lo. :or - Meredith...

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Transcript of lo. :or - Meredith...


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(1) . (t) Albert Ocrhcrti<c de raet11111<1ka : .Jan llarcnt ~e Wemp Arent \'an Curler John La1111l11g the 5th Jacob Lanelngh ,

·· ···· ·· ··· ····· ···· ·· ·· ·········· ······· ··· ·· ·· ·· ······· ···• ·•• \ (3)

Pieter MceAe Vrooman Wouter Aertse tie rannmaka Ocurt lle1u.lrlcktW l\'au 8choonlwvcn) .

: .••..••• .• .••• •• . .•. ... . . • . . 6r.'l~ft. . . . .. ••. . •... .• . . ....... . •..

. I!''' ~: : ? Oeurt llendrickec V. 8. ;s:. : : !! Jacob Ten •:yck ~: : !' Jobaonc11 Pruyn tir.7Y,ft. · :

1:1:1 : · · (5) · T~iii.i~ ·-rc~riitic ·;,,~i~;i<ier · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · : ~ Paulu8 Martcn"c [\'au Henthuyacnl ~. : • Lourena Van Alen 1md Jiau Jant1c Uleecker = . Weeecl Ten Broeck

. : .••••.••.••••..•.. ••.. . . . .. . 6r.6ft .... . ... .. . . ......... . .. . .. . . . . .... : ; (6) 0

; : ;: Mattheu8 Ahraham11c Van Demien !:; '. :or Paulut1 Mnrte1111e \'an Bcnthuyt<en · : ? Uarmco Janae tvnt.lrava Peter Winne j;>

a: · . . ... .. ... . . .. . . . .... .. . . . 6r.6ft .. . . . . . .. .. .... . ....... . . . . . . . ~ : ('T) Hage Druynt!ell Pieter Ollllt1c [~fcyl'rJ ~ : ~ Tbumatt Jan~c Mlngncl Tl!llni:< Tcum~c metaelaiJr "" : t::1 t'il : • Pieter Loockern11mt1 Pieter \'au Alen !"' • ~ : Pieter Winne

. .. . . .. . . . .. . . . . .. .. . .. .... . .. ... ...... .. .. ... .... ······· ···· ··· A • (8) Rem Jam.01•11 m 1fth ~

lle11drlck Gcrrltt1c \\'outer de rat1mnaker cX Pieter Jau~c Louckermans Jncob )lullcr or l\fulclcr c.,.

~ ~ . :i:; ~:~~;:; ~~~ ~ ~: ;.:¥;:; .. .. ..................... ~ ~ r : : .. • . .. .. . .... . .. . .. . . . . .. .. 6r.~t.10ln • . .. . • .•• . • . .. .... .. . ..... : :· ;$ (10) Adrlaeo Jant1c (Dlrktic) De \'rlcti ~: : ;J Wynant Gcrrlt~c [\'a111lcr11oc1J :;· · :. Comcl111 Stc\'cn"c ~fuller or Mulder ·~ : ii Jobannetl and Jacob ditto ? ... . .. . .. . . ... ..... . .. . ... 6r.9rt,filn . . .... ... .. .. .. ...... . .. .. . ,:o(ll) 6r.101't. ~ !" Jan Co11ter Yan Acckcn Arnont Cornelltie Vicic !"' o Jan Cornelll'c Yysclacr alirM Oouw ~ ? Capt.- Jobnunes Bratt 1"ra11t1, Arent and Snm. Pntyn ?' ... .. ...... ...... ... er.Gn.stn ..... ..... ...... ... .... ... ..... .. . .

: Laue, oow MAIDE.'i LA...~E

Drondwo.y, west eide, Steuben to Maiden Lo.ne.

(1). 1fif.0, Albert O/i<hl'rl:<c 1/1• r11011maJ,;a hn11mlccl 011 thc ··north "r. thr. 1l1.ff1·11IU. (pallh1atloc11) or the vllln .. , ~ ol Hcvcrwyck; " ltiliCI, Ar,.nt \ "1111 Curlt·r.- ,&U,. lo. llrc . , :l.1"..! .

('2). 11ilili, .Jnn llan•nt >'c Wcmp.-Alb. l'o. N1·c . \~I"!. 1714. Lot~ (l) 1111d 1:?1 were owned by .Jacob Lam1lngh; and in 171i!J, hy ,fohn 1.an11l11g t 1c 1ith.-Ai11. An., v1, ~,:;; vu, 13, it, 34; vm. 812 ~IX, l!Uil ; X, 50; XI, 8lj :!O!I.

(8) ana (4l. tti.'i~. pntentc1l to I' ctl·r ~foc ><c \'rnnnum; 1fif"1-7. \\'outer de ratmmaker; lfili7, Gcnrt llc111lrit'k11c [\'nu Schoonhoven]; l"o:!i, Johaunet.1 Pruy11.-/'ate11ta, 477; Alb. lo. Rec., 414; 1Jeed11, 111, ~; .Alb. An., 1x, l!I, 46.

