Krzysztof Zakrzewski

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Krzysztof Zakrzewski

The Climate of Poland

Krzysztof Zakrzewski

Climate Zone

Poland lies in temperate climate zone. We have got four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter. It’s the most diverse climate zone in the world.


Spring is a season between 21st of March and 22nd of June. Average daily temperature is from 5°C to 15°C. There’s moderate amount of rainfall.


In summer average daily temperature is the highest in the year. That season starts on 21st of June and ends on 23rd of September. Day is longer than night.


Autumn starts on the 23rd of September and ends on the 22nd of December. Daily average temperature is between 5°C and 15°C. Nights becomes longer than days.


The coldest season in the year. Temperatures are usually under 0°C. It starts on the 22nd of December and ends on the 21st of March. Nights are much longer than days. There’s a lot of snow.

What creates our climate?

- The shape of our country- The Baltic sea- The height above sea level - Industry

The shape

Poland and the rest of Europe mostly consists of lowlands. Because of this air mass can easily move to us from the Atlantic Ocean.

Baltic sea

Water from Baltic evaporotaes so near the shore there is more rainfall.

Higher = colder

Every 100m. over the sea level temperature decreases by 0,6°C. Because of this there’s colder in the moutains than in for example in Warsaw.


In many cities there’s a little bit warmer because of factories. The most industrial region of Poland is Śląsk.

Wiżajny – polish North Pole

Wiżajny is a town near Suwałki. Winter in this place is twice longer than in the rest of Poland. A temperature in winter falls to -20°C!

It was very hot…

29.07.1921 – in Prószków near Opole was noted the highest temperature in Poland: 40,2°C in the shadow! Like in Egypt…

… cold …

On09.02.1929 in Olecko (N-E Poland) was noted the lowest tempertaure. It was -42°C!

… foggy …

In 1974 near Śnieżka there was a fog for 338 days. It was hard time for tourists…

… and stormy

In 1963 there were over 50 days with storms at Kasprowy Wierch!