Kite Tales

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Transcript of Kite Tales

Kite Tales

Volume 53, Number 8 April 2018

Yellow-breasted Chat, Santa Rosa Creek Trail

Courtesy of David A. Hofmann

Next RROS General Meeting

April 11th, 7 pm

Kite Tales Page 2 April 2018

Monthly Meeting: Weds, April 11th, 2018, 7pm. Program: The Greater Sage-grouse will be the star of the presentation, focusing on threats and conservation strategies. Our speaker will be Wendell Gilgert, the Working Lands Program Director stationed in the Chico office of Point Blue Conservation Science; he leads the Rangeland Watershed Initiative. You’re invited to join us for dinner at 5:30pm at Mary’s Pizza, 535 Summerfield, in back room. Details on RROS web site. Save the date: Weds, May 9th, 2018, 7pm. Annual Spring Potluck: Likely will be at Sugarloaf Ridge State Park at 5:30 pm. Look for details in May Kite Tales. Note: We will vote on the following slate of 2018-2019 officers at the April meeting:

• President: Anne O’Donnell

• Vice-President: Gene Hunn

• Secretary: Rita Bevans

• Treasurer: Rob O’Donnell

UPCOMING RROS FIELD TRIPS & EVENTS Saturday, April 14th, Bodega Bay. Leader, Monica Schwalbenberg-Peña ( and anyone else who shows up. High tide is around noon, so meet at Porto Bodega at 8:30 and we’ll see who is out there in breeding plumage before they fly north. We’ll go to Bodega Head and Doran Regional Park (fee) and possibly walk the Bird Walk. Bring lunch and fluids. Bathrooms at the Tides Restaurant, Doran Park,and the Head (no joke!), heavy rain cancels. Saturday, April 28th, Pine Flat Rd. Leader, Will Anderson ( Meet at 8am at the bridge at the bottom of Pine Flat Rd accessed from Hwy 128, stay straight past Jimtown Store. Take Alexander Valley exit from Hwy 101 north of Healdsburg; follow signs for Hwy 128. Possibilities: Mt Quail, Northern Pygmy-owl, Purple Martin, Bell’s Sparrow. Bring lunch, fluids, layered clothing. Please note that there are no bathrooms. This is a narrow winding road, so please carpool as much as possible & watch for bicyclists. Heavy rain cancels. Saturday, May 12th, King Ridge Rd. Leader, Bill Doyle ( Meet at 8:00am at the bakery in Duncans Mills. Bring lunch, layers, fluids and folding chairs. No bathrooms once we leave Duncans Mills. Heavy rain cancels. Saturday, June 9th, Laguna de Santa Rosa. Leader, Bill Doyle ( Meet at 8:00 am, in the parking lot behind Hydro Depot and Sebastopol Bike, at the intersection of Hwy 12 and Morris Rd, Sebastopol. This is the first stoplight as you enter Sebastopol from Santa Rosa. Turn left at the light. We will explore “the other” Laguna Trail, which is crowded with singing and nest building birds in early June. Heavy rain cancels.

RROS is proud to support conservation organizations and members approved these donations during the March general meeting: 1) Two members, Bill Bevins and Mario Balitbit, spoke of the Bird Rescue Center of Sonoma County's need to relocate in the near future. We voted to donate $500 to the Bird Rescue Center’s Capital Fund for relocation expenses. We sent our best wishes in their search for a new home. 2) Dr. Benjamin D. “Mike” Parmeter, spoke about the work done at the Palomarin Field Station, and praised the leadership of Diana Humple, Avian Ecologist & Banding Coordinator. We voted to donate $500 to the Point Blue bird banding program at the Palomarin Field Station. We sent our best wishes for the continuing success of their program.

If you have ideas of trips that you would like to lead or trips that you’d like to take, please

provide those to Monica at

Kite Tales Page 3 April 2018

Observations Feb 21 to Mar 20, 2018 Compiled by David A. Hofmann

Species Dates Location Cty # Observer(s)

Ross's Goose 02/25 Rainsville Rd at Wiggins Ck


Ross's Goose 03/14-17 Ellis Creek Ponds SON 2 EuH, Je&EvV WiG Tundra Swan 03/10-17 Valley Ford wetlands SON 1 Mof, StL, DeH, JaD,

