HypnoDate - Attract and Seduce Women with Hypnosis-Mantesh.pdf

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    What This Book Is NOT!

    What This Book IS!



    Lets Get Started

    Self-Limiting Beliefs

    So What Can We Do?

    The Write Over Method!

    Getting That First Victory!


    Fake It Till You Make It!

    Picking Your Style

    Playing The Numbers!

    What To Say

    The Human Mind!

    You Are Here!

    The Relational Skeleton Key

    Self Hypnosis 101

    Visualization / Preparation

    See It, Then Be It!


    Have a Seat

    Heres Where It Gets Really Fun!

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    Location, Location, Location!

    So Now What?

    Practice, Practice, Practice!

    The World Is Your Oyster

    (Now Go Claim Some Clam!)

    Theres Always Room For Improvement! Cant Make Anyone Do Anything!

    Hypnotic Subconscious Suggestions

    The Masters

    Information In-cumming!

    Every Game Worth Playing Has Rules!

    Hypno-Date 201

    The Ins and Outs of our Hypnosis Style Techniques.

    All Around, All The Time!

    Thats What Makes All The difference!

    Sending and Receiving Signals!

    Howd They Do That?

    Subconscious Broadcasting.

    Natures Stealth Technology

    Better To Give AND Receive!

    Role Reversal Strategy

    Have Friends Who Are Hot Chicks!

    Hypno-Date RULES: (Dos and Donts)

    Hypnotic Tantra

    Tantric Techniques

    Avoid Cumming - Are You Crazy?

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    The Power Of The Method


    The Greatest Massage

    The Big Pay-Off

    Hold That Thought!

    WOW, Look At That!

    The Hypnotic Dance

    One Step forward - Half Step Back


    Attraction: (What it is / How it works)

    No More Mr. Nice-Guy

    What Women Want!

    Create Allies And Some Jealousy

    Sending Signals

    Hypnotic Pep Talk!

    Limiters And Amplifiers

    Hypno-Date Summation

    Grace, Honesty And Good Intentions

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    What This Book Is NOT!

    These days on the Internet, its almost more important to assure yourself

    right away of what you are NOT getting yourself into before its too

    late. So I want to declare right here and right now that this is definitely

    not your typically dry and boring medical science treatise. It doesnt have

    a lot of advanced biological vocabulary and psychological terminology.

    This is also not in that ever growing genre of books out there that are so

    ethereally metaphysical, that it borders on a warlocks recipe book of

    mysterious and magical incantations, sadistic sorcery or wacky whims of

    wanton witchcraft or just plain Wish Crap!!

    There is so much flimsy, false and fraudulent garbage being hawked out

    there, that its becoming harder and harder to determine what you are

    actually getting until you are sometimes one third of the way through the

    book. This is not one of those books. I am not going to ask you to join

    some off the wall secret organization, or pledge your ever-lasting soul to

    any outlandish deity, in order to gain the favor and the assistance of some

    dark overlords from the 17th dimension.

    You will not need a degree in Psychology or even need to have graduated

    high school to read and understand this book. It is written in basic, easy tograsp language. And while there may occasionally be the necessity to

    present a semi-complex concept in this book I will then always break it

    down and explain it in the simplest of terms, so that we all continue to

    remain on the very same page together!

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    you to apply these century old truths in such a way as to get you Getting

    Some sooner rather than later, and a lot more often than you ever would

    have dreamed or believed possible! It is a process, yes, but it is laid out in

    simple, step-by-step instructions that if simply read and immediately

    applied, you will be getting laid a lot sooner than you will be finishing

    this book. However, I do suggest that you do finish the book, because if

    of the knowledge can get you 10 babes, what will all of the information

    get you. Lets find out, shall we?


    This is not a typical pamphlet style E-book This is an Online Manual

    and Guide. Therefore, read it that way. Saturate the information within

    your mind and take a few sessions to read it. Then go back and read it

    again and never underestimate the power of consistent SELF



    O.k., were here for one reason and one reason only! You want to get

    dates, get women and get laid, a lot more often than you currently are,with much hotter chicks than you normally get. Period!

    Perfect honesty is the very best policy and frankly, thats as valid and

    significant a priority as any guy can possibly have in life so lets make

    it happen! Its all about having the confidence to just GO FOR IT!.

    Thats what you will get by reading this book!

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    First off, lets get something out of the way immediately! Screw all the

    silly Hocus Pocus, and Mumbo Jumbo out there about Hypnosis style

    techniques. Its mostly a bunch of illusionary imagery and stage smoke to

    keep people like us from figuring out that we really dont need people

    like THEM to make our lives better with hypnotism. Truth is, you can

    do it all yourself. However, they dont want you to know that, as they

    make a living on keeping clients coming back for literally years. Its big

    business for those who understand these simple principals and they dont

    want any one to reveal the truth about this little Gold Mine situation of

    theirs. Thats why most of this stuff is done in a very Hush, Hush

    secretive and shadowy manner. But that is not necessary and its certainly

    not to your advantage, so lets get the facts right out into the light, where

    we all can see exactly what is going on!

    So, most people who really know about self-hypnosis, and how to work

    it, dont want you to know how to use it yourself, because that woulddeplete their cash-flow and power over you. Great, then who can you

    trust? Well, generally someone who has spent years learning the

    intricacies of the science and who has mastered the techniques to such a

    degree, that they can now explain it all in a very simple, matter of fact

    way that could be comprehended and applied by any average Joe.

    Someone who isnt looking for the POWER TRIP or the financialwindfall of having people like us coming to them once or twice a week

    for months, or dare I say...years.

    Self-Hypnotic Suggestion and Self-Subconscious Implantation are 2

    very big terms for a couple of very simple concepts that will help to get

    you laid with consistent regularity, or as most of my students report back

    to me, pretty much as often as you want it. More importantly, quality

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    rises as well as quantity, and you will soon be finding yourself fully

    confident, cool, calm, collected and comfortable, as you begin bedding

    pretty much any type of woman that you find yourself sexually attracted

    to. Notice I said, Type of woman, as opposed to simply stating


    This was done on purpose. The facts are, these techniques will greatly

    increase the likelihood and chances of you making it with THE specific

    lady of your choice. But there are always other additional factors

    involved, when you are singling ONE individual out for sexual

    conquest. Is she married? Or in love with some other man? Did she just

    get dumped or heart-broken? Is it that time of the month? Is she with

    friends? Is she a lesbian? Is she a virgin saving herself for marriage? Or

    maybe shes a nun on temporary leave from the convent? Who knows?

    So, can these techniques guarantee that you will be sleeping with thatblonde over there in the blue and purple polka-dot dress tonight? No!

    This book will certainly increase your chances, but its not made to

    promise you a particular target. What it will guarantee is that you will be

    having great sexual adventures with more women than you previously

    had ever dreamed of, and they will be the 9s and 10s, no more settling

    for the 5s and 6s.O.K., so now, Self-Hypnotic Suggestion and Self-Subconscious

    Implantation. Dont let the scientific sound of these two terms scare you

    away and keep you from achieving your goal lots of acrobatic, utterly-

    astounding action. Look, I barely got through most of my science courses

    in high school and college, and if it wasnt for the sake of some foxy little

    hottie who got straight As and was the Teachers Pet, in school as

    well as mine after school I never would have graduated. So this is not

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    going to be a text book or scientific treatise, that shits for jumble headed

    academics who dont get laid anymore. No, this is going to be the straight

    stuff, plain and simple!

