and water won't hurt them neither will we. Get the habit and send to the laundry. We can wash anything fn»n a blanket to a fine linen cdlar. silk shirts and shirtwaists. Cost is very moderate. Service effkdent, pmmptaair^iMe^



numbing and Qectrkal Omtractors

SILENT ALAMO ^ Light yoor hone, rm the diont, wadiiag madiine, f ewing nacfahte, heat the iron, and get fresh water from your weO—aB witk the SILENT ALAMO FARM LIGHTINGl»LANT. ^ No Tilwation, depoidaUc power, kmg years <rf asnrice guaranteed. Service may be always had fiMB mu We are able to supply all year needs. ^ Call te see as bef<»e baying yen plant.




. The old Ihrdi Bdmc* is beiar tDos-trmteii, «a ih* cua« in 'Oik* a luab"

I she is going oat "lilw a lion," wfth un-I osolOly hi(li winds and •zceauTs eold I for tlw seaacoi.

B«v. T. H. MacLeod preached an ex-eellent sormoa Miitablc to tfac MMOD Sunday at 11 a. m. There was an tmoanall^ larye conKr«gation; the eheir gave some iveeial music for the

I occasion. BeT. J. H. Prye in«aehed ao emeel-

iMBt sermon Sunday ni^it at vUch tioM twelve ttf the reoaot eoavntts were baptised fat the baptisaua pod in the chureK

The Presbyterian Church had its cvery-member c unras Sunday afler-B»oa last.

Tlie youns pe^le of the Presbyte­rian Church were reinresented by Miss Miriam Buckley and Mr. Irwin M. QuigK at the annual g«t-tocether and supper held in New Yoric Aveane Church, Washis8t<m, ICareh 16. Iltey repotted the neettes a vary enioya-Ue one.

Th* Riehsnls are back to their hone after spending the wteter months in Washington.

Among the Eaiter visitors were Annie and Helen Elgin and Frances Buckley, ti Harristmburg Nonnal School; Miss Mary Fristoe, of Balti­more; Miss Mary E. Quigg, of Rich­mond. Miss Kathleen Mmlish, of Richmond, spent Monday and ToMday with her fri«id, Miss Mary Quigg.

Misses EstitM' and .Mhriam Buckley also spent the holiday here at tiMir home, Miss Esther coming from Frost-burg Nomal and Miaa Miriam ttom Washington.

Mrs. Claude Brawner and childrot, with Miss Effie Adams, spent the day Easter,Sunday at Hem<b« with rda-tives. They made the t r^ by auto with Master Nick B a e U ^ as. chauf­feur, o

"Hie Utsrary Society of Clifton School gave a program Tuesday night of this w e ^ H W chief number ck tiie program was a debate entitled, "BeaolvM, That this state should be govonied by initiatiye referendum.'

The members of tlw debate were, »iBrmative, I^ul Quigg aad Roger E t gin; negative, Fannie May Hart and Virginia Calhoun. The judges wen Mr. Thomas Webb, Mrs. J. S. Browa and Mr. Thos. Mode, and thqr deddad in favor otf the negative side.

Misses Bartesston and Hitt enter­tained their frieads at Mrs.' Fayae^ where they aa« htrnwHag, pa last Tuesday r&gbt.

Friday and Saturday night then were dances in the HalL

Miss Maade Wood, of Vienna, qwbt Sunday among friends and relativea here.

Mrs. B. F. Myen is still confined to her bed, although lepinted on the moid. ' The Kanpor family, lAo have aB been iD except Mr. Kemper, ar., and one <rf the littie b^rs, am aQ eeey»-lesciBg.

Miss Augusta Bpbey. who baa been in all winter in Washington, has so far rce«v«<ed as to be aUe to come to her home here.

Hie gradei in the school here hal egg hunts Easter Monday. Edward BetwOcr received the priaie for findhig 'the most ^n>s in the iviniary room. The othw j»ize wimiers have net been' reported to me at this writing.

