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Transcript of TB£BUi£££SISfBEI£?ilANASSAS GETS SKI»...

  • J^



    ili|*fial of L u t W M ^ oa "Ara Tke

    Notch r County Day Prgiam, April 24

    II 9:90 A. M. to 5.-00 P. M.]^(Lcal I m s e o ^ far^ Ft of University of Virgnia. Bogitat Staiff, Botiding. ? . r




    "Are T3ie School* Ooaed Downr' describing some of the oooditiuiu at the Manassas Scbook. yoa are to be complimented by the tboQ^tfol and csonaiderate repd-ets of yoar paper and patraoa of

    eeuntj for this timetr w v n i w fltoneei tnesreaBB to the meceas at aehoolaand roral

    The qoeation 4kiea Bot apply to Maaanas SeiMiili di4r bqt to Ae acfapofa all ofir Ftniee _W91aP|

    aaoip tiooa^ la r^fmg tins qneetiao

    (% W.IL )


    you do t ^ people a sood -yon have aoonded the tocain of a much needed refonn. and there H DO form can be bmog^ to the at-teotioa of the public more tf ee-tirety aad gcaenliy than timogh a local ni!.a|iaper whiA fearieaa-|y npiuida nght muS apealEB for tlie beac

    Hie Wk. 'firs, tiauk. taan fin-ished aeeoDd ia the adtnlaiitic

    held Sa^mby uDdor the of Oo Uancnity of Vir-

    The meet waa faiziy faat and in oMMtof theeTaatatheeoBtMb-aBta-^saa well bmichad at^tiia finiih. Manaawaii aeond ita painta thronsh the afaffity of the three vetexan memboa of the aqoad, Kelliiig ^latch, Easten GymoMium. Opente pi^4ic Adm^aaoo, 10 oenta. (By W.M..

    l l ! lA.


    -Senior Spelliiier Umtck, Rnffner IfcaMwy Open cmiy to oootestaqts.

    12:00 A-iL to 2K)DP. M.Sandwiches, ooifee and cake; iee cream and candy acAtd M RuCner l^Mriy hgr 'Biglk

    SdKMl Domestic Scieate CiaaB.

    pnblae achoojg^

    Ncr CWvanizatkm Effected At Mi< tii>a Monriiiy ftted D i r i f i o n .


    in the seaaon, akhausfa Hanell araa fifth ia the fiacoa throw and Simmona was fifth in the bnad jump. The keal aehod also sof-

    i>r wUch-arre-^ CBCf iaaaS^nl f i i lJ f i i l o ^ l^aA and Green were handi-eapped bgr eolds and were nnatde todo^beirbeat. Bomal, of i fa-naaMa, point atar^ the meet WUh Ibft eorartoB to hia credit, a lead of one^alf point over Vit-aun. of HuauukB; Ilia

    2JOO P. M.-Junior High S e ^ and Grade Tnck Meeta. BowMJ Athtetie RekL t dmiMwn^ 10 eeiig^

    3 ^ p. ILPytrom' Lcagnfe Meedqg t Baffiaer Bmfciii^

    biybe the

    Rest roama will be open to visittxsin the RnlEiier and Bomett BiuldiiB, and in tike U. D. C Canptcr Boom, M. L CBmlding. 9 A. M. to 5 P. IL

    A*ry and instraetive

    a laise rauaber of atUetaa and

    :9L 3L D^feidaaa, wife of if. _W._T. Daridacm. of Bow-

    i.3f \^7~|MBUd l U l Kfe M' Sooth CaroKaal

    ng at a o'rtorir.

    been pojpK winners in St fe*yenra. Oeeoquan. which last year won the^ cham;ondiip of that diatjict. ia back again tode-f end its hooats and poasibly to

    ada e%emnxft>rtbe julating- pfarmfor

    a "elean u^ uid psifit tip" ema-' ^ * ^ ^ ** * Roond fieU to- p^j^ ^^^ j^^^^^ ^ ^ ^j , , pemia-manowat]2p.aK. ^ wiBproba-, Q f Q^^ jji ation f or the town of