(4). 16'19, Ocurt llcndrtckric [V. S.] to Jacob Ten Eyck.-Deeda, 111, ~-

(6). 1667, Patented to Tennis Tcnnll'c mel11daer .i tfi'l'!l, Pnulu!'I l\lnrtcn!lc [Yan Hcnthny11cnl; lf\7!1, Lourens Van Alen and Jnn Jan,.c Blecc1<cr. - .-llb. Co. l/ec., 1::>5; Dt!t!dlJ, 111, 18, ~. 1727, Wc11t1cl Ten Brocck.-A/b . .An., 1x, 19, 46.

(6) . 1656-67, Matheus Ahrahnmsc (Van Dcui1enl; 1Gi7, Pa11!1111 Martcmc (Yan HenthuyRenl; 1671, llarme Jnnl!e ly11'1rayer; lG.'ll, Pieter Wiunc.-Patmta, -l:l:.J; Alb. Co. Rec., 133, lt>i>, 170, 200; Deed1, m, 18, 116.

(7). 165.'Hi, patented to Hngc Bniyn!leD ; Oilli!I Plcterec ["Meyer] ; ThoR. Jan!!c Miugacl; 16G!J, Teunl11 Teuulsc met/td11er: 11i5!l, Wouter tie ram1111a/.:er; tGW- 7, Pieter Loockcr-111ant1 ; lli77, Pieter Vnn Alcn.- Patents, +IA!; Alb. Co. Iii:c., 9, 13!3, 155, 260. 1719-~7, Pieter Winne, Alb. An., IX, l!l, 46.

(8) and (9). 16G:), patented to Rem Jnni<c11 smith; rn16, llendrlck Ocrrlt !lc [Yan Wiel; 1659, Woutcr de rnl!mmaX:a; 16:i&-'9, l'icter Ja11:1c Loockcrm1.1u11, Jr.; li19, Jacob Muller or l\foltler.

(9). rnm-m. Jan An<lrlcse [Donwl tie A:11ypa. In 1ftli1 perhllp!l th r rc were two hOUl'CR on (8) and (9), one occupiP<l hy Hendrick Gcrrltt<l', the other hy Jun ..:\11drh•:1c.-l'atent1, 436; • .f.11>. Co. Rec., 9, 51, 200, 509, 3ili; .Alb. An., 1x, 19, will of Corn. 8tcv. Mulder.

(10). 1654, Adrinen Ja11t1e {Dirkf'c) De \'rktt; lG.">4, Wyunnt Gcrritf:IC [Yan der Poet] · Patent1, 471; All>. Uo. lltr.., 6, !l, 18!1, :t.!O, ·l!Y.l, iiO!l. lil!l -27, Cornl'll>< Sk\"ent1e !\luldur; johannee and Jacob lllulder. Alb. A.n., IX, J!J, will of Corn. Stev. !\luldur.

(11) . 1661, patented to Jnn Co11tcr \'an Acken; llif~'J-7. Amont Cornclll!c Viele; 1fi72-8, Jan Conicllttc Vyt<elaer a/lax Oouw; 1710-14. Joh111111c11 Brntt; 110:~21. the lot on east corner or .J11me11 t1trcet and :'llaitlcn IRnu WI.It! occu11ictl hy Arent , Frnn>1, and Samu.cl Pruyn.­l'ritrnts, •l-17, -t71; Alb. Co. R1•1• ., J ~fi. 320. ·l!li; Alli. A11 ., n·, 1~1 : n, 2!'>-l; \ ' II, 13, 6S i IX, 19, .1r.. ~011fh or ~o. 11 wn~ nn nllcy li:ijj fed wide, ru1111inl{ bnck to Jan Gouw'ti houee, which unerwardt! became what 111 uow .Mnitlcu lauc.-All>. (,~. Rec., 187

..., . -...


The following was extracted from The Direct Ancestry of the Late Jacob Wendell of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, by James Rindge Stanwood. Boston: Clapp & Son, 1882.

EVERT JANSEN1 WENDE~• the first ancestor of the name who came to theee ehorea, was born in the year 1616,t in the city of

Embden,t East Friesland (now Hanover), upon the confines of the United Provinces of Holland.§ It was from thence that he emigrated

under the Dutch West India Company to New Netherland, in America, reaching that province in 1640. He was resident at New Amsterdam, on the island of .Manhattan.

• Tho 1110 of p&tronymlca was common among the Dutch, the father's name betng annexed ro tlia& of the son or daughter, with the terminations n or Hn, used lndlscrlmln­ately. Thu, for inlltADee, the name of EtilJrl Jtm11J Wmtkl, Angllclaed, meana E.M"t Wm-iUl, eon of Jan (equivalent to Johawi, or Jol\n). ·

t It is to be understood by the reader th.at all datea mentioned in tbJB akctch prevloua to 17Sl, are Old ~Ill.