    No long theoretical discourses, no over-hyped theatrics and no BS. Its

    just straight facts and techniques to get some serious quality Poon-

    Tang!. Make no mistake my friend, it is finally time for you to see just

    how good it can get. There are veritable erotic treasures waiting for you

    to harvest, right here within these pages. Once you have acquainted

    yourself with the material, theres some serious sex waiting just outside

    your door just as soon as you take a little time to absorb, apply and

    practice the very simple and easy to understand tips and techniques

    contained in this manual. Yes, There is Pure Gold in these, here, pages,

    and its simply waiting for you to dig-in and make it yours.

    But remember, simply reading this book alone will definitely make anoticeable improvement in your love life and the confidence & comfort

    with which you pick-up chicks. But to truly become the all conquering

    stud that you truly dream of becoming, it is going to take some well

    organized and committed implementation of the ideas presented in this

    manual. Thats another way of saying what you have known as true all

    your life, to get really good at this, you must Practice, Practice,Practice!

    But then, is that really such an inconvenience and sacrifice? To practice

    getting laid on a regular basis? I mean, what in life worth having doesnt

    take a little bit of study and effort to get it right and achieve the

    classification of a well respected and sought out expert? Especially when

    it comes to seducing the ladies. This is well worth a little bit of effort,

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    would you not agree? After all, what more important and valuably

    significant line of endeavor is there, out in this great big world these days,

    than to be considered the Absolute Top Dawg and Numero Uno Head

    Honcho in the sex game?

    So like everything in life, it is a simple trade-off. You can get more

    quality action by simply making the small effort of learning some very

    basic, fundamental, foundational facts about how the human mind works.

    The BONUS of this all is, once you get this stuff down and learn to

    apply it to sex, you can take the very same concepts and apply it to other

    avenues in your life. Its like an owners manual for your own mind, and

    obviously your mind effects pretty much everything you do in life. So,

    learn these simple techniques now and not only get laid, but watch all of

    life open up to you like a cornucopia of absolute abundance. Which is

    another way of saying, things will start going your way on a regular basis

    as you start getting all the stuff in life that you really want and need!

    Can someone really truly just read, study, apply and practice a few

    techniques and actually start getting wild and hot sex from gorgeous

    babes? Yes. I know this because its exactly what happened in my life. I

    was not the best looking guy around, nor did I have the benefits of

    money, a cool car or the right clothes. I was a definite zero in the datinggame. Yeah, I could reel in a couple of half-way decent looking chicks

    here and there, if they were drunk and it was getting late, but I wasnt

    first choice, or even 7th choice on the lists of the good looking girls.

    Then my uncle shared with me a most amazing book. More about this

    book later, but for now, suffice it to say it made all the difference in the

    world. As I started to apply the simple, easy to do, step-by-step principals

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    explained within, things started happening. I started to feel better about

    myself and felt a strange sense of confidence to just relax and be myself

    around these babes. Suddenly I was the funny guy, the clever guy, and

    pretty soon I was the interesting and cute guy.

    I got a few of the local hotties, and because I was cool and calm, I made

    some powerful impressions that developed a bit of a reputation. Suddenly

    the best looking women around were calling me, asking me out, or just

    wanting to hang around. Of course, one thing would inevitably lead to

    another. It was GREAT! It was absolute Heaven on Earth! It was 100%

    Self-Hypnotic Suggestion and Self-Subconscious Implantation!

    Just understanding and applying a few basic rules and laws of biology

    and practical psychology, I was in! In their pants that is!!! Problem was,

    it was a big book and very old. So when I tried to share it with my friends

    who were as into reading as me, they just couldnt break through thebarrier of it being like school to them. I had to teach it to them verbally

    and just make a few simple notations as basic reminders of what we

    discussed. It was all handed down, by word of mouth, and it worked

    amazingly well because I took over 1,000 pages of information and

    distilled it down to about 3 hours spoken instruction. My friends started

    getting laid like magic, as well!

    So here I am today, writing it all down for those of you who cant speak

    with me personally. And, for those of you who dont have the slightest

    inclination to want to enroll in years of scholastic, educational courses

    with designated hours of lab work and study hall just to get a little piece

    of ass. This is how Hypno-Date came to be. Carefully put together to

    give you just enough valuable and powerful information to make your

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    love life legendary and satisfying, but not so much as to overwhelm and

    drown you in elongated, abstract concepts, ideas and a lot of verbiage.

    Its basically a very simple Pickup, Attraction, Dating and Sex Manual

    made for guys like us who dont have time to delve through all the


    Lets Get Started

    Alright, first of all, we need to understand a very basic fact. Women are

    naturally, automatically attracted to guys that are confident and

    comfortable with themselves and the lady. Its thousands of years of

    Survival Instinct subconsciously and sometimes even consciously,

    programmed into their heads. Confident men, often referred to in

    psychological books as the Alpha Male are viewed by females as the

    natural born leaders. Theyre the strong and self reliant providers and

    thats what they instinctively want to attract to themselves and what they

    feel safe being attracted to. Its all a matter of mentally programmed

    survival instinct.

    Plus, women like to feel like women and want to be around a guy who

    makes them feel like a woman. Thats accomplished by a dude that seems

    strong, powerful, secure, and has his proverbial shit together. So, does

    this mean that if we werent born with these natural personality traits,then we are simply out of luck and arent going to get the babes? Well,

    thats what it used to mean. But now we have a couple of secret weapons

    thatll change your life and your luck with the ladies forever. The names

    of those secret weapons are Self-Hypnotic Suggestion and Self-

    Subconscious Implantation!

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    You see, somewhere along the road most of us some how got f**ked

    up in the head by someone. It could be a parent, or sibling, maybe a

    relative or neighbor. Perhaps it was a teacher, or some other culturally

    accepted authority figure, maybe even a total stranger. Or, as is most

    often the case, we simply did it to ourselves.

    The human mind is like a computer whatever you program into the

    computer, is what you are going to get out of it. Sometimes, if your

    inputting skills are lacking or if there is a flaw or glitch in the system,

    what comes out is distorted, warped and barely recognizable as what was

    intended to be filed away for safe keeping.

    So, a misunderstanding with a friend, a harsh comment by a teacher, a

    cruel word by a parent, or even simply being turned down when making

    an early attempt to steal a kiss or hold a girls hand while walking, can

    create devastating effects. Left alone and unchallenged, they willdebilitate and subconsciously handicap a guy for life, until he takes the

    time to go back in and Re-Program out the garbage information and

    replace it with the Proper Data that will be useful and effective for him

    to run a successful love life!

    Self-Limiting Beliefs:

    Whenever we have unfortunately or even accidentally programmed

    inhibitive ideas or beliefs about ourselves into our conscious and

    subconscious mind, whether these thoughts are of our own origination, or

    injected into our psyche by someone else, they are known as Self-

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    Limiting Thoughts,. They are absolute trouble and need to be dealt with


    Self-Limiting Beliefs are so effectively detrimental because they come

    from within, so there is far less opportunity to fend off their attacks and

    defend ourselves from the self-annihilation they bring. Self-Limiting

    Beliefs are the most powerful enemy we can ever have to face, as the

    famous old saying reminds us so very clearly, We have seen the enemy,

    and they are US!

    Just like in real warfare, one of the most efficient strategies to win a battle

    is to infiltrate the oppositions camp and spy out their strategies and battle

    plans. As well as this, you provide them with as much false information

    as possible, to lead them astray, causing them to make incorrect moves,

    based on improper assumptions. In turn, leaving them vulnerable and

    ready to be more easily defeated.