    _ _ * * * etoaa* f; Mininisn Soon after tbe meet-*"* ^ " ^ ing got under way it was seen

    that aome organized pffort most be made i ^wc wish town iznprore-

    k . . . w-j : - meat, and ai a result we now ^ * * / 5 ^ i ? ! ^ ^ ' " * * T ! * ** Ma^aaas Civic Leago?,

    and ahoold ifeov op waO rf^rfueh it i hoped ever> dtixen OB Satnrday. ^^ ig..^ will become a mem-

    has odered Uie nwrting was caUed to or-

    and tti pqgpoae outlined by Caarenee W. Wagener. A call

    make an erea better diowinc tiiaa laataciaaiL BeSkclis a&o

    itered fnaa Qfitupian disliiet

    thea made for a chairman far the meeting, Mr. Wagoner amutM** lir. G. Baymofid Rat-

    ^ eliffe. Mr. Bateliffe declined and nonrinatied IJr. Wagener as ch-ir-


    phiea t h u Cberry HOI did laat

    who rwhirfanttr accepted. Several dtiaena w e ^ called opon far " d e u up and paiga. bnt the tihonribt f aO

    nentaaned above doprevaiL U! The Jonior League of Waterfall _ j j ^ j^^^^^ ^f Eaatwn Col- **> Womaa' Christian Temper-mnj oae doabts ft he can aaoer- school wffl give an entertainmoit j ^ ^ ^ ^^j ^ ^ ^ ^ c^ee MeCh- * Union during the state wide

    ^tfae-iiaiiiw of -called

    their TJews those inert-

    were Hf Brs.- K-CARD OF THAMLS

    f^nrofhxmm^hThmmigtaag-^ Satnrday evening. April 2 4 . . ^ ^ , . tieae fccta fer-lamastf.-tty-itfi^^ fiEfrmh.:?^^^^ U>e. IVJJJ the biazne oa t h e ^ ^ > ; ^ ^ ^ ; ^ ^ f e f ^ r ^ b ^ ^ A. Boada. Ifaa B^l^.will ^ ^ ^ - a - ^ - ^^ parent? Tbe parent. tagta^^^^^^.^^j^^ ^ , , , , ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

    . E ^ M P a c c ^ OCMUUllHL ' t t i M U S f T K

    S. Hynaoo. C J. Meetze. A. W Sinclair. Rev. E. A Roaa>

    We wish to extend smceretg^^u Roop. Rev -' *^ - - = ^ '_ ' ''ixad Joaith Qfl&acr 'n

    a. m . . " ^ kintesM ana a y n m a t h y p i , Uynson a r - a -

    j l 4, jn. 'campaign. wiM speai as foUowa -gz^ - At Woodbine. Frtdty Qia*Et. Awil * ti^nks to ow a^sv fneads for

    t i 8 p L M . MtiL R J. B n r Ev- B -- "tyr

  • iffy> juuiuxAL. rn i i^Ai ,\a-rKiL ss. v ix>


    I b :- t r^vii.x,.v a>:Mn m. K >!Tke ReMoo Why SoiBe FaraMn|TlaMir Up the Wtodtfw% and Jhim

    lights the spark nf animation in the eye. TirJring fredi air, the

    in town for anMiia aadmaodis , w wown-Bg-cmic-pi ituirKeL-iit. thft f j ewfyoae iraa aboQK how hieky he wai

    and broken tmto ni green and ydk>w at the corners of the mouth ah , , a V



    3 ^ j f y | K m u

    WbU & Giddings G^t^ Outfitters"


  • \ ' V



    THt .MANASSAS JOLRNAI. PUBLISHING j that Januar) is calied the firat month of the > ear. How much better it wouW be if April, the first | real month of ^ring weather, was known as the,

