Inbound Marketing for Startups

Post on 09-May-2015

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Transcript of Inbound Marketing for Startups

Dharmesh Shah Founder/CTO, HubSpot

(and I’m a hackepreneur)


Lets keep it interactive.

Outbound Marketing

Outbound marketing is pushing your way in.

Cold Calling

Inbound marketing is pulling people in.

Outbound Marketing Make marketing about creativity not cash.


inbound =

content + conversion

Where can you “get found”?

As ye SEO, so shall ye reap.

(SEO = Search Engine Optimization)

SEO = Context and Authority

Ranking Algorithm: f(n): Context & Authority

Pick your keywords


Make a list of relevant


To the victors go the spoils. First result page gets 95% of clicks

Don’t pick a fight with a ninja. (Unless you’re a ninja)

Use your words!

The page title is critical on-page

SEO factor.

A page by any other name, may not rank as well…

To win at SEO, you need to get great

inbound links.

“I tried to buy love….and links.”

clicks > rankings

Guess what profile you have to use to get cool listings?

“Wow. That seems

too big to ignore.”

The real reason you can’t ignore Google+ hint: it’s the characters before the +

Your profile picture should build trust and



Coming up: The best and shortest SEO advice ever:

Make humans happy, not search engines.

Create useful content, clean designs and fast websites.

Get lucky!

Get lucky!

Every now and then, try something crazy

Your content needs to take a stand.

Spreading great content with social media

Outbound Marketing

Make it dead-simple to share your content.

Without followers, social media is not much fun.

Don’t try and automate getting fans.

Numbers go up, but brand goes down.

Even normal people

use twitter now.

(via @dharmesh)

Which inbound marketing channel works the best?

Source: Science of Twitter -


To win at inbound, create an

experience people love.

I’m on the interwebs.


Inbound Marketing = depth of creativity

The power of the

modest liquidity


You need to start to find a great idea.

You don’t need a great

idea to start.

Inbound Marketing: Get Found using Google, Social Media and Blogs

Amazon Top 20 Marketing Book

(out of 240,000+)

You don’t need a VP of Sales. You need sales.

Those who make stuff make their destiny.

Customers are in control.

Yes, your idea probably


Just start!

Challenge: Convince

really smart people to do something irrational.

Culture sticks.

Now, lets talk about marketing

44% of Direct Mail is

Never Looked At

Get your website out there yesterday.