    This is exactly what happens to you when you allow your unconscious

    and conscious mind to offer up negative and simply bad information to

    yourself about yourself. As you plan your campaign to get ladies and get

    laid based on a collection of Un-True and Falsified Facts about yourself

    the facts that are burned into your unconscious mind you will startsetting in motion a plan to FAIL. Your brain will work its hardest to

    prove your plan correct and you will probably fall well short of your

    intended targets.

    Some Self-Limiting Beliefs are as follows:

    1. Girls only want to be with guys who have lots of money!

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    2. Women only want sex with strings attached committed relationships!

    3. If you arent Great Looking, you may as well just give up now!

    4. Babes can sense inexperience and wont even give you the time of day

    if they think you dont have the experience they deem necessary.

    5. Hot chicks are only attracted to Bad-Boy, Alpha-Male, A-holes!

    6. Shes already got a boyfriend, better give up now!

    7. Women should be willing to accept me completely, just the way I

    already am!

    8. Shes a Total 10, I cant compete for her. I dont measure up!

    9. The Super-Models are off-limits, simply NO CHANCE there!

    10. That babe is way too popular, look at all the guys who are already all

    over her!

    Theyre just a few of the seriously debilitating Self-Limiting Beliefs that

    can hold us back from really going for all the gusto we not only deserve,

    but could easily have if we just trusted in ourselves enough to go for it! Ifyou dont believe you can get the chick, you wont get the chick! If you

    DO believe you can get the chick, you WILL get the chick! Its really

    that simple. Its all about what you believe!

    So What Can We Do?

    O.k., so we agree that having the enemy within is a huge set back and a

    very important problem that needs to be jumped on as soon as humanly

    possible, or we are all in a lot of trouble, right? Right! So what can we do

    about this situation so we can jump the hurdles, beat the odds and start

    getting some A+ action on a regular basis?

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    Well, there are two ways of dealing with Self-Limiting Thoughts,. The

    most effective, efficient, but simultaneously energy consuming and

    complex way is to actually:

    (1) Delete the previous negative programming by completely wiping it

    out. Thereby removing all traces of it from your minds consciousness,

    just like deleting a file from your computer (remember that the human

    mind is in fact the Bio-Computer that the original idea of the electronic

    computer sprang from, all those years ago.) Then, once youve done that,

    you start from a fresh slate.

    This is accomplished by a very involved and complicated combination of

    self-assessment with deep meditation, and some form of psychoanalysis,

    whether self initiated or performed by a professional Psychologist or

    Psychiatrist. Or in other cases, some sort of authoritative religious figure

    like a Priest, Pastor, Guru, Spiritual Master or Meta-Physician.

    This Methodology is about 68% successful. But sadly, even some of

    those success stories, that seem to so progressively make a smooth

    transition to the New Positive Thought Forms and Beliefs, can have

    severe relapses. Thats because this process removes all the long-

    standing, original underpinning, foundational belief structure andPsychological foundations that have been built up since childhood. So,

    some adherents to this style of Mind Change suddenly find themselves

    without a mental anchor or Experiential Infrastructure to be grounded

    in, which means they often panic in the abyss and revert back to old,

    negative, but emotionally comfortable ways of thinking again.

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    Honestly, most of us simply dont have the extra free time, money and

    inclination to get this severely wrapped up into a Mental Methodology,.

    Nor the personal intuitive psychological expertise to perform this process

    on ourselves. So that leads us to the second way of deleting the Self-

    Limiting Thoughts that we no longer want present to hinder us from

    achieving what we really want in life, particularly, GREAT SEX on a

    regular basis with totally hot chicks!

    So, the more common and easiest way is to simply Write Over the

    offending program by placing enough positive and confidence building

    material into your mind that you naturally begin to see the more effective

    self beliefs. Then, you focus in on them, and are no longer paying

    attention to the negative BAD programming in your mind. This is the

    most common way to get rid of our Self-Limiting Thoughts. It is not

    the fastest or most effective way, but it is by far the easiest way for those

    of us who do not want to commit ourselves to the in-depth,psychologically involved gymnastics of psychoanalysis or as some might

    call it Brain washing!

    This procedure works approximately 97% of the time, as long as one

    remains consistent with the process of continually placing the new

    Positive data in his head on a regular basis. And, fights the naturalinclination to fall into bad old habits of thought before the wondrous

    effects and benefits can be clearly observed from the Write Over


    The power of the Write-Over Method is the fact that it doesnt try to

    remove all of your early foundational beliefs in one fell swoop, but rather

    teaches you step-by-simple-step how to start adding additional positive

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    information to the mix. Then how to focus on it, so that it is the NEW

    MAP that you begin to look to for direction in your sex life.

    You clearly realize the value of letting bygones be bygones and letting

    the past mistakes go, while still learning from those mistakes and moving

    forward to victory. It doesnt artificially leave you hanging in the void, as

    if your past experiences no longer even exist and you are now a soul

    without a history, like the Delete method. Rather, it allows you to

    evaluate what has worked and not worked previously and gives you the

    New and Improved belief structure that will get you where you want to

    be, in comfort, security and true confidence.

    Therefore, it just seems obviously logical that because we can ALL

    easily do the Write Over method, which doesnt involve a lot of effort,

    money and time, that its a simpler route and as youll see, a hell of a lot

    of fun to work through. This is the route we will focus on from this pointforward in the book!

    The Write Over Method!

    So, where do we go from here? Thats actually a very easy question to

    answer, and I think you are really going to start having a lot of fun and

    enjoying this exciting adventure! Remember that Rule #1 is: Whatever

    you truly believe about yourself, especially regarding women and getting

    laid, is the TRUTH!

    We are not trying to make you forget the past here with this highly

    effective method though. Just like learning to ride a bicycle or do

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    multiplication, you will remember all of your initial failures and mistakes.

    But then you will begin to learn from those mistakes and see where you

    went wrong. Then, through a commitment to yourself and your love life,

    begin to practice, practice, and practice some more. Thinking and

    behaving in such a way, youll start getting some small and then with

    time, more significant victories under your belt. And with those

    victories comes confidence and deeper dedication to sticking with the

    program and truly Going for it!

    Then the old adage suddenly will prove true to you as clear as day. As

    you begin throwing enough spaghetti on the wall, that some of it will

    actually begin to stick!. This is really all there is to the simple and easy

    to accomplish process of Writing Over. So what does it mean to you

    right here, right now?

    As you begin to add additional positive experiences to your Book ofLife and begin to get it right more and more often, your confidence and

    abilities grow in leaps and bounds, and you start to not only truly believe

    in the system, but more importantly, believe in yourself.

    Meaning, NOW, when you believe that you can get the very hottest 9s

    and 10s on a scale of 10, then suddenly you will discover that youactually do get them with consistent regularity. However, if you continue

    to keep adding messages to your mind, inputting data into your Bio-

    Computer telling and programming yourself to believe and actually

    perform as if you dont quite measure up to the competition, you will

    focus on the old negative data. Then, sure enough, you will be sunk

    before you start.

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    See it and Be it, Name it and Claim it, Think it and Drink it. What you

    believe in your heart, soul and mind is what will prove to be the ultimate

    reality. And sadly, for those who truly think that the chances of you

    getting an A+ Babe are low to ludicrous, then in fact thats exactly how it

    will play out, and it just will never happen for you at all.

    O.k., great, so then what exactly are we to do then to help us BELIEVE

    that we can get the hotties?

    It all comes down to action! Weve all heard the old saying; Seeing Is

    Believing! Well, the reason most old sayings get repeated enough times

    over a lengthy period of years, and become an old saying, is because they

    usually pan out to be TRUE!

    Therefore, what you really need in order to honestly begin to believe the

    new optimistic, confident, powerful perception of yourself as a realpopular ladies man, is a few victories, followed by a few more victories,

    followed by a lot more victories, with the beautiful women that you

    desire. Unlike most sports that you have participated in over the years or

    witnessed through the media, where the final game, the championship

    game is the very most important game to fulfill a winning season, with

    chicks, the most important victory is not the last, but rather the first!

    Getting That First Victory!

    Keep in mind at all times, the two most important things to remember

    about getting your first Convincing Victory are the following: (1) You

    absolutely have to go for a babe that you would normally consider out of

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    your league. (2) You shouldnt shoot so far above your normal

    expectations that you automatically and unwittingly set yourself up for

    failure. Lets look at this in a little more detail.

    First of all, its important that the women you shoot for are above the

    level of babe youve have been settling for in the past. If they arent, the

    whole point of this book becomes moot. The concept here is to learn to

    develop the confidence to go for the gorgeous girls and get them on a

    regular consistent basis. You will never accomplish this task if you dont

    actually start raising the bar a bit, right now.

    Thats right, Immediately, if not sooner! The one thing that you will

    very quickly discover about this book is that Im on your side. Just one of

    the guys who has gone through the same situations that most all of us

    guys have been through. Im here to help you succeed with the ladies and

    thats my only concern, my only priority, and my only objective. I am notlooking for Kudos or applause and Im certainly not one of those

    insecure pseudo-experts that fears you might figure things out before I

    finish telling them to you. No, I hope and intend for you to be getting

    some seriously improved, choice, Grade-A action before you are halfway

    through this book. And it all starts right now.


    From now on, every single woman that you see, smile at her. This does

    not mean you are actually going to hit on or pick her up. Hell, it doesnt

    even mean that you are the slightest bit interested in banging her. But

    just in order to grow more effectively comfortable and fully used to the

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    idea of smiling at the ladies, begin now to make it a habit! If you see a

    chick, smile.

    You will quickly discover that many more of them are smiling back at

    you than you ever would have guessed possible. Dont gawk, dont stare,

    and dont hang around to wait for a response. Just go through life, smiling

    at the women you see and you will already be in the running for making

    some real headway hooking up with the girls of your dreams.

    Two very important truths:

    (1) Women youd never normally go for often have hot friends. Be nice,

    respectful and friendly to the ones you arent interested in and you may

    one day get access to their friends.

    (2) Most guys are afraid to approach the hottest babes out there becausethey automatically assume that if a chick is a 9 or 10 that they must have

    tons of good looking, rich and successful dudes at their beck and call 24

    hours a day. But that just isnt the case at all. Most fashion models are

    very lonely people, shunned by the average women who are jealous and

    hate them and avoided by most men who assume they have no chance at

    all. So most foxy women are often desperate for a date or any sort ofclose up contact. People stare and lust after them from afar, but very few

    guys ever have the balls to actually go up and talk to them like a normal

    healthy and attractive woman.

    A smile denotes confidence, feeling comfortable and good about noticing

    an attractive lady in your presence, and feeling completely at ease

    expressing that observation and appreciation in such a way that makes

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    you seem as if you are in your groove and used to being around good-

    looking women. This makes you instantly more attractive to the ladies

    because (A) a smiling face is so much more pleasing to the eye than a

    frowning scowl or fearful jack-o-lantern grimace. And (B) in the sub-

    conscious mind of the female, you are perceived as a more powerful

    Alpha Male, who is completely in his element with hot babes. This is

    because you show no fear and dont wrap yourself at her feet, begging for

    attention like a lot of guys. You just go your own way!

    So the mere act of simply smiling a knowing, confident smile and then

    moving on as if you are a busy and successful guy with lots of things to

    attend to, will get you a very positive rep with the ladies in no time at all.

    The exact opposite happens if you stand around, looking smitten,

    hypnotized, or desperate,

    This is cool because you notice first off the very most important thinghere: if you are a little bit shy at this juncture of the process, its OK. You

    never had to talk to her, you didnt even have to approach her, you just

    started getting all these beautiful babes attention and developing your

    stud reputation with them by simply smiling and moving on like you are a

    player. In other words, in the minds of these women, you noticed them,

    you liked what you saw, admired the way they presented themselves, butyou are a busy guy, getting on with that business. Which in turn gives you

    a sense of confidence and casual swagger, long before you ever actually

    earned it.

    This brings us to another very important rule for when you are just

    beginning your journey to consistent hot dates and sex with the most

    attractive women around, which is Faking it till you Make it!

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    Fake It Till You Make It!

    When I decided I was going for the glory, I dedicated myself to watchingexactly how the guys who got the best chicks did what it was that they do.

    But I soon realized that it wasnt always so abundantly clear as to what

    was really going on inside the mind of these Super Studs!

    So I realized that if I was to ever be regularly getting the fine ass that they

    were reeling in day after day after day, I was going to actually have to

    approach and ask these guys some questions about how they did what

    they did. Now I knew a lot of them were not going to be inclined to share

    their secrets with me or any one else for that matter, because some people

    feel that when you find the formulae to gold, you should just shut up and

    keep it to yourself. But I was quickly surprised to find that a few of the

    guys were more than willing to talk to me and give me some tips and


    It seems that what I heard most often from a relatively diverse group of

    guys who claimed they were at one time, just as insecure and nervous

    about Shooting for the Stars as I was, was a term that was repeated over

    and over to me, again and again. Fake It Till You Make It!

    I was instructed to get the idea out of my head that most ladies men are

    simply born to be successful with the babes. But that in fact, it is a skill,

    like riding a bike or hand-writing, that must be learned and practiced.

    Most importantly, the most efficient and effective way to learn how to get

    good at the gals, is to fake it till you make it.

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    What they taught me was that there is actually no real way of ever truly

    knowing who is authentically confident with the ladies, and who is

    actually just doing a great job of successfully pretending to be a stud.

    Also, that the process of playing the part actually rubs off within your self

    consciousness, and you do in fact begin to become the player that you

    were once just playing like a role in a stage play. In other words, merely

    acting confident and comfortable with the babes, automatically trains you

    to truly become confident and comfortable with the babes!

    O.k., so how do you fake it till you make it? Easy, just keep your eyes

    open from now on and carefully take it all in. Whenever you see a stud

    clearly having his way with a luscious lady that you think you would like

    to eventually have a shot at, watch what they do around them. Then begin

    to impart those observable personality characteristics and physical ways

    of interacting with the Wonder-Women onto yourself.

    One very significant word of warning must be mentioned right here.

    There are a few drastically distinct personalities that some guys use to

    score with the babes, and you will come across as a slightly schizophrenic

    psycho if you try to encompass the attitudes and strategies of them all

    simultaneously. Thats why you need to pick your style before youactually start.

    Also keep in mind that you can change your style, or use more than one

    style, but not with the same group of people and definitely not with the

    same women. Otherwise, you will be perceived to be a strange, split

    personality, bi-polar casualty of confusion and you will freak the chicks

    out. Theyll then want nothing to do with you no matter how confident

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    one or all of these basic patterns seem to come into play with the vast

    majority of ladies, if not all of them. So we need to understand this

    situation and respond appropriately by choosing the set persona that we

    must comfortably fit into that achieves success with the particular type of

    girl that we are attracted to and want to draw into our circle of influence

    and perhaps eventually our bed!

