Machine Learning for Statistical Arbitrage: Using News...

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Machine Learning for Statistical Arbitrage: Using News Media toPredict Currency Exchange Rates

Samaskh Goyal (sagoyal), Hari Sowrirajan (hsowrira), Teja Veeramacheneni (tejav)

Abstract— We explore the application of MachineLearning for predicting bilateral Foreign Exchange Ratesutilizing the sentiment from news articles and prominentmacroeconomic indicators. Using a random forest regres-sor, we were able to predict foreign exchange rates withan average error of 7.8%. In addition, news articles werean important feature in the majority of these randomforest regressions. The novelty of our project relies onutilizing the Latent Dirichlet Allocation to cluster newsarticles into topics and further understand the semanticmeanings behind each topic and applying it to foreignexchange rates.


Artificial intelligence is being adopted by the finan-cial industry at breakneck speed - primarily throughFinTech firms breaking down financial services tradi-tionally operated by institutional banks. While initiallythis caused a major rivalry due to the obvious conflictof interest, recently both parties have recognized thatin the long run these enhancement provide better clientservice and financial security which benefits both indi-viduals and businesses1.

Machine learning is being integrated into the fi-nancial sector through process automation, securityenhancement, underwriting and credit scoring, algo-rithmic trading and portfolio advisement.2 The mostlucrative of these is algorithmic trading: a process bywhich trades are conducted at high speeds and volumebased on a number of preset criteria. In the literaturethis type of financial forecasting is heavily focused onstock prediction and uses several market indicators34 .

In our paper, we attempt to investigate a less studiedasset class: foreign exchange rate. The literature sug-gests using data on macroeconomic variables such asGDP, interest rates, or more granular metrics such ascurrency-pairings and short term time horizons.5 In ourmodel, we take a novel approach and use news articlesto predict the foreign exchange rate of 6 major countrypairs. To this end we use the Latent Dirichlet Allocation(LDA) algorithm to cluster articles into topics and thenuse the associated weights as the features for our model.

We hypothesize that this text-based framework willbe able to effectively capture the factors driving thesupply and demand of currency and provide accuratepredictions on the exchange rate.

Specifically, the input to our algorithm is a year’snews articles and macroeconomic indicators. We utilizeseveral regression models, including Linear Regression,Ridge Regression, Random Forests, and Support Vec-tor Machines, to then predict the next year’s averagecurrency exchange rate for a specific country pair.


Predicting foreign exchange rates is a well definedproblem. Kamruzzaman et al. utilized artificial neuralnetworks (ANN) and support vector machines (SVM)to predict next week’s foreign exchange rate from thecurrent week’s rate. They are able to predict the direc-tional change in exchange rate with around 80.0% and83.0% test accuracy for the ANN and SVM, respec-tively6.7 In addition the National Bureau of EconomicResearch created a model that accounted for majoreconomic constraints such as: “Behavioral equilibriumexchange rate”, “Yield curve”, and “Taylor’s Rule”.Their average error was 42%.15

However, such approaches rely solely on data that isdirectly connected with foreign exchange rates and donot explore whether the sentiment present in news arti-cles is predictive of currency exchange rates. Utilizingnews articles to make societal predictions is currentlybeing studied in other contexts, namely conflict andstock price prediction. Mueller was able to summarizenews text with topic models to predict military conflictone or two years before outbreak. He found that newsdata had a comparative advantage in predicting conflictand should be added as a feature to current conflictprediction models.10 In addition, Schumaker and Chenshow that utilizing breaking financial news has a statis-tically significant impact on predicting stock prices.11


A. Data Collection

There are three datasets that we utilized in thisproject: foreign exchange rates, news articles, andmacroeconomic indicator data. For the foreign ex-change data, we downloaded the yearly average foreignexchange rate from 1981 to 2016 for the Dollar-Yuan(China), Dollar-Rupee (India), Dollar-Yen (Japan),Dollar-Pound (Great Britain), Dollar-Franc (Switzer-land), and Dollar-Canadian Dollar (Canada) from theOrganization of Economic Cooperation and Develop-ment.20

For the news articles, we utilized the New YorkTimes Article Search API to collect metadata fromaround 2000 articles per year (most relevant) from1981-2015. We specifically searched for articles in thefollowing economic-related sections: Your Money, JobMarket, Business, World, Business Day, and Technol-ogy. We chose these sections because we hypothesizedthat articles from these sections would be most relatedto currency exchange rates. We then wrote a Pythonweb scraper using Beautiful Soup to harvest 72,078full-text articles corresponding to the metadata col-lected in the first step.21

For the macroeconomic indicators about a country,we collected data about the Gross Domestic Product(GDP) and Power Purchasing Parity (PPP) for the sixcountries whose exchange rates we were predictingfrom the World Bank website.19

Both the news articles and macroeconomic indicatorswould be used as features for predicting currencyexchange rates.