Was JuBa Gampbdl went home for Eastw. Rev. i. W. Frye taiwfat h v i*MB tat her Om f^or dayi






Mr. and Mrs. R. Logan Jacobs and Mr. aad Mrs. Otis ML Hawkins and Master Otis, jr., of Broad Rttn. and Mn. E. L. Owens abd dan^tter, Mns Bertha, «f HopeweD, w « « guests on Sunday last at "Votier Hall."^

Mr. Chas. Wi]k«Tson visited his teother at Vttmt Royal last wedc

A few cases <tf scartet fever have been reported in our neig^ibarhood. j

Mr. Curi Garrison visit«d his ^stu-,! Mrs. R. C. RaaOw, of Alexandria, re- ^ cently. I

Ifiss Nan Mayfangh, of Waterfall, | was a recent guest of Miss Fkmncel Jacobs. I

Mrs. Harvey Winkle and small son, Al)en, who have spent the vrinter with Mn. WmUe's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ^ B. Fletcher, joined Mr. Wlidcle in Washington last week aad wffl new make thor home there.

Miss Besne Jaeobe qtent the Easter h^idays widi Iter brother and sister, in-law. Mr. aad Mrs. R. L. Jacobs, «f Baoad Ron.

Miaa SalBe Mocmt » viaitiag Mr. aad Mrs. Armstrong, near Gaiaesvflle.

Mr. Jaaies Scfaeley, a former tesi-dsHt of Thdraoghfasc, who ha tke past tew mcetha la nSaete, t v M d afad Is MM wil^lfr.JoiaGTaat,


WASHGOODS READY FOR THE NEEDLE T« Bain IP i ts I k mst diariBiv Snuer Fncks* Bkiiiscs» eic.

^BMQtJfal pattern and eoiQrtBc»-aa aswrtBuat that te qolte tke bast Sooth of New York. Scad for susplas and nuUke cailr scic^kM tnm these pt^olar prkad Uaca.

l S * ! r U * ^ ' • ' » * ^ ° y •«"^^« ' « «»*«»» children's frocks, which can be attractively emhroid. S«J^Z! i .^ i r !3 ! !?^ *^**"'~*^ """ ^ 'n««»Rtine..w86inch..wideaadinarK>dr«w ef eidors—MarioB Was, C<«»enhagen, gray, tan, lank, lavender, navy and 4»ld n»e.

A y a i d . . . . . . . . . . S 8 c "

- U a s o ^ t o ^ Suitinga. of excellent «p«Hty; S6 inches wide, in • sptandld rang, of cotes, in ybik. taupjB, Uvender, navy, faisqae, wistaria M M . Marion blue, gold and bteck. ^ ^

A y a r d . . . , . 48e

- « - i n e h fttot«i Voiles, in beautiful new d^aigna. the smaU challis patbana aad rt»t flgun affeeta which are ^ popular ones of the hoor. Love^ coJer jomMnattona. ' ._ ^^: ^ ^

*^ y«»ii « • • ••^•••e •« *e* • • * • • • • 75c

IwSSS S S rJ 'J U'S.f *^ A yiffd $1.00 •*

w 2 ? ^ ™ j * 1 i S T * ^ . ^ J ^ ^ - ^ " " ^ ' Wte ««l light g««nd. . witk dot. M ee te o . l b . white grounds, in srtrfte on the dark groeads, smd 86B» in condAmtion effect; 45 ta«*«« widat

—S24ad Dtass (gn^iaaa. extra fine } and colors in dwk*. These Onm Gini fisr minty puipmes.

A yard .

I, in checks, plaids, strqies, a ^ ^laia cdorB. All aiae* ¥ f ft**^^ ^ ^NuBd this wHMs. aad eaa be irt{B«ed

' . . • * • 3oe

—linen Suitings, 45 aad 36 inches ^ride; in plafa staple ahadea. A great deal «tf been sold thia saaaoD, for making akirta. M i ^ etc

r ' ' A yard • .•• • • . • . . . * . , . , . . , $U2S

t i i lt inga ha:w

—Madras SSdrting, S8 faichea wide; dooide fWd, gottaateed faet colors, in fler maltlag b ^ er aat ls ahiiis.

i.aad^faac^ t Good

" - 'i



UirestrKted Teirkdiy f ^ Sales and Serfice



AiitcHnoInles and Tractors Anywhere Can Now Buy From U&



$360 $465 $510 $745 $795 $545 $625

are C o. b. Fa Starter aad tfl

Smai Fmfmmk Down, Balance Monthfy Inttaftnents

W. E McCOY Aitkrizd Sdtf an! Senice laassas, firiJHi

Page 7: MAYHAVELOCAL MEEONG AT CONNER'S HALL HUNGRY TffliyES · MMS MoaliBg to b« Hdd at Conaer's Hall ilMMUr, April A, 7:30 p. m. Every

FRDOAT, APBO, 1. ifSl 'l'i.f.