    Here are just a few of the most common successful male personas or

    personality styles that seem to do well with the chicks. Read about them

    and think about what your thoughts have been about these types of guys

    when you have been around them. Also, think what your comfort level is

    like when youre around them. Then, consider becoming each of them.

    What is the effect these sorts of guys have on the niche targeted chicks

    that you have lined up in your scope to hit on?

    Not all personas and styles appeal to every woman out there. Because of

    this, it is of the utmost importance that you truly consider whether or not

    there is a particular kind of babe that you find more attractive than all the

    others and then pick a style that does well with that kind of girl!

    Keep in mind this very important fact. Most women do NOT know whatthey really want OR they lie like dogs. The shit theyll tell you they are

    looking for in a guy, is really the sort of characteristics and qualities they

    are seeking in a BOY FRIEND. A friend whos a boy. Not a Boyfriend

    and certainly not what you want to be to this babe, a lover! When girls

    say what they are looking for in a guy that they want to get together with,

    to be taken and pleasured by, they are usually lying; its simply just not


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    Maybe theyre merely embarrassed to let on just how superficial, sexually

    sensuous, shallow and slutty they really are deep down inside. Or maybe

    theyre just so socially conditioned and out of touch with what really gets

    them wet between the legs and makes them want to hump and purr. Its

    debatable. What they sometimes say they want describes the guy who lets

    her cry on their shoulder when shes been let down by some jerk. Its a

    guy who holds her purse while she is in the bathroom, trying on a new

    outfit at the mall, or waits while shes f**king a real man on the back of

    his motorcycle.

    Trust me, you dont want to be that guy. You probably already have on

    more than one occasion, which is why you are reading this book. Dont

    feel bad, Ive been there too. A complete servant to the babe I wanna

    bang! Its a bitch, aint it? So lets not allow that to happen any more, and

    lets decide to be the type of guy who gets into the gals panties in theright way, without allowing yourself to become fundamentally lowered or

    a servant that is never respected in correct manner.

    So question yourself. Would the type of girl that you most definitely

    prefer and want to get it on with, be more naturally attracted to:

    The Arrogant Ass-Hole: The trendy, yuppie kind of above it all, living

    in the castle on the hill, rich and fashionable jerk who is all about himself

    and his possessions. Some women find this guy to be an archetypal

    Prince Charming, and if they spread their legs, they hope for the potential

    to be the next reigning Queen of the Ball! Now remember, you dont

    actually have to be a member of the upper class in order to play the part

    of one of the rich and famous.

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    The Big, Bad-Boy Bastard: This is that rebel without a cause tough guy,

    who will not be saddled by societys conventions and rules. Chicks will

    tell you that they are a menace that should be locked away. But what they

    wont admit is that they want to lock them away between their thighs to

    be ravaged and pleasured by them all night long.

    The Cool, Calm, Calculated, Charismatic and Confident Charmer:

    Can you tell already that this guy is my personal favorite? Hes the one I

    have always felt the most comfortable being, and the one I most strongly

    recommend to guys who truly are nice and just arent at ease acting like a

    butt hole in order to get laid. This guy is never desperate or focused too

    strongly on one female at a time. But, he clearly admires womens

    beauty, as a player, and though has other things on his plate, he will stop

    to talk and develop a rapport with a lady politely and confidently drawing

    her in a bit, before running off to climb other mountains.

    The Defiantly Devious Devil: This is the overtly sensuous, if not balls

    out, downright licentious playboy who is all about sexuality and nothing

    else. He is a player and has his ways with the ladies. And, thats

    seemingly all that his life is dedicated to.

    As I said before, I certainly cant choose for you. You really need to

    decide which persona gets the type of action that you are looking for. If

    you want the foxy debutante who was the local high school Home

    Coming Queen you may do well as the Arrogant Ass-Hole. If you get

    hot for biker chicks or find the sensuous slutty, almost openly trampy

    whore-vixen look to be a huge turn on, then probably the Big, Bad-Boy

    Bastard is your best bet. If you want a babe who is completely satisfied

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    by simply getting together for an hour of booty-call and then is on her

    way, then by all means consider playing the role of the Defiantly

    Devious Devil,. Most of us guys who are basically nice dudes who dont

    want to play the bad boy or the jerky prick will do well to focus on

    becoming the Cool, Calm, Calculated, Charismatic and Confident


    Playing The Numbers!

    So, once you have picked a style, do your best to observe exactly how the

    studs of your chosen manner do what it is that they do. Watch what works

    and what fails, as even the best hitters strike out on occasion, and even in

    the major leagues, getting a hit 3 out of every 10 times you take your bat

    in hand and approach the plate is considered All Star credentials. See

    what tends to consistently work for you and see what doesnt go well

    with your particular version of who you actually, truly are.

    Remember, that the whole idea of Faking it till youre Making it is

    only a temporary tool, to be used only up to the point of developing your

    own well programmed comfort levels with the ladies. Its merely a

    momentary Modus Operandi, as you learn to take in the psychological

    data that finally proves to yourself once and for all that you honestly have

    what it takes to do it on your own, in your very own unique way.

    Playing the role of one of the previous 4 personality styles is just a jump

    start to get you moving forward and to start getting some decisive

    victories under your belt. But you never want to remain trapped within a

    plastic persona. And the longer that you do without beginning to develop

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    your very own unique style, the more likely that people will begin to

    realize that youre merely role playing and not truly and authentically a

    sincere and legitimate hunk, with a successful personality all your own.

    So commit yourself right now to using the Fake it till you Make as

    nothing more than an initial process to get you in the game and around

    the action. And, spending time learning how to be with the ladies, in a

    comfortable and confident manner that will eventually be YOU and only


    So get out there, and always keep in mind the old saying about the more

    spaghetti that you throw on the wall, the more likely some of it will begin

    to stick. Its all just a matter of playing the numbers.

    If your current experience and personality combination equates a 10%

    success ratio when trying to pick up on chicks, then you need to openlyembrace that number. Hope to continue to improve upon it, but deal with

    it without denial. Then realize that if you are going to get laid 10 times

    this week, then you are going to have to go up to and attempt to pick up

    on 100 babes in order to do so.

    Now that may seem like a lot, but remember, youve been smiling

    confidently at every single girl that you see, without ever even having tospeak to them directly. By the time you are ready to walk up and start

    talking to them, you will already get an instant GREEN LIGHT with a lot

    of them, because you have attracted their interest from afar by being so

    cool and giving them a pleasant and encouraging smile.

    As you get better at meeting women and learning how to talk with them

    in a casual, confident way that leads to a physical encounter, so will your

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    ratios improve. Pretty soon you will be scoring 25% of the time, therefore

    only needing to now approach just 40 women to get laid 10 times in a


    With continual study and progress toward over-all laid out process,

    staying active and continuing to work the system, you will eventually get

    to the point where 50% of the chicks you try to get it on with will actually

    go for it and give you what you are looking for. From that point on, the

    numbers may or may not go up a few points here and there, but most of

    even the most successful Ladies Men only score about 1 out of every 2

    efforts. But thats not a problem, as that gives you 7 days to make your

    move on only 20 girls per week.

    Now thats less than three a day, so you may find that you have to

    increase your willingness to bed and bag more than just 10 babes a week,

    or you will have to eventually cut back on the amount of contact that youhave with the ladies. That is not suggested at all, because it is constantly

    staying active in the game, keeping in tip top playing shape both mentally

    and emotionally and never getting rusty, that gives you your edge as a

    lover. You might also begin to revert back to old ways of thinking, bad

    mental habits, if you dont continue to download a consistent bevy of

    positive data regarding getting the action you want on a regular basis.