SuG, ChN, Te&MiT, TiE, DoK, WiG, HeK, BiD, mob, photos

Mandarin Duck 03/17 Sonoma 4th St bridge SON 2 Marc Simmel Blue-winged Teal 03/03-18 Willowbrook Court pond SON 4 RoO, Te&MiT, YvM Blue-winged Teal 03/11 Valley Ford wetlands SON 2 DeH White-winged Scoter 03/15 Bodega Head State Park SON 1 RoO Black Scoter 03/04 Gualala Point Reg Pk SON 2 RuW, mob Northern Fulmar 03/04 Bodega Head State Park SON 20 MaB, photos Swainson's Hawk 03/11 Hudemann Slough SON 1 KuN Ferruginous Hawk 03/04 Sea Ranch SON 1 Te&MiT, photo Rough-legged Hawk 03/03 San Pablo Bay NWR SON 1 SeP, mob Prairie Falcon 02/25 Laguna Trail SON 1 YvM Prairie Falcon 03/03 Skagg's Island SON 1 MuB, BDP, CaH,

mob Rock Sandpiper 02/27-

03/19 Bodega Head State Park SON 1 DeH, BrO, DAH,

Te&MiT, RuW, MaL, NoO, LiH, Mof, DoK, HeK, BiD, RoS, mob

Lesser Black-backed Gull


Shollenberger Park SON 1 NoA, Lu&MaS

Glaucous Gull 02/21-03 Shollenberger Park SON 1 ViK, Je&EvV, GaT, ScS, NoA, JaD, Lu&MaS, ToB, JeM, Te&MiT, DoK, HeK, mob

Black-legged Kittiwake

03/14 Bodega Head SP SON 1 ToB

Marbled Murrelet 02/22 Bodega Head SP SON 4 ViK Yellow-billed Cuckoo 03/10 El Verano yard SON 2 BoM, fly-by Western Screech-Owl 02/27 El Verano yard SON 1 WiG, photo Northern Pygmy-Owl 02/26 Rio Nido yard SON 1 JeM Burrowing Owl 03/03 Skagg's Island SON 2 MuB, BDP, mob Burrowing Owl 03/06 Bodega Head SON 1 LiH, DAH, PeM,

photos Burrowing Owl 03/11-14 Coleman Vly Rd, upper SON 1 Te&MiT Barred Owl 02/25 Salt Point State Park SON 2 ChS, heard only Short-eared Owl 03/04-19 Skagg's Island Road SON 1 CaH, DoK, mob Short-eared Owl 03/11 Tolay Regional Park SON 1 PeD Short-eared Owl 03/18 Goat Rock Road SON 1 Te&MiT Northern Saw-whet Owl

03/09 Salmon Creek Road SON 1 WiA

Northern Saw-whet Owl

03/10 3124 Sonoma Mountain Road


White-throated Swift 03/03 Hudeman Slough SON 3 WiG, mob

Kite Tales Page 4 April 2018

White-throated Swift 03/13 Spring Lake Reg Park SON 1 Je&EvV Lewis's Woodpecker 03/09-19 General Vallejo's Home SON 1 FrS, DaF Rock Wren 03/06 Milt Brandt Visitor Ctr SON 1 WiG, photo Harris's Sparrow 03/16-17 Salmon Ck /Bean Ave SON 1 LiH, JoS, RoS, HeK,

BiD, mob, photos Tricolored Blackbird 02/22 5797-5861 Coast Hwy SON 5 Te&MiT

Observer/s for this period: Will Anderson, Noah Arthur, Mario Balitbit, Murray Berner, Tony Briggs, Jared Dawson, Peter Dellavalle, Bill Doyle, Megan Elrod, Tiffany Erickson, Andrew Ford, Dawna Foreman, Mookie Fudemberg, Will German, Sue Gragg, Carol Hasenick, Denise Herzberg, David A. Hofmann, Lisa Hug, Eugene Hunn, Don Kirker, Helen Kochenderfer, Vincent Koczurik, Matthew Lau, Steven Long, Bob McLean, Jeff Miller, Yvonne Motherwell, Peggy Mundy, Christian Naventi, Kurt Niznik, Brook & Orion Oconnor, Rob O'Donnell, Benjamin D. Parmeter, Sean Peterson, Fred Safier, Chris Shuck, Marc Simmel, Scott Sorby, Lucas & Mark Stephenson, John Sterling, Ron Storey, Gabriel Tarantino, Teresa & Miles Tuffli, Jeff & Eva Valfer, Rudyard Wallen, Alan Wight.

------- ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ PISHING WITH PARMETER

CHIAPAS, 11/27 to 12/4/1970

I visited Chiapas and the famed Mayan ruins at Palenque with Jack Guggolz as my traveling companion.

Palenque is a major study area for Mayan culture. There were 22 buildings uncovered, and, wherever I went

in the rainforest, there were more sites that had not yet been excavated. It is truly a major Maya ruin. We

landed at Villahermosa airport on 11/26. Birded for a day in that area. Birds seen include Little Blue Heron,

Snail Kite (Everglade), American Jacana, Ruddy Ground Dove, Aztec Parakeet, Groove-billed Ani, Lesser Nighthawk, Ringed Kingfisher, Amazon Kingfisher, Band-backed Wren, Clay-colored Robin, Lichtenstein’s

Oriole, and Melodious Blackbird.

That afternoon we rode in the civilian bus to the city of Palenque (70 miles). Got a couple of lifers on the way

down: Laughing Falcon and Fork-tailed Flycatcher. The city of Palenque is an old Spanish colonial town with cobbled streets and a large central plaza where we stayed at the Palenque Hotel. Immediately we found 2 life

birds: Bluegray Tanager and White-tipped Brown Jay. We spent the remainder of the afternoon at the ruins.

There are extensive stone buildings, a city, with very large structures. Added a few birds to the trip list: Pale-

billed Woodpecker, Social Flycatcher, Wood Thrush, Black-throated Green Warbler, Baltimore Oriole, and

Montezuma Oropendola.

The following day (29th) we were back at the ruins at 6:15 a.m. Great birding! Squirrel Cuckoo, Long-tailed

Hermit (hummer), White-bellied Emerald (hummer), Violaceous Trogon, Collared Aracari, Keel-billed Trogon,

Smoky-brown Woodpecker, Strong-billed Woodcreeper. Ivory-billed Woodcreeper, Plain Xenops, Dot-winged

Antwren, Scaled Antpitta (a funny looking bird!), Cinnamon Becard, Rose-throated Becard, Plain-tipped Jay,

and Gray-headed Greenlet. Several NA warblers wintering here: Blue-backed Euphonia, Masked Tanager, Yellow-winged Tanager, Scarlet-rumped Tanager, Crimson-collared Tanager, Red-throated Ant-tanager,

Orange-billed Sparrow, and Barred Antshrike. We were really getting good looks at the neotropical avifauna.

11/30, back to the ruins: Bat Falcon, White-crowned Parrot, Little Hermit, Wedge-tailed Sabrewing (hummer),

Rufous-tailed Hummer, Citroline Trogon, Golden-olive Woodpecker, Boat-billed Flycatcher, Long-billed

Gnatwren, and Black-cowled Oriole.

12/1 A gentleman had promised to take us to a nearby birding spot, but he never showed up. Thus, birded

around the city: Roadside Hawk, Red-lored Parrot, White-collared Swift, Blue-winged Warbler, White-collared

Seedeater, and Blue-black Grassquit. In the p.m., we got back to the ruins: White-collared Manakin,

Bananaquit, Yellow-billed Cacique, Buff-throated Saltator, and Yellow-billed Euphonia.

12/2 We climbed up the steps of the Temple of the Inscriptions, and then down into the center of the building

via a narrow staircase. It was a strenuous climb! The steps ended in a burial chamber housing an important

person. This was a most elaborate room with very large stone cover over the tomb, all intricately carved.

Climbing back out, my legs felt a bit wobbly. Birds added: Tawny-winged Woodcreeper, Olivaceous Flycatcher,

Sulphur-rumped Flycatcher, Northern Royal Flycatcher (which showed its fancy crest to us), White-throated

Kite Tales Page 5 April 2018

Spade-bill (flycatcher), White-breasted Woodwren, Green Honeycreeper, Red-crowned Ant-tanager, and Blue-

black Grosbeak.

12/3 Arrived at the ruins at 7 a.m.: Black-crowned Motmot, White-whiskered Puffbird, Olivaceous

Woodcreeper, Barred Woodcreeper, Golden-crowned Warbler, Black-throated Shrike-Tanager, and Melodious


Walked back to the city of Palenque, 6 or 7 miles, mainly through pasture land with cows. Some cultivated

fields as well. Birds noted: Black Vulture, Olive-throated Parakeet, Golden-fronted Woodpecker, Acorn

Woodpecker, Rose-throated Becard, Kiskadee, Vermillion Flycatcher, Orchard Oriole, and Painted Bunting.