• ' . . ' ' " '"." , ,.JW.;''V^^!R?lfpWp|ipp||pip


T Hardly « 4U7 paasca wtthMrt aome of aor ro'>' f riaada aakteg M tUa qaeatioa: "How ia it that roa are oaljr paytag ! • aeata for BMat and chargiaK aa SS ceata for atcak?" We a n dwaja Tcrr glad to explain thia for ifa TOUS FAULT, Mra. Hooae-kecpcr.if yon iasist (m ateait Ai there ia oaly ao Maeh braast OB a cJuckea fomeone aiuBt eat the daric iMat or U'a a waatc Tkat'a tha whole arcument, dear patroaa, aad atot only oaraelrva b«t arery batcher is the coiuitry today ia eryi^aAht a*mm thiac. Wa cant five the dieap cuta away!

V Tea, we pay 1* eenta for a beef aad it dreaaea SO per cast, ao the tarcaaa will coat na 20 eoUa. Now, we have pkaty good Buat ia briaketa, pUtw aad raadTcvta that wa wffl ba aaiy ta« glad to a ^ yoa fraai M enrts t» M ecate par poaad, ar «t aa l bdow th« actsal coat of the beal. So why aot halp aa lowar tka eeat af Uvlagr

fffGat b a ^ to aoap for oae day ia (JM w e ^ aad thaa by helpiag aa m«n the cheaper eata, ateaka will bacaaM vara plMtif al aad thaiafara cheaper. Thia ia mtnij a aaggaatiaa aa oar part.

I To thoae who waat aay kiad of aaat, we hava it for wa apadal-tio ia aioata. aad meaU atfy, Pricea, aa' hatatofan, am l a a i oa Talae aad aatiafactioa ia ;

T ^ MANASSAS l6tniM ^ '-wm^^mt

• ^



Mr. Eraeat Baarara, of ladiaa Head, I Md., ia ipeadiac a waak'a vaeatioa

Undo* and by virtue of a cer- with hia family bare. -tain daed of trust executed b y Mr. and Mra. Delly Cornwall spent Frank Qoinn and Hattie Quinn, Eaatar Sunday with Mrs. Ashdl Poaay. his wife, dated June 18, 1914, of' Mr. OUie Posey was the gncat of record in the clerk's oflSce of Mias Eva Comwetl Sunday. Prince William county, in deedj Miss Jennia Lou Smith i«ft Sunday book 65, {tage 195, the undersign- for Alexandria, where she will be the

j en trustee therein named, having guaat of her brother and si^ar-in-be« i requested so to do b y the law, Mr. and Mn. Fred Smith. ^

j holder of the notes therein se-' Mr. l^ltoD Hedges spent the week. I cured, in the payment of which' and with Miss Myrtle Posey. ,8akl not^S default has been made, I Mr. James Shelton, of Indian Head.

11 wffl offer for sale at public auc­tion, to the highest bidder, on SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1921 at t w d v e o'clock m., b front of the Peoples National Bank, in the town of Manassas, aforesaid

At These Prices Can You Now Afford Not to



Md., spent' the week-end with the Misses Pauline and Lorena Beavers.

Mr. Ernest Cornwell called on Miss Lerena Beavers Sunday evening.