t "The Earldom of B...W0n1," says Jodoow HtnttliVI, In an old London work of eml· nence!. of the print of 163&, " is so called from the chle~ Clttie thereof, and now It is cal i-1 Eaat .l'l'W1land, because It conftneth on Friulond. For the Friulander1 did not heretore. po1seu It, bat the Claavciana, of whlch J'liMy and Ptolrmi• make two sorts, tbe greaW and tbe 1888Cr, ao called In regard of their atrenitth. The greater are thoae tba& do inh•b• the Bishoprlcke of Bremu, the le1111er are the Brnbdania~ and OldMabwrgiatu. Tho Em· perour Frltkrich the third, Anno 1466, when this pro\'IDce was governed by dlver11 Pn&­fectll, did make it a CotmtU (Earldom), and gave it to one Ydalrich. Afterward ft hll~ F.arlee continually, even unttll our Time. There are two Walka CittW1 In thu Covntiti, Embda and An.chum. Emhda, or Embdena, commonly called Embtlen is the chieffb Cittle oC this C'ountr~, and a f1UDou11 Morl Toton1, aeated hy the mouth o/ tbe River Amini, having a Con"""'4ml Hawn, the 011~11 whereof ls 110 deepe that great ships may ooxnE" in under llllyle, 80 that for wealth, for the publicke and private buildings, and for the Mul· tltude of Clttlzem1, It Is known, not onely in ~nnan!o, hut also in All Parts of Europe. On(? of the chletrest Ornaments ts the .Earle'a awnptuoua Pallace, tbe great CbW'Cb, and thf" Pra1tor'11 bou~. Beere Is wonderfull Plenty or All Things, both for NecellBlty and Plea-11ure, whkh the Hamn and the Convenancle of importation or Goods, and also the natunll fcrtilfty of Frie11.and doth yeeld. The Ciitle le so <'~lied from ihe River Enu, which Taci­tiu calleth Amiaia, which divltlea East from West Friesllmd."

~ Although \'err Janae1 Wendel ls recorded upon apparently excelleni authority aa having been ofmbden, the author, aner the most careful re66Srch, announces bis con­vlcthn tba t t~ fantily 1'0llM 1Dtll not "41i~ to that p"/ace. 1-'rom M thorough a scrutiny 88 poaHible of all Information In the matter to which he bas gitined access, he ls of the opinion tll•1' the first representatives of the family In Embden were originally natives of ancient lthynlantl or Deiftlantl. (the presenl South Holhmd), who fled thence, as did many otber lJutch famlllea of the period, from the religion' perBCCutlons of the Duke of Alva, then RC'gcnt of Pblllp II. in tbe Netherlands. Notwithstanding the fact that the author has yet reccivetl no response to the inquiries which he bllS caused to be instituted in Holhlnd, he hclicves that the e1trly !!eat of the name may unquestionably l>e traced to that portion of the country n11.mcd above, and he lndlcatu as the most probable localities tho cities of Delft, Hawllrm, Lqtkn or RotUr"4M.



I 2-rno I


HUSBAND: WENDELL, Evert Janse occupation: Cooper,16 trader, magistrate

Event Day Month Year Town[shipJ County Born: 161514 Embden Friesland/now Hanover Mar.: 31 Jul 16442 New Amsterdam Died: 170913 Albany Albany Buried: Old Reformed Dutch Church, Albany Father: Orphan rn.

State Germany

New Netherland New York


Misc. Information To America 1640 in the service of the Dutch West India Co. Elder. Dutch Reformed Church 1656.

Religion: Dutch Reformed

b. d. b. d. Wife [2) Mantje Abrahamse [VOSBURG33J. widow of Thomas Janssen Mingael.1 Wife: [3) Ariaan~e16

WIFE: Susanna du TRIEUX 1· 2 Occupation:

Event Day Month Year Town(ship) County State Misc. Information Born: Died: Buried:

about 1626 Dec 16623

New Amsterdam? Beverwyck

New Netherland New Netherland

Religion: Father: Philippe du TRIEUX m. 30 Aug 1621 19 Mother: Susanna du CHESNE

b. 1586-158819 d. 1649-1653

List of children is not complete. [See note 3J

CHILDREN & spouses Event Day Mo Year

1. Thomas WENDELL13


2. Elsje WENDELL1·


b. d. 3. Capt. Johannes WENDELL1

· 11

11] Maritje MEYER16

b. 21 Jan 165217 d. 12] Elizabeth "Elsie" STAATS20

b. d. 5 Jun 173731

4. Dievertje WENDELL12

*5. Dievertje "Diewer" WENDELL1

*11] Myndert WEMP7

b. about 164915 d. 9 Feb 169028

12] Johannes GLEN7

b. 5 Nov 164823 d. 6 Nov 1731 23

6. Jeronimus/Heronimus WENDELL1

Ariaantje VISSCHER26

b. about 165526 d. 19 Dec 17 41 32

7. Philip WENDELL1


b. d. 5 Feb 173530

8. Evert WENDELL (Jr.) 1

Elizabeth Sanders18

b. 166625 d. 7 Aug 173931

Bpt 18 Sep 16459

Mar: Died: 9 Sep 173029

Bpt: 27 Jan 164710

Mar: Died: alive Jun 16631

Bpt: 2 Feb 164911


Mar: W.p~ 25 Feb 169i1

Bpt: 27 Nov 165012

Mar.: Died: by 16631

Born: about 16531


Mar: 24 Jun 1691 7

Died: 1 O Apr 172423

Born: about 16551

Mar.: by 1676 Died~ abt Mar 1691 Born: 16581

Mar: 17 Jun 16886

Died~ 13 Feb 17 4332

Born: about 16601

Mar~ 19 Mar 1681 24

Died: 16 Jun 170i6

9. Born: Mar:

b. d. Died:

References are found on the following page.

b. about 1601 19 d. alive 165422

Town[shipl County Country/Colony/State Misc. Information

New Amsterdam New Netherland See Note 1. Inherited his fathers Albany house.13

Albany Albany NY Bur.: Dutch Ref. Churchyard.29

New Amsterdam New Netherland See Note 2,

NY New Amsterdam New Netherland Merchant 16 Fur trader,27

NY Mayo~7

NY Albany Albany NY New Amsterdam New Netherland Probably died before 1653.