    Please, constantly keep in the very front of your mind, that its all about

    what thoughts are most deeply and most recently programmed in your

    mind that determines what you believe about yourself and what you can

    accomplish. So once you have psychologically implanted the data that

    gives you the awesome advantages that you have always dreamed of

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    achieving, dont let your new found powers fade by getting soft and lazy

    and trying to rest on the laurels of your past. If you do that, you might

    find yourself right back where you started before you ever read this book.

    Keep playing those games of numbers, and keep getting better and better

    at scoring and winning.

    What To Say

    Alright, so you now have a chosen temporary personality style to help

    you more confidently approach the ladies and get some quality time just

    playing the numbers and learning what works and doesnt work by

    experiences of trial and error. Great, now you need to feel at ease having

    interesting things to say to the women when you approach, and more

    importantly, a comfort level knowing that no matter what they say to you

    or ask you, you will be confident in your answers, responses and replies


    First of all, I have found that if you show too much interest in a single

    individual woman when at a social event, it gives them an instant sense of

    superiority. You then have to work all that much harder to get in with her.

    So the most important thing to remember is, while you may not ever want

    to appear arrogant or prickish, you certainly dont want to come across as

    if you are concerned in the slightest in what she thinks of you and your


    You want to seem polite and interested, but not as if she is the focus of

    your evening or even the moment. Often paying equal attention to her

    friends will ignite the old jealousy fires within her bosom that place you

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    in a much better place of assurance to get some tonight. You see, you are

    now no longer pursuing HER, instead she is jealously pursuing YOU and

    making sure that she wins out over her rival female friends for your

    attention. So now you truly can be comfortable and confident, because all

    the pressure now is totally off of you, and she is now positioning to reel

    YOU in.

    So say what you honestly, truly think and believe but be sure to never

    make your comments (1) boring to the woman or the other ladies in the

    vicinity. Or (2) Self absorbed or focused on you, (3) Focused on her, as if

    she is some sort of a special prize or Goddess that you have been stricken

    by. Anything else goes. Just keep it short, to the point, and dont ramble.

    If you do ramble, you are far more likely to make a dumb mistake, say

    something stupid, or mispronounce a word. Or worse yet, start to

    stumble, falter, stutter or even worse yet, pull into a tailspin with one ofthose tell tale long pauses, that exhibit a sure sign of confusion,

    misplaced concepts, lack of confidence in your convictions, or inability to

    effectively take charge and compellingly make your point. Keep it short,

    keep it simple, and keep it to the point. Women assume that a confident

    man, who gets right to the point and doesnt ramble or flounder, is a real

    winner, and that is what she is looking for a real winner!

    Humor is an aphrodisiac, if it is truly funny. There is nothing more

    sickeningly obnoxious than a wanna-be funny man, who consistently

    strikes out with jokes or humor that just isnt funny, interesting, clever or

    on target. So if you truly are a funny person, let it shine, but if you are

    one of those people who simply cant tell a joke, then dont!

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    Keep compliments to a minimum and make sure that they are legitimate

    and sincere. Chicks know that dudes try to butter them up with all sorts of

    praise in order to get into their panties, and they dont like getting played

    in an obvious fashion. So only say something on occasion that will come

    across as legitimately a truth about her that you honestly find appealing,

    impressive and unique. But dont over do it, as I already told you, you

    score points with a babe by being a bit independent and the slightest bit

    Stand-off-ish, and when you start throwing around the compliments,

    once you have developed your comfort level talking to her, you will

    relegate yourself right back into the Dweeb category if you lay it on to

    strong or too often.

    Never brag! No one likes a braggart, and it is a definitive sign of

    insecurity and a total turn off to women, who want to be taken and done

    by a strong, confident, powerful alpha male, not a wimpy little sniveling


    The Human Mind!

    Very well, we have covered a lot of the thoughts and beliefs about

    ourselves that we need to continually impress upon our own minds to

    make them our own thoughts. To truly believe them in order to grow to

    become the studs that we all really want and deserve to be.

    Now lets look at how the human mind works, taking into consideration

    the very significant differences between the sexes, as we analyze and

    learn to implement some extremely vital information that applies to us

    guys, as well as the women that we want to more effectively hook up

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    with. These important additional concepts about our own psychology and

    the thinking style and thought processes of the ladies in our lives, sheds

    some very valuable clues. All combined, with the help of self hypnosis,

    will easily lead us to the development of a winning strategy for getting

    laid on a regular basis by women who just weeks ago wouldnt have

    stopped to give us the time of day.

    O.k., here are the facts. We are currently living in a socially conditioned

    culture, struggling between the two very distinct world-views of war and

    peace. In other words, men and women want to get together and enjoy

    one another as much as ever. Sadly though, our minds have been

    conditioned and psychologically torn apart between the dichotomous

    theories of the Make Love Not War mindset and the theory dedicated to

    and deeply believing in the War of the Sexes!. This antagonistic pull on

    our psyche leaves us both disjointed and confused, from pre-pubescenceon through till death, and release from the dance of physical love!

    So whats up with this scenario? Is this a Game of Love or the War

    between the Sexes? How do you win, and must you annihilate the other

    side in order to survive, or does that defeat the whole purpose of sharing

    and caring?

    How terribly misguiding it has proven to be, for any culture to continue to

    throw its young into this cataclysmic turmoil and emotional quagmire. As

    to tell them that they must coinhabit and learn to not only live with the

    opposite gender, but learn to love them and cherish them, while

    continually referring to that inter-gender association with one another as a

    battle or war, to be fought and won!

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    There lies the beginning of the problem for the men and women alive on

    this planet today. Not only the actual true differences in how we think,

    rationalize, feel, exhibit our fears, wants, desires and needs, and express

    our emotions, but to subjugate that naturally confusing process with

    additional, culturally defended, man-made antagonisms. Antagonisms

    that definitely dont serve any purpose other than keeping us apart and

    unwilling to truly trust and connect in an organic and pleasurably

    comfortable manner.

    This is where much of the so called proverbial Mind Games first came

    into play, and it has been an utterly depressing boondoggle for us guys

    ever since. Because, while we may clearly be the physically stronger of

    the two genders, when it comes to playing these mind games in order to

    get what is desired, , face it guys, the women have our asses kicked, no

    questions asked.

    So what is the answer, what is the solution? We need to learn the basics

    of the Mind Games, understanding the subconscious desires, dictates,

    and delusions of both the male and female psyche. That thereby renders

    us well enough armed with the vital knowledge and powerful enough to

    go out and have a fair chance of not only surviving, but actually winningin the so called Game of Love.

    We need just enough information and self transformation to go out there

    and confidently approach the women of our dreams. To observe their

    body language and stylistic persona and know instantly how to get

    connected to them on a physically sensuous level. We admit that we

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    understand a certain amount of reading, studying and practice will be

    necessary to get the payoff we are looking for. But we simply dont have

    the free time, or quite honestly, even the true interest to dedicate

    ourselves to the conventional acquisition of all the fancy degrees that it

    would normally take to glean and squeeze this much sexually

    authoritative information into a workable seduction approach. So for the

    good of all man-kind, we have decided to lay it all on the line in the

    simplest terms possible, right here, right now!

    You Are Here!

    Often the very first step to fixing any problem or finding a solution, is to

    carefully observe exactly where you are, right now. Understand,

    acknowledge and admit the situation that you find yourself in, with

    honesty and a determined willingness to accept responsibility for your set

    of circumstances. The only way to rise above is to openly admit where

    you are, because you can never effectively get to where you want to go, if

    you dont have a competent grasp of where currently lie!

