Governance Indicators in Pakistan By Dr. Aisha Ghaus-Pasha Institute of Public Policy, BNU Presented...

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Transcript of Governance Indicators in Pakistan By Dr. Aisha Ghaus-Pasha Institute of Public Policy, BNU Presented...

Governance Indicators in Pakistan

ByDr. Aisha Ghaus-Pasha

Institute of Public Policy, BNU

Presented inGovernance Education Network International Conference

Governance, Sustainable Growth, Peace and Equity

Format of Presentation

• Properties of Governance Indicators

• International Sources

• Does Governance Matters?

• Pakistan’s Ranking Overtime

• Pakistan Specific Indicators

• An Information System on Governance

• What is a Governance Indicator?– A measure that points something about the state of Governance in a

jurisdiction– Measures a specific area of Governance

• Types of Governance Indicators– Objective Measures: Constructed from indisputable facts ( for example,

existence of a particular Institution)– Subjective Measures: Based on the views of Respondents (for example,

Opinion Polls)

• Composite and Aggregate Indicators– Combine different things into a single measure (Example is the World Bank

Governance Matters, which draws together 31 data sources into six composite indicators)

Advantage: Increased Reliability Disadvantage: Aggregation problem, lack of clarity

Checklist for Indicator Attributes

• Validity

• Reliability

• Any Measurement Bias

• Transparency

• Representativeness

• Aggregation Problems

Dimensions of Governance Indicators

• Economic Governance• Political Governance• Administrative Governance

Key Areas of Governance

• Transparency• Participation• Accountability• Leadership• General Organization and Management• Intergovernmental Relation• Rule of Law• Pro-Poor Policies• Effective Provision of Services

Dimensions of Governance Indicators (59 sources)

• Economic Governance 22

• Political Governance 28

• Administrative Governance 20

Areas of Governance

• Voice and Accountability 15

• Political Stability 10

• Governance Effectiveness 13

• Regulatory Quality 12

• Rule of Law 18

• Control of Corruption 16

International Sources of Governance Indicators

Some Desirable Sources of Governance By NGOs or Academia

Social Watch: Measure of Social Development

Social Weather Indicators: Indicator of Social and Economic

Conditions at Sub-National level

Local Government Performance Indicators

Citizens Report Card: Measures Level of Satisfaction with

Delivery of Services.

Does Governance Matters?

• Impact of Governance Indicators on macro-economy and Social Development.

• Sample of 27 developing countries

• Governance Indicators

- Voice and Accountability

- Political Stability

- Government Effectiveness

- Regulatory Quality

- Rule of Law

- Control of Corruption


• Good Governance does matter but only after we allow for the

structure of the economy.

• All areas of Governance are significant. Exception is Voice and


Pakistan’s Ranking IndicatorsNo. of Countries Rank

(Latest Year)Trend

World Bank Institute

Voice and Accountability 212 172

Political Stability and Absence of violence 212 209

Government Effectiveness 212 158

Regulatory Quality 212 140

Rule of Law 212 172

Control of Corruption 212 161

Freedom House

Political Rights Score 193 142

Civil Liberties Score 193 162

Rule of Law 30 29

Anti Corruption and Transparency 30 30

Accountability and Public Voice 30 30

Transparency International

Corruption Perception Index 180 139

Specific IndicatorsEconomic Management• Size of the Government • Unemployment• State Own Enterprises • Investment

Budget Analysis• Current Government Finances

• Overall Budget Deficit/Surplus • Taxes• Budget Priorities

Social Sector Expenditures

• Government Expenditures

• Expenditures on social security

• Education

• Priorities in Education Budget

• Pupil - Teacher Ratio• Health• Population with access to • Household Income

Transparency and Information• Media and Communication• International Telecommunication• State Control of Media• Freedom of Expression and Mobility• Census

The Parliament• Number of bills passed by Parliament in last 5 years• Number of ordinance passed in last 5 years• Number of seats in the parliament• Elections• Date of last Election• Voter Turnout• Parties represented

Judiciary, Law and Human Rights• Judiciary• Number of Cases• Average Salaries of Judges• People Arrested• Capital Punishment

Specific Indicators

Setting up on Information System on Governance

Indicators • Updating and Monitoring of International Ranking of Pakistan in Different Areas of


• Updating Indicators of Governance from National Secondary Sources

• Construction of Governance Indicators from Primary Sources

- Social watch (Annual)

- Citizens Report Card (Annual)

- Local Government Performance Indicators (Biannual)

• Each module will have a different Institutional Focal Point

The objective is for this Network to put together a Report annually on the State of

Governance in Pakistan.

Major National Sources of Secondary Data on Governance

Economic Governance: Ministry of Finance at Federal and

Provincial level, Federal and Provincial Bureaus of Statistics, State

Bank of Pakistan, Regulatory Agencies, Auditor General,

Accountability Bureau etc.

Political Governance: National and Provincial Assemblies, Senate,

Election Commission, Judiciary, Human Rights Commission etc

Administrative Governance: National and Sub National Line

Departments, Public institutes, State Enterprises. etc