Good Sleep Counts

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Good Sleep Counts

Limit the use of electronics before bed. Avoid alcohol and stimulants such as caffeine late in the day. Avoid nicotine.

Go to bed the same time each night and get up the same time each morning. Sleep in a dark, quiet, comfortable environment.

Exercise daily (but not right before bedtime).

Relax before bedtime. A warm bath or reading might help.

Good Sleep Counts!

Adequate sleep is crucial to numerous body systems

Sleep requirements vary by age:

Adults – 7-8 hours Young Children –10 hours

Teens – 9 hours Babies – 16 hours

Sleep effects our brain

stress and growth hormones

appetite, breathing,

blood pressure and cardiovascular health.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, reports dramatic increases in ER visits due to overmedication of zolpidem.

Many people resort to prescription sleep aids when having difficulty with sleeping.

Approx. 22,000 ER Visits

In 2005 & 2006

Approx. 42,000 ER Visits

In 2009 & 2010

57% of the visits were a result of a patient’s having mixed zolpidem with other anti-anxiety and insomnia medications

or narcotic pain relievers.

Use these suggestions to get the best night’s rest possible:

Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together. Thomas Dekker

Sources: and “Spreading the word on the abuse of sleep aids” at

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