B. Topic Modeling

To generate features from the news articles, wedecided to use unsupervised learning to cluster thenews articles. Ideally, each of these clusters wouldcorrespond to some type of generic topic. The pro-portion of yearly articles in each cluster would be thefeatures for that year. To cluster the news articles, weutilized Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA).16 LDA is agenerative statistical model that clusters documents thatare similar to each other. LDA can be described by thehyper-parameters α, β, and K, where α represents theDirichlet prior for the topic distribution for a certaindocument, β represents the Dirichlet prior for the worddistribution for a certain topic, and K represents thenumber of topics.

To cluster the news articles, we chose α = 0.2 andβ = 0.2 after experimenting with several values. We let

Fig. 1. Semantic Meaning of the Clusters when K = 5

K be 5, 10, 20, 25, 50 to see which number of clusterswould be optimal for the currency exchange prediction.After clustering the news articles, we discovered thatthe clusters had semantic meaning. For example, whenK = 5, some of the words most associated with cluster3 were “American”, “military”, “Russia”, “Iraq”, and“Israel”, indicating that cluster 3 were news articlesassociated with the military and foreign policy. Somewords most associated with cluster 2 were “European”,“China”, “trade”, “industry”, “oil”, “Japan”, indicatingthat cluster 2 were news articles associated with inter-national trade and the monetary system. Figure 1 showswhat the results of the clustering are.


We attempted to predict the average next year’sexchange rate with four different regression models;linear regression, ridge regression, support vector re-gression, and random forest regression. We utilizedScikit-Learn to implement these three models.

A. Linear Regression

Linear regression works well as an initial baselinemeasurement. Given an input vector x ∈ RK+1, wherex contains the yearly proportion of the topics andcurrent year’s exchange rate, linear regression finds aθ such that θTx is the predicted next year’s exchangerate. To find the θ, we choose the θ that minimizes theleast-square cost function

J(θ) =n∑


(θTx(i) − y(i))2

where n is the number of training examples, y(i) isthe true label for examples i, and x(i) is the data forexample i.


B. Ridge Regression

We also experiment with adding an L2 regularizationterm. This means we choose the θ that minimizes thefollowing loss function

J(θ) =n∑


(θTx(i) − y(i))2 + λK+1∑i=1


where λ is a constant that determines the weightson L2 regularization term. We set λ = 0.01 afterexperimenting with several different lambda values.

C. Support Vector Regression

Support vector regression is another good model thatmight be able to capture non-linear trends in the datawith certain kernels. We aim to find a w such thatwTx + b is a prediction for the next year’s foreignexchange rate. This w is found by minimizing


2||w||2 + C


(ξi + ξ∗i )

where n is the number of training examples. This issubject to the constraints

yi − wxi − b ≤ ε+ ξi

wxi + b− yi ≤ ε+ ξ∗i

ξi, ξ∗i ≥ 0

After experimenting with polynomial kernel, linearkernel, and the gaussian radial basis function kernel,the radial basis kernel performed best. We use the radialbasis function as a kernel for our data where for an x(i)

and x(j)

K(x(i), x(j)) = exp(−1

2||x(i) − x(j)||2)

We set C = 1.0 and ε = 0.1 after conducting tuningregularization.

D. Random Forest Regression

Decision tree regression is also another approach thatcan capture non-linear trends in a data set. However,because decision trees are prone to high variance thatis dependent on random splits, random forests are oftenused as they aggregate the results from several decisiontrees. To train our model, we utilized a 100 decisiontrees with the splitting criterion∑

i∈L(y(i) − y(L))2 +


(y(i) − y(R))2

Fig. 2. Cluster Size vs Error

where y(L) is the average currency exchange rate in theleft node and y(R) is the average currency exchange ratein the right node. Hyper parameters that were turnedwere minimum leaf samples and minimum samples fora split to reduce over-fitting.


To measure the accuracy of our models we find totalpercentage error of the foreign exchange rate predictionfor each currency. For each currency and for ever year ibetween 2000 and 2015, we train the model on all yearsfrom 1981 to i − 1 and test the model for year i. Forexample, one of the predictions would be training onnews articles from 1981-2000 and predicting on 2001.The percentage error for a year i is then defined as

εi =y(i) − y(i)

y(i)∗ 100

where y(i) is the predicted exchange rate and y(i) is theactual exchange rate. The average percentage error fora specific currency pair is then defined as the averageof these ε values for that currency pair.

