Seduce Your Readers With Copy That Converts

Seduce Your Readers with Copy that Converts! #WCMTL2016

Transcript of Seduce Your Readers With Copy That Converts

Seduce Your Readers with Copy that Converts!


There are 4 questionsyour *copy needs to answer

*Landing page, microsite, website, product page, etc.


1What exactly is being offered?You should answer the question:

“What’s in it for me if I give you my information?”


2What are the benefits of the offer?You should explain why your reader just can’t live without it!


3Why does the prospect need the offer NOW?Your copy should make it easy for your prospect to convert.


4How does the prospect get the offer?Your copy should make it easy for the lead to convert.


So how do we do this?


Step 1Visualize your ideal customer


An optimized page (of any kind) attracts qualified prospects and filters out people who aren’t right for you.

Before you start to entice the right visitors, you need to know how to seduce them!


Start with simple demographics. Male or Female? Is she mid mid 20 or well past 50? Does she have kids or living the single life in the city?


Step 2Steal your messages, yes I said steal!


You can steal your message from current customers and prospects. This ensures your speaking the same language as your audience.

Now that you know who you want to do seduce, you’re ready to research and plan your message.


A few options:

•Ask clients/customers to describe your product and why they chose you? •Ask open questions in a survey •Check online reviews for competitor products •Read Amazon reviews for books related to your industry


Online reviews are a great way to understand your audience.


Step 3What’s the purpose of your copy?


Once you know what you want your copy to achieve, it’s easier to work backwards from the push of the of the button. Figure out what’s required to get your lead to convert.

*All information that doesn’t contribute to that goal will cause friction and lead to drop-off.

Start a trial, sign up, download information, buy a product?


Here’s and example of a straightforward learn more landing page for a veterinary clinic.


Step 4Build your unique value proposition


The most common way to execute this on a landing page, microsite or any landing portal is by using the the 5 point punch technique: Headline, supportive, brief statement, urgency, CTA.

A unique value proposition confirms to your visitors that they have arrived in the right place.


A unique value proposition should be simple and clear.


The Five Point Punch


A descriptive headline1

A supporting sub-headline2

A brief statement that describes the benefits of the product or service

• Supportive bullet point • Another point • Another point

3 CTA5

Supporting Statement4


The Five Point Punch in action ...







Step 5Instill TRUST!


But, why should your reader believe you?

Trust elements like stats, reviews, social likes/follows, and especially testimonials can overcome objection.

You headline has enticed your visitors to start reading and he body copy has explained the product.


There are m any was to build trust in you visitors, test them all.


Step 6Keep it short and simple


A few tips:

•List all benefits to over objections •Ensure each claim you make is specific •Use everyday words not jargon •Shorten your sentences •Read your copy out loud

Proofread your copy and try to minimize and condense. Be persuasive. Create clarity and simplicity.


The copy on this landing page is simple, tight, and to the point.


Step 7Test your page copy


Don’t make assumptions. Validate by continuously testing.

Test the following: •Value proposition •The Call to Action •The amount of information •The objections •Trust elements

Picasso once said a painting is never finished, neither is a page copy - don’t sit back and relax!


Step 8Not really a step ...


Understand exactly who you’re writing for and what makes them tick. Have an imaginary conversation together. Answer your prospects’ questions and take away all their objections!

The “secret” to a seductive landing page is creating seductive sales copy!


Remember, seduce them …

Tease them …


Play with them …


Make them want it more than ANYTHING!


Thank You! @digibomb

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