    _ _ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ initial month of the twelve Who would not SUBSCRIPTION, i.oo A YEAR IN ADVANCE ^^^^'^ **" * resolution when^jature is awaken-

    ing than wheBU oot-doors is drear and asleep? O

    COMPANY, Uicorponted Eotered at tbe Post U&CK al " r - t . Viqpua, iSoood


    tfirctt7 ur u^iroc t^ ,


    A NEW TOWN ORGANIZATION On Monday evening a new (Niganizaticm eamt

    intio being in Manassas. AgroapofeflfiKutBtJic c^aens met m Comier's Opera fioaae and placed themselves upon record a being deei^ inter-ested in the welfare of our progresBive town. So anxious were they that MaaaK^Bshookl become

    ^ ^ , To grow with the upspringing seed would be ad I inspiration in itselt To have your newly-formed: irians and a^Mratioos aasociated in time witbi Mnriiar Earth's awakeningwwtld catnetfae vibm- i tioQ of a flympatheCic chord in yoor imnost beiqg, and reaohitionB would become more m \i*^ sacred (UiJtCCtMlOt,at NatxuKk'a a r m i 111 I

    WEALTH ">c accumulatiQn of wealth is merely a question of

    egging tnnng*l>er iMye or smalL -i'tewYear^ ^ y Ka goo3~lime lo m^^reaa-

    1U1JIX& InttCtWe'^eialdthaiweshoakriu^ oar resolutions every mamii g befne starting oat for the daily battle, and this idea is certaii^y | Q

    ^^^ . to be commended. But who can imagine abater cleaner, mora sahilary,~and marealtiaelive S g ^Nae^-flw year tfcna nwrto^start life-anew^ they formed a permanent organizaticHi which will """^ ^^S''**>* *e*f and grow with the flowers. devote itself to tiiis specific work. sasQvic League^atoand?Bewttttttti


  • ^yy^ V HlNliLlA}f8fek8 i O t m N A U FRmAV^ APRIL 23. IMS ; - I ^ T T -

    - #

    ljOaL4iEWS - The town OMB appozimately 24,000 gallons of watar every day.

    Master George Byrd, who haa been quite aiek, is recovering.

    Bern to Mr. and Mrs. Roger W. PayneonAptfl W, tittle GMtb Hay den Payne.

    - The street* in the boaineas section are now reedviog a i!niidi needed aweeping.

    The hait iefta' sewiag mat Monday af tenooB with little WMB Bmlan uaKor.

    Biy Syriukte leU

    One of the coonty's new road traefay. was taken o v ^ to Braots-VHM tfl Monday incMnaiiig.

    ^The regdfr monthly meet-ing of the L. 3f.lL,jnll be held nextSuitday aft^ErooonatSo'ckiek in Grace M. . churdi. "Japan-ese Red Letter Day" wiU be ob-served. All are eocdiallT in^ vited.

    D. C. Yatej", who lives on the Larsen place aboat a mile and half from town^bad the mi&for-tone to have about seventy-five

    Mias Janie Herreli has been elected delegate from Trinity Epweopal Sunday achooT to allebd' the Sunday School Institute to be held next Thursday at The Plains under the auspices of the Piedmont Convocation. Rev. i. F. Barks win' be in attendance opon the oonvocatioD which opens on Toesdayand eioaes Thursday night,

    cords of wood burned up on Mon*-{- Tbe funeral services of Mr.


    day by fire which spread from a nearfayfatiiii pile.

    Tin dirwtnninf thfi National

    J. C, Harrell took place at S t Anne's Memorial chapel. Nokes-ville,Sundayatl2:30p.nL About

    BvBk e l Man*wwm held their reg-ular mootUy meeting Tuesday. fn'tfae-abaenee^ P r e a t d e M

    thirty HaaMia froinlfan amas con-doeted the funeral, the service be-ing j a d i v the Bev. J. F.JBuriuL.