Messrs. Ollie . Posey and Samuel Kincheloe and Misses Eva Comwell

^Ty"'ill*thar^^Sunlract'^r ^}^'^ *J * T^'^^ ** Oci uan parcel of land, lying and being; *'"<?"y»"f«P«''f« <^y- ^ . situate J iear NokesviUe on the' Mis. Kathenn, Posey, of of the NokesTiBe-Aubum;*;* »Pf"* ^"'* '„ 'S ^ ^ T ' road, in Brentaville district, • ' ' • " ^ M " - ^ - » • P««fy'«'H«<*?f-aforesaid county, being a portion . "^ J " * ^ F..r spent Sunday with of the Marstelkr or Nteholsj M«s BUje Com well. ^ land, containing, more or l e s ^ l ^ P*f^ ^''^Jl-*!' ^* ^T ** 20 ACRES. ^ • '****'™' >" honor

T I » 1 I S CASH. _ ^ n, THORNTON D A V l E a


Eirerythinsr Goo to Eat

My line embraces Stap^ and Fancy Groceries

Qtteensware, Tin and * Enamelware



H. D. Wenrich Go. laeoipMated






X . B . HariMK. ^ea-ftoa.

Gaa. S. W a r i l y Caafciar.

First National Bank ^r AUBXAJWmA, YA.


Capital . . $lM,MMt aad PrcAta .. .

gttaa ta a l

of their daughters, Misses Lurattia, Leona and Arietta, Friday night. ^ Miss-Elsie Comwell spent Monday at the hom« of Mr. J. W. Fair. ' A dance was given at the home of Mrs. Ashell Posey Saturday atghfc A yery large crowd attandad aad afi r^wrted a good time.

Misses Pauline and Lorena Beavers and Daisy and Amy Comwell were the trnests of Miss Myrtle Posey Sunday;

Mr. Eatl Baavera called on Miaa Catherine Beavers Sunday last.

Miss Defana Harris haa been q^md-ing some time wtth Miaaea Ma« and Nancy Keys.

Bfr. and Mra.'t^A. Barbae spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Asfaell Posey. '

Mr. B«rkl«y Fair and Miss Cather­ine Posey were out joy-riding Sunday.

Miss Amy Comwell spent Sunday witii her sister, Mrs. J. E. Poa^.

Little Miss Dorothy Poaey is on the sick list. :

BIT. Ehner jOomwell called On Miaa Myrtle Fair Saturday night.

Mr, D. C. Akxaader, of Minmevilkt was <iie gneat «f Mua Ida Smith SOB-


tha Unfted Statea aad

SMART FOOTWEAR nuUens soosht fw 17 tluiw id l e faudBt and Style BMA 0«aC «• reqaart.

RICffS IMI F. Street, CDmer Tcntk,

^ Wa^iBston. D. 0i




Consider Two Bits! % Take a measly twenty-five cents to boy somethms f <»

a hoie dinner and what's the result? YoukwwiUiem-swer. But if you are a tired bosmeas maaiMid H i ^ iMjbrt of goinchomeina hurry and bolting?»"*"»«''*™™? same two bits down here aad »ee,how £ ^ t wiD go. » ? « « boy a dinner, but it will boy • J o n ^ v ' I ' J ^ * " **^ ' ^ ihooldhave^noon. Tryit YoaHfedbettw.

f Pat that old dispiaed qoarter, that <*««• " " J f thirty cans, to woik tomocitjw. wd see If w» bavs^ grm yoQtiwrightdop*. YoBj|beabo«iiie«mKi.bat»«*tod.

f O w DAIRY LDNCBtorif! i t«Jtf^*irtte»jtfg time to edma, tend V your ord«. 0«ltiw*» t*a mB« • « « •ttka

S A N I T A R Y L U N C H D i M B k ( y t h B Q M D « a t

Geo. Da Bakar Undertaker

Miss inisafaeth Sonafrank, of Waah-ington^ is visiting her pareata, Mrl and Mrs. W. A S<»iafrank.

Mr.' and Mrs. Frank Gue, jr4 and son^^ lianassas, spent Easter at 1 ^ Chandler bonne.

- Last Saturday, while MMSTS. Vane Cl^uidler and Bobt Payne were driv-ing a coH belimging to the latter, as they w o ^ paasing Mr. Marah'a fana, the coit became frightened by a hog in a lot adjoining the road, and started to run. Both bogra'were holding the reins and when one line broke it let Mr. PiQiie fan over backward out of the dog cart to wMeh the colt was hitched. Mr. Chaudttr still holding to the one liiie, was thrown several feet into the air, landing on his head and shonkfer in ti>e road. Tiie horse ran nearly a mile and tiien stuped of its own accord and was found by the own­er peacefully grazing beside the road in Cedar Lane. Fortunately, nei^icr ot the beys were seriously hurt.

