Insight wk4

Post on 26-Jan-2017

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Transcript of Insight wk4


Sophie Diehl
Insight Data Engineering Fellow

What is the wind speed
at turbine height

right now,
and in the past?


Wind speed data: NOAA GFS 4

Global, every 0.5 degrees latitude and longitude

Forecasts for coming week in 3-hour intervals

Released daily at midnight


What is the forecast today?

Past averages: single days, months

HBase Storage

rowkey day1 day2 day3 day4 ...

lat-long2 3.48 3.29 3.11 4.54

lat-long1 3.56 2.63 2.56 3.91 ...


day1_lat-long2 3.48

day2_lat-long1 2.63

day2_lat-long2 3.29

Page load for continental USA: 25s vs. 11s

day1_lat-long1 3.56





MIT B.S. 2014Electrical Engineering

Sophie Diehl