    7z:wb9^ eontiraMw m ^ -fte^wdy waa-hmnght toMintfi . ^ ^

    The card elub was enter* tained Ttuesday afternoon by Mias Mary Beverley Lwchman

    James Hedges and Satii N. Arringtm. botit of Oceogoan, weremaixieli in Wadiin^ctoa MtUh d a y . ^

    - ^ Dr. H. L. Quarka deHvere* an- addrear laal mmiiing at G t e Alles. Elis,.aBlQefc i cM"Mar

    jseaaon will be to-monow with "Hie Lincoln A. C. team, of Wash-ington, whicii will be called on the lood diamoid at 3 p. m.

    La order to vote in the {nri-mary in Aogtiat and in the Ko-vembcr electioa you muat pajr yoor pcdl tax by May L Do not ioaeyour "mneli-ooveted-by-the-wiawat" d a o B

    P T fffr th? privflfgfl-

    onryr-Mrs. Jaeob HarreO oitex^

    tained the bridge -nage.

    Mr. J. D. Hanover, who has bad-Seattk, Waah., as his head-qoartew for the pest five w six

    family who reside nearWcfling-Ion.. ^Ria

    of a $lfl QOe high school in Alffie. l l i e new sUueture j s to faavo&aert&igeaiMdtarof 2b0

    d l 4Mj|til|k|MMI inOi nuuVnn WHiTHiiBncgaL

    :=ax: the back portion of theol^Braw-

    hooae whidi is now oeeaiHed by Mr. J. LJtoriKg and f a i m ^ 80 that It is now two stories in h a ^ He w9I put in water wad

    storerooms W t S e C d i B e r b m l d ^ P " ^ ^ '-MiSL AUuB C HmdlllBHraag

    W. Park Wilson, of Loudoun eomrty; Mr. T. Bamsay Ta^or, of NacfoOc. and Mr. R Conway Tqrkr, of Battimon; Iwre been

    The ehotna S'ludualiial^ School, asriafead hy edeixatod wlantB^ wiB give a May mosical festival in Conner'st^

    - A t the s o f t of A a Grand GsaKfl, O. F. A. . w h i d eonveaed in Rifhmond this 'weak Ji M. BeO^ Bon Gei)Bc^ theoOeeof

    ^Tlie ehoras doi ts of 4be vocal jepaitraent

    give a pobtie recital ih the college auditorium at 7:45 this evening.

    nir vilte. wher.


    Geo. Heiiiftg. of Nokefr-was injured last Saturday

    who'fiveB in the IL&Hynaon'a.

    stricken with iafantfle^'pval-

    little ^ i k l ia doing aa weU aa a

    brfoce the teal of the s t n k e w a bekaown.

    varmsmmrsiBirmiM in oemeteiy Sunday, af-

    ternoon. - T h e spdling matches will be-

    gin iHtxiut^ at irieven o'clock to-morrowr~ The Jomor match wiU be held at Eastern gfaraas-inm and an admission fee of ten ceiits will be charged. The Senior match will be held at the Rnffner building. No spectators will be allowed. Elaeh child abooM bring

    Mr. ,G. 15. Jiiley, of Areola, was in town j esterdi^.

    Miss Carrie Lee was a Manas-sas visitor hmi Friday.

    Miss Sue Brawner is visiting friends in Manasitab this week.

    ^i Miss Lola Kline, daoghttf of.

    Mr. John M Kline, returned this morning from Midland where she spent a week with friends and and relatives.

    Mr. Paul L Weir, of Norfolk, who was operated upon in that city a short time back, arriveti in Manassas Wednesday for a short stay .with his father, E.