    So where are we? Well, we are living in a society of mixed and confusing

    almost antagonistic and diametrically opposed philosophies, that state

    that we should learn how to appreciate, admire, relate to and eventually

    learn to love and cherish at least one, if not more, members of the

    opposite sex. At the same time, we are continually raised from childhood

    to prepare for battle, laughing at the apparent differences and

    inconsistencies found in the thought patterns and manner of the other

    gender. Were told to set up to eventually go to war, with the intent to at

    least conquer, if not emotionally decimate one another.

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    This is truly unfortunate. But theres no point in crying over spilt milk,

    there is very little that we can possibly do to turn the tables or change the

    cultural tide that is set in motion here. So all that is really left for us to do

    is try to survive and get what we really need and desire out of the

    situation. And, if we can do a little something along the way to set things

    heading back into a more cooperative and peaceful cohabitative scenario,

    then all the better. But if we are going to get by in this current life

    situation, we need to use the tools and knowledge available to us to

    succeed, and that is self hypnosis and an understanding of the male and

    female psyches!

    So whats the plan? Simple, you need to teach yourself how to unlock the

    treasure chest of life with what we have come to call the Relational

    Skeleton Key.

    The Relational Skeleton Key

    The following truths, presented in this book, are going to put you in a

    very powerful position, when it comes to dealing with women and their

    emotional needs, psychological entanglements, and erotic desires. So it is

    of the utmost importance that you understand right now that what we now

    offer to you, we smilingly refer to it as the Relational Skeleton Key.

    This KEY, when in the hands of an individual who understands the

    craft and has mastered the following methods, can be used with discretion

    and skill to unlock the doors that have held you back these many years.

    These secrets are revealed in such a way as to ascertain their simplicity

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    and usability, but please beware, with this power, come some very serious


    For your own good, as a man of honor, as well as for the good of the

    ladies that you interact with while using this system of self transformation

    and confidence development, never take undue advantage of any female

    while using these dynamic techniques. Nor should you in any way

    attempt to push her to do things against her own personal nature or will

    that you or her may later regret. Women have psychologically had the

    upper hand for so very long, that it is almost natural to take some pleasure

    in gaining a powerful mastery of how the mind actually works, and how

    you can use that knowledge to score with babes. But you should always

    make sure that each and every step progresses in a purely consensual

    agreement between two legal adults. YOU are responsible for your own

    actions. I advise that you respect a womans wishes at all times and

    always, always treat them with respect and dignity, if they dont want youaround, leave them alone.

    Heres the Key. In the sexual dance between men and women, there can

    only be one person leading and the other person must follow! Just like

    driving a car, too many people trying to turn the steering wheel in

    different directions, leads to an inevitable accident and potential injury. Inthe preparation of a gourmet meal, too many chefs trying to season the

    meal will lead to a culinary disaster. And, when conducting a well tuned

    orchestra, more than one conductor or written musical score controlling

    the notes and tempo, and you will have an audio catastrophe well beyond

    what any human can bear to listen to for more than a single moment.

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    It all comes down to who is sensing themselves as being securely in the

    position of power and authority. There can be only ONE! . Either the

    male is going to take his place as the assertive alpha male, and take the

    woman to where both of them want him to take her, or the opposite

    happens. The female is going to have the time of her life, making the

    weakened and insecure man jump through hoops of fire and never get out

    of the encounter what either one of them were truly looking for.

    You see, women actually want men to act like men so that they are free to

    act like women. When nature takes its course and both genders act in

    their organically and genetically determined manner, all tends to go very,

    very well and satisfying for both parties. The ladies are more than happy

    to give up what the strong and virile man has proven he has earned the

    right to take.

    In other words, as men, we have to go back to acting like men, the menthat women are subconsciously looking for to let them free themselves to

    act like women. But because so much cultural conditioning is crammed in

    both sexes heads, we have to fight against almost everything that we

    have learned about relationships and our selves over the years. This is

    where self-hypnosis and an understanding of both the male and female

    psyche comes into play. That combination of information and the abilityto apply it to both ourselves and our ladies in waiting, is the relational

    skeleton key, that will open her doors wide to your masculine advances.

    Once you have re-empowered yourself by overwriting the negative

    thoughts and beliefs about yourself as a guy, about women as a whole and

    about how best to interact and connect with the opposite sex on a

    mutually satisfying level that makes everyone happy and ready for more.

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    Simply take the time to study up and learn how to be an authentic mans

    man, and in no time at all, the women out there around you will gladly

    lay back and allow you to make them feel like real women. Making you a

    celebrated and truly popular ladys man!

    O.K., so how is this accomplished? Great Question! Welcome to

    Self Hypnosis 101

    This is something that truly should have been done years ago; taking all

    the vital and usable psychological understanding of the human mind and

    how it works, along with the science of hypnosis, and combining them

    carefully into an easy to comprehend, easy to apply system. Something

    that could be described around the world as The Idiots Guide to Self-


    Its just not fair that, over the centuries, it has usually only been the

    pinheads, book freaks, academic brains, and most recently, the computer

    geeks, who are the only ones who have held this vital knowledge of how

    the male and female mind actually works. The Nerds have understood

    exactly what is going on inside the thought processes of both genders

    with regard to the Mating Game. As well as how to use this knowledge

    in order to get laid by the most beautiful women on Earth with great

    regularity. But sadly, these nerds are also the precise kind of guys who

    have absolutely no chance in hell of actually ever finding the balls,

    courage and comfort level to apply all this knowledge.

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    Think about it, while you were a little scamp, running around playing

    with snakes and snails and puppy-dog tails, the girls were busy learning

    how to be sugar and spice and everything nice. We played with cars and

    army-men, but the girls were playing lets get married, mommy and

    daddy, playing with dolls that worked out their dating problems and

    mating game situations over and over and over again for years. They did

    this till they were well practiced and completely prepared to compete in

    the Game of Love and win decisively!

    We played Cowboys and Indians, Cops and Robbers. And Space-

    Man while the girls practiced talking, listening, picking up emotional

    cues, reading body language, and the art of debate and mental

    manipulation as they visualized their Dream Date and exactly, step-by-

    step, how it would go.

    When we got older, we dudes went off and played sports, or rocked out in

    a band, worked on our cars. Meanwhile, the girls were continuing their

    day-dreaming and self-hypnotic visualization techniques, as they

    prepared for the eventual male/female encounters that would arise in their

    futures. Hell, they not only visualized all these things over and over

    again, but they sat around and talked about it all incessantly. Theycompared notes with their friends, studying, learning, planning, and some

    of them even practiced kissing and making out with one another (anyone

    who grew up with sisters like mine can probably testify to this fact). They

    did this just so they would be fully, completely and absolutely prepared.

    I tell you, these girls left nothing to chance and no stone unturned, and

    now you wonder why they continuously kick our ass in the mating rituals

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    of life. Well, I say its time to make a change and heres how were going

    to do it guys!

    See It, Then Be It!

    There are all sorts of pet-names for this technique. Blab It and Grab It,

    Talk It and Walk It, Name It and Claim It, and many others. But

    since we are really focusing on visualization here, the best term is See it,

    then Be It!

