Garbage into Gems By: Mariam, Muneera, Jabor and Al-Muthanna.

Post on 04-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Garbage into Gems By: Mariam, Muneera, Jabor and Al-Muthanna.

Garbage into Gems

By: Mariam, Muneera, Jabor and Al-Muthanna

Qatar was wiped off the map years and years ago. It’s land is unable to support life.

Here, using artifacts that have been uncovered from this wasteland, we will

attempt to reconstruct the unknown civilization that once existed.

Artifact 1 – Broken Piece of Ceramic

• Description:

– It has artistic work– Sharp sides– Smooth, brittle

• Inference statements:

– It has artistic work to make it look nice. It may have been used for decoration.

– The sharp part could be a carving tool. It could have been used to cut fruit, vegetables or meat.

– It was fragile, and would have been handled with care.

Artifact 2 - Glass Frisbee

• Description:

– Has a circle in the middle– It has cracks on the sides– It has color’s like yellow, white, red, green, grey & black– Its round– It has a pattern on the sides

• Inference statement:

– It could be a Frisbee because your can hold it like a Frisbee and its shaped like one. But you can only play it when there is grass so that when it falls, it doesn’t brake.

– It could also be for babies to sit on because its curved at the top and that holds the baby.

Artifact 3 - Fan With Funeral Writings

• Description:

– Made of paper– For dead people– Islamic People– 12cm

• Inference:

– It’s a fan, which has funeral writings inside. It’s made out of paper. You can use it as a fan.

Artifact 4 - Plastic Popper• Descriptions:

– It’s orange

– Has 2 handles

– Made out of plastic

– It has crinkles

– 30 cm

• Inference Statements:

– When you hold it tight from the handle it can make a circle on top that can be popped.

– When you put it on your head it can protect it when a food or drink is about to hit your head.

– The space at the bottom indicates that it could be used as a blanket for babies and little animals such as turtles etc.

Artifact 5 - Glossy Paper

• Description:

– Glossy – Instruction Sheet – “Collapsible Storage” – Blue

• Inference:

– It’s an advertisement. A Fan.

Artifact 6 - Paper Disguise

• Description:

– Yellow

– Has weird letters and symbols

– Made out of paper

– 37 cm 

• Inference Statements:

– When you fold the paper into 6 small papers it doesn’t look like the original paper so it could mean that the paper is in disguise.

– There is a hole in the middle of the papers that we can see through so it can be a paper mask.

Artifact 7 – Hand/Item Protector:• Description:

– Black– Has circles– Round– 10cm– Has colorful glitter in the inside– Zipper at the top

• Inference statement:

– It could be an item protector because it has a zipper at the top and you can put your stuff in it and nothing will happen to it because the bag would be closed.

– It can also be a hand protector for kids because it can fit a small hand. It also has a zipper so that you can close it so it wont fall off.

Artifact 8 – Plastic Item• Description:

– It is hollow– It shines in light– It can be opened / closed – It is a cylinder– It is a container

• Inference statements:

– Because is it hollow, the space inside may be for sound to echo. Also, when you bang it on to a surface it makes a noise. It may be a musical instrument.

– It shines in the light, so when they make a show the instrument stands out.

– Since it is hollow and has a lid that can be closed tightly, it may have been used to secure valuable items, like jewelry. It also might have been used like a purse, to secure coins.

Artifact 9 – Small Metal Circle• Description:

– It is shiny– It is a disc– It has carvings / symbols

• Inference statements:

– Its small round shape, and the symbols, indicate it might be part of a game. Players have to pick a side and it shows who wins.

– The symbols could be a message that was important. The disc may have been a kind of mail. It was small so it could be transported far distances fast and easy, and it was shiny so it would be harder to lose.

Artifact 10 – Broken Metal• Description:

– Broken metal – sharp– Colored plastic piece – A hole– Metal ring

• Inference statements:

– It could be a weapon, because of the sharp edges.

– It has a colored piece, which could be to show which tribe or team/ranking the person is from.

– Also, it could be an earring, and the hole is where you put the earpiece.

– The metal could be a fashion design, because when you move it makes a jingly sound, to get attention.

What have these artefacts told us about the ancient, vanished civilization of Qatar? Due to the inventory of artefacts we can say that there was once a complex

society in Qatar. The remains of this civilisation have shown us a people who were artistic, musical, and

enjoyed their leisure time. They liked to look their best and have their homes look beautiful. They

communicated and interacted with each other, and sometimes even fought. They had rituals to honour the dead. This is the civilisation that once existed, in

the sands, lost in time.

Thank You..