12/4 Back at the ruins. Ticked a few more birds: Pheasant Cuckoo (this bird responded to our whistle of its

call and came quite close), Bright-rumped Attila, and Green Honeycreeper. Returned to town and caught the bus back to Villahermosa to head home. A wonderful trip which served as a great introduction to tropical

families and species.

----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----

Supporting Conservation in Oaxaca, Mexico, and January 2019 RROS Trip Gene Hunn has been working with Tierra de Aves in Mexico, a Oaxaca NGO that supports their MAPS

banding operation. RROS contributed $400 to their program.

Gene spoke about a Oaxaca tour for next January led by Manuel Grosselet and Gene, to include a visit to the

banding stations at the Santo Domingo ex-convent ethnobotanical garden. Planned itinerary is below.

Contact Gene to enroll or for more info.

Day 0: arriving installation. Hotel Posada mi Rosita.

Day 1: Teotitlan del Valle. Birding around pounds and arid scrubs. Bridled Sparrow, Pileated Flycatcher,

Elegant Eufonia, Black-vented Oriole. Mid-day food in Teotitlan and visit of a rugs fabric. On the return we

will make a stop to see the Tule tree. Night in Oaxaca.

Day 2: Birding towards Arroyo Guacamayas. Birding on route from 4800 to 9000 ft. Food in a small village, Arroyo Guacamayas. Birding around and get back in afternoon in Oaxaca. Dwarf Jay, Mountain Trogon, Red

Warbler, Crescent-chested Warbler, Russet Nightingale Thrush, etc.

Day 3: Monte alban. Birding and visit to the ruins. Slaty Vireo, Ocellated Thrasher, Boucard’s Wren.

Food in Oaxaca. Moving towards Cerro Machin. Night in rustic, confortable cabins out of Oaxaca. Around 3

hour drive.

Day 4: Morning birding from Cerro Machin to Valle Nacional. Food in Valle Nacional. Road back to Oaxaca, Night in Oaxaca. Around 4 hour drive. Tropical Species from Cloud Forest to tropical lowlands.

Day 5: Banding in Oaxaca Botanical garden. Participants could participate in banding activity, like

extraction, banding, and age sex determination, under review of the banders in charge. Midday food in

Oaxaca. Afternoon free. Visiting, markets.

Day 6: Flight back home, or extend time in the region on your own

The price includes everything from Oaxaca airport to Oaxaca airport: entrance, 6 nights, 6 breakfasts, 6

lunches and 6 dinners, local transport from/to Oaxaca Airport, transport during the 6 days, gas, snacks. The

cost per participant will cover the guide, the local co-leader, funds to help Conservation project through Tierra

de Aves A.C, housing in double occupancy (220 USD per person for single room). Not included: airfare,

alcoholic beverages, personal items, tax at airport, tips. Minimum of 4 participants and maximum of 8.


* For 4 or 5 persons: 1560 USD per person for RROS members; 1750 USD for non-members

* For 6 to 8 persons: 1230 USD. per person for RROS members; 1390 USD for non-members.

To RROS Photographers: Please submit images to Bob H for inclusion in the Gallery, using common file formats with file size between 350KB and 5MB. Please ID species.

Also, send your rarities to Ron Storey to be shared on:

New Kite Tails Editor: RROS is very pleased to announce that Eva Valfer will become the Kite Tails editor starting with the September 2018 issue. Those attending the March meeting had a chance to meet Eva and her family.

Kite Tales Page 6 April 2018

History of YAMS (Young Ancient Murrelets)

Our new YAMS logo, designed by Danielle Dube

A few years ago, I received a request from an adult student at Petaluma Adult School to allow her 14-year-old

daughter to join the class. This is how I met mother and daughter Beverly and Danielle Dube. All the other

class members and I fell in love with 14-year-old Danielle immediately. Her love of birds and her expressive

drawings of birds impressed us all.

This inspired me to start a birding club for youth. So, I went on a search for young people with birding

interests. It didn’t take me long to find Mario Balitbit, birding with his dad and Rob O’Donnell at Bodega Bay.

I ran the idea by him, and I couldn’t get a more enthusiastic response. Bill Doyle recommended Luke

Campbell, who regularly came to RROS field trips, notebook in hand, writing down all observations with his

grandfather, Glenn.

So, during September, 2014, we had our first youth group birding field trip at the Laguna de Santa Rosa

Trail. I was a member of the Point Blue Bird-a-thon Committee at the time. I decided that Point Blue needed

more youth teams and I invited Mike Parmeter to co-lead this youth team. I wanted to connect the birding

generations. I also drafted Nicole Bardon to help out as she does a fantastic job through the environmental education program at Pepperwood Preserve.

