John Perry Primary School Year 2 · Year 2 Spellings Each week you will be given your daily...

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Transcript of John Perry Primary School Year 2 · Year 2 Spellings Each week you will be given your daily...

John Perry Primary School

Year 2

Summer Term Week 7

8th June – 12th June 2020

Home Learning Pack


English Tasks Spellings Reading Phonics

Monday Write a note all of the facts you know about

Wangari so far Definitions Daily


Phonics play working within your phonics


Tuesday Research using the

internet to find more about Wangari

Write a Sentence

Daily Comprehension

Wednesday Write a biography on her life and achievements

Design Your Spelling!

Daily Comprehension

Thursday Write a biography on her life and achievements

Letter Scramble

Daily Comprehension

Friday Write a book review Spelling Test Daily Comprehension

Maths Tasks Timetable Practice

Monday To recap telling the time. Hit the button -

Timetable facts - Hit the answer x 10

Tuesday To organise a day at school Hit the button -

Timetable facts - Hit the answer x 10

Wednesday To know the value of coins and make the same amount

Hit the button - Timetable facts - Hit

the answer x 10

Thursday To use reasoning skills to answer questions about money

Hit the button - Timetable facts - Hit

the answer x 10

Friday To solve word problems involving Money Timetables Test

Topic Tasks

Task 1 Science To learn about how a camel adapts it’s characteristics to suit it’s habitat

Task 2 History To find out more about Guy Fawkes

Task 3 Art To use a wide range of resources and techniques to create a firework

Literacy Monday As you know Wangari’s Trees of peace is based on a true story. Can you write a note of all the facts you know about Wangari so far. When you note them down try to organise them into sections under different headings, such as; Early life, family, achievements, adult life etc.






















Literacy Tuesday What else do you want to find out about Wangari? Using the internet, research Wangari. You might want to find out some facts Wangari, such as her date of birth, her death etc. ___________________________________________________________________________





























Literacy Wednesday and Thursday

Now we have lots of information about Wangari, we would like you to write a

biography on her life and achievements. You biography should use the

information you learnt about her from the story and from your research and

be places under specific headings, such as, Early Life, Family, Achievements

and Adult life. Remember to include a title and a picture. We have included

a template for you to follow. Remember to always re-read your work to make

sure it makes sense and you have included the following;

• Capital letters

• Full stops

• A range of other punctuation such as ! ? and ‘ ‘

• Conjunctions to extend sentences

• Factual information

Remember to also include a short opening paragraph at the beginning and

a short conclusion to summarise what you have learnt at the end.







































































Literacy Friday Today we would like you to write a book review.

Title: ______________________________________________________________________

Author: ___________________________________________________________________

What is the plot of the story? What happened?











Did you like the book?

Rate the book by colouring in the stars.

Explain why you did or did not like the book.










Would you recommend this book? Explain why.










Draw your favourite part of the book

Guided Reading Monday

Guided Reading Tuesday

Guided Reading Wednesday

Guided Reading Thursday

Guided Reading Friday

Year 2 Spellings

Each week you will be given your daily spellings to practice plus a daily spelling task. On Friday we would like you to complete a spelling test.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday










Spellings Monday – Definitions

Definitions – Using a dictionary or Google dictionary, look up the definitions for each spelling. Make sure that you don’t just copy and that it is written in your own











Spellings Tuesday – Write a Sentence

Now you know the meaning of your spellings, can you write your own sentences with three of the spelling words?

(1) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________



(2) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________



(3) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________



Spellings Wednesday – Design Your Spelling!

Design your spelling now you know the meaning of your spellings can you create a picture around a chosen spelling that represents what it means?


Spellings Thursday – Letter Scramble

Can you try and unscramble these spelling words?










Spellings Friday - Spelling Test

No. Write your spelling here Once you have marked your spellings,

If your spelling was incorrect give it another go.









Maths Monday TIME – To recap telling the Time.

Can you draw these times on?

Quarter Past Six

Five Past Six

Half Past Twelve

Twenty Past Twelve

Five O’Clock

Ten to Six


This clock has a missing hand! What time is it? Mr Pedro thinks it is 3 o’clock. Ms Cabero thinks it is half past 3. Who is correct?

Maths Tuesday

Time – Organising a day at school Starter Answer the following questions. Showing any working out you do.

(1) 27 – 4 = _________________

(2) 18 + 20 = ________________

(3) 32 + 6 = _________________

(4) 3 + 55 = _________________

(5) 66 – 30 = _________________

(6) 10 + 71 = _________________

(7) There are 42 cars in a car park and 7 more drive in. How many

cars are in the car park now? _________________

(8) Tina got £28 for her birthday. She spends £20 on a new toy. How

many money does she have left? _________________

Use this Class timetable to fill in the blanks (They are not in order!)

Subject Time

Registration 9:00 - Nine O Clock

Maths 9:30 - Half past Nine

Playtime 10.30 - Half past Ten

Guided Reading 10.50 - Ten to Eleven

Phonics 11.30 - Half past Eleven

Lunch 12:00 - Twelve O Clock

Maths Wednesday

Money – To know the value of coins and make the same amount. What coins can you see on this page? Look carefully on the pictures and then, draw a line to match each coin to its value.

Can you use the coins below to make 20p in different ways to put in the piggy banks? For example, 10p + 10p = 20p

Maths Thursday Money – To use reasoning skills to answer questions about money.

Can you find 4 different ways of making 10p using these coins?

Write them in as a

number sentence. For example,

5p+5p = 10p

______________ ______________ ______________ ______________ ______________

Use coins to help you answer these questions.

1. What is the least amount of coins you can use to make 40p? Which coins

would you use?


2. Can you use 4 coins to make 40p? Which coins would you use?


3. Can you use 3 coins to make 40p? Which coins would you use?


4. What is the most amount of coins you could use to make 40p? Which coins

would you use?


Maths Friday Money - Problem Solving using Money

Can you find 10 different ways of making 12p using these coins? Write them in as a number sentence. For example, 5p+5p = 10p

Solve these problems:

1. Together Lqra and Harley have £12. Lqra has twice the amount that

Harley has. How much does Harley have? _________________________

2. Together Desiree and Micah have £24. Desiree has £3 more that Micah.

How much do they each have? _________________________

3. I spend £2 on a drink and sandwich. The sandwich costs 80p more than

the drink. How much does it cost? _________________________


Times Table Test Friday

If it helps write your 10 timetable out next to the test in order!

Times Tables Challenge Week 7

___ x 10 = 40

9 x 10 = ____

3 x ___= 30

____ x 10 = 100

____ x 10 = 120

6 x ___= 60

____ x 10 = 70

2 x ___= 20

___ x 10 = 80

1 x ___= 10

___ x10 = 110

5 x 10 = ___

Topic Science – Camel and Its Habitats To learn about how a camel adapts it’s characteristics to suit it’s habitat

(1) How do camels protect themselves from the blowing desert sand?







(2) Why does a camel have a hump?







(3) How do a camel’s feet help it to walk in the desert?






Topic History – Guy Fawkes

In History we are going to be staring our new topic called the Gunpowder Plot. You aim of this lesson is to find out about Guy Fawkes.

(1) What do you think about this person?






(2) Are his clothes like the clothes we wear now? How are they







(3) What work might the person in the picture do? Why do you

think they do that work?






(4) How can we tell that this person lived a very long time ago?






Topic Art – Firework Art Your task is to create a firework picture. I have included some examples of some firework pictures for you to look at. You can use any background colour you like but it would look better if the background was black. Use any resources you like including colour pens, pencils, paint, chalk etc.