A. Optimal Number of Clusters

To determine the optimal number of cluster/topicswe should use in our regression model, we comparethe average total error of all the models when usingnews article weights when K = 5, 10, 20, 25, 50. Thelowest average error was when K = 5. See Figure 2.


Fig. 3. Regression Models: Linear Regression, Ridge Regression, Support Vector Regressor, Random Forest Regressor

Fig. 4. Feature Importance per country


B. Model Comparison

We compared the four regression models when K =5. We see that Random Forest Classifier performed thebest (had the lowest average error and lowest standarddeviation) across 5 of the currency exchange rates withan average error of 7.9%. Support Vector Regressorhad the poorest performance having the highest averageerror across all 6 currencies with an average error of23.0%. Linear and Ridge Regression produced averageaccuracies in between these with average errors of10.6% and 10.4%, respectively. See Figure 3.

C. Feature Importance

Feature importance is a metric used in random forestregressors to determine which features are importantto the prediction17.18 To determine the feature im-portance, we utilized the mean decrease impurity ofa feature. Using this metric, a country’s GDP percapita consistently remained a important feature for itsforeign exchange rate. Purchasing Power Parity was asignificant indicator for China, India and Japan. Cluster4 was the most important news article topic for allcountries except Canada. See Figure 4.


Our model construction shows that Random ForestRegressors produced the lowest average error, the plau-sible reason for this is that it was able to catch the non-linear trends in the data, which the linear and ridgeregression were not. In addition, the random forestregressor had the lowest standard deviation, indicatingthat the model was not overfitting and the properhyperparamters were tuned.

The weights on the features indicate that GDP re-mained the most important features for the currentyears FER for the majority of countries tested. Thiswas expected since the GDP captures the economicstrength of a country. More interestingly, the PPP wasonly a significant predictor for non-European develop-ing countries (China, India, Japan). Historically thesecountries have less stringent working conditions and areknown to have a manufacturing heavy economic sector,thus the rate at which a market basket of goods (PPP)is priced is relatively high in their local currency.

Additionally Cluster 4 is the most significant newstopic for the majority of the countries (all exceptCanada). This is interesting since the key words in-dicate that this cluster codes for the sentiment of“society” relating to foreign exchange rate. Societyimplies that the domestic perception about foreign

exchange rate actually has an influence in drivingforeign exchange rate. This not an uncommon eco-nomic condition. It has been shown that inflation ratesare also heavily dependent on domestic expectationof inflation.14 Further the sentiment of “society” innews captures the average health associated with thedomestic economy on the home front.

Our random forest regression model performed fa-vorably to an analysis conducted by the National Bu-reau of Economic Research. Their model was ableto obtain a 42% average error, whereras our modelwas able to achieve 7.8% average error. This can beexplained by the fact that we used random forests,which are able to capture non-linear trends in data,and news articles, which can capture underlying yearlysentiment, while their paper utilizes a random walkmodel, which might be susceptible to overfitting anddoes not utilize news articles.


There are multiple steps that can be taken to improveboth the accuracy of our predictions and to fullyvalidate if news articles are indeed significant predictorsof foreign exchange rate. Primarily to elucidate theconnection between news articles and foreign exchangerate we could gather articles from more distributors(apart from NYT), have access to full length arti-cles and use different keywords such as Monetaryand Fiscal Policy. Furthermore to better predict theoverall accuracy of our model we can capture moregranular economic variables like those used in stockprice forecasting. These would include: “Sticky Price”,“Country’s Risk and Liquidity Factors”. We could alsoinclude other variables such as the average inflationrate - since sustained inflation weakens the currency,as well as document domestic sentiment towards: thecentral bank, monetary policy and political stability.

The goal of this project was to try to analyze if thenews was an appropriate way to predict the foreignexchange rate with many of the US’s major tradingpartners. With our current results it would seem thatthis is plausible case. While news article sentimentitself does not seem to outweigh established globalmacroeconomic indicators like GDP and PPP, it doesoffer major feature importance for certain countries.


The github link for the code is



Samaksh: Literature Research, Data Collec-tion/Cleaning, Model Debugging, ReportHari: Literature Research, NYT Collection, Model De-bugging, Poster, ReportTeja: Literature Research, LDA Implimentation, BaseLine Models, Random Forest, Visualizations, Poster,Report


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