New Amsterdam/Beverwyck New Netherland

Beverwyck New Netherland NY

Albany Albany NY Schenectady Albany/now Schenectady NY Beverwyck New Netherland Shoemaker.16 Fur trader. Albany? Albany? NY Albany Albany NY Beverwyck New Netherland Shoemaker16

Albany Albany NY Albany Albany NY Bur: Dutch Ref. Churchyard.32

Beverwyck New Netherland Merchant16 Fur trader. Albany Albany NY Died: June 1702.5

Albany Albany NY Bur: Dutch Ref. Churchyard.

••Not Proven



Source of un-annotated data: Ron Taylor, Nancy Edmundson and Betty Watson, Association of Plrilippe du Tiieux IJescenda.ots: 159~1847 (White Cloud, MI : Newaygo County Society of History & Genealogy, 19831, Family Group Records.

1. Early Records of the City a.od County of Alba.oy a.od Colony of Rensselaerswyck, 4 vols., trans. Jonathan Pearson, (Vol 1 only, Albany J Munsell, 1869), vol 1: 1656-1675, pp. 327-328. 1663 maniage contract with Mari.tie Abrahamse.

2. Samuel Smith Purple, CoUections of the New York Genealogical a.od Biographical Sodety, vol 1: Records of the RefoTIIled IJutch Church lo New Amsterdll111 a.od New York: Maniages from 11 IJecember, 1639, to 26 Angus~ 1801 (New York, NY: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1890; reprint ed., Baltimore: Genealogical Pub. Co., 2002), p. 12.

3. William V. Hanney, comp., "Burial Records of the First Dutch Reformed Church of Albany, N. Y., 1654-1862, Deacons' Accounts, 1665-1676," IJutcb Settler's Society of Alba.oy, 7 (1931-32) :4. On 5 December 1662 Evert Wendell paid the First Dutch Reformed Church for large and small palls, the large one presumably for his wife.

4. Ibid., 7:2 and 7:5. On 27 June 1655 and on 11 February 1665 Evert Wendel paid the church for small .palls.

5. Ibid, 7:21. On 18 June 1702 a pall was bought for Evert Wendel [the younger].

6. "Maniage Record: Church of Jesus Christ [Reformed Dutch! at New Albany, 1683-1809," Part 1, "1683-1700," Yearbook of the Holla.od Society of New Yolk (1904):23. '

7. Ibid, p. 24.

8. Ibid, p. 29.

9. Records of the Reformed IJutch Church of New Amsterdll111 a.od New York Baptisms from 25 IJecember 1639 to 27 IJecember 1730, 2 vols., ed Thomas Grier Evans !New York: New York Genealogical and Biographical Society, 1901; reprint ed, Upper Saddle River, NJ: Gregg Press, 1968), 1: 19.

10. Ibid, p. 22.

11. Ibid, p. 25.

12. Ibid, p. 28.

13. James Rindge Stanwood, The IJirect Ancestry of the Late Jacob Wendell of Portsmoutb, New Hll111psbire: witb a Prefacto.ry Shetch of tbe Early .Dutch Settlement of the ProviJJce of New Netherla.od, 1614-1664 (Boston: D. Clapp & Son, 1882), pp. 18a, 19-20. The author states that Thomas Wendell inherited his father's house in Albany and that Thomas was unmarried

14. Early Records of the City aod County of Albaoy aod Colony of Rensselaerswyck, 4 vols., trans. Jonathan Pearson, rev. and ed Arnold F. J. van La.er, New York State Library History Bulletin 10 (Albany University of the State of New York, 1869-1919), vol 3: Notarial Papers 1-2, 1660-1696, p. 331.

15. Ibid, p. 283.

16. Jonathan Pearson, Contlibutioos for the Genealogies of the First Settlers of the .Aricient County of Alba.oy, from 1630 to 1800 (Albany 1872; reprint ed., Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1978), p. 148.

17. Records of tbe Reformed IJutch Church of New Amsterdll111 a.od New York· Baptisms, 1:31.

18. "Marriage Record: Church of Jesus Christ [Reformed Dutch] at New Albany, 1683-1809," Part 2, ul 700·1724," Yearbook of tbe Holla.od Society of New York (1905):5. Fredertk Harmansse Visscher, widr. of Margarita Hansse and Elisabeth Sanders, wid of Evert Wendel, Jr. , 15 Dec 1705.

