Holy Joachina de Vedruna's

Post on 19-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Holy Joachina de Vedruna's

Holy Joachina of Vedruna Chronology

1783. APRIL 16.Joachina was born in Barcelona.

1799. MARCH 24.She married Teodoro de Mas.

1816. MARCH 6.Teodoro dies of turberculosis because of the effects of the

postwar period.

Teodoro de Mas.

1823. MAY.She returns from


Manso Escorial, in Vic.

1825. DECEMBER 19.She asks the Bishop to unit

youngsters to live like sisters.

1826. JANUARY 6.Joachina´s

profession of religion to the

Bishop Corcuera.

Relief of the Church of the Divine Shepherdess in Vic.

FEBRUARY 26.Foundation of the Institute. Joachina is dedicated to her job and the sisters to the order of the Charmelitas. This order was created by Saint Teresa of Jesus in honor

of the Virgin Carmen.

1837. APRIL 12.In the absence of her son, Joachina

was imprisoned and mistreated.

1840. JULY 3.When Espartaro took the village of

Berga, the sisters flew to France.

Assault to the City of Barcelona.

1843.After three years of exile, in

Perpingan, Joachina returns to Spain.

Antigua House of Charity in Vic.

1849. SEPTEMBER.While Joachina visits his daughters of

Vallbona, she suffers an assault of apoplexy. She recovers and continues her activities.

1850.Five Bishops approve her

constitutions that are stamped by the first time.

1852. SEPTEMBER.Joachina accepts that it is time for

her retirement because of her health. She moves back to the House of Charity of Barcelona.

House of Charity of Barcelona.

AUGUST 28.Joachina suffers a new assault of apoplexy, and a little later one of rage. She dies near the midday.

She lived nearly 71 years. She had six children and eleven

grandchildren. Also in her work, she leaves 150 sisters in 30


1854. JULY 30.The epidemic of rage that existed

in Europe, comes to Barcelona. 1.600 sheltered people in the

House of Charity 442 die.

City of Barcelona.

1940. MAY 19.Joachina of Vedruna's

beatification, by the Pope Pío XII.

1959. APRIL 12.Holy Joachina of Vedruna is canonized by the Pope John


The mission of the Charmelitas Sisters of Vedruna’s Charity in

Argentina, in the year of

our Bicentenary.

In the Year of the Bicentenary in our country, the Vedruna

sisters also celebrate with us practising Joachina’s mission

of charity with the most needy. They are in the

Province of Santiago del Estero (Pozo Hondo), in the

Province of Buenos Aires (Merlo and Suipacha) and in

the Capital City of Buenos Aires (in our school “Instituto Corazon de Jesus” and in the Neighborhood of Belgrano).

Pozo Hondo

Our SchoolCommunity of the Neighborhood of Belgrano

Suipacha. Pontevedra (Merlo)

The Vedruna Sisters are fulfilling the mandate that Joachina left to the Congregation before her death.

To educate.To cure the patients.

To accompany the excluded.

And they do this by Joachina's help, and by the force of their prayer

to our Holy one :

Lord God,you gave St. Joachina of Vedruna to your Church,

for the Christian education of youth,and the care of the sick.

May we follow her example,and lovingly devote our lives,

to serving you in your brothers and sisters.Grant this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.



Mother Religious