We did our first Bird-a-thon as the Sonoma County Youth Team on October 25, 2014. We had 3 youth –

Mario, Luke and Danielle and several adults. We had a blast that day. We saw 121 species, and raised

about $500 for Point Blue Conservation Science. We were all beaming at the end of the day. One of the

highlights of the day was finding Gabriel Tarantino on Bodega Head, birding with his family friend Scott Sorby. The instant we met, I wanted to just throw Gabe in the car and have him join us the rest of the day. I

got his contact information instead.

On our next field trip, we added Will Anderson (recommended by Sonoma County naturalist Dave Barry) to

the group. We went to Bodega Bay. While we were on Bodega Head, we all observed Ancient Murrelets. It was a life bird for all of the youth members. As we were having lunch that day, we brainstormed different

names to call ourselves. Names like ”Sonoma County Youth Birders“ and “Passerine Penetrators” were tossed

around. Then, we all settled on “Young Ancient Murrelets.” It was perfect. And ”YAMS” was born.

Not long after, we added Lucas Stephenson. I met Mark (Lucas’ dad) and Lucas at Ellis Creek one day while I

was teaching an adult birding class. Lucas was timid at first, but curiosity overpowered his shyness and he was soon asking dozens of questions about birds, and he just had to be invited into the group.

Since then, we have added Morganna, Beatrice, Aiden, Junco, and our newest members Nolan and Clayton .

Of course, the downside of forming a youth group is that youth don’t stay “youth” forever. It’s hard to let go of YAMS members as they grow out of our group. But I am so proud of each one of them. Stay tuned in the

future to meet our YAMS individually.

Lisa Hug, YAMS Coordinator

Kite Tales Page 7 April 2018

Photo Gallery by Tom Reynolds, Spring Lake

Bewick’s Wren

American Bittern Spotted Twohee

Bald Eagle

Kite Tales Page 8 April 2018

Photo Gallery by David A. Hofmann

Northern Harriers Short-billed Dowitcher Hole in the Head Doran Regional Park

Common Merganser Mourning Dove Pair

Santa Rosa Creek Trail

Anna’s Hummingbird Virginia Opossum Diekman’s Store Sebastopol Community Ctr

Kite Tales Page 9 April 2018

Photo Gallery by Rob O’Donnell, Costa Rica

Fiery-throated Hummingbird Lesser Violetear

Collared Trogon Boat-billed Heron

Spangle-cheeked Tanager Rufous-collared Sparrow

Kite Tales Page 10 April 2018

Redwood Region Ornithological Society ( was organized in 1962 “to encourage the

study and conservation of birds, other wildlife, and their natural habitat.” Meetings are held the second

Wednesday of each month October through April, at 7 pm at the First United Methodist Church, 1515

Montgomery Dr, Santa Rosa. Sept & May meetings are outside at 5:30pm. Annual dues are $20 per

individual, $25 per family, and $5 per student. Send dues to RROS Treas. Rob O'Donnell, 421 St. Mary Place, Santa Rosa, CA 95409

RROS Staff

Role Name Address E-mail Phone



President Ruth Rudesill POB 371,

Kenwood 95452 833-6026

Vice Pres Will Anderson 4724 Hillsboro Circle,

Santa Rosa 95405 889-4724

Secretary Rita Bevans 237 Deanna Pl,

Windsor 95492 484-3704

Treasurer Rob O'Donnell 421 St. Mary Place,

Santa Rosa 95409 694-9776



tee C



Field Trips Monica Schwal-

benberg - Peña

6136 Batesole Dr

Santa Rosa 95404 542-8107

Observations David Hofmann 2021 Pioneer Wy #47,

Santa Rosa 95403 546-0325

Christmas Bird Count

Bill Doyle 86 Westgate Circle, Santa Rosa 95401 483-8773

Kite Tales Bob Hasenick Santa Rosa 486-0055

YAMS Coord Lisa Hug Sebastopol 535-9370

Membership Rob O'Donnell 421 St. Mary Place,

Santa Rosa 95409 694-9776

Hospitality Linda Hammer 823-4389

Kite Tales Deadline is the 20th: Submit observations to David Hofmann and other items to Bob Hasenick.

KITE TALES 421 St. Mary Place Santa Rosa, CA 95409