19. Viele, Kathlyne Knickerbacker, Sketches of Allied Fl1Il1ilies Knickerbacker- Viele, Histolical aod Genealogical" to Which Is Added ao Appendix Con/:aiJJiog Fll111ily IJat:a (New York: T. A Wright, 1916), pp. 107-109. Records of the Walloon Church at Leiden, Holland.

20. "Marriage Record: Church of Jesus Christ [Reformed Dutch! at New Albany, 1683-1809, Part 1, 1683-1700," p. 27. Johannes Schuyler, y.m., and Elisabeth Staats, wid. of Johannes Wendell, 25 Apr 1695.

21. Calendar of Wills oo File aod Recorded lo tbe O!Dces of the Clerk of the Court of Appeals, of the County Clerk at Albaoy, aod of tbe Secreta..ry of St:ate, 1624-1836, comp. anded Berthold Fernow !New York: Colonial Dames of the State of New York, 1896}, p. 481.

22. P. Stuyvesant; P. L van die Grift; Will Beekman; Oloff Stevenson; et al, The Records of New Amsterdll111 from 1653 to 1674 a.o.uo IJoJJiioi, 7 vols. (New York: Knickerbocker Press, 18971, 1: 114-115.

23. Jonathan Pearson, Contributions for tbe Genealogies of the 1Jesce11daots of the First Settlers of tbe Patent aod City of Schenect:ady, from 1662 to 1800 (Albany 1873; reprinted, Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1982}, p. 76.

24. S. V. Talcott, comp., Genealogical Notes of New York a.od New Engla.od Fl1Il1ilies (Albany Weed Parsons & Co., 18831, p. 377.

25. People of Colonial Albany Live Here. htt]://www.nysm.nysed.gov/albany. "Biography of Elizabeth Sanders Wendell Visscher," No. 1416.

26. Ibid, "Biography of Arian tie Visscher Wendell", No. 4100.

27. Ibid, "Biography of Johannes Wendei" No. 2942.

28. · John H. Munsell and George R Howell, The History of tbe County of Schenect:ady, N Y, 1662-1885, !New York: W. W. Munsell, 1886), p. 27. Myndert Wemp was murdered in the 9 February 1690 massacre at Schenectady.

29. Joel Munsell, Annals of Alba.oy, 4 vols. (Albany Joel Munsell, 1850), 1:237. Burials at the Reformed Dutch Church (now Second Dutch Church) of Albany.

30. Ibid., 1:238.


REFERENCES (continued) - Chart No. WENDELL-1

31. Ibid, 1:239.

32. Ibid, 1:240

33. Contiibutions for t/Je Genealogies of t/Je First Settlers of t/Je Ancient County of Albany, p. 80.


1. There is no mention of son Thomas in Evert Janssen Wendel's 1663 pre-nuptial contract with Marta Abrahamse (Reference 1 above) which names the children of his deceased wife Susanna De Truwe. This suggests that Thomas had already received his inheritance from his mother Susanna du Trieux. Apparently there is no proof that the unnamed child baptized in 1645 was Thomas as there were several unnamed children who died young.

2. Genealogical Notes of New York and New Eng];wd Families (Reference 24 above) p. 377 states that Elsje Wendell, daughter of Evert Janse and Susanna (Du TrieuxJ Wendell, married Abraham Staats. This is incorrect the Elsje Wendell who married Abraham Staats was the daughter of Johannes Evertse Wendell, child number 3 of this family group. This source also misstates the relationship of Susanna du Trieux and her father Philip du Trieux.

3. Besides the small pall paid for in 1655 [Reference 3 above); Reference 4 indicates there were other children of this couple who died young.

Compiled by:

(Mrs. Sam) Elizabeth Meredith 1720 South Gessner Road Houston, Texas 77063-1118

November, 2008

S. V. Talcott, comp: Genealogical Notes of New York and New

&gland Families. Albany: Weed, Parsons and Co., 1883.


The following genealogy of some of the branches of the

Wend ell family was compiled from documents left by the late ·

JoHN L. WENDELL, EsQ., in possession of Mr. Wu.LIAM WEN­

DELL, of Albany, N. Y., at whose expense they were arranged

by Dr. C. B. O'Callaghan, and from Prof. J. Pearson's" Albany

Families," and from ot.her data ob tained by the compiler. The

greater part is taken from the documents above mentioned. as

being the most reli~ble, from the fact that Mr. WILLilll WKN­

DELL had access to all the records in the hands of the different

members of the family and devoted much time and study to ·

perfect its genealogy.

I. Evert .Jnnl!lell \Vendell was born in 1615, at Emden,

a town of about 12,000 inhabitants, situated at the month of the ri\·er "Ems,'' in the northwestern extremity of Hanover, now part of PrnN>ia." He c;ime to New Amsterdam about the year Hl42: married, 1st, Susanna, daughter of DU: 'f1ilm• ("'I'" 1• a& l''"habl;r-±h.e:::fat:h:e<.:of Philip Du Trieux, court messenger in New Amsterdam at an early day), July 31, . 1644 (the name is now spelled Trnax), and had

2 Thomas, eldest son, bp. September 8, 16415. 3 Elaje, b . in 1647; m. AnR.\IlAM STAATS, July 3, 1696. (See Vu

der Poel , under Family No. 23.) ' 4 Johannes, b. February 2, 1649 ; m .• let, MARITIE JKLI.ISE.MEYKR; .