Mr. Skelton preached at the U. B. Church lart Sunday night and Sev. J. M. Bdl at the Methodist (^nzch Sun­day evening. Bev. Wm. SKeveiw wilT preadi hia last sermon here next Saa-day ni^tt at the Methodist Cfanreb be­fore leaving to attend the amnal coa-ferenoe at Kqaapkc, April 7th.

Mr. aad Mra. J. L. Liiiaweaver en-tertaiaed the ftdhnriag goaata at thrir JMBM last Soaday eveaing: Meaars. Nernaa Dodd. Robert Garter, Odie Carter, AxOm CoBmt, aad tiie Iffwaaa ttusaiat M. C. Odlaafh. Baiay Dedd. Blaaeiw Caxtsr aad GeUdy.

Mr. G. W. Wallace yorcteaed a koca^ 0t Mr. QMM. Boteiaea Us

RecJtor & Co. HAYMARKET, VA.

UNDERTAKERS Pnavt Birf Satisfteteiy!

for Aaif

FtNUtSTBUSG Mr. W. C. WIBiaaM apaat the wedc

end with rriativaa aad friend ia WaAiagtoB.

Mr. C. C. Diaa retaraed to Waab-iagtea Satazday, after viaitiBg Ua •ether, Mrs. Belle Daaa.

Mr. aad Mra. J. F. WiOiaau viaitwl at the hoate ot Mr. aad Mn. Mm Kaadall raeaatly.

Mrs. C. C D a n haa aceaptad a po-iMan at Qaaatfaa.

Mr. W. C. ^iDiaM viaitad friewb ia Fateatburg Toeaday eveaiag.

Xiae AnilUk M. Doaa speat the waak-ead at^M heate of Mr. aad Ifaa. J. F. DoBB, 0I Waakiactaa. Miaa Dona is«ufMad to har heasi Saaday aveaiag.

Miaa Greaa viaitcd at the kaaM d

JAMES a COLE vaarmmmn max, TA.





a f t * a iaabto-»be

Ifr. Wmaa Caitar vaaited at tiw eC Mr. N ^ o a Abal Maaday

Mrs. W. T. Ahal IVM* tl with har son aad l a a « » w hi W a ^

Proetar, of hMMaCMr

Mr. aad Mrs. Bal:^ F s i f i l w . Thitif at the aad Ifis.

First, quality; then, imce perj»llon--that'^ whi^ should be considered when yoa buy paint for your dwdling or bam or outbuildings,

Longman & Martinez SeTni-Paste Paint, for which we are local distributors, is guaranteed pure and the equal of any paint made. Thus you are assured.of quality whw you buy Lu & 31.

In price, for a product of such purity, no brand of paint really competes with the Longman & Mkrtinez. And here is why—

COST WHEN USINfi THE L. & M. OiU>INABY SHADES To four gaUons L. & M. Paint @ $4.00 • $16.00 Add three gallons Pare Linseed Oil # |L10.... 3J0 Making seven gallons pure paint cost 19.30. Dhriding by seven—THE (X^T PER GALLON 2.70

Can you afford NOT to paint this spring when our pricea are so tow and the quality of L. & M. Paint is unexcelled?

W.C.WAGENER Hardware Fomitore Hone Fomidi^gB^

MANASSAS, TIBGINIA &(aa>lish«d 1899 Opporite Depot

" 2 Qwookaes-wilh tbelibttdarfidCaaetS


YOITLI. have to bite into ooe of tbese

dxyolatea t o leam Just arfaattfaatixieeDS. Flavor doesn't dkow oa the sor-Cace. In the meantiine, stop atoor candycoonter aad get soDie to take h o m e . P a c k e d i n a s t r i k i n g l y handso ine opmaFfed^told bog»