    Remember the concept of self visualization is either to: (A) play out the

    possible scenarios in your head that might occur ahead of time. Doing

    this so that you are completely at ease, comfortable, confident and calm

    when any probable possibility springs up in a situation, as you have

    already dealt with it successfully time and time again, in your own

    subconscious mind. Or (B) program the optimum, ultimate outcome in

    your mind, seeing yourself succeeding and getting exactly, precisely what

    it is that you want out of the situation, time and time again in your self

    conscious mind. Creating the reality of your dreams by pre-programming

    your marvelous Bio-Computer to achieve and accomplish your desired

    goals with absolute expertise!

    The process is very easy, so dont let yourself get caught up in any self-

    fulfilling prophecies of failure because of some fear of psychological

    mumbo-jumbo. Believe me, if I can learn to do this stuff, any guy can. So

    lets get started! Its as simple as clearing your mind of all thoughts, other

    than the particular choice experiences that you want to visualize yourself

    having over and over again, until it becomes an achievable reality for


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    If other unwanted thoughts pop into your head, no problem, it is very

    common for all people who are just beginning to learn to do self hypnotic

    visualization to have all sorts of thoughts come popping into your

    consciousness. Anything from thoughts about work or school, to things

    like what you want to do this Saturday, on your day off, Im hungry, what

    should I have for dinner tonight, I think I need to go to the bathroom,


    No problem, it is all a part of the learning process as you come to more

    efficiently discipline your mind. When these other thoughts jump into

    your consciousness, simply tell them NOT NOW! and gently, calmly,

    peacefully send them away, and get back to focusing on the scenario and

    subject that this special time is intended to be dedicated to.

    Never get angry, tense or nervous about the extra thoughts, with practicethey will eventually stop showing up. Its just like learning to ride a bike,

    you will fall a bunch of times your first attempt, but each time you try, it

    will get easier and you will get better at it, till one day it is just second

    nature and there is nothing to it at all. Just dont let the arrival of the

    additional thoughts get you agitated, or you defeat the whole process, and

    that works against you. So just calmly and peacefully tell the extrathoughts Not now, go away!, and they eventually will.

    Part of the process is finding or preparing the proper place to do your

    self-hypnotic visualization techniques. You definitely want to do it in

    privacy, because if someone else is around, your mind will inevitably go

    off and start wondering what that person is thinking about what youre

    doing. Like if you look weird, stupid, strange, or neurotic to him or her.

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    Are they laughing at you, judging you, freaked out by you, and BOOM,

    the whole process is completely destroyed as your subconscious mind

    begins creating one outlandish scenario after another. You are completely

    off course from accomplishing what you set out to do.

    Simply find yourself a nice, calm and quiet place where you feel secure,

    safe from any annoyance or harassment, and comfortable. Then loosen

    your clothing, so that you can begin to relieve your body and mind from

    the stresses of the day. Begin to breathe deeply and shake yourself out a

    bit to loosen the muscles and any tension that you might be holding in

    your neck, shoulders, back, or hips. Then shake out and rotate your arms

    and legs, and the rotator joints of your shoulders and hips even deeper,

    creating a true sense of calm, relaxation.

    Some people like to take the edge off a bit with a cup of relaxing

    chamomile tea, a light and airy incense, a glass of wine, or some otherrelaxant that they find effective for themselves. I have no real problem

    with that, as long as the effect is a calm relaxation, and not a stoned, tired

    or lethargically sleepy slothfulness; otherwise we are defeating the whole

    purpose! And dont forget the most important factor, that we all so often

    forget about. You need to continue to remember to breathe!


    A quick word to us all about breathing. Most of us have never really

    learned to truly breathe correctly and naturally, so it may take a bit of

    effort you want to try to avoid hyperventilating. We, especially those of

    us in the western world, tend to normally breathe very shallowly and

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    when we are concentrating on a task or thought, we actually often tend to

    completely hold our breath. So we need to make a concerted effort to

    slowly learn to breathe deeply through the nostrils, allowing our chest to

    fully expand as well as the diaphragm, which is our singing muscle

    located below our lungs in the belly region.

    Let it expand, let it move, grow, reach out and fully open up, letting a

    full, large dose of oxygen rich air to fill our lungs, maybe 10 to 15 times,

    before we begin the visualization process. Keep breathing throughout the

    entire process. Truthfully, your body was built to breathe on a regular

    basis, all throughout the day. But ridiculously tight fashions, and an

    overly insecure concern for appearing fat, makes people hold their breath

    and breathe in a very, very shallow way which robs them of the true

    ability to feel and experience life to the fullest.

    Have a Seat

    Great, you have shaken off the stress and anxiety of the work-day, freed

    your mind of inner turmoil and relaxed your internal organs and muscles

    and joints by breathing deeply. Now you should be seated, either on a

    chair, with your legs firmly on the floor and your hands folded

    comfortably on your lap, or perhaps in the physical style of the meditative

    yogi, often called the lotus position. Or for us more western culturally

    influenced dudes, simply sitting Indian Style on a soft padded rug or

    carpet with a pillow supporting the back of your butt, so your spine is

    straight. Or, if you prefer, on a bed or mattress of some sort.

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    Great, now with your back straight but relaxed, as if a string were tied to

    the top of your head and was holding you upright, close your eyes, and

    focus your internal gaze to the center of your forehead. Feel your eyes,

    even though they are closed, moving inside your eye sockets to face the

    very center of your forehead, which some people in the meditative world

    like to refer to as your Ajana, or Third Eye or 6th Chakra, but which

    I simply like to call, My Forehead!

    I am not going to ask you to buy into all the mumbo-jumbo, voodoo

    magic. Its not important that you do at all, simply understand that for

    what ever reason, when you focus your closed eyes in the direction of the

    center of your forehead, the visualization process works about 30%

    better. So I am not trying to convert you to be a guru, but for Gods sake,

    you do want to get laid by hot chicks more often, right? So close your

    eyes and focus them in the direction of your forehead, and lets get on

    with it, shall we?

    Heres Where It Gets Really Fun!

    Dudes, thats as complicated as it gets! See what I mean about squeezing

    all of the succulent sauce out of the psychological treatises and biological

    encyclopedias, and laying it all out on the table in a totally easy way to

    understand and apply? Thats it. The rest is easy as pie and the truly fun

    part of preparing yourself to be a more confident and competent ladies


    Thats because from this point on, you are the boss. You decide what

    sorts of programming you want to place in your mind. You decide what

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    scenarios and goals you want to practice over and over, seeing yourself

    continuously succeeding at. Its all up to you, as the world now most

    certainly is your oyster.

    Here are a few recommendations for you to carefully consider. For the

    most effective, fast and efficient transformation into the Hypno-Stud,

    plan on setting aside at least 2 to 3 times a day when you can commit

    yourself to the dedicated achievement of your sexual goals in. Spend 5 to

    15 minutes at a time doing your visualizations, preferably on a regular

    schedule of some sort. Perhaps 10 minutes in the morning, then 10

    minutes during the noontime lunch break, and then a longer 15 - 20

    minute session during the evening before bed.

    Right before bed is a great time to visualize, because you kill two birds

    with one proverbial stone. You relax your body and breathe deeply,

    which definitely helps prepare the physical body for transitioning into thesleeping phase of your daily existence. Meanwhile, you are giving

    yourself something totally fun, enjoyable and positive to think about as

    you slowly allow the visualization to lead your mind into a very happy

    dream state as you slip from waking consciousness into sleep.

    Also it is a scientifically proven fact that what you think about, analyze orstudy right before going to bed, is what your subconscious mind will

    focus most of its energy on all throughout the sleeping process. Just like

    if you see a scary movie right before bed, you may have nightmares. Or if

    you get into a fight right before bed, you may have a restless, angry and

    agitated sleep all night. Well, when you fall off into slumber