2d, ELIZAUETil STAATS. (See Van der Poel, under Family No. 23 . )

6 Diewertje, bp. November 27. 16.50 ; d. y . 6 Diewertje, b . in 1&53; m., !st .. MYNVERT WEKP; 2d, Joa.0011:1.~

GLK..'1. Jnne 21. 1691. She died April 10, 172t.


? Jeronimus (Hieronimus), b. in 1655; m. (12) ARIAANTJE VrsSCRER, before 1676.

8 Philip, b. in 1658; m . (11) MARIA VISSCHER, June 17, 1688. g Evert, b. in 1660 ; m., 1st, ELIZABETH SANDY.RS GLEN, March 19,

1681. She married , 2d, (7) FREDEIUCK HARM!l:NBE VISBCHER, December 15, 1705.

Susanna Du Trieux, wife of EVERT J . WENDELL, died about 1660. He married, 2d, MARITJE ABRAHAM BE, daughter of Abrah am Pieter Vosburgh, and widow of Thomas Janee Mingael , in 1663,

· and had

10 Abraham, m. MAYEKE VAN Ess, April 12, 1698. 11 0atharine1 m. TBOlUB MILLINGToN. Septembe r 17, 1699. 12 Marla, b . August 16, 1677; DJ. BARENT SANDERS, September 9,

1704 . 12l Swwma, m . JOHANNES L. TELLER, August 18, 1686.

Marltje Abrahamse Vosburgh, wife of EvEnT J. WENDELJ,, died He married, 3d, ARIAANTJE --.

Evert J. Wendell died in Albany in 1709, re . 94 years. Un the 8th of Feb.rnary, 1647, he obtained a patent for a

lot in 'what was then ~al led the "Graft" (now Beaver street), New York, but on or about the year 1651 he moved to Fort Orange (now Albany), wliere he was a ruling elder of the Dutch church in 1656, orphan maE>ter in 1657, and magistr:-ite in 1660 and 1661. His lot in Albany \\'as on the \\'est corn er of James and State streets, whi ch after his death was owned by his son Thomas.


Thomas, son of (1) Evert J. Wendell and Susanna Du Trieux, WllS l>aytised in New Amsterdam September 8, 16±5. He resided in New Amsterdam until his father's dea th. which Prof. Pearson says happened in 1702, seven yellrs earlier than is stated in Mr.WILLIAM ·w ENDELL's record. Nothing furtl1er is know n of him.


Ehje, daughter uf (1) Evert J. Wendell and Susanna Du Trieux, was born in N ew Amsterdam in 1647; 11131 • ieil Aln:a­ba111, soo of l'wfajor Aloaha111 Staats, s111geo11, aod Calrim

.La•lieo1se Wessels (11 io 1665), rToly 3, 1696, arnl l1:nl

13 Abraham, bp. May 30, 11197 ; d. y . 14 Maria, bp. October 23, 1698 .


16 Abnham, bp. July 28, 1700. 16 Oatharlna,.bp. November 1, 1702. 1'7 Johann-, bp. September 24, 1704. 18 Sarah, bp. June 2, 1706. lSI llaao, bp. September 26, 1708. 20 Jaoob1 bp. October 7, 1711; d. February 16, 17811. 21 Elizabeth, bp. January 4, 1713. 22 Jochem, bp. May 20, 1716. 2a ~e, bp. June SO, 1718. 24 Samuel

Abraham Staats made his will September 24, 1731, proved January 30, 1739-40, in which he mentions the above children. · ·

(For Staats see under (23) Johannes Van der Poel.)

4. Johannes, son of (1) Evert J. Wendell and Susanna

Du Trieux, Wa:3 uaptised in N CW Amsterdam February 2, 1649; married, 1st, Maritie, daughter of Jellis Pieterse Meyer, of N cw York, and Elsje Hendricks, of Amsterdam, Holland (bp. January 21, 1652), and had

26 Elaje. 26 Maria.

Marltie Meyer, wife of JoBANl'JJt8 WENDELL, died. He married._ 2d, ELIUBKTH, daughter of Major Abraham Staata (- v .. der Poe! under Family No. 23). and had

2'7 · Abraham, bp. December 27, 1678; m. KATIWIA DE KAT, May 111, 1702.

28 8uauna, m . JOR,\NNKI! LUCAS WTNOA&RT, April 25, 1695. 29 Cat.alyu~e. 30 Elisabeth, m. JOH&NNKI! TEN BROBCJt,June 18, 1709. 31 ETwt, m. (25) ENoJtLTJE WENDJU.L (LANsmo T), December 12.

1710. (See Family Noe. 81 and 40.) 32 Johann-, bp. March 2, 1684 ; m. ELI.U.BETH W ALTBIUI. 3a Ephraim, bp. June S, 168.5: m. ANNI• -- ; d. June 80, 1781. 34. Iaaao, bp. January 28, 1687 ; died an infant. 36 Iiaao, 1 m. CATA.LYN.A. v AN DTCJt, :Sovember 28, 1717.