Dowel i ' s P h a r m a c y


•HnMHHHHil g Ikie Are KsCTJalig Peiple

bi e v w y wha waat to

S Tbdr Good Judgment 5 praapta tiM HUM «( *VDM 2 ^ UMiiafSpaetMlaaaiKy




Pay Yoor SobscriptioD in Advance

Page 8: MAYHAVELOCAL MEEONG AT CONNER'S HALL HUNGRY TffliyES · MMS MoaliBg to b« Hdd at Conaer's Hall ilMMUr, April A, 7:30 p. m. Every

^^msm • • ^ A*i^ rpHKAlTr iK^KUi X, i v z t


It «

Cost Any More to Be M O N R O E CLOTHES*'

We feel that in offering you MONROE CLOTHES diat we are offering you the very latest word in fabrics. We consider ourselves more than fortunate in procuring

MONROE CLOTHES to offer our trade—as they are now only sold by their own stores in die largear cities and we are one of the VERY FIRST to offer

them in the smaller towns. We have a fine assortment of the new Spring Models for Men and Young Men here—they have the

vsdue tailored right into the all-wool fabrics


Yon want to know tnaakiy whethw yoa. % are getting aU wocd or not.. E T « 7 m>w and vthc» we're asked, "Sa it all wo(A?" ^ t h ererf MOSItOE Suit we give an .abs^nte guarantee of "all-wool, liand-faik>red vaA dit-signed by the world's master deedgnM^" and if in amy wi^ yon dtn't get yonr MONETPS WORTH from a MONROE jSidt, just rctoni it to OS and we wiU gladly reUim yonr BMMiy —as "M ien yon boy a MONROE Salt yoa arr ALWAYS SUia^ 9i gettiiv ymir aisney's worth. • • ••

Good to Look Upon— Eveiy Monroe Clothes suit is tailored in tlw fEonous Fifth Avenue Monroe Clothes work­rooms, tterpfore embodies the aewesC and bert iii New York

• Styfe.;



Better to WesuP-T ^Mut from thdr distinctive style, Monroe Cktbes provide kw er service—because tilts.' in addition to thdr regular h ^ grade HAe, Monroe Cl( he» have intrbduced a two trouser suit tp retail at'prices that elsewhere bring yoa but ooe pmn Joat twice as smdi service.

To introduce MONROE CLOTHES in in Prince WOllani Coonty, we tve offoring yon tkm ^ring's Snits ttam ten to flfteoi d<dbu8 leas than yoa can boy the samie all< wool, Iqud-tailored Snits any jilaee else what we want is for yon to fay « MONROE SUIT; we are not aftw the profit, birt want to mnkt yoa a MONROE eaatomar.

We are now shewing a eomidettf line of MONROE CtOTHE& for a& figana, and tt win he a ^easore to show then to yoa.

N0«r showhig-llONROB a i ) T H ^ fai oar window .

<^ ,^>-




C ost You Less^


If others gave you the same ad-ynxniage* dted •^havc, Monroe Ckithea would stiU cost you las —because eponnousMonroeout-pot fafinga yoa economic advan-tagesiaRlyobtainabledsewhere;.

Buy a Monroe Suit


P R I C E S :


Tl&eSeaiof Satis£aetioii

The Monroe Labd guarantees jrousat-tsfaction and the prieetick^ attach­ed to each garment is tiie nation-wide piaranty of stand-« d MbDooeClDtfaes



inter] coui

a duty "for tl



INTERWOVEN SOX, Extra TIUQ ^Merc«rizen-iio equal for wear--aD colon—wera 7Se'--BOw

40 cents


meiAm fit—w«ro $ 1 , K — a o w



$18.00 High Shoe, Cordorvan Leather, n o w . . . . . . . . $10.e<^ $12.00 Eit^ Shoea,Ttt and Cotdomm color, now.. 7.M $12.00aod $10.00 High Shoes, blacka, now. . . . %M $12.00 Cordorvan coh»- Ozfcnd^ now IM $10.00 Cordorvan edor Oxfords, now'. %M $ 7.60 E^diootWofanaoa Ozfwds, CordMrvu eokr

now , 4iW

SPECIAL SPEaAL JOHN B. STETSON'S H A T S - o i l shapes and

—were $10.00 and $&00'- i iow

SPECIAL SUMMER CAPS, Sp«iM c o l o n : KfiOX CAPS : : : : : : : :

50c to $3.00

i&u i-^<


Dr. tlM(