    Mrs. Walter Opp, of Occoguan, i Wood Weir, was a Manassas vnator Thursday. | Miss Horn and Mr, Graham, of

    Mr. G. L. Hutchison, of Aldie. **J *ncnt several dsyaln Washington iMLweek and this roefcn:

    MrflLa.L. SDBSIE on; visited rdattves in Bris-tow and

    M i s s Sne fl^al^l^ee fwtumed

    fiev. E. A. Bonds and dangfata.

    a i d v idt to R a p p a h a n n o c k e o o i ^ . I

    Miss Estiker Warren Pattieare g n e d s of MTML Kinrhdw m Up-perviUe.

    Miss Ada Sncfadoe. mho w w the gnest of her ann^ Mra. R. ^

    M Ropp^ ( the

    C. Round and Mra. her stay in

    l b , R. W. PiVDO attanded the wedding w h i e h

    toek piaee at TWwflli^ eoonty, f a

    ~ Mrs. BdMfft~^BRan Evans, of Baltimore, arrived in

    -W, ffiD Brown hn tamadfkomaariestown. W.Va.,

    I v t h a a * .

    see tins oner will enjoy going bode to those (^den timcftr Admisacm, lOcoits. Refreshments will be so-ved.

    Judge D. Gardiner Tyler, of Chariess City Coonty. has been sdected by the g e n m l commit-tee of the 1916 Reonion of the

    mted Cohfederatte Veterans tc ddivor the address of welcome aa behdf of Jhe Virginia C(m-f e d c n t e vetoans att The CHpeaiing

    A Valuable Aid ~ to Beauty Good health and good kx>ks al-ways "go hand inhaiid." You^ amnotkeep your Beauty if your system is run down, your appe-tite poor and yoor sleep restless


    is intended to aid in resttHing all the d3te and bet-teraptrita.

    $1 .00 the BeCtU R O L D O N L Y B Y 1 1 8

    Dtweffs Pbrnacy -THi

    Sobeeribe for T H B JofiBiUL, SLOO a year m l S v a n r e



    Hfe Iteep YomLBook&

    without charge. We :fonuiA yon and check hot^sB. 0\a. ex-

    ita kccpaaac" enrate Iteeord of eveiy pesmy yoa deporat, wi th^w, or ehedc oitt

    'ilTC rnder ah aeee^itlu^'tO'yoa whenever jou wish i t ^ ^ v f d e h m y l t f r i . j t i v > f t f a n f a g a n i l w o i y nf>to>

    r. Ha

    aafegaard for yonr money. Oomr adentJona sarvice here costs-yoa notooe eri;. Can. yon affoxd not

    ^ haye an aeeoont with thfa aafo fct banki

    Gome in and talk it overtoday.


    Mra. W. F, Merchant attended the baseball game in Waahii^tan last Satorday. aeoompdaed b r her Am Jack aadMMtor Payne.

    Mias. Grends leaves for C ^ C L . lottesville to-


    Mrs. John Bldght, of Fradav-icksburg, is a visitor at the home of her brotherna-law. Mr. iolm G. White.

    Mrs. MoUie Aldrich and Miss Sue AJdrich are at beme after a stay of several mootha in Balti-more.

    Mr. and Mrs. 0. G. Delk and chlldreo. of Southfield. are visit-ing Mrs. Delk's father^ Dr. W. R. TulkMS.. ^

    Mr. John Jordan retorned from Panama last week.

    Mr. and and the MijiseaClarkaQDhave re-

    jtamed frofp a sMoths tanoridft. Mra. ^ u ^ T. Clarksoa and little son, of Washington, are their guests this

    Masto* Vonon DePaow E n i g ^

    last Thursday to spend the smn-mer at "Waveriy Farms."

    MrB.M. S. E i ^ lUMi children left on Tuesday f

  • tuomtmrtoK C JU AJSM j

    tOtprrwM^ 1U. o, Mr*. J, A.