Jbp. November 5, 1688.

m. JACOB GLICN, December US, 1717; d. August 19, 1762. 36 Sarah, He died August 15, 1762. · a'7 Jaoobua, bp. August 11, 1691; m. SARAH OLIVER, Auguat 12, 1714.

Captain Johannes Wendell died between November 20, 1691, and Febniary 20, 1692, as his will was made on the fonner date and recorded on the latter.

WJo:NOELI.. 379

. Iii 1682 he was agent for Maryland U> receive the indemnity from the five nations of Indians for depredl\tioni> they had

. committed in ·that province. He was Just.ice of the Pcl\l:c iu 1684 and 1685, Ruling Elder of the Dutch Reformed church 'ju 16~5, Commissioner of India11 Affairs from Hi84: to 1690. In 1685 he was commiSt1ioneJ Captain of the Albany company, and in 1690 was Mayor of Albany. He left one hun<lrc\l

. and forty bMVtJrs,* to each of his daughters El~je and Maritje,

. ·begotten by his first wife, together with movables to them be-1

longing from their Ir!other's est.ate. To Ahraham he ga,·e his part of the land called "Sarachtoge" (Saratoga 1), being the farm lying south of Fish creek; to J ohaunes his land callc<l "Steen· a·rabia" (now Lansingburgh) l\tH.l the island called "Whale Island;" to Ephraim the laud called " Klinkcnbergh," and to

his wife his dwelling house in Albany. Besi<le:3 the al>ovc lie owned a" piece of land outside the stockade in Aluany 011

b6th sides of the Ruttenkill, south of the fort on the hill, · bounded on the south by the hill that tlae gullowa stands on.·•

.~Book of Patents, volume 6, page 282.) The present W cudell l!treet runs through part of that lan<l.-[O'Callaghan. · His widow married Johannes Schuyler April 2~. 1695.

6. Dlewertje, <laughter of (1) Evert J. Wendell anJ

Susanna Du Trieux, was uorn in 1653; married, 1st, Myndert Wemp. .No issue kn mm. She married, 2d, Johannes San· ders Glen (widower of Anuatie Peck), June 21, 1691, and had

3'1i Jacobua, bp. Janu&ry 1, 1692.

Diewertje Wendell, wife of J AOOB SAN01ms Gr.x:-;, died April 10, 1724.

7. Jeronimus or Hieronimus, son of (1) Evert J.

. Wendell and Susanna Du Trieux, was born in Albany iu 1655; marrie<l (12) Ariaantje, daughter of (3) Harmen Bas­tiaen Visscher and Hester Tjerkse, before 1676, and had

•The ouneoc7 ot \he COWl\rJ a\ \ha\ period.

Early Re~ords of the City and County of Albany and the Colony of Renssekurswyck 1656-1675. Vol. 1. Translated by Jonathan Pearson. Collections 011 the History of Albany. Edited by J. Munsell. Photocopy of the original. Albany: J. Munsell, 18~9.

This document proves the marriage and children of Evert Janssen Wendel and Susanna De Truwe [Du Trieux].


lore prom1- t.o free &be aame l'roaa all actions, elaima, cw pre&enaiona, whioh may hereaf\er arise, pledging therefor bia per.on t111d eat.ate, real aad ~1'110nal, aubjeotiog himMlf to the authori&y of all Ian ud Judge..

l)oo• la Fort Orange the 29th or Juoe, A.D. 1668. Thll 11 &he mark + of JA.K LA!'OUTHK V .u 'BulNIK;

with hla own hand ML Jart. f'omnat .

·Stoffel JallU,

Acknowledge before me, W. MoMu.on, eo.. .. a:. at Fort Ora.age.

