Online health seeking

PewInternet .org Online health seeking How Social Networks Can be Health Communities NAHSL Conference - Libraries in Balance October 25, 2010 Newport, R.I. Lee Rainie: Director, Pew Internet Project


Director Lee Rainie gave a keynote address in Newport, R.I. to a conference of the North Atlantic Health Science Libraries. More:

Transcript of Online health seeking

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Online health seekingHow Social Networks Can be Health Communities

NAHSL Conference - Libraries in Balance October 25, 2010Newport, R.I.Lee Rainie: Director, Pew Internet Project

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Revolution 1Internet and broadband

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Impact of internet revolution

• Volume, velocity, variety of info increase– Long tail, passions/distractions

• The “people formerly known as the patients/audience” become publishers and broadcasters – and pundits/critics– 2/3 of online adults and 3/4 of online teens are

content creators• The “Daily Me” and “Daily Us” emerges as people

customize info flows– >50% of adults customize digital info

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ApologyRevolution 2

Wireless connectivity

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Cell phone owners – 85% adults

96% 90% 85%


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Mobile internet connectors – 57% adults

62% 59% 55%

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New cell and wireless realities• More than 2/3 of adults and 3/4 of teens use the cloud• Web vs. apps struggle: 35% have apps; 24% use apps• Features used by cell owners– 76% take pictures– 74% are texters (text overtakes talk in frequency in 2009)– 39% browse internet– 34% are email users– 34% record videos– 34% play games– 33% play music– 30% are IM-ers– 7% participate in video calls

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Impact of mobile revolution

• Information, media, people available anytime, anywhere, any device– Venues and availability of people and info shift

• People “control the playlist and “make the appointments” with media

• People’s attention to info and to others shifts – Truncates – “continuous partial attention”– Elongates – deep dives into subjects

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ApologyRevolution 3Social


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Impact of social network revolution

• Tech social networking combines with other historic trends to transform social networks– Affluence and affordable technology, mobility, family

composition and roles, labor markets/free agency, rise of DIY politics and religion

• What’s changed in social networks– Composition - tightly-bound, close groups give way to more

loosely-knit, diverse networks – more segmented and layered– Way people use them – more important in stressful

environments• Social networks are more vivid and tied to creation of

information/media– Merger of “real world” and “new media world” in a way that

makes media more personal = social media

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• Internet – Empowered and engaged – 61% of all adults

get health info online (80% of internet users)–Participatory e-patients – 60% consume social

media; 29% have contributed content–Crowdsourced via e-patients: 19% consult

rankings/reviews of providers (5% post them); 18% consult reviews of hospitals (4% post them)

Each of the revolutions has changed health care searches and interactions


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• Mobile–Real-time – 17% use mobile phone for

health info; 7% have health apps on handhelds–Over-represented among young,

minorities, urban residents, upper SES–NO FEMALE/MALE DIFFERENCES

Each of the revolutions has changed health care searches and interactions


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• Social network– “Last search”: 48% for others; 36% for self;

11% for both–Read others’ commentaries: 34%– Find others who have same condition: 18%–Get info from social networking site: 11% SNS

users–Get info from Twitter: 8% of Twitter users

Each of the revolutions has changed health care searches and interactions


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How online searches affect decisions (1)

• 60% of e-patients say the information found online affected a decision about how to treat an illness or condition.

• 56% say it changed their overall approach to maintaining their health or the health of someone they help take care of.

• 53% say it lead them to ask a doctor new questions, or to get a second opinion from another doctor.

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• 49% say it changed the way they think about diet, exercise, or stress management.

• 38% say it affected a decision about whether to see a doctor.

• 38% say it changed the way they cope with a chronic condition or manage pain.

How online searches affect decisions (2)

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What technology has done to social networks and the role librarians can play

in them• Made it possible for experts like librarians to

become “nodes” in people’s networks that can help them solve problems and make decisions

• Allowed for immediate, spontaneous creation of networks that can include librarians

• Given people a sense that there are more “friends” their networks like librarians that they can access when they have needs

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The networked world of e-patientsWhat providers are good for

• Diagnosis / treatments• Prescriptions• Recommendation for

specialist• Recommendation for

hospital• Info on alternative


What others are good for

• Emotional support• Practical advice for day-

to-day coping• Recommendation for

quick remedy for everyday issue

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Implications for librarians – 1Reasons to re-vision your role in a world where

much has changed- Everyone’s access to information is easier- Value of information is in flux- Curating information means more than

maintaining collections- Creating media is easier – so, networked creators

can be your allies- Established scientific methods are being

challenged and there is a public yearning for trusted “tour guides”

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Implications for librarians – 2

You can help teach new literacies - screen literacy - graphics and symbols - navigation literacy - connections and context literacy - skepticism - value of contemplative time - how to create content - ethical behavior in new world

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What social networks do for patients: Why librarians can be “nodes”

• Attention – act as sentries– alerts, social media interventions, pathways

through new influencers• Assessment – act as trusted, wise companion– help assess the accuracy of info, timeliness of info,

transparency and rigor of info• Action – act as helpful producers/enablers– help give people outlets for expression,

interpretation of their creations

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Good news about new info ecologyHave you or has anyone you know been HELPED by following medical advice or health information found on the internet?

• Major help – 10%• Moderate help – 20% • Minor help – 11%• No help – 50%• Don’t know – 4%

Have you or has anyone you know been HARMED by following medical advice or health information found on the internet?

• Major harm – 1%• Moderate harm – 1%• Minor harm – 1%• No harm – 94%• Don’t know – 3%

41% 3%

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Be not afraid