    Oi t v R v h Q W

    iteiK :I4' < [j^t^ rmi^AT. AfTOU ZB, I9sa

    ir Cabort f^arler F^m

    fFroD. TW WiMii^iKB Past)

    Sir Giltiert Pitcr took ooc-

    W are BETTHl VKI PHOTOGRAPHS >q:oj) .F

    We make h spieciaJty oisach work kud g-uju-ioiUsfc Mtiafac-tioiL Appointmerite oiadt on short rioiioe. For prkr caU on or write

    rTlir K w a Lasdar

    - Extensions in the p&rcel post skn at a ncesA aKing of theiystem, wkicfa viil place it op i HayM*aT* ^%fiml* Pflgrims in LoodBBtopay a warm i more equal tenas witii the fcx-j^^^^^^ T . . ^ ^ ^

    the attitaie it has tniiaCaHxid I itaes and/Wrioe to t ie public. Bring or send your Kodak Work ^nnnc tkaar. Be aaid: j a r e j p ^ eanadetatMB by the

    lartion^pftiitnftfff d e p a r f e t offieia!^ UMa-tPi'*' OiMiiil BvTicBoa

    hanoc taken steps to improve

    r parad piat so tikaet thfT T of a pared will not be

    eoaqpeDed to prepagr tiw .feve it coUected at its

    has aoed witha

    be too giMbeftA.

    BntinBed t ^ speaker, "has tibe vuiy eoone

    rv . i r faa i

    LANSBUEGH & BRO. 420 .26 SeTcnth SL, Washisigtrin. D. C.

    EstaUbbed in 1860 Lemden TlkenLcuulers Nw-

    ang retnTDed to I V present " C O B 1 re^a-

    iataoas of tk pared post are not giving i^stisffrinn to AednpiMiy

    its deservedly higli tibe fieU of plaaM(7. ft _ _ , ,^

    m tre qroapatliy with daejpublie, and tkere has been "a ' s e n s i b l e




    of the i to

    the world's hkteT. It tha ta l the

    The way to make two biades of graas giown where one does now -Boy the odefaiwtfld M^tgaeaam Lime from Leesburg Jjme Ca the lime that has been aoM in


    II llll IM I

    .OCl T * : ^ 5

    ^"V " * * am uiXB m. " -= "ac U B L n ^ o e e o SOtfl in gnat deal of complnBt in i^a i^ ! ^ ou< s and Fairfax for the past _ ^ ^ twenty-five years, and out pto-

    daced them alL and the zeaaoD for It is because it contains Mag-nesnm and Oxide Iron ill r^:ht pnvortaon to Caldam CohoMte,

    toral DepartoaeBt is Year Book 1901. pace 11, at^ca that lbu


    WE , U ! 1^^ ' ft-

    a M

    kadnto >M oaSi Mti


    i ^ i m f c ^ f c



    R A M M A Y

    i r

    r T ^ i v b a <


    I a w .

    TliMSiS Tf2flSk(k, Rd C i

    ' tnc.TI C

    WKit. soo tb - ^mn b w . { ttnar ^umttm

    ^ I i - . U -ir-'wtJasr-rwrMB T t t f * n M lor i . * fl. . -'"'*' ^";'=* nf "UU or c ,.af n . >

    . - - ' '" ^^t^i^mm rVB9- I v> sraft. V ^ M ^ M ^ M ^ M ^ P

    e. w.'sn&Lgi. i 9 i S. - Asnoout aftf Tf

    __.:" vr,. r C u^ pri '"-frmia. cpecm. -ouric ' . n n l iif 36 nr .



    LARKIN^E go.

    Heury iiiai

    of d>p

    c. w. hrrt-r^rwSrir^

    BBt< tat p

    D C i m S T

    i^ftWBTM O F A L ^ J U M D S .

