Health Psychology Chapter 3: Seeking Health Care.

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Transcript of Health Psychology Chapter 3: Seeking Health Care.

Health Psychology

Chapter 3: Seeking Health Care

I. Theories of Healthy Behaviors

• Health Belief Model

• Theory of Reasoned Action

• Theory of Planned Behavior

• Self-Regulation Theory

• Precaution Adoption Process Model

• Transtheoretical Model

Health Belief Model

• Susceptibility to disease

• _____________ of disease

• Benefits of behaviors

• Barriers to behaviors

• Problems: ignores SES, ethnicity, access to health care, social norms, good intentions

Theory of Reasoned Action

• Attitude toward behavior• Subjective norm

– DFN: perception of social pressure

• Motivation to comply• ___________________

• Prob: ignores ethnicity, SES, access to health care

Theory of Planned Behavior

• Theory of Reasoned Action

+ Perceived ______________

Self-Regulation Theory(Bandura’s social cognitive theory)

• Behavior• Environment all interact• Personal Factors

– e.g., cognition

• DFN: reciprocal determinism = interaction of factors, all have effects on ______________________

Precaution Adoption Process Model (Weinstein’s)

• 7 stages:– ________________– aware but believe not at risk (optimistic bias)– accept personal risk & idea of precaution– action– (believe action is unnecessary)– made changes– maintain changes

Transtheoretical Model (Prochaska’s)

• 5 stages of behavior change:– precontemplation– contemplation– preparation– action– ___________________

II. Seeking Medical Attention

• DFN: Illness behavior = ______________, determining health status

• DFN: Sick role behavior = ____________, trying to get well

A. Illness Behavior

• Personal reluctance– don’t want to see a doctor

• Social & demographic factors– Less likely to see dr: men, poor, young,


• ______________________– visible, severe, interfering, persistent

• Personal view of illness

Views of Illness

• Develop as we mature:– “magic”– contagion– personal _______________________– interaction of bio, psych, & social

Conceptualizing Illness(Leventhal)

• 4 components:– identify/label– time course (of disease & tx)– consequences– cause

• People feel less anxious & helpless when they _________________

B. Sick Role Conceptualizations

• Parson’s- Typical __________________:– can’t be blamed for being sick– relieved of normal responsibilities– will try to get well

• Segall’s (alternative ideas)– right to make health decisions– right to be relieved of normal responsibilities– duty to use variety of health care resources

C. Choosing a Practitioner

• What’s important?– ___________________– ___________________– ___________________

III. Being in the Hospital

A. The Hospitalized Patient Role

• Nonperson Tx = ______________

• Lack of info– Leventhal’s 4

• Loss of control– __________________ = every aspect of

person’s life is managed (e.g., eating, sleeping, schedule)

“Good” vs. “Bad” Patient

• Good: – quiet– submissive– obedient

• Pros: maybe better care, well liked, expect.s

• Cons: helplessness, uninvolved, pt & staff may miss info

• Bad: – demanding– insist on info– aware of rights

• Pros: may be a psych. healthy response, better informed

• Cons: rebellious self-sabotage, staff angry & ignoring

Stressful Medical Procedures- Coping

• Information

• Relaxation Training

• _______________