~ Iii the 011me or the Lord A-D: Be . it kno'll'll by the coateata or thia pr-nt ioatroment, that io the year aixteea hundred aad ·auty-three, the llOU. of Jnoe, appeared before-. Jobaooea La Montagne,\• tb,e aemoe of, etc., the Booorabltt ETen J•aaeeo Wendel, late oommilisary or &hia place, widower or the late SOS&Aoa De Truwe,I who declares ia preseo~ of the iafternamed witnesses aod of the honorable Ju Verbeec:k commi..­IUJ •nd orphan muter, that fOC' God's honor, be has contra~ a future marri•ge w1lb Maria Abrab1\DUMl" widow of the late Tomu Jaossea 1'I iog.el, •nd before the COllRlllmatioo of the same, he, tbe appearer (COMparant), baa LiSented to !be following conditions: Firstly, that the afomiaid betrothed persons, for the maiotenuce of this muri2ge, shall rautu•lly collect aod bring together •II preseot aod such esb.tes and elfecta of wbat.Aocvcr n•ture, in wballioe'l'cr place, with wbat.ioenr persons the aame ru•y lie or. be deposited, oothiog excepted, which they each ban aad are furoinhed with, to bo ~ by them in common, •ccordiog lo lbe law of our Fatherland; exec pl that out of the •ppearer's [Wendel's l esi..t.e, to wit, from the estate left by Susaooa De Truwe deceaseJ, shall be re.served the sum of ooe tb9u-\aod guilders at beavers price, for her six remain in~ children, to wit ; Ebie Wendel aged 16 years, Johannes Wen­del aged 14 year~. Diewer Wendel aged 10 ye:irs, Jeronimw Wendel aged 8 years, Philip Wendel aged 5 years, nod Evert Weodel &!!ed 3 years, being her malrimooi:il portion, and to this eod the appearer ['r endel] not ooly mal.:es said SllID :i l:co upon bis house 11od lot for the s:iti_,fyiog of the same, but specially mortgages and pledges the s:ime for securing the p:iy­meot of the aforesaid sum; for which purpnse said appearer :appoiolll as guardians the hooor:ible Isaac Forcest and Symon Syruoosen Groot, uncles of ~id children oo their mother's side; meanwhile the afore.."'1i<l m:irricd people remaining boldeo H:iid children to bring up in the fear of the Lord, to reach them in the schools w re;id nod write, further to m:iioti1n them io food nod clothing uotil lhcir m:ijorily and marriage, witbc-ot dimioisb­in~ the matrimonial estate lei\ by her; which contract the appearer [W code I] promises to maiotaio withoul crafi or guile, pledging for that purpose hi~ per-on ao<l estate. real aod personal, pre.seat aod fnlure, nothing excepted , subjecting himself to the aulhority of all l:iws aod judges.

I TbJI D.L1D 8 h DOW 1'rua.x. • Sh• w u I.he d&D.chkr or A bralwn rid UM V oebUJ'ib.

I' I


328 .All>any County Rtxxmh.

Thu doae in the preeeoce of Adriaeo Gerretaeo [:Papendorp) old oca­missary, and Jobaooea ProTooet, aa wit.n6811ea hereto called, of d&U "' npra . .

Jar. Verbuck, .Adriaoa GerreUo&, J oha.nau Pror><><n t, toibccu.

Acknowledged before me,


LA MoMTAOMX, Co..Mu at Fort On.Dge.

Appeared before me, Job•ouea La Montagoe, io the eenioe of, et.o., i11 the v~eee~ce of tho booorablo J ao ~ erbeeck •nd Stoffel J •nee c A1-ll cou1w1111111r1ca, etc., Arcot Iauokao Van Hoeck liurghor &DJ iohab1ant 01' the llfor~id \' illa~o, wh~ ackoowle<l~ea . 8:n<l doolnr~11, by tbc.io prcooola, thll~ be u well aod truly 1n~cbte<l to l'htltp llondonclr.se (llrouwor], io­habttaot o£ Schano~ectade, ID _the sum of four buodred guilders, wl.icb aum he, the aubscnher, promises to pay io good whole mcrchnot.able beaver £kios io the mootb of July, A.D. lG<H, with interest on the same at ten per =it, to begio at this date; for which he pled!!'C! bis person and est.ate, real aad personal, present aod fulure, especially the subscriber'• house and, lol lyiog io t_he Tillage of Beverwycl.:, oext_to Philip l'ieterseo (Schuyler s) house, be10g the same that the subscriber b<Ju<>ht of uid l'hilip Ilenderi~l.:se aod which ~e offers a.s a fasl pledge a"od apeci.&1 mortgage, that ID case of oecess1ty, the payment of said four hundred guilders may be collected 'll"ithout loss and cost.

Done in }'ort Or:ioge the 6th of July, A.D. 1GG3. Alu:ST ISAACKSE YAN IlOECA..

Appeared before me, Johannes Provoost; clerl.:, etc., Teuoi.s Corneliae Sliogerlandt, iohnbitaol of s:ii<l vilbge, who acknowled!'"e.s and declan:a io resence of the ~n.e_roamed witnesses, that he is well and truly indebted to .Ir. Jcroounus Ebb10ck, merchant of Amsterdam io Xew Nethcrl:iod io the 6Um o( II hundred 8Dd seventy guilders twelve BIDi'l'ers payable u: good whole merchaot:ible beaver skioa, · for which sum he the subscriber

. n?t only L."6ign.s, but fully gnots a~d eooveys ov_er the 1.1e~d payment 0~ bts house bought by Antony De ~lilt, also dwelling nt Amsterdam io New N1:tberlaod, from whom the eubscriber is to receive it io Jnne A.D. IG<H when the time of payment expires, nod which paymeol the ~id De MilL will puocl~lly make; to which eod the subscriber is preferred, that be may be paid before noy ooe else; wherefore he pledges bis person and estate, real and personal, prescot and future , oothiog exccpt.ed subjecting himself to th~ :iutbority of all laws aod judges. '

Done in Fort Oraoge the 21st of July, A .D. 1GG3. TUENYES CORSELIS SLYE!iOll[RLANDT.

Tl1i1 i1 tk mark AB of Arent Vu11dcn B cr9h rit\. Iii• 01e11 halld 1ct, u:it11cs1.


Thil ii tlie mark +of R!lck R11tgcr11

'lflit1u:11, with hil OIDll huwl ICC.

.Aclrnowledg<:•l before me, J. PnovoosT, Clerk.