    E S T I M A T E S F U R N I S H E D . OSoa: >io. l i K. UBtoe StreeL

    ? a . . F o r T : N a . m N . I ^ S t r ^ ALEXAN DR, A . VA

  • "V THE MAS-\SSAS JOURNAL, fTtlDAT. APRIL 2 y ^ 5 - - ' ?^^J^^ ^^^^^'' ^^^,-

    W lOCAL I N T E I O soon GKOwp BUdER r;

    Some People We K M W .

    WdlPnif i tby


    '. K. fa: - uj iLf,, iu ujMoJ:jae it . vni. r.; . .#r-,u,Mi*f a cTLiMai ^ w a r d ;

    W U e s A r e

    rtr AsPrQ|.,


    GENERAINEWSNOTES I'resideot Wiiaoc has decidad

    , de^oitelf zwt to aceampasy Sec-retUT Daxiiela on his oraitem-

    \ plated trip through the panama joinal lo^'S^mTraac^oo in Julj . ]

    I Jadge fienjaann K Lio^ey. of I the Denver jaresule ooort, vasj

    Choice Meats I

    wall | per mu



    HotuoSv KDT tred. and

    . .iarapidijattracL-i^iicKcH*! taoaem. It is nuiat of the very best wht at trc >. uaran-teedpure aiid btilti. .v Bran, IfkiaJingaand other ie-ed for Bale. V a t s ' groimd Meal, a a d f af N a 1 corn, ccuu>taBt-

    ordera promptly filled and delivered to m:arL>

    if -i to tbeaul l

  • I

    TO PJIEIJIS; '>ET..fcT^-swur;ijja(juajEjj^jj^ oneiiAGiiE f^i^ , _.. , , , , A Boit for tOB construction of I

    \ /

    I asw in THE JOUKNAL of April MafD ditahal MitiUad "Ace Xbe ikhoob Ckwad Down?" If you 2I B^ievme tite mce, I would E e t o t e l l a f slevthizif iB. Ai tfae boyB irtw are laafk^ (m the MnBte^oiqf ebolt^L! I BW f OBrteea boyB of aehod g^ B tdw trBte one das Iwt week ^ORQc flQbMJ hMBK Ontytfaree of the fomteec bad been to mduxA for a atanth; ioar hav

    A Boit for tfts construction of the will of Robert Partner, who died May 28, iyo6, leaving a val-nable estate, was inatituted in tiw Sapreme Couri of the Distziet of Columbia receatiy 1^ his chil-dreuEdward G. Poatner. Alvin O. Portner. Qagg C Portner.

    !flrnum H. Par tM. fiilda Vaet-&er, Etta P. Mcreditfa and fUaa P.Grahm^aflrf Waahington.and Alraa M. Cits. M A ' A I M T

    Thw m'lUiim in the caae atatee tliatAfmaJ*artaer. thetertatar's

    ^ wjikw, died July 12. 1912. Her I^Smtend's wiB ptovided t int abe

    iMwe "tiie~iife "pse of ^le

    Sacretaryof CoMineKse Redfield F r l i f e o f

    C oiitmuec i-Turi. Firbi Pu*j

    lor ihaiT negjecl of duty.


    Coiitmuwi iron First i'ugt

    [The WaahjiuyvroM^

    Ninety-uiae ^yw cent of the achooia of the LTnitad Suiteg, Sec-retary of Comiwirce Wiliiam C. Badfeld declared recently, teadi

    XMhler. of New Yrk 5 *verae boy and gxri every- ^ ' j f ^ . , ^ A t T . P , 1 S o 4 a f * W e ^ h o w i o e , n . a l : v . n 8 . ^ ^ g r h g e

    winter; a i ^ 1 ^ other aevea did aot eatviadwal until aftor the biiDtiiv ateon. opoe only a d y BOW and tiin and were

