Latinos Folk Health Beliefs

Post on 30-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Latinos Folk Health Beliefs

Latinos Folk Health Beliefs

Abby MarquezMexican American Studies

Mr. Brett Millan

What are Folk Health Beliefs?

natural forces

Supernatural forces

strong emotions which upset the body balance

Latinos Folk Health Beliefs

Caída de


Cólico – Colic

Empacho - Blocked Intestine

Mal Aire - Bad air

Susto – FrightShock "soul loss“

Mal de Ojo - Evil eye

Tristeza - Sadness

Nature illinesses

Caída de Mollera - Fallen Fontanelle

Empacho - Blocked Intestine

Mal Aire - Bad air

"Supernatural Illnesses"

Mal de Ojo - Evil eye

Susto - Fright/Shock

Other illnesses that are caused by being emotional upset

Tristeza - Sadness

Curandero- Healers