    JOBMO^^wtdnow. aineeit

    n e time bofs wmfinnad

    ijy an intBiTtew gtven to booat the Santihfim ccmferenee for eda^ cttion and industry, to be held at Chattananga. Teim.. the laat

    of the SKvaewt niuuth, Mr. . ^ ^ Mc x MIC *^*^*d mdioated tbat be h o p s

    wmaaertv at l Iftd V*^;;^ I" ItflgniUMildrMhianartHffiOa cff



    to fD at bBr4eBtii to the K8t of the t roa tw^t^ ndibriat Caeqpiny aa

    ISte {wtitianeei aak a eanatme-tioa of tiie wS '"flnrlai IIUL BBA PioviaianB t teraaf aa am ia vio-iation -of the nda^f law - flf Hift perpstnitieB to lie TQM W^ tiw-

    wKimmg &C7 wS afipaar-at aeiieaL T h ^ thrae fao^ ba\^ earned titetr teaehera more ti mUe than ^5ts x tbe (^ber echolBrB. AQ of the foorteen bcyalam teffins abofAan^avHt

    tiMan datelc-wbiidE^ wiiea tbe^

    ekmaand tv3ve at adcbt and lie m fced m i g i i ^ W ^ ^ ^ Jte

    t ^ fmcBorageipeat and aid he able l l^ve vacataimalodiieatioiL

    He ^KeTBB tbeiv ia no moae oomiUy ^rtfaf

    to BDcb provaaoa, the died inteatate, and lite said ]avg>-esty and estate aecordiug^y de-cended and inoone dst^mta- '

    above wboattendacfaaol will often afei^ c n . t ^ liXBetB antS j c h a d

    J ~ c r e e i ^ tibat, aa to ti>e j g t p e r ^ ^ * ^ ' * ^ ^ * >n * efficient " j a n i eatateintMided to be Mibjoet "****** * . T I _ : I J - _ :


    than J^tibe ac^olB to fit _ and cizis far mcbistzjr, and th^

    by at laaat ton yeats their paodootive Ji&; aaxt then frcaa-being HQITM: pega innnu^

    town aad mststed that they should re-sign if they did not wish to that there wub a istrict enlorce-xnent of al! iawK. He showed very foreefuhy iiow the people needed to be ^poiued to tlie ne-ceeeity of having a clean town, be offd aboot seventy-five

    cans tn thrwf who-to tiae tbem for

    traeh reoeptacks, and placed himself on record aa beinff very desinMH of the,BuocesB of the l e w i e .

    Hon. C J. Me^ze gave the "dean up" idea a ^grejtt JjisaBt. 1 . _____

    Mr. Ratcliffe pot a motion, \ wmch wai carne^i, to uit: effect that the oHicert of the league sh&ISC^usUtuLe ail e^ecuuvecum-

    It was ako moved and the HchoeJTcjRicial-i and the schoo] tiiat Messrs. Lion and Bystem are all UJ a certaiii extent

    extended the sincere to blasae for this condition of af-thanks of ilbe \eagas f or the ut*e fairs in our schools in Prince Wii-of the hall. , liarii cuuuty.

    The president announced ttiatj l o ifte tJioughtful perbon who he would call the next meeting has ohberved the runmng order


    in the near future.

    tiie DeMtment of Cenuwsrcfi iL oow^^Ti^^ -tto A * 'wBt :ap-tows at toa o'ekxk; I aaar aevcn ba^a on A e Btpeet, Q a ^ t w a r f l t e


    whom doea fte xeapaBi&ifi^nBt for tbeae ba a 4iMa

    wuilftav, Tarmeta, lume bBiideni wbea tbof R yaaa^ and active and eager toieu^ by preparinr tbem for die indnatnal workl. Jar tbe Tam^ and for hianti lia. . . JAft WiHii i i m g gTtay

    Saentai7 Beffieid SKA that biaumaia men, w^'^seatixe Hm OBBtoz aEMBstnmQfir asidecaai^csa iar. adidt w^rianea. aboidd be diai|j|ii iumiilB^d iiillitheaead

    For die tiral Randown ai Over-

    ffl^ii "ffie eoadition tiad; '